Journal of Neurochemistry, 2004, 89, 529–536 REVIEW doi:10.1111/j.1471-4159.2004.02346.x Nitrotyrosine as a marker for peroxynitrite-induced neurotoxicity: the beginning or the end of the end of dopamine neurons? Donald M. Kuhn,*, ,à Stacey A. Sakowski, Mahdieh Sadidi* and Timothy J. Geddes*,à *Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences and Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Wayne State University School of Medicine àJohn D. Dingell VA Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan, USA Abstract This review examines the involvement of nitrotyrosine as a marker for peroxynitrite-mediated damage in the dopamine neuronal system. We propose that the dopamine neuronal phenotype can influence the cytotoxic signature of peroxynitrite. Dopamine and tetrahydrobiopterin are concentrated in dopamine neurons, and both are essential for their proper neurochemical function. It is not well appreciated that dopamine and tetrahydrobiopterin are also powerful blockers of peroxynitrite-induced tyrosine nitration. What is more, the reaction of peroxynitrite with either dopamine or tetrahydrobiopterin forms chemical species (i.e. o-quinones and pterin radicals, respectively) whose cytotoxic effects may be manifested far earlier than nitrotyrosine formation in the course of dopamine neuronal damage. A better understanding of how the dopamine neuronal phenotype modulates the effects of reactive nitrogen species could reveal early steps in drug- and disease-induced damage to the dopamine neuron and form the basis for rational, protective therapies. Keywords: dopamine, neurotoxicity, peroxynitrite, quinones, tetrahydrobiopterin, tyrosine nitration. J. Neurochem. (2004) 89, 529–536. Peroxynitrite (ONOO–) is a powerful oxidant and cytotoxic agent formed by the near-diffusion limited reaction between nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide (O2–) (Koppenol et al. 1992; Huie and Padmaja 1993). Peroxynitrite can damage DNA, membrane lipids, and mitochondria, and has been shown to modify proteins at intrinsic methionine, tryptophan, and cysteine residues (Ischiropoulos and al-Mehdi 1995; Beckman and Koppenol 1996). Perhaps the best known property of ONOO– is its ability to nitrate free tyrosine and tyrosine residues in proteins (Ischiropoulos et al. 1992; Souza et al. 1999; Ischiropoulos 2003). Commercial antibodies raised against nitrotyrosine have made facile the detection of tyrosine-nitration events in tissue under a variety of conditions of oxidative and nitrosative stress. Although ONOO– is not the only nitrating species in vivo (Augusto et al. 2002), it is generally proposed that increases in tyrosine nitration, whether tyrosine is free or part of a polypeptide chain, reflect the actions of ONOO– (Crow and Beckman 1995; Crow and Ischiropoulos 1996). Findings of increased nitrotyrosine levels have led to the proposition that ONOO– plays a causative role in various neurological disorders, including dementia, ischemia, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease (Good et al. 1998; Hensley et al. 1998; Lyras et al. 1998; Torreilles et al. 1999). However, before an etiological role in neuronal damage can be assigned to ONOO– via its ability to nitrate tyrosine residues, the phenotype of the neuron under consideration should be taken Received July 31, 2003; revised manuscript received November 11, 2003; accepted January 7, 2004. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Donald M. Kuhn, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, Wayne State University School of Medicine, 2125 Scott Hall, 540 E. Canfield, Detroit, MI 48201, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Abbreviations used: BH4, tetrahydrobiopterin; COX-2, cyclooxygenase-2; DA, dopamine; eGFP, enhanced green fluorescent protein; hDAT, human dopamine transporter; H2O2, hydrogen peroxide; MDMA, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine; NO, nitric oxide; NO2, nitrogen dioxide; ROS, reactive oxygen species; O2 , superoxide radical; 6-OHDA, 6-hydroxydopamine; ONOO), peroxynitrite; SV, synaptic vesicle; TH, tyrosine hydroxylase. 