Configuration Table Guide Version 8.2 | February 5, 2015 For the most recent version of this document, visit our documentation website. Table of Contents 1 Configuration table overview 1.1 Accessing the configuration table 2 Configuration table values 2.1 Configuration values and UI display for Document Skip 3 dtSearch default alphabet file text Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 2 3 3 5 63 63 1 Configuration table overview This guide provides a description of each entry in the configuration table, along with each entry’s default value. 1.1 Accessing the configuration table To access the configuration table, perform the following steps: 1. Access the primary server environment containing all databases, including EDDS.Configuration. 2. Connect to the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. 3. In the Object Explorer tree, expand Databases > EDDS > Tables. 4. Right-click the eddsdbo.Configuration table, and select the option Select Top 1000 Rows. The eddsdbo.Configuration table opens. It displays the Section, Name, Value, MachineName, and Description for all the entries in the table. Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 3 5. Locate the configuration value you want to change and update the Value column. Note that doing so could have a significant effect on the performance and functionality of your Relativity environment. Refer to Configuration table values on page 5 for a complete list of Relativity configuration values. Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 4 2 Configuration table values This table provides an alphabetical list of all the configuration values related to Relativity. Name AboutBoxPortalLink Account Value secur/login_portal.jsp? orgId=00D5000000072uY &portalId=060500000004fqC kCura.EDDS.Web support/technical-support kCura.LicenseManager UNSETACCOUNT AdvancedImagingTimeout Relativity.Core 600 AdvancedSearchDefault kCura.EDDS.Web False AgentOffHourEndTime kCura.EDDS.Agents 5:00:00 AboutBoxSupportLink Section kCura.EDDS.Web Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 5 Description The location to which the Relativity Icon Box redirects. The location to which the Support link redirects. This value populates the Account column in the Case Statistics Rollup report. The amount of time, in seconds, that an advanced imaging process can actively run until it times out (does not include waiting time). Determines the default setting for Advanced Search Default when creating new users. “False” is private, and “true” is public. Used in conjunction with the AgentOffHourStartTime value to specify a valid time range when off hour agents should run. Currently, this only applies to the File Deletion manager, Case Statistics Manager, and Case Man- Name Section Value Description ager. The File Deletion manager immediately stops deleting documents once the time of day passes the AgentOffHourEndTime. The Case Statistics manager and Case Manager continue to process until completion. To enter a setting, use 24-hour time notation with the format of hh:mm:ss. Note that if the start time is before midnight, then you must also set the end time before midnight. For example, a start time of 23:00:00 might have an end time of 23:59:00. If the start time is midnight or later, then you can set the end time to any value after the start time. For example, a start time of midnight that is between 00:00:00 and 03:00:00 can have any end time. Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 6 Name AgentOffHourStartTime Section kCura.EDDS.Agents Value 00:00:00 AllowChangesToOverwriteProtection kCura.EDDS.Web False AllowNativeRedactions kCura.EDDS.Web True AnalyticsCategorizationBatchSize Relativity.Core 100000 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 7 Description Used in conjunction with the AgentOffHourEndTime value to specify a valid time range when off hour agents should run. Currently, this applies only to the File Deletion manager, Case Statistics Manager, and Case Manager. To enter a setting, use 24-hour time notation with the format of hh:mm:ss. See the description for the AgentOffHourEndTime configuration value. Determines if the Overwrite Protection drop-down menu is editable when editing or creating a layout. If set to true, the user can set this property to Disabled and then save a document even if another process has modified the document since loading. Determines whether users can perform redactions within the Native Viewer. The size of the batch of documents submitted to the Analytics engine to be categorized. Name Section AnaRelativity.Core lyticsCategorizationCreationBatchSize Value 1000 AnalyticsCategorizationDeadlockWait kCura.Data.RowDataGateway 30000 AnaRelativity.Core lyticsCategorizationDeletionBatchSize 1000 AncestorCountWarningLevel kCura.EDDS.Web 50000 APITimeout kCura.Relativity 30 ApplicationRestrictedFileTypes Relativity.Core .exe;.com;.pif;.bat;.scr Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 8 Description The size of the batch of CategoryResult objects created within Relativity once the Analytics engine has categorized them. Time in milliseconds that determines how long the query should wait to retry when deadlock occurs during run of categorization set. The size of the batch of CategoryResult objects deleted within Relativity when the user chooses to run a full categorization against a set that has been previously categorized. A warning is displayed in the Security page when the item's security being changed has more than this number of ancestors. The warning displays because the database will be locked for a substantial period of time. Sets the Relativity API token expiration in minutes. A semicolon(;) delimited list of file extensions (including dots) indicating file types that users should be prohibited from uploading as custom pages or Name Section Value AuditApplicationUninstallEnabled Relativity.Core True AuditCountQueries Relativity.Core False AuditingEnabled kCura.Audit True AuditFullQueries Relativity.Core False Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 9 Description resource files. Examples include .exe, .com, and .bat. Also, see RestrictedFileTypes. Determines whether Relativity writes an entry to the audit log for each component edited or deleted when you uninstall an application. By default, auditing is enabled. For each list that is generated, the system initially runs a "count" query to get the total number of records that fulfill the criteria. Setting this value to True writes the SQL query to the History record. Determines if auditing is enabled throughout Relativity. For each list page that is generated, the system initially runs a query to get the data to fill the rows on the current page. Setting this value to TRUE would write the SQL query to the History record. Name AuditIdQueries Section Relativity.Core Value True AuditPivotColumnRetrievalQueries Relativity.Core True AuditPivotFullQueries Relativity.Core True AuthenticationEmailFrom kCura.Notification [email protected] AuthenticationTokenLifetimeInMinutes Relativity.Core 5 AutoCreateRate kCura.EDDS.Web 60 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 10 Description The system will get a batch of Artifact IDs that fulfill the criteria and are needed to populate the current page in the list. Setting this value to TRUE would write the SQL query to the History record. For each Pivot list and chart, a query is run to get the unique columns needed to display the data. Setting this value to True writes the SQL query to the History record. For each Pivot list and chart, a query runs to get the data for the rows and columns. Setting this value to True writes the SQL query to the History record. This email address appears in the From field of email messages that contain authentication information for users. When an application other than Relativity is authenticated using Relativity’s internal mechanism, a token is received. This token is valid for this period of time. How often the system attempts to create batches, in minutes. Name Section AutoEmailWithCaseStatisticsManager kCura.Billing Value True AutoGenPasswordLength kCura.EDDS.Web 8 BackupDirectory kCura.EDDS.SqlServer During Relativity installation BaseApplicationPath kCura.EDDS.Procuro During Relativity installation BaseRelativityScriptPath kCura.EDDS.Procuro During Relativity installation BasicImagingTimeout Relativity.Core 300 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 11 Description If True, the Case Statistics Manager agent generates a text file with client billing information which is sent to kCura automatically through the SMTP server. Each time the agent runs, the new text file is sent to kCura through the SMTP server. If false, the Case Statistics Manager agent generates a zip file with client billing information, which is stored in the location specified in the EDDSFileShare value. Each time the agent runs, a new date-stamped file is created and stored in this folder. Zip files stored in this location can be manually sent to kCura. The number