2015 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER ITALY RESULTS EDELMAN’S 15th Annual TRUST BAROMETER METHODOLOGY Online Survey in 27 Countries • 33,000 respondents • 7 years in 20+ markets • 10 years in 10+ markets General Online Population • 1,000 respondents per country surveyed • Ages 18+ • 4 years in 25+ markets Informed Public • 500 respondents in U.S. and China, and 200 in other countries • Ages 25-64 • College-educated • In top 25% of household income per age group in each country • Report significant media consumption and engagement in business news and public policy • 15 years of data PG 2 ITALIA IN RIPRESA: TRUSTERS DISTRUSTERS NEUTRAL NUMBER OF TRUSTER COUNTRIES AT AN ALL-TIME LOW 2014 The Trust Index is an average of a country’s trust in the institutions of government, business, media and NGOs. 27-country global total. 2015 GLOBAL 56 GLOBAL 55 China UAE Singapore Indonesia India Malaysia Canada Netherlands 79 79 73 72 69 65 60 60 UAE India Indonesia China Singapore Netherlands 84 79 78 75 65 64 Hong Kong Mexico Australia Brazil Germany Argentina U.K. S. Korea Sweden S. Africa 59 59 58 57 57 53 52 51 51 50 Brazil Mexico Malaysia Canada Australia France U.S. Germany 59 59 56 53 52 52 52 50 U.S. France Japan Italy Turkey Ireland Spain Russia Poland 49 46 44 43 41 39 39 37 35 Italy S. Africa Hong Kong S. Korea U.K. Argentina Poland Russia Spain Sweden Turkey Ireland Japan 48 48 47 47 46 45 45 45 45 45 40 37 37 Informed Public GLOBAL TRUSTERS from 30% to 22% in 2015 DISTRUSTERS from 33% to 48% in 2015 PG 3 The Trust Index is an average of a country’s trust in the institutions of government, business, media and NGOs. 27-country global total. Informed Public TRUSTERS GLOBAL NEUTRAL DEFICIT NEARLY 10 POINTS LOWER AMONG GENERAL POPULATION, WITH AN AVERAGE 3 POINT DECREASE IN TRUST ACROSS ALL COUNTRIES 2015 DISTRUSTERS MA C’E UN GAP TRA LA POPOLAZIONE GENERALE E IL PUBBLICO INFORMATO: 2015 GLOBAL 55 GLOBAL 46 UAE India Indonesia China Singapore Netherlands 84 79 78 75 65 64 India UAE Indonesia China Singapore 68 68 67 63 60 Brazil Mexico Malaysia Canada Australia France U.S. Germany 59 59 56 53 52 52 52 50 Malaysia Canada Netherlands Mexico Brazil 53 52 52 51 50 Italy S. Africa Hong Kong S. Korea U.K. Argentina Poland Russia Spain Sweden Turkey Ireland Japan 48 48 47 47 46 45 45 45 45 45 40 37 37 Hong Kong U.S. Argentina Australia Germany Italy S. Africa Russia U.K. France S. Korea Sweden Poland Spain Turkey Japan Ireland 47 44 43 42 42 42 42 40 39 38 38 37 36 36 35 34 32 General Population GLOBAL Nearly 2/3 of countries are now DISTRUSTERS among the General Online Population PG 4 FIDUCIA IN CALO IN NGO, BUSINESS, MEDIA, MA NON NEI GOVERNI Informed Public TRUST IN THE FOUR INSTITUTIONS OF GOVERNMENT, BUSINESS, MEDIA AND NGOS, 2014 VS. 2015 66% 63% 59% #1 NGOS 2014 #3 MEDIA 2014 #2 2015 53% 57% 51% 2015 2014 45% BUSINESS 2015 #4 2014 Q11-14. [TRACKING] Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Publics in 27-country global total. 48% GOVERNMENT 2015 PG 5 ITALIA IN CONTROTEDENZA: FIDUCIA IN AUMENTO IN TUTTE LE CATEGORIE Informed Public TRUST IN THE FOUR INSTITUTIONS OF GOVERNMENT, BUSINESS, MEDIA AND NGOS IN ITALY, 2014 VS. 2015 64% 62% 53% #1 NGOS 2014 40% MEDIA 2014 45% 2015 #2 2014 BUSINESS 2015 48% #3 24% 2015 #4 2014 Q11-14. [TRACKING] Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” (Top 4 Box Trust) Informed Publics in Italy. 28% GOVERNMENT 2015 PG 6 E PER L’OPINIONE PUBBLICA C’È SOPRATTUTTO UN “EFFETTO RENZI” General Population TRUST IN THE FOUR INSTITUTIONS OF GOVERNMENT, BUSINESS, MEDIA AND NGOS IN ITALY, 2014 VS. 2015 53% 54% 49% #1 NGOS 2014 2015 #3 2014 #2 2014 BUSINESS 2015 41% 43% MEDIA 48% 18% 2015 #4 2014 Q11-14. [TRACKING] Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” (Top 4 Box Trust) General Population in Italy. 