Vol.XXVIII No. 2 February 2015 Buddhist Church of Lodi Newsletter 23 North Stockton St., Lodi, CA 95240-2214 (209) 368-5589 [email protected] http://lodibuddhist.org/ Sunday, February 1, 2015 8:30 AM Chanting & Meditation (mindful hour) 9:30 AM Shostuki (monthly memorial service) Sunday, February 8, 2015 8:30 AM Chanting & Meditation (mindful hour) 9:30 AM Family Sunday Service (DS/AD) 10:30 AM LBWA meeting Sunday, February 15, 2015 8:30 AM Chanting & Meditation (mindful hour) Shinran’s Monthly Memorial Service (Oasaji) 9:30 AM Family Sunday Service (DS/AD) Nirvana Day/Dana Day Service Saturday, February 21, 2015 1PM-4PM NC District Special Lecture “Modern Society and The Teaching of The Pure Land” Lecturer: Rev. Prof. Chiko Naito English Interpreter: Rev. Wondra Mutsumi Fee: $5.00 Place: Florin Buddhist Church 7235 Pritchard Rd. Sacramento *Please contact Rev. Yuki Sugahara to register. Phone: 916-383-1831 E-mail: [email protected] Sunday, February 22, 2015 8:30 AM Chanting & Meditation (mindful hour) 9:30 AM Family Sunday Service (DS/AD) Sunday, March 1, 2015 No Service *March Shotsuki will be held on Sunday, March 8th. The newsletter is a monthly publication of the Buddhist Church of Lodi, 23 N. Stockton Street, Lodi, CA 95240. There is no subscription charge for members and friends, but donations are welcome. Vol.XXVIII No. 2 MESSAGE FROM REV KATSU < Peace? Freedom? Equality? Wealthy? One day, I went to San Francisco for a meeting at 10:30 AM. On that day, the traffic was very bad. I thought three hours was enough to get to San Francisco, but it wasn’t. When I got to the bay bridge, it was already 9:50 AM. Hundreds of cars were lined up at each tollbooth. All lanes were very crowded. I also waited in a line. By chance, I looked at the other lines. It seemed that the other lines were moving much faster and smoother than the line that I was waiting in. The line, which I was in, was very slow.” Darn! I had chosen a wrong line. I should be lined up in the other lines.” I really envied the other drivers, but I had no chance to move to the other lines. When it was at 9:59 AM, there were a few more cars in front of me to the tollbooth. I prepared $6.00 in my hand to pay. At that moment, a miraculous thing happened. The electric bulletin board said, “The current time is 10:00 AM, the charge for the bridge is $4.00”. It was unbelievable. I got a $2.00 discount. I was so happy and felt so sorry for the drivers who went through the toll before 10:00 AM. Before 10:00 AM, I got irritated and upset while I was watching the other lines. After 10:00 AM, I was in a happy mood. My mind had completely changed because of just the $2.00 difference. Even a small thing changes my mind easily. My mind is always wavering. My mind is not steady and reliable. However, my mind is not the only thing, which is wavering. TV and Internet tell us a lot of news, which makes me feel that this world is also wavering and is not steady. Conflict, terrorism and war continuously occur in the mid-east. Ebola was raging in West Africa. There was a big demonstration in Hong Kong. California had serious drought. And a few weeks ago, terror attacked on a newspaper office in Paris, France and 12 people were killed. More incidents and tragedies have been happening one after another in this world. Human beings have had peace, freedom, wealth, and equality as goals of their own life and ideals of this world since the far past. We are still seeking ways to achieve them. However, as a result of seeking peace, human beings eventually start fighting. Human beings also fight for obtaining freedom and equality. Pursuing wealth becomes a February 2015 cause of poverty and environmental destruction. It is sad but I think human beings (we) have been breaking their (our) goal and ideal by themselves (ourselves). It is strange but seeking our goal and ideal: Peace, Freedom, Equality, Wealth, may be a cause of war and this world’s instability. I truly feel that human beings need to reconsider what the goals of our life and ideals of this world are. The larger sutra teaches us the following: “Wherever the Buddha travels, be it country, province, town, or village, there is no place, which does not benefit from his virtue. Peace and harmony reign throughout the land. The sun and moon shine brightly, the wind and rain are prosperous and the people live in peace, so there is no need to use soldiers and weapons. People respect virtue, cultivate benevolence, and diligently observe propriety and humility.” Our mind, unfortunately, is not steady and reliable. Because of that, the goals and ideals, which we set, are weaving and changeable. What is steady and reliable is Amida Buddha’s mind and wish. Amida Buddhism tells us we should aspire for being born into the Pure Land, attaining Enlightenment and becoming Buddha. These must be our goals. We should walk the