of characters that an auto-generated password contains. The path to the backup directory used by SQL Server. This value should be relative to the server where SQL Server is installed. The root path where the Procuro looks for required Relativity applications. The root path where the Procuro looks for its SQL scripts. The amount of time, in seconds, Name Section Value BcpShareFolderName kCura.Chicago BCPPath BCryptWorkFactor Relativity.Core 11 BrandingManagerBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Agents 100 BrandingRecordCreationBatchSize Relativity.Core 1000 BufferAcquisitionTimeoutInMilliseconds kCura.EDDS.Web.Distri 5000 buted BufferCount kCura.EDDS.Web.Distri 1000 buted Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 12 Description that the basic imaging process waits for a single document to be imaged before killing the export process and moving to the next document. The name of the share used for Bulk Inserts and the Case Statistics Manager. This is a bCrypt work factor constant that controls the strength of the encryption used for password hashing. Any value lower than 10 defaults to 10. Incrementing by 1 doubles the time it takes to hash the password. The number of files the Branding Manager brands in a single batch. The maximum number of records inserted into the BrandingQueue table in a single batch. This is used by both the Production Manager and when attempting to resolve errors in the web. The amount of time the Distributed site waits to acquire a free buffer to use for downloading before throwing an error. The number of buffers that the Distributed site allocates to ser- Name Section BufferSize kCura.EDDS.Web.Distri 81920 buted BulkLoadFileFieldDelimiter Relativity.Data þþKþþ CancelRequestEnabled Relativity.Core True CancelRequestInitialPollingInterval Relativity.Core 100 msec Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 13 Value Description vicing download requests. The maximum size, in bytes, of the buffer used by Distributed. Increasing this may improve file download performance but increases the risk of running the Distributed server out of memory. The value used to separate fields when loading bulk files into the SQL database. Line delimiters are this value plus a new line. This determines whether the option to cancel requests is available to Relativity users. When it is set to True, users can see an overlay window with the option to cancel the request and a message indicating that items are loading. When set to False, this functionality is not available. This configuration setting indicates the initial time interval (in milliseconds) used for polling the cache on the web server during the first second of a cancel query request. After the first second, the time interval increases to 450 msec. Name CancelRequestTimeDelay Section Relativity.Core Value 3 seconds CasesForGroupsViewID kCura.EDDS.Web 900 CaseStatisticsBasedLockout kCura.LicenseManager blank CaseStatisticsNotificationIncludeEmails kCura.LicenseManager True CaseStatisticsNotificationList kCura.LicenseManager empty ChoiceLimitForUI Relativity.Core Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 14 200 Description This value controls the time delay (in seconds) between the initiation of a search request and the display of an overlay window with the option to cancel the request. The ArtifactID of the view used to display the workspaces at the bottom of a group page. Used to determine if the Case Statistics-based lockout is active. Expects either True or False. If True, the email and original email address fields in the Case Statistics and User Rollup reports are populated. If False, those fields are retrieved as empty. Distribution list for Case Statistics reports. It expects a semicolon-delimited list of emails to send the report to. If empty, emails aren't sent. For choices and single objects, the maximum number that can appear in a checkbox, dropdown menu, or radio button list before switching to a pop-up picker; we recommend setting this value to 15. If it's not set, lists automatically render as Name Section Value ChunkEnabledQueryChunkSize Relativity.Data 10000 CompareWebAPIPath kCura.EDDS.Web During Relativity installation ConcurrentLogin kCura.LicenseManager per system ContentAnalystDefaultDimensions Relativity.Core 100 ContentAnalystDefaultMinCoherence Relativity.Core 0.95 ContentAnalystDefaultNumberOfProcessors 2 Relativity.Core ContentAnalystFileMaxByteThreshold Relativity.Core Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 15 524288000 Description pop-up pickers. Allows the Desktop Client to pull down a potentially large set of artifacts (choices and folders, specifically). The defined Compare Web API path. The setting for requiring the Concurrent User Login restriction. This value must be changed by a tool that the dev teams owns; defaults to disallowed. This number of default dimensions specified for new Content Analyst indexes. The default minimum coherence score to use when submitting a similar documents job to Content Analyst. This value indicates the number of processors that a single Analytics index uses for a build. Increasing the number of processors to a value greater than 2 may slow the performance of the Analytics server. You must adjust any setting modifications to the requirements of your environment. This was deprecated in Relativity 8.1. Changing this value has no effect on the environment. Name ContentAnalystMaximumBatchSize Section Relativity.Core Value 1000 ContentAnalystMaxConnectorsPerIndexDefault Relativity.Core 4 ContentAnalystMaxTotalConnectorsDefault Relativity.Core 50 ContentAnalystShowIdentifySimilarDocuments Relativity.Core False ContentAnalystShowIntegratedDtSearch Relativity.Core False ContentAnalystSimilarDocsJobType Relativity.Core 0 ContentAnalystSingleRecordMaxByteThreshold Relativity.Core 31457280 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 16 Description This is the number of documents sent to the Analytics server by each JDBC connector at once during index population. This value should not be lowered from 1000, as this would slow down populations environment-wide. The default maximum number of connections allowed between the Analytics server and SQL for each index that uses this server. The default maximum number of connections allowed between the Analytics server and SQL across all indexes using this server. Determines whether Identify Similar Documents functionality is available for Analytics indexes created after Relativity 8.0. Determines whether Integrated dtSearch functionality is available for Analytics indexes created after Relativity 8.0. This is the default similar documents job type to submit to Content Analyst (comprehensive). This was deprecated in Relativity 8.1. Changing this value has no effect on the environment. Name Content AnalystSmartTrain®OnByDefault Section Relativity.Core Value True ContentAnalystTemporaryDirectory Relativity.Core blank Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 17 Description Determines whether Analytics indexes are enabled by default to use the Optimize training set functionality, which automatically excludes conceptuallyirrelevant documents from an index’s training set. This was deprecated in Relativity 8.1. Changing this value has no effect on the environment. Name ContentAnalystTemporaryDirectory Section Value Relativblank ity.StructuredAnalytics ContentAnalystUpdateBatchSize Relativity.Core 50000 ContentAnalystWebServicesMaxByteThreshold Relativity.Core 31457280 ContentAnalystWebServicesTimeout Relativity.Core 300000 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 18 Description Deprecated in Relativity When running structured data Analytics jobs, the worker agents may need to write some large extracted text files to disk. You can use this configuration value to enter a UNC share path for a directory to store these temporary files. Use the format \\<machine name>.