From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. Favorable Prognosis of Hyperdiploid Common Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia May Be Explained by Sensitivity to Antimetabolites and Other Drugs: Results of an In Vitro Study By G.J.L. Kaspers, L.A. Smets, R. Pieters, C H . Van Zantwijk, E.R. Van Wering, and A.J.P. Veerman DNA hyperdiploidy is a favorable prognostic factor in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The explanation for this prognostic significance islargely unknown. Wehave studied whether DNA ploidy was related to cellular resistance to 12 drugs, assessed with themethyl-thiazol-tetrazolium assay, in samples of 74 children with common (CD10' precursor B-cell)ALL. Sixteen patients had hyperdiploid ALL cells and 58 patients hadnonhyperdiploid ALL cells. Hyperdiploid ALLcells were more sensitive to mercaptopurine (median, 9.0-fold; P = .000003),to thioguanine (1.4-fold; P = .023),to cytarabine (1.8-fold; P = .016), and to l-asparaginase (19.5-fold; P = .022) than werenonhyperdiploid ALL cells. In contrast, these two ploidy groups did notdiffer significantly in resistance to prednisolone, dexamethasone, vincristine, vindesine,daunorubicin,doxorubicin, mitoxantrone, and teniposide. The percentage of S-phase cells was higher ( P = .05) in the hyperdiploid ALL samples (median, 8.5%) than in the nonhyperdiploid ALL samples (median, 5.7%). However, the percentage of cellsin S-phase was notsignificantly related to in vitro drug resistance. We conclude that the favorable prognosis associated with DNA hyperdiploidy in childhood common ALL may be explained by a relative sensitivity of hyperdiploid common ALL cells to antimetabolites, especially to mercaptopurine and to l-asparaginase. 0 1995 by The American Societyof Hemstology. T sala, Sweden) for 15 minutes (room temperature, 1,OOOg). Immunofluorescence techniques were used for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) and cytoplasmic and surface Ig M heavy chain staining, whereas an indirect immunoperoxidase staining technique on cytocentrifuge preparations was used for all other antibodie~.'~ A leukemia was considered to be a precursor-B common-ALL (cALL) if the malignant cells were positive for TdT, CDlO, CD19, andHLA-DRand negative for cytoplasmic and/or surface Ig M heavy chain. Materials. Prednisolone sodium phosphate (PRD), dexamethasone sodium phosphate (DXM), daunorubicin hydrochloride (DNR), l-asparaginase (ASP), cytarabine (ARA-C), vindesine sulphate (VDS), vincristine sulphate (VCR), mitozantrone hydrochloride (MIT), teniposide (TEN), and acidified (0.04 N HCl) isopropanol were obtained from the hospital pharmacy. Thioguanine (6TG), mercaptopurine (6MP), and doxorubicin hydrochloride (DOX) were obtained from Sigma Chemical CO (St Louis, MO). PRD was dissolved in saline. DNR, ASP, VDS, and DOX were dissolved in distilled water. 6MP and 6TG were dissolved in 0.1 N NaOH. DXM, ARA-C, VCR, MIT, and TEN were obtained in soluble form. Cells were cultured in suspension inRPM1 1640 (GIBCO, Uxbridge, UK) containing fetal calf serum (Flow Laboratories, Irvine, UK) and supplements as described previously.i6 MTT (3-[4,5dimethyl-thiazol-2-yI]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium-bromide) was obtained from Sigma. Drug resistance assay. The MTT assay was performed at the research laboratory for pediatric hemato-onco-immunology ofthe HE IDENTIFICATION OF prognostic factors in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) has allowed the use of risk-group stratification and subsequent risk-group adapted treatment. This approach is likely to have contributed to the marked improvement in the prognosis of this disease in children.' DNA ploidy, as determined by karyotyping or flow cytometric measurement of DNA content, has strong and independent prognostic Significance.' DNA hyperdiploidy is especially associated with a favorable prognosis in B-lineage The explanation for the good prognosis associated with DNA hyperdiploidy in B-lineage ALL is unknown. However, Whitehead