path to the Pure Land and becoming Buddha instead of seeking peace, freedom, equality, and wealth. As a result of walking the path of becoming Buddha, our human goals are naturally fulfilled. Our founder, Shinran Shonin is the person, who walked the path to pure land and became Buddha. There were so many wars during his time. A lot of natural disasters also occurred. In these situations, he centered “Namoamidabustu” in his life. Reciting “Namoamidabutsu” was the only reliable path for him. We are living in a different time from his time, but I think we can learn how we should live from how Shinran Shonin lived. <2015 Resolutions> The evaluation of 2014’s resolution (E-excellent, G-good, S-so so, B-bad) Lodi: Get 24 new members WG: Get 8 new members Give my dharma talk without paper Practice playing “Ryuteki” Practice playing golf G B E B B Vol.XXVIII No. 2 -The number of attendees (Lodi) Attendees Attendees Date Date st th Dec 21 26 Jan 4 87 Dec 31st 38 Jan 11th 37 Jan 1st 42 Jan 18th 32 2015 Memorial Service Schedule 2015 is the memorial year for those who passed away in: 2014 1 year 1999 17 year 2013 3 year 1991 25 year 2009 7 year 1983 33 year 2003 13 year 1966 50 year In Gassho, Rev. Katsu: [email protected] BUDDHIST CHURCH OF LODI General Meeting Jan. 13th Members present: Reverend Katsuya Kusunoki, Gordon Nitta, Judy Waters, Hannah Egi, Steve Ogata, Sach Watanabe, Bruce Sasaki, June Shimozaki, Shirley Komatsu President Gordon Nitta called meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Reverend Kusunoki led Gassho. Minutes The minutes of the December 9th, 2014 meeting were approved as published in the church’s monthly newsletter. (M/S/P) S Watanabe/Judy Waters Treasurer’s Reports: General – Bruce Sasaki Bruce went over the December entries and pointed out that the monies deposited into the general account (Seminar sign up fees, Dharma School’s share of the Sunday Services plate donations and spaghetti dinner pre-sale monies) were sent to the organizations to be deposited into their accounts. Special – Steve Ogata Steve reviewed his report. He transferred $10,000 to the General account, received funds from the general account for spaghetti dinner, 85th anniversary for deposit to the appropriate accounts. He is transferring the CD in RaboBank to the BCA custodial account. The reports were approved. (M/S/P) J.Waters/S.Watanabe February 2015 Minister’s Report – Reverend Kusunoki December 10th through January 13th: 2 funeral services, Shotsuki service, 1 Family Sunday Service, DS mochitsuki, Joya-E, Gantan-E, 1 Chanting and Meditation service, Shinran’s monthly memorial service (Oasaji), Propagation committee meeting and the office clean up at BCL; conducted Shotsuki service, Shinran’s monthly memorial service (Oasaji), and Joya-E at the Walnut Grove Buddhist Church; I participated in LBWA year end luncheon, and Rev. Taitetsu Unno’s funeral service. I was invited to the Vancouver Buddhist Temple’s Hoonko service as a guest speaker. Sensei Roy conducted Gantan-E, 1 dharma school and adult study class at the Walnut Grove Buddhist Church. Dharma School conducted Sunday service and the propagation committee chaired Adult Discussion at the Buddhist Church of Lodi during my absence. Reverend also presented his 2014 year summary report, which is attached. LBWA Report – June Shimozaki The LBWA hosted a Thank You Luncheon for the Toban Representatives in appreciation of their dedication to the LBWA and their time. Ayano and Reverend Katsu prepared a wonderful luncheon of sukiyaki with the help of some members who did the slicing and dicing. We will be having our New Year’s Luncheon on January 31, 2015. Invitations/registration letters have been mailed. Please return your RSVP. The LBWA members will be preparing a menu of Japanese dishes. There will be a NCBWA meeting on January 20, 2015 in Sacramento. Our next meeting will be held February 8th in the annex after church services. Shinyukai Report – Reverend Kusunoki The January luncheon will be held on Tuesday, January 27. The menu will have sashimi donated by Mark Shimozaki. Dharma School Report – Jill Walters Hannah Egi gave Jill’s report. Dharma School has planted eight bulbs per planter box directly in front of the church aside from the planter box with a tree, which has an additional eight in the center of the planter. The planter box by the bottlebrush tree has approximately four rows of three bulbs planted; 66 bulbs total. We have about 15 left over. DS will be Vol.XXVIII No. 2 making/decorating a temporary cardboard canned goods donation box until a more permanent one is made. Beth suggested making it the following DS if we do not plant more bulbs or start the Kanji project. In February we will discuss going over the history of Gautama and using art projects to enhance the lessons, particularly using polymer clays and paints as well as coloring