<domain>\<Content Analyst temporary directory> (For example: '\\mainline.kcura.corp\SASTem pDirectory'). Be sure to use the real machine name rather than the localhost. If the value is blank, Relativity intelligently discovers the directory. We recommend setting this value only for singleserver environments or when auto-discovery doesn't work. The batch size to update the non-similar documents in the documents table. This was deprecated in Relativity 8.1. Changing this value has no effect on the environment. The timeout value, in milliseconds, when connecting to Analytics Web Services. Name CookieHttpOnly Section kCura.EDDS.Web Value True CookieSecure kcura.EDDS.Web True CopyFilesToRepository kCura.EDDS.Winform True CreateCaseTimeoutValue Relativity.Data 1800 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 19 Description Prevents access to cookies by JavaScript and other client-side elements when set to True. This flag is designed to attach to sensitive cookies such as the session cookie ASP.NET_SessionId. Forces a web browser to send session information over HTTPS only when set to True. This flag is designed to attach to sensitive cookies such as the session cookie ASP.NET_SessionId. When set to True, users cannot log into Relativity over HTTP. The default value that appears in all import and export forms within the Relativity Desktop Client for the “copy files to repository” value. The timeout value, in seconds, associated with running queries related to case creation. Name CreateZSRTablesForSTRs Section Relativity.Core CustomPageManagerIsOffHourAgent kCura.EDDS.Agents Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 20 Value True False Description Controls whether ZSR tables are created by search terms reports. If True, search terms reports create ZSR tables, caching the results for future use. This improves performance, but may make rebuilding and deleting indexes take longer. If False, building search terms reports may take longer. Fewer tables are left in the database, potentially resulting in faster dtSearch index builds. This value controls whether the Application Manager agent behaves as an off hour agent. If set to True, applications containing custom components only deploy between the hours set in the AgentOffHourStartTime and AgentOffHourEndTime values. If an application deploys when the AgentOffHourEndTime passes, the current deployment completes and no new deployments occur until the next AgentOffHourStartTime.If set to False, the Application Manager agent runs normally, and applications containing custom pages are identified and deployed in Name Section Value DatabaseQuery kCura.EDDS.Procuro DataCenter kCura.Billing SELECT CAST(1 AS BIT) AS [ ], ' N/A' as ArtifactID, 'EDDS' as [Name], @@SERVERNAME as [Location], 'N/A' as [CaseStatus], '' as [UpgradeStatus] UNION SELECT CAST(1 AS BIT) AS [ ], CAST([Case].[ArtifactID] AS VARCHAR(20)), [Case].[Name], [ResourceServer].[Name] as [Location], [Code].Name as Status, '' as [UpgradeStatus] FROM [Case] INNER JOIN [Code] ON [Code]. ArtifactID = [Case].StatusCodeArtifactID INNER JOIN [Artifact] ON [Artifact].[ArtifactID] = [Case]. [ArtifactID] AND [Artifact].[DeleteFlag] = 0 INNER JOIN [ResourceServer] ON [Case].[ServerID] = [ResourceServer].[ArtifactID] blank Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 21 Description the typical process. The query used by Procuro to determine the list of databases available for upgrading. Geographical location of the facility where a Relativity instance is housed. The Case Statistics Manager agent includes this location in the RelativityVersion.txt metadata file that it generates. See Case Statistics Manager on the Agents page of the Relativity 8.2 Documentation site. Name DataDirectory Section kCura.EDDS.SqlServer Value During Relativity installation DataFocusModeDefault kCura.EDDS.Web Off Description The path to the data directory used by SQL Server. This value should be relative to the server where SQL Server is installed. Default Interface Mode for users. Types: n n DefaultCaseDownloadHandlerApplicationPath kCura.EDDS.Web During Relativity installation DefaultOIHiliteStyleID kCura.Code.Data 3 DefaultNativeImagingEngineURL Relativity.Core Determined during native imaging installation; manually entered in configuration table after native imaging installation is completed Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 22 Data Focus On Data Focus Off The value that populates in the “Download Handler URL” field by default for new cases. If you enter a full URL for this value, the protocol must match what is used in the browser. If Relativity is set up to use either HTTP or HTTPS, but not both, you can enter a full URL. If Relativity is set up to use both HTTP and HTTPS, do not specify the protocol in this value. The default OIHiliteStyle associated with new choices. Valid values are defined on the OIHiliteStyle table (look within a workspace database, not the EDDS database). The base URL to the web services provided by the processing server (Deprecated in 7.5). Name DefaultQueryTimeout Section kCura.AssistedReview Value 30 (seconds) DeobfuscateMapsFolderPath Relativity.Core \Relativity\EDDS\Maps folder DeveloperMachine kCura.EDDS.Web False DeveloperMode Relativity.Core False DisabledUserMessage kCura.EDDS.Web Your Relativity Administrator Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 23 Description The timeout value, in seconds, used by default for all AssistedReview queries. If set, the folder where the obfuscation map files are stored for use in the Stack Trace Deobfuscation Tool. If not set, the Stack Trace Deobfuscation Tool uses the …\Relativity\EDDS\Maps folder. Determines whether the environment should be treated as a developer machine. This should always be set to False for production environments Enables or disables developer mode options within an instance of Relativity. These options include disabling the cross-site request forgery (CSRF) header requirement in the API and returning detailed error messages such as stack traces. Enable this setting only in a development environment. The contact specified within the message displays when a user does not have access to Relativity. Name DisplayDisclaimer Section kCura.EDDS.Web Value False DisplayHelpLink Relativity.Core True DisplayLogoInTitleBar kCura.EDDS.Web False DistinctBuilderMaxValue Relativity.Data 255 DocumentSkipDefaultBehaviorDefault kCura.EDDS.Web True DocumentSkipEnabledDefault Enabled kCura.EDDS.Web Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 24 Description Determines whether the disclaimer should appear when users log into Relativity. Determines whether the Help link appears for all non-systemadministrators. Setting this value to False removes the Help link from the UI. When set to True, the company logo appears in the top action bar. The maximum number of values allowed in a choice field before it changes from a picker in the item list to disabled. Determines the default value displayed in the Skip Default Preference field on the Add User form. The UI displays Skip when this configuration option equals True, and it displays Normal when it equals False. When DocumentSkipEnabledDefault is set to Disabled or Force Enabled, this configuration option is ignored. Determines the default value displayed in the Document Skip field on the Add User form. Acceptable values are Enabled, Disabled, and Force Enabled. Name Section Value DocumentSkipLookAheadLength kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 DocukCura.EDDS.Web mentSkipNoMoreDocumentsMessage Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 25 Document Skip is enabled. The remaining documents in your queue no longer meet the conditions of your view or search. If you are done with these records, click \"Return to document list\". If you would like to see the remaining records, change your view Description When this option is Enabled, the value for DocumentSkipDefaultBehaviorDefault controls the default option displayed in the Skip Default Preference field. When this option is set to Disabled, or Force Enabled, the Skip Default Preference field displays the read-only value of Normal or Skip respectively See Configuration values and UI display for Document Skip on page 63. The progressive number of documents (starting with the current + 1) that the system evaluates against the current view/saved search criteria when Document Skipping is enabled. System default is 1000 documents, set to -1 for all documents. Notification to user when Document Skip is enabled, and no more documents fit the saved search/view criteria. Name Section DocumentSkipToolTip kCura.EDDS.Web DomainParsingSingleRecordMaxByteThreshold Relativity.Data dtSearchDefaultAlphabetFileText Relativity.Core Listed in dtSearch default alphabet file text on page 63. dtSearchDefaultSubIndexFragmentationThreshold Relativity.Core 9 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 26 Value from \"Skip\" to \"Normal\". This checkbox will enable you to bypass documents which already meet the criteria of this saved search/view. 1048576 Description Document skip tooltip message displayed in the document profile. The Domain Parsing tool doesn't parse records with a value that exceeds this length (in Bytes). The default value of the text for the Alphabet file when creating a new dtSearch index. This value is used as the default value for the Sub-index fragmentation threshold field on the dtSearch Index Information screen. The value must be an integer greater than or equal to 1. When the fragmentation level for a sub-index equals or exceeds the threshold level, the system automatically compresses the sub-index during an incremental build. Name dtSearchDefaultSubIndexSize Section Relativity.Core Value 250000 dtSearchEnableMetricsLogging Relativity.Data 0 dtSearchPopulationLogFilePath Relativity.Core blank dtSearchQueryLogFilePath Relativity.Core blank Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 27 Description This is used by the dtSearch Index Manager to determine how many sub-indexes will make up the entire index. This value is the maximum number of documents to build into each sub-index