From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. Expression of the Interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-6 Receptor, and gp130 Genes in Acute Leukemia By Kazushi Inoue, Haruo Sugiyama, Hiroyasu Ogawa, Tamotsu Yamagami, Teruyuki Azuma, Yoshihiro Oka, Hiroshi Miwa, Kenkichi Kita, Akira Hiraoka, Tohru Masaoka, Kaori Nasu, Taiichi Kyo, Hiroo Dohy, Junichi Hara, Akihisa Kanamaru. and Tadamitsu Kishimoto Expression patterns of interleukin-6 (IL-6). IL-6 receptor (IL6RI. and gp130 genes in 39 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), in 23 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and in 7 patients with acute mixed lineage leukemia (AMLL) were studied by quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerasechain reaction. Significant levels of IL6 were expressed in 8 (21%) of 39 AML patients and in 2 (29%) of 7 AMLL patients, whereas in ALL, the expression of IL-6 was almost negligible. IL-6R was expressed in all patients with AML and AMLL, whereas only half of ALL patients expressed low levels of IL-6R as compared with those with AML and AMLL. However, gp130 was ubiquitously expressed in all the leukemia patients, and there was no sig- nificant difference in gp130 expression among AML, ALL, and AMLL. Significant correlation was observed between the expression of IL-6R and gp130 in AML. When tested for in vitro response to IL-6, the leukemic cells from 3 of 7 AML, none of 3 ALL, and both of 2 AMLL patients significantly responded to IL-6, showing the correlation between the expression levels of IL-6R and gp130 and the responsiveness of leukemic cells to IL-6. These results showed that quantitation of IL-6R and gp130 expression by reverse transcriptasepolymerase chain reaction is useful for the rapid prediction of the responsiveness of leukemic cells to IL-6, especially in cases of administration of IL-6. 0 1994 by The American Society of Hematology. I responsiveness of leukemic cellsto 1L-6 toelucidate the roles of IL-6 in the pathogenesis of acute leukemia. NTERLEUKIN-6 (IL-6) is a pleiotropic multifunctional cytokine produced by various types of cells and plays an important role in the pathogenesis of various disease.’ IL-6 is a growth factor for human multiple and stimulates autocrine’ or paracrines.6 growth of myeloma cells. Large quantities of IL-6 were shown to beproduced by the hyperplastic lymph nodes frompatients with Castleman’s disease,’ implicating the important roles of IL-6 in various clinical manifestations of this syndrome. Concerning malignant lymphomas, it was shown that cultured supernatants of neoplastic cells from a patient with advanced Ki-l-positive lymphoma included high levels of IL-6’ and that Hodgkin’s lymphoma cells expressed both IL-6 and IL-6 receptor (IL6R).9.’0Autocrinegrowth of IL-6 in twolymphoma cell lines” and a Lennert’s lymphoma-derived T-cell line” was shown. On the other hand, therehave been few reports concerning the expression of IL-6 and its related genes in acute le~kemia.”.’~ The purpose of this study is to clarify the patterns of expression of IL-6 and its relatedgenes in acute leukemia and the relationship between the patterns and the From the Departments of Medicine I l l and Pediatrics, Osaka University Medical School, Osaka: the Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kinki University School of Medicine, Osaka; the Second Department of Internal Medicine, Mie University School of Medicine, Mie: The Center for Adult Diseases, Osaka: Osaka Red Cross Hospital, Osaka; Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital and Atomic-Bomb Survival Hospital, Hiroshima; and the Second Department of Internal Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine, Hyogo. Japan. Submitted February 7. 