― Wings Of The North‖ Gold Wing Road Riders Association Chapter Y Michigan Chapter of the Year 2009 February 2015 CHAPTER Y STAFF ________________________ Chapter Directors Ron and Jackie Tidball 989– 345-1875 Asst. Chapter Directors Ted and Rose Sergent—989-366-0562 Bob and Ginny Millspaugh—989– 802-1899 Secretary/Treasurer Karen Alexander Rider Educator David Becker—989-389-1856 Member Enhancement Coordinator Kinney Greer 804-920-1838 Ride Coordinator 989-422-7961 Nick Poole—989-329-4516 Road Captains Neil Pifer 231-825-0245 Ted Sergent 989-366-0562 Phyllis Hines 989-339-1985 Duane Prince 989-873-4053 Ron Tidball 989-345-1875 Les Gravlin 989-389-0136 Dan Sparks 989–329-7528 Dave Becker 989-942-1928 Bob Millspaugh 989-802-1899 Kinney Greer 989-422-7961 Nick Poole 989-329-4516 Tom Schnautz 989-473-3069 COY/Door Greeters Dan and Loraine Sparks Rowena McAfee 989-873-5717 Dan Sparks 989-389-7528 Amanda Hardy 989-329-8806 Ron Tidball & Tom Schnautz Lorraine Sparks 989– 389-7533 Chapter Newsletter Chapter Photographer Goodies Sales 50/50 & Raffle Tickets Fun Coordinator District & Y Newsletter Public Relations Special Projects Phone Tree coordinator Phone Tree Committee Sunshine Lady Theresa Greer Chapter Historian Audrey Burgess Rowena McAfee 989-873-5717 Jackie Tidball 989-345-1875 Phyllis & Leo Hines 989-339-1985 Nancy Poole 989-329-4516 Jo Anne Miano– Iris Pavlik Rose Sergent– Lorraine Sparks 989-422-7961 989-389-4970 STATE and REGION STAFF Directors GWRRA Region D Directors MI District Directors Asst. District Directors Region D Couple of the Year Ray and Sandi Garris Lee & Kay Tieche Bob and Kim Scott Frank and Deb King Gary and Carol Williams [email protected] 812-579-6500 989-426-3828 906-632-6644 Ron and Jackie Tidball Chapter Directors Chapter Y Wings of the North Hello Chapter Y, We are enjoying our time down in sunny Florida. We have been riding the "Wing" every day, except when it rained. Then we do laundry! There are several groups in our area that like to go on impromptu rides, so we try to be ready to go when we get last -minute calls. We have been to many places and hope to do a lot more as the weather gets even warmer. It hasn't been bad, we just dress in layers when the days are cooler. We are getting ready for our cruise, and really looking forward to a great time. This is our first cruise, so really don't know what to expect. Jackie got some patches from the doctor for motion sickness, just in case. She has packed her suitcase to the max and still has stuff that needs to go. I told her she can't put any of her stuff in MY suitcase. Nick & Nancy, and Dan & Loraine are going along with us. This is also their first time too. There will be other GWRRA members from all over and there will be some special activities and entertainment for us during our stay. We are really excited about it, and will share with you how it went when we get back. There will be another GWRRA cruise next year, so you may want to think about attending. Everyone down here is doing well, and hope they continue to do so. We have seen all of our members that are in our area and been on rides with most of them. We also have quite a few members from F2 near us. We, along with Dave & Karen, and Bobby & Ginny attended the January monthly gathering for the Wesley Chapel Chapter, FL1-L2. It was a fun evening with a nice bunch of people. We have been on a few of their rides and always got a warm welcome. Wingless weekend is March 20 & 21. Anyone interested in going can print out a registration form from the GWRRA Mi website. We are still waiting for an answer about scheduling a CPR class. As soon as we hear anything, we will pass it along. I hope everyone is keeping warm and well up North. We were asked to continue with the weekly dinner rides, so this month's calendar will reflect that request. Any more suggestions, let us know. Have a safe winter. Sincerely, Ron & Jackie Tidball CD's Chapter Y "Wings of the North" 2 Ted and Rose Sergent Assistant Chapter Directors Hi Everyone, Well as your newest Assistant Chapter Directors, we will try to do our best to do the job. Hope all our members in Florida are doing a lot of riding and enjoying themselves. Phyllis got her cast off her foot so she can drive now. Our January meeting went well. There was twenty for of us attending. Hope our summer is hot this year so we can do a lot of riding. Hope to ride in some new places and go to some new restaurants. We went to J-2’s after Christmas party. Had a real good time. Kinney, Theresa, Mike, Cheryl, Doug, Rowena, and Rose and myself were there. J-2 had a very nice party. It was decorated real cute aand the food was great. Until Next Time Ted and Rose Sergent Assistant Chapter Directors 3 Bob and Ginny Millspaugh Assistant