EXAMS Exams Place is your place to find all the support you need to help your exam students succeed. Pearson Language Tests (PLT), is part of Pearson plc, the world’s leading international education and information company. PLT delivers the Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) endorsed by Graduate Management Admission Council® (GMAC®). PLT also delivers Pearson Test of English General (PTE General) and Pearson Test of English Young Learners (PTE Young Learners) in association with one of the UK’s largest examining bodies, Edexcel. Don’t miss out. Sign up today at… T H E G R E AT T EACH E R S ExamsPlace 62 www.pearsonELT.com/examsplace EXAMS EXAMS CORRELATION CHART Your complete guide to test preparation from the leading exams publisher: EXAM MATERIALS PAGE A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1 C2 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH For Schools Gold Experience p65 Activate p67 Gold p66 Preliminary, Pre-First, First, Advanced General English Young Learners IELTS Expert First, Advanced, Proficiency p68 Practice Tests Plus Preliminary, First, Advanced p71 Practice Tests Plus Starters, Movers, Flyers p71 MyEnglishLab: IELTS p70 p73 Focus on IELTS p72 Practice Tests Plus p71 PEARSON LANGUAGE TESTING Expert for PTE Academic PTE ACADEMICTM PTE General p69 p75 Practice Tests Plus p75 p69 Skills Boosters p75 ETS ® Express to the TOEFL iBT® Test p76 p72 TOEFL iBT® p76-77 Longman Preparation Course TOEFL® Paper Test NorthStar Building Skills p73 p77 TOEIC® Test MyEnglishLab for the TOEIC® Test p78 Longman Preparation Series p78 p74 Building Skills p78 MyEnglishLab Leading in Blended Learning Exam Practice This innovative online learning tool now offers comprehensive training, exam practice and practice tests with instant feedback and gradebook for the following exams: Cambridge English: Preliminary, First, Advanced • IELTS (2 levels) PTE ACADEMIC™ (2 levels) • TOEIC® Test For all the support you need visit... www.pearsonELT.com/examsplace 63 63 EXAMS EXAMS EXAMS GOLD GOLD Fully Fully Fully revised revised revised with with with Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge English English English 2015 2015 2015 exam exam exam specifi specifi specifi cations cations cations THE THE THE SERIES SERIES SERIES TEACHERS TEACHERS TEACHERS TRUST TRUST TRUST TO TO TO LEAD LEAD LEAD STUDENTS STUDENTS STUDENTS TO TO TO EXAM EXAM EXAM SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS Gold Gold Gold takes takes takes adult adult adult and and and young young young adult adult adult students students students from from from Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary toto Advanced toAdvanced Advanced level, level, level, helping helping helping them them them tototo build build build confi confi confi dence dence dence in in English inEnglish English every every every step step step of of the ofthe the way. way. way. Gold Gold Gold Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge English English English General General General Exams Exams Exams Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Pre-First Pre-First Pre-First First First First Gold Gold Gold Experience Experience Experience Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge English English English ForFor Schools For Schools SchoolsA1A1A1 A2A2A2 B1B1B1 B1+ B1+ B1+ Advanced Advanced Advanced G K M B T E G i s C A • • W s B2B2B2 Gold Gold EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE T a P The The exciting The exciting exciting new new new fast-paced fast-paced fast-paced course course course written written written especially especially especially forforfor teenagers teenagers teenagers taking taking taking Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge English English English forfor Schools for Schools Schools exams. exams. exams. • Engage • Engage • Engage & motivate && motivate motivate your your your teen teen teen students students students with with with thoughtthoughtthoughtprovoking, provoking, provoking, inspiring, inspiring, inspiring, up-to-date up-to-date up-to-date topics. topics. topics. • Watch • Watch • Watch real real real TVTV episodes TV episodes episodes and and and Video Video Video podcasts podcasts podcasts filmed filmed filmed byby teens by teens teens themselves! themselves! themselves! w 646464 www.pearsonELT.com/gold www.pearsonELT.com/gold www.pearsonELT.com/gold HELP HELP HELP YOUR YOUR YOUR STUDENTS STUDENTS STUDENTS REACH REACH REACH FOR FOR FOR GOLD GOLD GOLD 7_EXAMS 7_EXAMS 7_EXAMS 9thProof.indd 9thProof.indd 9thProof.indd 64-65 64-65 64-65 EXAMS 20 Kathryn Kathryn Alevizos, Alevizos, Carolyn Carolyn Barraclough, Barraclough, Suzanne Suzanne Gaynor, Gaynor, Megan Megan Roderick, Roderick, Gold Gold Mary Mary Stephens Stephens EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE back cover copy back cover copy back cover copy back cover copy back cover copy back cover backcopy cover copy backcopy cover copy back cover copy back cover back cover back cover back cover copy back cover copy backcopy cover copy backcopy coverback copycover back copycover backcopy coverback copy backcopy cover copy backcopy cover copy back cover copy back cover copy back cover back cover cover copy back cover copy back cover copy British British English English •• 44 Levels Levels •• CEF CEF A1 A1 –– B2, B2, Cambridge Cambridge English English for for Schools Schools Exams Exams The most engaging experience in teaching exams to teens. Experience – Engage – Excel! Gold Gold Experience Experience isis aa fast-paced fast-paced course course that that engages engages and and motivates motivates teenagers teenagers with with its its wide wide variety variety of of interesting interesting age-appropriate age-appropriate topics topics from from contemporary contemporary contexts contexts such such as as the the Internet, Internet, social social media, media, television, television, magazines magazines as as well well as as content-rich content-rich CLIL CLIL topics topics from from which which your your students students will will learn learn about about the the world. world. An An amazing amazing digital digital learning learning experience experience for for teens teens learning learning English: English: •• DVD DVD with with authentic authentic TV TV clips clips and and cool cool Video Video Podcasts Podcasts made made by by teens teens –– all all based based on on lesson lesson topics, topics, will will take take learning learning English English and and exams exams preparation preparation to to the the next next level. level. •• MyEnglishLab MyEnglishLab for for Gold Gold Experience Experience isis an an extra extra online online component, component, which provides grammar, grammar, vocabulary, vocabulary, skills skills practice, practice, tests, video and audio support support all all linked linked to the the coursebook. coursebook. The The perfect perfect way way for for students students to to practise practise when when and and where where they they want want and and instantly instantly get get their their grades grades and and feedback. feedback. Written Written specifically specifically for Cambridge for Schools, Gold Experience ensures students students get get all all the the support support they they need need to to excel excel in in their their exams. exams. pearsonELT.com pearsonELT.com Gold Gold Experience Experience Students’ Students’ Book Book w/ w/ DVD-ROM DVD-ROM Students’ Students’ Book Book w/ w/ DVD-ROM DVD-ROM and and MyLab MyLab Workbook Workbook (no (no key) key) Teacher’s Teacher’s eText eText ActiveTeach ActiveTeach Disc Disc Teacher’s Teacher’s Online Online Resource Resource Material Material A1 A1 Level 9781447961888 9781447961888 9781447961895 9781447961895 9781447913870 9781447913870 9781447961789 9781447961789 9781447913818 9781447913818 A2 A2 Level 9781447961918 9781447961918 9781447961901 9781447961901 9781447913894 9781447913894 9781447919551 9781447919551 9781447913856 9781447913856 Gold Gold Experience Experience Students’ Students’ Book Book w/ w/ DVD-ROM DVD-ROM Students’ Students’ Book Book w/ w/ DVD-ROM DVD-ROM and and MyLab MyLab Workbook Workbook (no (no key) key) Teacher’s Teacher’s eText eText ActiveTeach ActiveTeach Disc Disc Teacher’s Teacher’s Online Online Resource Resource Material Material B1 B1 Level 9781447961925 9781447961925 9781447961932 9781447961932 9781447913931 9781447913931 9781447919568 9781447919568 9781447913825 9781447913825 B2 B2 Level 9781447961963 9781447961963 9781447961970 9781447961970 9781447913955 9781447913955 9781447919582 9781447919582 9781447913849 9781447913849 Edwards | Stephens Edwards | Stephens d ER SUMM 14 B2 Book B2Students’ Students’ Book ced W NNEEW Gold GoldEXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE D Gold Experience Gold EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE B2 B2 First for Schools First for Schools Students’ Students’ Book Book Lynda Edwards Mary Stephens Lynda Edwards Mary Stephens Teachers’ Teachers’ Resource Resource Material Material isis available available in in digital-only digital-only format. format. For For Teacher’s Teacher’s access access on on the the MyEnglishLab MyEnglishLab or or Resource Resource Material Material please please contact contact your your local local Pearson Pearson representative. representative. www.pearsonELT.com/gold 65 06/11/2013 14:34 EXAMS Gold NEW NEdEitW ion Jan Bell, Sally Burgess, Lynda Edwards, Jon Naunton, Jacky Newbrook, Amanda Thomas, Clare Walsh, Lindsay Warwick, Judith Wilson British English • 4 Levels • CEF B1 – C1, Preliminary – Advanced Providing everything students need to prepare for the Cambridge English exams. With Gold, students develop natural English while learning the skills they’ll need to really excel in their exam. Now fully revised for the 2015 Cambridge English exams, Gold First and Gold Advanced retain all the winning features of this bestselling series, with new material and a faster-paced syllabus. Gold now gives your students even more vocabulary input, help with chunks of language, intrinsically interesting texts and lots of speaking practice. Extensive writing sections provide support for students of all abilities. Now with full digital support, new Gold titles include: • MyEnglishLab for Preliminary, First and Advanced exams – the best way for students to practise and train for their exams • ActiveTeach – everything the teacher needs on one disc with links to exta Testmasters online • CD-ROM in the Preliminary and Pre-First levels including class audio and interactive activities for extra practice • MP3 audio material for Students online Gold Preliminary Gold Pre-First Coursebook w/ audio CD-ROM Coursebook w/ online audio Coursebook w/ MyEnglishLab Exam Maximiser w/ online audio (no key) Exam Maximiser w/ online audio (w/ key) 9781447909484 – 9781447962045 9781447907381 9781447907367 9781447909446 – – 9781447907275 9781447907251 Gold First (New Edition for 2015 exam) – 9781447907145 9781408297926 9781447907176 9781447907152 Teacher’s Resource Material ActiveTeach Class Audio 9781447907398* 9781447907312 With the Coursebook and ActiveTeach 9781447907282 9781447907213 With the Coursebook and ActiveTeach 9781447907183* 9781447907121 With the Coursebook and ActiveTeach *For Teacher’s access to the MyEnglishLab or Online Resource Material contact your local Pearson representative. Coursebook Coursebook w/ online audio Coursebook w/ MyEnglishLab Exam Maximiser w/ online audio (no key) Exam Maximiser w/ online audio (w/ key) Teacher’s Resource Material Gold First (2012 Edition) CAE Gold Plus (2008 Edition) 9781408297896 – – 9781408297919 9781408297902 9781408299784 9781447929307 – – 9781405876834 9781405876810 9780582337992 Gold Advanced (New Edition for 2015 exam) – 9781447907046 9781447955443 9781447907084 9781447907060 9781447907091* ActiveTeach 9781408279342 – 9781447907015 Class Audio 9781408296103 9781405848657 With the coursebook and ActiveTeach *For Teacher’s access to the MyEnglishLab or Online Resource Material contact your local Pearson representative. 