et a l l ' recently reported that DNA hyperdiploid ALL cells accumulated higher levels of methotrexate polyglutamates than did other aneuploid and diploid ALL cells, which suggests that DNA hyperdiploid ALL cells are more sensitive to methotrexate. We studied the relationship between DNA ploidy, percentage of cells in S-phase, and cellular resistance to 12 drugs assessed using the methyl-thiazol-tetrazolium (Mm)assay in 74 samples of children with newly diagnosed common ALL. The MTT assay is an objective and reliable cell culture drug-resistance assay, suited for large-scale testing of leukemia and lymphoma samples." Using this assay, we showed that in vitro resistance to certain drugs is related to the clinical outcome in childhood ALL.13 PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients. Bone marrow or peripheral blood samples were sent by local institutions to the Dutch Childhood Leukemia Study Group laboratory for confirmation of the new diagnosis ALL by classification according to the criteria of the French-American-British (FAB) groupi4and imm~nophenotyping.'~ Samples of 88 children with nonB ALL were sent by the Dutch Childhood Leukemia Study Group laboratory to the research laboratory for pediatric hemato-onco-immunology of the Free University Hospital for cellular drug resistance testing and to the Department of Experimental Therapy of the Netherlands Cancer Institute for DNA ploidy and percentage of S-phase cells measurements. Informed consent was obtained. Cellular drug resistance and DNA ploidy assays were successfully performed in 74 patients. Table 1 summarizes the clinical and cell biologic features of these patients. Cells. Mononuclear cells were isolated by Ficoll density gradient centrifugation (Ficol Paque; density, 1.077 g/mL; Pharmacia, UppBlood, Vol 85, No 3 (February l ) , 1995: pp 751-756 Fromthe Department of Pediatrics, Free University Hospital, Amsterdam; the Department of Experimental Therapy, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam; and the Dutch Childhood Leukemia Study Group, The Hague, The Netherlands. Submitted September 13, 1994; accepted September 27, 1994. Supported by the Dutch Cancer Society ( I K A 89-06) and by the project VONK (VU Onderzoek Naar Kinderkanker). Address reprint requests to G.J.L. Kaspers, MD, PhD, Department of Pediatrics, Free University Hospital, De Boelelaan 1117, l081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/95/8503-0117$3.00/0 751 From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. 752 KASPERS ET AL Table 1. Features of 74 Children With Newly Diagnosed c-ALL DNA Ploidy Nonhyperdiploid No. of patients 58 Malefiemale ratio 27/31 Median age in mo (range) 54 (3-190) Median WBC x109/L 25.5 (3.6-729) 39.2 (range)(2.5-149.4) FAB type L1 47 L2 11 Median percentage of cells in S-phase (range) (4.2-20) (0.2-30) 8.5 5.7 Hyperdiploid 16 1214 (17-190) 44 14 2 thusattemptedtoexcludenear-triploidandnear-tetraploidcases (with a DNA index of > 1.35) from the hyperdiploid group,because these patients have a less favorable prognosis? The percentage of S-phase cells was determined by planimetry of DNA cell readings, and was expressed as a percentage of all cells, irrespective of DNA content. Statistics. Computer equipment was provided by Olivetti NederlandBV (Leiden, The Netherlands). The Wilcoxon's ranking test for unpaired data and thex' test were used for two-tailed testing at a level of significance of .05. The Spearman's rank correlation test (parameterp ) was used to study the relation between the percentage of S-phase cells and LC50 values. RESULTS Sixteen (22%) of the 74 patients had hyperdiploid ALL cells and 58 patients had nonhyperdiploid ALL cells. Patient Free University Hospital within 36 hours after collection of the bone characteristics of the two groupsare shown in Table1. These characteristics did not differsignificantly, except that hypermarrow or peripheral blood sample. Samples from these sources do not differ in drug resistance and were therefore evaluated together." diploidy was more frequentin male patients ( P = .M).HowAll samples tested with the MlT assay contained 280% leukemic ever, for 14 nonevaluable cases, the white blood cell counts in case of doubt, cells after isolation (assessed morphologically and, ( M C ) of the 9 hyperdiploid cases were lower (median, 6.2 also immunologically), which has proven to give reliable test reX 109/L; range, 3.2 to 41.9 X 109/L) than those of the 5 s u l t ~ . 