1994; accepted June 18, 1994. Supported by Grants,from the Ministry of Education. Science, and Culture .fJapan. Address reprint request to Haruo Sugiyama, MD, Department of Medicine Ill, Osaka University Medical School, 2-2, Yamada-Oka, Suita City, Osaka 565, Japan. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordunce with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1994 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-497//94/8408-0037$3.00/0 2672 MATERIALS AND METHODS Patients. At the onset of the disease, peripheral blood (PB) or bone marrow (BM) cells from 39 acute myeloid leukemia (AML), 23 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and 7 acute mixed lineage leukemia (AMLL) patients were obtained before therapy. The leukemic cells were classified according to the French-American-British criteria. AMLL was defined as described previously.” Purijication of leukemic ce1l.r. Heparinized PB or BM cells were suspended in phosphate-buffered saline, put into a Ficoll-lsopaque solution, and centrifuged. The leukemic cells were recovered from theinterphase, washed twice with phosphate-bufferedsaline,and used for experiments. In AML M3 cases, heparinized blood samples were suspended in a half volume of Haemacel (Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany) and left to stand for 20 minutes to let theerythrocytessettle.Thesupernatantcellswerethengathered by centrifugation and examined. Microscopic examination showed purity of leukemic cells to be more than 90% in all cases. Cell lines. All celllinesexceptforIMS-MIand TF-l were kindly provided by the Japanese Cancer Research Resources Bank; IMS-M I was a generous donation from DrS. Asano (Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan). A human erythroleukemia cell line, TF-I, was kindly donated by Dr T. Kitamura (DNAX Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA). The cells were cultured and propagated in RPM1 1640 medium containing 10% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum (FCS). RNA purijication. Freshlyisolatedleukemiccells (5 X 10“ to 5 x IO’) were dissolved in 500 pL of 4 rnol/L guanidine thiocyanate solution, and total RNA was isolated as described previously,Ih except that phenol-chloroform-isoamylalcoholextraction was performed twice to improve thepurity of RNA. The RNA was dissolved in diethylpyrocarbonate-treated waterandquantifiedspectrornetrically with absorbance at 260 nm. Reverse rrunscription. Onemicrogram of‘ total RNA in 12.5 pL of diethylpyrocarbonate-treated water was heated at 65°C for S minutes and then mixed with 17.5 WLof reverse transcription buffer (50 mmollL Tris HCI [pH 8.31, 70 mmol/L KCI, 3 mmol/L MgC12. I O mmoVL dithiothreitol)containing600U of Moloneymurine leukemiavirusreversetranscriptase(RT;GIBCO-BRL,Gaithersburg, MD), 500 pmoVL of eachdNTP(PharmaciaBiotech,AB, Uppsala, Sweden), 750 ng of oligo-dT primer (Pharmacia), and 40 U ofRNaseinhibitor(BoehringerMannheim).Thesolution was Blood, Vol 84, No 8 (October 15). 1994: pp 2672-2680 From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. IL-6 AND ITSRELATEDGENEEXPRESSION 2673 IN ACUTE LEUKEMIA C 3 l* 1 05 1V 1 0’ 1 0‘ L 0‘ 24 2 1 30 33 36 39 ” 0 1 2 ~ 2‘ ~ 2 5 4 2-1 2-2z - , Dilutions it 24 21 30 33 10‘ Cycles Cycles 20 2‘ 10 r -zol - 201 Dilutions p -actin gpl30 IL-6R IL-6 D 10 10 l0 1 5 182124 27 Cycles -2ol Dilutions Dilutions Fig 1. Detection of the exponential range by termination of PCR at sequential cycles orby serial dilutions of input cDNA. PCR was performed at the indicated cycles (A through D) or on serial 1:2 dilutions (E through H) in the reverse transcription product prepared from 83 ng of total RNA derived from U266 cells using the appropriate primers for IL-6 (A and E), IL-6 R (B and F), gp130 (C and G), or pactin (D and H). incubated at 37°C for 90 minutes, then heated at 70°C for 20 minutes, and stored at -20°C until use. Polymerasechainreaction (PCR). The nucleotide sequence of the upstream primer for IL-6 was 5’-ATGAACTCCTTCTCCACAAGCGC-3’ and that of the downstream primer 5‘-GAAGAGCCCTCAGGCTGGACTG-3’.” The sequence of the upstream primer and of the for IL-6R was 5’-CATTGCCATTGTI%TGAGGlTC-3’ of downstream primer 5‘-AGTAGTCTGTATTGCTGATGTC-3”’; the upstream primer for gp130 5’-ACAGATGAAGGTGGGAAGGAT-3‘ and of the downstream primer 5”AGATGACATGCATGAAGACCC-3”9; andof the upstream primer for @actin 5’GTGGGGCGCCCCAGGCACCA-3’ and of the downstream primer 5‘-GTCClTAATGTCACGCACGATITC-3’.