2004 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2004) 89, 529–536 529 530 D. M. Kuhn et al. into account. This applies especially to neurons that use dopamine (DA) as their neurotransmitter. While this brief review focuses primarily on ONOO– and the use of nitrotyrosine as a marker for its neurotoxic actions, it must be recognized that reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals such as O2–, hydroxyl radical, and hydrogen peroxide, to list but a few, have also been implicated as participants in neural damage. After all, O2– is a primary reactant in the formation of ONOO–. Our intention is not to downplay the importance of ROS in drug-induced or diseaserelated neurotoxicity, but limitations in the scope of the present discussion persuade us to yield to numerous, excellent reviews that discuss ROS and neurotoxicity in the detail that is deserved (Butterfield et al. 2003; Dauer and Przedborski 2003; Jenner 2003; Klein and Ackerman 2003). Tyrosine nitration and dopamine neuronal damage Parkinson’s disease and MPTP Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that destroys the DA-utilizing neurons of the nigrostriatal system. While the cause of Parkinson’s disease is not known, genetic, environmental, and endogenous neurochemical factors probably interact over the span of a lifetime to damage DA neurons. Oxidative stress and related mechanisms are high on the list of endogenous factors that contribute to DA neuronal loss. ONOO–-mediated nitrosative stress was added to this list when it was demonstrated that MPTP inactivated tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) via tyrosine nitration (Ara et al. 1998). MPTP is a synthetic DA neuronal toxin that causes Parkinson’s disease when ingested by humans and animals alike (Przedborski et al. 2001a). It was already known that the actions of MPTP were mediated, in part, by NO and O2– (Przedborski and Jackson-Lewis 1998), and the finding of tyrosine nitration after MPTP intoxication led to the conclusion that its mechanism of action, and by extension, one process by which neurons are lost to Parkinson’s disease, was related to ONOO– production. Post-mortem brain samples from individuals with Parkinson’s disease show elevated levels of nitrotyrosine (Good et al. 1998). It has also been shown that a-synuclein is tyrosine nitrated by ONOO– in vitro (Souza et al. 2000) and after treatment of mice with MPTP (Przedborski et al. 2001b). The finding of nitrated a-synuclein in post-mortem brain from individuals with Parkinson’s disease bolstered the idea that Lewy body formation, a cardinal pathohistological sign of Parkinson’s disease, might be fostered by ONOO–-induced tyrosine nitration of at least a-synuclein (Giasson et al. 2000). Nitrotyrosine is generally viewed as a molecular marker for the actions of ONOO–, yet it is possible that this species possesses intrinsic toxicity of its own. The idea that nitrotyrosine could contribute to DA neuronal damage was supported by the findings that injections of high concentrations of free 3-nitrotyrosine caused striatal neurodegeneration in vivo (Mihm et al. 2001). The striatal damaging effects of 3-nitrotyrosine were fundamentally similar to those of the well-known DA neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) (Mihm et al. 2001). Thus, it appears possible that free nitrotyrosine could have a causal role in neurodegenerative conditions, but more studies are needed to establish that toxic levels of free nitrotyrosine are achieved in brain when damage occurs and to clarify its mechanism of action. Neurotoxic amphetamines The amphetamine analogs methamphetamine and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or Ecstasy) have received broad notoriety as drugs of abuse and it is increasingly recognized that human abusers of these drugs suffer long-term neurochemical and cognitive deficits (McCann et al. 2000). As is the case for Parkinson’s disease, a great deal of research into the mechanisms of action of the neurotoxic amphetamines has focused on oxidative stress (Cadet 2001; Green et al. 2003; Lyles and Cadet 2003) as a mechanism most likely to mediate the effects of these drugs. Studies using transgenic mice and pharmacological approaches have suggested that the neurotoxic amphetamines exert at least some of their toxicity through the production of NO and O2– (see Davidson et al. 2001). With this background as a stimulus, it has also been suggested that ONOO– may play a role in the damaging effects of these drugs as well. Several studies have now presented evidence that methamphetamine causes an increase in the levels of free nitrotyrosine in brain areas known to be targeted for damage (Imam et al. 2001). 