FL-300 1TTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Namll, Slill8 BIITIUIIINir. and /Mid188s): E FOR COCDrr USl' CINl.'I th Ann Kennedy Pinecreek Drive II 0315 FILED Mesa. Cslifomla 92626-5474 31 Q-254-7141 TELEPHONE NO.: ATTORNEY FOR {NIImll}: k.IPeuoR COURT OF STREET ADORESS: MAIUNGADOREBS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: SUPeRIOR COURT OF CAI.If'ONN COUNTY OF ORANCH! LAMOREAUX JUSTIC! Cf!NTIR FAX 1\10. (Opllllnal): [email protected] Self·ReDresented 341 The Dnve 341 The City Drive JAN 212014 OF ORANGE Orange, Callfomla 92868-3205 OTHER PARENT/PARTY: REQUEST FOR ORDER CJ MODIFICATION lZJ ChDd Custody [ZJ Vlsltatfon CZJ ChDd SUpport D Spousal Support D Attorney Fees and Costs D Temporary Emergency Court Order other (specify): 0 CAS1!i NI.IMBER: 14Fl000039 1. TO (name): Barry William Blenkhom, a.k.a. Barry Williams 2. A hearing on this Request for OtderwDI be held as foUows: If chDd custody or visitation Is an Issue In this proceeding, Family Code section 3170 requlraa mediation before or at the same time as the hearing (see Item 1.) I a. Date: '3-4-£4 b. Address of court [XI Time: lZJ same as noted above 0 IZJ Ellzabhtb Ann Kennedy (TYPE OR PRINT NAMI!) GlJ Room.: other (specify): 3. Attactunenls to be served with ihts Request for Order. a. A blank Responsive DeclanJiion (form FL-320) b. Completed Income and Expense DeciSI8tion (form FL-150) and a blank Income and Expense Decltuation 4. D Dept: c. D d. e. D . D eomple1ed Financial statement (S1mplilledJ crorm FL-155) and a blank Financial statement {Simpl//l8d) Points and authorities Other (spscify): t[. (SIGMAlURE) UlJCOURT ORDER YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR IN COURT AT THE DATE AND TIME USTED IN ITEM 2 TO GIVE ANY LEGAL REASON WHY THE ORDERS REQUESTED SHOULD NOT BE GRANTED. 5. D Time for D service D hearing Is shortened. Service must be on or before (date): 6. Any rasponslve dedaration must be served on or before {date): 7. The parties are ordered to attend mandatory custody services as foiJows: See 8. 9. CJ D Data: ORDER TO AMND MEDIAnON You--1Dcomply_ ... _ _ Other (specify): ,._, JAN 2 1 2014 .. To the pen10n who received this Request for Onler.lf you wish to respond to this Request for onter, you must tOe a Responsive Det:lalatJon 10 Request for Onlel' (form FL-320) and serw a copy on the other parties at least nine court days before the hearing date unleas the court has ordered a shorter period of time. You do not have to pay a tiling fee to me the Responsive Declaldon 10 Request for Ordet' (form FL-320) er any other declaration Including an Income end Expense Declaration (form FL-150) or Flnandal Statement (Simplified) (form FL-155). tof4 Form Adopl8d forMancfalory lJae Judicial Council t:il Calllamia FWIIO (Rav. JlJlf 1, 2012) REQUEST FOR ORDER FatrilrCode. 1120411. 2107, 82a4, 8228, 83'oi.0-8326. 41380-6383 Gcwamalt ODde, 1288:18 FL-30Jl CASE NUMBER: PETITIONERIPlAINTIFF: Elizabeth Ann Kennedy RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: Barry WilHam Blenkhom, a.k.a Barry Williams OTHER PARENTIPARlY: f- 14FL000039 REQUESTFORORDERANDSUPPORTINGDECLARATION GlJ 1. Petitioner [Z] 0 0 0 Respondent CHILD CUSTODY a. ChOd's name and age l:Zl As raqussted In form [Z] Child Custody and Visitation AppHcation Attachment (form FL--311) 0 D D D D e. 2. GlJ D Elizabeth Kennedy. Petitioner Elizabeth Kemedy, Petitioner Samantha R.B. WIUiams, 2 d. requesfB the foUowlng orders: To be orderad pending the hearing c. Physical oustody to (name of b. Legal custody to (name of person who person with wbom child wiD riVal makes decisions about health. eduadion. etc.> Other Parent/Party Request for ChBd Abduction Prevention Orders (form FL-312) ChHdten's Holiday Schedule Attachment (form FL-341(C)) Additional Provlslans-Physical Custody Attachment (form FL-341 (D)) Joint Legal Cu8tody Attachment {form FL-341(E)) Other (Attachment 1d) Modify existing order (1) filed on (date): (2) ordering (specify): CJ CHILD VISITATION (PARENTING 11ME) l:Zl Atladlment 2a (2) a. As raqussted In: (1) (3) D Other (specify): b. Modify exlsting'order (1) filed on (dale): (2) ordering (specify): 0 To be orderad pending the hearing Child Custody and V181tation App/lcstlon Attachment (form FL-311) D c. D One or more domestic violence restraining/protective orders are now In effect. (Attach a copy of tha orders if you have one.) The orders are from the following court or courts (specify county and state): {1) D Criminal: County/state: (3) D Juvenile: County/state: Case No. (if known): Case No. (If known): (2) D Family: County/state: (4) D Other: County/slate: Case No. (If known): Case No. (If known): 3. GZJ CHILD SUPPORT (An earnings assignment order may be 188Ued.) a. Child's name @Od age b. D I request support based on the child support guidelines Samantha R. B. WIUiams. 2 d. 0 c. M9nUt!y amoynt reaues1ed (if not by guideline) $ 3,423 (monthly rent for current housing plus child support guideline amount.) Modify existing order (1) filed on (dsts): (2) ordering (specify): Notice: The court Ia required to order chUd eupport based on the Income of both parents. It normally continues until the chDd Ia 1L You must supply the court with Information about your finances by flUng an Income and Expense Declaration (fonn FL-150) or a Financial Stafemenf (Simplified} (fonn FL-185). Otherwise, the child support order wiU be based on Information about your Income that the court racelves from other sources. Including tha other parent. Fl.-300 [Rsv. Julf 1, 2012] REQUEST FOR ORDER Pagll2af4 fl-30( PE11110NERIPLAINTIFF: Elizabeth Ann Kennedy RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: Bany William Blenkhom. a.k.a. Bany WiiDams OTHER PARENT/PARTY: 9. D CASE NUMBER: 14Fl000039 I request that time for service of the Request for Onlsrand accompanying papers be shortened so that these documents may be served no less than (specify numberj: days before the time set for tha hearing. I need to have this order shortening time becaiiS& of the feels SPeCified In Item 10 or the attached declaration. 