66 www.pearsonELT.com/gold EXAMS Activate! Carolyn Barraclough, Elaine Boyd, Mary Stephens, Suzanne Gaynor, Megan Roderick British English • 4 Levels • CEF A2 – B2, Key – First, TRINITY Preparing teenagers for exam success. With its vibrant teen-appropriate topics, Activate! helps you to motivate your 12 to 15 year old students and offers them exciting and stimulating exam preparation for a range of international exams. Levels A2, B1 and B2 now come with a full online practice test at iTests.com “Activate! is magic for my students. They are completely engaged and it’s rewarding to see how they marvel at the contents of the DVD: ‘Teacher, I can understand it all!’ ... It’s fresh, up-to-date, students totally identify with the topics!” Alicia Montesinos, Stratford Institute, Montevideo, Uruguay www.pearsonELT.com/activate ActiveBook is the student book in digital format with complete audio and video (see page 8). ActiveTeach for 1WBs is full of resources to use in class (see page 8). Students’ Book w/ ActiveBook Workbook w/ CD-ROM (w/ key) Workbook w/ CD-ROM (no key) Grammar & Vocabulary Teacher’s Book ActiveTeach Class Audio CDs A2 Level 9781447929260 9781408224267 B1 Level 9781447929277 9781408236796 B1+ Level 9781408253885 9781447902577 B2 Level 9781447929284 9781408270516 9781408224281 9781408236802 9781408236826 9781408236840 9781408224212 9781408224243 9781408224250 9781408224182 9781408236611 9781408236635 9781408224120 9781405851008 9781408239100 9781408239117 9781408224144 9781405851107 9781408239131 9781408239124 9781408224168 9781405851206 Premium Rachael Roberts, Richard Acklam, Araminta Crace, Elaine Boyd British English • 3 Levels • CEF B1 – C1, Preliminary – Advanced, TRINITY The ideal course for classes containing both exam and non-exam students. All Students’ Books include access to iTests.com. You can easily tailor this course to the needs of your students thanks to the separate exam practice and both the general language and skills development. The Premium Workbook supports students with a Multi-ROM filled with interactive grammar, vocabulary, listening practice and exam-style questions. Teachers find the Premium Copiables pack especially useful with its extensive selection of supplementary worksheets. www.pearsonELT.com/premium Coursebook w/ Exam Reviser CD-ROM Teacher’s Book w/ Test Master Multi-ROM Workbook w/ Multi-ROM (w/ Key) Workbook w/ Multi-ROM (no Key) Teacher’s Copiables Pack Class Audio CDs B1 Level 9781447929321 9781405881111 9781405881104 9781405881098 9781405849326 9781405849289 B2 Level 9781447936145 9781405881074 9781405881067 9781405881050 9781405849203 9781405849166 C1 Level 9781447929338 9781405881159 9781405881142 9781405881135 9781405849074 9781405849036 67 EXAMS Expert NEdEitW ion BER OCTO14 20 First: Jan Bell and Roger Gower Advanced: Jan Bell and Roger Gower Proficiency: Megan Roderick and Carol Nuttall with Nick Kenny British English • 3 Levels • CEF B2 – C2 Score top marks with this intensive exam preparation course – now fully revised for the updated Cambridge English 2015 exams. Expert provides rigorous exam training for high-achieving students while continuing to develop language awareness and communication skills. This intensive course will satisfy your students’ practice needs and allow them to achieve their full potential. If you want to teach your students at the level of the exam from the beginning of the year, use Expert. Expert First and Advanced successful titles will ensure your students succeed. comprehensive training and practice for the First and Advanced revised exams. exam. Expert’s secrets for success include: Word Check boxes to develop vocabulary, more listening practice than ever before, emphasis on language chunks, focus on Use of English tasks, special support for the new writing tasks and the digital Teacher’s eText ActiveTeach which includes the Coursebook in interactive format, plus test masters, games, and reference sections. www.pearsonELT.com/expert New Edition First Advanced Coursebook w/ Audio CD Coursebook w/ MyEnglishLab Teacher’s Online Resource Materials (inc. Audio) Teacher’s eText ActiveTeach disc Teacher’s eText ActiveTeach Online Access Code 9781447962007 9781447962014 ONLINE* 9781447961338 9781408298923 9781447961987 9781447961994 ONLINE* 9781447961314 9781408298831 Coursebook w Audio CD Students’ Resource Book (w/ key) Teachers Online Resource material (inc. Audio) Active Teach Disc 9781447937593 9781408299005 ONLINE* 9781408298992 *Available in digital-only format. For Teacher’s access to MyEnglishLab or Online Resource material please contact your local representative. Edition 2012 Coursebook w/ CD-ROM iTests Access Students’ Resource Book w/ Audio CD (w/ key) Students’ Resource Book w/ Audio CD (no key) Students’ Resource Book (w/ key) Teacher’s Resource Book Class Audio 68 First 9781447929314 9781405880848 9781405880831 9781405848459 9781405848473 9781405848404 Advanced 9781447929291 9781405880817 9781405880800 – 9781405848381 9781405848329 NEW ER SUMM 14 EXAMS Expert Pearson Test of English AcademicTM 20 B1 level: Clare Walsh and Lindsay Warwick B2 level: David Hill British English • 2 Levels • CEF B1 – B2 • B1 scores 43–58; B2 scores 59–75 The successful Expert series now with two new levels: PTE Academic is ideal for students preparing to study in institutions where English is the principal language of instruction. Expert PTE Academic provides a step-by-step approach to speaking and writing, combined with high-level texts and tasks prepares students for the exam right from the start. Get lots of in-depth online extra exam training plus a complete practice test for this leading computer-based academic English language test via the MyEnglishLab. Complete with automatic grading, this online learning tool allows students to track progress and helps teachers identify and focus on individual and class strengths and weaknesses. Teachers will also love the digital eText ActiveTeach which includes the coursebook in interactive format, plus test masters, games, and reference sections. Available on disc or online for easy access. Coursebook with MyEnglishLab Teacher’s Online Resource Materials Teacher’s eText ActiveTeach disc Teacher’s eText ActiveTeach Online Access Code PTE Academic B1 9781447962021 9781447938156 * 9781447961864 9781447938149 PTE Academic B2 9781447962038 9781447938125 * 9781447961871 9781447938132 *Available in digital-only format. For Teacher’s access to MyEnglishLab or Online Resource material please contact your local representative. 69 PRACTICE TEST PLUS Teaching is not just Testing Give your students lots of authentic exam practice, guidance and test tips. Plus Speaking Test videos and lots of extra resources. Now new for Young English Learners with Speaking Tests videos, MP3 audios and lots more. • By using Practice Test Plus, young learners become more familiar with the task types, question formats and style of the test papers – and have a better chance of succeeding in their exam. • Unique multi-ROM includ speaking test videos of candidates with examiners. • More test practice than other exam preparation books on their type! www.pearsonELT.com/examsplace 70 EXAMS Practice Tests Plus NTEitleWs British English • CEF A2 – C1 CYLET, Key, Key for SCHOOLS, Preliminary, First, Advanced, IELTS, PTE ACADEMIC Practice, practice, practice with hints and guidance on approaching different exam tasks. All new editions have a unique Multi-ROM that shows Speaking Test videos of candidates with examiners, plus extra material for classroom use. By using Practice Tests Plus learners become more familiar with the task types, question formats and style of the test papers - and have a better chance of succeeding in their exam. with Answer Key with Answer Key and Audio CD Pack Audio CDs Answer Key, w/ iTest CD-ROM & Audio CDs Without answer key, w/iTest CD-ROM & Audio CDs Answer Key, w/ iTest CD-ROM & Audio CDs Without answer key, w/iTest CD-ROM & Audio CDs IELTS 9780582471696 9780582514577 IELTS 2 9780582846456 9781405833127 PET 1 9780582824218 9781405822831 KET for Schools 9781408267929 9781405806572 CAE New Edition 9781405881197 9780582824201 CAE 2 New Edition FCE New Edition 9781408267875 9781405881234 9781408267912 9781405831376 9781408267868 FCE 2 New Edition IELTS 3 New Edition PET 3 New Edition 9781408267882 9781408267905 9781408267943 9781408268995 KET Revised Edition 9781405822848 9780582829091 CYLE Starters Students’ Book 9781408296615 Teacher’s Book w/ Multi-ROM 9781408299425 Students’ Book Teacher’s Book PET 2 9781408267899 9781408267936 Book with Multi-ROM & Audio CD (w/ key) Book with Multi-ROM & Audio CD (no key) CYLE Movers CYLE Flyers 9781408296592 9781408296554 9781408299418 9781408299401 71 EXAMS Focus on IELTS Sue O’Connell British English • 2 Levels • CEF B1 – B2 Focus on IELTS prepares your students for the IELTS exam and helps them succeed in their future studies. The Focus Series was developed by the author in the classroom and is based on real students’ needs in real classroom situations. Focus on Academic Skills for IELTS is thematically linked to the Focus on IELTS coursebook. It can also be used on its own for self-study, or as a short intensive IELTS course. Focus on IELTS Foundation provides solid grounding in the language and skills required for the IELTS exam. www.pearsonELT.com/focusonielts Focus on IELTS Coursebook w/iTests CD-ROM Pack Coursebook w/iTests CD-ROM & Access Card Coursebook Audio CD Class Book & CD Pack Teacher’s Book Academic Vocabulary Workbook Coursebook Audio CD Class Book & CD Pack Teacher’s Book 9781408241363 9781408259290 9781408239155 Focus on Academic Skills for IELTS 9781408259016 9781408241363 9781408259016 9780582837935 9780582837942 9781408239179 9781408259016 Focus on Skills for IELTS Foundation 9781405815277 9781405815307 9781405831642 Focus on IELTS Foundation 9780582829121 9780582829145 9780582829152 Grammar & Vocabulary for Cambridge First Luke Prodromou British English • 1 Level • CEF B2, First