Monthly Newsletter of New Song Church | February 2015 New Song Notes Mark Your Calendar 2.1 Souper Bowl of Caring 2.3 Prayer Group Begins 2.4 GriefShare Begins 2.5 Bell Choir Rehearsal DivorceCare Begins 2.17 Mardi Gras Pancake Supper 2.22 New Member Orientation Pastor’s Note The Lenten season is perfectly designed for spiritual growth. The season always begins with Ash Wednesday and that first step toward allowing God's grace to enter into our hearts. We have two services at 1:00 PM and at 6:30 PM. We have also added a Wednesday evening service called Evensong. It is a half hour service of music, prayer and silence. It is designed to allow the participant to lean into the power of Christ. We are trying a few new things this Lent. We are inviting you to bring crosses to be placed on the wall behind our altar. The present curtains will be removed providing a simple background for the crosses. Please place your name on the back of the cross to assure that you receive it back at the end of Lent. Children are especially invited to make crosses to be placed on the wall. You may bring your cross at any time and we will store them until Ash 2.24 New Member Orientation Continued on page 2... Ash Wednesday Wednesday, February 18th, 1:00 and 6:30 PM Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent and occurs 40 days before Easter. It’s a tradition connected to Jesus’ time of temptation and preparation when he spent 40 days fasting before the beginning of his public ministry. The Lenten season is a time of preparation and prayer, a time to get ready for the special day to come. Much like we might engage in spring cleaning to prepare for a special family celebration, we are invited to prepare ourselves spiritually for the gift of Easter. Join us on Ash Wednesday, February 18th, at 1:00 or 6:30 PM, for a service of beginnings…a service designed to help us begin our walk with Jesus to the cross and the empty tomb. Worshipers will receive the imposition of ashes; this is a mark of the cross placed on the forehead with ashes. This ancient ritual reminds us of our mortality and our dependence on God. The service concludes with Holy Communion, a meal to sustain and encourage us as we begin this walk together. Pastor’s Note Continued from page 1... Wednesday, when the wall is ready. Please bring your crosses on any Sunday after that. We will have the crosses on the wall through the five Sundays of Lent. From Palm Sunday forward the altar backdrop will return. In addition to the wall of crosses, we will place the baptismal font at the entrance of the worship room. It is through Baptism we experience Christ's power and everlasting love. The presence of the font at the entrance reminds us that this grace is ever present. Finally, there will be Stephen Ministers available for prayers and anointing following Holy Communion. These Ministers are trained to have a short prayer with you and then you may return to your seat. My prayer is that this season becomes a great and holy one for all of you. Thank you in advance for your presence and your faith. Blessings, Pr. Tom Transition Pastor Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. NEW! TUESDAY PRAYER GROUP The Ministry of Prayer As many of you know, there is quite an extensive list of people that we pray for each week in worship. In fact, our list has gotten quite long, and there are some on our list for whom we have not had an update on in quite some time. We take our prayer list very seriously, as we know many of you do as well, but in recent weeks, there have been some concerns raised in connection with our prayer list that we want to explore. For example, do we have the permission of those on our prayer list to have their first and last names listed on our list? Do people want more privacy when it comes to their prayer needs? Is there a way that we can be more intentional about praying for those on our list so that it’s not just a list of names for a few brief minutes in worship once a week? Many of you know that starting in February, Pastor Tom will be hosting a weekly prayer group from 10-10:30 AM on Tuesday mornings and as we engage more fully in praying for those who are in need, we want to take the time to ensure that we are doing that in the best ways possible. In the coming weeks, we will be tweaking the way our prayer list is put together and hopefully, find new ways for the prayer life of our church to be a greater blessing to our community. If you have questions or ideas, please talk with Pastor Tom or Pastor Kathy. On Tuesday mornings beginning February 3rd, from 10:00 - 10:30 AM, Pr. Tom Anderson invites and encourages you to share your prayer needs at our new Prayer Group gathering. Together, we will offer prayers of praise, petition and thanksgiving to God and also pray for those that are on our church prayer list every week. It’s a safe place for people to share their concerns, joys and heartaches, knowing that many are praying on their behalf. TUESDAY WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY This Tuesday morning Bible study