10. GZJ FACTS IN SUPPORT of orders requested and change of circumstances for any modiflc8lion are (specify): GZJ Contained in the atlached declaration. {You may use Attached Dedaration (form MC-031) for this purpose. The at1sched declsraiJon must nof exceed 10 pages In length unless permission tD fils a longer declaration has been obtained fTom the court.) Petitioner and Respondent were each other's "spousal equivalents" from April2006 until March 2013, and cohabited together In three different residences over the course of 1hose seven years. When Petitioner became pregnant with Respondent's child in August 2011, Respondent initiallY reacted with anger and was very verbally abusive. Although Petitioner was only 32 at the time, her pregnancy was considered to be "high-risk*' because of alanning Irregularities in her blood discovered through routine pre-natal care lab work. As Petitioner's pregnancy started to develop more complications and the tension between Petitioner and Respondent worsened, Petitioner temporarily sought her mother's home for a few weeks as an escape from the unkind, distressing behavior. In late January 2012, as Respondent was filming in the state of Washington, Petitioner's health took a sudden and drastic tum for the worse. Petitioner was admitted at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital on January 29, 2012 for severe maternal pre-eclampsia, a life-threatening condition for both mother and unborn child. Respondent was notified of this development and cut short his scheduled ffiming time to return to CaiHornia and be at Petitioner's hospital bedside. In the seven days that followed, Petitioner and her unborn child were closely monitored and Petitioner was administered heavy-duty steroid shots to hasten the maturation of baby's lungs. in anticipation of an early delivery. Just before sunrise on the morning of February 4, Petitioner's condition escalated Into fuJI..blown eclampsia. Petitioner had a frontal lobe seizure and her Internal organs began to shut down. Petitioner was Immediately prepped for an emergency Cesarean-section delivery of her baby at only 28.6 weeks gestational age, almost three months early. Samantha Rose Blenkhom WiUiams was born at 11 :15 a.m. that morning, weighing only two pounds and measuring 15 inches long. Doctors and nurses from the Neonatal Intensive Care UnJt were standing by and took the baby iniD the NICU right away. For the first six weeks of her life, Samantha was the tiniest and most fragile baby In the NICU, and remained at all times in a temperature-regulated, closed-covered incuba1or. Respondent seemed to grasp the fact that he had almost lost both Petitioner and their baby for good, and it was there in the hospital that Petitioner and Respondent fully reconciled and firmly decided on moving forward together as a family, at first temporarily in California and then Indefinitely onward In Branson, Missouri. On February 9. 2012, Petitioner was discharged from Fountain Valley Hospital. Petitioner and Respondent continued IMng together at their apartment In Marina del Rey. Although it was a minimum of a one-hour drive each way, Petitioner visited their baby in the NICU every day, sometimes accompanied by Respondent on March 27, 2012, Respondent secured an apartment for Petitioner and the baby to live in upon the baby's discharge from the NeonataJICU, and for Respondent to have a place of his own to stay at when he travelled to Carlfomia to visit them during the baby's transitional recovery period of at least one to two years. (continued in attached document Attached Declaration MC-o31.) I declare under penaHy of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing Is true and correct. 0 - January 16,2014 Elizabeth Ann Kennedy • (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) a. 0 (SIGNATURE OF APPllCANTI Requests for AcGOmmodatJons Asslsllve ilslanlng syslams, computer-assisted reaJ..time captioning, or sign language lnterpreler services are available If you ask at least five days before the proceeding. Contact lhe clerk's office or go to www.courts.ca.govHorms for Request for Accommodations by Persons With D/sablliti8s 8l1d Response (form MC-410}. (CMI Code.§ 54.8.) Fl.,'JOII [R8v. July 1, 2012) REQUEST FOR ORDER ......,. I- Elizabeth Ann Kennedy DEFENOANTIRESPONDENT: Bany William PLAINTIFFIPETITIONER: I MC..031 CASE NUMBER: a.k.a Barry Williams 14FL000039 DECLARATION (This form must be stJsched to another form or court paper before it can be filed in court.) (cont. from form FL-300): Respondent left for Branson, Missouri on April 1, 2012 to embark on his new entertainment venture and establish a permanent residence fur himself, Petitioner and their new baby. Petitioner :facilitated the move out from their Marina del Rey residence into the Camden Martinique apartment in Costa Mesa, which was completed on April 8, 2012. Petitioner spent the following week preparing the new home fur their baby daughter, and on April15, the infant minor child was discharged from Fountain Valley Hospital into Petitioners care. In the first twelve months of the minor child's life, the minor child had to be re-admitted into the hospital many times. Petitioner was at their daughter's hospital bedside every last one of the 120 days the minor child spent in the hospital (71 days in the NICU, 49 days in subsequent hospitalizations). Respondent travelled from Branson, Missouri to Costa Mesa, California and stayed with Petitioner and their daughter at the Camden apartment on the following dates in 2012: April21 - 26, June 20 - June 27, August 20 August 29, October 25- October 30, December 19- December 29. On January 21, 2013, Respondent flew into town and again stayed at the Costa Mesa apartment with Petitioner and their daughter from January 21 until January 26, 2013. The plan was fur Petitioner and the minor child to permanently join Respondent in Branson, Missouri as soon as the minor child's health was stable enough to leave behind the team of specialists who had been providing her medical care since birth, but by no later than the end of their apartment's initial lease term which was June 2013. On March 19, 2013, Respondent announced to Petitioner that "although nothing specific had precipitated [his] conclusion," he no longer wished to have Petitioner and their minor child join him, despite the fact that the condominium in Branson had been selected in part for the perfect nursery space, despite media announcements (Respondent is a celebrity) and the baby-welcoming parties that had been hosted, and in total disregard of the many promises Respondent made about charting their future course together as a family. Respondent has physically and emotionally abandoned Petitioner and their daughter. Petitioner has been hard at work in the home caring fur a minor child whose needs have consistently exceeded what would be considered average, and has done so without help from her former partner and while her own health has been declining. Petitioner respectfully asks the court to please consider that the amount of child support she iB seeking from Respondent would only cover the same basic living expenses that have been provided heretofOre, and that any lesser amount would mean that the quality of life for the minor child would become seriously compromised. