Centree for Goood Goverrnance (An autonomo ous society undder Govt. of Telangana State) Dr. MC CR HRD Camp pus, Road No. 25, 2 Jubilee Hillss, Hyderabad 50 00033, Telangana State S (India). Recruitm ment of Co onsultant The Ce entre for Go ood Governa ance (CGG G) is a leading agency in assisting g state and national governm ments to ta ake forward d the agen nda of Governance Re eforms and d help gove ernment departm ments in pro ocess re-engineering fo or better public service e delivery. CGG in nvites applications for a Senior SAP S Consu ultant ( FIC CO) with Prroject Mana agement Experie ence. Follow wing are the e full details : Job Posting P Tittle Pos sting Place e escription Job De Senior SAP Consultant(FIC CO) with Prroject Mana agement expe erience Hyde erabad, Tellangana The SAP Senior Consulltant will be responsible e for ensuring the su uccessful im mplementation of the Comprehens C sive Financial t System (C M Managemen CFMS) proje ect for the G Governments of A Andhra Pradesh &Telan ngana The Senior Consultant C will w work witth both the Governmen ntsand System Integ grator to und derstand th heir business requireme ents an nd help con nfigure and test the CFMS The Sr. Conssultant will mediate m bettween Gove ernments an nd System Integ grator for su uccessful prroject implementation es: Responsibilitie ecome an expert e in the e CFMS (SA AP FICO) p product suite e and Be pe erform the following f on n an engage ement: Require R stron ng knowledge of the bu usiness pro ocesses for de esigning, de eveloping, and a testing SAP functio ons associa ated w Finance with e Understand Governmen G nt business requiremen nts, help Sy ystem In ntegrator in configurations through h developin ng prototype e syystems and assist in te esting the ro oll outs Work W with the e Government & Syste em Integrato or to help co onvert le egacy data into CFMS with Syste Coordinate C em Integra ator to co omplete the work asssigned within the budgeted time allocated Assist A the inttegration co onsulting tea am in helpin ng to config gure and te est integratio ons betwee en CFMS an nd third partty/custom solutions s Understand and a help in CFMS’s Im mplementatio on methodo ology o integration of platform ms/databasse Knowledge of W Work with De elivery Assu urance to en nsure comp pliance with agreed ch heckpoints Participate & MonitorCh hange Mana agement acctivities and Qualifications & other Key requirements Capacity Building activities in both the Governments Work with the Government & System Integrator in successful implementation of agreed SAP modules in both the Governments Provide both the Governments with project status reports and keep them apprised of overall project status Develops and maintains the overall project schedule including all necessary schedule updates Reviews weekly project schedule with stakeholders and acts as appropriate Proactively presents an account of project status/issues in project reviews Effectively reports project progress and potential project issues or other situations either verbally or in writing to assure desired understanding Bachelors degree in Business / IT / CS with relevant implementation experience Masters in Business Administration or equivalent is desired A minimum of five (5) years prior SAP FICO consulting or equivalent industry experience At least two (2) full lifecycle implementations as an SAP (Finance) functional consultant Strong communication and presentation skills Strong ability to facilitate discussions and negotiate mutually beneficial solutions when necessary General Conditions Candidates must be citizens of India. Mere possession of the education qualifications and requisite experience will not entitle any right to call for interview or selection. The applications received after due date or without enclosures or incomplete applications will not be considered. Unsolicited communication regarding this advertisement will lead disqualification of the candidate’s application. Applications in the enclosed format plus a detailed CV are to be submitted in soft copy to [email protected] by January 31, 2015. Please also Careers at www.cgg.gov.in Application for the post of Senior SAP Consultant ( FICO) with Project Management in Centre for Good Governance , Hyderabad 1. Name of the applicant 2. Age in completed years as on 1.1.2015 3. Communication address : : : 4. E mail 5. Mobile No. 6. Qualification : : : 7. Brief particulars of work experience ( Only job experience is to be mentioned. Studies /Projects / internship done during educational course are not to be mentioned ) : S.No. Employer’s Name Designation Period Total Service ( in months )
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