begins at 10 AM, at Esther Rostow’s house, 1601 Heritage Springs Dr., located in Sun City Anthem. They are studying the book of Romans and are currently on Chapter 12. New members and guests are always invited to join. WEDNESDAY WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY This Wednesday morning 10 AM Bible study group will be continuing an eight week study on “Angels a Life Guide Study,” by Douglas Connelly. Upcoming lessons we will be covering: February 4th: The Battle against Us (Ephesians 6:10-20); February 11th: Angels and Guidance (Acts 8:26-40, 10:1-48); February 18th: Guarded by Angels (Acts 12:1-17), and February 25th: Discerning the Spirits (1 John 4:16). This is an ongoing study and all are welcome to join us at any time. For further information, or to obtain a book, contact Julie Joly (714) 496-1710, or email [email protected]. New Leaders Elected Saturday, January 31st & Sunday, February 1st Congratulations to those who were elected to serve as council, 2015 Nominating Team, and Endowment Fund members at the 2015 Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 25th. Thank you, as well, to everyone who was willing to have their names on the ballot. The following newly elected leaders will be installed at the services they attend on Saturday and Sunday, January 31st and February 1st: This year’s council is: Jim Bach, Sue Clark, Patty Duffey, Todd Enerson, Ellen Fiore, Gary Grosklaus, Rita Lambros, and John Robinson; (2015 Nominating Team) Charlotte Goodman, Barbara Long, Karen Ortlipp, and Ray Thomas; and (Endowment Fund Team) Sam Bach and David Ortlipp. The congregation council will be meeting in retreat in February to orient new members, develop a working team, and elect officers for the year. Thanks to our outgoing council members for their service on the council: Greg Brockelman, Linda Quackenboss and Terry Richert. “And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil” ~ Timothy 2:24 Save the Date! "Thank Your Lucky Stars" Women's Ministry Annual Tea March 14, 2015, 2- 4 PM The women of New Song will be holding their annual tea on Saturday, March 14, 2015, from 2 to 4 PM. This year’s theme, "Thank Your Lucky Stars," will focus on gratitude, with a touch of the stars and a little bit of a St. Patrick's twist. Tickets will go on sale starting in mid-February. We are looking for women who would be willing to "host a table" (provide the various items of tea china and facilitate the activities at your table). If you’re interested in hosting a table for this event or for additional information, please contact Woman’s Ministry Director, Debbie Romboletti at (702) 875-2013, or by email at [email protected]. Has Life Thrown You a Curve This Valentine’s Day? February is the month when the entire world seems happy, together and in love. But it may not be so cheerful if you're alone, or ill, or have suffered any of the deep losses we face along life's path. These days can turn into a time of sadness and pain. If you're going through a rough patch, remember that our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care. They will listen, care, encourage, pray with and for you, and support you for as long as your need persists. If you or someone you know is hurting, find out more about Stephen Ministry by talking with one of our Stephen Leaders: Art Clayton (702) 460-8888 or Paul LaChance (702) 837-9924. Our Stephen Ministers are there to care! Join GriefShare & Heal! DivorceCare Support Group GriefShare is a ministry that provides Bible-based support for the grief suffered when an individual loses a loved one through death. It is a 13week course involving videos, reading and personal reflection with “homework.” Since the fall of 2006, three times a year, New Song Church as provided facilities for the GriefShare ministry where almost a hundred men and women have received assistance for their loss. If you have lost a loved one, do not hesitate; drop by the class that meets every Wednesday at 2:30pm beginning February 4th, at New Song Church. For more information, or if you’re interested in becoming a facilitator, please contact Linda Graham at (702) 492-1771 or email [email protected]. Divorce ranks as one of the most stressful life events that anyone can face. If you are going through or recovering from a divorce, separation or failed relationship New Song’s DivorceCare is for you! This 13-week divorce recovery seminar and support group includes presentations on DVD featuring top experts on divorce, real-life stories of people who have been through divorce and recovery topics from a Christian perspective. DivorceCare is a place where participants gain knowledge and can share their feelings with others, while addressing their emotional, spiritual and practical needs in a strictly confidential environment. In a time of great pain and stress, let us help you find an oasis of comfort and peace on the road to healing. DivorceCare meets on Thursdays at 2:00 pm beginning February 5th at New Song Church. For more information, or if you’re interested in becoming a facilitator, please