27% GOVERNMENT 2015 PG 7 4 FATTORI CHIAVE CONDIZIONANO LA FIDUCIA NELLE IMPRESE INDUSTRY SECTOR ENTERPRISE TYPE BUSINESS COUNTRY OF ORIGIN LEADERSHIP All are showing similar patterns of a post-recovery increase in trust, followed by new declines in the last 12 – 18 months PG 8 PAESE D’ORIGINE: IL “MADE IN ITALY” FRENA Informed Public 2015 Most Trusted 76% 75% 75% 74% 70% 69% 68% 65% 62% 51% 51% 50% 50% 38% Q26-Q42. [TRACKING] Now we would like to focus on global companies headquartered in specific countries. Please indicate how much you trust global companies headquartered in the following countries to do what is right. Use the same nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Publics, 27-country global total. 36% 35% 34% 31% PG 9 PAESE D’ORIGINE: L’ITALIA PERDE TERRENO RISPETTO AL 2014 78% 75% 74% 71% 68% 67% 55% 50% 54% 53% 10 Brazil Spain South Korea Italy France U.S. The Netherlands Japan U.K. Canada Switzerland Germany Sweden 42% 38% 36% 35% 34% Mexico 79% India 79% TRUSTED China 80% 2014 Russia MOST Informed Public Q26-Q42. [TRACKING] Now we would like to focus on global companies headquartered in specific countries. Please indicate how much you trust global companies headquartered in the following countries to do what is right. Use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Publics, 27-country global total. PG 10 TIPO DI IMPRESA: IN ITALIA PIU’ FIDUCIA ALLE AZIENDE FAMILIARI Informed Public TRUST IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF BUSINESS, GLOBAL VS. ITALY 71% 68% 57% 52% 50% 35% State-owned GLOBAL Big Business Family-owned State-owned Big Business Family-owned ITALY Q15-17C. Thinking about different types of businesses, please indicate how much you trust each type of business to do what is right using a nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Publics, in Italy and 27-country global total. PG 11 SETTORI INDUSTRIALI: IN FLESSIONE IL TECH, I MEDIA FANALINO DI CODA Informed Public GLOBAL TRUST IN INDUSTRIES 2014 VS 2015, DECLINES COMPARED TO 2014 2014 More Trust 80% 78% 2015 Less Trust *% of countries in which trust decreased 77% 75% 72% 71% 66% 67% 67% 67% 66% 66% 63% 63% 64% 63% 61% 61% 61% 60% 61% 60% * * * 70% 74% 67% Q43-60. [TRACKING] Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is right. Again please use the same nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Publics, 27-country global total. 57% 57% 53% 54% 54% 53% 52% 51% 50% PG 12 LEADERSHIP: ESPERTI E “PERSONE COME ME” CREDIBILI IL DOPPIO DEI CEO Informed Public CREDIBILITY OF SPOKESPERSONS, 2014 VS. 2015 2014 2015 More Trust 70% 70% Less Trust 68% 67% 63% 63% 54% 56% 55% 53% 53% 49% 46% 43% 37% Academic or Company A Person Like Industry Expert Technical Expert Yourself NGO Financial or Representative Industry Analyst Regular Employee Q130-143. [TRACKING] Below is a list of people. In general, when forming an opinion of a company, if you heard information about a company from each person, how credible would the information be—extremely credible, very credible, somewhat credible, or not credible at all? (Top 2 Box, Very/Extremely Credible) Informed Publics, 27-country global total. CEO 38% Government Official or Regulator PG 13 LEADERSHIP: FORTE GAP ANCHE IN ITALIA Informed Public CREDIBILITY OF SPOKESPERSONS, 2014 VS. 2015 IN ITALY 2014 2015 More Trust 66% Less Trust 67% 61% 62% 58% 61% 59% 55% 46% 48% 44% 40% 37% 31% Academic or Company Industry Expert Technical Expert A Person Like Yourself NGO Financial or Representative Industry Analyst Regular Employee Q130-143. [TRACKING] Below is a list of people. In general, when forming an opinion of a company, if you heard information about a company from each person, how credible would the information be--extremely credible, very credible, somewhat credible, or not credible at all? (Top 2 Box, Trust) Informed Publics, in Italy. 32% CEO 30% Government Official or Regulator PG 14 TRUST AND MEDIA FONTI MEDIA: MOTORI DI RICERCA BATTONO MEDIA TRADIZIONALI Informed Public TRUST IN EACH SOURCE FOR GENERAL NEWS AND INFORMATION IN ITALY 73% 72% 69% 67% 69% Online Search Engines 62% 62% 54% 54% 61% Online Media 58% 53% 54% Traditional Media 57% 50% 44% 45% Social Media 44% 44% Owned Media 38% 2012 2013 2014 Q178-182. When looking for general news and information, how much would you trust each type of source for general news and information? Please use a nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust it at all” and nine means that you “trust it a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Publics, in Italy. 