and appears by default in the Sub-index size field when creating a dtSearch. A bit value to determine if dtSearch Metrics gathering should be enabled, for Performance testing or Troubleshooting. Set this to point to a file on disk when diagnosing dtSearch problems relating to populating indexes. This will cause dtSearch to write debugging information to disk. This file itself doesn’t need to exist, but the path to it does. Make sure that this value is set back to nothing when the log file is no longer needed because it can grow in size very quickly. Set this to point to a file on disk when diagnosing dtSearch problems relating to performing searches. This will cause dtSearch to write debugging information to disk. This file Name Section Value dtSearchStreamBufferSize Relativity.Data 1048576 (1 MB) dtSearchStreamThresholdInBytes Relativity.Data 1048576 dtSearchWorkerProgressThreshold Relativity.Data 1000 EDDSFileShare Relativity.Data During Relativity installation Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 28 Description itself doesn’t need to exist, but the path to it does. Make sure that this value is set back to nothing when the log file is no longer needed because it can grow in size very quickly. Controls the size, in bytes, of the buffer used within the dtSearchStream object. This buffer is allocated into memory as soon as the agent starts. Relativity checks to see if the value has changed between jobs and reallocates the buffer if a change is detected. This is used by the dtSearch Index Manager when populating an index. If the size of all the text associated with a document is larger than this value, the text is streamed directly into dtSearch. Otherwise, the text is converted to bytes and the bytes are sent to dtSearch. Controls the number of documents a worker agent sends to the dtSearch engine before reporting progress back to the database. Changing this value may have an impact on performance. The location used for the mas- Name Section Value EmailFrom kCura.Notification blank EmailLinkURLOverride kCura.EDDS.Web Description ter-level file share. If you change the location, make sure that the new directory is shared. The email address populated in the “from” field when sending email notifications. The email address must be valid. Email aliases can be entered in this format: Alias Name [email protected] You need to set this item only when the URL used to access Relativity by end users is not the actual URL of the Relativity web server. This can happen under certain conditions: n n Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 29 Your Relativity IIS server is part of a server farm and/or behind a load balancer. In this case, the URL used to access Relativity is the URL of the load balancer or the farm, not the URL of a specific server. You have a security certificate installed on a load balancer or firewall, and the device is doing URL rewriting when passing requests on to the Relativity server. In this case, Name Section Value EmailTo kCura.Notification blank EnableNativeRedactions kCura.EDDS.Web True EnableTransactionalImports Relativity.Core True EncryptedSMTPPassword kCura.Notification blank EnvironmentData kCura.LicenseManager xxxx EnvironmentName kCura.Notification Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 30 DefaultRelativityEnvironmentName Description you use HTTPS to access Relativity, but the actual Relativity server doesn't use HTTPS. The email address populated in the “to” field when sending email notifications. The email address must be valid. Separate multiple email addresses with a semicolon. To enable native highlighting, redactions, links, and tagging, this must be manually added and set to True. You can set this value to False to turn off the SQL transactions that occur on import. This could speed up performance in the database. However, it's dangerous because it can cause invalid records in the database. The password for the username associated with the credentials of the SMTP server. This password validates against the SMTP authentication. Encrypted data about your environment. Changing this will shut down Relativity. The name of the environment. This value is used when sending Name Section EnvironmentPubToken kCura.LicenseManager xxxx ExportBatchSize Relativ1000 ity.StructuredAnalytics ExportSubdirectoryDigitPadding kCura.EDDS.Winform 3 ExportVolumeDigitPadding kCura.EDDS.Winform 2 FavoritesEnabled Relativity.Core TRUE FileDeleteChunkSizeOnDocumentDelete Relativity.Data 1000 FileDeletionManagerBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Agents 100 ForceWebClientManagerUpgrade kCura.EDDS.Web False Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 31 Value Description notifications. You should update the default value to a setting appropriate for use in your environment. kCura’s public key. Do not change. The batch size used by Structured Analytics agents when pulling document information out of Relativity and pushing it to Content Analyst staging web service. Changing this value will impact performance. The default value that appears in the Relativity Desktop Client export form for the “volume subdirectory digit padding” value. The default value that appears in the Relativity Desktop Client export form for the ”export volume digit padding” value. Determines if Favorites appear in the UI. Determines the number of records deleted at once from associated tables when documents are deleted in mass. The number of documents that the File Deletion Manager deletes in a single batch. When set to True, Internet Name Section ForgotPasswordRequestBody kCura.EDDS.Web ForkCura.EDDS.Web gotPasswordRequestCompletedBody Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 32 Value Description Explorer checks to make sure the user's web client manager version matches the version of Relativity exactly. If it doesn't, it automatically prompts the user to install a new web client manager. <HTML><BODY> <P>We received a request to The text in the body of the forreset the password associated with this email gotten password request email address. Click the link below to reset your pass- message. word. This link will expire after 15 minutes.<BR/><BR/> {RESETLINK}<BR/><BR/> We recommend opening this link in Internet Explorer.<BR/><BR/> You can also copy and paste the following text into your address bar:<BR/><BR/> {RESETTEXT}<BR/><BR/> If you did not request this change, contact your system admin.<BR/><BR/> Please do not reply to this email.<BR/><BR/></P></BODY></HTML> <HTML><BODY> <P>The password associated The text in the body of the forwith this email address has been successfully gotten password request email reset. Click the link below to login.<BR/><BR/> message when the request has {LOGINLINK}<BR/><BR/> We recommend open- been completed. ing this link in Internet Explorer.<BR/><BR/> You can also copy and paste the following text into your address bar:<BR/><BR/> {LOGINTEXT} <BR/><BR/> If you did not request this change, contact your system admin.<BR/><BR/> Please do not reply to this email.<BR/><BR/></P></BODY></HTML> Name ForgotPasswordRequestEmailFrom Section kCura.Notification Value [email protected] ForgotPasswordRequestInvalidBody kCura.EDDS.Web ForgotPasswordRequestSubject kCura.EDDS.Web <HTML><BODY> <P>We received a request to reset the password associated with this email address. <BR/><BR/> Your password can't be reset due to a problem with your account. Contact your system admin for assistance.<BR/><BR/> If you did not request this change, contact your system admin.<BR/><BR/> Please do not reply to this email.<BR/><BR/></P></BODY></HTML> Password reset request FTDirectory kCura.EDDS.SqlServer During Relativity installation Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 33 Description The value in the From field for the forgotten password request email message. The text in the body of the forgotten password request email message if the user is locked out. The value in the Subject field for the forgotten password request email message. The path to the full-text directory used by the SQL Server. This value should be relative to the server where SQL Server is installed. Name GlobalWorkspaceUpgradeLimit Section Relativity.Data HeaderLogo kCura.EDDS.Web HeaderLogoLarge kCura.EDDS.Web HelpLinkURL kCura.EEDS.Web Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 34 Value 4 Description The global limit on the maximum number of Workspace Upgrade Worker agents that can access any of the SQL servers in your Relativity environment. Each SQL server can have a different number of these agents accessing it, but the maximum number accessing a single server can’t exceed the global limit set in this configuration value. To set the number of agents on a specific server, see Servers on the Documentation site. kcura_blue.png The name of the image file used for the header. This file must be located within the Images folder. kcura_blue_50.png The name of the large image file used for the header. This file must be located within the Images folder. The URL for the