1 St Stephen’s College, Delhi – 110007 Item Rate Tenders (2nd Call) in Two Bid system are invited from capable contractors for the following Works: SL. No. ID No. Brief Description of the Work 1. 4/14 (in lieu of ID No. 1/14) Renovation of Science Block including Water Harvesting 2. 5/14 (in lieu of ID No. 2/14) Renovation of the College Office (Tender ID No. 3/14 stands withdrawn) Estimated Cost, EMD Rs. 47, 08, 722/- Rs. 94, 000/- Rs. 31, 46, 753/- Rs. 63, 000/- Details of modified terms and conditions (Tender document which is non-transferable) may be obtained either personally from the College office on working days on payment of Rs.500/- cash (non-refundable) or downloaded from the College website www.ststephens.edu till 5 p.m. on 27th January 2015. Last date and time for Bid submission in sealed packets is 3 p.m. on 29th January 2015. TENDER DOCUMENT (TECHNICAL BID) Reference: Newspaper Advertisement dated 21st December 2014 and College website www.ststephens.edu. For item Rate Tender ID No. 4/14 & 5/14 (in lieu of ID No. 1/14 and 2/14 dated 31 May 2014) Procedure for obtaining Tender document and submission of Bids 1) Tender document may be obtained personally on submission of a written request on the official letterhead of the applicant together with an attested copy of address proof (latest landline telephone/electricity bill in the name of the Business Entity of the applicant) and payment of cost. 2) The cost of a set of Tender document is Rs. 500/- (five hundred rupees) payable in cash (nonrefundable). Note : Those who download the Tender document from the College website will pay the amount in cash before or at the time of submission of the sealed packet containing the Bid the last date and time which is 3:00 p.m. on 29th January 2015 failing which the packet will not be accepted.(See Para 16 of Section II also) 3) Tenderers who are submitting Bids for both the Works will place the financial part of the Bids in separate envelopes duly marked with the ID No. given above. Only one set of the non-financial section of the document (Technical) need to be placed in a separate envelope marked as such. All these envelopes shall be placed in a bigger envelope and sealed properly and handed over to the designated official of the College by the last date and time stipulated for the purpose. (See para 2 above). Tenderers have the option to bid for one or both the Works. 4) Tenderers who fail to comply with the terms and conditions as specified in the non-financial sections of the Tender document (Technical) will not be eligible to have their envelope(s) containing the financial section of the Bid opened as provided in the Para 5 below. 5) The last date and time for submission of the sealed packet is 3 p.m. on 29th January 2015 which will be opened at 3:45 p.m. on the same day (date and time liable to change due to administrative SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 2 reasons) in the presence of tenderers who may wish to be present. Only the Tender document (Technical) envelope will be opened and recorded. Tenderers who qualify technically as a result of scrutiny of their Technical Bid by the Scrutiny Committee of the College will be informed in due course of the date and time of opening of the financial Bid. Salient features of the Tender document in a nutshell: 1) Cost of Tender document – how payment is to be made. See procedure above. 2) EMD favouring Principal, St Stephen’s College to be by separate bank draft for each Work. See Para 8 of Section II. Section I 3) Profile of the College Section II 4) Pre-Bid Stage Documents required to be attached to the non-financial part (Technical Bid). Para 15 - Bid amount to be inclusive of all charges, taxes, rates, duties, cess etc. Nothing extra is payable over and above the accepted amount of the Bid. Para 5. EMD Para 8, 9 & 10. EMD refund of unsuccessful bidders. Para 10. Conditional Bid not acceptable. Para 12. Total amount of the Bid not the sole criterion for consideration of the Bid. Para 13. No page of the document to be detached. Para 14. No additional page to be inserted by the applicant. Para 14. No word to be added to/deleted from the text of the tender document. Para 14 All pages of the document to be signed by the applicant at the bottom of each page. Para 14. Authority of the signatory to the Bid. Para 18 (ii) Technical specifications for various aspects of the Works and approved Make of material to be noted in computing the Bid offers. Section IV Section III 5) - Post-Bid Stage Principal’s right to reject any or all the Bids. Para 17 Signing of the Contract by the successful bidder. Para 18 (i) Recovery for delayed work. Para 19 Time allowed for completion of the Work and stage-wise program for execution of the Work. Para 19, 21 & 22. Recovery of statutory dues from the Contractor’s bills. Para 23. No mobilization will be given by the College. Para 24. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 3 - Interim/Final Bill how to be processed including resolution of disputes, if any. Para 25 & 48. Maintenance of Measurement Book & Site Order Book. Para 26. Retention Money/Security Deposit. Para32. EMD adjustment of the Contractor. Para 32. Precautions to be taken by the Contractor to safeguard damage to property and trees as well as physical injury. Para 35 & 44. Insurance for the Work and workers. Para 36. Recovery of water/electricity charges. Para 43. Dispute, if any. Para 48. Manufacturers guarantee papers and user’s manuals for equipment/fixtures. Para 54. Section IV 6) - Specifications Specification for masonry work. Approved Make of materials to be used in the Works. Drawings attached to the Tender document are general drawings giving an idea of the Work involved. (Note: Working drawings will be made available to the Contractor to whom the Contract is awarded). (Para 20, Section III) Section V 7) Tenderer’s Profile Tenderers to give attention to mandatory documentary evidence required to be attached to the Profile the authenticity of which will determine their technical qualification or otherwise for the financial Bid. All the columns of the format in this section must be filled up. Section VI 8) - Financial Bid (Schedule of Quantities) Para 11, Section II and Para 20, 52 & 53, Section III. Separately for each Work to be placed in separate envelope duly marked with ID No. All pages of the financial Bid to be signed by the tenderer. No change allowed to be made by the tenderer in the nomenclature or wording of item or quantity etc. Cutting and overwriting and use of eraser/whitener to be avoided while filling up the Bid rate against items. Bid rate to be written both in figure and word. Rebate, if any, may be indicated at the end of the price Bid. Period of validity of Bid rates etc. General All pages of the Tender document (Technical as well as Financial) to be signed by the tenderer. