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Human Biology BSc (Hons)
Key features of this course:
A stimulating course taught by enthusiastic, experienced lecturers with a real passion for their subject
A friendly, supportive learning environment - at Worcester you’re not just another face in the crowd
Emphasis on human health and disease, taught by academic staff who are active in biomedical research. This practical expertise provides an informed and up-todate approach to teaching
There is a strong emphasis on practical work and on the development of transferable skills to increase employability
The flexibility of our course based on optional modules allows you to pursue your own specialist interests within Human Biology
View the Biology Programmes Overview.
What our students say...
"I was nearly put off education by the pressure of my A levels, but I decided to carry on and apply to University of Worcester, and have loved it ever since. It’s really inspired me.
I started off doing the broad Biology BSc, but I changed my pathway as I discovered which areas I found particularly interesting. That’s the amazing thing about the course you study so many diverse topics, from ecology to genetics to microbiology, but you still study in depth, with a strong practical element.”
Jade Osborn
Student, Human Biology BSc (Hons)
Entry requirements
260 UCAS Tariff points MUST include A2 Biology and A2 another Science or maths
280 UCAS Tariff points MUST include A2 Biology and A1 another Science or maths
290 UCAS Tariff points MUST include A1 Biology and A2 another Science or maths
300 UCAS Tariff points MUST include A1 Biology
The University will consider each application on its individual merits and will recognise a range of qualifications not currently included in the Tariff, including Access courses,
European Baccalaureate and pre-2002 qualifications such as GNVQ.
If your qualifications are not listed, please contact the Admissions Office for advice on 01905 855111 or email [email protected] for advice.
Further information about the UCAS Tariff can be obtained from
Course fees
The standard annual fee for full-time UK/EU students enrolling in 2015 is £9,000 per year. Part-time fees are generally charged on a pro rata basis.
For more details, please visit our course fees page. Dr Allain Bueno
Dr Wayne Heaselgrave
Dr Laurence Trueman
Study Options
It is also possible to study Human Biology as a joint degree with another subject.
The combination subjects available are: Ecology, Human Nutrition, Physical Education, Psychology and Sports Coaching Science.
The University of Worcester’s degree combinations add breadth to your studies and enhance your employability. Find out more in our Joint degrees pages.
Get in touch
Admissions Office
01905 855111
[email protected]
Lorraine Weaver
Head of Biological Sciences
01905 855598
[email protected]
ISE Academic Support Unit
01905 855201/02/23
[email protected]
Course content
In your first year you will develop a comprehensive understanding of the structure and functions of living organisms appropriate to the course. In Years 2 and 3 the modules
become more specialised. Subjects central to Human Biology such as Cell Biology are delivered in double modules to allow for suitable development of the subject and for
the delivery of important subject specific and generic skills.
In your final year you will undertake an Independent Study or Biosciences Research Project, which is a double module and must demonstrate original data. The Independent
Study will have been designed in the Project and Career Development module in Year 2. Past topics have included amplification of ancient human DNA, relationship between the ACTN3 gene, 577 SNP allele variations and speed/strength performance phenotypes, the effect of televised sport on blood pressure and heart rate, and the antimicrobial effects of curry spices.
* Regular updates may mean that exact module titles on the course may differ.
Year 1
Core modules:
Cell Biology
Introduction to Human Biology and Disease
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
Module options:
Introduction to Human Nutrition
Introduction to Molecular Bioscience
Human Origins
Year 2
Core modules:
Human Genetics
Human Systems Physiology
Project & Career Development
Module options:
Applied Human Metabolism
Molecular & Cellular Biology
Year 3
Core modules:
Independent Study
Mammalian Reproduction
Advanced Systems Physiology
Module options:
Forensic DNA Analysis
You will learn how to
Become an independent, life-long learner
Understand and apply knowledge and concepts in Human Biology and so continue to understand new techniques and discoveries in this evolving subject area
Develop, design and carry out an independent piece of research in Human Biology
Critically analyse new theories and conceptual issues in Biology
Become a responsible Human Biologist, by understanding ethical and social issues in biomedical sciences, which include data integrity and honesty in science, and
the ethics on the use of animals as biomedical models.
