1840 Marshall Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 Mission Statement We are the church of St. Peter committed to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ through prayer, service, scripture and sacrament in the living Catholic and apostolic tradition. We welcome all to walk with us on this journey of faith. Very Reverend Steven W. Fauser V.F. Pastor Monsignor Thomas J. Kujovsky PARISH OFFICE 717-367-1255 www.stpeteretown.org FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/MAqdPl Eileen M. Rider, Administrative Assistant x 5 Jeanette Y. Johnson, Education Secretary - 717-367-1255 Kim DePaulis, Clerical Secretary x 4 Amy Smedley, Coordinator of Religious Education - 717-951-5434 Natalie Pronio, Coordinator of Youth Ministry x 7 Karen Bruskewicz, Campus Ministry Coordinator - 361-1447 Karen Bruskewicz, RCIA Coordinator - 717-367-1255 x 3 Brian Simmons, Maintenance - 717–367-1255 Patricia E. Wolf, Finance / Webmaster - 717–367–1255 x 6 Bulletin / Mass Script Notices: [email protected] Seven Sorrows BVM - Elementary School 360 E. Water Street, Middletown, PA 17057 Tel. (717) 944-5371 * Fax: (717) 944-5419 Website www.sevensorrows.org SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION –Saturday 4-4:30pm - New Church - April thru October 3-3:30pm - November thru March MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening Vigil—New Church 5pm—April thru October 4pm— November thru March Sunday—7:30am, 9am & 11am—New Church Daily Mass—7am—Historic Church Holy Days—See Bulletin PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon, Tues, Thurs 9am—5pm Wed 9am—3pm Fri Closed Telephone 717-367-1255 * Fax 717-367-1270 Parish Website: www.stpeteretown.org BAPTISM Second Sunday of each month. Please call the Parish Office to set a date 404 Cherry Street, Columbia, PA 17512 Tel. (717)684-2433 and to register for a Baptism class. *Fax (717)-684-5039 Website: www.ourladyoftheangels.org MARRIAGE LANCASTER CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Couples contemplating marriage are reminded not to set a wedding date 650 Juliette Ave, Lancaster, PA 17601 Tel. (717)509-0315 before arranging an appointment with the Parish Priest. Please schedule * Fax 717-509-0312 Website: www.lchsyes.org this at least one year before the intended marriage. Participation in an Engaged Encounter or Mentor Couple Program is required for all couples. ST. PETER RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SCHEDULE 717-367-1255 SICK CALLS (2nd Wednesday after Labor Day through the Last Wednesday in April) Please notify the Parish Office for visits and/or Communion calls to the Pre-K through 8th grade are Wednesdays 6 pm—8:30pm sick, shut-ins and those hospitalized. *See bulletin calendar for exact times of each class* SPONSOR CERTIFICATES Letters of recommendation for sponsors of the Sacraments can be issued RCIA meets Thursday evenings 7:00—9:00pm Sept—May only to parishioners who are registered, active, and fulfill the requireST. PETER YOUTH GROUP ments of Church law. 717-367-1255 SCRIP Meetings are held in the Youth Group Room in the Annex located on Gift certificates are available on Sunday from 8:00—11:00 am in the Washington Street. See schedule for dates and times. Parish Office and again during normal business hours. Our Lady of the Angels - Elementary School New Parishioners: If you are new in the area of our Parish, we invite you to register as members. Please drop this information into the Offertory Basket or mail to Parish Office, or register online: http://goo.gl/5rJFqA New Registration Change of Address Moving out of Parish Want Envelopes No Envelopes Name: _____________________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Street: Email: ZIP: SAINT PETER CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Al tar Flowers are in loving memory of Leo and Madeline Mete from Maria Wassell. DAILY MASSES:ST PETER HISTORIC CHURCH (HC) WEEKEND MASSES: NEW CHURCH (NC) Saturday, January 31 Vigil 4:00 PM Members of the Parish (NC) Sunday, February 1 7:30 AM Francis Lafferty (NC) 9:00 AM Constantina Galipo (NC) 11:00 AM Grace Miller (NC) Monday, February 2 7:00 AM James Bonner (HC) Tuesday, February 3 7:00 AM William Pillion (HC) Wednesday, February 4 7:00 AM No Mass Thursday, February 5 7:00 AM Living Int. of Ron & Wendy Lusk (HC) Friday, February 6 7:00 AM Mary Smythe (HC) 11:00 AM Herman Butz (Manor Care) Saturday, February 7 Vigil 4:00 PM Robert Haynos (NC) Sunday, February 8 7:30 AM Marjorie Commins (NC) 9:00 AM Members of the Parish (NC) 11:00 AM Joseph & Kathryn Hoffman (NC) SANCTUARY CANDLES burn as a reminder