6-OHDA 6-OHDA is a well-known and highly specific DA neurotoxin. The mechanisms of 6-OHDA toxicity have been related in part to the chemical instability of the compound itself (i.e. auto-oxidation) as well as to oxidative stress. A role for nitrosative stress in 6-OHDA-induced toxicity was suggested by the demonstration that intrastriatal infusions of 6-OHDA lead to hydroxylation and nitration of phenylalanine in vivo (Ferger et al. 2001). In addition, the levels of free nitrotyrosine were increased by 6-OHDA, leading Ferger et al. to conclude that ONOO– was involved in the neurotoxic effects of 6-OHDA (Ferger et al. 2001). Treatment of primary mesencephalic cultures with 6-OHDA causes significant losses of DA neurons, an effect that could be prevented by EUK-134, a superoxide dismutase/catalase mimetic (Pong et al. 2000). The 6-OHDA-induced nitration of TH that preceded DA neuronal loss was prevented by EUK-134 as well (Pong et al. 2000). The basis for EUK-314 prevention of protein nitration is not understood, as it is not known to interact directly with ONOO–. 2004 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2004) 89, 529–536 The DA neuronal phenotype and nitrotyrosine 531 The DA phenotype prevents tyrosine nitration It is our thesis, presently, that the phenotype of a neuron could influence the chemical properties of ONOO– and other nitrating species, leading to a change in their ability to nitrate tyrosines. Therefore, neuronal phenotype, and particularly that of DA neurons, should be considered when characterizing etiological factors and molecular markers of neurotoxic processes. DA neurons are obviously characterized by their selective and high content of DA. Why does this matter when considering the use of nitrotyrosine as a marker for ONOO– action, or when searching for the mechanisms by which DA neurons are damaged by drugs or disease? It matters because of the ability of DA to react with ONOO–. Rice-Evans and colleagues have shown that DA and ONOO– react avidly to form the o-quinone of DA (Kerry and Rice-Evans 1998). In fact, virtually all catechols are converted to their respective quinones by ONOO– (Kerry and Rice-Evans 1998). In the process, the tyrosine (i.e. the free amino acid) nitrating properties of ONOO– are prevented (Pannala et al. 1997). We investigated the possibility that the protein nitrating effects of ONOO– could also be mitigated by DA. TH, the initial and rate-limiting enzyme in DA biosythesis and a phenotypical marker for DA neurons, was used as a model protein for a series of in vitro studies. TH is extensively tyrosine-nitrated by ONOO– (Kuhn et al. 1999a; BlanchardFillion et al. 2001; Kuhn et al. 2002). This effect of ONOO– is completely prevented by DA, its precursor DOPA, and its metabolite DOPAC (Park et al. 2003). Because ONOO– converts DA to its o-quinone, DA-quinone itself was also tested and found capable of preventing tyrosine nitration of TH caused by ONOO– (Park et al. 2003). The concentration of ONOO– must exceed that of DA or its quinone by a factor of approximately 5 to overcome the anti-nitrating effects of DA and cause tyrosine nitration of TH. ONOO– is not the only tyrosine nitrating species and it has even been argued on the basis of chemical and kinetic mechanisms that ONOO– is actually an unlikely tyrosine nitrating species in vivo (Pfeiffer and Mayer 1998; Pfeiffer et al. 2001). A strong case can be made for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) as an effective nitrating species in vivo (Augusto et al. 2002; Espey et al. 2002b), so it was tested as described above for ONOO–. We found that NO2 caused extensive tyrosine nitration of TH and this effect was completely prevented by DA, DOPA, and DOPAC (Park et al. 2003). Therefore, the ability of DA, its precursor, its metabolites, and its o-quinone to prevent tyrosine nitration (at least caused by ONOO– or NO2) appears to be quite general. These in vitro studies were extended to a cell culture model to test the possibility that DA could exert anti-nitrating effects in intact cells. Our initial attempts to detect nitration of TH after exposure of PC12 cells to ONOO– or SIN-1, a compound that can generate ONOO– upon decomposition, were not successful. Therefore, we turned to a method that allowed direct, real-time measures of tyrosine nitration in intact cells. Espey and colleagues originally devised this very clever and elegant approach by