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of caJifomla that the foregoing Is trua and correct. Date: January 17, 2014 a. Elizabeth Ann (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) fonn forCplonal Use Judldal Council uf Cdamla MC-031 J.Reot. July 1. 20051 D Atlomey for D Plaintiff [lJ Petitioner D Respondent D Other (Specify): ATTACHED DECLARATION D Defendant Page 1 uf1 MC-031 f- PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Elizabeth Ann Kennedy 1 CASE NUMBER: Barry William Blenkhom, a.k.a. Bany Williams 14FL000039 DECLARAnON (This fonn must be atlsched to BIIOfher fonn or court paper before It can be ffled in court.) Petitioner requests that Petitioner have supervised visitation with the minor child because a lack of familiarity between Respondent and the minor child, and moreover because of Respondent's histocy of alcohol abuse and intoxication while driving. The attached photos are of Respondent's vehicle which he crashed in May 2013, resulting in almost $20,000 worth of damages. Respondent is often too preoccupied with other distractions to be able to give the minor child the appropriate attention and care she needs and deserves. For this reason, Petitioner begs the court to order the Respondent to have the registered nurse suggested by Petitioner supervise all visitation periods, or if said registered nurse is unavailable. then another professional, well..qualified individual. I daclare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State d C81lfomla that the foregoing 18 true and correct Data: January 17, 2014 Elizabeth Ann Kenned_I (M'E OR PRINT NAME) <tihia..hdfA D D Fann AppnMMI far Oplllnll U8e Judicial Clauncll of CaDramlll MC-031 !Rev· July 1, 20051 d. 0 (SIGNATURE OF DEa..AIWn) Attorney for Respondent ATTACHED DECLARATION D D Plaintiff IZI Petitioner D Defendant other (Specify): Page1 oil I § DECL. RELATED CASE PROVIDED FL·2&0 fGii' CIJUlli'r'l&f CJIU.Y Elimbeth Ann Kennedy -2855 Pinecreek Drive #D315 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 I filED 310-254-7141 'IB.EI'HCNI5ND. g E-tiAD..ADOIU!SS (OpllarraiJ: AnoRNEYFClfl (NIIII»J: [email protected] SUPERIOR COURT OF CAUFORN COUNTY OF ORANGE I LAMOREAUX JUSTICE CENTERI Self-n SUPERIOR COURT OF CA1JF0RNJA. COliN1Y OF Orange STREEJ'ADDRE88: 3411be City Drive 3411be Drive Orange, California 92868-3205 BRANCH NAMa LAMOREAUX JUSTICE CENTER Ann Kennedy JAN 1 7 2014 MAILDDADilRBIS: Cf!YANDZJPCODE: ,..J ;: RESPONDENT: Ban:y William Blenkhorn, a.k.a. m i ALAN CARLSON, Clerk oflha CoUJ1 BY: \c..UrJjj-nUiLl I, MQlltia .DEPUT 8any Wi11iams PETITION FOR CUSTODY AND SUPPORT OF MINOR CtULDREN CAS£l4F L 0 0 0 0 3 9 NOnCE: This action wBI not termlnale a man1age or eatabUsb a parental refatlonshlp. 1. Jurlsdlcllon for brlngg_act:Jon a. Petitioner Is lhe GlJ mother b. Respondent Is the D mother 2. a. D D father GlJ father of the mtnor children. of the minor children. Pelitloner Is married 1o the respondent, and no actfon is pending In any court for dissolution. legal or nullity. b. GlJ Permoner and respondent have signed a Voluntmy DecJaralkm of PaiBmlly regarding the minor chlldren, and no aat1on c. D Petftloner and 1espotldent 1118 not married and have legally adopt8d a ctdfd 1ogsther. D mmm. Petitioner and respondent have been detemdued 1o be the parenls In juvenlls or govemmenta1 child support case ______________ d. regarding the children has been filed In any other courL (Atlsdl a copy of declsrtdion) Country (If notdte United s t a t e s ) - - - - - - - - - State County 3. The following mfnor chUdren are dte subject of thJs action: Ch!ld's name Dafe of bb1h Samantha Rose Blenkhom Williams Sex O.V04fl012 2 Female D Continued on AHaclm1ent 3. 4. A completed Dedaration Under Unllarm Child Custody Jurfsdlcllon and Enforosmsnt Act (UCCJEA) {form Fl-105) Is allached. 5. Child c:uslody and vlaftalfon. I request dte following ordels: a. LegaJ custody or children to b. Physical CU8Iody of children to c. VIS!tatfon of chUdren wllh: Petitioner GlJ GlJ RespoJidant D D D GlJ Jolnt D D Other D D D (1} The proposed schedule forvtsftallon Is as follows: D See the attached fonn Fl-311, Child Custot:(y and Vlsltstlon Altaclunrmt ,._1aU FCIIm forOpllanaiUIIa Judicial CQuni:IB or Calilomla Fl.-21111 (Ruw. Janualy 1, axJ4J PETITION FOR CUSTODY AND SUPPORT OF MINOR CHILDREN Almlly Cads. 1113120, 3400. 3800 _ _______J t_ ,:;illiam 5. d. Blcokhom, a.k.a. 11any Williams - 14FL 0 0 0 0 3 9 [Z] 1request that vtsHallon be supervised for 1he foJiowing persons, with the following restricllons: Petitioner requests that Respondent shall have reasonable supervised visitation with the minor child. Respondent should provide Petitioner with fourteen days advance notice of his intention to be in California. Petitioner's request for supervised visitation is based on RespondeJltls history with abuse of alcohol and intoxication while driving. Respondent caused an accident in May 2013 which resulted in $20,000 in damages to his automobile; Respondents son from a previous marriage was in the car at the time. Respondent's ex-wife is willing to provide testimony in support of these facts and the history of said alcohol abuse. Additional professional official documentation attached. L£J Continued on .Aifachm«<t 5d. e. f. g. h. D D D D I requesllhat the chlrd abduelion praventlon orders requested on fonn R.