help link in the Portals/0/Documents/<RELEASE NUMBER>%20- user drop-down menu. Documentation% 20Help%20Site/index.htm #Relativity Online Help/Documentation Site/Welcome.htm Name HTMLEditorToolbar ImageExportThreshold Section Value kCur[[ 'fontname', 'space','fontsize', a.Web.UI.WebControls 'space','formatblock', 'space','bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'separator','strikethrough', 'subscript', 'superscript', 'separator','copy', 'cut', 'paste', 'space', 'undo', 'redo' ], [ 'justifyleft', 'justifycenter', 'justifyright', 'justifyfull', 'separator', 'orderedlist', 'unorderedlist', 'outdent', 'indent', 'separator','forecolor', 'hilitecolor', 'textindicator', 'separator','inserthorizontalrule', 'createlink', 'insertimage', 'inserttable']] Relativity.Core 300 ImageOnTheFlyJobPriorityDefault Relativity.Core 1 ImageQCOnByDefault kCura.ImagingSetEventHandlers False Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 35 Description Sets the Relativity API token expiration in minutes. The amount of time, in seconds, that the TIFNative manager waits for a single document to be imaged before killing the imaging process and moving to the next document. The default priority for all Image-on-the-fly jobs. The checkbox that prompts to Hide Images for QC Review when imaging documents in an Imaging Set defaults to checked if this value is set to True. Name ImageViewerBufferSize Section kCura.EDDS.Web Value 10485760 ImagingJobPriorityDefault Relativity.Core 100 ImportBatchSize Relativ2000 ity.StructuredAnalytics InitialNumberOfViewableDocuments Relativity.Core Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 36 1000 Description The maximum number of bytes that the ImageViewer preloads into memory. The default priority for all Imaging jobs, excluding Image-onthe-fly jobs. The batch size used by Structured Analytics agents when pulling document information from the Analytics staging web service and pushing it into Relativity. Changing this value impacts performance. The initial number of viewable items on list pages. This is the value in the “First xxx” dropdown menu on the bottom of list pages. Name Instance Section Value kCura.LicenseManager UNSETINSTANCE KeyboardShortcutsDefault kCura.EDDS.Web LargeExtractedTextMaximumSize Relativ157286400 ity.StructuredAnalytics LazyLoadHighlightSets kCura.EDDS.Web Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 37 True True Description In the Case User Rollup report, this value is used as a prefix for the Case User ID and Usage ID columns. In the Case Statistics Rollup report, this value is used as a prefix in the Usage ID, Case ID, and name columns. It's used to populate the Instance column in the Case Statistics Rollup report. Modifying the instance name by updating this value immediately invalidates your Relativity and Processing licenses. For new users, this value determines the default value for Enabling Keyboard Shortcuts. The maximum acceptable size, in bytes, of extracted text sent to Relativity Analytics. If extracted text exceeds this size, the job fails to run and an error message appears. You must remove the flagged document (s) from your saved search before running the job. This value defaults to 157286400 bytes because Analytics doesn't reliably handle extracted text larger than this size. To enable selective loading of Name Section Value LDFDirectory kCura.EDDS.SqlServer C:\Logs\ LegacyAuditCutoff kCura.EDDS.Web 7/23/2008 3:16:57 PM LockoutNotificationList kCura.LicenseManager [email protected]; [email protected] LogOutLogo kCura.EDDS.Web relativityLogin.png LongRunningQueryTimeout kCura.AssistedReview 3600 (seconds) LongRunningQueryTimeout kCura.Data.RowDataGateway 6000 LongRunningQueryTimeout Relativ120 ity.StructuredAnalytics Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 38 Description persistent highlight sets, this must be manually added and set to True. The path to the log file directory used by SQL Server. This value should be relative to the server where SQL Server is installed. The date that the environment was upgraded to 4.20. It's used within messages explaining to the user that audit framework changed. Distribution list for emails warning of a Case Statistics-based or license-based lockout The name of the image file used for the LogOut Page. This must be located within the Images folder. The timeout value, in seconds, used by the long-running Assisted Review queries. This is used in various places in the system to time out queries that run for a significant length of time, and potentially lock an associated table. The timeout value, in seconds, associated with running queries related to structured data analytics. Name MassActionUpgradeBatchAmount Section kCura.EDDS.Web Value 1000 MassCleanseBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 MassCopyBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 100 MassCreateBatchSize kCura.Relativity 500 MassCreateWordIndexBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 MassCustomBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 MassDeleteBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 100 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 39 Description The number of workspaces per batch when you run an Edit Priority, Retry Upgrade, or Cancel Upgrade mass operation on the Workspace Upgrade queue. The number of documents per batch for the mass cleanse process. Defaults to the currently configured value for MassDeleteBatchAmount, controls the batch amount when copying Dynamic Objects. The number of artifacts per batch for the mass create process of the Services API. The number of documents per batch for the mass create word index process. The number of items per batch for custom mass operations. This value controls the batch sizes for all custom mass operations. The number of documents per batch for the mass delete process. Name MassDeleteBatchAmount Section kCura.Relativity Value 100 MassEditBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 MassExportBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 10000 MassImageBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 MassImportSqlTimeout Relativity.Data 60 MassMoveBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 40 Description The number of documents per batch for the mass delete process. Note: The RelativityServices API (RSAPI) does not currently support the mass delete operation. This means that the RSAPI always performs a deletion one artifact at a time, regardless of the value for the MassDeleteBatchAmount configuration in the kCura.Relativity section of the table. The number of documents per batch for the mass edit process. In processing, this is the number of errors that will be marked as ignored or will be put into retry tables at a time. The number of documents per batch for the mass export process. The number of documents per batch for the mass image process. The timeout value, in seconds, associated with long running queries run by any form of mass import - this includes image and native. The number of documents per Name Section Value MassProcessTranscriptBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 MassProduceBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 MassRedactPopupDelay Relativity.Core 3 MaxAnalyticsIndexIdleDays kCura.EDDS.Agents 30 MaxArtifactBatchSizeForExecuteBatch kCura.Relativity 2000 MaxColumnsForMinWidth 20 kCura.EDDS.Web Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 41 Description batch for the mass move process. The number of documents per batch for the mass transcript process. The number of documents per batch for the mass produce process. Determines the length of time (in seconds) before the creating redactions popup appears. The number of days that an Analytics Index can remain idle before the case manager agent automatically disables it. Maximum number of artifacts that can be submitted to ExecuteBatch in one batch. Views with a column count greater than this number are assumed to be wider than the display. This allows the system to make optimizations that drastically reduce lag time when working with large views. However, this may result in a suboptimal user experience on views with fewer columns. Reduce this number if users complain that their views are freezing Internet Explorer. Name MaxErrorListItems Section Relativity.Data Value 50000 MaximumActionsAllowedForRelativityScript kCura.EDDS.Web 10 MaximumColumnsAllowedForRelativityScriptReport kCura.EDDS.Web 7 MaximumDisplayCountForMultiPicker kCura.EDDS.Web 10 MaximumListPageTextLength kCura.EDDS.Web 500 MaximumLongTextSizeForExportInCell kCura.EDDS.WebAPI 1048576 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 42 Description The maximum number of errors that appear on the Error page. For Relativity scripts, the maximum number of actions that can be included in the script body; 10 is the recommended value. For Relativity scripts, the maximum number of columns that can be rendered when the script runs as a report; 7 is the recommended value. The maximum number of items to