showing that the native fluorescence of green fluorescent protein (eGFP) could be quenched by ONOO–- or NO2-induced tyrosine nitration, and not by other reactants that do not cause tyrosine nitration, such as NO (Espey et al. 2002a). Considering the possibility that the high catechol content of PC12 cells could suppress ONOO–-induced tyrosine nitration, we created stable transformants of HEK-293 cells expressing a TH-eGFP fusion protein. Both elements of the fusion protein retained their original functionality upon expression in cells. In addition, these cells were already expressing the human DA transporter (hDAT) which would be used to transport DA into the cell interior (Ferrer and Javitch 1998). Exposure of these engineered cells to NO2, but not ONOO–, reduced eGFP fluorescence, in agreement with the findings of Espey et al. (2002a). The activity of cellular TH was also significantly inhibited by NO2. When the hDAT was used to pre-load cells with DA, the reduction in fluorescence caused by NO2 (i.e. tyrosine nitration) was prevented. However, the prevention of tyrosine nitration by DA is not without expense as TH activity remains inhibited. We conclude from these studies that cellular DA can prevent the tyrosine nitrating effects of reactive nitrogen species (Park et al. 2003). DA neurons contain high concentrations of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) (Levine et al. 1979, 1981). BH4 is the natural and endogenous co-factor for TH in brain (Thony et al. 2000) and serves a similar role for nitric oxide synthase (Bec et al. 2000). Milstien and Katusic (1999) showed that BH4 is targeted for oxidation by ONOO– and, in the process, its properties as a co-factor for nitric oxide synthase are lost. We have found recently that BH4 completely prevents the ONOO–-induced nitration of tyrosine residues in TH (Kuhn and Geddes 2003). In addition to BH4, a series of dihydro(7,8-dihydrobiopterin, 7,8-dihydroxanthopterin, and sepiapterin) and tetrahydro-pterins (6,7-dimethyl-tetrahydropterin, 6-methyl-tetrahydropterin, 6-hydroxymethyl-tetrahydropterin, and tetrahydropterin) were also found to block tyrosine nitration in TH after exposure of the enzyme to either ONOO– or NO2. The fully oxidized pterins biopterin and pterin do not have this anti-nitrating effect. The effects of BH4 on tyrosine nitration were extended to intact cells (HEK-293 cells not containing the hDAT as described above) by showing that the reduced pterin effectively prevented NO2-induced reductions in eGFP fluorescence. Although reduced pterins prevent nitration of tyrosines in TH, the catalytic function of the enzyme remains inhibited, as was observed with DA (above). We conclude from these studies that BH4, another important constituent of DA neurons, is very effective in preventing the tyrosine nitrating effects of ONOO– and NO2 (Kuhn and Geddes 2003). It was established recently that ONOO– reacts with BH4 6–10 times faster than with ascorbic acid or low molecular weight thiols (Kuzkaya et al. 2003). Using endothelial cells to study 2004 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2004) 89, 529–536 532 D. M. Kuhn et al. ONOO–-induced alterations in nitric oxide synthase function, Kuzkaya et al. (2003) showed that ONOO– uncoupled the enzyme via its ability to oxidize BH4. Indeed, these results clearly implicate BH4 as a crucial intracellular target for ONOO–. The interaction of ONOO– with DA and BH4, both important elements of the DA neuronal phenotype, clearly changes their chemical properties to an extent that they can no longer function as a neurotransmitter or enzyme co-factor, respectively. In the process of these reactions, the chemical properties of ONOO– are changed as well – it loses the ability to cause the post-translational modification of tyrosine nitration. Is ONOO– likely to interact with DA or BH4 in vivo? ONOO– preferentially nitrates hydrophobic, transmembrane tyrosines as compared with tyrosines in the aqueous phase (Zhang et al. 2003). Nevertheless, if we assume that ONOO– does reach the cytoplasm of a DA neuron, for the sake of the present discussion, it could be argued that DA is concentrated within synaptic vesicles (SV) where it might have a very low probability of interacting with ONOO–, leaving tyrosine nitration unimpeded. The de novo synthesis of DA starts in the cytoplasm where TH converts tyrosine to DOPA. The cytoplasmic concentration of neuronal