'In ~ allsamples,thecellviability,assessed by trypanblue nonhyperdiploid cases (median, 23.8 X 109/L; range, 4.8 to exclusion, was 295% at the start of the culture. 89.3 X 109/L). Patient characteristics other then WBC did Eighty microliters ofcell suspension (2X lo6cells/mL)was added not differ between the ploidy groups in these nonevaluable to 20pL of the various drugsolutions in 96-well microculture plates. cases. The MTT assay results of these 14 samples were not Each drug was tested in 6 concentrations in duplicate, with concenevaluable because of an optical density of less than 0.050 tration ranges as reported previously.'6 These concentrationsdo not (n = 7) or because of less than 70% of leukemic cells in the necessarily stay the same during the 4 days of incubation. Expericontrol wells (n = 7). The failure rate was thus significantly ments (not shown here) showed no differences between 6MP and to the ( P = ,001)higherin hyperdiploid c-ALLsamples (9/25) 6TG regarding their in vitro behavior (stability and adherence walls of the plates). Wells with culture medium only (for 6MP and than in nonhyperdiploid c-ALL samples (5/63). In agreement 6TGwith drug) were used to blank the reader, and 6 wells with with this observation, we found thatthe control cell survival cells in medium without drugs were used to determine the control in the successfully tested samples was lower ( P = .003) in cell survival and to calculate the coefficient of variation of control hyperdiploid samples (median, 46%; range, 26% to 69%) wells. The plates were incubated in humidified air containing 5% than in nonhyperdiploid samples (median, 68%; range, 23% CO2 for 4 days at 37°C. Then, 10 pL of MTT solution (5 mg/mL) was added to the plates. After shaking the plates until the cell pellet to 135%).Similarly, the percentage of leukemiccells in control wells after 4 days of culture was lower ( P = .005) was resuspended, they were incubated for 6 hours. The tetrazolium in hyperdiploid samples (median, 80%; range, 71% to 95%) salt MTT is reduced to a colored formazan by living cells but not than in nonhyperdiploid samples (median, 92%; range,71% by dead cells. The formazan crystals formed were dissolved with 100 pL acidified isopropanol. The optical density of the wells, which to 99%). At the start of culture, these median percentages is linearily related to the cell number," was measured with an ELwere both 94%. 312 microplate spectrophotometer (Bio-tek Instruments Inc. WinooThe hyperdiploid and nonhyperdiploidc-ALL samples ski, VT) at 562 nm. Leukemic cell survival (LCS) was calculated showed a large overlap of individual LC50 values for all by the equation: LCS = (mean optical density treated wellslmean drugs, except for 6MP. Hyperdiploid c-ALL samples were optical density control wells) X 100%. The LC50, the drug concensignificantly more sensitive to 6MP (median, 9.0-fold; P = tration lethal to 50% ofthe cells, wascalculatedfromthedose.00OOO3), to 6TG (1.4-fold; P = .023), to ARA-C (1.8-fold; responsecurveandusedasmeasure of resistance.Resultswere P = .016), and to ASP (19.5-fold; P = .022) thanwere considered evaluable in case of an optical density of 20.050 and nonhyperdiploid c-ALL samples. Figure 1 shows these dif270% leukemic cells in the control wells (leukemic cells without ferences for individual patients. In addition to these signifidrug), which assures reliable test result^.'"'