mojave desert resource conservation district board of directors

February 4, 2015
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Mojave Desert Resource Conservation District
has been scheduled for February 4, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Victorville Field
Office located at 15415 W. Sand St., #103, Victorville.
Any person may address the Board of Directors at this time on any matter within the subject matter
jurisdiction of the District that is not listed on the agenda; however, any matter that requires action will
be referred to staff for investigation and reported at a subsequent Board of Directors meeting. The
Board of Directors is prohibited by law from discussing or taking immediate action on items during
this public comment period. The public may also speak on any matter listed on the agenda during the
time when such matter is being considered by the Board of Directors.
1. Call to order, pledge of allegiance
2. Self Introduction of Guests
3. Public Discussion/Invited Guests(s) Steve Anderson – Best, Best and Krieger
Heidi Brannon – Solution Strategies
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Consent Calendar:
a. Approval of Minutes: January, 2015
b. Approval of Financial Report: January, 2015
c. Approval of Bills: February, 2015
6. District Conservationist’s Monthly Report: Holly Shiralipour
7. Releaf Project
8. Mojave Weed Management Area
9. Old Business:
a. RC&D Program Update
b. Conservation Easements/Mitigation
1. Stoneridge
2. Terra Gen Power
3. La Mesa/Nisqually
4. Caughlin Rd./S.B. County
5. Escondido Rd. Culvert Project/S.B. County
6. Recurrent Energy (Victor-Phelan)
7. Oro Grande Wash (MWA)
8. Amethyst Basin Project/SBC
c. Mojave Water Agency FY 2013-2014 Weed Removal Program.
d. Sand Blow/Fugitive Dust/Erosion Control
e. Dairy Issues –
1. Griffin Dairy Consulting Wetland Project
f. Nursery Outreach Program
g. Area Wide Plan for Newberry Springs (Baja)
1. Update on Camp Cady Plan
h. RCD Tour for Carlos Suarez
i. CIMIS Station Update
j. Mobile Butcher Program
k. Report on CARCD Conference - Neville
l. Raven Issues
m. LAFCO Fiscal Indicators Program
10. New Business:
a. Election of Officers
b. VVWRA Mojave Narrows Tour – March 4
c. Job Posting Requirement for District Manager
d. Bid Process Requirement for Spray Contractors
e. Mitigation Options
f. Approval for staff/Bell/NRCS Rep. to Interview and Hire GIS Intern and Irrigation
Management Specialist under MWA/RCD Baja Area-Wide Plan and Water Use Efficiency
Investigation Project
11. Correspondence (Discussion items only)
12. Directors Reports and Comments
13. Adjournment
ADA Compliance Issues
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act & Government Code Section 54954.2, if
special assistance is needed to participate in a Board meeting, please contact the RCD Manager at
760-843-6882. Notification of at least 48 hours prior to meeting time will assist staff in assuring that
reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility at the meeting.