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 4 Section I Profile of the College St. Stephen’s College was founded on 1st February 1881 by the Cambridge Mission to Delhi in conjunction with the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. The Cambridge Mission comprised a number of dons from various colleges at Cambridge University, and one of them, the (later Canon) Samuel Scott Allnutt was the founder and the first Principal of the College. St. Stephen’s is the oldest college in Delhi. It was first affiliated to Calcutta University, and later to Punjab University. Finally, with the establishment of the University of Delhi in 1922, it became one of the three original constituent colleges of Delhi University. On 1st October, 1941, the College occupied its present home in Delhi University Campus. Designed by Walter George, it is an elegant two storied red brick building around four spacious courts. Built on ground levels, it has beautiful lines all along and in other respects too, particularly in the subtle Mughal motifs, it is a fine piece of architecture. The most remarkable of the buildings is the Chapel, again designed by Walter George and added in 1952. In addition, the College has in its campus other non-residential buildings as well as residential Buildings. The quality of the work to be carried out under this Contract is to match the current standards for existing buildings. Section II Pre-Bid Stage 1. Tenders can be submitted by proprietary concerns, partnership firms, private limited companies/ limited companies or any other legal entity. Tender document issued to a particular applicant should not be transferred to another. If this is done the same will be treated as invalid. 2. The signatory to the Bid shall be the signatory to all subsequent documents and communications including bills and receipts for payment etc. subject to the provisions contained in Para 18 (ii) below. 3. Intending tenderers should ensure that they have valid income-tax (PAN), Delhi Value Added Tax (DVAT) under the Composite Scheme and Service Tax registration. The name of the Business Entity in which the Bid is to be offered should be uniform in these documents. 4. Intending tenderers are advised to inspect the site and satisfy themselves as regards condition, accessibility, storage space etc and seek any clarification they require from the College Office at Phone No. (011) 27667200 before submitting their Bid. Once the Bid is submitted it will be presumed that they have satisfied themselves with site conditions and no excuse whatsoever will be entertained later on for any omission or misunderstanding. 5. The Bid amount against each item should include all taxes, duties, charges, cess and levies. The College will not entertain any claim later on for additional charges whatsoever over and above the tendered rate. Further, no escalation in the cost of material/ labour in the market will be applicable to the Contract. 6. It will be open to the College to ask for analysis of Bid amount of any or all the items if thought necessary in order to determine the reasonableness or otherwise of the offered rate. The bidders SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 5 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. should therefore be willing to negotiate the offered rate or rates found expedient by the College. Such negotiations should not be construed as indication of award of Contract. Tenderers are expected to submit details of clients for whom they have worked during the last three years, specifying the nature and value of Work executed. It is expected that intending tenderer shall have done work for other clients for not less than Rs. 15 lakh per contract. In addition, testimonials from competent authority of at least one client as regards satisfactory completion of Work should be attached to the Tenderer’s Profile. Section V. The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for the cited Works is as follows:i. ID No. 4/14 Renovation of Science Block including WH EMD Rs. 94, 000/ii. ID No. 5/14 Renovation of the College Office EMD Rs. 63, 000/The EMD (non-interest bearing) should be in the form of Bank Drafts on a nationalized bank payable to Principal, St Stephen’s College at Delhi and must accompany the technical part of the Bid. Separate Bank Drafts are required for the 2 Works. The EMD will stand forfeited absolutely in the event of any refusal or delay in signing the Contract or commencing the Work or not completing the same on the part of the successful tenderer. (See also Para 32 below) EMD of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned in due course under intimation to be sent to each of them. Bid amount against each of the items in the schedule of quantities (Section VI) should be written both in figure and word without any cutting or overwriting. Bid amount once submitted will remain valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of the tender, being the period the College might need to take the decision for award of the contract. Rebate, if any, may be indicated at the end of the price Bid. If bidders insert any condition on their own in the Tender document the entire Bid will stand summarily rejected. It is hereby clarified that since the tenders are item rate tenders the total amount of any of the Bid may not be the sole determining factor in deciding the acceptance or otherwise of a particular Bid as explained in Para 6 above. No page of the Tender document should be detached nor any additional page inserted by the tenderers except as provided in the Tender terms and conditions. Similarly no extra word or words should be added to or deleted from the text of the Tender document. Tenderers should sign at the bottom of each page of the Tender document since the same will form part of the agreement with the successful tenderer. Tenderers should note that compliance with the requirements of submission of documents etc. as provided in Para 3, 7, 8 & 9 in Section II and 55, 56 in Section III to be furnished is a prerequisite to consideration of any Bid to be treated as technically valid. It will be open to the College to call for a pre-Bid conference with the tenderers. It will also be open to the College to issue addendum or corrigendum found necessary as a result of the pre-Bid conference or otherwise. Pre-Bid conference, if called, will be restricted to the tenderers who actually deposit the cost of Tender document in the College Office as stipulated in Procedure for obtaining Tender document and submission of Bids. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 6 Section III Post-Bid Stage 17. Principal, St Stephen’s College reserves the right to reject any or all the Bids that may be received in response to this notice inviting tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever. The Principal reserves the right to reject any Bid not accompanied by the required documents as specified in Para 15 above. The Principal also reserves the right not to accept the lowest Bid as explained in Para 13 above. If the requirements of the Para 15 above are not complied with, the financial Bid envelopes will not qualify to be opened. It will also be open to the College to verify on its own the authenticity of any document or information furnished by the tenderers. 