of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the tabernacle. This week they are lit: HISTORIC CHURCH: In loving memory of the deceased members of the English family from John English and family. NEW CHURCH: In loving memory of Heinz Ott from the Ott family. Please remember in your prayers this week: Our seminarians: seminarians Josh Cavender, Casey Hungler & Brother Lawrence [Shawn Machia] . Also keep in your prayers all the seminarians that are striving to fulfill their vocation, and those whom the Lord is calling to do His work. May the Angels shelter and protect them from all harm, doubt and fear. Our sick: Dorothy Hake, Joan Kuhn, Patrick Masterson, Flossie McKnight, Pearl Monahan, Frances Paul, Henry Chipriano, Hermione Fauser, Bob Cassell, Dolores Price, Fred Sanders as well as those in nursing homes, the homebound, and those suffering from serious illness. Our military personnel & their families: Seth Billet, Joel Burgo, Miranda Caskey, AJ Dolan, Kristen Edelkind, Adam, Nathan & Timmy Fedor, Robert Goody, Jared Grogan, Michael Hollingsworth, Daniel Olweiler, Joseph, Thomas & Richard Patterson, Bryan Pyle, Jose Roman Santiago, Brett Simmons. Readings for the week of February 1, 2015 Sunday Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28 Monday The Presentation of the Lord Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 Tuesday Saint Blaise, Bishop and Martyr; Saint Ansgar, Bishop Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48; Mk 6:7-13 Friday Saint Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 February 7 & 8 Music Schedule 4:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. The Children’s Guitar Cantor Choir Nursery Today - 9:00 a.m. February 8 - 9:00 a.m. Rest In Peace Jay Seitchek, brother of Dolores Price, and Caroline Remaker, parishioner and sister of Joseph Consoli. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen 1 SAINT PETER CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Religious Ed – Winter Weather Cancellations With winter weather upon us, we’d like to invite you to sign up for text messages or emails regarding any potential cancellations for Saint Peter’s Religious Ed. Please use the link below to join the group (@spreled). https://www.remind.com/join/sprele Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Please read the words of the words of His Beatitude, Fouad Twal, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem. Any questions, please contact Amy Smedley at 717-951-5434 or [email protected]. Many people throughout history have wished to visit at least once in their lives the Holy Land, and particularly Jerusalem. The desire, or yearning for the “Holy Places” leads today, as it also did in the past, to the beginning of a journey. Here we find our roots. In Jerusalem, we were all born. The earthly Jerusalem continues, despite everything, to be the homeland of the Christians, of those who believe in the heavenly Jerusalem, and of all men of good will who desire peace. The Church of Jerusalem has both a local and a universal dimension. If, on the one hand, it embodies the Church of the local faithful, the believers of the Holy Land, with their own personality and their testimony, on the other hand it also represents the Mother Church of all the believers around world. Catholic Faith Bee! Wednesday, February 11, 6:15 p.m. Saint Peter Faith Bee – 10 highest scorers from written exam at Saint Peter’s School Thursday, March 26 Diocesan Faith Bee – winner of Saint Peter Faith Bee – at the Cardinal Keeler Center (time to be announced) Good luck to all contestants!! This is why I invite you to come on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, to worship the Holy Places, to deepen your experience of faith in the land of Jesus, to see for yourselves the reality in which we Christians today are called to live, to sustain us with your prayer, to meet the local faithful who live here, and hope to collaborate together. I’ll be more than happy to welcome you to the Patriarchate! Don't miss St. Peter's 9th Annual Mothers’ Retreat “Mary, Model of Motherhood and Discipleship!" Join us on Saturday, March 28th for a day of spiritual growth and fellowship, invite friends and family, all women are welcome! Your day can begin at 9:00 a.m. with confession and private prayer in the Historic Church or choose to come at 10 a.m. to begin with Mass in the Historic Church. Following Mass will be education sessions led by Karen Bruskewicz, lunch, and a group rosary. Education sessions and lunch will be held in the PC. There is no cost to attend, but space is limited, so please