-312 be approved. I request that the pmposed holiday schedule set out fn D form Ft-341 (C) D alher be approved I request that Sdditfonal orders regarding child CUS1Ddy set out fn D form Ft-341 (D) D other be approved. I request that folnt legal custody orders set out In D form Ft-341{E) D other be approved. 6. Feea and cost of lltfgatlon a. !dfDm8y fees wiD be paid by D peftlloner b. 0 Each party will pay own fees. [Z] respondent 7. Child support. The court may make orders for support of the childnm and Issue an earnings asafglml&nt without furlher notice to either party. A complstBd Income sm:J &psnss Declsrallon {form FL-150) or RnsndaJ Statenwmt {Simplified} {form FL-155) Is allached. 8. Other (specify): Petitioner respectfally requests that the court consider the gift of $1,712,000 which Respondent received from bis mother on December 30,2012 (as well as Respondent's other substantial assets) in the calculation of child support mdels. Respondent owns assets held by the following namesfentities: Blenkhom Properties, U.C; Frank M. Blenkhom Family Trust; Margaret M. Blenkhom Family Trust; investment accounts, stocks and bonds with Merrill Lynch. Current value of the Blenkhom Estate is $11/>73SXXJ. 9. I have read the restraining GRier on the badt of the SUmmons (UnlfDnn l'tuentllge-Petlllon tor CUstody and SuppottJ (form FL-210) that fa baing filed with this petition, and I undar8land that It applies to me when this petition Ia ftJed. I declare under penally of pBJjUJy underlhe laws of the State of caDfomla that the foregoing Is true and correct. Dale: January 16,2014 Elizabeth Ann Kennedy (TYPE OR PRINT HAM&) CU&,bdti 111!11. (SIGHATIJHE OF I'E1lTIONeR) A blank Flesponse to Pe1JIIon for Custody and Support of MinDr Children {form FL-270) must be served on the RISPOIIdent wilh this Petition. Nonce: If you have a chUd from this relationship. the court 18 required ID order chDd support based on the Incomes of both pments. You should supply the COI8t with lnfonnatlon about your Income. Otherwise, the Child support order will be based on Information suppUed by the other parent. Ally party required 1D paJ child support must pay Inlet est on overdue amounts at the •legal rate.• whfch 18 currently 10 - - • R.-2SO tR- ..._., 1,1111041 PETITION FOR CUSTODY AND SUPPORT OF MJNOR CHILDREN Pege2ofl e e FL-320 FOR CQ(IRT 11$1! ONLY ATTORNEY OR PARlYWITHOUT ATTORNEY rHame. Slate EIBr number. snd lllidms:sl; _ Barry B. Williams 215 Gage Drive, J-11 HoiHster. Missouri 65672 'I'SLEPHONE HO.: 310/948-1281 FILED FAX NO. (OpliOnaJ); SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUN1Y OF ORANGE LAMOREAUX JUSTICE CENTER [email protected] Respondent in Pro Per E-MAIL ADDRESS (Oplional): ATIORNEYFOR(NanwJ: FEB 1 9 2014 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Orange 341 The City Drive MAIUNGADDRESS: sante CITY AND ZIP cooe: Orange, California 92868-3205 BAANCH NAME: Lamoreaux Justice Center 8lREET AOORESS: ALAN CARLSON, Cterit of lhe Court BY: ,DEPUTY PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: Elizabeth Kennedy RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: Barry B. Williams OTHER PAR1Y; RESPONSIVE DECLARATION TO REQUEST FOR ORDER rn.a:.: HEARING DATE: 8:30am March 4, 2014 1. 14Fl000039 L66 GlJ CHILD CUSTODY a. b. 2. DEPARTMENT OR ROOM: CASE HUMBER: D GZJ I consent to the order requested. I do not consent to the order requested, but I consent to the following order. Respondent ai'ld Petitioner to have joint legal and physical custody. Respondent to have unmonitored custodial time with 3 days notice beforehand to the Petitioner. GlJ CHILD VISITATION {PARENTING TIME) a. b. D GlJ I consent to the order requested. 1do not consent to the order requested, but I consent to the following ordar. same as In #1 above. 3. GZJ CHILD SUPPORT a. b. c. D D GlJ I consent to the order requested. 1consent to (1) (2) 4. 0 guideline support. I do not consent to the order requested, but I consent to the following ordar. GlJ D Guideline Other (specify): SPOUSAL OR PARTNER SUPPORT a. b. c. D D D I consent to the order requested. I do not consent to the order requested. I consent to the following order: 1of2 Farm AdclclCad for MaldaiDry Uae Judldal Cculcf or ea&romra Fl.-820 (Rev. July 1, 20121 RESPONSIVE DECLARATION TO REQUEST FOR ORDER -.-.ce.gov • 1- PLAINTIFFIPETITl<?NER: • Elizabeth Kennedy Williams MC..031 CASE NUMBER: 14FL000039 OEFENDANTIRESPONDENT; Barry B. DECLARATION (This. form must be attached to 8110ther form or court paper before It can be ffled In court.) Petitioner has listed a plethora of complaints about me in her RFO, none of which a:t:e true. I categorically deny each and every insult upon me as being the rants of a scorned woman. I have never been in an auto accident involving my use or abuse of alcohol. I have never been arrested nor have I ever been convicted of a DUI. In short, I do not and have not, abused alcohol or any drugs, legal or illegal. Petitioner statements are all lies. In fact, it is the heavy use of marijuana and cigarettes throughout the years preceding her 201 I pregnancy that likely contributed to and are the cause of her alleged medical problems, and the fact that our daughter was born prematurely. Petitioner and my fonner wife, who lives in New York, have recently met in Los Angeles and teamed up in an attempt to assassinate my public persona. I have no doubt the documents Petitioner included in her RFO were obtained from my fonner wife, whose endless litigation against me in both the LA and NY family courts caused the expenditure of well over $1 million in legal fees and costs, and who has been relentless in her pursuit to make my relationship with our son as difficult as she can possibly can.· Petitioner is not and has never been my She was nothing more than a sexual companion, who I treated very well, including paying because of her neglect of her teeth. 