18. i) The successful tenderer will have to execute a formal Agreement on a Rs. 100/- e-stamp paper at his/her own cost which, together with the Tender document as well as the certified copies of PAN/TIN/DVAT/Service Tax etc, will form the Contract agreement. ii) The successful tenderer (who will be referred as Contractor hereinafter) of a proprietary concern should submit a signed document stating the name and address of his/her nominee along with an attested photograph of the nominee (as well as copy of PAN card) to enable the College to deal with the nominee in the event of the signatory’s demise during the pendency of the Contract. So far as a partnership firm is concerned, a letter duly signed by all the partners together with a copy of the partnership deed authorizing the signatory-partner to be responsible for all matters relating to this Tender should be attached. The letter should also mention the name and address of the second partner, together with his/her photograph as well as copy of PAN card, with whom the College may deal in the event of the authorized signatory’s demise. For private limited company, a dated resolution of the Board of Directors, duly signed by all the directors, authorizing the signatory-director, should be furnished. If the need arises, due to demise of the authorized director-signatory a second resolution of authorization by the Board of Directors will have to be submitted in favour of the second director-signatory. The College will not entertain any request otherwise for change of signatory under any other circumstance, during the pendency of the Contract. (iii) It is clarified that the College will not be obliged to continue the original Contract in the event of the demise of the signatory who may have signed the Contract if in the opinion of the Principal it is not desirable to do so in which case the Contract will be closed on the basis of work completed that far. 19. Time is of essence to complete the work within 60 days from date of award of the Contract. Failure to do so will attract a penalty of one per cent of the value of the Contract award for every seven days of part thereof, subject to a maximum of ten per cent of the Contract award value. The amount will be deducted from the Contractor’s bills or security deposit or both. Even after that if the due amount falls short, the Contractor will be required to deposit the same in the College Bank Account forthwith. The Contractor, however, may apply for extension of time by giving full justification for the same before expiry of the completion period. The decision of the Principal shall be final and binding on the Contractor in this regard. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 7 20. The quantities given in the schedule of items (Financial Bid) in Section VI are approximate. The Principal reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity given in any item or cancel any item. The drawings attached to the Tender document are also tentative and can vary and change as per working drawings to be supplied at the time of actual execution of the Work. Payments due/admissible to the Contractor will be based on the actual quantity of work executed, subject to accepted/negotiated/reduced rate as also other provisions in these conditions. 21. The Contractor shall at his/ her own cost set out the work accurately in accordance with plans and to the complete satisfaction of the Architect/ Engineer In-charge. The setting out shall comprise of correct positioning, level, dimension and alignment of all parts thereof. Errors, if detected and pointed out to the Contactor, will have to be rectified forthwith at the Contactor’s own cost and risk. All tools, plants and equipment for the Work shall be arranged in sufficient quantities by the Contractor at his/her own risk and cost. 22. A time schedule for carrying out the Work, stage by stage, shall be drawn up in mutual consultation between the Contractor and the Architect or Engineer In-charge which shall require the approval of the Principal. The time schedule once finalized shall be adhered to strictly by the Contractor. Any failure to do so will attract such action as deemed fit by the Principal and /or as provided in Para 19 above. 23. From all payments becoming due to the Contractor, the College will make statutory deductions at such rates, as may be in force at the time of payment relating in income-tax, sales tax/value added tax, labour cess and any other deduction that may become deductible as a result of enactment of any law at the time. The registration for DVAT should be under the Composite Scheme. Service Tax at the prescribed rate if due under law for work contracts in force, will have to be deposited by the Contractor directly with the Govt. department concerned and copy of the deposit challan together with calculation of the amount of Service Tax submitted to the College office along with the final bill, without which the final bill will not be processed. 24. The College will not give any mobilization money to the Contractor for starting the Work. For iron/steel brought to site for being employed in the Work, the College may consider a payment to the Contractor of upto 70% of the actual cost of the material (excluding taxes/ handling/ transport etc.) if such a request is made by the Contractor in writing, the request being supported by documentary evidence such as cash memo etc. It will be open to the College to examine the reasonableness of the quantity of the material and how soon such material is likely to be employed in the Work and its decision will be binding on the Contractor. If any such payment is made, the same should be adjusted in the next interim bill, if any, or in the final bill if that is the only bill. It is advisable that the Contractor take the College into confidence before procuring the material for which he/she intends to apply for any such payment. Such payment can be made only once. The Contractor will not be permitted to remove such material from the premises without prior written permission of the Architect/ Engineer In-charge. 25. Interim bills (not more than 1 bill in a period of 20 days) of not less than five lakh rupees of actually executed value of each Work duly verified by the Architect/ Engineer In-charge may be considered for payment by the College. It is hereby clarified that if any payment has already been made to the Contractor as provided in Para 24 above, the very next interim payment must include the same for adjustment and not kept pending for adjustment in subsequent payments. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 8 26. Standard Measurement Book (MB) should be maintained at site in which all measurements shall be entered (including any payment for material brought to site as provided in para 24 above) promptly and got verified by the Architect/ Engineer In-charge without which no claim will be entertained or accepted as valid. Entries to be made in the MB should not be kept pending till the completion of the Work. The College Office will have the full authority to call for inspection of the entries in the MB any time during the progress of the Work. Entries once made in the MB will not be permitted to be altered except on verification by the Architect/ Engineer In-charge who will append his/her dated signature alongside each such correction clearly explaining in writing why such alterations are required to be made. The Contractor should not make any such alteration/explanation. In addition, a Site Order Book shall be maintained in which day-to-day instructions for the Contractor may be entered by the Architect/ Engineer In-charge/ College Office for compliance. The Contractor will have to seek and obtain written approval for execution of each item of Work including exact location and quantity thereof through the Site Order Book. Failure to do so will render the Contractor’s claim liable to rejection. MB & Site Order Book shall be deposited in College office on completion of the Work. 27. All materials brought to site for use in the Work should be got inspected and approved by the Architect/ Engineer In-charge who will have the power to reject any material found below standard or not conforming to standard ‘Make’ specified in the schedule appended hereto. (See Section IV). In addition, the Contractor should be prepared to get lab test done at his/her own cost if such a test is ordered by the Architect/ Engineer In-charge. 