Weekly Update Week Ending January 30, 2015 Cape Canaveral VISION Statement Administrative Services Community Development Economic Development Leisure Services Public Works Services Brevard County Sheriff's Office Canaveral Fire Rescue CAPE CANAVERAL VISION STATEMENT WE ENVISION: A bike-able and walk-able Cape Canaveral that retains and enhances its residential feel , characterized by low-rise buildings not more than 4 stories in height. This residential and business friendly atmosphere is one of a live-able, attractive, safe, secure and sustainable coastal community that embraces the beach and riverside as the main amenities, and supports local culture and education. WE ENVISION: A I A as a "comp lete street" with a native-landscaped and tree-lined median with traffic calming elements and dark-sky street lighting. "Complete street" amenities include bicycle facilities, covered transit stops, and safe pedestrian crossings that invite pedestrians and bicyclists to access the beach, river, local neighborhoods and adjacent communities. Our improved "complete streets" will allow us to calmly travel to intimate waterfront destinations and a walk-able downtown core. Multiuse paths lined with shade trees should be wide enough for bikes and pedestrians and lighted so anyone can walk or bicycle safely anywhere in town, day or night. WE ENVISION: Welcoming community entrance features that create a sense of arrival and unique community identity. The "downtown" will contain an architecturally rich and unique mix of uses, with wide tree shaded sidewalks and umbrella covered cafe tables at restaurants and bistros where friends gather, interact, and enjoy drinks and dinner. WE ENVISION: A community that; removes or transforms blighted and unfinished buildings into attractive structures, offers city-wide green spaces, provides a pet-friendly park with ample shade, and actively recruits and supports businesses that enhance economic viability and serve our residents and visitors. WE ENVISION: Open shorelines and rivers accessible to the public including amenities that take advantage of the water, such as limited and quaint water-view establishments and intimate public gathering and entertainment places that may include pavilions, gazebos, or a performance stage. Administrative Services Update for Week Ending January 30,2015 The City Manager' s Office is responsible for the day to day administration of all City departments in accordance with City Council ' s established policies/direction, local ordinances, resolutions and State/Federal laws/rules and regulations. Telephone conferences, meetings with citizens, documents prepared/reviewed/approved and meetings/conferences held are numerous and may not be included in the Weekly Updates. Highlights: • • Met with Department Directors regarding various projects/issues/initiatives. Administrative Assistant provided assistance to City Council Members and counter coverage in City Clerk' s Office during the lunch hour. City Clerk' s Office Staff performed day to day duties/responsibilities and assisted various telephone/walk-in requests from the Public/Staff and provided assistance to the City Manager' s Office. Highlights: • • 233 pages of documents scanned/verified. Council Meetings - continued preparation of Agenda/Packet for Regular City Council Meeting of 2/17/2015 . Request for Bids- distribution and tracking of Bid Packages/Plans for: o #2015-01 - 2.5 Million Gallon Reclaimed Storage Tank and WRF Filter Press AdditionMandatory Pre-Bid Meeting was 1129/2015 at 10 a.m.; Sealed Bid deadline is 2/24/2015 at 2 p.m. o #2015-05 - Lift Station Nos. 6 & 7 Improvements - Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting was 1/29/2015 at 2 p.m.; Sealed Bid deadline