The Message of P.O. Box 5126 Quincy Il, 62305 Phone 217-440-0191 [email protected] February 2015 Pastor’s Ponderings Our Beliefs…. We believe in the triune God: Father, Son, & Holy Spirit "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a We believe that the Bible is the divinely-inspired and inerrant Word of God With the month of February comes Valentine’s Day and thoughts of love and big red hearts. It’s a time to say (and show) to our loved ones just how special they are to us. We express how our heart “feels” to those we love. God does this each and every day. He tells us and shows us the depth of His love for us in big and small ways. But are we taking the time to listen? Are we paying attention? How it must hurt Him when we ignore what He is trying to show us and, in a way, reject the love He wants so desperately to shower upon us. He is a true “valentine” for He IS love. What kind of “valentine” are we? Do we daily express to God the love we have for Him? Are we living our lives to show Him our love and to honor Him, the One who first loved us? Is the valentine of your heart beautiful and perfect? Or is it tattered, maybe a bit dirty and wrinkled? If we are honest with ourselves, we know our hearts are far from perfect. We are a sinful people in need of a cleansing. This too is a daily gift of love from our heavenly Father. He knows that we might have things in our hearts that shouldn’t be there. Things like bitterness, anger, jealousy, selfishness, pride and greed. When we come to church, everything may look great on the outside, but God will look on the inside and see that our hearts aren’t right. We believe that we are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ We believe that God's grace comes to us through Word and Sacrament We believe in the Lutheran Confessions We believe that all are called to serve God and our neighbors through our God-given gifts, talents, and abilities How’s Your Heart? right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10 “For the Lord sees not as man sees; man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”1 Sam.16:7 We need to examine our hearts as God does and pray as David did, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10 He wants our tattered, dirty, sinful hearts so He can cleanse them and make us beautiful in His sight. So, don’t wait for Valentine’s Day to tell God you love Him and to give Him your heart. Do it right now! Today! And tomorrow! And all the tomorrows to come. In His Service, Pastor Scott Pastor’s Community Office Hours Pastor Scott will be at Hy-Vee on Harrison every Tuesday from 9:00-11:00 a.m. You can also call him anytime for visitation. 217-440-0191 Lenten Schedule February 18 7:00pm Service with Communion and Imposition of Ashes Wednesday Evening Services 7:00pm February 25 and March 4, 11, 18, 25 Maundy Thursday—April 2 7:00pm Good Friday—April 3 7:00pm Easter Service - April 5 9:30am Church Leadership PRESIDENT: Brian Happel VICE PRESIDENT: Sandy Cassens SECRETARY: Skyler Wiegmann TREASURER: George Black COUNCIL MEMBERS: Phyllis Hofmeister Linda Sachs Mary VanKanegan FELLOWSHIP DISCIPLESHIP EVANGELISM WORSHIP SERVICE Ministry Teams The Service Team would like you to know about Up at Down Country, a non-profit organization that serves school districts and families within a 50 mile radius of Quincy, IL. Their belief is "Every child is a gift. Every child can learn. Every child learns differently." They provide scholarships for national conferences, workshops held locally, and an initiative to provide technology and support of all children. Donations such as those from Hope Lutheran Church help support education/training on “Outside the Box” learners and help raise positive awareness in the local tri-state area. They are getting ready to hold their major annual fund raiser, Rhinestones and Rodeos, on Saturday, February 7th. Tickets are still available. Information on Up and Down Country can be gotten at 217-617-3568 or Lent was originally a period of fasting and study. Lent lasts 40 days to help us to remember the 40 days that Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness. The color of the parament is purple, the color of repentance and sorrow for our sins. It is at the Lenten time that we are to examine our lives according to what is told us in the Bible. When we ask for repentance and through God’s mercy He forgives us, we are as a new self. Come worship at service on Ash Wednesday, February 18th at 7:00pm and every Wednesday until Holy Week right before Easter. Chairperson: Linda Waite The Evangelism Team has been expanded to include many vital leaders of HOPE and has adopted an Evangelism Plan that seeks to identify a clear vision for growing HOPE and implement detailed action plans to achieve the vision. To carry out the Plan, the team is divided into three parts, a Prayer Team to provide opportunities to pray for God’s will and guidance for HOPE’s mission, a Discipleship Team to encourage all members to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and a Marketing Team to design and prepare various advertising materials for HOPE’s outreach into the community. Our major outreach focus in the next 5 months will include a large float in the Dogwood Parade on May w, a block party for friends and neighbors, a garage sale and many other fellowship events. Future outreach will include similar events, seminars and service projects. Please consider how you can be involved because we need everyone’s involvement to grow HOPE. Chairperson: Mark Cassens Join us for a follow-up session this Sunday, February 1st, during our Discipleship Hour with David Palmer as he continues his teaching on Islam with an emphasis on ISIS. There are also classes for our youth (K-5 and 6-9) in the fellowship hall. There will be a Small Group opportunity beginning Thursday, February 12 at 7pm at the Mikkelson’s entitled “24 Hours That Changed the World”. It is a seven week session by Adam Hamilton. All are invited to attend. Child care provided. During the season of Lent, Pastor Scott will be sharing a sermon series entitled “He Set His Face to Jerusalem” where we will look at Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem in order to help us reflect on how we “set our faces” in life. Chairperson: Karen Mikkelson Please save the date for the Horizons Empty Bowl Fundraiser to be held on Sunday, March 22nd from 11am –2pm. Watch for further details and information regarding our HOPE gift basket to be raffled off during the event. If you would like to be a part of the Fellowship Team—we would love to have you join us! Your thoughts/ideas/input would be greatly appreciated!! Contact Tonya. Chairperson: Tonya Fisher HOPE HAPPENINGS SMALL GROUP 24 Hours That Changed the World By Adam Hamilton Witness a single day that changed the world! Walk with Jesus during his final hours, sit beside him at the Last Supper, pray with him in Gethsemane, follow him to Golgotha, and experience his rising to life again. Filmed on location in the Holy Land, Hamilton offers a vivid picture of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection in this 7 session DVD study. Thursdays at 7pm at the Mikkelson’s February 12, 19, 26 March 5, 12, 19 and 26 Lenten Sermon Series HE SET HIS FACE TO JERUSALEM Join us for worship Sundays and Wednesdays b u l C Kid’s Sign up available in the Atrium Join us February 12th, 19th and 26th HORIZONS FOOD PANTRY ITEM FOR FEBRUARY IS: CHICKEN HELPER First Communion Classes begin Wednesday, February 25th through March 25th at 7:45pm. All 3rd-4th graders and their parents are invited to attend. Mark Your Calendar for HORIZONS EMPTY BOWL FUNDRAISER MARCH 22, 2015 BOWLING Sunday, February 8th 1:00-3:00pm Casino Bowl HORIZONS SOUP KITCHEN Hope Serves the 2nd, 3rd & 5th Thursday’s from 11am-1:30pm each month. $5 January 20, 2015 Dear Friends at Hope Lutheran Church, As we reflect upon another year gone by, we are profoundly grateful for your support of the programs and ministry work here at Horizons. We have a dream for no one in our community to be hungry, but most importantly, an intense desire to change lives through the love of Jesus