28. Extra/ substitute item, if any, as considered unavoidable and directed by the Architect/ Engineer In-charge should have prior written permission of the Principal, without which the Contractor’s claim for the same will not be entertained. As and when extra or substituted items become essential, the same will be put down in writing and the rate etc. shall be settled then and there based on the standard practice of rate analysis etc. in mutual consultation with the Contractor, Architect/ Engineer In-charge and approved by the Principal. 29. The Contractor should employ only competent labourers since the College insists on a high degree of workmanship to match the existing conditions for the purpose of which a full-time, technically competent supervisor should be deployed at site by the Contractor at his/her own cost. (For the electrical portion of the Work, a licensed electrician will be insisted upon). 30. The College will not make any payment, directly or otherwise, to any supplier of material/labour etc on behalf of the Contractor nor pay wages directly to the Contractor’s workers under any circumstance. 31. The Contractor is not permitted to transfer any part of the Work to any sub-contractor. If it is done and if it comes to the notice of the College, the Contract may be cancelled. 32. The College will deduct an amount equivalent to ten per cent of the total value of the work executed from all of the Contractor’s bills which will be retained by the College as a non-interest bearing security deposit for a period of at least 12 months from the date of completion of the Work. The security deposit will qualify for release in instalments as follows: upto 50% on the expiry of the first six months from the date of completion to be certified by the Architect/ Engineer In-charge provided no defect in the executed Work is noticed in these six months. The balance amount may be considered for release at the end of the next six months provided, again, if no defect in the executed Work is noticed. It is clarified that the security deposit may be used towards SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 9 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. recovery of any other dues from the Contractor either for this Contract or any other contract if awarded in the future. EMD will be adjusted in security deposit. The Contractor will have the option to submit a Bank Guarantee, in lieu of security deposit, as per standard format to be supplied by the College for a period of fifteen (15) months after the final bill is processed for payment. The Contractor will have to submit a written application in this regard. Bank Guarantee will not qualify for release in parts. The College is a “No smoking” zone. As such all persons connected with the Work should be warned against smoking as well as drinking alcohol in the College campus and indulging generally in any objectionable activity or creating law and order problems. No cooking is permitted by the Contractor’s workers in the College campus. No person connected with the Work will be permitted to remain in the College campus between 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. The Contractor should ensure that no person not connected with the Work enters the College campus and loiters around the site of the Work. Contractor’s workers should avoid calling their personal visitors to visit them at the Work site. The Contractor should take all precautions that no physical injury is caused to any living being in the vicinity of the site of the Work due to carriage of material or falling debris or otherwise. Proper signboards/ barricades shall be provided by the Contractor at his/her own cost. The Contractor should take out the necessary insurance to provide adequate cover for the execution of the Work for the total value of the Contract and for the entire contract period. Similarly, the Contractor should ensure that all the labourers are insured under an approved insurance policy. The Contractor should ensure that all the labour laws including ESI and Wages Act etc are followed. It will be open to the College to call for the necessary records/documents which contractors are required to maintain under law notwithstanding the fact that the Contractor alone is responsible and accountable in this regard to the government authorities concerned. The Contractor will have to satisfy the College with regard to registration for ESI etc. The Contactor shall keep the College indemnified against all actions, suits, claims and demands brought against the Contractor in respect of anything done or committed to be done by the Contractor for execution of or in connection with the cited Work and against any loss or damage to the College in consequence of any action or suit being brought against the Contractor or for anything done or committed to be done by the Contractor in the execution or the Work. The said indemnity should be executed on an Rs. 10 e-stamp paper at the Contractor’s own cost and submitted immediately after the Contract is signed. The Contractor shall also indemnify the College against any future claim for supply of material or hiring or labourers in connection with the Work, the bond for which should be executed on a Rs. 10 e-stamp paper at the Contractor’s own cost before release of the final payment to the Contractor. If the Contractor is unable to execute any or all the items of the Work or takes any unilateral decision in this regard, the College reserves to itself the power to levy any additional penalty on the Contractor that is deemed fit which will be binding on the Contractor. The Contractor should take all necessary precautions while carrying out demolition and dismantling work so as not to cause damage to the dismantled articles especially iron grills, ceiling fans, light fixtures, floor tiles etc. as also the buildings or any part thereof. All such dismantled material should be properly inventoried in duplicate in the presence of the Estate Officer of the SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 10 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. College and signed by both for reference during re-fixing the same in good condition. All other serviceable material shall be stacked properly as instructed by the Estate Officer. Unserviceable material (commonly known as malba) should not be thrown or stacked haphazardly, but stacked at spots earmarked by the Estate Officer and removed at the earliest as provided in Section VI. When the Work is completed the site should be cleared in all respects and a clearance certificate obtained from the Estate Officer and attached to the Contractor’s final bill. No underage person should be employed as labourer. Nor should four legged animals be used to ferry goods within the College campus. A lump sum amount of one per cent of the value of work executed shall be recovered from the Contractor’s bill as water/ electricity charges. The Contractor should ensure that no tree or plant or lawn is damaged while carrying out the Work. The Contractor should also ensure that materials brought to site do not in any way hinder movement of people in the rest of the premises or pathways. Such material should be stored at a place designated by the Estate Officer. If any part of the Work needs to be covered up it should be done only in the presence of the Architect/ Engineer In-charge by giving prior notice for the same. The Contractor will furnish “As Built” drawings for all concealed work before submitting the final bill. As far as possible, a weekly meeting of the Contractor with the Principal, Bursar, Architect/ Engineer In-charge, Administrative Officer, Estate Officer, should be held in order to monitor the progress of the Work and also to discuss any problems hampering the smooth progress of the Work. This does not mean that the Contractor cannot or should not bring up any issue for immediate attention, if necessary. It is likely that other agencies may also be working in the same area or in the immediate vicinity at the same time. In such an event all reasonable facilities and cooperation with the other agencies should be extended by the Contractor. Once the Work is completed and the Contractor submits the final bill as per the accepted and executed value of the Work it is to be understood that the Contractor has waived and extinguished any further claim. It may take the College up to 60 days to settle the final bill. If there is disagreement about any item, the final bill may be settled by the College excluding the item concerned which will be taken up separately for consideration. As far as possible all disagreements and differences of opinion should be resolved by mutual discussion, failing which it may be referred as a last resort to an independent technical authority for arbitration at the discretion of the Principal, whose decision shall be binding on the Contractor. If the decision on the disagreement/difference being initiated by the Contractor goes against the Contractor, the cost of arbitration proceedings will be recovered from the Contractor. The College will not take responsibility for damage/theft of any material brought to site by the Contractor. The Contractor should make his/her own arrangements in consultation with the Estate Officer for protection of all such material considered vulnerable to pilferage or adverse weather conditions at his/her own cost and risk. The labourers should be directed to use only approved wash rooms and not create insanitary condition in any part of the premises. To prevent wastage of water, the Contractor should provide drums, taking care to keep them fully covered to prevent mosquito breeding/contamination. The SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 11 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. Contractor shall also conform to all orders of local authorities regarding anti-malaria/anti-dengue measures. Work executed not according to specification is liable to be rejected. However, if any executed component of the Work is below specification but technically acceptable the same may be accepted but paid for at reduced rate which the Contractor will have to accept. The quantities given in the schedules (Section VI) are approximate. Rate admissible due for each item will be determined on the basis of tendered/ negotiated/ accepted/ reduced rate, as the case may be, duly supported by measurements and quality of materials used and workmanship. The Contractor’s bill should be prepared accordingly for verification. The final bill should not be submitted without ensuring that the executed items are complete in all respects, and verified as such. The College on its part will make attempts to settle the final bill within 60 days of submission of the said bill provided it is certified by the Architect/ Engineer In-charge that all the requirements as per Tender conditions have been fulfilled by the Contractor. The College reserves the right to vary the quantity or delete any item as it thinks fit at any stage of the Work, and even terminate the Contract if there is delay in completing the Work or there is failure on the part of the Contractor to improve the quality of workmanship in spite of repeated instructions to that effect or for any other reason considered appropriate by the Principal. For electrical/electronic articles, the manufacturer’s warranty and user’s manual should be submitted without which the Contractor’s bill will not be entertained. Tenderers are required to submit an affidavit on Rs. 10/- e-stamp paper at their own cost stating that (1) The tenderer has not been black listed by any client; and that (2) No recovery proceeding is pending against the tenderer with any client either in arbitration or court of law. (See Para 15 of Section II and Section V of Tender document) Tenderers are required to attach a Solvency Certificate (not more than 1 year old) from their bankers for a minimum balance of not less than Rs. 15 lakh. (See Section V) The schedule of items, drawings and any instruction issued to the Contractor for the execution of the Work are College property; as such, the Contractor shall deposit all such documents in the College office before the Contractor’s final bill is submitted. The Contractor shall also submit “As Built” drawings as directed by the Architect/ Engineer In-charge, especially with regard to concealed jobs such as wiring, pipe lines etc. before the Contractor’s final bill is submitted. Any provision not expressly stated in the foregoing shall be resolved by the standard practice of BIS/CPWD/PWD/Office of the University Engineer, University of Delhi, and subject also to provisions in Para 51 above. Genuine typographical errors if pointed out will be admitted for correction without being subjected to any dispute. If any article of antique value such as fossils, coins, pottery etc. comes up as a result of earth excavation, the same will be reported by the Contractor to the Principal through the Estate Officer immediately. Next course of action will be taken as per Principal’s order. The Contract shall be governed by Indian laws for the time being in force. The Contract shall be under the jurisdiction of courts in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. All references to “College” and/or “Principal” mean Principal, St. Stephen’s College, Delhi. All references to “Estate Officer” mean Estate Officer, St. Stephen’s College, Delhi. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 12 65. All references to “Architect” and/or “Engineer in-charge” mean the Architect/Engineer in-charge appointed by the Principal for the purpose of this Tender. Section IV Specification for Masonry Work & Approved ‘Make’ of Materials & Indicative Drawings Masonry 1. Water (a) Storage accommodation for the water shall be of sufficient size as directed. (b) The Contractor shall provide at his own cost all necessary pipes, fittings, couplings, tanks and temporary plumbing works required and shall maintain all such work in serviceable and satisfactory condition throughout the whole period of the Contract and on completion of the Work shall take off and remove all such material and reinstate and make good seany work disturbed. (c) Recovery of water & electricity charges as per Para 43 of Section III. (d) Nothing extra will be paid for backpack agricultural pump for curing purpose. 