is 2/24/2015 at 2 p.m. Attended web-based Laserfiche training. Administrative Assistant to the City Manager, Deputy City Clerk and City Clerk met regarding transition of certain duties to the City Clerk' s Office. City Clerk met with City Manager regarding various City initiatives and Bill of Sale for water-line improvements related to the Fire Station construction. City Clerk and Economic Development Director had phone conference with GLE and IM Solutions regarding construction of the New City Hall; plans have now moved from design phase to construction phase; and met for Blackboard Connect training. • • • • • Financial Services Staff performed day to day duties/responsibilities and assisted various telephone/walk-in requests from the Public. • Met with Community Development Director and Economic Development Director to discuss required actions in the areas of Budget, Software and Personnel issues related to the restructuring of City Departments. Met with Leisure Services Director to discuss improvements/alternatives pertaining to City. Website. Met with Public Works Services Director to discuss processes involved to use Contact Management increased efficiencies in the area of Customer Service to City residents. • • Human Resources/Risk Management Staff performed day to day duties/responsibilities and assisted various telephone/walk-in requests from the public. Highlights: • • Met with PWS Management Staff to discuss Staffing and Training Strategies. Completed preparation for Department of Economic Opportunity Appeal hearing. • • • • • Completed Victim Impact Statement and claim for City property damages incurred as a result of an uninsured motorist accident. Damages to two (2) street signs and one (1) stop sign including labor costs totaled $285 .91. Coordinated Pension Workshop Staff participation scheduled for February 5, 2015 which is being conducted by Florida League of Cities. Continued effort to improve efficiencies with City' s physical/drug screening vendor and supplemental insurance providers. Ensured Retirement Plan enrollments for employees reaching their one (1) year employment anniversary with the City. Concluded internal vacancy posting for Lead Plant Operator position. Community Development Update for Week Ending January 30, 2015 Staff performed day to day duties/responsibilities and assisted various telephone/walk-in requests from the public, including performing plan reviews, processing permits, conducting inspections, performing site visits, issuing Notices and conducting research. • Held conference call with investor regarding redevelopment opportunities in the City. Focused on residential projects to provide more upscale units that would attract a very desirable tenant/owner/visitor. Staff is facing challenges related to current zoning standards and the hurdles they sometimes create with redeveloping properties in the City. • Conducted January 28, 2015 Planning & Zoning meeting. Agenda included one application for Special Exception 2015-01 for the development of a 4,673 square foot , retail convenience store that includes seven fueling islands under a detached canopy. The project includes 26 parking spaces including 1 handicap space. A 5-foot wide, concrete sidewalk is proposed along the northern property line. A 6-foot precast panel wall is proposed along the northern portion of the stormwater pond as part of the required buffer with adjacent residential uses. The proposed building is located on a 1.41 acre parcel, which has frontage on N. Atlantic Avenue and South Cape Shores Drive. The Planning & Zoning Board recommended approval of the request by a 31 vote. The recommendation will be considered by the Board of Adjustment at its February 26, 2015 meeting. • Met