2015 PG 16 FONTI MEDIA: STESSO TREND PER L’OPINIONE PUBBLICA General Population TRUST IN EACH SOURCE FOR GENERAL NEWS AND INFORMATION IN ITALY 69% 66% 68% Online Search Engines 61% 59% 57% 56% 55% 51% 49% 47% 45% 52% 47% 45% 56% Traditional Media 54% Online Media 48% Social Media Owned Media 46% 38% 2012 2013 2014 Q178-182. When looking for general news and information, how much would you trust each type of source for general news and information? Please use a nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust it at all” and nine means that you “trust it a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, in Italy. 2015 PG 17 Informed Public LE FONTI ONLINE PRIMA DI TUTTO TRUST IN INFORMATION CREATED BY EACH AUTHOR ON SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES, CONTENT SHARING SITES AND ONLINE-ONLY INFORMATION SOURCES IN ITALY NEWSPAPERS TELEVISION The First Source for General Information ONLINE SEARCH The First Source for Breaking News Source Used Most to Confirm/Validate News 52% 45% 48% 35% 34% 45% 38% 30% 27% 26% 33% 20% 19% 14% 15% 2013 2014 2015 19% 18% 13% 11% 12% 12% 11% 11% 12% 8% 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 9% 7% 2015 Q183. On a typical day, what is the first source that you go to for general information about business? Informed Publics, Informed Publics, in Italy. Q184. What is the first source you go to for breaking news about business? Informed Publics, in Italy. Q185. Which of the following sources do you turn to MOST often to confirm/validate information on breaking news about business? Informed Publics, in Italy. PG 18 STESSO TREND PER L’OPINIONE PUBBLICA General Population TRUST IN INFORMATION CREATED BY EACH AUTHOR ON SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES, CONTENT SHARING SITES AND ONLINE-ONLY INFORMATION SOURCES IN ITALY NEWSPAPERS TELEVISION The First Source for General Information ONLINE SEARCH The First Source for Breaking News Source Used Most to Confirm/Validate News 43% 32% 33% 34% 39% 41% 46% 48% 42% 25% 21% 23% 18% 26% 16% 2013 2014 2015 13% 18% 2013 13% 16% 2014 16% 12% 11% 14% 2015 2013 13% 12% 2014 13% 11% 2015 Q183. On a typical day, what is the first source that you go to for general information about business? Informed Publics, General Population, in Italy. Q184. What is the first source you go to for breaking news about business? General Population, in Italy. Q185. Which of the following sources do you turn to MOST often to confirm/validate information on breaking news about business? General Population, in Italy. PG 19 CREATORI DI CONTENUTI: FIDUCIA SOPRATTUTTO AGLI AMICI E ALLA FAMIGLIA Informed Public TRUST IN INFORMATION CREATED BY EACH AUTHOR ON SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES, CONTENT SHARING SITES AND ONLINE-ONLY INFORMATION SOURCES IN ITALY TRUSTED My friends and family NEUTRAL An academic expert 63% 56% Companies I use 53% Employees of a company DISTRUSTED 50% A journalist 38% A company CEO 36% A well-known online personality 36% Brands I don't use 29% Elected officials 29% Celebrities 29% Q387-396. Thinking about the information you consume on social networking sites, such as Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Meebo, Orkut, Qzone, RenRen, how much do you trust the information posted from each of the following authors or content creators? (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Publics, in Italy. Q397-406. Thinking about the information you consume on content sharing sites, such as YouTube, how much do you trust the information posted from each of the following authors or content creators? Informed Publics, in Italy. Q407 - 415 Thinking about the information you consume on online-only news and information sources, such as The Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, Techcrunch, etc., how much do you trust the information posted from each of the following authors or content creators? Informed Publics, in Italy. PG 20 SOCIAL MEDIA: STESSO TREND PER PUBBLICO INFORMATO E POPOLAZIONE GENERALE General Population TRUST IN INFORMATION CREATED BY