DA is not known, but its concentration in a single synaptic vesicle is approximately 25 mM, and its transient concentration in the synaptic cleft after release is estimated to be as high as 1.6 mM (Garris et al. 1994). BH4, while not localized selectively in DA neurons (but it does appear to be concentrated in monoaminergic neurons), can reach concentrations of approximately 100 lM in DA neurons (Levine et al. 1981). BH4 is synthesized in and localized to the cytoplasm and, with DA, could present substantial obstacles for the tyrosine-nitrating properties of ONOO–. MPTP and methamphetamine, drugs that damage DA neurons, and whose mechanisms of neurotoxicity have been linked at least in part to ONOO– and tyrosine nitration, share an extremely important neurochemical property that could influence the effects of reactive nitrogen species. Both drugs enter the DA presynaptic neuron through the DAT where they displace vesicular DA into the cytoplasm and then, by reverse transport, into the synaptic cleft (Cubells et al. 1994; Lotharius and O’Malley 2000, 2001). Thus, even though it has been suggested that MPTP and methamphetamine exert their neurotoxicity through ONOO–-mediated mechanisms (see above), these drugs increase the intracellular and extracellular levels of DA to an extent that could suppress tyrosine nitration, at least during the acute phases of drug intoxication. Indeed, we have observed that 6-OHDA, like DA, is very powerful in preventing ONOO–-induced tyrosine nitration of TH (unpublished observations). Interestingly, 6-OHDA causes hydroxylation and nitration of phenylalanine when administered via dialysis in concentrations of 1–10 mM over a time course of 60 min (Ferger et al. 2001), conditions that would appear to require sustained production of high levels of ONOO– to result in nitration of tyrosine residues in proteins. In summary, it appears highly likely that ONOO– would encounter DA and BH4 whether it enters DA neurons from the outside or is produced from within. Alternative neurotoxic mechanisms of ONOO– beyond tyrosine nitration The DA neuronal phenotype certainly has the opportunity and the capacity to influence ONOO–-induced tyrosine nitration. Do mechanisms exist beyond tyrosine nitration whereby reactive nitrogen species still exert neurotoxicity? The non-enzymatic oxidation of DA leads to the formation of DA quinones (Graham 1978). DA and most catechol species react avidly with ONOO– and NO2 to form quinones. The catechol quinones are nucleophilic and can react with free cysteine or with cysteine residues in proteins. We have shown that both tryptophan hydroxylase (Kuhn and Arthur 1998, 1999) and TH (Kuhn et al. 1999b; Park et al. 2003) are inhibited when exposed to catechols in the presence of reactive nitrogen species, yet neither enzyme is tyrosine nitrated. Quinones derived from the reaction of ONOO– with DA or DOPA bind to cysteine residues within tryptophan hydroxylase or TH, resulting in the formation of redoxcycling quinoproteins (Kuhn and Arthur 1998, 1999). Redox-cycling species, by accepting and donating electrons, can provoke downstream reactions that generate various reactive oxygen species (Paz et al. 1991; Velez-Pardo et al. 1996). DA-quinone-modified TH can even cause the redoxcycling of iron (Kuhn et al. 1999b). It is well known that redox modifications of this transition metal can result in the generation of ROS (e.g. through Fenton’s chemistry) and is thought to play a role in neurodegeneration (Berg et al. 2001; Youdim 2003). Justice and colleagues have established recently that DA-quinones reduce the function of the DAT though their ability to modify cysteine 342 (Whitehead et al. 2001). In agreement with these results, we have also found that quinones formed by reaction of DA with ONOO– modify DAT at cysteine 342 (Park et al. 2002). Thus, the formation of quinones through the reaction of DA with ONOO– not only occurs at the expense of tyrosine nitration, but creates reactive species downstream of these redox-cycling centers that could have deleterious effects on DA neurons. Catechol-quinones, pterin radicals, and DA neuronal damage The evidence supporting a role for ONOO– as a participant in DA neuronal damage is compelling. What is less appreciated is the possible contribution of catechol-derived quinones or pterin radicals to the process of DA neurodegeneration. Intrastriatal injections of neurotoxic levels