Your complete grammar and vocabulary package for FCE preparation. With extensive reference and practice for both grammar and vocabulary, students develop both skills using just one book. In addition, students also get access to Longman Dictionaries Online where they can build their vocabulary further with the dictionary, thesaurus, unique Longman VocabTrainer and get extra practice for the Cambridge First exam. Grammar and Vocabulary (w/ key) Grammar and Vocabulary (no key) FCE 9781408290590 9781447903055 Also available: Grammar & Vocabulary for CAE and CPE (previous format). Grammar and Vocabulary (w/ key) 72 www.pearsonELT.com/examsplace CAE / CPE 9780582518216 EXAMS MyEnglishLab: IELTS NEW MyEnglishL British English • 2 Levels • CEF B1 – B2 British English • 2 Le the IELTS exam at B1 and B2 levels. The material is organised by exam paper and sub-skills, providing students with hundreds of interactive activities for reading, listening, grammar and vocabulary including authentic IELTS exam practice. IELTS tutor videos guide learners through the exam so they know exactly what to expect on the day. There is also a complete Practice Test, with automatic grading. The Students’ gradebook allows students to track their progress and helps teachers to identify and focus on individual and class strengths and weaknesses. www.myenglishlab.com MyEnglishLab: IELTS 1 (B1) MyEnglishLab: IELTS 2 (B2) the IELTS exam at B The material is orga hundreds of interac including authentic I IELTS tutor videos g expect on the day. T The Students’ grade to identify and focus www.myenglishlab.c 9781447944829 9780273794295 MyEnglishLab: IELTS 1 (B MyEnglishLab: IELTS 2 (B iTests.com 7 Levels • CEF A2 – C1 Give your students realistic, timed exam practice. iTests.com offers your students timed, realistic exam practice using the same format and question types as the real exam. Recommend iTests.com to your exam students and help them increase their chances of success. iTests are available with Pearson exam titles, online via credit card payment, or through Access Cards for institutions. www.iTests.com iTests access cards Key Preliminary First Advanced IELTS TOEFL iBT® TOEIC® 9781408244876 9781408244883 9781408244845 9781408244838 9781408244852 9780132145787 9780132145411 73 EXAMS PEARSON TESTS OF ENGLISH™ English language tests for every learner! PTE ACADEMIC™ is a leading computer-based test available worldwide. It is designed to demonstrate the of test takers to universities and colleges globally. • Tests can be scheduled up to 24 hours in advance • Results in 5 business days • Accepted for UK and Australian student visas PTE GENERAL™ is an internationally recognized English language assessment program used to certify language ability for travel, further education and better employment prospects. PTE YOUNG LEARNERS™ is designed to be interesting and fun for children, making of learning English memorable and motivating. Both tests use real-life scenarios to allow test takers the freedom to express and demonstrate how well they can use English. For more information visit www.pearsonpte.com 74 For more information visit www.pearsonpte.com EXAMS The Official Guide to PTE AcademicTM 1 Level • CEF B1 – C1 Everything you need to know about the PTE Academic. The Official Guide to PTE AcademicTM, New Edition provides comprehensive information about the test, over 200 practice tasks on CD-ROM, analysis of sample answers, test-taking tips and more. Written by the developers of the test, it includes everything you need to succeed in the PTE Academic exam. Level 3 9781447928911 Book w/ Audio CD & CD-ROM Practice Tests Plus for PTE AcademicTM 1 Level • CEF B1 – C1 Essential exam practice from the test developers. Teaching, not just testing, PTE Academic Practice Tests PlusTM provides teachers and students with authentic practice for the PTE Academic exam. Tips, strategies and an extended answer key including sample student answers with examiner comments will help students succeed in the exam. Book w/ Audio CD (w/ key) Book w/ Audio CD (no key) 9781447937944 9781447937951 PTE GeneralTM Skills Boosters 4 Levels • CEF A2 – C1 Preparing for success at PTE General with the test developers. PTE GeneralTM is an internationally recognized English language assessment program at six levels of proficiency. The Skills Boosters, produced by the test developers, offer guided practice of exam tasks, grammar and vocabulary activities, test tips and five practice tests. Students’ Book w/ CD Pack Teacher‘s Book w/ CD Pack Level 2 9781408267820 9781408277935 Level 3 9781408267837 9781408277942 Level 4 9781408267844 9781408277959 Level 5 9781408267851 9781408277966 www.pearsonELT.com/examsplace 75 EXAMS EXPRESS to the TOEFL iBT® Test NEW Tammy LeRoi Gilbert and Dorothy E. Zemach American English • 1 Level • B2 (Scores 87-109) – C1 (Scores 110-120) The fast new way to prepare for the TOEFL® iBT test and improve scores. The perfect core course text—for use in class or for independent study with complete digital support. Express to the TOEFL iBT® Test is comprehensive yet compact and completely covers all of the skills and question types found on the TOEFL iBT® Test in a shorter amount of time than standard TOEFL iBT® Test preparation textbooks. Students may work through the sections in any order or work only on the sections in which they feel they need the most improvement. This express course offers authentic practice, thoroughly builds skills and includes a full MP3 audio program with audio script on the CD-ROM. Students also get online TOEFL® practice at iTests.com. Book w/ CD-ROM & iTest.com Complete Audio CDs 9780132861625 9780132861649 Longman Courses for TOEFL® iBT Deborah Phillips American English • 3 Levels • B1 – C1 • High Intermediate – Advanced A comprehensive language skills course with a wealth of practice for all sections of the TOEFL® iBT: what more do you need? Give students all the practice they need to succeed in the TOEFL® integrated-skills test. The innovative CD-ROM with lots of extra practice and the website work together, allowing teachers to collect student data in one easy-to manage website. Book w/ CD-ROM & iTests access code (w/ Answer Key) Book w/ CD-ROM & iTests access code (no Key) Book w/ CD-ROM (no key) Student CD-ROM Audio Program (CDs) Teacher Materials: Lesson Plans Teacher Materials: Classroom Activities 76 Introductory 9780133436945 9780137135455 9780137135776 9780137135769 9780137135745 9780137135752 Preparation, 2e 9780133248005 9780133348057 9780132056892 9780132056854 9780132362573 9780132362566 www.pearsonELT.com/examsplace/toefl EXAMS Longman Courses for the TOEFL® Paper Test Deborah Phillips American English • 2 Levels • B1 – C1 All the skills, strategies, practice and confidence students need to succeed in the TOEFL® Paper test. Book and CD-ROM packages appropriate for dedicated test preparation or as supplements to more general English courses. There is also an audio program, which offers support for the listening comprehension sections of the texts, as well as for the complete tests. Book w/ CD-ROM (w/ Key) Book w/ CD-ROM (w/o Key) Audio CDs Introductory 9780131847187 9780131847194 9780131847163 Preparation 9780131408838 9780131408869 9780131408845 Preparation Courses for the TOEFL Test Deborah Phillips American English • 1 Level • B1 – C1 These new texts give students all the tools they need to succeed on the individual skills of the new TOEFL integrated-skills test: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Providing both a comprehensive skills course and a wealth of practice for the relevant skills sections of the test, the Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: iBT skills texts are split editions of the Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: iBT, Second Edition. They are appropriate for courses in TOEFL-test preparation or as a supplement to more general ESL courses. www.pearsonELT.com/toefl Book with CD-ROM Reading 9780136126591 Writing 9780136126577 Listening 9780132360890 Speaking 9780135154601 NorthStar Building Skills for the TOEFL® iBT Book 1: John Beaumont Book 2: Helen Solórzano Book 3: Linda Robinson Fellag Series Editors: Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich In cooperation with ETS® American English • 3 Levels • B1 – C1, Intermediate – Advanced Pearson and ETS® combine their expertise to create an original approach to teaching the TOEFL® iBT. Develops the skills assessed in the TOEFL iBT®. This three-level series, links learning and assessment with a skills-building curriculum that incorporates authentic test material from the makers of the TOEFL iBT®. Student Book Student Book w/ Audio CDs Audio CDs Teacher’s Manual w/ Audio CD Intermediate 9780131937062 9780131985766 9780131960916 9780131885653 High Intermediate 9780131937086 9780131985780 9780131729988 9780132273510 Advanced 9780131937093 9780131985773 9780132205931 9780132273527 77 EXAMS Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC® Test: Listening and Reading 5th Edition with MyEnglishLab NEW Lin Lougheed American English • 3 Levels • CEF A2 – C1 • Introductory – Advanced Your complete solution to TOEIC® test preparation. Get even more practice, tips and lots of new material including 100% new photos. This TOEIC® Test Listening and Reading course consists of three levels and includes a book of More Practice Tests. The fifth edition offers shorter printed texts with contents more accessible to students and a free CD-ROM that contains complete MP3 audio, an audio script and optional answer keys. Now with MyEnglishLab for the TOEIC® Test. This online learning tool offers hundreds of additional interactive activities for reading, listening, grammar and vocabulary plus authentic TOEIC® test practice. The TOEIC® tutor videos guide learners through the exam so that they know exactly what to expect on the day. There are also three complete Practice Tests, with automatic grading. www.myenglishlab.com/toeictest Book w/ CD-ROM & Answer Key, iTests & MyEnglishLab Book w/ CD-ROM, iTests w/Audio & Answer Key Book w/ CD-ROM, iTests w/Audio (no Key) Audio CD Introductory Intermediate Advanced 9780132862714 9780132862721 9780132862738 More Practice Tests 9780132862745 9780132861489 9780131382770 9780132861441 9780132861496 9780132861519 9780132861427 9780132861465 9780132861526 9780132861502 9780132861434 9780132861458 – Building Skills for the New TOEIC® Test Lin Lougheed American English • 1 Level • CEF B1 Prepares students for the TOEIC® test and the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing tests. This concise text can be used in TOEIC® preparation classes or for self-study. www.pearsonELT.com/examsplace/toeic Book w/ Audio CD 78 9780138136253 www.pearsonELT.com/examsplace/toeic DICTIONARIES Dictionaries Why choose a Longman dictionary? NATURAL ENGLISH GUARANTEED All Longman dictionaries are compiled using the Longman Corpus Network – a huge database of 430 million words of spoken and written English – collected from both British and American English sources. SPOKEN / WRITTEN ...WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English is the only advanced learner’s dictionary that explains differences in frequency between spoken and written English, helping students to use English more naturally. EASY TO USE – EASY TO UNDERSTAND Longman dictionaries are written using a limited vocabulary of just 2000 words - the Longman Defining Vocabulary, ensuring all dictionaries have clear and understandable definitions. BUILDING VOCABULARY FOR LIFE Longman Vocabulary Trainers are the most effective way to learn and remember vocabulary. This innovative software accompanies many of the dictionaries, helping learners to build their vocabulary in a systematic and engaging way. Regular prompts remind learners to review vocabulary so that it is never forgotten. 