Chapter Directors Hi All Hope all is well with everyone up north, from what we’ve heard the weather has been mild compared to last year, hope it stays like that. The weather down here has been up and down with lows in the 40’s & highs in the 60’s. I guess I’ve become a sort of a wuss I don’t like starting out when the temps are in the 40’s with the highs reaching mid 60’s if I don’t have to. With every day that goes by it’s getting closer to the riding season in Michigan. So if you would do me a favor, if you think of something you would like to do or a place you might like to go jot it down. This way we can end up with a good list to bring up at the meeting to discuss our riding season, all ideas are greatly appreciated as we will be setting up the ride schedule with your help. I want to thank Ted, Duane and all who are taking care of the chapter meetings while most of the staff ( sno-birds ) are gone. Thanks Again Bobby & Ginny Millspaugh Assistant Chapter Directors Chapter Y 4 RIDER EDUCATOR David Becker RIDER ED ‘GIMME 5’ TOPIC: Why Should I Take a Rider Course? This question is one that many of us find easy to answer. What we may not understand is why anyone would need to ask it. There are some riders in each of our chapters that choose not to participate in an instructed Rider Course. Let’s examine this and try to understand why, and look at what a Rider Course can do for you. Some may say, ―I’ve been riding for years. I don’t need to take a class.‖ Others will boast about the miles they have accumulated on two wheels and ask ―what can they teach me?‖ Have you ever tried to persuade someone with that attitude that a Rider Course might help them be an even better rider? Their position can be so negative and so strongly put that you don’t want to talk to them about the benefits of rider training. Sometimes, people hide their self doubt behind a curtain of confidence and bluster. Is it possible to have all the knowledge and skill necessary to avoid any accident? Well, if one chooses not to ride very far or very often, then perhaps it is possible. But I wouldn’t want to bet my life on it! Do you remember a single season in your riding career without at least one close call or near miss due to another motorist’s driving behavior? How about a single month? If you ride around the state or across the country, you expose yourself to many different situations that require anticipation of all the possible actions of other drivers. You have to be prepared to counter with the proper response – whatever their action – and do it in a split second! A motorcycle Rider Course helps prepare you mentally and physically to execute the kinds of maneuvers called for by a driver’s unexpected actions. We look upon these classes as an opportunity to learn and improve our riding skills in a safe environment. The instructors are trained to spot the little techniques during range exercises that riders tend to forget to employ on the road. They provide reminders to all students in a positive manner. Their trained eyes and constructive comments are geared to put each of us on the path to being the safest riders we can be. This can help with your attitude and performance on the road. Being reminded of the best techniques to execute different skills does not hurt at all. It is painless. The practice and coaching helps to improve our skills, whether we never knew the technique to use, or just need the occasional reminder. Hey, who doesn’t appreciate a reminder from time to time? Especially when it is about something you want to do correctly and safely, but may have just forgotten the best method. In athletic training we are taught that practice makes perfect. And when you practice something you enjoy doing, it’s just a lot of fun! Practicing motorcycle riding maneuvers in a closed parking lot with someone else (the instructors) monitoring the range to protect the riders from outside hazards helps you focus your attention on the task at hand – becoming a better rider! On another level, taking a Rider Course will help you qualify for advancement in the Rider Education Levels Program, to Level II or above, or keep you current in your present level. And there is one more thing to remember about all GWRRA Rider Course offerings. Nobody fails! Everyone who completes the course receives a course completion card. There are no minimum performance requirements. You are asked to push yourself to improve your abilities. You won’t get better at it if you don’t try. Sign up for a Rider Course today. You will thank yourself later! Ride Smart & Be Safe! Bruce & Melissa Thayer Former MI Asst. District Rider Educators David Becker Chapter Y Rider Educator 989-942-1928 5 A Note from Glenn Grasley, Chapter J-2. I would like to