29/01/15 Liaison with eHealth Network Sub groups and Joint AcCon 28th January, 2015 2 29/01/15 The Governance 3 29/01/15 The vision 4 The aim of EXPAND 29/01/15 (“Bridge to CEF”) eHealth assets from different projects … 2013 2014 CEF (available for “mature” domains; with specs which may be used in procurement) 2015 2016 … 5 29/01/15 our Heritage, our Mission 6 Heritage + Mission = Concerns 29/01/15 epSOS pilots Malta 7 29/01/15 Heritage + Mission = Concerns Concerns (1/2) -‐ ClarificaCons of core and generic services in health -‐ ExisCng assets supporCng eHealth prioriCes for CEF, owners and status of their development cycle -‐ How in pracCce is an asset assessed, how and by whom is a proposal for “maintenance” being brought forward and what happens with it -‐ How far can e-‐SENS and Trillium Bridge push and rely on epSOS assets 8 29/01/15 Heritage + Mission = Concerns Concerns (2/2) -‐ Financing of asset maintenance and development -‐ Pilot set-‐up: eHN, regular and pro bono members of EXPAND and the “home” in WP5 of the project -‐ Governance of OpenNCP development, including the role of IHE-‐Europe 9 29/01/15 Trending Topics Trending Topics a) EXPAND, e-‐SENS and STORK, effort orchestraCon model b) Main epSOS assets for cross border care services c) Financing the sustain and improvement of assets belonging to ended projects d) Inputs for CEF eHealth DSI (from EXPAND, e-‐SENS and STORK) 10 29/01/15 Trending Topics a) EXPAND, e-‐SENS and STORK, effort orchestraNon model Achieve a collaboraCon model that distribute effort and enhance the focus of each project: -‐ EXPAND: working as governance body and technology proxy for epSOS and other eHealth mature projects assets; -‐ e-‐SENS: as PiloCng project for "PaCent Summary/ePrescripCon" use case; -‐ Stork 2.0: as eID Building Block governance body and technology provider; 11 29/01/15 Trending Topics b) Main epSOS assets for cross border care services • epSOS SpecificaCons (PaCent Summary, ePrescripCon, Security) reuse and update, to accommodate e-‐SENS proposed enhancements (e.g. introducing eID, remove security relaxaCons, enhance paCent audit Trail); • epSOS NCP reference implementaCon (OpenNCP) reuse and update for boost piloCng naCons with a stable technological asset, according to epSOS specificaCons and e-‐SENS enhancements; • epSOS Central Services (ConfiguraCon and Terminologies) use for piloCng "PaCent Summary, ePrescripCon"; • e-‐SENS Legal Framework Agreement: is it really needed? If yes what is there that can be reused (e.g. epSOS FWA, eHN TLA); • epSOS MVC/MTC: need for agree with the SDOs on the rights of using certain terminologies for e-‐SENS pilots; 12 29/01/15 Trending Topics c) Finance sustain and improvement of assets belonging to ended projects -‐ epSOS Central Services: asset is currently stopped, unCl a temporary strategy is found to finance services operaCon -‐ epSOS NCP reference implementaCon (OpenNCP): governance is being held by EXPAND, but no technical maintenance or improvements are in progress due to lack of financial means to support the community team; -‐ epSOS SpecificaCons (PaCent Summary, ePrescripCon, Security): updates to the original epSOS SPECS are needed in order to accommodate e-‐SENS proposed improvements. 13 29/01/15 Trending Topics d) Inputs for CEF eHealth DSI (from EXPAND, e-‐SENS and STORK) -‐ EXPAND has a clear statement for handover to CEF. -‐ Nowadays handover is already happening (e.g. epSOS specificaCons, reference implementaCon, tesCng, etc.); -‐ What kind of joint efforts can be done so that the CEF handover can be more efficient? 14 29/01/15 EXPAND – Handover to CEF SG for CEF Legal & OrganizaConal SpecificaCons SemanCc Technical SG for Upkeep SG for Implement. eHN TesCng Deployment OperaCons >>> 15 29/01/15 eHN SG inputs • 8-‐2014: CEF -‐ Preliminary orientaCons for the 2015 Work Programme – eHealth DSI • 9-‐2014: Proposal of an Procedure for “Services Restart” • 9-‐2014: Proposal of an Temporary LEGAL agreement for “Services Restart” • 10-‐2014: Proposal of an Temporary SERVICE Agreements for “Services Restart – IHE Proposal” • 10-‐2014: eHealth Services -‐ ContribuCons of EXPAND to CEF subGroup • GATHERING Financial effort: look into the past + raConal for future investments on eHealth • 11-‐2014: Standards assessment statement: “Are OASIS AS4 profile and ebXML standard suitable for eHealth? (more than the IHE profiles and standards)” 16 29/01/15 Our Opportunity 17 29/01/15 eHealth Network Joint Action 3 years (2015-17) WP6 T6.1 T6.2 T6.3 T6.4 T6.5 T6.6 Interoperability & Standardization Trusted eHealth National Contact Points Electronic Identification for eHealth Update & revision of EU eHealth Guidelines Alignment of standardization activities in eHealth Semantic Interoperability CEF operational support WP7 T7.1 Monitoring & Assessment of Implementation Implementation of eHealth guidelines T7.2 Legal challenges of EHR systems in the MS in the cross-border context and recommendations on how to fill the gaps (with special emphasis on the implementation of the new Data Protection Regulation) WP8 T8.1 T8.2 T8.3 T8.4 Exchange of Knowledge Sharing of national eHealth strategies and action plans Secondary use of health data Research on added value eHealth tools Patient access to electronic health records WP9 T9.1 T9.2 Global Positioning & Cooperation Participation, liaison and influence in global eHealth Evaluation of global eHealth specifications 18 29/01/15 Our Opportunity How can the eHealth Network Joint AcNon support moving forward (2015-‐17)? • By seqng the use cases. • By reinforcing laws and direcCves. • By seqng the standards framework and standardizaCon scene. • By promoCng R&D and sustainability of proven value added assets? • By providing governance stable bodies and work groups. 19 Jump in!
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