2. Cement Cement used shall be of approved brand that shall give satisfactory test in respect of strength etc. In case of any doubt the Contractor shall have to get the same tested at his own cost as directed by the Architect. Cement should comply with all tests as per specification of the ISI. 3. Cement Mortar Mortar shall be composed of 1 part of cement of specified ‘make’ to 3, 4 or 6 parts of sand unless otherwise specified. The ingredients shall be accurately gauged by the measure and shall be well and evenly mixed together on dry platform, care being taken not to add more water than is required. No mortar that has begun to set shall be used. 4. Brickwork The bricks for brick masonry shall be table moulded of the best quality of kiln burnt bricks and of approved quality and brand well shaped, sound, hard and thoroughly burnt free from grit, cracks, flaws and other defects and shall have a clear ringing sound. Every brick shall be soaked in water for such length of time as may be directed and well saturated before being used in the Work. The bricks shall be projected to form cornices, bands, jalis, patterns etc as may be directed by the Architect or as shown in the detailed drawings. The jointing shall be recessed solid with mortar and no joint shall exceed ½” in thickness all joints breaking properly. No broken bricks shall be used except as closures. Masonry shall be properly covered up during the rains with jute bags, or SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 13 otherwise as directed to prevent the mortar being washed out of the joints. Tables shall be formed on the surface and kept full of water at the close of the day’s work during the fair weather. The rate shall include all cost of scaffolding, watering, plastering, ramming, rendering smooth surfaces and giving three coats whitewash or best distemper of approved tint. Brick arches shall (if lintels are not specified) relieve door and window openings. The joints being in lime, cement and sand mortar 1:1:3 shall not be paid for as extra. After the work of the other trades such as plumbing, electrical fittings etc, are completed, the broken or disturbed portion of the work shall be made good by the Contractor in the neatest manner. The Contractor must clean down all facings, fill up all holes to match adjoining work and level all complete to the entire satisfaction of the Architect. 5. Cement Plaster After raking out the joints of the masonry and preparing it, cement plaster is to be applied, the tendering being formed of proportions of cement and fine sand (2 part jumna sand and 1 part coarse sand) as 1:4 to be roughened but not beaten. The plastering shall be 1/2” to ¾” in thickness unless otherwise specified. The set of finishing coat to consist of a thin coat of neroo wall smoothed off, allowing no scales to be formed. The surface shall then be given three coats of whitewash or distemper of approved tint, as may be directed by the Architect. 6. Cement Pointing The joints between the bricks shall be carefully raked out, and then filled in with cement mortar and in the proportion of 1:4 and the joints struck carefully. 7. Specifications for demolition works The demolition works to be undertaken carefully so as to ensure that the built fabric is not damaged. This work needs to be undertaken in a sequential manner, starting from the top most layer and gradually moving to the lower layers. The demolition technique and tools are to be approved by the Architect or his representative. The demolition work is to be undertaken manually and not with machines specifically for the upper floors. 7.1 Removing plaster: Removing plaster from wall including disposing off the spoils as directed with all leads and lifts etc. complete. This includes carefully collecting the debris and carrying it away to a point in the site from where it will ultimately be carted out. Removal of electrical fittings and wiring will be done carefully and simultaneously during this item as directed. 7.2 Dismantling brick masonry walls: Dismantling brick masonry walls 115 mm. thick and stacking as directed including all leads and lifts etc. complete. All sanitary fittings, electrical fittings, doors and windows, if any, will be properly dismantled and stacked before removal of bricks from walls. The demolition will commence from the top, carefully handling each brick to a person standing on the floor, all mortar will be collected and carried down through the staircase to a point specified on the site. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 14 7.3 Removing stone flooring: Removing stone flooring and stacking them as directed including all leads and lifts etc. complete. This item includes removal of stone flooring including removal of loose mortar below the flooring. The mortar and loose debris have to be stacked separately. 7.4 Removing electrical fittings and wiring: Removing Electrical fittings and wiring very carefully from walls and ceiling and stacking them as directed including all leads and lifts etc. complete. This item includes dismantling the wiring and electrical fittings from partition walls, without breaking, cracking or damage to the old material. All nails, screws, fasteners and fittings will be carefully removed and those fittings that are reusable will be stacked carefully and separated from the unusable ones as directed. 8. Cement Concrete: The Contractor shall carry out all preliminary tests to work out grading and proportioning of aggregates in order to obtain and maintain uniform quality of work. The Contractor shall supply all materials, labour and testing cost of preparing and testing samples as required by the Architect. Unless otherwise specified in the detailed item wise specifications 3 cubes 6”x6”x6” (15cmx15cmx15cm) will be provided by the Contractor for testing compression strength, at his cost. The cubes shall be got tested at approved laboratory and the test results shall not fall below those prescribed in P.W.D Hand book (Table CV P.412) or as laid down in the specifications. The cost of such cubes and tests shall be entirely borne by Contractor. 8.1 All concrete shall be controlled and machine mixed, unless otherwise directed by Architect for controlled or high grade concrete, the grading of aggregated shall be got approved from the Architect. The correct proportions and the total amount of water for the mix will be determined by means of preliminary tests and shall be got approved by the Architect. However such approval does not relieve the Contractor from his responsibility, regarding the minimum works strength requirements. Work tests shall be taken in accordance with relevant codes and specifications. The minimum cement content in concrete shall be in accordance with I.S 456, 1978. All proportioning of aggregates shall be done by weight if so ordered by the Architect. 8.2 All mixing shall be done by mechanical means in approved mixers. The Architect may at his discretion, allow in writing hand mixing of concrete for minor items where shall quantities are involved but in that case the Contractor shall increase the cement content of the mixture by 10% without extra cost. 8.3 The formwork for slabs shall be made preferably of steel or with lining of steel. 12mm thick waterproof ply shall be used for lintels, small slabs, beams, RCC wall, coping etc 8.4 The concrete shall be mechanically vibrated for proper compaction by the method approved by the Architect. 8.5 The concrete shall be cured only by sweet potable water for full 21 days after the time of the period specified in the detailed specifications or as may be directed by the Architect SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 15 9. Procurement of Materials 9.1 All the materials such as cement steel etc. shall be procured by the Contractor from approved Government institutions, authorized dealers or as directed by the Architect only. The material shall be brought at the site of the Work well in advance by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for all transportation and storage of the materials at site and shall bear all the related costs. The Architect shall be entitled at any time to inspect or examine all such materials. The Contractor shall provide reasonable assistance for such inspection or examination as may be required. 