EAGLES www.gbaps.org/MS/Edison EDI SO N FEBRUARY / MARCH 2015 PRINCIPAL—JO WIEBEL ASSOCIATE PRINCIPALS—MATT WELLER & DAN SLOWEY Edison Families- INSIDE THIS ISSUE: PBIS 2 BADGER EXAM 3 STAY IN TOUCH 4 A L I C E 6 IMPORTANT DATES 7 INTRA DISTRICT 8 TRANSFER WINDOW CALENDAR 1112 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: Be Friendly—Like Us on Facebook We’ve been updating our Facebook page and would like you to join us. To see all the postings and pictures go to the Edison Middle School page and hit the like button. (When you search, make sure to select the page that has an Edison Eagle for a profile picture.) EAG LE S The start of the new semester is a wonderful opportunity to reflect with your child on the past semester and set goals for the remainder of the year. In addition to academic goals, it is important to not overlook attendance goals. The very first item on the semester report card is an attendance summary by class period. Arrival to school on time and regular attendance are critical to the academic success of each student. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s grade level counselor or our school social worker if we can assist in overcoming issues that are negatively impacting regular school attendance. Please also note that the 2015-16 school year calendar is available for scheduling appointments and vacations for the upcoming year. Another key to your child’s success is regular communication both to and from school. Included on the back of your child’s report card is a list of ways to stay in contact with school. Please keep all your contact information, including email addresses, phone numbers and emergency contacts current with the main office. Edison will continue to send home information via School Messenger and will update the announcement tab on the website daily. Current and past newsletters and Friday Family Updates are also available at the Edison webpage. Edison Announcements: http://www.gbaps.org/MS/Edison/Pages/ Announcements.aspx 2015-16 Calendar: http://www.gbaps.org/Pages/2015-16-Calendar.aspx Past Newsletters: http://www.gbaps.org/MS/Edison/Pages/Newsletter.aspx Friday Family Update: http://www.gbaps.org/MS/Edison/Pages/Friday-FamilyUpdate.aspx Looking forward to a great semester!! Jo Wiebel Principal EDISON EAGLES Page 2 PBIS ………………………………………………………………………………………...CORNER We hope you and your family had a safe and restful winter break. Our staff was excited to welcome students back for the second semester. Many kids worked hard to get missing work in as the first semester ended shortly after the break. The second semester is a chance for a new start in many ways. Students have a fresh start with grades, a chance to work on improving their academic performance, and a continued opportunity to follow the Edison Edge by being respectful, responsible, safe, and friendly. To celebrate the month of January, students were able to participate in a drawing for a Wisconsin Badger tailgate party during each lunch period. They were given eagle eyes for following school expectations’, the drawing was held, and the lucky winners (not determined yet at the time of this publication) were able to enjoy a pizza tailgate party with three of their friends and enjoy some awesome Wisconsin Badger gear. As always, we appreciate the opportunity to work with your children and your continued support as we work to get our students career, community, and college ready! You can order this year’s memory book by filling out the envelope that was given out on Thursday, December 18th and turning it in to the Main Office with $18 through February. The cost will increase to $20 in March. OR You can order this year’s memory book online at: www.jostensyearbooks.com. Search for Edison Middle School in Green Bay, WI. You will need to pay for it with a credit card. DID YOU MOVE??? If you moved, we need your new address! We would be very disappointed for you to miss out on exciting news at Edison! Please stop in to update our records with your new address. In order for us to update, we need a DO WE HAVE YOUR E -MAIL ADDRESS?? change of address form filled out (can be picked up in the Main Office) and proof of your new address (something with your name and new address on it, i.e. WPS bill, cellphone bill, etc.). Thank you for your cooperation! Edison Middle School sends out important messages during the school year and the news- letter via e-mail. If you haven’t updated your e-mail address with us, please let us know by e-mailing Marion Olson at [email protected]. Thank you! EDISON EAGLES Page 3 The Badger Exam comes to Edison Middle School! All students who are in grades 3-8 will take the Badger Exam from March 30 to May 22 this school year. This new assessment will be used to gauge how well students are mastering the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics. Students will take the Badger Exam 3-8 online and portions of the assessment will be computer adaptive. The use of “computer adaptive” technology is more precise than testing with paper and pencil, because it adjusts to a student’s ability. The computer bases the difficulty of future test questions on a student’s previous answers. This gives teachers a more accurate measure of student achievement, particularly for high and low-performing students. Accommodations and supports for students with disabilities and/or English language learners are built into the system so that the progress of students can be accurately measured. The Badger Exam 3-8 includes: Multiple-choice questions: The student selects the correct answers from answer options. Short answer questions: The student provides a brief description in their response to the question. Performance tasks: Students must take part in group classroom activities for ELA and mathematics. They then must answer a series of short questions on the computer for each content area. In an ELA performance task, students