and cutting out some Buddhas to go under the Bodhi tree. (The one we will be putting in the display box this month). Reverend Katsu will be offering a beginner’s Buddhism class after several future services. I offered to send invitations to some local colleges, put up some flyers in key locations, put it in the free Lodi circular, and help pass out invitations to newcomers. Reverend Katsu has agreed. I am open for additional suggestions and/or assistance to help get the word out. Propagation Committee Report – Rev. Kusunoki Reverend reported meeting was held on January 4th. Winter Seminar is scheduled for January 17th with 26 registered participants. He reported three oneday seminars are being planned for 2015. The English study class held once a month will be changed to twice a month and the Japanese class will be held once a month before the Shinyukai luncheons. The committee is working on a budget for the 2015 year. Building Maintenance – Sach Watanabe Sach reported his niece, Sheri Watanabe, has donated range hood and oven to replace these items in the minister’s residence. The stovetop needs to be replaced and he received estimate of $600 for a ceramic top, which was approved by the Board. (M/S/P) J.Waters/B.Sasaki) He has two estimates to put in plantation shutters on the windows throughout the house. The bid of $3,200 from JP Windows will be accepted. It was suggested frosted glass windows be put in the bathrooms and vertical blinds be put on the back patio door. Judy reported Fujinkai would pay the total cost of the installation with funds from the Fujinkai account and the sushi sale to be held after the March Ohigan service. There is also one window that needs replacing. February 2015 Old Business: 1. Sexual misconduct procedure manual: The necessary forms were sent and accepted by the church insurance carrier. Dharma schoolteachers and other members dealing with the children have been given church worker application forms to be completed which will be kept in the office. 2. National Convention in San Diego: Reverend and Gordon will be attending. 3. Computer: Table needs to be purchased. Steve will confer with Reverend to find appropriate sized table for the computer. 4. 85th Anniversary: Steve reported more donations have come in since last report. Steve has put together a photo album of the anniversary luncheon. A sample album will be displayed at the Sunday Family Service. If you wish to purchase one, please contact the office. Cost: $25.00 New Business: 1. Church Sodai/Riji List: This list, which is primarily for members’ funeral notification will be updated for members who do not have e-mail addresses. Those with e-mail addresses will be notified electronically. Gordon will meet with Reverend to update the list. 2. Reverend will begin English classes at Delta on Monday and Wednesday mornings beginning next week. 3. Ron Oye and Reverend have been contacted by the Stockton Buddhist Church that they have a display case they no longer use. Reverend will get dimension to see if we can use it. 4. Installation of 2015 officers for the church, women’s’ association, Dharma School and Shinyukai will be held on Sunday, January 18th. 5. Services: Spring Ohigan, Sunday, March 15th. The Fujinkai will have sushi sale following the service. 6. Orei thank you note from Judy Waters. A thank you note was received from Haru Onishi. She thanked the board for the orei that she returned with her appreciation for the board thoughtfulness. 7. Bruce presented the 2014 scrip summary. Vol.XXVIII No. 2 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM. Reverend Kusunoki led Gassho. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Komatsu, recording secretary. LBWA UPDATE – June Shimozaki The LBWA Board members hosted a Thank You Luncheon for the Toban Representatives in appreciation of their years of dedication making calls to inform the membership of upcoming activities and requests for help. Ayano and Reverend Katsu prepared a wonderful sukiyaki dish. LBC is updating some long, overdue upgrades with the Minister’s residence. One of the projects is the need for new window dressing. The LBWA will be funding the purchase of new plantation shutters with the funds, partially from our sushi sale to be held on March 15th after the Ohigan Service. The first NCWBA meeting under the Sacramento toban will be on January 20, 2015. Our New Year’s Luncheon will be held on January 31st in the annex. The LBWA ladies will be preparing Japanese dishes for the luncheon. Have you returned your RSVP to the office? We don’t want you to miss out on this wonderful meal. LBWA is implementing the resolutions made at the World Federation Conferences. FBWA encourages us to use the theme of the resolutions in a program or discussion at our meetings. One of the resolutions from Kyoto, Japan resolves that Dana Day collection drive