1 also paid $11 K for her to attend Paul Mitchel1 Beauty School so that she could be self-supporting, all to no avail. Petitioner wanted nothing more than to have me marry her, and when I refused, she decided to become pregnant Petitioner repeatedly stated that she will never go to work, long before the condition of which she now allegedly suffers, and which condition does not prevent her from working. (See Exhibit 1 attached). Petitioner states that she and I lived together from 2006 to 2009. Untrue. She spent time with me, but l.was never in an exclusive relationship with her. In December 2009, I filed a TRO and had her re100ved from my apartment when I discovered she had embezzled money from me. Around August of20l0, stupidly believing. her statements of contrition, I resumed our sexual relationship. By July of 20 I 1 when again I discovered she was stealing money from me. she announced she was pregnant. I allowed her to live in my MDR apartment during her pregnancy and I spent most of my time in Branson, Missouri starting my new theatre venture. I have supported our daughter and was the guarantor on a lease in Costa Mesa for I 5 months. However, without my consent, Petitioner extended the lease for another IS months to 09/25/14. (cont'd on p.2) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Callfomla that the foregoing Is true and correct Date; February 17, 2014 Barry B. Williams, Respondent in pro per (l'YPE OR PRINT HAMEl ECI.ARANT) D Attorney for ti(l Fcwwn AppiCMid b' Olldonal Ute Judlclsl Council of Calfonlfa {Rev• .!vir 1, 20051 ATTACHED DECLARATION D Plaintiff D Petltloner Other (Specify}: /A} D Defendant PIJ.ro PeR. Pave 1ol'1 • • f- PLAINTIFFIPEnTIONER: DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Elizabeth Kennedy Barry B. Williams MC..031 CASE NUMBER: 14FL000039 DECLARATION (1hls form must be attached to another form or court paper before It can be med In court.) Page2of2 1object to each and every document that Petitioner has included with her RFO as being hearsay without any foundation and ask that the court strike each and every document as being irrelevant to the issue of child support and custody/visitation. 1 am willing to pay guideline support for Samantha taking into account that I live in Branson, Missouri and that it will be necessary for me to incur substantial costs for air travel and lodging in order to visit my daughter. 1 am not willing to pay for a monitor in order to me to visit my daughter, and refuse to do so. I am perfectly capable of taking care of her needs and expect that Petitioner will give me explicit instructions and all necessary medications for Samantha so that my visits with Samantha are uneventful. As regards Petitioner's stated refusal to me that she will never seek or consider employment, and based upon the foregoing facts: Petitioner has stated in her RFO that Samantha is frequently left in the care of her maternal grandmother, at whose home Samantha's aunts and cousins also reside. It is, therefore, not unreasonable to expect that the maternal grandmother can also care for Samantha while the Petitioner. who is in her 30's, makes a good-faith effort to seek and find employment. Lastly, in numerous emails which I will bring to the court, and because of her out-of-control anger, Petitioner states that she wants to vilify rrie to the world by stating that I wanted to her to have an abortion. Petitioner threatens to go to the press, [as she has done in the past when served with a TRO], and create a sad legacy for two-year old Samantha. For the sake of our daughter, I ask that the court enjoin Petitioner from carrying out her threats. 1declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing Is true and correct. Date: February 17,2014 Barry B. Williams, Respondent in pro per (TYPE OR PRINT NAME!) D iiZl Fosm fat Oplla<tal Ute Judicial Coundl ol Celifoftlia MC-031 !RW· July 1, 20051 Attorney for D Plaintiff Respondent g] Other (Specify): ATTACHED DECLARATION D Petitioner 0 /.J P/l..O Defendant Page 1 ol1 "" r' -, ·. ATlORNiY OR PAIITY\\InHOUT ATTORNEY,_, Slllfltfllll,..,. and.._}: Barry B. Williams Gage Drive, J-1 I Hollister, Missouri 65672-5991 FAX NO. (QliiiNIJ: 1BS'tiON& 310/948-1281 1-MAD.ADDREBII (Opllllll$ ))any@l?anywilliams.com ATI'OIIN&YFOR R in Pro Per SUPERIOR COURT OF CAUPORHIA, COUNTY OF S1RI!E1' ADDRliBS: 341 The City Drive MAILING ADDJaS: FILED SUPERIOR COURT OF C'AUFORN COUNTY OF ORANG lA LAMOREAUx JUSTICE ce'im:R Orange FEB 2 1 same ALAN CARLSON, Cferk of the Court Orange_ California 92868-3205 BfWIDHNAME: Lamoreaux Justice Center , A. Kennedy PEUIIOHER: "' CITYANDZIPCCDI: RESPONDENT: Barry .B. FL-270 IOIICOUIR'UiliCIII.1' BY: S MAJANO ,DEPUTY Williams CASE NW4B!!R: RESPONSE TO PETITION FOR CUSTODY AND SUPPORT 14FL000039 OF MJNOR CHILDREN NOnCE: This action wl11 not terminate a marriage or establish a parental relatlonahlp. . 1. a. Petitioner Is the b. Respondent Is the [Z] mother D mother D father CZJ father of the minor children. of the minor children. BY FAX 2. a. D Petitioner Is married to the J'88POndent. and no action Is pending in 8JTII court ror dissolution, legal separadon, or nullily. b. [Z] Petllioner and l'espo!ldent have signed a Voluntary Declaralfon of PatemllY regarding the minor children. and no oUter action Is pending In any other court. (Attach a oopy of dst:larallon) c. D Pefftfoner and l'espo!ldent are not married and have legally adop1sd a child together. d. D Fetftloner and been number _ _respondent _ _ _have __ _ detemllned to be the parents In a juvenile or governmental child support case County _ _ _ _ __ State _ __ Country (If not the United S t a t e s ) - - - - - - - - 3. The folloWing minor chlldten are the subJecl of this adlon: Chfld'8 name Date of birth Samantba Rose B1enkhorn Williams 02104/12 2 F D COntlnuad Q1"' Atlachment 3. 4. A completed DsciBration Undsr Uniform Child CUstody Jurisd1ctlon and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) (fonn FLR105) Is atlached. 6. Child cualody and vlsltatlon. I request the Jollowfng orders: Petitioner Responden1 a. t.e;al custody of children to D D b. Physical custody of chlldten to D D c. VlsltaUcn of chlldten with {1) The proposed &ehedule for visitation Is as fo!loWs: D D Joint Other IZl IZl D D D [Z] See the altached form FL·311. Child Cuslot:ty and Vlsllalion Atlllchment tall ..lllllldll CculciiGI CIIIIGmla Fl410 pial. ..l8nUiiiJ 1.11101&) RESPONSE TO PETmON FOR CUSTODY AND SUPPORT OF MINOR CHILDREN .....,Cadi, ft312II.ICOD.a90CI ....tells • "8W ldat. 8111 • BIUIIOWBaftiU8AO ........l.,.......,_, '-' asmu JIDddn8 PUlP &ad GJ .....,._ At.l8d Aay ::aJDN Auaued Jeplm aJ8tD8P I P 8J8i9 811 10 9Mel 811 J8PUft 1DIUIGD pull 8114 Gl JILqoiaq 811 'l'fPIU'3 Ja1P.111J .