Christ. With your support we are changing lives. I want to update you on the impact you are having on lives throughout our community. With your help Horizons was able to accomplish the following in 2014: Facilitated the distribution of 108,000 pounds of food to local food pantries Served 25,000 hot meals in Horizons Soup Kitchen Served more than 3,000 different… unduplicated individuals Donated food to 5,600 individuals in Horizons Food Pantry Served over 2,500 children under the age of 18 in our soup kitchen Our partner church volunteers worked over 12,000 volunteer hours United 15 churches in Quincy to be the hand and feet of Christ We are never more like Jesus than when we are giving and serving. Thank you for the many ways you give and serve. We pray for God’s blessings to be upon your church family in the New Year and always. In His Service, Sarah Stephens Executive Director Horizons Social Services 217-224-5530 Psalm 133:1 (NIV) How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! February Birthdays 2nd—Harriet Adams 3rd—Les Sachs 10th—Fred Lauder 11th—Rashayla Bias 11th—Damion Epping 20th—Jacob Happel 22nd—John Dunmire 27th—Luke Chevalier February Anniversaries 14th—Ed & Brenda Willner 20th—Jamie & Tonya Fisher February Servers 1st Worship Assistant Greeters Ushers Altar/Communion Communion Helper 15th Mark Cassens Linda Waite Shirley Lindroth Darlene Spurrier Conner Brinson Carolyn Lauder David Spurrier Michelle Willner Carol Schoch Linda Sachs Mary VanKanegan Les Sachs Jeff VanKanegan Kathy Buckman Linda Waite Rashayla Bias Flowers Sachs Chevaler Ash Wednesday Shirley Lindroth 22nd Rich Demien Harriet Adams Linda Waite Delors Wingerter Norma McNay Helen Langan Stephanie Demien Con McNay Josiah Mikkelson Gwen Happel Val Anders Shirley Lindroth Kathy Buckman Corrine Sutcliffe Ron Anders Linda Waite Linda Waite Inez Totsch Luke Chevalier Kayleigh Altgilbers Kate Chevalier Keturah Mikkelson Ratayia Bias Acolyte Refreshments 8th Keturah Mikkelson Fisher/Sutcliffe Happel Serve one another Meredith Fisher Waite/Lindroth HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING January 12, 2015 Unapproved Minutes President Happel called the meeting to order at 6:59 pm. Present were George Black, Charles Buckman, Sandy Cassens, Rich Demien, Brian Happel, Pastor Scott Mikkelson and Mary VanKanegan. Phyllis Hofmeister was absent. Pastor Scott led the devotion. HOPE LAUNCH PLAN Mark Cassens presented to Council his plan he has been working on, entitled Hope Launch Plan 2015. The purpose of this plan is to see how God will use us at our church and new location. The Plan has three parts: Prayer, Discipleship, and Marketing. Refer to the Plan published in the February Hope Newsletter. The next meeting will be February 5, 2015, 7:00 pm at Sachs home, and February 10, 2015, 7:00 pm at Sunset Apartments. A budget of $5,000 will be used to start the Launch Plan. MINUTES Minutes from the meeting of December 8, 2014 were presented. Sandy C moved to accept the minutes as corrected, Rich Demien seconded and motion carried. PASTORS REPORT Christmas service was a success with 120 people attending. He had two funerals, visited Chris Willner before surgery, and is planning for a non-member wedding in August. Recommended James and Kristi Ruxlow for membership. Mary V moved to "accept James and Kristi Ruxlow for membership in Hope Lutheran Church." Rich D second and motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT George B presented the financial report, audit was completed on January 10, 2015. Supported funds: Relocation and Building 2014 = $316,319; Memorials = $1,000; UPC Labels = $504; College Care = $16; General Fund = $95,788; which all totals $413,629. The Pledge Campaign for Building 2014 was completed with $171,498, which was $4,233 over the amount pledged. Of the pledges $1,670 were not completed in 2014, giving was a 99% completion status. Mary V moved to accept the financial report, Sandy C second, motion carried. TEAM REPORTS Team reports are printed in the Hope Monthly Newsletter. OLD BUSINESS Property report by Brian