79 DICTIONARIES Interactive learning SUPER SOFTWARE Most Longman dictionaries come with a CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or online version. As well as the full contents of the dictionary, these also contain interactive exercises, photo dictionaries and games to help build vocabulary, as well as exam practice. Students can improve pronunciation by listening to words and sentences, recording their own version and then comparing it with the original, native-speaker pronunciation. FREE ONLINE ACCESS Dictionary sites like www.longmandictionariesonline.com and www.longmandictionariesUSA.com ensure you and your students always have access to the very latest vocabulary, practice materials and class worksheets. Read on to find out which dictionaries come with free online access. AMAZING APPS Longman Dictionaries are available as best-selling Apps for iPhone, iPad and Android. Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus 70,000 COLLOCATIONS HELP INCREASE SPOKEN AND WRITTEN FLUENCY British English • CEF B2-C2 • For Intermediate – Advanced level students This unique new learning tool combines a collocations dictionary with a thesaurus ensuring learners chose the correct word and collocation every time. It also includes the brand-new Academic Collocations List - the most frequent 2500 collocations used in academic English. Get the full contents of this print dictionary online plus additional collocations, synonyms and interactive practice. Paper w/ online ISBN 9781408252260 Perfect partners Longman Dictionaries are perfectly matched to our courses. Check the level reference for each course and dictionary so that you know exactly which one is right for your students. 80 www.pearsonELT.com/dictionaries “This dictionary is simply fantastic. An extremely powerful tool in English language learning. I loved the possibility to listen to the pronunciation of English words, British or American, offline or complete sentences when online.” Rodrsantos from Brazil on Apple App Store DICTIONARIES “The best dictionary. It is a wonderful app... you really can learn English using this tool.” Juan Ca V from Columbia on Apple App Store “Best dictionary. Simple definitions that really define the word. Won't get you lost in endless word chains. Derivations are great!” Erik Martin from United States on Apple App Store Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English British and American English • CEF B2 – C2 230,000 Words, Phrases & Meanings for Advanced Learners. This best-selling dictionary ensures students produce more accurate English whilst improving fluency. The integrated Collocations Dictionary shows learners which words to use together, whilst the integrated Thesaurus helps them to expand their vocabulary. Register Notes focus on the differences between spoken and written English and the Grammar and Usage Notes will ensure they avoid common errors. The DVD-ROM has a handy pop-up dictionary for checking words when working on a computer and the innovative Longman Vocabulary Trainer is the best way to learn and revise vocabulary. Also available for iPhone, iPad android and Blackberry. Paper w/ DVD-ROM 9781408215333 81 Longman Active Study Dictionary British and American English • CEF B1 – B2 100,000 Words, Phrases & Meanings for Intermediate – Upper-Intermediate Learners. A practical learner’s dictionary - small enough to carry around, big enough to include all the words students need to know. A must-have for all learners of English at intermediate level looking to increase their vocabulary (with the integrated thesaurus) and improve fluency (through knowledge of collocations). Build vocabulary further with the innovative Longman Vocabulary Trainer on the CD-ROM. Also available for iPhone and iPad. Paper w/ CD-ROM Pack 9781408232361 Longman WordWise Dictionary British and American English • CEF A2 – B1 138,000 Words, Phrases & Meanings for Pre-Intermediate – Intermediate Learners. Helps students reach intermediate level faster. With the WordWise Dictionary, differences between words with similar or confusing meanings are simple to understand and common mistakes are easier to avoid. The Longman Memory Coach CD-ROM, with its interactive exercises, photos and memory games, helps students learn words in a fun and engaging way. Paper w/ CD-ROM 9781405880787 Longman Basic English Dictionary British and American English • CEF A1 – A2 12,000 Words and Phrases for Young Learners. A simple and fun introduction to monolingual dictionaries for younger learners. With thousands of simple examples, up-to-date coverage, easy definitions, fun illustrations, 16 full-colour topic pages and Workbook exercises for vocabulary practice, this is the ideal young learners’ first dictionary. Longman Basic English Dictionary 3rd Edition (British English) Longman Basic Dictionary of American English Paper 82 9780582438507 9780582332515 www.pearsonELT.com/dictionaries Longman Exams Dictionary British and American English • CEF B2 – C2 Helping students prepare for exams success. A must-have for all serious exam students with expert guidance on vocabulary building and writing skills, plus interactive practice for FCE, CAE, IELTS, TOEIC®, TOEFL® and general exams on the CD-ROM. Paper w/ CD-ROM 9781405851374 Longman Business Dictionary British and American English • CEF B2 – C2 The ultimate business reference tool - in the classroom and in the workplace. Helps students tackle everyday business concepts and activities in English. The CD-ROM includes interactive practice for BEC and BULATS and a handy pop-up dictionary for checking words when working on the computer. Paper w/ CD-ROM 9781405852593 Longman Photo Dictionary British and American English • CEF A1 – A2 3500 pictures help students of all ages understand everyday words in English. An easy-to-use dictionary, with words grouped into topic areas such as food, computers, sports etc. Listen to words on the audio CDs and build fluency through class conversations and writing activities found on every page. Paper w/ Audio CDs 9781408261958 Longman Dictionary of Common Errors J Heaton, N Turton British English • CEF B1 – C2 • Intermediate - Advanced Get true insight into the common errors that students make. Based entirely on genuine students’ writing, this dictionary provides clear methods to avoid and correct errors. Includes over 2500 entries, special features on key problem areas and a glossary of grammatical terms. Paper www.pearsonELT.com/dictionaries 9780582237520 83 Longman Pronunciation Dictionary Professor John Wells British and American English • CEF B2 – C2 • Intermediate – Advanced Detailed guidance on over 225,000 pronunciations. This best-seller includes the Pronunciation Coach CD-ROM, allowing students to listen to and practise pronunciation in both British and American English, plus thousands of exercises for improving knowledge of pronunciation and the IPA system. Paper w/ CD-ROM 9781405881180 Longman Phrasal Verbs Dictionary British and American English • CEF B2 – C2 • Intermediate – Advanced Helps students use language naturally. Find over 3000 phrasal verbs with clear and easy definitions and thousands of examples showing real usage. Includes the unique Phrasal Verbs Activator® section that helps students use more precise phrases. Also available for iPhone and iPad. Paper 9780582291829 Longman Idioms Dictionary British and American English • CEF B2 – C2 • Intermediate – Advanced Speak English like a native. Over 6000 idioms from spoken and written English - both British and American – with clear, accurate definitions and examples. The unique Idiom Activator® will help you choose the right idiom. Also available for iPhone and iPad. Paper (British English) Paper (American English) 84 www.pearsonELT.com/dictionaries 9780582305779 9780582305755 Longman Elementary Dictionary and Thesaurus American English • CEF A2 – B1 • Elementary – Pre-Intermediate Perfect for young learners. A unique combination of dictionary and thesaurus that is fun and simple for children to use and helps them increase vocabulary and become better writers. Hardcover Pedagogical Guide 9781408225219 9781408210246 Longman Thesaurus of American English NEW American English • CEF B1 – B2 • Intermediate – Upper Intermediate Innovative and simple - helps learners find more appropriate words to express their ideas. Clear definitions and student-friendly example sentences explain the differences between closely related synonyms. Covers a wide range of vocabulary, from general to academic and content words, to increase vocabulary range and improve writing. Available in book format and online. www.longmandictionariesUSA.com Paper w/ PIN code Online Access Code 9781408271971 9781408271988 Longman Activators™ What is an Activator? Like thesauruses, Longman Activators™ help students develop their vocabulary by taking them from key words and basic ideas and guiding them to exactly the right word or phrase they need for a particular context or situation - guaranteeing natural sounding English. Longman Language Activator® British and American English • CEF B2 – C2 • Upper Intermediate – Advanced Includes 100,000 words, phrases and examples. Helps students choose the right word by clearly showing the differences between words with similar meanings. Paper 9780582419520 Longman Essential Activator British and American English • CEF B1 – B2 • Intermediate – Upper Intermediate Includes 42,000 words, phrases and examples. The CD-ROM guides students through all stages of writing an essay, with practice and samples and also includes the full contents of the Longman Active Study Dictionary. Paper w/CD-ROM 9781405815680 85 DICTIONARIES GA S / AN TEN NA / An eagle eye for American English LONGMAN AMERICAN ENGLISH DICTIONARIES FALL / BAT HTUB /N IGHTST AND / TR ASH / CO OKIE / HOO D / TRUNK / CA NDY / CATALOG / CENTE R ER / M -WHEEL / TIRE / 18 EY / FRIES ISE / ATTORN UNTER-CLOCKW / DRUGSTORE / FRIES / MOVIE / DOWNTOWN / COLOR / DIALOG / INQUIRY / CO Longman Advanced American Dictionary B2–C2 • American English • 185,000 words, phrases & meanings This advanced American English learner’s dictionary, with the Longman Academic-Tutor CD-ROM, helps students to learn more independently