display while editing multiobject and multi-choice fields. The maximum number of characters that the item list display for a text field. During export, if the length of a long-text cell (in characters) exceeds this value, Relativity pulls down a token instead of the text for that cell. When the Desktop Client comes across that cell, it knows to make a separate call to pull down the text for that cell. Name Section MaximumNativeSizeForViewerInBytes kCura.EDDS.Web Value 10485760 MaximumNumberOfImagesForExportChunk MaximumPasswordAgeDefault kCura.EDDS.WebAPI 10000 kCura.EDDS.Web 0 MaximumPasswordLength kCura.EDDS.Web 50 MaximumTextVolumeForExportChunk MaxInvalidLoginAttempts kCura.EDDS.WebAPI 1048576 Relativity.Core 10 MaxListItems Relativity.Data 1000 MaxNumberOfArtfactsToMassCreate kCura.Relativity Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 43 1000000 Description The maximum size, in bytes, of a native file that the Native Viewer attempts to display. If a native document exceeds this size, the user will instead see a page explaining that the document is too large to be displayed. The maximum number of images, in total bytes, that export in a single set. When creating users, the default value for the maximum password age. Controls the maximum user password length allowance. This value cannot be set to a value greater than 50. The maximum text, in total bytes, that export in a single set. The maximum number of login attempts a user can make with a given username before Relativity locks out that username. The maximum number of items that appear on the dtSearch/CA error popups, the batch/linked/search/relational panes in the viewer, and the error list at Home. The maximum number of artifacts that can be submitted to the MassCreate API function at Name Section Value MaxNumberOfArtfactsToMassEdit kCura.Relativity 1000000 MaxPasswordHistory Relativity.Core 5 MaxPDVQueryLength Relativity.Core 60 MaxQueryConditionCharacterLength Relativity.Core 100000 MaxTreeviewChildNodes Relativity.Core 1000 MinimumExcerptTextLength kCura.AssistedReview 120 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 44 Description a time. The maximum number of artifacts that can be submitted to the MassEdit API function at a time. Controls how many password changes that Relativity checks for duplicate passwords. Setting this to a large value could prevent a user from ever using the same password twice. The timeout value, in seconds, associated with running queries related to displaying document lists. The maximum length of a criterion in the view criteria picker. The maximum number of nodes under a single parent node that appear in the tree view. If the number of child nodes is exceeded, an error message appears. This improves user experience and avoids memory issues within the browser. The minimum number of characters required for a text excerpt for designation and issues. Name MinimumPasswordLength Section kCura.EDDS.Web Value 8 MinimumSeedInfluence kCura.AssistedReview 25 MinimumSupportedIeVersion kCura.EDDS.Web 8 MissedServerCheckInsBeforeAlert Relativity.Core 3 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 45 Description Controls the minimum user password length requirement. This value cannot be set to a value less than 8. The minimum number of documents required to be categorized by each example document returned in an Assisted Review stratified sample. This is only available if you add it locally. Lists the minimum version of IE that is allowed to view Relativity. Relativity is designed for IE 8 or higher, and lowering this value may result in a poor user experience for users with IE7 or below. Note: This value is not meant for client modification and dictates only which versions of IE are supported. Changing this value doesn't attempt improve the user experience for users with versions of IE lower than 8. Number of times that a server can fail to check in with Relativity before the application generates an alert indicating that the server is nonresponsive. The ServerCheckInInterval configuration value specifies the Name Section Value OCRCompilationBatchSize kCura.EDDS.Agents 100 OCRProcessingBatchSize kCura.EDDS.Agents 1000 OCRWorkerBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Agents 100 OCRWorkerInsertBatchSize kCura.EDDS.Agents 500 PasswordNotificationRelativityURL kCura.Relativity blank PasswordResetMessageBody kCura.EDDS.Web Hello - The following Relativity login information has been set: - URL = {URL} UN = {EMAIL} - PW = {PASSWORD} You should now be able to log in. Remember, the password is case sensitive. Thanks! Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 46 Description time interval indicating how frequently the server must check in with Relativity. See ServerCheckInInterval.See ServerCheckInInterval. The number of updates to the document table, with the OCRed text, that the OCR Manager makes in a single transaction. The number of items transferred from OCR_POP tables into OCR_TEXT in a single batch. The number of images a single OCR worker agent pulls and OCRs at a time. The number of inserts to the OCR Worker table that the OCR Manager agent batches into a single transaction. The URL for Relativity used in a password notification email (used only by the API). The password Reset Email message Text. Name PasswordReset MessageSubject PasswordResetRequestLimit Section kCura.EDDS.Web Value Relativity Login Information - {EMAIL} Relativity.Data 10 PivotMaximumNumberOfColumns Relativity.Data 100 PivotMaximumNumberOfRows Relativity.Data 20000 PivotNumberOfRowsPerPage kCura.EDDS.Web 15 PivotQueryTimeout Relativity.Data 180 PrintImageWarningThreshold kCura.EDDS.Web 500 ProcessingDiscoverJobPriorityDefault Relativity.Core Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 47 100 Description The password Reset Email Subject Text. Indicates the number (from 1050) of password reset requests that an individual email address can generate. After reaching this number, the email address can't receive any additional Reset Password emails unless the user clicks the link provided in the email. After the Case Manager agent runs again, the Reset Password emails resume. Until the Case Manager agent runs, no auditing is logged for the user. The maximum number of columns that appear in the pivot. This is the maximum number of rows that appear in the pivot. The default number of rows per page in the pivot. This is the timeout period, in seconds, on the pivot query. If a user attempts to mass print and the number of images to be printed exceeds this threshold, a warning appears to let the user know that they're attempting to print a large number of documents. The default priority for all Pro- Name Section Value ProcessingErrorRetrievalInitialBatchSize Relativity.Core 1000 ProcessingErrorUpdateBatchSize Relativity.Core 1000 ProcessingExportBatchSize Relativity.Core 1000 ProcessingExportMaxThreads Relativity.Core 4 ProcessingInventoryJobPriorityDefault ProcessingPublishJobPriorityDefault Relativity.Core 100 Relativity.Core 90 ProcessingRetryCount Relativity.Core 3 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 48 Description cessing Discover jobs. The initial number of errors to pull back from the processing server in one call. If this fails, the number is halved until it either succeeds or fails in pulling back one error. The batch size used when updating processing errors. If this is set to a value higher than 1,000 and you attempt to republish a processing set that contains 1,000 or more errors, you will receive an agent error. Retrying errors manually on the Errors tab isn’t affected by this issue. The number of documents per batch when importing documents during processing. The number of threads used by the Invariant worker to run publishing jobs. This value must be 1 or greater. The default priority for all Processing Inventory jobs. The default priority for all Processing Publish jobs. The number of times to retry a processing job before flagging the job as Paused. Name ProcessingRetryTimerDuration Section Relativity.Core Value 600 ProcessingSetStatusUpdateInterval Relativity.Core 5000 (milliseconds) ProcessingWebAPIPath Relativity.Core <blank> Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 49 Description The amount of time, in seconds, to wait until automatically retrying paused jobs. The interval at which the processing set console updates the status of the processing set. The URL that directs to the Windows Authenticated Relativity Web API endpoint used by processing. This URL is required for processing and must be entered by the Relativity Administrator. Name QueryCacheMode Section Relativity.Core Value SQLDependency Description QueryCacheMode controls the type of SQL caching Relativity uses. Configuration value options: SQLDependency – Uses SQL Service Broker n TimeBased – Caches data in the SQL cache for 30 seconds The preferred configuration value is SQLDependency, as this option notifies the web server in the event SQL data is updated. Since the TimeBased option caches SQL data