contact Theresa at 6530834 or [email protected] for more information or to register by March 23, 2015. The Christian minority, despite its slight numbers, has a significant mission to accomplish. It needs to become a “bridge” both towards the Islamic world – thanks to the many Christians of Arab origin – and towards – Judaism thanks to the small Christian community of Jewish origin who live and work here. More than ever we are called to keep together all the “memory stones” and the “living stones ” of the small local Christian community, to raise together our gaze beyond the empty tomb, which reminds us that the Lord is alive and present among us. Recently I was asked to lead a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with George’s International Tours. As a priest I would love to bring pilgrims to walk in the footsteps of Jesus…to be in the places where biblical events took place. What I am unsure of is whether there would be any interested parishioners who would like to accompany me. At the moment there are no finalized plans, but I am looking at the first two weeks of November, 2015. It would be a 10 day pilgrimage with a cost of approximately $3600 a person double occupancy. If any of you are interested, please send me an email or leave a voicemail at the office. I would be happy to answer any questions. DIGNITY of LIFE: He Loves Us As We Are This one-day conference, presented by the Diocesan Offices of Respect Life Activities and Ministry with People with Disabilities, will be held on Saturday, February 14, 2015 from 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. at the Cardinal Keeler Center, 4800 Union Deposit Road, Harrisburg, PA. Register on line at www.hbgdiocese.org/DignityOfLife. Registration in advance is $10 or at the door, $15. The day will contain presentations on; Doctor Prescribed Suicide, End of Life & Medical Directives, a Q&A on Hospice Care & Bioethics, Advocacy for Pro-Life & Disability issues and Poor Prenatal Diagnosis. Lunch is included. For questions call (717) 657 -4804 ext. 266 or 317. Peace, Fr. Steve A PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND?? 2 SAINT PETER CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Group work camp coming July 26 - August 1, 2015 Group work camps are intensive, one-week events that help people grow in Christian faith through service. The work camp is hosted by the United Churches of Elizabethtown. Individuals and youth from around the country will spend one week in Elizabethtown performing hands-on home repair projects for elderly, low-income, disabled families any family in need. They will service homes in a 10 mile radius of Elizabethtown. Labor & material will be free to the home owner. If you could benefit from this service or have questions please call the parish office, 367-1255. An application is required and is due by February 26, 2015. Applications are available in the parish office. St. Peter’s Youth Contact: Natalie Pronio [email protected] All sign ups are now located on the website under Ministries/ Sign Ups: www.stpeteretown.org/content/sign-ups **Receive SPY alerts on your phone! Text 979.227.6599 with @stpetersm (for middle school) @stpetersh (for high school) Eligible repair projects may include: Porch repair/construction Step repair Exterior painting Mobile home underpinning Other misc jobs February 1: Mass and fellowship with Bishop Gainer for 1112 grade students at E-town College – 2:45-4:45 p.m. February 14: Church clean up and breakfast at the New Church 9:00-11:00 a.m. *Sign up required February 15: Mass refreshment table in the Narthex 8:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. *Sign up required. February 15: Gretna Glen youth night from 4:00-6:30 p.m. for students in grades 6-12. *Sign up required. February 22: Living Stations try outs from 1:00-2:30 p.m. for students in grades 6-12 March 1, 8, 15, 22: Living Stations practice in the New Church from 1:00-4:00 p.m. March 20: Glow Bowling at Clearview Lanes for all students in grades 6-12. *Sign up required. - Weatherization - Wheelchair ramp repair - Interior painting - Roof coating United Churches is looking for help in the following areas: Prayer teams Construction support Tool helpers Hospitality Fund raising - Administrative support - Ladder helpers - Supplies - Promotion Please call the office for more information: 367-1255. Like us on Facebook!!! 2015 MEN’S CLUB LOTTERY WINNERS Karen Heisey, Jean Abendschein, Brian Elias, Marie Olkowski, Tim Burkart and Fred Baus. CONGRATULATIONS!! 