and effectively and so achieve academic success. It includes thousands of terms from academic subjects such as Science, Economics, Politics and English Language Arts and builds students’ vocabulary with its integrated thesaurus. Longman Dictionary of American English B1–B2 • American English • 95,000 words, phrases & meanings This best-selling dictionary for learners of American English helps intermediate students build their vocabulary and offers extra support for those studying other subjects in English. The CD-ROM helps students improve their reading, writing and grammar to get to the next level of English. Students preparing for SATs & TOEFL® can also practise their exam skills using the interactive exercises. Longman Study Dictionary of American English A2–B1 • American English • 43,000 words, phrases & meanings Especially developed for pre- and low-intermediate students, this dictionary contains all the vocabulary learners need for school, along with useful Thesaurus, Word Family, Grammar and Usage boxes. The online dictionary comes free with the print edition or can be purchased separately offering pronunciation practice, vocabulary building and lots more support. Paper and Online Paper w/ CD-ROM Longman Advanced American Dictionary – 9781405829540 Longman Dictionary of American English – 9781405884662 Also see page 85 for American English Thesauruses 86 www.longmandictionariesUSA.com Longman Study Dictionary of American English 9781408245323 – ATH / M AP E R E / DI CYCL OTOR EWA / FRE TH / M Basic Picture Dictionary AP E R E / DI CYCL OTOR EWA / FRE American English • A1 – C2 The Word by Word Basic Picture Dictionary presents vocabulary in context, designed through vibrant illustrations and simple, accessible lesson pages, for learners at low- beginning and literacy levels. Each lesson is self-contained and can be used either sequentially or in any desired order. www.pearsonELT.com/wordbyword Word by Word Basic Picture Dictionary Student Book w/WordSongs Music CD Teacher’s Guide w/Multilevel Activities & Lesson Planner w/CD-ROM Literacy Workbook w/Audio CD Lifeskills Workbook Vocabulary Workbook w/Auio CDs English/Spanish Vocabulary Game Cards Transparencies Student Book Audio CDs 9780132078740 9780131595859 DICTIONARIES Word by Word International Version WBW Basic Picture Dictionary Student Book 9780131956049 English/Spanish 9780132428736 9780131482326 9780132003575 9780131482333 9780131482340 9780131916296 9780131482319 9780131482272 Word by Word Picture Dictionary American English • A2 – B2 The Word by Word Basic Picture Dictionary presents vocabulary in context, designed through vibrant illustrations and simple, accessible lesson pages, for learners at low beginning and literacy levels. Each lesson is self-contained and can be used either sequentially or in any desired order. The Word by Word Picture Dictionary is the centerpiece of the complete Word by Word Vocabulary Development Program. The program’s unique interactive methodology makes vocabulary learning come alive as a dynamic communicative experience that prepares students at all levels for success using English in everyday life. www.pearsonELT.com/wordbyword Word by Word Picture Dictionary Student Book w/WordSongs Music CD Pkg. Teacher´s Guide w/Multilevel Activities & Lesson Planner w/CD-ROM Literacy Vocabulary Workbook w/Audio CD Beginning Vocabulary Workbook w/Audio CDs Beginning Lifeskills Workbook Intermediate Vocabulary Workbook w/Audio CDs Vocabulary Game Cards Transparencies Student BookVersion Audio CDs International WBW Picture Dictionary Student Book Student Book Audio CDs Teacher’s Guide with Lesson Planner CD-ROM Lesson Planner* English/Spanish 9780132358385 9780132405218 9780131892286 9780131892293 9780131935457 9780131892309 9780131916296 9780131916180 9780131916135 9780131482180 9780131482203 9780132405218 9780131939738 9780132428743 * Lesson Planner is a print version of the CD-ROM reproducable masters. 87 DICTIONARIES LONGMAN BILINGUAL DICTIONARIES are written only for students who are learning English so that explanations and specific help is given in the student’s own language. Based on corpuses of both English and the mother-tongue language, all of our bilingual dictionaries include only natural, authentic and upto-date language which students can easily understand. Express yourself with confidence! Longman Diccionario Inglés Básico Para estudiantes mexicanos British and American English • A1 – B1 Full-color bilingual dictionary designed for Mexican young learners, covering the most up-to-date American English and based on a corpus of Mexican Spanish. Longman Diccionario Inglés Básico para estudiantes mexicanos, is a dictionary for primary level with fun illustrations to make English words easier to learn. Longman Diccionario Pocket Para estudiantes mexicanos British and American English • A1 – B2 Longman Diccionario Pocket para estudiantes mexicanos is a full-color dictionary for Mexican teenagers and young adults covering the most up-to-date American English. Longman Diccionario Inglés Básico (Mexico) Paper 9781408269152 Longman Diccionario Pocket (Mexico) Paper 9780582511576 Mario Herrera SPEAK A B O U T LO N G M A N D I CC I O N A R I O I N G L É S BÁ S I CO El Diccionario Inglés Básico de Longman para estudiantes mexicanos permite a los niños salvar la distancia entre lo que saben y lo que quieren expresar, y crea buenos hábitos de aprendizaje. 88 www.pearsonELT.com/azar DICTIONARIES Longman Diccionario Inglés Básico Para estudiantes latinoamericanos British and American English • A1 – B1 Longman Diccionario Básico para estudiantes latinoamericanos is a dictionary for young learners with fun illustrations to make English words easier to learn. Written in Latin American Spanish and American English 58 Longman Dictionaries ORDER (Schools) K12oasis.pearson.com ONLINE: (College/Adult) oasis.pearson.com TO CONTACT YOUR ELL SPEC call 1.800.375.2 Longman Diccionario Pocket Para estudiantes lationoamericanos Longman Dicciona Pocket British and American English • A1 – B2 Longman Diccionario Pocket para estudiantes latinoamericanos is a full-color dictionary for Mexican teenagers and young adults covering the most up-to-date American English. Inglés-Español, Español-In Second Edition Intermediate – Advanced Longman Diccionario Inglés Básico (Latin America) Paper 9781408269169 Longman Diccionario Pocket (Latin America) Inglés-Español, Español-Inglés Paper with CD-ROM pack 9781408232347 Written for Latin American learners, the Longman Diccion Pocket is based on corpuses of Latin American Spanish an American English. Longman Diccionario Conciso Features of the new edition include: Intermediate – Advanced www.pearsonlongman.com/learnerdictionaries This new, full-color bilingual dictionary helps Latin American students speak and write natural English. • More than 250,000 words, meanings, phrases, and examples. • Integrated 32-page workbook with study pages and practice exercises. • New CD-ROM version with pronunciation of all words, vocabulary-building games, bilingual picture dictionary and more. • 75,000 examples show English as it is really used, with Spanish translations to help students understand the meanings. • Specially written language notes help students avoid the mistakes most commonly made by Spanish-speaking learners. • 6,000 synonyms, antonyms, and thesaurus notes help students build their vocabulary. Longman Dicciona Inglés Básico Tu Guía Personal de Pronunciación CD-ROM • Gives students pronunciation help in those areas which are particularly problematic for Spanish speakers. Inglés-Español, Español-Ingl • Students can listen to all pronunciations, then record and check their own pronunciation. • Interactive exercises help with grammar and vocabulary building. • Instant translations of words on the Internet. Beginning – Low-Intermediate The Longman Diccionario Inglés Básico is the perfect fi choice for lower-level students. Features: • 40,000 words and phrases. • Thousands of example sentences. • Hundreds of grammar and usage notes. • Dictionary practice activities. • 200 illustrations and a 16-page picture dictionary. Longman Diccionario Pocket www.pearsonELT.com/dictionaries Longman Diccionario Conciso Price Pr Paper 978-1-408-22790-9 1-408-22790-8 $ 15 Paper with CD-ROM pack 978-1-408-23234-7 1-408-23234-0 $ 18 978-0-582-46925-9 0-582-46925-2 $ 12 Longman Diccionario Inglés Básico 89 Pr Paper 978-1-405-82230-5 1-405-82230-9 $ 31.95 Mexican-Paper Paper with CD-ROM 978-1-405-83149-9 1-405-83149-9 $ 34.95 Latin American-Paper 978-0-582-82327-3 0-582-82327-7 $ 12 Hardcover with CD-ROM 978-1-405-83148-2 1-405-83148-0 $ 39.95 Latin American-Hardcover 978-0-582-85360-7 0-582-85360-5 $ 17 Why a Corpus-Informed Grammar Syllabus? “In a corpus-informed series, the corpus is but one tool used to inform the syllabus. The series’ instructional design is based on years of teaching experience that ensures corpus research is inserted appropriately to enhance the classroom connection…” David Bohlke Learn more on page 93. “The Focus on Grammar series has always taken a balanced approach, keeping what is tried and true while incorporating what is new and effective. To that end, Focus on Grammar has, for example, taken into account findings of corpus linguistics while never losing sight of what is pedagogically sound and useful…” Marjorie Fuchs and Irene E. Schoenberg Learn more on page 94. “The Azar-Hagen Grammar Series uses a grammar-based approach with communicative methodologies to promote the development of all language skills. Corpus research informs our textbooks extensively; however, the corpus is too limiting to be the main factor in determining what to teach. We take a broader approach and consider…” Betty Azar and Stacy Hagen Learn more on page 95. 