to continue with the aim for contributing to social welfare projects and related activities. The collection plate donations (Saisen) for the February 15th service will be used for a charitable project determined by our board. We hope to see you at the service. A request is made for help to clean up after the Shotsuki Service refreshments are served and concluded in the annex. See you at the New Year Luncheon on January 31st. Our next meeting will be held February 8 after church services in the Annex. February 2015 DHARMA SCHOOL – Jill Walter Dharma School has planted eight bulbs of Daffodils per planter box directly in front of church aside from, the one planter box without a tree which has an additional eight in the center of the planter. The small planter box by the bottle brush tree has four rows of three bulbs planted. Dharma school planted sixty-eight bulbs total. Dharma School students will be making and decorating a temporary cardboard, canned goods donation box until a more permanent one is made. In the month of February, Dharma School plans to review the history of Gautama and then use art projects to enhance the lessons. We will create polymer clay sculptures of the historic Buddha and color cut-outs of the historic Buddha to go under our display Bodhi tree. SCRIP UPDATE – Kelly Yamane In March, Yume restaurant will be offering a 15% bonus benefit. Enjoy a delicious lunch and/or dinner out and participate in our easiest fundraiser ever! In addition to the gift cards, Raley’s has a new electronic scrip program and you don’t need a card to participate! It is called Extra Credit and is part of the Something Extra rewards program. To enroll, please sign up for a Something Extra rewards account at www.somethingextra.com. After enrollment, you can visit Extra Credit and select the church (listed as Buddhist Church of Lodi) as a scrip beneficiary. Thank you to all who are using their SaveMart SHARES card. Every time you shop, your card is scanned and the church receives a 3% benefit. Please contact me if you would like a card – the SHARES cards are free! Like Raley’s, SaveMart is not able to provide reports by individual contributions for their SHARES program. Through September 2014, the church earned $817, as a result of purchases with your SHARES card. If you purchase SaveMart gift cards (2% benefit), we can continue to track your individual contributions. Thank you to all who are participating in the program! If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Yamane at 365-7124 or any of the scrip supporters listed below. Scrip orders will be due by 10 a.m. on the order date. Vol.XXVIII No. 2 January Scrip Supporters Arleen Mataga Ayano Kusunoki Hannah Egi Janet Morimoto Joy Sasaki Kelly Yamane Lisa Okazaki Liza Kanemura Mieko Komatsu Nagako Sumida Nancy Burgess Pam Kriter Terry Oga Calendar Dates: Scrip orders due: 2/6 at 10 a.m. (Friday) Scrip pick-up: 2/17 (Tuesday) SHOTSUKI – Janet Morimoto Thank you to all the following ladies and gentlemen that graciously brought refreshments for the January Shotsuki fellowship after the service: Hisa Nakamura Sumiko Mikami Judy Waters Janet and David Morimoto Tad Matsumoto Toshi Yoshioka Shizuno Nitta Ayano Kusunoki It was all delicious! For those Shotsuki families wishing to contribute food following a service please contact the office to let us know. In gassho, Janet Morimoto SHIN BUDDHIST SERVICE BOOK – Lillian Wada It has been almost a year since our congregation has been using the new Shin Buddhist Service Books at our services. Our members have found this book to be very helpful and easy to use. There are English translations of Juseige, Sanbutsuge and other sutras. Some of the Sutra Chantings are written in western February 2015 music score. It includes instructions for Oshoko, proper etiquette in the Hondo, quotes and many other information. The Shin Buddhist Service Book was published last year by The Orange County Buddhist Church. As you will remember, Rev. Katsu and Ayano donated 250 copies of this new service book to our Church in commemoration of our Church’s 85th Anniversary, which was held in November. We are all very grateful to Rev. Katsu and Ayano for this thoughtful gift, as many of our old service books were in need of repairs. Rev. Katsu also purchased 15 copies of a red service book in Japanese from his family temple for those who prefer the Japanese version, It is quite noticeable that members are finding the new Shin Buddhist Service Book easier to use and are chanting sutras and singing gathas louder. It is Rev. Katsu’s hope that more people will come to the Church, use the new service book, and listen to the Buddha Dharma together. If you wish to borrow or purchase the Shin Buddhist Service Book, it is available in our library. Please check with Rev. Katsu or the office.
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