H, as of last Friday LifePoint has completed all the items to be repaired. Mike Lansing will do a final inspection of the items. Rich D and George B presented the 2015 Budget. After discussion and amending the proposed budget to increase the income to $148,956, Rich D moved to accept and George B second, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Discussion on Annual Congregational Meeting which will be held on Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 11:00am following the 9:30 am worship service. Council secretary will send letters to voting members. ADJOURNMENT The next meeting will be on February 2, 2015 at 6:30 pm at the home of Mary VanKanegan. President Happel adjourned the meeting at 8:15 pm with the Lord's Prayer. Respectfully Submitted, Charles Buckman, Secretary Evangelism Launch Plan 2015 We have taken a leap of faith with the purchase of a permanent home on 18th and Harrison. God has given us this perfect opportunity for a fresh start. We trust and believe that God will do immeasurably more in Hope than we could ever ask or imagine. The expanded evangelism team believes that a church planting model provides the most effective means of reaching the lost. What an opportunity that God would call us to share the Good News of Christ with our neighbor. Our purpose: Lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. “Love God and Love People” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Three Parts to Hope Launch Plan—Prayer, Discipleship and Marketing A. PRAYER—Form prayer team to offer prayer opportunities - pray for God’s Will, for oppor tunities to share Jesus, for pastor, each other and for specific needs B. DISCIPLESHIP—Teach and encourage Hope members to have spiritual conversations with others. ie –how to share Jesus C. MARKETING—Outreach events/seminars/service projects to establish trust and name recog nition in our community so we can share Jesus— Hope For Young Readers (Jan-April 2015) Sandy C. Linda S. Horizons (ongoing 2015) Swim at Kroc Center (Feb. 2015) Bowling Tournament & Girl’s Night Out (March 2015) Easter Egg Hunt & Winery Dinner (April 2015) Dogwood (May 2, 2015) Sandy C. - Major push Summer Block Party (June 6, 2015) ? - Major push Garage Sale (June 6, 2015) ? Linda S. - Major push Movie Night—Frozen (July 2015) combine w/ block party? - Major push Advertising/Publicity Materials 1. Mail teasers leading up to Launch Date— ie—Hope is coming soon/Hope is just around the corner, Are you ready for Hope/ Hope is here 2. New business card, visitor cards/tri-fold, door hangers/stationary, welcome bag for guests 3. Signs for building, billboard ad and yard signs 4. Website/Facebook Goal Setting A. Launch Day Worship—150 B. Hope Small Groups –encourage all members to join one Budget Council Leadership We ask every council member to become actively involved in Hope’s evangelism plan Next Launch Team Meeting February 10 at 7:00pm at Sunset Apartments 15 23 President’s Day 16 5:00pm Confirmation 5pm Readers 9:30am Worship 11am Discipleship 22 11am Discipleship CONGREGATIONAL MEETING following service 9:30am Worship 18 5pm Readers 7pm Choir Practice 11 5pm Readers 7pm Choir Practice 4 WEDNESDAY 7pm WoW at Waite’s 4pm Children’s Choir 9:00-10:00am Hope at Hy-Vee 10:30am Chaplain Mtg 24 4pm Children’s Choir 11am-1:30pm HORIZONS 19 7pm Small Group at Mikkelson’s 11am-1:30pm HORIZONS 12 5 THURSDAY 26 11am-1:30pm HORIZONS 7pm Worship Service 7pm Small Group at 7:45pm 1st Comm Class Mikkelson’s 7:45pm Choir Practice 25 7pm Worship Service 7pm Small Group at Mikkelson’s 7:45pm Choir Practice 9:00-11:00am Hope at Hy-Vee 5pm Readers 11:30am Area PastorMtg 17 7pm Launch Team Mtg 4pm Children’s Choir 5pm Readers 5:30pm Confirmation 7pm Discipleship Mtg 1-3pm Kid’s Club BOWLING 10 4pm Children’s Choir 9:00-11:00am Hope at Hy-Vee 3 TUESDAY 9:00-11:00am Hope at Hy-Vee 9 5pm Readers 7pm Council Mtg 2 MONDAY 9:30am Worship 11am Discipleship 8 9:30am Worship 11am Discipleship 1 SUNDAY FEBRUARY 2015 27 20 13 6 FRIDAY 28 21 14 7 SATURDAY
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