90 ed years ohlke oach, and n ht berg ach ent ach agen Grammar My students love using Focus on Grammar because they become familiar with grammar in authentic contexts. They learn the form, meaning and use from clear, concise explanations and practice the grammar in controlled and communicative activities I constantly encourage my students to use it as a home-study book, but what I don’t tell them is that it is my secret weapon — even English teachers can get lost in a maze of grammar. And when I can’t find my way out, Azar Grammar is my map. I couldn’t recommend this series enough.” Amy Fenning, North Seattle Community College Brent Warner Southern States University Newport Beach, CA www.PearsonELT.com 91 GRAMMAR MyGrammarLab Diane Hall, Mark Foley English • 3 Levels • CEF A1 – C1 Think all grammar courses are the same? Think again… MyGrammarLab teaches and practises grammar though a unique blend of book, online and mobile resources – offering every learner of English the opportunity to study grammar in the way that best suits their needs. The MyGrammarLab series takes learners from elementary to advanced grammar, each level benchmarked against the Common European Framework, and provides grammar practice for internationally recognised exams. With its learning hints and tips, immediate feedback, automatic grading and grammar tutor videos, this course is ideal for self-study, as well as being a great grammar reference and practice companion to your English language course. In print • Clear and simple explanations • Natural examples illustrate the grammar points • Topic-based approach presents grammar in context • Variety of exercise types • Information on pronunciation and common errors Online • Grammar tutor explains key grammar points through videos • Full Diagnostic Test, Progress Tests and an Exit Test • More practice with instant grading and feedback • Pronunciation practice of grammar items • Listen and check the answers for practice exercises from the book • Additional grammar practice for exams Mobile • Download exercises to your mobile phone 92 Student Book w/ MyGrammarLab (w/ key) Student Book w/ MyGrammarLab (no key) Elementary 9781408299135 9781408299142 Intermediate 9781408299159 9781408299166 Advanced 9781408299111 9781408299128 Class Audio CDs 9781408299272 9781408299265 9781408299289 www.mygrammarlab.com GRAMMAR Next Generation Grammar NEW Level 1: Christine Cavage, Steve Jones Level 2: David Bohlke, Arlen Gargagliano Level 3: Pamela Vittorio, Jennifer Recio Lebedev Level 4: Sigrun Biesenbach-Lucas, Ph.D, Donette Brantner-Artenie Series Editor: David Bohlke English • 4 Levels • CEF A1 – C1 Truly for a new generation – one that’s busy, mobile and demanding Next Generation Grammar is a hybrid (print and online) grammar program that and speaking. Together with dynamic resources like MyEnglishLab and ActiveTeach, Next Generation Grammar learners and instructors alike. to allow more class time for meaningful, communicative work. Features: The Course Book content is presented in two formats – print or eText – (iPad content. Explicit skill practice Integrated approach Engaging content Innovative Teaching Tools Next Generation Grammar features an online video Grammar Coach. The Coach reinforces the grammar focus of each chapter, providing a quick, engaging review – perfect for students to check their understanding before proceeding to further assessment. MyEnglishLab features a wide range of tools that allow teachers to tailor the classroom to best meet students’ needs as well as teachers’ own. • Access a powerful selection of Diagnostic Tools • Monitor student progress on any activity or test as often as needed using the Gradebook • Easily spot students who are falling below threshold scores for your program • Personalize coursework and tailor the pace of instruction • Assign activities to your class or individual students using the calendar Interactive ActiveTeach environment. • Prepare lesson plans • Write, highlight, erase, and create notes • Add and save newly created classroom work • Enlarge any section of a page Student Book with MyEnglishLab eText with MyEnglishLab ActiveTeach Level 1 9780132560634 9780133101904 9780133076523 Level 2 9780132760546 9780133101911 9780133076547 Level 3 9780132760553 9780133044317 9780133076561 Level 4 9780132760577 9780133044324 9780133076578 For Teacher’s access to the MyEnglishLab contact your local Pearson representative. 93 GRAMMAR Focus on Grammar Irene E. Schoenberg, Jay Maurer, Majorie Fuchs, Margaret Bonner, Miriam Westheimer American English • 5 Levels • CEF A1 – C1 This contextualized and integrated 4 skills approach supports accuracy in grammar and fluency. The 4th edition has updated Charts and Notes that have been streamlined for greater clarity and ease of instruction. More assessment, more skills development and updated readings bring more focus. MyEnglishLab for Focus on Grammar, (see page 8 for more information), offers online homework and individualized instruction, anywhere, anytime. “Focus on Grammar helps EFL students... to acquire grammar skills to put into use, instead of just answering test/exam questions. Also it helps students recognize knowing the rules is not the goal of learning grammar.” Seiko Oguri, Chubu University, Language Centre, Japan www.pearsonELT.com/focusongrammar Student Book w/ MyEnglishLab Student Book Workbook Teacher’s Resource Pack w/ CD-ROM Classroom Audio CDs Level 1 9780132484121 9780132455916 9780132484138 9780132484145 9780132484152 Level 2 9780132114431 9780132546478 9780132163491 9780132163521 9780132160506 Student Book w/ MyEnglishLab Student Book Workbook Teacher’s Resource Pack w/ CD-ROM Classroom Audio CDs Level 4 9780132169363 9780132546492 9780132169417 9780132169721 9780132169783 Level 5 9780132169806 9780132546508 9780132169851 9780132169974 9780132169981 Split Edition Student Book A with MyEnglishLab Student Book B with MyEnglishLab Student Book A Student Book B Workbook A Workbook B Level 2 9780132114455 9780132169271 9780132114448 9780132169264 9780132163507 9780132163514 All Student Books contain an Audio CD (MP3). 94 Level 3 9780132160599 9780132169288 9780132160582 9780132160612 9780132169318 9780132170444 Level 4 9780132169394 9780132169660 9780132169370 9780132169400 9780132170086 9780132169684 Level 3 9780132160544 9780132546485 9780132169301 9780132169714 9780132169356 Level 5 9780132169820 9780132169844 9780132169813 9780132169837 9780132169899 9780132169905 GRAMMAR Azar-Hagen Grammar Series NEdEitW ion Betty S. Azar and Stacy A. Hagen 3 Levels • CEF A1 – C1 New – Basic English Grammar Third Edition. The Azar-Hagen series has defined grammar teaching for decades. Clear, direct and comprehensive, this three-level course uses a grammar based teaching approach blending grammar methodology and communicative methods—to optimize instruction. Azar Interactive offers online instruction through a dynamic combination of interactive exercises, animation, readings and audio and voice recordings. “The explanations of the grammar points are detailed and extremely clear. I love that my students have the opportunity to learn new words as they practice grammar. Students can use their books as a reference for years after their grammar class because of its completeness.” Sarah Moyer, California State University, Long Beach, CA Basic english Fundamentals of english Grammar Beginners: Grammar Intermediate: Fourth edition Student Book Student Book + Audio CD w/ AK (Intl) Student Book + Audio CD w/o AK (Intl) Workbook Teacher’s Guide with Power Point CD-ROM/DVD Answer Key Test Bank Chartbook ExamView 9780132942300 9780132942249 9780132315128 9780132315135 9780132942270 9780133360967 9780138022129 9780131383340 9780133438376 9780137071449 9780137071418 9780131383333 9780133438383 Split Edition Basic english Fundamentals of english Grammar Beginners: Grammar Intermediate: Fourth edition Student Book A & Audio CD w/o Answer Key Workbook A Student Book B & Audio CD w/o Answer Key Workbook B 9780131849396 9780131849358 9780131849402 9780131849365 9780131383531 9780137075249 9780137075232 9780137074907 Understanding and Using english Grammar Advanced: Fourth edition 9780132464505 9780132464482 9780132415439 9780132052115 9780132415460 9780132052146 9780132052108 9780132052139 Understanding and Using english Grammar Advanced: Fourth edition 9780132333306 9780132415446 9780132333320 9780132415453 95 Segmento Think all grammar courses are the same? online full assessment mobile blended learning automated gradebook videos immediate feedback diagnostics MyGrammarLab The three-level grammar series that teaches and practises grammar through a unique blend of... Book + Online + Mobile www.MyGrammarLab.com 96 25 SKILLS Skills “What I like most about teaching English is that you never stop learning yourself, both in terms of language competence and teaching skills, which makes you feel young… Moreover, performing so many different roles in the classroom, not only of a communicator, manager, conveyor of information but also of a role-model, surrogate parent etc. I feel I’m needed. In short, for me teaching English is not just a job, it’s a way of living. I wouldn’t trade it for any other profession.” Katarzyna Pogłodzińska, Centrum Języków Europejskich NKJO, Częstochowa www.pearsonELT.com 97 SKILLS NorthStar Series Editors: Francis Boyd and Carol Numrich American English • 5 Levels • CEF A1 – C2 With its two complimentary strands: Reading and Writing and Listening and Speaking, NorthStar motivates students to achieve their academic and personal English language goals with a variety of interesting themes and text genres. Now in its third edition, the course has an enhanced focus on academic skills including organizing, inferencing, synthesizing and note taking, as well as the integration of critical thinking activities. In the Reading and Writing strand students are taken step-by-step through a meaningful academic writing assignment. In the Listening and Speaking strand a structured approach leads students to produce an integrated oral presentation, debate, interview or role play. “What the teachers like about the NorthStar series is that it helps students to develop their skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. They like the online activities that can be assigned as homework and are graded online. Most have noticed that students’ vocabulary has been enhanced particularly through the vocabulary activities in the textbook and MyNorthStarLab. Students enjoy the Research tasks and the Internet Activities in each unit.” Bernie Reilly, Al Nahda National School for Girls, Abu Dhabi Also available as a blended learning programe with MyEnglishLab (see page 7). 