*o PCR wasperformed in 50 pL of reaction solution containing cDNA derived from 83 ng of the total RNA, 1.25 U of AmpliTaq polymerase, 250 pmolL of each dNTP, and 0.5 pmol/L of sense and antisense primers. Each PCR cycle included 1 minute of denaturation at 94°C. 1 minute of primer annealing at 60”C, and 2 minutes of extensiodsynthesis at 72°C. PCR was performed with a DNA thermal cycler (Perkin Elmer-Cetus, Nonvalk, CT). Quantitation of thePCR products. Quantitation of the PCR products was performed as described previously.2’~2z Briefly, the products were subjected to electrophoresis on 1.3% agarose gels containing 0.05 pglmL ethidium bromide, visualized by UV light, and photographed with Polaroid 665 film (Polaroid, Cambridge, MA). The negative film was developed for 5 minutes at 25°C and washed with running water for 5 minutes. For quantitative analysis, the film wassubjected to a densitometer CS-9OOO (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). PCR of the products of reverse transcription reaction without addition of RT was used for negative controls. P-actin is traditionally used to verify comparability of RNA loading between samples. In this study, weused P-actin to normalize PCR products. The value of P-actin for the normalization of PCR products is based on the concept that there will be no significant differences in the amounts of P-actin per cell among various types of cells. When P-actin was quantified in the leukemic samples, there were no significant differences among them, confirming the propriety of the use of P-actin for the normalization of PCR products. Short-termproliferation assay. Proliferation of leukemic cells to IL-6 was evaluated by measuring 3H-thymidine(3H-TdR)incorporation. Briefly, adherent cells were depleted from the purified leukemic cells by incubating the cell suspension (3 X lO“/mL) for 12 hours inRPM1 1640 medium containing 10% FCS. The leukemic cells were cultured in the presence (100 ng/mL) or absence of IL6. Cultures were run in triplicate in 100 pL of a-minimal essential medium containing 20% FCS in 96-well microtiter plates. After 96 hours of incubation, the cells were pulse-labeled with 0.5 pCi of 3H-TdR for 18 hours, and then ’H-TdR uptakes were determined by a liquid scintillation counter. RESULTS Determination of the RT-PCR conditions for the quantitation of IL-6, IL-6R, and gp130 gene expression. First, the From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. INOUE ET AL 2674 optimal RT-PCR conditions to quantify mRNA expression of IL-6, IL-6R, and gp130 genes were determined with the cDNA from U266,23which is a human myeloma cell line showing a high expression for IL-6,'4 IL-6R,24 and gp13O.l9 When the cDNA prepared from 83 ng of total RNA from U266 cells was amplified with various numbers of PCR cycles, exponential amplification for IL-6, IL-6R, and gp130 cDNA was observed at cycles 24 through 33, cycles 21 through 27, and cycles 21 through 30, respectively (Figs 1A through C). When 32 cycles of PCR were used for IL-6,27 1 2 3 4 5 6 AML --n AMLL ALL Patient No. 80 79 122 17 38 49 64 81 90 20 82 U266 11-6- IL-6R- ~. IL-6gpl30- IL-6R&actin- - -- Fig 3. Expression of IL-6.lL-6R. and gp130 genes in acute leukemic cells. PCR products of representative cases (6 AML,3 ALL, and 2 AMLL cases) are presented. ~~~130- B-actinFig 2. Spiking experiments. Ball-l cells (expression level: 11-6, ~ 0 . 