do essay-writing and answer three short questions. The most important thing you can do as parents is have your child in attendance at school during these testing days! Having your child in school and available for these tests is the key to the success of our school. More information will be forthcoming on the days your child will be completing the Badger Exam, and the incentives that students can earn for being in attendance on testing days. Thank you for your understanding and assistance with us through this new testing process. Brown County Oral Health Partnership Dental Program The Brown County Oral Health Partnership Dental Program is coming to Edison Middle School on Monday, February 18, 2015. Students are eligible to receive cleanings, fillings and/or operative work if they: 1. Receive free or reduced lunch 2. Have medical assistance, are uninsured or have no private dental insurance. If you prefer to accompany your child to a dental appointment at one of the fixed sites, call The Oral Health Partnership at (920) 965-0831 to schedule. However, if you prefer to have your child seen at Edison, please have him/her pick up an enrollment form in the Edison Student Services office. All forms must be completed and returned to Julie Brunner (Student Services office) no later than February 10. Please call The Oral Health Partnership at the number listed above if you have questions or would like additional informational. Battle of the Books This year’s battles started in January. We will have three rounds at the school level. The three teams scoring the most points will advance to the district Battle of the Books. Winning team members will be given permission slips to attend the district battle. Participants in the district battle are responsible for their transportation to and from Lombardi Middle School. District Battle of the Books: February 24th / 6:00 p.m. Lombardi Middle School Library Media Center. Athletic Activities To find out when athletic activities take place, go to Edison’s web site, under “Quick Links” select “Edison Athletics and Activities”. You will find practice times, game times, and directions to away games. Stay in Touch How is my child doing in class? What time does practice end? What’s happening at Edison Middle School? Announcements Announcements are made each day at 7:35 a.m. Information such as activities/clubs/meetings/times/dates, etc. are announced. They are posted in the main hallway by the Main Office and posted on our web site daily. Infinite Campus Parent Portal Keep in touch with how your child is doing in class (assignments, grades, attendance plus other important information). If you’d like access, e-mail [email protected]. DECA The Preble Futures Middle School DECA competition was held on Saturday, January 24 at Preble High School. Twenty-five students from Edison competed in the competition. The students came dressed up with smiles on their faces (and some nerves). The students competed in the following marketing categories: Sports, Grocery, Clothing, Retail, Restaurant, and Hotel ALL of the Edison students received medals for their accomplishments in either the test, role plays, or both! Several students walked away with trophies as well for their excellent scores on the test and role plays. It was a great day to be an EAGLE!!!! Parents, please take a moment to discuss with your child the importance of using their locker to secure their valuables. Lockers in the boys’ and girls’ locker rooms for gym are very small. The lockers can not accommodate a backpack. Backpacks are then left on the floor with students’ valuables in them. This situation makes the backpack easily available to other students. Therefore, items could become stolen. Backpacks need to fit under the classroom desks. Students are carrying too many books and/or clothing. Your child needs to put his/her winter coat in their locker in the morning. They should be going to their locker throughout the day and not taking more than one half of the day’s materials with them. The safety of all students and staff are very important. Backpacks need to fit under the desks so students and staff members do not trip or fall because of them. Thank you for taking the time to discuss this issue with your child! Remember ALICE? The Green Bay Area Public School District is endorsing and training staff and students to use the ALICE Safety Procedures. We want to share some interesting and important details with you about how the district is helping our students and staff feel safe, prepared and empowered. This month we are focusing on the L in ALICE. The L stands for Lockdown. There are certain situations where the building may have to be on lockdown, such as a medical emergency where halls would need to be clear or if there is a dangerous situation outside of the building. Students are not able to leave the room in a lockdown. Students need to listen to their teachers for directions. ALICE is not a sequential procedure. Each component teaches us all options to choose, because situations are not predictable. Over the rest of the school year, we will be sharing facts and strategies surrounding ALICE in this newsletter. To find out more information now, go to this link: http://www.gbaps.org/Students/Pages/School-Security-.aspx (Found on the District webpage under the “school security” tab on the left sidebar) Edison Middle School Important Dates 2014-2015 Early Release Dates (released at 12:35 pm): February 13, 2015 April 10, 2015 May 8, 2015 No School Dates March 13, 2015 March 23 - 27, 2015 April 3, 2015 May 25, 2015 May 26, 2015 – Weather make-up day; if not needed, will be a recess day Last Day of School: June 9, 2015 Parent/Teacher Conferences: Conferences sign-up sheets will be sent home with students for parents to fill out and have their child bring back to the teachers for conference times. March 5 Evening March 13 Afternoon March 10 Evening Report