EACH AUTHOR ON SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES, CONTENT SHARING SITES AND ONLINE-ONLY INFORMATION SOURCES IN ITALY TRUSTED My friends and family NEUTRAL An academic expert 63% 53% Companies I use DISTRUSTED 50% Employees of a company 44% A journalist 37% A well-known online personality 37% A company CEO 30% Brands I don't use 26% Elected officials 26% Celebrities 24% Q387-396. Thinking about the information you consume on social networking sites, such as Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Meebo, Orkut, Qzone, RenRen, how much do you trust the information posted from each of the following authors or content creators? (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, in Italy. Q397-406. Thinking about the information you consume on content sharing sites, such as YouTube, how much do you trust the information posted from each of the following authors or content creators? General Population, in Italy. Q407 - 415 Thinking about the information you consume on online-only news and information sources, such as The Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, Techcrunch, etc., how much do you trust the information posted from each of the following authors or content creators? General Population, in Italy. PG 21 SOCIAL MEDIA: IN ITALIA COME IN TUTTO IL MONDO Informed Public TRUST IN INFORMATION CREATED BY EACH AUTHOR ON SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES, CONTENT SHARING SITES AND ONLINE-ONLY INFORMATION SOURCES TRUSTED My friends and family 72% An academic expert NEUTRAL 70% Companies I use 60% A journalist 53% Employees of a company DISTRUSTED 52% A company CEO 46% A well-known online personality 45% Elected officials Celebrities Brands I don’t use Q387-396. Thinking about the information you consume on social networking sites, such as Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Meebo, Orkut, Qzone, RenRen, how much do you trust the information posted from each of the following authors or content creators? (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Publics, 27-country global total. | Q397-406. Thinking about the information you consume on content sharing sites, such as YouTube, how much do you trust the information posted from each of the following authors or content creators? Informed Publics, 27-country global total. | Q407-415. Thinking about the information you consume on online-only news and information sources, such as The Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, Techcrunch, etc., how much do you trust the information posted from each of the following authors or content creators? Informed Publics, 27-country global total. 40% 34% 32% PG 22 TRUST AND INNOVATION IN BUSINESS FIDUCIA NELL’INNOVAZIONE: “TROPPO VELOCE” PER LA MAGGIORANZA Informed Public THE PACE OF DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY TODAY IS… 28% Too Slow 19% Just Right Q349-351. Below are a number of statements. For each, please think about the pace of development and change in business and industry today and select the response that most accurately represents your opinion. (Not Enough, Too Much) Informed Publics, 27-country global total. 51% Too Fast PG 24 FIDUCIA NELL’INNOVAZIONE: SORPRESA, PER NOI ITALIANI E’ TROPPO LENTA Informed Public THE PACE OF DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY IN ITALY TODAY IS … 43% Too Slow 15% Just Right 40% Too Fast GLOBALLY 51% FEEL THAT INNOVATION IS MOVING TOO FAST. IN ITALY IT IS THE OPPOSITE, 43% FEEL THAT INNOVATION IS MOVING TOO SLOW. WE ARE READY FOR A CHANGE! Q349-351. Below are a number of statements. For each, please think about the pace of development and change in business and industry today, and select the response that most accurately represents your opinion. (Not Enough, Too Much) Informed Publics, in Italy. PG 25 Informed Public FIDUCIA NELL’INNOVAZIONE ACTIONS THAT INCREASE TRUST IN INDUSTRY TO IMPLEMENT TECHNOLOGY CHANGES IN ITALY Make test results available publicly for review 71% Partner with an academic institution 68% 47% AGREE: Run a clinical trial or beta test 68% New developments are not tested enough Partner with an NGO 