0 1 ;IL-6R. ~ 0 . 0 1 gp130, ; 0.02) were spiked with increasing percentages of U266 cells (lane 1, 0%; lane 2, 5%; lane 3, 10%; lane 4, 50%; lane 5, 100%; and lanes 6, reaction buffer alone) and then RTPCR was performed with IL-6,IL-6R.gp130,or p-actin primers as described in Materials and Methods. cycles for ILdR, and 30 cycles for gp130 at serial 1:2 dilutions of the cDNA prepared from 83 ng of total RNA from U266 cells, exponential amplification was observed at 2-" to 2" dilutions for IL-6, at 2-" to 2-' dilutions for IL-6R, and at 2-' to 2" dilutions for gp130 (Figs IE through G ) .To normalize the RNA loading for the RT-PCR, &actin gene" was used as an internal standard. When the cDNA prepared from 83 ng of total RNA from U266 cells was amplified with various numbers ofPCR cycles using&actin gene primers, exponential amplification was observed at cycles 16 through 21 (Fig ID). When 21 cycles of PCR were used for serial 1 :2 dilutions of the cDNA prepared from 83 ng of total RNA from U266 cells, exponential amplification was observed at 2-' to 2' dilutions (Fig 1 H). As a result, patients' samples were subjected to 32 cycles ofPCR for IL-6, 27 cycles for ILdR, 30 cycles for gp130, and 21 cycles for pactin. Spiking experiments. To confirm that our assay of IL-6 and its related gene expression was quantitative, Ball-l cells (expression level: IL-6, <0.01; IL-6R, <0.01; gp130, 0.02) were spiked with increasing percentages of U266 cells, and then RT-PCR was performed. As shown in Fig 2, the inten- From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. EXPRESSION IL-6 ANDGENE ITS RELATED IN ACUTE LEUKEMIA 2675 Table 1. Clinical Features of Patients and Relative Gene Expression of 11-6, IL-6R. and gp130in Leukemic Cells Relative Gene Expression FAB Classification Relative Gene Expression FAB Classification Patient No. Age/Sex IL-6 IL-6R gp130 6 80 94 218 11 25 43 60 77 79 108 115 117 119 122 124 184 219 220 224 28 78 130 33 34 37 275 17 35 38 39 49 50 227 66 43/F 37/F 23/M 59/F 17/F 65/F 36/M 56lF 76lM 58lM 25lM 56lF 17/M 50/M 6OlF 60/M 56lM <0.01 0.02 0.04 <0.01 <0.01 0.18 0.01 0.02 <0.01 0.13 <0.01 0.04 0.05 <0.01 3.41 0.14 0.10 0.43 0.34 0.12 0.60 0.12 0.12 0.21 0.17 0.38 0.50 0.20 0.22 0.11 0.20 0.74 0.20 0.31 0.25 0.08 0.31 0.03 1.27 <0.01 0.15 0.31 0.07 0.06 0.28 0.15 0.08 0.04 0.02 1.12 0.04 0.27 0.08 0.14 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.24 0.83 0.15 0.60 0.21 0.10 0.05 0.70 0.22 0.47 0.04 AM L MI M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 ::;l} 0.16 <0.01 40/M 19/M 56/M 0.42<0.01 17/M 61/F 28/F 2O/F 65/F 15/M 25lF <0.01 56/F 52/M 59/M 0.16 0.16 28/M 42/M 0.33 0.04 50/F 0.18 0.17 0.15 0.17 0.21 0.24 0.22 0.45 0.57 0.40 0.23 0.55 0.16 0.67 0.21 M7 MDS-AML Patient No. Age/Sex IL-6 31/M <0.01 IL-6R gp130 45/F 0.27 0.23 0.21 0.09 0.04 0.03 0.13 0.12 81F 35/M 86lM 41/M 41/F 33/M 45/M 22/F 24/M 16lF 18lM 22/F 51/F 40/M 63lF 20/M 60/F 77/M 52/M 451M 15/F <0.01 0.18 0.01 0.03 0.1 1 <0.01 <0.01 0.15 <0.01 0.12 0.16 0.13 0.14 0.07 <0.01 0.02 10.01 0.25 0.08 <0.01 0.10 0.28 <0.01 ND 0.05 0.02 0.20 0.08 0.60 0.02 0.13 0.40 0.18 0.40 c0.01 0.26 0.39 0.12 0.32 0.24 0.1 1 0.02 0.14 0.27 0.52 0.03 0.05 3.21 0.31 0.46 0.05 0.30 0.31 0.25 3.73 0.22 0.20 0.38 0.18 0.43 ALL L1 L2 L3 AMLL Cell Lines Cell lines Myeloma IL-6 1.oo Ball-l HSB-2 0.05 <0.01 ALL CML blastic MI M3 AML 0.02 0.04 1.oo 0.05 0.11 KU812 KG-l 0.37 <0.01 HL-60 0.15 <0.01 0.20 0.60 IL-6R gp130 431M 57/M 0.54 0.16 0.01 10.01 0.52 0.16 Abbreviations: FAB, French-American-British; ND, not determined. 