<D (»JU8..I gq wu J1!1A aq JmJPDodsal! pouiJOJUJ SJOIQJ1td :Yf1 8lll Af831'1DPJ!l st uop:mpwd 8QlJI ·uru Qlap.aowi>JaSiupso:J SJ puu ourmut aAJP.SOd .(n pllBmuaO lOU 1811 Qll80ip aiJ.L •:Yf1 aq:l WO.IJ UIJq Ol paJiaiS 1JPU) JO OUJJ )JS9l$ 'I tpliA UO}PiliXWI 1J da 1911 Ol woq seq ou ·Jll:) Bfll puu oplnX) ow ·110SU8J11 cnp•1l0JS119d SJliJO ._... J1IUOSl8d sm ·smuued JOtPO mp Jo pJ9SUQ:) ssaxdu;np lMltl!M a111 111 JSaDlll! IJliJO .<D 1()U1I9:) m bloat IS \QU8S •nctiJllW) :XOOOLSJO :lllJif4 .-pudda • seq IPPIA\ "J71 UJmRtDt& IIQl9l111 prpyouaq ..zt • .<tuO :v.tft»t;SJ .18\110 •• t11 (Ssl.-"'1:1 LUJO,J)(/191/Btt'IJSJ Cll80110U .181111lllf\O&II!M. PIPUfiUI::/JO s8u:Juma UU 8JISSIIIU8 UIUpiNO 811 P 1118P'!Ofl9aJ CJ aq ..J8qlO D 'P8ftD.IIfdB aq 119 o .1018181W 8lJIIIW Aew PMO «u. "S88q UllO A1ld plpwcl 'PI3 J8liOIL1IOd D D --1 P1PD •1. [Z] "q S89l lsWiifi '8 uoaaBmJ fOpo:.J pueeaad "9 &q . , . aq • WAOJ UJIIIG t88 UIPlO re6at (Q)I.KYJ:J 1811._., J111P&qpl88al 8.I8JUO J8qp) r-1 b)JMMd &WOJ Ul1110 l88ep!p8f.IQB . . . . . pasodold an ,.aiiili aq ZJ.t-l:IIWOJ UO Piijianbal UIPlO IJDIPI8MUd uoprpqe pgqo «D .I8QJO UD P8QUIIUOO 6£0001Tldtl o o .,.,.,. BSU!IdePIIB-., ,G81811i•m v •Aa,lad.18&1JB . - . . CJ ,.. --tiD 11 10 ., CJ ·a ['. : DENT'Jlarry B. Williams : 14FL000039 ADDITIONAL PROVISION8-PHYSICAL CUSTODY ATTACHMENT TO D D D Petition or Application for Order Flncllnga and Order After Hearing or Judgment Stipulation and Order for Custody andlorVlsltatlon of ChlldNn 1. [l] Notlllcatlon of parents current addrasa. Each parent must notify the other parent of his or her cunent address and telephone numberwtthln (spedl'f__numberj:/ days of any change In his or her a. address ror CZl resfdence maUing D work. b. telephol181message number at CZl home D worit D the chlldlen's schools. rn Neither parent may use such Information for the purpose of harassing. annoying, or disturbing the peac:e of the other or Invading the other's priYacy. If a paren1 has en address with the State ofCallfomla's Safe at Home ccnllclenUal address program, no residence or work address Is needed. move of chDd. Each parent must notify the other parent (specfTy numbs.;: 14 days prior to any planned chartae In residence of the children. The notBil:atlon ITI1.I8t s1ate, to the extent known, lhe planned address of the ctdldran. tnctudlng the county and state of the new rastdence. The notification must be sent by certified man. retum recefpt requested. 2. [Z] Notification 3. [Z] Child G8J'8 a. [Z] The children must not be left alone without age-appropriate 1t1peiVIalon. b. 4. D s. D m The parents must tet each other know the name, address, and phone number of the chldren's regular chiJd..care providers. Rlgllt oftinat option of child care. In the event either parent requires child cere ror (speolfy number): houra or mont while the chl!dJen are In his cr her custody, the other parent must be given fiTst opportunity, with as much prior notice as possible, to care child ran before o1her arrangements are made. Unless apeciftcafly agreed or ordered by the court. this erda' does not Include regular child care needed when e parent Is wtn1dng. cancelad parentms t1me D If lhe nom:ustodlaf parent falls to arrive at lhe appointed Ume and fafls to notlry the custocDal parent that he or she wBI be late, then the custodial parent need walt for only (specify number): minutes before considering the a. 8. lZJ b. D c. m visitation canceled. In the event a noncustodial parent Is unable to exan:lsa v1a1tat1on on a given occasion, he or she must notify the c:ustodfal pan;mt at the earliest possible opportunity. The cuSIDdlal parent must give 1he noneuslOdiel parent as much notlce as passJble If the children are mand unable to participate In scheduled time with the other parent. [Z] A doctor's excuse Is required. Phone contact between paranta and chDdren a. [Z] The children may have telePhone access to lhe parents and the parents may have telephone access to the cttiJdren at reasonable times, for reasonable duratlona. b. The scheduled phone con1acl between parents end the chDdran is (specily):as arranged between the parties m m c. D Nefther parent nor any other third party may Osten to or monitor the calla. 7. [Z] No negaUva cornna•t&. Nelthar parorrt wiD make or aDow others lo make negaUw commentslibout the other parent or the other parent's past or present relatlonst.fpa. family, or frfend8 within hearing distance or the chflclten. 8. D No use of chlklrrm as messenger& The parents wiD communicate directly with each other on matters c:oncemtng the children and may not use the children as messengers between them. 9. D Arcahol or substance abuse. The [Z] pelllloner D respondent may not consume alcoholic beverages. nan:dfcs, or restricted dangerous drugs (except by presc:rlpllon) within (apedfy number): aU hours prier to or during periods of time wllh the chiJdren [Z] and may not permit any third party to do so In the prEISEilUl8 of the chDdren. 1o.I:Zl No exposure to clgaJette smoke. The chlldran wm not be exposed 1o sec:ondhBnd cigarette smoke while fn the home or car of either panmt. "-' '012 l'amiiQI:roWIICSfllrOplllaiDIUsa .llldi:IIICII!niOICIIIID:Iralll I'WHtD)[Reor• . . . . , '· ZXISJ ADDmONAL PROVISION8-PHY81CAL CUSTODY ATTACHMENT ___..._..., FamllrCIIIIe•• 31:103, 30M. 30113 f ATTCRN&YORPAATVWITHCUT I'Git COURT f.ISil ONLY ,__ Barry B. Williams 215 Cage Drive.. J-11 Hollister, Missouri 65672 11ILEPHOICii NO.: FILED SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE LAMOREAUX JUSTICE CENTER 3101948-1281 [email protected] FEB 2 1 ent in Pro Per A1TCRN&'IFOA . . D - Ft..-150 ATTORNilY,__ SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL.IPORNIA. COUNTY OF Orange 341 The City Drive South same CIIYANDZIPCCIDS: Orange, CA 92868-3205 1IIWICHNAIIIIB: LamOreaux Justice Center PETITlONERIP\.A: Elizabeth Kennedy of the Court ALAN CARLSON. 