with City Manager to discuss items related to his upcoming Village of Seaport presentation. Economic Development Update for Week Ending January 30,2015 Staff performed day to day duties/responsibilities and assisted various telephone/walk-in requests from the public, including performing site visits and conducting research. • The public is invited to join Prismatic, the City's Branding Firm, on Tuesday February 3, 2015 from 6pm-8pm at the Florida Beer Company, 200 Imperial Blvd., for an interactive Community Branding Workshop. Your ideas/insights will help guide the City of Cape Canaveral's rebranding initiative. RSVP: Visit MyCapeCan.com to reserve your spot! Click the flag shaped button that says "RSVP for Community Branding Workshop." We appreciate your interest in the future of Cape Canaveral and look forward to seeing you there! • Continued implementation of the departmental restructuring with transitioning and new employee training. Activities included: o Meeting with Building Official and site development director and supervisor for the Homewood Suites regarding the coming commercial pool building permit application and procedures/contacts for Public Swimming Pools Department of Health Permitting and Annual Inspections. o Ongoing new employee training. o Met with Finance Director regarding reassignment of purchasing duties. • Held teleconference with Representative from National Events Publications (NEP) regarding promotional opportunities after the delivery of our Branding materials. NEP is a subsidiary of Professional Sports Publications and provides promotional material for MLB, NHL, NFL and NASCAR. • Held joint teleconference with the New City Hall A/V and Security Design Consultants and the New City Hall Architectural Firm. Plans have moved from Design Phase to Construction Phase. Construction Documents, with complete A/V and Security designs, are expected April 151• • Met with potential investor regarding a residential redevelopment project. The investor expressed concerns regarding the City' s 50% rule for determining whether a structure may retain non conforming density. In the last year, Staff has received several similar requests for various overdensity residential properties. Staff proposes to -study the effects of the 50% rule and determine whether the rule contributes to long-standing blight and precludes redevelopment investment. Research will include other cities ' codes to determine a best course of action. • Attended Correctional Facility Impact Fee Advisory Committee meeting in Viera. • Attended Fireball Run Presentation and Briefing with show Producers and local Tourism Development/Economic Development leaders. This realty TV series streams on Amazon Fire TV, Roku and Google Play, among others. It has been in production since 2007 and chronicles the adventures of successful entrepreneurs, various high profile industry professionals, celebrities and civic leaders as they navigate various hurdles in a trivial pursuit-style cross county "race". This latest season of Fireball Run takes places in fall of 2015 and will end in the City of Cocoa Beach with a parade and much anticipated excitement. For more information visit www .fireballrun.com. Leisure Services Update for Week Ending January 30,2015 Staff performed day to day duties/responsibilities and assisted various telephone/walk-in requests from the public. Director Meetings • City Manager • Culture and Leisure Services Advisory Board • Fireball Run pitch by show producer • Website host representatives • Banana River Park Pavilion Design Firm • City Engineer Athletic Leagues The regular season is complete for advanced Monday tennis with playoffs starting February 9. Monday night kickball's Beachside Bombers took the