10.01 C0.02 <0.01 0.10 } 1.68 3.54 0.03 0.02 0.10 <0.01 Relative Gene Expression Origin Cell Lines tissues 1.oo Donor BMNormal 0.03 0.17 0.01 no. 1 0.020.20 0.02 Donor no. 2 0.29no.3 0.13 Donor 0.09 0.07 Donor no. 4 0.02 Normal 0.17 PB 0.300.04Donor 1 no. 0.05 0.34 0.35 0.03 Donor no. 2 0.40 0.27 0.66 <0.01 34/M 53/F 47/F 18/F 461 M Relative Gene Expression Origin 0.09 IL-6 <0.01 IL-6R gp130 From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. 2676 INOUE ET AL A 4.0 . (3.54) (3.41) 3.0. . 2.0 ' (1.68) 1.0. . 0.5. . t 0 MI MzMs M4 M5 Ms L1 Lz L3 M7 MDS +AML AMLL PB BM AML ALL CML U266 cell Lines 4.0 (3.21) 3.0 2.0 1.o O(1.00) . . .. .. . -.... . . + y f : t 3. . ,f __ 0.5 : . L V - 0 . v 0 I MI I " 0 I I M2 M3 M4 I M5 I I M6 M7 . I Y I MDS L1 L2 +AML L3 AMLL sity of the bands of IL-6, IL-6R, gp130 became more intense with the increase in the percentage of U266 cells, whereas there were no significant differences in p-actin gene expression. The specificity of the bands wasconfirmedby the second-round PCR with the nested internal primers for IL6, IL-6R, and gp130 (data not shown). These results confirmed that IL-6, IL-6R, and gp130 gene expression can be quantified under our RT-PCR conditions. Expression of the IL-6, IL-6R, and gp130 genes in fresh leukemic cells. Fresh leukemic cells were examined for the - : I PB BM AMLALL CML U266 Cell Lines Fig 4. Relative expression of IL-6, IL-6 in R, genes gp130 and the leukemic cells from patients with acute leukemia and in human leukemic celllines: (A), IL6; (B),IL-6R; (C), gp130. expression of IL-6, IL-6R, and gp130 genes. To normalize the differences in RNA loading during RT-PCR and in RNA degradation in individual samples, the values of IL-6, IL6R, and gp130 gene expression divided by @-actinexpression were used for comparing gene expressions, with the value for U266 cells defined as 1.W. PCR products of representative cases are shown in Fig 3. As shown in Table l and Fig 4A, significant expression of IL-6 was observed in M2 and M5 forms of AML patients, whereas, in ALL, the levels were almost negligible. Two From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. IL-6 AND ITS RELATEDGENEEXPRESSION 2677 IN K U T E LEUKEMIA C 4.0. 0 (3.73) & X W .-E 0.5 +d Q Q, Fig 4. (Cont'dl The levels of 11-6, IL-6 R, and gp130 gene expression in U266 cells were defined as 1.00. The average levels ofexpression are indicated by horizontal lines. LT 0 AMLL patients (cases no. 7 and 20) expressed high levels of IL-6 (> 1 .W). The levels of expression of IL-6 in PB and BM cells was almost negligible. As shown in Table l and Fig 4B, IL-6R was expressed in all patients with AML, whereas only half of ALL patients expressed lower levels of IL-6R as compared with those in AML and AMLL patients. One AMLL patient (case no. 20) expressed extremely high levels of ILdR. Among cell lines from AML, ALL, and chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), only cell lines from AML expressed ILdR. These cell lines appear to represent the characteristics of normal counterparts. In contrast to the expression of IL-6 and IL-6R, gp130 was ubiquitously expressed in all types of leukemias, as shown in Table 1 and Fig 4C. One AMLL patient (case no. 20) expressed extremely high levels of gp130 as well as IL6 and IL-6R. There were no significant differences in gp130 expression among AML, ALL, and AMLL patients. Correlation of expression between IL-6R and gpI30 in AML. The correlation of expression was analyzed for two genes in IL-6, IL-6R, and gp130 expression. Spearman's correlation coefficient showed a significant correlation only between IL-6R and gp130 in AML, as shown in Fig 5 (Spearman's correlation coefficient, .53; P = .0005). Correlation between the levels of IL-6R and gp130 expression and the responsiveness of leukemic cells to IL-6. To examine the biologic significance of the coexpression of IL6R with gp130, purified leukemic cells were studied for the response to K-6 bymeasuring3H-TdR incorporation. As shown in Table 2, the leukemic cells from 2 of 7 AML, none of 3 ALL, and