A variety of teaching techniques is used, including lectures, practicals, discussion groups, seminars, tutorials, videos, on-line and interactive resources and directed
An emphasis on activities which allow you to develop practical and transferable skills to increase your employability
Some double modules to allow suitable development of the subject and for the delivery of important subject-specific and transferable skills
An extended induction to allow the development of the necessary study skills as and when you need to use them
Three special, course-based weeks each year to support skills development and employability
Regular Academic Tutorials on a one-to one basis to help guide and support your studies
As a Human Biologist at the University of Worcester, you will be able to develop a wide range of intellectual, practical and social skills that are much in demand by employers.
These include primary research and critical evaluation skills, communications skills, both written and oral, and a range of technical and IT skills such as the use of DNA
technology, IT-based analysis, data analysis, and applied statistics.
Human Biologists, who can solve problems, look at evidence and make measured and reasoned arguments, are not only required in scientific fields but also in other fields such as the media, retailing and finance - to ensure there is a balanced view relating to new technology and that any risks are neither under nor over stated. There is also a
need for people to be able to explain these scientific arguments in 'lay-mans' terms, not only in teaching but also in a wide range of other vocations.
This course will prepare you for a number of different career paths including work with the police, laboratory practice, medical and laboratory sales and postgraduate
degrees. Some students are using Human Biology as a route into medical school.
How to apply
Apply through UCAS
Single Honours:
Human Biology BSc (Hons) - B150 BSc/HBio
Joint Honours:
Ecology and Human Biology - C192
Human Biology and Human Nutrition - CBC4
Human Biology and Physical Education - CCD6
Human Biology and Psychology - CCC8
Human Biology and Sports Coaching Science - CC61
UCAS is the central organisation through which applications are processed for entry onto full-time undergraduate courses in Higher Education in the UK.
Read our How to apply pages for more information on applying and to find out what happens to your application.
"Best of all, it’s the amazing learning atmosphere, kind and friendly lecturers that made it truly special; no matter what they kept me and my colleagues motivated and
enthusiastic with their contagious positive mental attitude." Marta, Graduated 2009
Get to know our expert staff and meet some of the team who you'll be learning with at the University of Worcester.
The Human Nutrition Team
"Please feel free to contact us for an informal chat about the course. Attending University is a major decision and we are here to help you decide if studying Human Nutrition at
the University of Worcester is right for you." Laurence Trueman, Award Leader
Dr Laurence Trueman Ph.D. B.Sc. (hons)
FHEA Senior Lecturer and Award Leader
[email protected] +44(0)1905 542186
Dr Denise Mortimore Ph.D. B.Sc. (hons)
FHEA Senior lecturer
[email protected]
+44(0)1905 855224
Dr Allain Bueno Ph.D. B.Sc. (hons)
FHEA RNutr Lecturer
[email protected]
+44(0)1905 542525
Mrs Alison Maxwell M.Sc. B.Sc. (hons)
Part time Lecturer
[email protected]
Ian Callow
Lecturer in Forensics
Dr Amy Cherry
Lecturer in Biochemistry
Dr Steven J Coles
Lecturer in Biochemistry
Dr Rob Herbert
Head of Applied Sciences
Dr Debbie Holmes
Lecturer (Biology) Dr Susanne Prankel
Senior Lecturer (Biology)
Kate Unwin
Senior Lecturer in Forensic Science & Biology and Course Leader for Forensic & Applied Biology Lorraine Weaver
Principal Lecturer and Head of the Biological Sciences
Dr Mike Wheeler
Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry and Genetics
Prof. Mahmut Tor
Senior Lecturer
The University of Worcester is also home to the National Pollen and Aerobiology Research Unit. Many of the Unit's team are also involved in teaching and research.
Professor Roy Kennedy
Director of the National Pollen and Aerobiology Research Unit
Alison Wakeham
Senior Research Scientist/Chief Investigator
Dr Carsten Ambelas Skjøth
Senior Lecturer
Dr Malgorzata Werner
Post Doctoral Researcher
Beverley Adams-Groom
Chief Palynologist
Peter Baker
Research Assistant
Gary Keane
Antibody Production Manager
Dr Mary Lewis
Post Doctoral Researcher
Simon John
Dr Geoff Petch
Agricultural and Horticultural Field Research Trials Technician
Professor Mahmut Tor
Chair of Plant and Microbial Biology
© University of Worcester Henwick Grove, WR2 6AJ Tel: 01905 855000 - Last reviewed: Friday, 06 February 2015
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