98 Listening & Speaking Student Book Student Book w/ MyNorthStarLab Teacher’s Manual w/ Tests Class Audio CDs DVD w/ DVD Guide Placement Tests Level 1 9780136133353 9780136133384 9780136133360 9780136133377 9780138140489 9780132463409 Level 2 9780132409889 9780132409896 9780132409513 9780132409520 9780136082989 9780132463409 Level 3 9780136133131 9780136133179 9780136133148 9780136133155 9780138140496 9780132463409 Level 4 9780132056779 9780132057158 9780132056786 9780132056793 9780135058916 9780132463409 Level 5 9780132336741 9780132336727 9780132336420 9780132336734 9780135058909 9780132463409 Reading & Writing Student Book Student Book w/ MyNorthStarLab Teacher’s Manual w/ Tests Class Audio CDs DVD w/ DVD Guide ExamView® Software Level 1 9780132336451 9780136068228 9780132336437 9780135139561 9780138140489 9780138141820 Level 2 9780132409919 9780136068242 9780132409902 9780138130107 9780136082989 9780138141837 Level 3 9780136133681 9780136067900 9780136133698 9780138130053 9780138140496 9780138154790 Level 4 9780136133186 9780136067917 9780136133193 9780131357266 9780135058916 9780138154806 Level 5 9780132336765 9780136067924 9780132336758 9780135139578 9780135058909 9780138154820 www.pearsonELT.com/northstar SKILLS Academic Connections Betsy Cassriel, Marit ter Mate-Martinsen, David Hill, Julia Williams American English • 4 Levels • CEF A2 – C2 Developed with the Educational Testing Service (ETS). Academic Connections is based on extensive research into the English language demands of higher education. It is an integrated skills course perfect for students preparing for academic study and tests such as the TOEFL iBT®. Step-by-step academic skills development helps students to organize information, make connections and think critically. Authentic tasks include: lectures, note-taking activities, debates, oral and written reports and essay writing. The Student Book is fully blended with a MyEnglishLab component making it easy for teachers to take their lessons online saving valuable classroom time (see pages 7 & 48). www.myenglishlab.com/academicconnections Student Book w/ MyEnglishLab Audio CDs Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 9780132338431 9780132338448 9780132338455 9780132454742 9780132454759 9780132454766 Level 4 9780132338417 9780132454773 Boost! Series American English • 4 LEVELS • CEF A1 – B1 All the skills you need to succeed With four-levels for each of the individual skills – Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening and Grammar; this series follows an integrated approach with each of the skills brought together at the end of every unit. Each skill-set series can be used as a stand-alone skills program or combined with other titles in the series or other English programs. www.boostskillsseries.com Student Book with CD 1 Teacher’s Edition 1 Student Book with CD 2 Teacher’s Edition 2 Student Book with CD 3 Teacher’s Edition 3 Student Book with CD 4 Teacher’s Edition 4 Listening 9789620058738 9789620193750 9789620058745 9789620193767 9789620058752 9789620059155 9789620058769 9789620059162 Speaking 9789620058776 9789620059179 9789620058783 9789620059186 9789620058790 9789620059193 9789620058806 9789620059209 Student Book with CD 1 Teacher’s Edition 1 Student Book with CD 2 Teacher’s Edition 2 Student Book with CD 3 Teacher’s Edition 3 Student Book with CD 4 Teacher’s Edition 4 Grammar 9789620058851 9789620059094 9789620058868 9789620059100 9789620058875 9789620059117 9789620058882 9789620059124 Vocabulary 9789880025198 9789880025235 9789880025204 9789880025242 9789880025211 9789880025259 9789880025228 9789880025266 Reading 9789620058691 9789620059018 9789620058707 9789620059025 9789620058714 9789620059032 9789620058721 9789620059049 Writing 9789620058813 9789620059056 9789620058820 9789620059063 9789620058837 9789620059070 9789620058844 9789620059087 99 SKILLS Topics from A to Z American English • 2 Levels • CEF A2 By integrating content with context, Topics from A to Z offers meaningful learning opportunities. Each unit opens with an engaging piece of art and a thoughtful question to immediately involve students in the learning process. Facts and Memory sections use proven approaches to reinforce vocabulary and language structure, while clearly labeled illustrations help students acquire new words. www.pearsonELT.com Coursebook Answer Key Audio CD (2) Level 1 9780131850736 9780131931848 9780131850743 Level 2 9780131850767 9780131931879 9780131850774 For Your Information American English • 4 Levels • CEF B1 – C1 For Your Information helps students move beyond passive reading to become active, thoughtful, and confident readers of English. This series builds reading proficiency and vocabulary while encouraging students to think critically, express themselves, and interact. Student Book Teacher’s Manual & Tests DVD Classroom Audio CDs Level 1 9780131991866 9780131991859 9780136131519 9780136135647 Level 2 9780131991828 9780131991842 9780136131519 9780132057509 Level 3 9780132380089 9780132436625 9780136131526 9780132447072 Level 4 9780132436946 9780132380119 9780136131526 9780131582354 Impact Series American English • 4 Levels • CEF A1 – B1 Skills for understanding and contributing to conversation Impact Series comprise a comprehensive communicative course series, taking students from beginner to intermediate level. Step-by-Step conversation building, information-and opinion-gap activities, lively listening tasks, vocabulary-building tasks, interactive reading, and more all add up to a motivating and practical series for your students. www.impactseries.com Impact Issues Student Book + Self Study CD Impact Listening Student Book Teacher’s Manual Audio Class CD Impact Conversation Student Book + Self Study CD Impact Grammar Student Book with CD 100 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 9789620199301 9789620199318 9789620199325 9789620058011 9789620058028 9789620058035 9789620058042 9789620058073 9789620058059 9789620058080 9789620058066 9789620058097 9789620199332 9789620199349 9789620014284 SKILLS Longman Academic Writing Series NEW Level 1: Linda Butler Level 2: Ann Hogue Levels 3 & 4: Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue Level 5: Alan Meyers American English Writing Skills for College Newly expanded to five levels, The Longman Academic Writing Series helps develop student writing from the basic composition of sentences and paragraphs to academic essays and research papers. At each level, students are offered guidance in the complete writing process from prewriting to revision, and are provided with clear explanations, extensive practice, and consistent coverage of sentence mechanics and grammar. A new fifth book in the series offers more advanced guidance in the writing of essays and research papers. Features: • Step-by-step approach helps students produce a wellorganized, clearly developed portfolio that is the foundation of academic coursework. • Realistic writing models guide writers while clear explanations, supported by examples, help students through typical rough spots. • Interactive tasks, such as pair and group work, allow students to receive peer feedback on their individual writing. • Practice tasks progress from recognition to controlled production and culminate in communicative activities. • Extensive practice helps students assimilate writing skills to learn to write with accuracy and confidence. Level 1 Student’s Book 9780132679381 Teacher’s Manual with online* Assessment * Please contact your sales representative. Level 2 9780132912716 online* Level 3 9780132915663 online* Level 4 9780132915694 online* www.pearsoneltusa.com/longmanacademic Level 5 9780132912747 online* 101 SKILLS Focus on Writing Series Editor: John Beaumont 5 Levels Using a process approach to writing, students practice with careful guidance and internalize the essential steps that are essential to improve their confidence as writers. Student Book w/ ProofWriter™ Teacher’s Manual Student Book w/ ProofWriter™ Teacher’s Manual * Please contact your local sales representative Level 1 9780132313506 online* Level 2 9780132313520 online* Level 4 9780132313544 online* Level 5 9780132313551 online* Level 3 9780132313537 online* Grammar for Writing Joyce S. Cain 3 Levels Using authentic writing excerpts Grammar for Writing provides students with the most essential grammar applications they need to become proficient writers. Level 1 9780132088985 Student Book Level 2 9780132088992 Level 3 9780132089005 Writing Power Karen Blanchard, Sue Peterson, Dorothy E. Zemach 4 Levels • Beginning – Advanced Writing Power helps students develop practical skills in a wide range of different written genres. Each book is organized into four parts focusing on an important aspect of writing proficiency. Units are created around a central topic or theme, guiding students through the complete writing process. Writing Power Level 1 9780132314848 Level 2 9780132314855 Level 3 9780132314862 Level 4 9780132314879 Teacher’s Guide w/Answer Key online* online* online* online* * Please contact your local sales representative Writing to Communicate 3 Levels With a combined process and product approach, Writing to Communicate guides students through the writing process as they create interesting, well-organized, and grammatically correct paragraphs and essays. Student’s Book Answer Key 102 Level 1 9780136141914 9780136141921 Level 2 9780132351164 9780132351157 Level 3 9780132407441 9780132407458 SKILLS Ready to Write 3 Levels A fresh new design and updated content marks 25 years of this easy-to-teach series. It provides basic writing instruction, dependable strategies, and many opportunities for students to use the composition skills they need to be successful writers in and out of the classroom. Level 1 Student Book 9780131363304 Answer Key* (online) 9780131363311 * Please contact your local sales representative Level 2 9780131363328 9780131363335 Level 3 9780131363342 9780131363366 Engaging Writing Mary Fitzpatrick 2 Levels Engaging Writing provides step-by-step instruction for intermediate to advanced learners in the key concepts and skills of academic writing. Student Book w/ ProofWriter™ Teacher’s Manual * Please contact your local sales representative Level 1 9780136085188 online* Level 2 9780132483544 online* From Reading to Writing 4 Levels This four-level, researched-based course provides a complete sequence of highinterest, thematically connected activities that fully integrate reading and writing. Students improve their academic writing skills, and become more confident and successful readers with online ProofWriter™ tool from ETS®. Level 1 Student Book 9780132050661 Teacher’s Manual online* * Please contact your local sales representative www.pearsonELT.com Level 2 9780136127802 online* Level 3 9780132330961 online* Level 4 9780131588677 online* 103 SKILLS Longman Academic Reading Series NEW Level 1: Elizabeth Böttcher Level 2: Kim Sanabria Level 3: Judy L. Miller and Robert F. Cohen Level 4: Robert F. Cohen and Judy L. MillerNEW Level 5: Lorraine C. Smith American English Reading Skills for College The Longman Academic Reading Series is a new five-level series that prepares English language learners for academic work. High-interest readings cover a variety of subjects, including art history, nutrition, American literature, and forensics. The series takes a holistic approach to the skills and strategies necessary for effective reading, vocabulary building, note-taking, and critical thinking. By encouraging students to discuss and write about the ideas covered in the readings, the series helps them become better speakers and writers of English. Features: • Rigorous, sophisticated, and comprehensive readings are based on academic sources, each carefully designed to provide different and intriguing perspectives on a theme. • Readings come from a variety of sources and genres — textbooks, newspapers, magazines, online articles — and are written by experts in widely different fields. • A corpus-informed approach to vocabulary helps students build vocabulary an acquire skills to become more confident in preparing for academic work. Level 1 Student’s Book 9780132786645 Teacher’s Manual* online* * Please contact your sales representative. 