Conference Conferences Rates start from £110 Places are limited Book Now! British Dyslex!a Association The vision of the British Dyslexia Association is a dyslexia friendly society enabling all dyslexic people to reach their potential. Dyslexia Friendly Good Practice Conference February 5, 2015 London SAVE THE DATE Confirmed speakers so far include Neil MacKay, an experienced teacher of over 26 years and author of the ‘Removing Dyslexia as a Barrier to Achievement: The Dyslexia Friendly Schools Toolkit’. As well as Professor Angela Fawcett, co-author of the Dyslexia Screening tests and vice president of the British Dyslexia Association. This one day conference is aimed at those individuals who wish to improve their environment in order to make it more dyslexia friendly. A range of speakers will explore the benefits of being dyslexia friendly in schools, youth offending teams, universities and organisations. Being dyslexia friendly benefits all children, not just those with dyslexia and the positive outcomes have been well documented. For more information and pricing: E: [email protected] W: (Training and Events) T: 0333 405 4555 @BDAdyslexia National Helpline: 0333 405 4567 Charity No. 289243 BOOKING FORM Ref: (Office use only) Conference you wish to register for: __________________________________________________ Delegate name: Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss _________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Contact number: _________________________________________ Email address: _____________________________________ Rates: Standard - £150 / Member - £142 / Student - £110 I am paying: Standard rate ☐ B.D.A. Individual Member rate ☐ Student rate ☐ Where did you hear about the conference? ________________________________ I wish to pay by: ☐ Cheque: Please enclose a cheque payable to ‘B.D.A.’ ☐ Credit Card: VISA* / MasterCard* / Switch* / Maestro* / Delta* (* delete as applicable) (a £2.50 charge will be added for those paying by credit or debit card) Card No: __________________________________ Security Code: ____ /____ /____ Issue Date: ___ /___ Expiry Date: ___ /___ Issue number (Switch/Maestro): ____ Name on Card: _______________________________________ Cardholder’s address (if different from above): _________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ☐ Invoice: Official purchase order number ____________________________________________ Invoice address (if different from above): ______________________________________________ Special Dietary Requirements: Please tick any which apply: Vegetarian ☐ Gluten free ☐ Wheat free ☐ Dairy free ☐ Other:______________ Disability Requirements:_________________________________________________________ Signed:___________________________________ Date:___________ Cancellation policy 75% refund if notified two months before the conference; 50% if notified one month before; 25% if notified seven days before: 0% if you cancel after this. Cancellations must be made in writing. Data Protection We will use the information you provide on this form to process your conference application. From time to time we would like to send you further information about the B.D.A.’s services, offers and activities. If you would prefer not to receive this information please tick here ☐ Please return this form to: British Dyslexia Association, Unit 8, Bracknell Beeches, Old Bracknell Lane, Bracknell, Berks, RG12 7BW, by fax to 0333 405 4570 or email [email protected]
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