contact Linda Graham at (702) 492-1771 or email [email protected]. Blood Pressure Checks First Sunday of Every Month New Song’s Health and Wellness Team provides blood pressure checks to worshipers on the first Sunday morning of each month. Retired nurse, Liz Rippelmeyer, may be found in the Community Room after worship services with a blood pressure cuff ready to help you monitor this important health number! For more information, contact Liz Rippelmeyer at: 316-9042. Health & Wellness Our Health & Wellness Team is now meeting on the second Tuesday of every month at the Anthem Clubhouse on Hampton Road. We are open for ideas and encourage others to join our group. Currently, we have posted recipes for healthy eating on the church bulletin board in the entry way and blood pressure checks are offered the first Sunday of each month by Liz Ripplemeyer in the community room. Help is needed to explore areas in care giving. Children’s Ministry News God’z Kidz meets each week for dinner, Bible time, games and crafts. Join us each Thursday night at 5:30 PM in the community room! Children’s Church meets in the modular building on Sunday mornings during the 10:30 AM service. We sing songs, learn Bible stories and try a variety of activities to highlight our Bible lesson for the week. Upcoming Events: Pancake Supper and Mardi Gras Party th February 17 at 5:30 PM All are invited to join us for a wonderful pancake dinner with lots of activities for kids and families to help us celebrate Mardi Gras and get ready for the season of Lent. We will start the evening at 5:30 PM! If you would like to help set-up or cook pancakes, please talk with Pastor Kathy at (702) 492-1771. Global Barnyards available during Lent! During the season of Lent, we invite families to use a special Barnyard Bank to save their spare change as an effort to purchase animals, which will help those in need to secure a better future for their families and villages. Each week during Lent at Children’s Church and God’z Kidz, the children will focus on learning how different animals can help communities across the globe. At the end of Lent, we will see how much money we can collect and decide which animals we want to purchase. Be sure to keep an eye out in your bulletins for special announcements and more information. 1st Communion Classes will begin on Tuesday nights in March. We will meet at 5:30 PM on March 3rd, 10th and 17th and we will celebrate Holy Communion at the Maundy Thursday service on April 2nd. This year, we will again make special ceramic chalices and so we are charging a $20 fee to cover the cost. Please contact Pastor Kathy for more information and a registration form. Summer Camp Information The dates have been set and registration forms are available for Summer Camps at New Song! Vacation Bible School – June 15-19, 2015 Performing Arts Camp –June 22-26, 2015 Camp Hope Week 1 – June 29-July 3, 2015 Camp Hope Week 2 – July 6-10, 2015 Camp New Song – July 20-24, 2015 Stay tuned for more details, costs and ways that you can help the summer ministry mission for the kids of our community! Contact Pastor Kathy ([email protected]) for more information! Why Wear Your Name Tag? New Song members and regular worshipers recently received FREE new magnetic name tags for use at church. The name tags were a gift from the Pastors Poling-Goldenne to help people get to know each other by name. However, did you know there are other great reasons to wear your name tag when you come to church? The best reason is that it communicates to guests that we are a hospitable congregation! We want to lower the anxiety of guests by communicating our interest in meeting and greeting them. Name tags say, "We were hoping you would come and are eager to meet you!" Name tags are also a way of jogging the memories of those who are "name-challenged" and need a visual reminder of the names of others around them. And, when you wear your name tag, you can receive Holy Communion by name: "Susan, the body of Christ given for you." So, don't squander the generous gift you have received! Wear your name tag with pride knowing that your effort is for the benefit of the whole congregation, our guests, and even you! Curious About New Song? New Member Discovery Orientations Have you been worshiping at New Song for a while and would like to know more about the mission of this congregation? Then, join us for one of the two February Discovery Orientations on either Sunday, February 22nd, at 10:30 AM or Tuesday, February 24th, at 6:00 PM. During the orientation, you’ll have the opportunity to meet key leaders, learn more about the mission and ministries of New Song, hear about our future plans, and ask questions. New members will be received the following weekend at the services they typically attend. If you are interested in registering to participate in one of these February orientations, please contact Nicole Bevilacqua in the church office: 492-1771 or [email protected]. Youth Ministry News CREATION & W.I.T.T Middle School Confirmation & CREATION Roller Skating Event Every Thursday, New