both of 2 AMLL patients showed significant proliferative reaction toE-6, whereas those from 1 of 7 AML patientsshowedinhibitoryresponse.Thetendencywasobserved that the leukemic cells expressing higher levels of IL- 6R and gp130 showed response to IL-6. None of the leukemic cells from the 3 ALL patients responded to IL-6. The possibility that no response to IL-6 orlow basal incorporation of 3H-TdR in some leukemic samples was caused by low viability of the leukemic cells is negligible, because only leukemic cells with aviabilityof greaterthan 80% by dyeexclusiontestwere used for experiments, and the leukemic cells that did not show response to IL-6 reacted to the other cytokines, including IL3 and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (data not shown). These results showed the correlation between the levels of IL-6R and gp130 expression and the responsiveness of leukemic cells to IL-6. DISCUSSION In this study, quantitative RT-PCR was used to determine the patterns of expression of IL-6, IL-6R, and gp130 genes E 4.01 3.0 2.0 S 1.0 ;I W ] 0 O D 0 0 U266 0 * U 0 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Relatlve Expmsslon of ILdR Fig 5. Correlation of the expression of IL-6R and gp130 genes in AML (n = 391. Spearman's correlation coefficient between IL-6R and gp130 expression in AML was .53 ( P = .ooo51. From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. INOUE ET AL 2678 Table 2. Response of Leukemic Cells to IL-6 Relative Gene Expression IL-6R Patient no. 20 218 49 38 139 219 115 224 220 44 140 90 Cell Lines U 266 Tall-l K 562 HL-60 ~1~130 %TdR Incorporation (Mean t SE) ILIL-6 3.21 0.60 0.55 0.40 0.30 0.25 0.22 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.10 0.07 3.37 1.27 0.70 0.10 0.18 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.14 0.40 0.27 0.39 3.54 <0.01 0.16 <0.01 10.01 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 10.01 <0.01 1.oo 10.01 <0.01 0.15 1.oo 0.09 0.40 <0.01 1.oo 10.01 0.52 <0.01 None 6 208 i- 11 1,639 t 289 6,007 i 259 4,946 f 403 1,262 i 27 5,885 i 846 70 -i 3.5 21,067 i- 3,025 32,614 2 5,010 121 i- 14 107 +- 23 110 t 6.0 1,301 f 184” 90 ? 34* 7,558 i 252* 5,787 i. 399 2,104 i 24t 7.759 t 2.241 183 t 52 31,319 i- 1.135$ 41,296 1+ 2,359 156 ? 45 129 i 24 138 i 11 3,941 210,517 314,916 125,731 2 63 t 3,188 2 9,725 -t 6,875 7,076 203,610 311,475 144,921 L 149t 2 1,978 -t 4,499 t 6,945 Statistical analyses were performed for 3H-TdR incorporation. Abbreviations: SE, standard error; FAB, French-American-British classification. * P < .01. t P i ,001. P < .05. * in acute leukemia. Significant levels of IL-6 were expressed in the M2 and M5 forms of AML. This result is fundamentally consistent with previous showed thatthat IL-6 expression was observed in differentiated AML M4and M5 forms as well as in less mature AML MI and M2 forms; however, our 4 cases of M4 did not express IL-6. On the other hand, the levels of the expression of IL-6 in ALL patients were almost negligible. These results may represent the characteristics of normal counterparts. A total of 1 case of AML M2 (case no. 122) and 2 cases (cases no. 7 and 20) of AMLL expressed high levels (>1.OO) of IL-6. Of these 3 cases, 1 (case no. 20) expressed high levels of IL-6R and gp130 as well. A characteristic of this case is that, among 7 AMLL cases, only this case expressed B-lineage antigens (CD19 and CD20) and cell surface IgG and K-chains thatare expressed in mature B cells, together with myeloid-lineage antigens (CD13 and CD33). The possibility of autocrine growth of the leukemic cells by IL-6 might beraised in this patient, because the leukemic cells showed apparent proliferative reaction to IL-6 (Table 2). In contrast to IL-6 expression, IL-6R expression was more general. IL-6R was expressed in all patients with AML and in half of the patients with ALL. The expression of IL-6R was lower in both the frequencies and levels in ALL than in AML. gp130 is a membrane glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 130 kD that associates with IL-6RI9. and transduces the signal only when the receptor is occupied by IL6. IL-6 signal transducer gp130 is shared in the formation of high-affinity IL-6R,26 leukemia-inhibitory factor receptor,*’ Oncostatin M and ciliary neurotrophic factor re- ~eptor.’