61% Partner with government 46% Q365-369. Below is a number of actions that could impact your trust in business and industry to develop and implement technology-led changes such as those you just evaluated. What impact would each of these actions have on your trust? Informed Publics, in Italy. Q349-351. Below are a number of statements. For each, please think about the pace of development and change in business and industry today, and select the response that most accurately represents your opinion. (Not Enough, Too Much) Informed Publics, in Italy. PG 26 FIDUCIA NELL’INNOVAZIONE: COME CAMBIANO I COMPORTAMENTI Informed Public BEHAVIOR BASED ON TRUST IN ITALY Distrusted Companies -58% -54% Trusted Companies Refused to buy products/services Criticized them to a friend/colleague 68% Chose to buy products/services Recommended them to a friend/colleague 51% Shared positive opinions online Paid more for products/services -36% Shared negative opinions online -11% I sold shares Defended company I bought shares 57% 40% 33% 17% Q371-376. Thinking back over the past 12 months, have you taken any of the following actions in relation to companies that you trust? Please answer yes or no to each action. Informed Publics, Italy. Q377-380. Still thinking about the past 12 months, have you taken any of the following actions in relation to companies that you do not trust? Please answer yes or no to each action. Informed Publics, Italy. PG 27 COSTRUIRE E DIFENDERE LA FIDUCIA Informed Public 81% “A company can take specific actions that both increase profits and improve the economic and social conditions in the community where it operates.” Reasons Trust in Business Has Increased in ITALY agree Reasons Trust in Business Has Decreased in ITALY 49% 47% 47% 39% 53% 47% 46% 38% Produces Economic Growth/Contributes to the Greater Good Allows Me to Be a Productive Member of Society Helps Me and My Family Live a Fulfilling Life Fails to Contribute to the Greater Good Lacks Economic Growth Does Not Allow Me to Be a Productive Member of Society Q328-329. For which of the following reasons, if any, has your trust in each institution listed below increased over the past year? (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Publics, in Italy. Q330-331. For which of the following reasons, if any, has your trust in each institution listed below decreased over the past year? (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Publics, in Italy. Q249-252. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Publics, in Italy. PG 28 IL CAMBIAMENTO E’ UN FATTO TECNOLOGICO CHE NON RENDE MIGLIORE IL MONDO NÉ LA VITA Informed Public DRIVERS OF CHANGE IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY TODAY ARE PERCEIVED TO BE: Technology 70% Business Growth Targets 66% Greed/Money 54% Personal Ambition 35% Improve People's Lives Make the World a Better Place 30% 24% Q353. From the list below, what do you believe are the top three drivers of change in business and industry today? Informed Publics, 27-country global total. PG 29 BUSINESS INNOVATION: NON ABBASTANZA REGOLAMENTATA 2014 TRUST BAROMETER: 51% say the most important role for government in business is to protect consumers and regulate business GOVERNMENT REGULATION OF BUSINESS AND ACROSS INDUSTRY SECTORS IS PERCEIVED TO BE: NOT ENOUGH REGULATION Informed Public TOO MUCH REGULATION 54% 54% 53% 52% 46% 40% 24% 15% Business Financial Services Industry 16% Health Industry 20% Technology Industry 17% Energy Industry 14% Food and Beverage Industry Q148. [TRACKING] When it comes to government regulation of business, do you think that your government regulates business too much, not enough or the right amount? (Not Enough, Too much) Informed Publics, 27-country global total. Q262/Q263/Q264/Q381/Q382. When it comes to government regulation of the [financial services industry / energy industry / food and beverage industry / health industry / technology industry], do you think that your government regulates it too much, not enough or the right amount? (Not Enough, Too much) Informed Publics, 27-country global total. PG 30 PG 31
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