9.2 The procurement of cement / steel / cable, wire, pipes etc., should be from authorized manufacturing company / institutions and vouchers regarding purchase thereof shall be submitted to the Architect. The material from any other source other than the approved institutions shall not be allowed. Certificate for test of quality shall be produced by the Contractor and samples of materials shall be tested from any Government laboratory by the Contractor at his/her cost and the test results be supplied to the College. The materials not conforming to the required standard shall be removed at once from the site of Work by the Contractor at his/her own cost. All the materials such as asphalt, cement etc., required for use in the Work shall conform to the concerned I.S./ MOST specifications. These materials shall be used on Work by the Contractor only after the tests thereof are found satisfactory. The responsibility of carrying out tests to the frequencies specified for each material shall rest with the Contractor. 9.3 Any consignment or part of consignment of cement which is deteriorated in any way shall not be used in the Work and shall be removed from the site by the Contractor without charge to the College. 9.4 Cement shall be transported and handled and stored on site in such a manner as to avoid contamination etc. Each consignment shall be stored separately so that it may be readily identified and inspected. Cement shall be used in the sequence in which it is delivered at site. 9.5 Cement to be used in the works shall be any of the following types with the prior approval of the Architect. (a) Ordinary Portland cement conforming to is 8 1 12 (latest edition) (b) Ordinary Portland cement conforming to is 12269 (latest edition). 9.6 High yield strength deformed bars S 415 grade conforming to is 1786 shall be used. 9.7 Emulsion R-70 grade conforming to IS 8887 of 1995 shall be used. 9.8 The Contractor shall make his/her own arrangement for the safe custody of the materials brought by him/her to the site of Work. 9.9 The charges for conveying of the material from the place of the purchase by the Contractor to the site of Work and the actual spot of work shall be entirely borne by the Contractor. No/ extra claim on this account shall be entertained. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 16 9.10 The Contractor should ensure that all safety precautions are observed by the labourers while handling the materials and precautions are taken to prevent injuries etc. The Contractor will bear all the expenses, compensation etc. if any accident occurs to the labourer etc. No claim in this regard whatsoever shall be entertained by the College. 9.11 In case the materials become surplus owing to the change in the design of the Work after the materials are brought by the Contractor, no claim in this regard will he entertained and the Contractor will be required to take away such materials from the site at his/her own risk and cost. 9.12 The weight of the steel bars used on the Work will be calculated on the basis of standard weight per unit length vide 1.S 1732. No wastage of steel will be considered at all. Cut pieces of the steel irrespective of the length will be the property of the Contractor and no claim whatsoever in this regard shall be entertained. The consignment of the steel brought by the Contractor having weight less than the standard weight per unit length of the bar as mentioned above will not be accepted. For this purpose random sample will be tested by the Architect and the decision of the Architect shall be binding on the Contractor. If the steel received is over weight (more than standard weight per running meter length) no extra payment will be made and no claim in this regard whatsoever shall be entertained. 9.13 No claims on account of cement or steel rods used for ancillary works on site of work shall be entertained. APPROVED MAKES OF MATERIALS SPECIFICATION TO CONFORM TO B.I.S. AND B.E.E. STANDARD (First named Make is the first preference – See notes below) TENDER ID NO. 4/14, 5/14 Sl.No. Description Makes/Manufacturer 1. PVC Conduit AKG/POLYPACK/PRECISION/BEC 2. PVC Insulated copper FINOLEX/SKYTONE/LAPP/KEI/R R KABEL conductor- FRLS WIRE 3. PVC channel/DLP Trunking LEGRAND 4. Modular Switch & Cover CLIPSAL(OPALE)/ LEGRAND(MOSAIC)/ Plates MK(WRAP ROUND)/ SIEMENS 5. MCB L&T(HAGER) / LEGRAND / SCHNEIDER(M&G)/ SIEMENS,INDO KOPP: PROTECT 25,MDS LOAD 6. MCBDB(PREWIRED) L&T(HAGER) / LEGRAND / SCHNEIDER(M&G)/ SIEMENS / ADHUNIK(ACTION) 7. MCCB L&T(D-SINE)/SIEMENS (SENTRON) / ABB(ISOMAX)/CROMPTON,L&T HH ELECON SCHNEIDER(COMPACT NS) / GE(RECORD PLUS)/ LEGRAND 8. ACB L&T(U-POWER)/SIEMENS(SENTRON) / ABB(EMAX-PR-121/122) / SCHNEIDER (MASTERPACT) / GE(M-PRO) SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 17 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. MV Panels , Cubicle Type (IN THIS ITEM ORDER OF PREFERENCE WOULD NOT APPLY) Cable Tray & Raceway XLPE Cables-1.1 KV grade Armoured & Unarmoured AL./CU. Cables Telephone / Coaxial TV cable LAN Cable / CAT-5/CAT6/ Accessories Cable glands Cable Lugs Light fixtures Ceiling fans & Exhaust fans Lamps Indicating Lamps Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker Telephone Tag block Switches and Sockets ADVANCE PANELS & SWITCHGEARS / MADHU ELECTRICAL / TRICOLITE /SYSTEMATIC CONTROLS STEEL WAY / JCT / KELSONS / PILCO SKYTONE / KEI / RALLISON / FINOLEX / UNIVERSAL / GEMSCAB / R R KABEL /NATIONAL Delton / Finolex / Skytone / KEI/ORIENT/DELTON/NATIONAL LEGRAND / SYSTIMAX / AMP POLYCAB / ECKO / COMMET DOWELLS PHILLIPS / INSTAPOWER/BAJAJ/AS CROMPTON / USHA / ALMONARD/ KHAITAN PHILLIPS/OSRAM/SURYA L&T / KAYCEE L&T / ABB/ SCHNIEIDER / LEGRAND KRONE ANCHOR(DYMA SERIES) ISI-MARKED RECOLD Copper Wire SKYSTONE, BATRA HENLEY, NATIONAL Heavy Duty Cables GLOSTER, GRANDLAY, BATRA HENLEY Aluminium Conductor NATIONAL SIEMANS M.S. Conduits BEG, AKG Switch fuses Unites HRV TYPE L&T ENGLISH ELECDTRIC Laminated sheet(1.0 mm Formica, Greenlam, Merino thick) Comm. Board DURO,Kitply Commercial plywood DURO,Kitply Mr grade ply wood Greenply, Duro , Merino conforming IS 710 BWP grade Block Board/ ply Duro Melamine finish MRF/ Asian Paints/ Nerolac Ceramic Tiles/ Vitrified Kajaria, Nitco, HR Jhonson, Somany homogeneous glazed tiles Marbonite Glazing(clear) St. Gobain, Indo Asahi, Modi float Sanitary Ware Parryware,Hindustan Melamine finish MRF/ Asian Paints/ Nerolac Ceramic Tiles/ Vitrified Kajaria, Nitco, HR Jhonson, Somany homogeneous glazed tiles Marbonite Glazing(clear) St. Gobain, Indo Asahi, Modi float Sanitary Ware Parryware,Hindustan Sanitary Fittings Jaguar SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 18 40. 41. ---------------------------------Geyser 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Stainless Steel sink C.I. pipe PVC pipe Nahani Trap G.I. pipe Bends Gate valve Aluminium Sections Veneers Glue Paint M.s pipes, plates, flats, angles, PVC water tank PVC Water Tank Door Locks Door Closer 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. Hot Water Heater Fully-way valves Water Meter White Glazed Tiles Structural Steel Coarse Sand &Coarse aggregate Window Glass Aluminium Door/sections Ironite Terrazo Tiles Building lime White lime Polysulphide Sealant PVC cisterns-Durlote Stainless steel Sinks Water Proofing compound Aluminium fittings Dhanwan 20 Heptachlor Solignum 77. 