104 Level 2 9780132785822 online* Level 3 9780132760591 online* Level 4 9780132760614 online* Level 5 9780132760676 online* www.pearsoneltusa.com/longmanacademic SKILLS Reading Power Beatrice S. Mikulecky and Linda Jeffries 4 Levels With Reading Power encourage your students to develop a strategic approach and view reading as a problem-solving activity rather than a translation exercise. Student Book Teacher’s Guide w/ Sample Syllabus (w/ key) Test Booklet Level 1 9780138143893 9780138144470 Level 2 9780138143886 9780138143916 Level 3 9780132089036 9780132089050 Level 4 9780133047172 9780133247978 9780132085342 9780138143909 9780132089043 9780133247985 Real Reading Series Editor: Lynn Bonesteel Series Consultant: Paul Nation with David Wiese and Alice Savage 4 Levels Real Reading creates an authentic reading experience for your students through carefullycontrolled texts, meaning-focused exercises and extensive vocabulary development. www.pearsonELT.com/realreading Level 1 Student Book w/ MP3 9780136066545 Teacher’s Manual and Test online* *Please contact your sales representative. Level 2 9780138146276 online* Level 3 9780137144433 online* Level 4 9780135057714 online* True Stories Series AMERICAN ENGLISH • CEF A1 – C2 These engaging “believe-it-or-not” real-life, human-interest stories build students’ reading, writing, and speaking skills. Through humor, poignancy, or astonishment, students are guided through a carefully paced, step-by-step process to help them become fluent readers. www.pearsonELT.com Very Easy True Stories. A Picture Based First Reader: Low Beginning Book All New Easy True Stories. A Picture Based Beginning Reader: Low Beginning Book Easy True Stories Book True Stories in the News: A Beginning Reader Student Book & Audio CD Package Even More True Stories: An Intermediate Reader Book Beyond True Stories: Intermediate-High Intermediate Book Answer Key Student Book & Audio CD Package 9780201343137 9780131345560 9780801310898 9780136154815 9780131751736 9780130918147 9780131840317 9780131892743 105 SKILLS What A World Listening 3 Levels What A World Listening, the newest addition to this popular series, uses highinterest topics to help build students’ English communication skills. Students listen to engaging stories about different people, animals, places, customs, and organizations. The topics span history and the globe, from typical foods around the world to the ancient Greeks to man-made islands. Each unit opens with a question that is explored in the listening and continues with vocabulary, comprehension, notetaking, critical thinking, focused. Student Book Answer Key Audio CD’s * Please contact your local sales representative Level 1 9780132473897 online* 9780132548359 Level 2 9780132477956 online* 9780132548366 Level 3 9780131382008 online* 9780132548373 What a World Reading 3 Levels What A World is a six-book reading and listening series. Both strands explore linked topics from around the world and across history. The stories in What A World Reading cover a diverse range of high-interest topics, from biographical pieces to explorations of cultures in various historical and contemporary periods. Features • Words that Go Together activities highlight collocations -- words that are easier to learn together. • Critical Thinking questions develop students’ thinking skills. • Spelling and Punctuation activities provide basic rules and practice for essential skills. • Internet activities build students’ Internet research skills. • Self-Tests help students and teachers assess progress. Student Book Answer Key Level 1 9780132472678 online* Level 2 9780132477963 online* Level 3 9780131382015 online* * Please contact your local sales representative What a Life! Kathy Cox and David Hill 2 Levels Equip your students with the necessary English language skills required for academic study at university. This two level course uses a thematic approach and covers areas such as critical thinking and note-taking. Student Book 106 Beginners 9780201619966 High Beginners 9780201619973 Intermediate 9780201619980 SKILLS LEAP: Learning English for Academic Purposes Julia Williams, Dr Ken Beatty Available in two complementary strands: Listening and Speaking and Reading and Writing, these books offer a cross-curricular approach to teaching students the skills they need to thrive in a real-life academic context. Each chapter is built around warm-up and final assignments that help students progress towards greater autonomy, while challenging texts and tasks encourage students to reflect critically on the content and develop their academic vocabulary. Extra practice opportunities are provided online with the Companion Website Plus where teachers can track their students’ progress. http://leap.pearsonELT.ca High-Intermediate 9782761341455 9782761345835 9782761348201 Reading & Writing Student Book Listening & Speaking Student Book Class Audio CD Advance 9782761352284 9782761352291 9782761352642 Focus on Pronunciation: Third Edition Linda Lane 3 Levels • Beginning – Advanced This three-level course brings together all the tools, tips and techniques students need to speak clearly, accurately and fluently. Each level is organized into five parts — vowels, consonants, stress, rhythm and intonation — and offers a comprehensive yet highly accessible approach to pronunciation mastery. Student Book with Student Audio CD-ROM Classroom Audio CDs Answer Key and Audioscript * Please contact your local sales representative Level 1 9780132314930 9780132314961 online* Level 2 9780132314947 9780132314985 online* Level 3 9780132315005 9780132315029 online* Focus on Vocabulary Level 1: Diane Schmitt, Norbert Schmitt and David Mann Level 2: Diane Schmitt and Norbert Schmitt 2 Levels Now in an expanded two-book series, the research-based Focus on Vocabulary breaks down the task of vocabulary acquisition into achievable, short-term language goals. Student Book Answer Key and Test * Please contact your local sales representative Level 1 9780131376199 online* Level 2 9780131376175 online* www.pearsonELT.com 107 SKILLS Learn to Listen, Listen to Learn Roni S. Leber 2 Levels This series helps students to acquire the listening comprehension and note-taking skills they need for academic life through excerpts from authentic lectures. Level 1 9780132170307 9780138140014 9780131361911 online* Student Book w/ Class Audio CD Student Book Class Audio CD Teacher’s Manual * Please contact your local sales representative Level 2 9780132170291 9780138140007 9780131361935 online* Issues Series Carol Numrich, in cooperation with NPR® 3 Levels This academic listening and speaking series uses original National Public Radio® broadcasts to provide students with a context for listening comprehension and discussion. Face the Issues Student Book Class Audio CDs Answer Key 9780131992184 9780131992207 9780131992191 Consider the Issues 9780132314893 9780132314909 online* Raise the Issues 9780137007301 9780132443074 9780132443081 * Please contact your local sales representative Listening Power Bruce Rogers, Dorothy Zemach, David Bohlke and Tammy LeRoi Gilbert 3 Levels Target the listening skills that are needed both inside and outside of the classroom. This course puts emphasis on comprehension whilst encouraging students to listen for pleasure. Student Book w/ Class Audio CD Class Audio CD Teacher’s Pack 108 www.pearsonELT.com Level 1 9780132626491 9780132315418 9780136114222 Level 2 9780132626514 9780132315432 9780136114260 Level 3 9780132626484 9780132315449 9780136114291 SKILLS A Conversation Book AMERICAN ENGLISH • 2 LEVELS • CEF A1 – B1 This series presents a student-centered method for developing conversation fluency. It combines a picture-dictionary approach with a variety of learning activities based on familiar themes of everyday life. Each unit concludes with three pages of reinforcement and evaluation, including listening practice, review, and assessment. Level 1 9780131500457 9780131986749 9780131500488 9780131500471 Student Book Full Student Book w/CD Teacher’s Manual Audio CD Level 2 9780137281145 9780137281220 Speaking of Values AMERICAN ENGLISH • CEF B1 – C1 Stimulates lively conversation about personal and cultural beliefs, while developing language and critical thinking skills. Systematically incorporating language focused exercises, the texts help students develop fluency by focusing on phrases in context, then practicing them in meaningful and enjoyable ways. Level 1 9780131172265 9780131844759 9780131411722 Student Book w/Audio CD Teacher’s Pack Classroom Audio CDs Level 2 9780131825475 9780131956612 9780131956636 Contemporary Topics Series Editor: Michael Rost 4 Levels With Contemporary Topics, make academic lectures accessible to students by developing their listening and note-taking skills through a series of diverse lectures. Student Book w/ Audio CD Student Book w/ DVD Student Book Teacher’s Pack Class Audio CD DVD Introductory 9780132469432 9780132316040 9780132075176 9780132075206 9780132075190 9780132075183 www.pearsonELT.com Level 1 9780132469449 9780132316057 9780132355704 9780132424288 9780132424295 9780131358065 Level 2 9780132469401 9780132316071 9780132345248 9780136005155 9780136005148 9780131358096 Level 3 9780132469418 9780132316088 9780132345231 9780136005131 9780136005162 9780131358102 109 SKILLS The Essentials of English Speech Communication From grammar and punctuation to the creation of essays, The Essentials of English is a must-have reference tool for today’s writer. Each part focuses on a single topic, building from sentence structure and mechanics to writing, revising, and proper formatting. Students also learn how to write a research paper in the MLA and APA styles. A step by step introduction to verbal communication, designed to increase skill and self-confidence when giving a presentation. • Interactive group activities help students develop public speaking skills • Speech preparation worksheets • Appendices with evaluation forms and end of chapter quizzes and answers Student Book Full Workbook 9780131500907 9780131830370 Student Book Essentials Idioms in English Phrasal Verbs and Collocations Fifth Edition From ‘catching a cold’ to ‘landing on your feet’, idiomatic expressions add color and style to the English language. Essential Idioms in English is the book of choice for mastering more than 500 common English idioms phrasal verbs, and collocations. Student Book 9780131411760 Fields of Vision Fields of Vision is a comprehensive, flexible, user-friendly anthology of Literature in the English language, from its origins to contemporary times. • A well-balanced selection of authors and texts • Improves language skills, involving students actively in the learning experience • Develops students’ ability to approach their studies from a crosscurricular perspective. Student Book 1 Student Book 2 Student Book 3 110 9780582819078 9780582819061 9780582819085 9780131955448 Real Talk Real Talk 1 and 2 help students break away from structured classroom English and enter the world of authentic English. The listening segments expose students to spontaneous face-to-face conversations, phone conversations and pre-recorded messages, radio broadcasts, and academic lectures. Student Book Audio CD Tests and Answer Key Level 1 9780131835450 Level 2 9780131940963 9780131945470 9780131945548 9780131940949 9780131940970
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