of DA are associated with the formation of cysteinyl-DA (Hastings et al. 1996; Hastings and Berman 1999; LaVoie and Hastings 2004 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2004) 89, 529–536 The DA neuronal phenotype and nitrotyrosine 533 1999), a measure of DA-quinone formation. Doses of methamphetamine that cause damage to DA nerve endings also increase the striatal levels of cysteinyl-DA (LaVoie and Hastings 1999). DA-quinones have been shown to diminish the mitochondrial membrane potential (Berman and Hastings 1999) and lead to apoptosis in DA containing cells (Haque et al. 2003). A role for DA-quinones in MPTP-induced neuronal damage was suggested by Teismann et al. (2003) with the demonstration that MPTP increased the production of prostaglandin E2 and the rate-limiting enzyme in prostaglandin synthesis, cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2). Surprisingly, pharmacological inhibition of COX-2 protected against MPTP-induced DA damage, not by mitigating inflammation or by preventing tyrosine nitration, but by preventing the formation of DA–quinones (Teismann et al. 2003). Postmortem brain from individuals with Parkinson’s disease contains elevated levels of cysteinyl–DA (Spencer et al. 1998), and cerebrospinal fluid from patients with Parkinson’s disease contains antisera that recognize model proteins that have been modified by DA–quinones (Rowe et al. 1998). The influence of reduced pterins on the response of DA neurons to ONOO– is quite complex. On one hand, BH4 can apparently exert neuroprotective effects. BH4 mediates the preferential resistance of DA neurons to damage caused by glutathione depletion (Nakamura et al. 2000) and sepiapterin (a precursor of BH4) even protects against MPTP-induced neurotoxicity (Madsen et al. 2003). BH4 also lowers O2– production by nitric oxide synthase (Rosen et al. 2002) and scavenges O2– in DA neurons (Nakamura et al. 2001). Removal of O2– by BH4 from the equation NO + O2– fi ONOO– would reduce formation of the product. On the other hand, the reaction of BH4 with ONOO– can lead to the generation of various pterin radicals, including the trihydrobiopterin radical, and these species could have deleterious effects if DA neurons are diminished in their capacity to reduce them back to BH4 (Kohnen et al. 2001; Patel et al. 2002; Kuzkaya et al. 2003). In either case, these interactions of BH4 with reactive nitrogen species occur at the expense of tyrosine nitration. Is nitrotyrosine formation an early or late occurring event in the process of DA neuronal damage? The modification of critical cellular proteins or organelles by ONOO–-induced tyrosine nitration has been proposed as an early occurring insult that culminates in DA neuronal degeneration (Ara et al. 1998). Our alternative thesis proposes that the DA phenotype plays a critical role in determining the manner in which ONOO– exerts its effects in DA neurons. A summary of the foregoing discussion is depicted in Fig. 1. This hypothetical DA neuron contains numerous species that ONOO– could encounter after its production, and all are known to prevent ONOO–-induced tyrosine nitration. The reaction of DA with ONOO– results in the formation of quinones at the expense of tyrosine nitration. DA, its catechol Fig. 1 The DA neuronal phenotype prevents ONOO–-induced tyrosine nitration. A hypothetical DA neuron is depicted and shows intrinsic factors that would be encountered by ONOO–, whether synthesized inside or outside of the DA neuron. Some of these factors are highly specific for the DA neuronal phenotype (DA, BH4, and 6-OHDA as an exogenous agent) while others are also found in other neurons as well (NADH, GSH). Drugs like METH and MPTP (in the form of its active metabolite MPP+) target DA nerve endings as substrates of the dopamine transporter (DAT) and displace DA from synaptic vesicles into the cytoplasm. Each of these factors, individually, has been shown to block ONOO–-induced tyrosine nitration. The intracellular pool of DA is replenished through de novo synthesis, uptake through the DAT, or by drug-induced release from SVs. The intracellular pool of BH4 is also replenished via de novo synthesis and by recycling of dihydro- forms back to the tetrahydro- species. Possible downstream products formed in the reaction of ONOO– with each factor are also indicated. Each of these factors, individually or collectively, has also been implicated in