invite you to Chapter J2's Medic First Aid Class. Class will be held on February 28 at 9AM at the Clare VFW Hall. Space is limted to four more people. At the time of this message we have 4 each openings. f we have more than 4 sign up, the date and time of the email or call will be used to select the final 4. Thank You Glenn Grasley CE MI-J2 989435-9126 Home 989-965-4565 Cell [email protected] If you have a restaurant you want to try, let us know and we will try to schedule it ASAP. We need your input in order to make our dinners enjoyable for all. If you have a suggestion please let Ron know at 989-345-1875. Just a reminder-We have our gathering at Fred’s in Roscommon. It’s still on the second Sunday of the month. We eat at 9:00 am and have the meeting at 10:00am. Hope to see you all there. 6 CLASSIFIEDS That piece of metal lying around in the garage taking up space could be sold. Just contact Row and give her the details. Can’t beat the cost of the ad, so start rummaging around and put your ad in our newsletter. Contact Row 989– 873–5717 **** WANTED‖ Mid-70’s Honda 750 K single overhead CAM Model. Basket case to complete bike for project. Frame, motorm and title would do it. Contace Steve at 989-821-8665. If no answer leave message **** 2009 Yamaha Zuma 125 Scooter 900 miles , with windshield. New condition , asking $2,200. Contact Jake 231 826 4204 **** 1978 Honda CB 400T Hawk, Real Classic—Mint Condition, Asking $1,500. Contact Jake 2318264204. **** 2006 Honda TRX400/Four Trax Rancher 454. Automatic transmission/ Push button shift. Excellent condition. Asking $3,500. Call Jake 231826-4204. **** New Show Chrome driver back rest for GL1500, 1 Vega helmet XXL, 1 Vega helmet small, 2 Frogg Toggs Rain Suits 1-2XL 1-Med. Call Dave-989-9421928 ***** 2006 Week-end Warrior Toy Hauler—call Dave 989-942-1928 7 LOST OR MISPLACED: One lonely brown leather-like men’s jacket. Lost at the Halloween party in October. Nice jacket fits new owner nicely with the exception of the sleeves. Former owner had shorter arms than Now current owner. Contact Tom Schnautz if you have such a jacket. Tom stated he would be willing to trade jackets for his old one. Apparently the jackets were exchanged at the party and the wrong jacket went home with Tom. To reach Tom contact any Chapter Y officer for number. Thanks for looking. Hello Northern Section Members, Debbie and I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year… We hope you have an awesome riding season this year… Here is a few informational thoughts that you might find helpful, A) Saturday January 10th is also the date for Chapter J-2's After Christmas Party. It starts at 5:00 pm social and dinner at 6:00 at the VFW hall in Clare, MI. Flyer on the Michigan web site. B) Would you please let your members in your chapters know about the chance they will have to win a free entry to the Michigan Rally if they attend the Ohio Cabin Fever, Indiana Winter Rendezvous, and our Wingless Weekend? 10 passes will be drawn (sorry no District staff). C) Please mention our raffle ticket promotion. Everyone that sells 100 tickets or more will get one chance for each 100 tickets sold to win one of three $100 prizes (District giveaway). See you soon, Frank & Debbie King Northern Section ADD's 8 FEBRUARY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4Peah Pit St. Helen 5:30PM 5J-2 Meeting VFW Clare 7PM 6 7 815Y’s Meeting Freds 9AM 9 10 11 Lil’Boots Houghton Lk 5:30PM 12 13 14Q’s Meeting 15 16 17 18 Mac;s WB 19 5:30 -V’s Meet Freeland 20 21 22Z’s Meet Cheyboygan 23 24 25 G;s H.L. 5:30 27 28MFA Class 9AM VFW Clare 2 Bob Millspaugh 14 Cliff Martinson 17 Jake Naumann 18 Leo Hines 28 Dave Becker SaultSte.Marie Studebakers 10AM 26 1 Richard and Joan Ruby 28 Jake and Colleen Naumann 9 J-2’S After Christmas Party– Mary and Dale Leeth are named Couple of the Year. Shown with Mary are Sandy and Jerry Tice, Dale, and Oh Dear, Which one do I want? Theresa has a hard time deciding which gift she wants at J-2’s Irish Auction. The Canadian’s claimed the Michigan District plaque at J-2’s party, and I might add, a lot of the prizes too! Tom Schnautz receives his Certificate of Appreciation from Duane for being a Road Captain last year at the January meeting. 10 Drawbridge at John’s Pass, Treasure Island Florida Dave and Karen going across the Tampa Bay Skyway Bridge Chapter Y joined the Florida Wesley Chapel Group for a lunch ride 11 SPONSOR’S ADS Our sponsors support our newsletter. Please support their businesses whenever possible. Houghton Lake, Mi, 989-366-1444 Wishing everyone good health, much happiness and a lot of fun in 2015 13 Chapter Directors Ron & Jackie Tidball 2317 Rifle River Trail West Branch, Mi 48661 14
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