78. 79. 80. Flush Doors Bitumen Water-proof Cement Paint Primer Paint & Other Paints SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER --------------------------------------------------------------AO Smith Jaguar, BEE 4 star rating,venus,Recold,Bajaj A.M.C. , Diamond , Nirali, Jyoti, Neelkanth RIF Polypack/Prince or equivalent ISI make NECO or equivalent ISI make TATA Unik Leader or equivalent ISI make Indal, Jindal, Hindalco Duro Fevicol Asian , ICI, Nerolac SAIL,HSL/Equivalent Sintex/ Frontier Godrej, Golden Locks, Dorset Godrej/ Dorma/Everite/Prabhat/Garnish Dorset/DC2000(Sterling Bombay) Racold Leader,Sant Capstan,Kaycee,Anand Asahi KAJARIA Tata or Hindustan Steel From approved quarry Modi Float, Tata Float Hindalco / Jindal /Indal/C.I.C Heately Gresham,Haedonate Nitco, Dura, Modern Snata Dehradun Asian Paints, Techseal Parrys Slimline Neelkanth, AMC CICO, Impermo Jaino Chlorpyrophose 20% EC Northern Minerals Ltd. Nocil Shalimar,Goodlass,Nerolac,Jenson & Nicholson Kutty, Duro Shalimar,MCPL,Bhart Petrolium Super Snowcem Goodlass, Nerolac,British Paints, Jenson & Nicholison,Shalimar,ICI 19 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87 Wax Polish Motice Latches Fibre-glass tissue & Special Roofing asphalt R.C.C pipes Bitumen Sealing Gully traps & stoneware Vitreous China fittings 88 89 90 Plastic flushing cisterns Fire -Clay sink Ordinary and C.p. bib-cocks Mansion Godrej, Harrison Shalimar, Huchen Indian hume pipe Co. Or ISI –Marka Shalimar Perfect(Jubbalpore) Hindustan Sanitaryware, Nycer-Keramag, Parry First Quality Duralite , Commander, RIF Sanifare Gem, parko, Kingstone NOTE-1: The names of manufacturers are mentioned in order of preference. The contractor shall quote rates for materials of first preference only and that the contractor has satisfied himself regarding the availability of the materials and that only material called for under first preference shall be supplied and installed . In the event of the materials of first preference called for are not available, the contractor shall consultant the Architect/ Engineer in-charge for the alternative Make out of the listed preference before procuring/ supplying/ installing the material. NOTE-2: Contractor shall procure the material particularly fixtures of approved Make assessing the actual requirement at site, so that fixtures are utilised & installed at site without any leftover. Quantities in Schedule of work / BOQ are tentative / indicative NOTE-3 : Omission if any in the above list will be rectified as necessary SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 20 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 21 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 22 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 23 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 24 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 25 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 26 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 27 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 28 SECTION V Tenderer’s Profile (all columns to be filled up/ticked as indicated) (avoid cuttings/overwriting/using erasures) (copies of enclosures should be legible) (any deficiency in providing enclosures/information may lead to disqualification of the tenderer) 1. Name of the Business Entity (BE) in which the tender is proposed to be submitted: 2. Whether the BE is (i) sole proprietorship (ii) partnership (iii) private limited company (iv) any other legal entity (score out which are not applicable) 3. Full name of the authorized person signing the Tender document 4. Address (1) Business address of BE (2) Residential address of the person who is signing the Tender document (Proof of Address in the form of electricity bill or property tax to be attached) 5. Telephone (1) Landline (Proof of telephone bill to be attached) (2) Mobile phone yes/no yes/no 6. Pan Card details (if the BE is a proprietorship concern, the PAN card should be in the name of the proprietor. If the BE is a partnership concern, it should be in the name of the partnership concern or the partner who is signing the tender document. In the case of private limited company, PAN card should be in the name of the company) (Self-attested copy of PAN card to be attached) yes/no 7. DVAT Registration No. (Self-attested copy of DVAT Registration certificate to be attached) SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER yes/no 29 If the address given in para 4 above is different from the address given in the DVAT registration certificate, an explanatory note duly signed by the signatory to the Tender document should be attached hereto. yes/no 8. Service Tax Registration No. (Self-attested copy of registration certificate to be attached) yes/no Any difference of address as stated in the Service Tax registration certificate and the address given in para 4 and para 7 above should be explained in a written note duly signed by the person signing the Tender document and attached hereto. yes/no 9. State whether the BE is registered with the CPWD/PWD/MES/Railways/ University of Delhi Engineer’s Office. (mention here the name of the Authority (s)) yes/no (Self-attested copy of either the registration notification or a recent work order issued by the relevant Authority to be attached) yes/no 10. List of clients for whom civil/ electrical work executed in the last three years. Sl. No. Name/address year nature of work value of work 11. Attach a copy of testimonial from at least one of the abovementioned clients certifying satisfactory completion of work. yes/no (It will be open to the College to verify the facts directly from any such client) 12. State whether the BE has executed any work relating to buildings of architectural importance of the pre-Independence era. Yes/no If yes, furnish the detail and attach a copy of the testimonial from the client (s). Name & Address of Year of construction Year in which work Brief description of the the Client of the Building was executed nature of the work 13. Details of EMD attached Name/Branch and address of issuing Bank Draft No. (1) (2) SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER yes/no Date Amount 30 14. Attach an affidavit in terms of Para No. 55 of Section III. yes/no 15. Attach a solvency certificate in terms of Para No. 56 of Section III Name/address of Bank Date of certificate yes/no Amount 16. Attach self-attested copy of valid electrical license in the name of BE Name & Address of issuing Authority Date of Issue yes/no 17. Any other relevant information: Signature of witness Full name of witness Address Telephone No. Date Stamp of BE Signature of Authorized Signatory Name of BE Full name of signatory Address Telephone No. Date UNDERTAKING I, (name in full of the signatory) have read and understood the general and technical conditions of the Tender document and hereby undertake to abide by the same in all respects. I undertake to sign the contract if the Work is awarded to me/us. I/we fully understand that the EMD being submitted by me/us can be forfeited absolutely by the College if I/we violate any of the Tender conditions. I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information provided above is true. I also understand that failure to enclose any of the required documents as above may result in my disqualification from participating in the Bid. Stamp of BE SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Signature Date
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