Cards: Report cards are given to the students to bring home. The semester and final report card is mailed home. Questions? Main Office – (920) 391-2450 Option 3 Attendance – (920) 391-2453 Student Services (Guidance-Counselors) – (920) 391-2452 INTRA-DISTRICT TRANSFER WINDOW The application windows for students requesting to attend a different Green Bay Public School (other than the one in their attendance area) for the 2015-16 school year are as follows: Preference Window: January 5 - February 28, 2015 Applications submitted during this window will be considered prior to those submitted through Open Enrollment. Additional Window: March 1 - April 30, 2015 Applications submitted during this window will be considered at the same time as applications that are submitted through Open Enrollment. Information Letter and Application form: The information letter and application form can be found on the Green Bay Area Public School District webpage (www.gbaps.org) by clicking on the Parents tab and then choosing Forms, or at a district school building starting December 1, 2014. Applications will not be accepted before January 5, 2015. Applications should be submitted to the Green Bay Area Public School District, Central Registration – Room 114, 200 South Broadway, Green Bay, WI 54303. Students who have previously completed an Intra-District Transfer Application and were approved are not required to reapply unless the approval was for the current year only. Questions? Please contact Joann Metzler at 920-448-2001. Solo and Ensemble 7th and 8th graders that are in band, choir, and orchestra will be participating in the Solo and Ensemble festival. This is a class requirement. Students will be practicing solos and/or small groups during class and lessons in January and February. They will be performing these events on Saturday, February 28th at Preble High School. The times of each event will be announced a week before. Please contact your child’s music teacher if you have any questions: Choir Mrs. Skog: [email protected] Band Ms. Glielmi: [email protected] Orchestra Mr. Bader: [email protected] Edison Parent Network February, 2015 Volunteer Be Involved Lend a Hand Help Wanted….please consider helping with the following Edison Activities: February 20th—We’ll need a few parents to help with the Dinner & a Movie. March 5th—Parent Teacher Conference Pizza & Bake Sale—Calling all bakers! We’ll be asking for donations of baked goods and we’ll be selling Pizza Ranch Pizza. May 8th—Teacher Appreciation Breakfast—We are in need of a coordinator for this event. The previous planner’s notes are available and this is an easy way to help show appreciation for the wonderful staff at Edison. To volunteer, please contact Jen Metcalf at 469-7038 or [email protected]. Dinner and a Movie! Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Bring your family back to school for a fun, family Friday night. We’ll have a meal together and then head into the auditorium to watch this funny movie. An adult must accompany all students. Date: Friday, February 20 Time: 6:00 meal, 6:30 movie Cost: $1.50/person Popcorn available for 50¢/bag. THANKS! Upcoming Events Thanks to all who attended & helped at our January Dinner & a Movie. Feb 20 Dinner & a Movie In December, a Parent Network member attended an ELL (English Language Learners) family event. Parent Network purchased prizes. March 5 Parent Teacher Conference Bake & Pizza Sale April 30 Parent Network Meeting May 8 Teacher Appreciation Breakfast With your support, we were able to support Edison’s Battle of the Books. Parent Network helped to buy prizes for this great reading competition. For more information about Parent Network, including meeting agendas, meeting notes and contact information, check out the Parent Network pages on Edison’s website http://www.gbaps.org/ms/Edison Breakfast Changes Coming in February If your child eats breakfast at school, starting on Monday, February 2, students will need to choose, at minimum, a ½ cup of fruit for breakfast. Food Service is implementing at all grade levels across the District the USDA breakfast regulation that requires 1 cup of fruit must be offered at breakfast. Breakfast offerings will generally consist of 2 grain items, 2 choices of fruit, milk, and occasionally a meat/ meat alternate in place of 1 grain item. Larger grain items (example: breakfast bread or muffins) sometimes count as 2 grain items. At breakfast, students will need to take at least 3 items, with one of those being at least ½ cup of fruit, in order for breakfast to be reimbursable. Students!!!! If you have lost anything while at school, chances are it’s in the lost and found bucket. Where is this bucket??? It’s located across from the security desk by the attendance office. Lost and found items will be kept for awhile but after a certain point, all items will be given to charity. Check it out! Dates are subject to change. 2 9 16 23 1 8 15 22 SUN MON 24 17 10 3 TUE 25 18 11 4 WED 26 19 Forensics Meet 12 5 THU 27 8th Grade WPS Presentation Dodgeball Tournament 20 Dinner and A Movie 6:00 Dinner 6:30 Movie 13 Early Release 12:35 p.m. 6 String Fling @ Preble 7:00 p.m. FRI Students should listen to the morning announcements for the latest information or check the website. www.gbaps.org/Edison Edison Middle School February 2015 28 MS Solo Ensemble 21 14 7 SAT 2 9 16 23 Spring Break 30 Classes Resume 8 15 22 29 MON 1 SUN Dates are subject to change. 31 24 Spring Break 17 10 Parent Teacher Conferences— Evening 3 TUE 25 Spring Break 18 11 4 WED 26 Spring Break 19 Talent Show 12 5 Parent Teacher Conferences— Evening THU 27 Spring Break 20 13 Parent Teacher Conferences— Afternoon No School 6 FRI 28 21 14 7 Students should listen to the morning announcements for the latest information or check the website. www.gbaps.org/Edison Edison Middle School March 2015 SAT
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