^ cant differences, hyperdiploid c-ALL samples were not sigThe intra-assay (duplicates) and inter-assay (repeated testing of a frozen sample) variation in LC50 values is less than 1 dilution step nificantly moresensitivetothe structurallyrelated drugs for each drug. The median coefficient of variationofthecontrol PRD (6.3-fold) andDXM (8.6-fold). Fortheremaining wells was 5.2% (range, 0.9% to 15.3%). drugs, small and nonsignificant differences were observed DNA ploidy and S-phase deferminafion. Flow cytometric analy(Table 2). In some samples, not all drugs could be tested sis of cellular DNA content and cell cycle distribution was performed because of the lack of material. However, 6MP and 6TG withanimpulsecytophotometer (ICP-11; Phywe AG, Gottingen, were successfully tested in the same specimens. Moreover, Germany)onethidiumbromide-stained cells asdescribedprean analysis including only those samples in which all three viously.* The DNA index was definedas the modal DNA content of antimetabolites (6MP,6TG,andARA)were successfully leukemic cells compared with that of reference normal lymphocytes. tested gave results very similar to those shown in Table 2 Patientsweredividedinhyperdiploid(DNAindex, 2 1.16and (data not shown). c 1.35) and nonhyperdiploid (DNA index, t1.16 or > l .35). We From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. DNAPLOIDYANDDRUG A 753 RESISTANCE IN CHILDHOODALL po.oooooa t =E P p.o.02 P 00 0" l00 0 10 S u- t C DIPLOID D p-0.04 k 0 NON-HYPER DIPLOID DIPLOID HYPER NON-HYPER DlpLOlD 0 8 0 HYPER jP0.04 n 1 v 0 16 Y 0.01 1 W O + i P 8 00 Qx) 0.00 l " 1 NON-HYPER DIPLOID HYPER DIPLOID N01J-HWER DIPLOID 0 HYPER DIPLOD Fig l. Relationship betweenDNA ploidy determined byflow cytometry and cellular drug resistance determinedwith the colorimetric MlT assay in childhood c-ALL. Cases were classified as hyperdiploid [DNAindex, 1.16 to 1.35) or nonhyperdiploid (DNAindex, <1.16 or >1.35). {A) Mercaptopurine, (B) thioguanine, (C) cytarabine, and (D)L-asparaginase. (0)Individual and I+)median LC50 values. The median percentage of S-phase cells was 8.5% in 13 hyperdiploid c-ALL samples (range, 4.2%to 20%)and 5.7% (range, 0.2% to 30%)in the nonhyperdiploid c-ALL samples ( P = .OS; Fig 2). There was no significant correlation (all P values >.20) between the percentage of S-phase cells and LC50 values for PRD ( p .M), DXM ( p -.M), VCR ( p .15), VDS ( p -.03), DNR ( p -.Ol), DOX ( p .12), MIT ( p .20), TEN ( p .OS), ASP ( p -.lo), 6TG ( p -.05), and ARA-C ( p - .06). Only for 6MP was a statistically borderline significant correlation observed ( p -.30;P = .OS). DISCUSSION DNA hyperdiploidy is strongly and independently associated with a good prognosis in childhood ALL."" The reason for this prognostic significance is largely unknown, but it may be related to differences in cellular drug resistance. Cellular drug resistance is one of the main determinants of the clinical outcome after chemotherapy, together with the pharmacokinetics of the administered drugsz0and with the regrowth or relapse potential of minimal residual cells.21 Recently, Whitehead et all' reported that lymphoblasts of 13 children with hyperdiploid ALL accumulated higher levels of methotrexate polyglutamates (MTXPG) than those in Blineage lymphoblasts of 34 children with other ploidy. The investigators suggested that these high levels may increase the cytotoxicity of MTX. Previously, the same investigators had reported that children with B-lineage ALL, whose lymphoblasts accumulated high levels of MTXPG in vitro, had a better prognosis than did children with lower levels." Otherwise, PinkelZ3reported in 1987 already that hyperdiploid c-ALL had a high cure rate with methotrexate and mercaptopurine. To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first to report on a direct relation between DNA ploidy and cellular drug resistance in childhood ALL. Resistance to 12 drugs, commonly used in the treatment of this disease, was investi- From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. 