2014 TAX STATEMENTS: Please return this form if you would like your end of year tax statement mailed to you. Or complete an online form by using the link below. http://www.stpeteretown.org/content/tax-statement-request2014 GOD’S HOUSEKEEPERS February 7, 2015 Name ___________________________________ Patti Stark, Nancy Lehman, Ann Shaub, Marilyn Kroesen, Annie Norment, and Brenda Lanni. Phone ___________________________________ Address__________________________________ A big heartfelt thank you to the Religious Education students for providing the delicious refreshments last weekend!! Envelope # if known_________________________ Email address - if you would like your form emailed to you: _________________________________________________ SPONSOR OF THE WEEK THANK YOU to our sponsor, ABEL & SON ROOFING/ SIDING (361-8406), for their advertisement in our parish bulletin. Please patronize the businesses that underwrite all the publishing costs of our weekly bulletin and mention that you saw their ad here! And, THANK YOU to all those who made our spaghetti dinner a wonderful success! We especially want to thank those who volunteered their time to serve or donate desserts items! 3 SAINT PETER CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WE PARISH HAPPENINGS ARE A FEBRUARY 1, 2015 STEWARDSHIP PARISH Stewardship Messages from Youth & Children’s envelopes: CCW Monday, February 2, 2015 7:00pm at the Parish Center. Pat Minick and Marie Strait present a powerful video reinforcing the sanctity of the unborn and why taking a moral stance is always the right decision. A short business meeting and refreshments will follow. Adult Envelopes/Loose Adult Envelopes/Loose Children & Youth Children & Youth Online Giving Parish Ministry Leaders Our winter group ministry meeting will be this Saturday, February 7th at 9 a.m. at Ironstone Ranch. Please RSVP to Maryanna Bakey by calling 717-367-1684 or emailing [email protected]. Jan 25, 2015 Jan 26, 2014 Jan 25, 2015 Jan 26, 2014 Jan 25, 2015 $11,430 $11,734 $111 $76 $4,696 Second collections This weekend - Propagation of the Faith Thank you for your generosity. “The decision to give has not as much to do with calendars and budgets. Rather, the decision to give is really a matter of putting your life with God into perspective.” catholic.net On Sunday, February 8th, from 8:3012:30, the Knights of Columbus will be having a blood drive to benefit the Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank. You can sign up to donate after all Mass this weekend. THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH th The Goldies are gathering on Sunday, February 8 at Gus’s in Mount Joy at 4:30 p.m. Please call Liz by February 5th at 367-3366 as to whether you are attending or NOT so that reservations can be made. Hope to see you there!! Saturday, January 31st 10:00 a.m. Reconciliation (NC) 3:00 p.m. Confession (NC) Blood Drive sign ups (NC) Sunday, February 1st Blood Drive sign ups (NC) 10:00 a.m. Saint Vincent de Paul (NC) 12:00 p.m. Usher Meeting (NC) Monday, February 2nd 7:00 p.m. Stewardship (NC) 7:00 p.m. CCW (PC) Tuesday, February 3rd 6:30 p.m. Great Adventure Bible Study (PC) Wednesday, February 4th 6:00 p.m. Religious Ed (PC/Annex) 6:30 p.m. Rosary (NC) 7:00 p.m. Choir (NC) Thursday, February 5th 10:00 a.m. Great Adventure Bible Study (PC) 5:30 p.m. Scripture Study (NC) Friday, February 6th Office Closed Saturday, February 7th 9:00 a.m. Stewardship meeting (Ironstone Ranch) 3:00 p.m. Confession (NC) Sunday, February 8th Blood Drive (NC) 12:00 p.m. Usher Meeting (NC) 4:30 p.m. Goldies (Gus’s) Please join us for a Healing Mass Monday, February 9, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Our celebrant will be Father Steve “O Lord my God, I cried out to You and You healed me.” Psalm 30:2 We are in need of parishioners willing to donate a snack for the RCIA classes. Classes are every Thursday evening from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the PC. If you are interested in providing a snack for a class (or two!) you can sign up by going to: http://www.TakeThemAMeal.com/meals.php?t=IFQJ2288. Recipient Last Name: RCIA Password: SP RCIA Snacks can be dropped off at the PC at 6:45 p.m. the evening of the class, or you can contact Wendy Jo Willenbecher ([email protected] or 717-572-1746) to make other arrangements. Snacks ideas include (approximately 25 people): fruit, nuts, cookies/brownies, chips, pretzels, tortilla chips, dip/salsa, etc. Please know that ANY donation you wish to give is greatly appreciated – whether it is store bought or homemade! God’s Grace to all! NC = New Church PC = Parish Center 61 E. Washington St. 4
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