TECHNOLOGY 2014 Seguin HS AISD SURVEY © YOU TUBE VIDEO USED UNDER FAIR LICENSE We know how important technology is in today's day and age. We want our students to have access to the best 21st century tools so that they will be better prepared for their future. We need your input as we work through the process of assessing our technology across the school district. We're using an online survey called BrightBytes Clarity to get feedback from our students, teachers, and also from you. Using the URL above, please take a moment to tell us about your experience with technology. It should only take about 10 minutes. We'll be looking at your feedback, along with our student and teacher feedback, to give us a picture of how our students are using technology to learn in AISD. Thank you for your help! 85% SCHOOL PARTICIPATION NEEDED FROM: Parents Optional (5 Minutes) Students (9 Minutes) DATE AND LINK FOR SURVEY Oct 6-20, 2014 English Survey URL Links Student Parent ENCUESTA ESPAÑOL: Oct 6-20, 2014 Survey URL Spanish Links: Reconocemos que la tecnologia es muy importante para guiar a nuestros jovenes hacia un mejor futuro. Deseamos que usted como padre o madre participe en una encuesta breve. Por favor, tome 10 minutos de su tiempo para ayudarnos. Haga click en el sitio BrightBytes, y por favor escoja la escuela de su estudiante. Gracias Padres http://sur Estudiantes de Secundaria http://sur
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