~ gp130 was expressed inAML and AMLL cells together with IL-6R, and a significant correlation was observed between IL-6R and gp130 expression in AML. Also in AMLL, positive correlation appears to exist between IL6R and gp130 expression, although it is not statistically significant because of the small number of samples. In this study, IL-6 was shown to act as growth-stimulatory or -inhibitory stimulus in the leukemic cells from AML and AMLL patients that expressed significant levels of IL-6R and gp130.Theresultsareconsistentwithpreviousreportsthat showed that IL-6 stimulates3’ or inhibits3’ thegrowth of leukemic cells, although the expression levels of L 6 R and gp130 were not examined in these studies. On the other hand, in ALL, despite sufficient expression of gp130, ILdR expression was infrequent and weak, and no correlation between L-6R and gp130 expression was observed. None oftheleukemic cells from the 3 ALL patients responded to IL-6. This may reflect the low expression of IL-6R in ALL cells, although gp130 is sufficiently expressed. Therefore, thegp130 expressed on ALL cells might mediate the signals of cytokines other than IL-6. Our present data showed the correlation between the levels of ILdR and gp130 expression and the responsiveness to IL-6, showing that the quantitation of IL-6R and gp130 expression by RT-PCR is very useful for the rapid prediction of the responsiveness of leukemiccells to IL-6, especially in cases of administration of IL-6. Patients with refractory plasma cell leukemia3’ or Castleman’s disease33were effectively treated by the administration of anti-IL-6 antibodies. This suggests that patients expressing high levels of IL-6, IL-6R, and gp130, (eg, case no. 20 of AMLL) might be effectively treated by anti-IL-6 From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. IL-6 AND ITS RELATED GENEEXPRESSION IN ACUTELEUKEMIA or anti-IL-6Rantibodies. It has been reportedthat IL-6 promotesbothmurineandhumanmegakaryocyte colony formation." Clinical trials of IL-6 as a thrombopoietin have justbegun. Ourdata showed thattheleukemic cells that showed proliferative reaction to IL-6 expressed significant levels of IL-6R andgp130. Therefore, screening of leukemia patients whose tumorcells show proliferative reaction to IL6 may become possible by quantitation of ILdR and gp 130 expression. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We thank Masashi Nakagawa, Tatsuro Matsunashi, Koichi Sasaki, Toyoshi Tatekawa, and Nohumasa Inoue for providing clinical samples; Hiromi Takeuchi for preparation of themanuscript; Kirin Brewery Company for synthesizing primers for RT-PCR; and the Japanese Cancer Research Resources Bank (Tokyo, Japan) for donation of various hematopoietic cell lines. REFERENCES 1. Kishirnoto T: The biology of interleukin-6. Blood 74:1, 1989 2. Kawano M, Hirano T, Matsuda T, Taga T, Horii Y, Iwato K, Asaoku H, Tang B, Tanabe 0, Tanaka H,Kuramoto A and Kishimoto T: Autocrine generation and requirement of BSF-2flL-6 for human multiple myelomas. Nature 332:83, 1988 3. Nilsson K, Jemberg H, Pettersson M: IL-6 as a growth factor for human multiple myeloma cells - A short overview. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 166:3, 1990 4. Zhang X-G, Klein B, Bataille R: Interleukin-6 is a potent myeloma-cell growth factor in patients with aggressive multiple myeloma. 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