for 30 seconds, data used by the web server may be briefly outdated. You can also enter a value of None, but doing so results in no SQL caching and denies those performance increases allowed by either of the above values. Because of this, we recommend that you don't enter None. Determines if the quick nav search box displays. Determines the maximum number of results displayed in quick nav. The value must be a number between 2 and 50. Determines if recent history items appear. n QuickNavEnabled Relativity.Core True QuickNavMaxResults Relativity.Core 20 RecentHistoryEnabled Relativity.Core TRUE Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 50 Name RecentHistoryNumberOfItemsDisplayed Section Relativity.Core Value 10 Description The number of recent history items stored and displayed by the favorites control if Recent History is enabled. RelativityInstanceURL Relativity.Core Blank string ("") The URL identifying the protocol and host name used for your Relativity instance. For example, you might use as the instance URL for your environment. The URL in this configuration value can be used by any Relativity applications deployed in your environment, which need to provide external links to users. For example, this value could be used by an application that adds a link to a Relativity application in an email message. RelativityScriptPickerViewID kCura.EDDS.Web 902 RelativityServicesPath Relativity.Core Set during Relativity installation Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 51 Note: Don't use localhost as the host name in this configuration value. The View ArtifactID of the Relativity Script Picker. Indicates the URL for the Services API. This path is referenced by event handlers and custom pages. Procuro automatically sets this value on installation. Name ReplaceCaseNameWithArtifactID Section kCura.Billing Value False ReplaceUserNameWithHashValue kCura.Billing False RepositoryVolumeMax Relativity.Core 1000 RestrictedFileTypes Relativity.Core .exe;.html;.htm;.js Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 52 Description If True, the Case Name in the billing statistics report (generated either by manual run of the Billing Statistics - User script or by automatic run of the Case Statistics Manager agent) is replaced with the Case ArtifactID. By default, this is False, and the Case Name appears. Determines whether the user name portions of user email addresses are replaced with hash values in billing information sent manually or sent automatically through the SMTP server. If True, all text preceding the @ symbol in each user email address is replaced with a unique hash value. Domains remain unencrypted. By default, this value is set to False, and entire user email addresses appear. If you manually run the billing script, the value you select in the interface overrides this configuration value. The maximum number of files allowed in a repository case subdirectory. A semicolon-delimited list of file extensions, including dots, that Name Section Value RestrictedNativeFileTypes Relativity.Core HTML;HTM;EXE Retries kCura.AssistedReview 3 Retries Relativ3 ity.StructuredAnalytics RetryWaitTime kCura.AssistedReview Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 53 30 Description users are prohibited from uploading to file fields (excluding Custom Pages). For example: .exe;.html See also ApplicationRestrictedFileTypes. A semicolon-delimited list of file types users are prohibited from uploading to file fields (excluding Custom Pages). These values are regular expression enabled, so custom validation behavior is also supported. Number of times agents retry upon failure of a given operation. After retries are exhausted, the project has an error status; retries occur every 30 seconds by default. Number of times agents retry upon failure of a given Structured Analytics operation. After retries are exhausted, the project has an error status; retries occur every 30 seconds by default. The number of seconds between Relativity's attempt to retry errors. Name RSAConfigFilePath Section Relativity.Core Value %RelativityWebInstallDir%\RSA RUMEnable kCura.EDDS.Web True RUMEndpoint kCura.EDDS.Web RUMIdentifier kCura.EDDS.Web A000C182-52A6-417D-A279-BC24F365B20D SamplingStatisticalPopulationResultsLimit kCura.EDDS.Web 300 SearchAgentServicePort Relativity.Core 6870 SearchCacheTableCreationTimeout Relativity.Core 60 SearchIndexerLongRunningQueryTimeout Relativity.Data 1200 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 54 Description The location of the sdconf.rec file and optional sdopts.rec file. These files initialize the RSA library when RSA authentication is configured. Relativity User Metrics collects click data if this value is set to True. The URL for data submission for Relativity User Metrics. Stores the GUID to identify an instance for Relativity User Metrics. The minimum number of items in a data set required for statistical sampling to be valid. Fewer items than the default value constitutes an insufficient population for reliable statistical sampling and throws an error if the user attempts to sample. The default port which used by the dtSearchAgent to service search requests. The timeout value, in seconds, for the creation of a Search Cache table. The timeout value, in seconds, associated with long running queries run by dtSearch, CA, and Domain Parsing. Name SearchIndexerMaxPopulationErrors Section Relativity.Data Value 5000 SearchIndexerTextFromSQLChunkSizeInBytes Relativity.Data 1048576 SendNotificationOnImportCompletion Relativity.Core False SendNotificationOnImportCompletionByDefault ServerCheckInInterval kCura.EDDS.Winform False Relativity.Core 60000 msec ServerManagerRetries kCura.EDDS.Agents 3 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 55 Description The maximum number of errors allowed for a single population process in dtSearch or CA before the job is terminated. If this limit is reached, the respective agent throws an exception saying that the failure limit has been reached. The size of the text chunks streamed from SQL to either the dtSearch or CA agents when they are writing large files to disk. Increasing this value may improve performance when populating large files. The larger this value becomes, the greater the chance that either the dtSearch or CA agent will run out of memory. Determines whether an email is sent to the user running the import upon completion. The default value for sending a notification to the user uploading data. Time interval (in milliseconds) used to indicate how frequently a server must check in with Relativity. Number of attempts made by the Server Manager agent to connect to a server before it Name Section Value ServicesAPIBaseUriOnAgentServers kCura.Relativity net.pipe://localhost/ SerkCura.Relativity vicesAPIHostingOnAgentServersMode SelfHosting ServicesAPIHostingOnAgentServersPredefinedURL kCura.Relativity http://localhost:9997/ Relativity.Services/ ServicesAPIMetadataPortOnAgentServers SessionTimeoutDelay kCura.Relativity 6867 kCura.EDDS.Web 90000 ShowDeobfuscateTool kCura.EDDS.Web False Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 56 Description sets the server inactive. Base URI for the self-hosted Services API on agent servers. Use the following format: net.pipe://localhost/. Determines how agents access the Services API in a Relativity environment. Available Values include SelfHosting and PredefinedURL. The URL that agents use to access the Services API server when ServicesAPIHostingOnAgentServersMode is set to PredefinedURL. TCP port used by the metadata endpoint of the self-hosted Services API on agent servers. Relativity issues a warning before a user’s session expires. This value is the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the user receives the warning before the session expires. If False, the deobfuscate tool won't appear. Name ShowForgotPasswordLink Section kCura.EDDS.Web Value False ShowStackTraceOnError kCura.EDDS.Web True SMTPPort kCura.Notification 25 SMTPServer kCura.Notification blank SMTPUserName kCura.Notification blank SqlServerLDFDirectory Relativity.Data During Relativity installation Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 57 Description If True, displays the "Forgot your password?" link on the Relativity login screen, allowing users to reset their own passwords. If True, full stack traces display to users when an error occurs. The port used for SMTP transactions. The default value can be changed to another port based on the setup of the SMTP server in your environment. It must be an integer value. The SMTP server used to send notifications. The default value should be updated with a setting appropriate for your environment. The username associated with the credentials of the SMTP server. It's validated against the SMTP authentication. The SMTPUserName must be associated with the same account as defined in EmailFrom. The path to the log file directory used by SQL Server. This value should be relative to the server where SQL Server is installed. Name SQLTimeout Section kCura.EDDS.Procuro Value 7200 StatisticsOutputFileSizeLimit Relativity.Core 512 SupportedVersions X.X SupportLinkHref SyncExcludes kCura.EDDS.TemplateManager kCura.EDDS.Web Relativity.Core SystemArtifactCacheExpiration Relativity.Core blank kCura.Sync.dll; kCura.Sync.Utility.dll; NullableTypes.dll; itextsharp.dll 240 (minutes) Description The SQL timeout value used when executing Procuro scripts. This value is set in seconds. The maximum size in of kilobytes (KB) for a file aggregated by a Statistics event handler. This file size is per event handler in a given workspace. For example, the Case Statistics Manager collects data added to this type of file. The Relativity versions supported by the template manager. The URL for the support link. A list of system DLLs that exist in the sync directory that should not be recognized as syncs. The number of minutes before the system artifact cache for any given workspace expires and refreshes the next time it's accessed. If you're restoring archived databases into newly created workspaces, we recommend that you reduce this value to 15 or 30 minutes. Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 58 Name TallyBatchAmount Section kCura.EDDS.Web Value 1000 TermsLinkHref kCura.EDDS.Web blank TextExtractionTemporaryDirectory Relativity.Core blank TitleText kCura.EDDS.Web Relativity TrustedIPsForTokenLogin kCura.EDDS.Web empty UserCanChangePasswordDefault kCura.EDDS.Web True UserCanChangeSettingsDefault kCura.EDDS.Web True UsePermissionsCaching Relativity.Data True Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 59 Description The number of documents per batch for the tally process. The URL for the terms link. If this isn't blank, every user must agree to the disclaimer at least once before logging into Relativity. The temporary directory used by the Text Extraction Manager. If left blank, the default document directory for the case is used. The text of the header title within Relativity. The comma-delimited list of trusted IP addresses for logging into Relativity with an authentication token. When creating a user, the default value for the User Can Change Password option. When creating a user, the default value for the User Can Change Settings option. Determines the mechanism for checking user permissions. If set to true, Relativity uses a permissions caching mechanism to improve performance by minimizing calls to the SQL database. If set to false, Relativity makes a database call when per- Name Section Value UsePermissionsCachingSeconds Relativity.Data 30 ViewableDocumentsIncrementCount Relativity.Core 5000 ViewQueryOptimization Relativity.Core True ValidateAssemblyVersion kCura.EDDS.WebAPI x.x.*.* Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 60 Description missions need to be checked. The number of seconds between the previous and next cache refresh. If a change occurred during this interval, the refresh updates the access rights that a user has to a Relativity object. The number of items that can be added to the viewable set on various list pages. It's the value in the “Add next xxx” drop-down menu on the bottom of various lists. This has a functional maximum value of 10,000. This means that even if the value in the configuration table exceeds 10,000, the user will see Add next 10,000 in the drop down menu. If set to True, this populates the total documents in an Item List view using one SQL query to generate the IDs of all items in the list. This eliminates the need for a second SQL query to get the total count of documents. Determines which parts of the Relativity version number validate between the Desktop Client and the Relativity | Configuration Table - 17 WebAPI Name Section Value Description version. For example, given the WebAPI version is and the Desktop Client is *.*.*.* match x.x.*.* match n x.x.x.x do not match (the last node between the two is different) n x.x.x.* match n *.*.*.x do not match The Web API path that the DBMT uses. n n WebAPIPath kCura.EDDS.DBMT http://localhost/RelativityWebAPI/ WebAPIPath kCura.EDDS.Web During Relativity installation WebClientBatchSize Relativity.Core 1000 WebClientTimeout kCura.EDDS.Web 3000 Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 61 The WebAPI path for Relativity. If you enter a full URL for this value, the protocol must match what is used in the browser. If Relativity is set up to use either HTTP or HTTPS, but not both, you can enter a full URL. If Relativity is set up to use both HTTP and HTTPS, do not specify the protocol in this value. Determines the batch size for mass creating and mass deleting redactions within the web client The value, in milliseconds, that the web client components will wait for a response when making a WebAPI call before assuming the request has timed out. Name WebClientMaximumRetries Section kCura.EDDS.Web Value 2 WebClikCura.EDDS.Web entNativeViewerCacheAheadMaxSizeInBytes 52428800 WebClientPerformanceLatencyTests kCura.EDDS.Web 5 WebClientPerformanceLoggingInterval kCura.EDDS.Web 300000 WebClientPopupDelay kCura.EDDS.Web 3000 WebClientRedaction Warning kCura.EDDS.Web False WebClientLongTimeout kCura.EDDS.Web 3000 WebClientValidateAssemblyVersion kCura.EDDS.Web x.x.x.x Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 62 Description The maximum number of times the web client attempts to make a WebAPI call before throwing an error. The maximum size, in bytes, a file can be to allow the Relativity Web Client Native Viewer Cache Ahead technology to cache it. The number of latency tests performed by the Relativity web client when logging performance. The amount of time, in milliseconds, between performance logging audits from the Relativity web client. Determines the length of time (in milliseconds) before popups appear when performing a long running operation. When set to True, a warning appears if there is a 25x25 redaction on the page. The value, in milliseconds, that the web client components waits for a response when making a potentially long running WebAPI call before assuming the request has timed out. This value affects how the web client manager determines whether it needs to download Name Section Value Description and install a new version of the web client. For example, given that Relativity is version and the web client is n n n n n *.*.*.* will not cause a download/install x.x.*.* will not cause a download/install x.x.x.x will cause a download/install (the last node between the two is different) x.x.x.* will not cause a download/install *.*.*.x will cause a download/install 2.1 Configuration values and UI display for Document Skip The following rules apply to the DocumentSkipDefaultBehaviorDefault configuration value and UI display: DocumentSkipDefaultBehaviorDefault (configuration value and UI display for document skip field) Enabled Enabled Disabled Force Enabled DocumentSkipDefaultBehaviorDefault (configuration value) True False Setting Ignored Setting Ignored Skip Default Preference Field (UI display) Skip Normal Normal (Read-only) Skip (Read-only) 3 dtSearch default alphabet file text Some of the characters in the alphabet file are not printable, so screenshots were used instead of the actual text. Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 63 [Letters] // Original letter, lower case, upper case, unaccented 0000 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 8888 9999 AaAA BbBB CcCC DdDD EeEE FfFF GgGG HhHH IiII JjJJ KkKK LlLL MmMM NnNN Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 64 OoOO PpPP QqQQ RrRR SsSS TtTT UuUU VvVV WwWW XxXX YyYY ZzZZ ____ aaAa bbBb ccCc ddDd eeEe ffFf ggGg hh H h iiIi jjJj kkKk llLl Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 65 mmMm nnNn ooOo ppPp qqQq rrRr ssSs ttTt uuUu vvVv wwWw xxXx yyYy zzZz [Hyphens] [Spaces] Ignore [End] CJKRanges = 2e80-ac00 ac00-d7af f900-faff fe30-fe4f Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 66 Proprietary Rights This documentation (“Documentation”) and the software to which it relates (“Software”) belongs to kCura Corporation and/or kCura’s third party software vendors. kCura grants written license agreements which contain restrictions. All parties accessing the Documentation or Software must: respect proprietary rights of kCura and third parties; comply with your organization’s license agreement, including but not limited to license restrictions on use, copying, modifications, reverse engineering, and derivative products; and refrain from any misuse or misappropriation of this Documentation or Software in whole or in part. The Software and Documentation is protected by the Copyright Act of 1976, as amended, and the Software code is protected by the Illinois Trade Secrets Act. Violations can involve substantial civil liabilities, exemplary damages, and criminal penalties, including fines and possible imprisonment. ©2015. kCura Corporation. All rights reserved. Relativity® and kCura® are registered trademarks of kCura Corporation. Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 67
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