win in a close game against Papa Roach 15 - 13 to make them 1st place in the league. Wednesday intermediate tennis completed its third week of the ongoing season. Wednesday night kickball is complete with W.S. winning the league for the third season in a row. Thursday night softball finished up with Sapphire Lounge winning the championship against Melia' s Hair Hut. Advanced Wednesday racquetball league just about wrapped up the season and will begin the playoffs starting on February 4. Intermediate Thursday tennis will begin on February 12. Staff is currently registering teams for Wednesday night kickball and Thursday night softball. Farmers Market The Farmers Market continues to grow thanks to the new day and location. The event organizer has been made aware that as the event grows, the City' s intent is to maintain the highest standards in terms of aesthetics, safety and caliber of vendors. Everyone is invited to enjoy the fresh produce, baked goods and handmade arts and crafts made by local artists. See you Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in front of City Hall. Go to www.brevardfarmersmarkets.com; for a virtual tour click: Cape Canaveral Farmers Market Promo. CLAsS 6:: Acnvrn INS"1''nX:TTKS POll NIWlliiC:IDIADJN PllOGUIIS HOIIBY 6:: l'I1'HeiS OOUlaN's 6:: ADU.T PIOGillAMS Wlll.<x.al MIJI[ RIIILLII!E!Im Wlm A'P'fP"PZ SV'P:TQMI CONTACT I BISIJD Slllr\IJCB5 DIIPr lOll MCKB INJa c.tnc:.IN,ol'tlll4~Ja~ ~ nDD NAn.ANIJCAVZNtZ UI...._~ HClll5 Cl" <li'!JIA'IJCN Job!D4T~T ~~ ~Y ~Iiillft( ._...,..CIa Hol.ID4"YS Cl.Oim f'N'H()QJCQ« f~VBV.J. --~~ 'I'Win"nll.:~~ SV.TCC'NeCJ&l l6'nc~ 6"ni 6-l OPM Au. AczsWELCo:MI!! ~J&l5T<Xae WJDI IiN AIX.LT. GW\'!!5,. Silf!Err~. It :IIOTIUD W.&ll!llll'a:CVIIZ PurwJNc AJa~ . . . . RoosEvELT El.EYENIDY. CAPEVEw lii..Et.ENrDY, MBulrrr IsLANo HJcH. .& ~.DI.-..12Z6 rc-,~MQ R(V'Jn lj'I)GFj HIGH wrtH ~~~ Llva ~~ 'Y1IGII.\ -.a LOcal. AKDsUaDl57ae SAulS c.c. 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MONDAY TUESDAY DAY THURSDAY FilMY 2 3 4 5 6 ZUMBA 9:15-10:15a UNE DANCE 10:30-12 :3~ BDOTCAMI"' 6:3().7:30p BRIDGE 12:30-4p AIKIDO 5:3C>6:30p PIO<LEBALL8:3C>lla, 6-9p BOOTCAMP" 6:3<> 7:30p YOGA12·1p' ZUMBA 10:0<>1la BOOTCAMP" 6:3C>7 :30p YOGA 7:0C>8:00p' ZUMBA9-10a AIKIDO 5:3<> 7:00p PIO<LEBALL8:3C>11a, 6-9p BOOTCAMP"' 6:3<>7:30p BEG SALSA 7·9p ZUMBA 1C>lla BRIDGE 12:30-4p BOOTCAMP" 6:3(} 7:30p FRIDAY FEST HOp STUDENTARTSHOW6-10p 9 10 11 12 13 ZUMBA 9:15-10:15a UNE DANCE 10:30-12:3~ BOOTCAMP"' 6:3<>7 :30p FOX TROT DAIIICE 7p-8:30p BRIDGE 12:30-4p AIKIDO 5:3C>6:30p PIO<LEBALL8:3C>lla, 6-9p BOOTCAMP" ' 6:3C>7:30p YOGA12·1p' ZUMBI\ 10:0C>11a BOOTCAMP"' 6:3C>7:30p YOGA 7:0C>8:00p' ZUMBA9-10a AIKIDO 5:3C>7:00p PIO<LEBALL8:3C>lla, 6-9p BOOT CAMP"' 6:3<> 7:30p BEG SALSA 7·9p ZUMBA 1<>11a BRIDGE 12:30-4p BOOTCAMP"' 6:3C>7 :30p PARENTS NIGHT OUT 6-lOp 16 17 18 19 20 ZUMBA 9:15-10:15a UNE DANCE 10:30-12~ BOOTCAMI" ' 6:3<>7:30p FOX TROT DANCE 7p-8:30p BRIDGE 12:30-4p AIKIDO 5:3C>6:30p PIO<LEBALL8:3C>lla, 6-9p BOOTCAMP"' 6:3C>7:30p YOGA12·1p' ZUMBI\ 10:0<>1la BOOTCAMP"' 6:3C>7:30p YOGA 7ID8:00p' ZUMBA9-10a AIKIDO 5:3<> 7:00p PIO<LEBALL8 :30-11a, 6-9p BOOT CAMP"' 6:3().7 :30p BEG SALSA 7·9p ZUMBI\ 1C>11a BRIDGE 12:30-4p BOOT CAMP"' 6:3<> 7:30p MOVIE IN THE PARK 7p 23 24 25 26 27 ZUMBA 9:15-10:15a UNE DANCE 10:30-12 :~ BOOTCAM!"' 6:3().7:30p FOX TROT DAIIICE 7p-8:30p BRIDGE 12:30-4p AIKIDO 5:3C>6:30p PIO<LEBALL8:3C>11a, 6-9p BOOTCAMP"' 6:30.7:30p YOGA12·1p' ZUMBI\ 10:0<> 1la BOOTCAMP"' 6:3C>7:30p YOGA 7:0Q.8:00p' ZUMBI\ 9-lOa AIKIDO 5:3C>7:00p PICKLE BALLS :3<> 11a, 6-9p BOOTCAMP"' 6:3C>7:30p BEG SALSA 7·9p ZUMBA 1<>lla BRIDGE 12:30-4p BOOTCAMP"' 6:3C>7:30p ' Also offered SeDsdar frcm 10:30-11:30 a.m. " Located It Manatee P.