81RI!2t AIXJRI88: Yollll.DIGAOCIE88: RESPONOENTIDEFENDANT:' OTHER PARENTICL.AtMANT: s. MA.JANO BY: ,DEPUlY Barry B. WUUams INCOME AND EXPENSE DECLARATION CAS& NIJMIJ&R: ---- ----------------- J4FL000039 1. Employment {Give lnfotmstion on your CUIT8I'Jl job or, II youn, unemployed, your most rscenf job.} Atlach c:oples of your pay stubs for last two months (blackout social aecuril¥ numbers). a. Employer: Self-Employed b. Employer's addl'ess: n/a c. Employer's phone number. nla d. Occupatfon: Entertainer/Producer e. Date Job 8t8rtad: nla f. If unemployed, date job ended: 70 hours per week. g. I work abqut h. I get pafd $ n/a gross (before taxes) BY FAX 0 per monlh CJ per week 0 per hOur. (If you have more than one Job, attach an 8%·by-11·fnch shaat of papar and list the aarne lnformatfon as above for your other jobs. Wrfta "Question 1-othar Jobs• at the top.) 2. Age and educallon a. My age Ia (spec;try): 59 b. I have completed high 8Chool or lhe equtvaSent Yes D c. Number of years of COif8ge complated (specify}: I D d. of graduate schooJ completed (specify): n/a e. I have: L_l profe88lanalfoccup license(&) (specfly}: D wcallonal tralnlng (specify): m If no, highest grade completed (specify): Oegree{s) obtained (spedry): n/a D Degree(s) obtained (spec:lfy): No 3. Tax lnfonnatlon a. 1IJ I last 8led fa)Cea for tax year (specify yeatj: 20 12 b. My tax filing statua ts ClJ aingCe head of household married. ftllng separately D married, fling jointly with (specify name): c. I file slate tax returns In D cautornia other (specify state}: Missouri d. I cf8lm lhe following number of exemptions (lncludlng myself) an my taxes (spscify): D D m 4. Other party•afncome. I estlrnata the gross monlhly income (before faxes) of the ather party In thfs case at (specify}:$ ThJs estimate I& based on (eJtplsln): unknown {If you need more apace to answer any questions on this form, attach an 8%-by-11-lnch aheet of paper and write tile questfon numbar before your answer.) Number of pages ettac:hed: _ __ I declare under penatt.y of perJury under the laws of the State of Cellfomla that the Information contained on an pages o1 this form and anyatlaChmenJalatruaandconect. , r-a:x Signature Februaty J7, 2014 Ba!!l Williams Date: / .. .... !T'tPE CR JIIRINr NAM2) 1oi'C P'amMIIIIIM U.. Jl\.·1110 (Reor,.....,. t. 2IID7J INCOME AND EXPENSE DECLARATION :lUI0-21 t3. :JII!Il!.:llli0-301• FL·150 PE11110NERIPLAINTIFF: Bl.i.mbetb Ke:niiedy j_ResPONDENTIDEFEHOAMT: Barry B. Williams OTHER PARENT/CLAIMANT: CASE NULIBSt 14FL000039 = Atlach copies of your pay stub& for the last two month& and proof of any other Income. Take a Ct1f1t of your lata8t federal tax return to the court hearing. (Black out your soclsJ security number on the pay stub and tu retum.J 6. Income (For 1M18QG monthly. sdd up ell the Income you tecelved In each category In the Jast12 months and dMde the totsl by 12.) Last month month a. Salary or wages (gtosa, before taxes). • . • . • • . • . • • • . . • • • • . • • • • • • • . . • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $ -0_-0-"'--b. OVertime (gross, before UIXeB) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $ -0c. Conunlsslons or bonuses. •••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••.•••••••••••.• s -0cunently receiving ••...••••••..•••. $ -0from a different m8rrlage .................. -0from this domestic partnerahlp CJ from a dlffentnt domesllc partnership $ -0- _-0-=--_-0-.;..___ _-0-,:....___ _-0-:--_-0-.;,..-_ g. Penslonlretlrarnent fund •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• $ -0h. Socia! securlly ret:Irerrtent {not SSI) . . . • . • . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . • . . . $ -0I. Disability: CJ Sodal security {not SSI) CJ Stale (SOl) CJ Prlvale lns1Jl81lf:e. $ -0J. Unemployment oorupeuaatlon ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••.•.••••••••••••.•••.•• $ ..().. k. Worfcere' compensation • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $ -0l Other {rniJJtary BAQ. royalty peyments, etc.) (specify): ••••••••••••••••••••.••••.••••••••.••• $ -0- _-0__ _..()..,:....___ _4 __ _-0-.;..___ _-0-;...___ d. PubUc assistance (for eumple: TANF. SSI, GAIGR) e. Spousal support f. Partner support 6. CJ D from this maniage CJ CJ lnves1ment Income (Atlsch s schedule showing (IIDStl recelpta le8s cash expenses fer each pJace of a. oMdendallnt818Bl ••••..•••••..•••....•.••••.••....•.•..•.••.•••..•••••.••..••.••••• s s-sm s _-0-=-- 2026 5417 - b. Rentalii"'P8f"'Y' 111ca:me • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • ••• , • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • 417 c. Trust lncon'te••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ _ _ _ - - d. OIJ1sr (BtJBtify}: ....... : , ................................................................ S - - - - - - 1. Income from aelf4mployment, after buslrlas8 expanses for all bualneaaee.•.••......•......... $ ..(). _-0-;;..__ I am the CJ owner/eote proprietor CJ bustnes8 par1ner 0 other (specify}: Entertainer/ProduceriDirector Number of yaanr In this business (specify): Nama of bu6lness (specify): Baay B. Williams Enterprises. lnc. Type of business (spedfy}: Entertainment Atlach a pJOftt and loss ataf8ment for the last two years or a Schedule C from your last ledeTaJ tax return. Black out your soclaleecurlty number. If you haVe more than one buslnesa, provide the Information above for each of your businesses. 8. CJ Additional Income. I received one-time money (loltefy winnings, Inheritance, etc.) In the lasl12 months (specify source and amount): 9. m Clump In Income. My financial situation has changed slgn{ftcantly over the last 12 montlts because (speclfy}: I am incuniDg approx. S27Kimonth in expenses setting up a new show in Branson, Missouri 10. Deductions Last month a. RequJrad ID11o11 dues ............................................................................... s b. Required retirement payments (not social secur11y, FICA, 401 {k). or IRA).•••••••..•••.••••••••••••••.•••••• $ c. Medfcai. hospital. dentar. and olh8r heallh lnsunlnce premiums (latBJ monthly amount) • ••••.•••••..