Song’s middle school students gather from 4:006:00 PM for an afternoon of discovery and fun! From 4:00-5:00 PM, they participate in Confirmation class. It’s a weekly journey through the Scriptures that happens September through May. Over a two-year period, the students study key stories in the Old and New Testaments, the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostles Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the sacraments. This month’s Bible stories include the beatitudes (Feb 5th), the feeding of the five thousand (Feb 12th), the good Samarian (Feb 19th), and the parable of the lost and found (Feb. 29th). For more details on Confirmation, Creation, and W.I.T.T., please contact our Youth Pastor, Pastor Jennifer Zahnow at (702) 4921771, extension 207 or email [email protected]. On February 22nd, from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM, the middle and high school youth (6th to 12th grade) will be going roller skating. We will have pizza at church and then head to the skating rink located at: Crystal Place Boulder, 4680 Boulder Highway, Las Vegas, NV 89121. The cost for the events is $15 (includes lunch and admission to the skating rink). Youth are invited to bring a friend. Scholarships are available contact Pastor Jennifer for more information. Parents are also needed to drive. Chili Cook Off Thank you to everyone who participated in the youth chili cook-off. All had a wonderful evening of fellowship. We raised $358.00 for the summer mission trip. Military Ministry Update The Military Ministry has started our most fun event for the year, our annual “Love Our Troops” silent auction. All proceeds collected will go to the US Vets Organization to help the veterans that are currently staying there. They get the vets back on their feet, help them find a job, and get them back into society. This auction concludes right before Valentine's Day, so you can use your winnings to take your spouse/partner out on the town. The auction began on Saturday, January 31st and will run through February 8th. The winner will be determined by the highest bid on a gift card or item and will be determined after the 10:30 AM worship service on Sunday, February 8th. We will notify the winner by phone. Your prize can then be picked up in the church office. Some of the items being auctioned off are, a SouthPoint Casino & Hotel package, 8 local restaurant gift cards, and other items and services contributed by 11 church members. We have many other items and services as well. This is our list as of January 21st, so please bid and bid often. These are nice gifts to give over Valentine's Day. Thank you in advance for helping us out in supporting the US Vets Organization here in Las Vegas. 2015 Nevada Legislative Issues Forum Join other New Songers for a meeting on Tuesday, February 24th, at 6:30 PM, to discuss the variety of issues slated for Nevada's 2015 Legislative Session. Governor Sandoval is proposing a major funding increase for public education and changes to the state's tax structure. AARP has a CARE Act going before legislators that will provide relief to care-givers of the elderly and others with special needs. It promises to be a legislative session with lots of action! As a participating organization of Nevadans for the Common Good, New Song is involved in community organizing to make the future better for all who call Nevada home. Come, listen, learn, and share your opinions at the February 24th New Song forum! For more information, contact New Song Council member and NCG congregational coordinator, Ellen Fiore: [email protected] or (702) 467-4442 or Pastor Marta Poling-Goldenne: [email protected] or (702) 460-9851. Remembering Pastor Dave’s Ministry Many thanks to the members and friends of New Song who attended the memorial service for Pastor David Poling-Goldenne on Sunday, January 18th. Pastor Marta and the entire Poling-Goldenne family appreciated the honoring of his life and legacy by your presence. Thank you, also, to those who have given financial gifts in memory of Pastor Dave to New Song Church, New Song Christian Academy, Lutheran Social Services of Nevada or Nevadans for the Common Good. The gifts to New Song Church will be used to purchase new paraments (seasonal cloth coverings on the front of the altar). All gifts will be acknowledged by both a personal note and in your giving record for tax purposes. Again, thank you for your presence and your generous gifts! New Song Staff Interim Lead Pastor: Tom Anderson Teaching Pastor: David Miller Associate Pastor for Youth Ministry: Jennifer Zahnow Associate Pastor for Children’s Ministry: Kathy Morris Parish Assistant: Nicole Bevilacqua Director of Worship Arts: Jason Manlapaz Custodial Engineer: Tom Davis Church Administrator: Linda Graham New Song Christian Academy Director: Pr. Jennifer Zahnow Teachers: Birgit Drowanowski, Annette Kindell, & Pr. Jennifer Zahnow Teacher’s Asssistants: Bessie Demetriou & Tamara Comandatore Ministers: All the people of New Song Church
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