754 KASPERS ET AL Table 2. Relationship Between DNA Ploidy Determined by Flow Cytometry and Cellular Drug Resistance Determined With the Colorimetric MlT Assay in Untreated Childhood c-ALL LC50 Values (WglrnL, ASP IU/rnL) Drug PRD DXM VCR VDS DNR DOX MIT TEN ASP 6MP 6TG ARA-C DNA Ploidy Median Range N PValues Nonhyperdiploid Hyperdiploid Nonhyperdiploid Hyperdiploid Nonhyperdiploid Hyperdiploid Nonhyperdiploid Hyperdiploid Nonhyperdiploid Hyperdiploid Nonhyperdiploid Hyperdiploid Nonhyperdiploid Hyperdiploid Nonhyperdiploid Hyperdiploid Nonhyperdiploid Hyperdiploid Nonhyperdiploid Hyperdiploid Nonhyperdiploid Hyperdiploid Nonhyperdiploid Hyperdiploid 2.20 0.35 0.25 0.03 1.48 0.72 2.59 1.56 0.12 0.13 0.39 0.33 0.06 0.05 0.32 0.25 0.39 0.02 216.7 24.2 7.7 5.7 0.51 0.29 0.05-1500 0.05-134 0.003-6 0.0002-6 0.05-50 0.09-38.3 0.05-50 0.05-37.8 0.003-1.3 0.002-1.1 0.10-1.33 0.06-1.28 0.001-1.0 0.001-1.0 0.12-3.34 0.14-3.09 0.002-10 0.002-0.8 15.6-500 15.6-42.8 1.6-50 2.2-11.0 0.07-2.5 0.03-2.5 51 15 47 12 53 13 40 8 52 11 41 11 42 12 41 12 48 12 47 12 47 12 45 14 .l7 .09 .63 .35 .32 .34 .65 21 ,022 .000003 ,023 ,016 Cases were classified as hyperdiploid ifthe DNA index was 1.16 to 1.35 and as nonhyperdiploid if the DNA index was <1.16 or >1.35. gated in samples of 74 children with newly diagnosed cALL. Hyperdiploidy is found mainly in this immunophenotypic subgro~p.~".".*~ An analysis stratified for immunophenotype is also indicated because immunophenotype itself is related to cellular drug resistance in childhood ALL.26MTX was not included in the panel because this drug shows no dose-dependent cytotoxicity in ALL patient samples in nonclonogenic cell culture drug resistance assays. A possible explanation for this is described el~ewhere.'~ Hyperdiploid c-ALL samples were more sensitive to all antimetabolites tested (6MP, 6TG, and A M - C ) than were nonhyperdiploid c-ALL samples. Hyperdiploid samples were also more sensitive to ASP. Resistance to each of the 8 other drugs did not differ significantly between both ploidy groups. However, it should be noted, that a limited number of samples has been tested, especially in the hyperdiploid group. Some of the nonsignificant differences might be clinically relevant and need confirmation in a larger study. The reason for the relative sensitivity of hyperdiploid cALL cells to antimetabolites is unknown. It has been attributed to a higher percentage of S-phase cells in hyperdiploid than in nonhyperdiploid ALL.4 In the present study, the percentages of S-phase cells in the hyperdiploid c-ALL samples were higher than those in the nonhyperdiploid c-ALL samples. However, in a limited number of samples (up to 38), there was no significant and strong relation between the percentage of S-phase cells and in vitro resistance to any of the drugs tested. It has been suggested that hyperdiploid ALL cells are more sensitive to glucocorticoids, because of their tendency towards terminal differentiation.' Both in vitro and in vivo sensitivity to glucocorticoids is associated with a favorable prognosis.'"28,29We found indeed that hyperdiploid c-ALL samples were more sensitive to PRD (median, 6-fold) and DXM (median, 9-fold) than were nonhyperdiploid samples. However, the differences were not statistically significant. The difference in resistance to ASP was significant, with hyperdiploid c-ALL cells being a median of 19.5-fold more sensitive. It seems of interest to study whether there are differences in asparagine synthetase betweenhyperdiploid and nonhyperdiploid c-ALL cells. Hyperdiploid c-ALL samples were a median of 9.0-fold more sensitive to 6MP, but were only 1.4-fold moresensitive to 6TGthan were nonhyperdiploid c-ALL samples. This discrepancy between 6MP and 6TG, two closely related thiopurines, is interesting. Both drugs are intracellularly metabolized into thioguanine nucleotides, which are subsequently incorporated inDNAandRNA. However, the conversion of 6MP requires two enzymes more than the conversion of 6TG, namely inosinate (IMP) dehydrogenase and guanosylate synthetase. The rate-limiting enzyme is IMP dehydrogenase." In addition, both 6TG and 6MP are catabolized by thiopurine methyltransferase, but this enzyme has a higher affinity for 6MP." It is tempting to speculate that hyperdiploid and