-k For full doss desalpt1ons and Instructor em tact Irio please visit: http://www . dtyofcapecan~Neral . org CAP£ CANAVEKAL PuBuc LIB:RAKY OUJ.lJREN's PltociAMS 2/9: 3: 4 5P V ALtNr!Nt'S CRAMTNG AC11VI1Y FRti: 2/26: 3:30P FAIRY TA~ COLORING AC11VI1Y 2/2.8: lOA- l P PAJAMA D AVT S7V6TIJME TODDLI:RS 9:15! & BABits 1 OA • W WS 3-5 VRS llAM - W !:DS & DiURS ' I ' fRIENDs OF 'I'HI: LIBRARY AV SAU:ftB 2 7 -28 20ll'OU: AVI: ~(SZl)~llot FEB 18-IIS1H FRI & SAT lOA- M> SUN 1~-ioP AT THE CLASS INSTRUCI'OR CONT ACI'S CAn CANAVEBAL LIBBAllY AIKIDO- JOHNHlX>HES 321-720-8633 DANCE-LAURA BEERS 321-751-4766 201 PQL!(AVDTUJ: SPoNSOBID BY BOarCAMP- OLIVIA GREGG 321-412-7998 BRIDGE- N ANCY PERRY- 321-751-1838 UNE DANCE-SYLVIA SCHELL 321-777-3649 PADDIEBOARD LFSSONS- 321-505-7455 SURF LFSSONS-SANDY BEAQf 321-626-0330 TENNIS -JOE DEITCHLER 502-295-6155 YOGA- 0000 SHORfS 321-46(}..3216 ZUMBA- MIRAND A P01TER 321-960-4799 VIR:;INA TAYLOR 321-506-2231 Public Works Services Update for Week Ending January 30, 2015 Staff performed day to day duties/responsibilities and assisted various telephone/walk-in requests from the public. Wastewater Treatment PlaiJ.t (WWTP)!Sanitary Sewer System • Energy Savings. Energy savings information from the WWTP from mid-October 2012 to midJanuary 2015 is as follows: o Average monthly electric charges for last 27 -month period - $13,0 16; o Average monthly charges for 12-month period in 2011 - $13,736; o Average monthly savings for last 27-month period- $821 (5.98%); and o Total savings for last 27-month period- $22,173. • WWTP Building Refurbishment. Staff is performing various in-house duties (i.e., reorganizing storage buildings, moving equipment, painting, etc.) to complete this Project. • Public Bids. The following projects are currently out for public bid: o 2.5 Million Gallon Reclaimed Storage Tank and WRF Filter Press Addition (State Revolving Fund); and o Lift Station Nos. 6 (Imperial Boulevard) and 7 (Thurm Boulevard) Improvements. Staff conducted pre-bid meetings for both projects on January 29; bids are due February 24. Infrastructure Maintenance (IM) • Annual Sea Oats Planting Event. This annual event is Saturday, February 7. Volunteers should report to Cherie Down Park at 9:00 am for basic instructions on the planting of sea oats. Miscellaneous • Internet Auction. PWS will auction unused equipment/vehicles on the internet in the next few weeks. Any Departments with items to auction should contact PWS. Meetings Attended/Scheduled • • • • • Contractors . City Manager. Finance Director. City Engineer. HR Director . Brevard County Sheriff's Office Cape Canaveral Precinct Update for Week Ending January 30, 2015 Patrol Division Weekly Statistics Januar 22 thru 28, 2015 T e Weeki Total 896 Total Calls for Service 25 22 11 15 11 7 18 25 25 Citizen On Patrol Weekly Statistics Janua 22 thru 28, 2015 15 3 Miles Driven Calls Initiated Total Volunteer Hours 589 22 70 Page 1 of1 CANAVERAL FIRE RESCUE Serving the city of Cspe Csnsversl & Csnsversl Port Authority Update for Week Ending January 30,2015 I. Meeting with City Manager on existing Fire Inspection and Compliance issues. 2. Payroll processed. W-2 's and 1099's processed/issued. 3. Port special events meeting. 4. 7 New Volunteers processed and going through orientation. 5. Annual hose testing is in progress. Annual ladder testing complete. 6. Meeting with USCG and Stakeholders on Mooring locations for Marine ftrefighting. 7. Prevention conducted 22 annual and 15 follow up inspections. 6 Public assists for information. Station #1: 190 Jackson Avenue •Cape Canaveral, Florida 32920 • {321} 783-4777 • Fax: {321) 783-5398 Station #2: 8970 Columbia Road •Cape Canaveral, Florida 32920 • {321) 783-4424 • Fax: {321) 783-4887
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