••••••••••• s d. Child support thall pay for c:hlklren from other relalronahlps............................................. S.!.QiQ e. Spousal support that I pay by court order from e c:ftfferent marriage. • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • $ f. Partner support lhat I pay by court order from a different domestic par1nel'shlp • .. • .. .. • .. • .. .. • .. • .. • .. • .. . $ .......;-0-,___ g. Necessary jo!H'elated 8)CJ)en&ea not relmbur&ed by my employer (sttach sxplanatlon labeled "Question fOg? • • • • • $ .... ..o___ 11. A8aet8 To1al a. Cesh and checking accounts, savings. credit unlcn, money market, and other deposit ac:counts . • . . . • • . . • . • . . . • $ 233K --==- b. Stocks. bonds. and other 8888t8 1could easily seU • • • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • S 3SK c. Allotherproperty, [!] real and [!]personal (esllmatefalrmaricstvaJueminusthedebtJJyouowe) .... s3760K Fl.·t.SO!f* ...._, 1.200ll INCOME AND EXPENSE DECLARATION ,....,.,,,. FL·150 PETTT10NERIPLAI: LRESPONDENTIOEFENDANT: CA8E NIJM8ER; Elizabeth Kennedy Bany 8. Williams 14FL000039 OTHER PARENTIQ.AIMANT: 12. The foUGWing people live with me: That person's gi'08S How the parson Is related to me? (ex: son} monthly lncoma Age Name Pays some of the Oves 0No DvesONo Oves D No Oves 0No Oves D No a. b. c. d. e. 13. Average anont11Jr expanses a. Home: rn Estfmatad expenses D h. Rent or D mortgage••• $ -0If mortgage: (a) average princfpal: $ - - (b) average lnterast $ - - (2) Resl property IBXes .. • • • . • .. • • • .. $ 400 (1) D (3) Homeowner's or rentafslnaurance 70 (If not lndudad above) .. . • • • .. • • .. $ - - - (4) Maintenance and repair. . .. . .. . .. . $ b. Heafth.care costs not paid by insurance••• s 250 100 c. Chtld care ••••••••••••••••••••••.•• $ _-....:;0-_ _ d. Groceries and household supplies••••••• $ 400 e. Eating out. ••••.••..••••••........•. 5 500 f. household expenses? 350 UUilties (gas. electric, water. trash) ...... $ -- g. Telephone. eel phone. and e-maD ••..•.• $ 106 J. AcWaJ elq)8J1S88 D Proposed needs 250 Laundry and cleanlng • .. .. • • • • • .. .. . .. $ -:-::-::----- J. Clothes. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. • .. . . . . .. . $ Education .. • • .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. $ --_0-_ _ k. Entertainment. gifts, and vacation. • • • . . . • J. Auto expenses and transportation s ...;;;5;.;:;..00.::.___ (Insurance. gas. repaJnl. bus. etc.) . • • • . • • $ ...;;;3;.;:;.00;:___ m. Insurance (life, accident, etc.; do not Include auto. home, or health .• s _1_0_0_ _ n. Savings and investments. • .. .. .. .. • .. .. $ o. Charitable contributlcns. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s --25--.0_ _ p. q. Monthly payments listed In Item 14 (Itemize below Indt:4 and 1nSfU1 Olher (specify): •• .s. .. • s. .s ... $ ...1_..400 _____ n60 TOTAL EXPENSES (a-q) (do not add In the amounts In a(1){a) and {b)) s Amount of expenaea paid by others $ ---- 14. Installment paymanta and debts not listed abo¥8 Paid to Amount For Camden Apts., Costa Mesa, CA Lease (through 09125/14) $2000 Theatre Production Merrill L)'JlCh LMA s 384 Balance Date or last payment $ 14,000 $165.000 02/01/14 02/03/14 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 15. Attorney fees (This Is teqU/I8d If either party Is requastlng attomey feefl.): a. To dale, 1have paJd my aUomey this amount for fees and coats {specify): S b. The source or lhls money was (specify): c. I Still owe th8 following fees and costs to my attorney (specify total owed): S d. My at!omey'a hourly rete Is (sptKJify): s J ccnftrm this fee Dale: (n'P& CIA PRINT NAUI! CW ATTORN&'I) FL·1111 (Raor. ,.,_, 1.20CD'I • INCOME AND EXPENSE bECLA.RAnoN CSIGHATURII: CW AT'I'ORNI!Y) ...... . x;2 1!MWOO puB en.q Ill fk.qoGa.loJ 8t.ll Jmi111W0m80 10 81'818 GIG 10 8MIII 8111 l8PUR .(mflud 10 J8PUI'I&JIJP3P l 'ua p:qmul gq 1011 fDA\ 011 liiOPDodsq petWopll :JT1 .(f'1WWP[a 8! uop:mpcw.f acp n·uru OllpUOUJJ)U.t$ 8! pua Mppod .<a lOU SBq OJl1la1P 01IJ. ':)T1 O'ql WO.IJ U1p{ Ol p31U11Ji 1!J)a.D JO aDJI )IS91$ UlPJ.M. UOp:mpwd aiJllaiB Wdo 1'18 Ol ltq.(.Q a=q nq ·.m::t '!II puB opuoo OW 'UOSU8lg aqa •uo!"JJCC &JIIJO 2SJSUOO 8I9SS8 rmos.Jad ant •tu8U)Did =po =DJO 1uasD03 ssardu =11 lrtOql!a\ ::yn 01{l UJ SN.JO .<ua ss==ml0111180 bH ()(QOtl$ :q:x:qs :XOOSS ''I:J!UOW'IQU8S "}(()()£$ 'aq!fiW) XOOOLSJO Ol'lfltA pespudde 1tra.Dlt) 8 seq lppt.'A •::yn 'SCip.radOJd 1IJOlR1mlS U! OIVZO£$) l1JPY3UOQ ,{pro nq :(.ffpedtl) Sf (ggJ,"'l:f wq) (pagndt•'IS) r» eagou .I8IIUt& JO (Osl·"l:i w.tOJ) Ullfi8II'P80 1118pUC1daaa aq J8qiO D 1l8"'QQdd8 eq .181110 D (aJJ.M:-1:1 UAq D JaqiO D aq 11S1UitW1IQI1aV UD 6£000(r!JVI put18UIGiq PIIIII1CilfCII slluiwaa 111t 811&11 pua U1tJP11110 GIG JO IJOddnl.q 8I8P» 8Jl8W-., D --1 D wq D uo v ....... fZ) ID PIPP UJ PIO 18881f!P8qQS "q aq PSGIJIAeuiiii "8 uaaaBml JO . . . . . . e-.:1 1l wq D UfPIO 11 8IU. ....,_ P8q:) .L . _ , UM0 led filM ..... D sao peeodu:l8lp&aQasenbeJ I 8I8Jl.IO uo;ti'8M.Id UO{II:Inpq& PIPP D ,. '8 D .• D -a SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE MINUTE ORDER 18-NOV-2014 Dept: L66 Judge: Convened at BalUff: LON HURWITZ None Case Category: N/A Case Number: 14FL000039 Event Info: Code Description Docket Info: Clerk: Reporter: Case Name: LEANNE WUNSCH None KENNEDY V BLENKHORN Causal Docket Info: FHe Date - 8:30a.m. Seq - N/A Filing Party - MN102 No Appearances The Court, on its own motion, orders as follows Continuance: Due to the court's unavailability for hearing on 12/22/14, the Trial is advanced and continued to 8114115 at 10:30 a.m. in Department L66. The date of l/28/15, which was the previously rescheduled date, is now vacated due to defendant's unavailability. Notice: Clerk to give notice. ENTERED: 18-NOV-2014 Clerk's Certificate of Mailing (CCP l013a)- I certify that I am not a party to this cause, that I am over the age of 18, and that a copy of this document was mailed first class postage prepaid in a sealed envelope addressed as shown below. Mailing and execution of this certificate occurred on I 1/18/14 at Orange, California. Alan Carlson, Executive Officer/Clerk, by LeAnne Wunsch 1"' · Deputy Clerk. Plaintiff: Elizabeth Ann Kennedy, 2855 Pinecreek Drive #D315, Costa Mesa, CA 92626-5474. Defendant: Barry W. Blenkhorn C/0 Attorney Joan T. Daniels, Law Office of Joan T. Daniels, 2355 Westwood Boulevard, Ste. 224. Los Angeles, CA 90064-2109. CC: Attorney Donald Bebereia MN102
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