nonhyperdiploid c-ALL cells differ in the activity of one or more of these enzymes. The favorable prognostic value of hyperdiploidy is associated with nonrandom numerical chromosome gains, including chromosomes 4, 6, 10, and 2 1 .',32,3' The genes encoding for the enzymes involved in the intracellular metabolism of antimetabolites may localize to these chromosomes. However. an extensive literature p=O.06 ao 0 ¶6 Q 0' -0 NON-HDROID HYPeR DlPLolo Fig 2. Percentages of S-phase cells in hyperdiiloidand nonhyperdiploid childhood c-ALL samples. (0)Percentage of S-phase cells; ( + l median value. From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. DNA PLOIDY AND DRUGRESISTANCE IN CHILDHOOD ALL search did not show the chromosomal locations of the enzymes mentioned above. One concern in our study is that the success rate of the MTT assay was lower in hyperdiploid samples. Moreover, the control cell survival and the percentage of leukemic cells after 4 days of culture were lower in successfully tested hyperdiploid samples than in nonhyperdiploid samples. This finding is in agreement with preliminary results presented by Campana et al,34 who reported that hyperdiploid ALL cells were more likely to die in vitro, via induction of apoptosis. Thus, it may be that hyperdiploid c-ALL samples are actually even more drug sensitive than are nonhyperdiploid c-ALL samples than our study shows, because leukemic cells that die spontaneously (not drug-induced) by apoptosis may also be relatively sensitive to the cytotoxicity of anticancer agents. Most anticancer agents appear to kill malignant cells by a p o p t ~ s i s . ~ ~ We conclude that hyperdiploid c-ALL samples are more sensitive to antimetabolites (especially to 6MP) and to ASP than are nonhyperdiploid c-ALL samples. This difference may contribute to the more favorable prognosis associated with DNA hyperdiploidy. The observation of other investigators that hyperdiploid ALL cells, compared to ALL cells of other ploidy, accumulate higher levels of MTXPG and therefore are likely to be more sensitive to MTX supports the general conclusion that the prognostic significance of DNA ploidy in childhood ALL is most likely to be mainly explained by its relation with antimetabolite resistance. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Computer equipment was provided by Olivetti Nederland BV. The laboratory of the Dutch Childhood Leukemia Study Group (DCLSG) provided the patient samples. Board members of the DCLSG are H. Van Den Berg, M.V.A. Bruin, J.P.M. Bokkerink, P.J. Van Dijken, K. Hiihlen,W.A. Kamps, F.A.E. Nabben, A. Postma, J.A.Rammeloo, I.M. Risseeuw-Appel, A.Y.N. Schouten-Van Meeteren, G.A.M. De Vaan, E. Th. Van’t Veer-Korthof, A.J.P. Veerman, M. Van Weel-Sipman, and R.S. Weening. REFERENCES 1. Hammond GD: Leukemia cell DNA content: Predictor of late relapse in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. J Clin Oncol 9:1332, 1991 2. Pui C-H, Crist WM, Look A T Biology and clinical significance of cytogenetic abnormalities in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood 76:1449, 1990 3. Jackson JF, Boyett J, Pullen J, Brock B, Patterson R, Land V, Borowitz M, Head D, Crist W: Favorable prognosis associated with hyperdiploidy in children with acute lymphocytic leukemia correlates with extra chromosome 6. A Pediatric Oncology Group study. Cancer 66:1183, 1990 4. Look AT, Roberson PK, Williams DL, Rivera G , Bowman WP, Pui C-H, Ochs J, Abromowitch M, Kalwinsky D, Dahl GV, George S , Murphy SB: Prognostic importance of blast cell DNA content in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. 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For personal use only. 1995 85: 751-756 Favorable prognosis of hyperdiploid common acute lymphoblastic leukemia may be explained by sensitivity to antimetabolites and other drugs: results of an in vitro study GJ Kaspers, LA Smets, R Pieters, CH Van Zantwijk, ER Van Wering and AJ Veerman Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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