conditions that damage DA neurons. In summary, numerous factors found in DA neurons may predominate and preclude the ONOO–-induced production of nitrotyrosine. precursor DOPA, its catechol metabolite DOPAC, and the quinones of these catechols each block ONOO–-induced nitration of tyrosine residues in TH (Park et al. 2003). BH4 and its dihydro- and tetrahydro- precursors and products also react with ONOO–, and the result is a prevention of tyrosine nitration (Kuhn and Geddes 2003). Catechols and reduced pterins are not the only species found in DA neurons that interact with ONOO–. NADH and other reduced nicotinamide dinucleotides react with ONOO– and prevent nitration of free tyrosine (Kirsch and de Groot 1999) and tyrosine residues in TH (Kuhn and Geddes 2002). GSH can form disulfide links with protein cysteine residues under 2004 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2004) 89, 529–536 534 D. M. Kuhn et al. conditions of oxidative and nitrosative stress, a post-translational modification referred to as S-glutathionylation. It is now known that TH is modified by S-glutathionylation, resulting in an inhibition of catalytic activity (Borges et al. 2002). Furthermore, treatment of TH with ONOO– in the presence of GSH also results in the inhibition of TH activity via S-glutathionylation at the expense of tyrosine nitration (Sadidi et al. unpublished observations). Taken together, these results provoke an obvious question. Is ONOO–-induced tyrosine nitration an early event in DA neuronal degeneration or a late occurring effect made possible by diminished DA and BH4 content and synthetic capability? As long as DA neurons can synthesize, store, and metabolize DA, and as long as they can synthesize, store, and recycle BH4, ONOO–-mediated tyrosine nitration would likely be suppressed. In its extreme, our thesis would conclude that tyrosine nitration is a very late occurring event in the process of DA neuronal degeneration, made possible by previous and gradual losses of DA, BH4, and probably numerous other targets of ONOO– that can intercept tyrosine nitration (e.g. GSH, NADH). Our thesis assumes that ONOO– or other tyrosine nitrating species is produced under conditions (disease- or druginduced) that result in damage to DA neurons, and it attempts to shift emphasis toward the consideration of DA (and its quinone) and BH4 (and its radicals) as earlier participants in the degenerative process, and as potential targets for therapeutic intervention. However, a role for nitrating species in neurodegenerative conditions needs further substantiation. As BH4 is essential for the generation of NO via NOS, diminishing levels of this pterin seen in normal aging and in Parkinson’s disease (Lovenberg et al. 1979; Williams et al. 1980) could result in lower levels of NO and ONOO–, reducing the chances for nitrotyrosine formation. Invocation of ONOO– (and tyrosine nitration) as a common mediator of the DA neurotoxicity caused by MPTP, 6-OHDA, and the neurotoxic amphetamines is inconsistent with several notable differences among the mechanisms of toxicity associated with these drugs. For example, MPTP and 6-OHDA destroy DA nerve endings and neurons, while the toxic actions of the amphetamines are limited to DA nerve endings. The effects of 6-OHDA are most often tied to ROS generation and oxidative stress while MPTP (via MPP+) probably exerts its damaging effects through inhibition of complex I of the mitochondrial electron transport chain (Dauer and Przedborski 2003). DA neuronal degeneration proceeds over a course of decades in humans, both in normal aging and in disease, so it is not possible to discern if findings of tyrosine nitration at the end stage (i.e. in post-mortem brain) reflect the same situation that existed in the earliest stages of DA neuronal damage. Blanchard-Fillion et al. (2001) have advocated the development of therapeutic agents that can prevent formation of nitrating agents as a means of limiting neuronal injury in Parkinson’s disease. However, it appears that the brain has already done this in the form of at least DA and BH4. Acknowledgements The research described in this review was supported by the National Institutes of Drug Abuse (DA10756 and DA014692) and by a VA Merit Award. References Ara J., Przedborski S., Naini A. B., Jackson-Lewis V., Trifiletti R. R., Horwitz J. and Ischiropoulos H. 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