No 1, 2015 29th January Important dates for your diary Introduction To Eyre or not to Eyre Friday 30th January Chapel As the new Headmaster of PAC, I am honoured and delighted to take up the role joining the team here. The irony of me welcoming you back to the new year is interesting, as long standing families of the PAC community you have a rich culture that I am only starting to learn about in some detail. The physical move to Penrith was refreshing as I drove the Eyre Highway and the Nullabor plain with my youngest son. Many people would ask why didn’t you fly or are you glad the trip is over. In fact, the trip was an invigorating time to reflect on the beauty of God’s creation, seeing the sunrises over the Eyre Highway and the Great Australian Bight are an amazing way to spend a few days, provided you don’t mind the 3,900 kms in-between. My introduction to PAC has been exceptional, from the initial meeting of the PAC Board of Governor’s, meeting the former Headmaster Mr Barry Roots last year to the formal introduction to staff this year. It is indeed a tremendous privilege to be here and we wish Mr Roots well in his retirement from PAC and look forward to hearing of his plans in the next stage of his life with Mrs Roots. I look forward to meeting more of the PAC community over the next few days, weeks, months. Thank you for your welcome so far and I appreciate your support and gentle reminders of your names as I get to know you. Then God said “ I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” God saw all that he had made and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning-the sixth day. Genesis1: 29, 31 Sunday 1st February 9:30am Christ church @ the College 6:00pm Night Church Monday 2nd February Term 1 commences for Pre K (3 days) Tuesday 3rd February Senior School Swimming Carnival Penrith Pool 6:30pm Board of Governor’s Meeting Wednesday 4th February Junior School Swimming Carnival Penrith Pool Thursday 5th February Term 1 commences for Pre K (2 days) Friday 6th February Chapel Sunday 8th February 9:30am Christ church @ the College 6:00pm Night Church Monday 9th February ACER Scholarships close 7:30pm Approaching the HSC/IB for Year 11 parents. Lighthouse Theatre Wednesday 11th February 7:30pm P&F Association AGM Staff Commonroom Thursday 12th February Annual Prefects’ Service at St Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney Friday 13th February Headmaster’s Assembly, Senior School Chapel K-6 Year 12 Music 2 Seminar – Sydney Opera House Saturday 14th February Ukelele Festival Katoomba Sunday 15th February 9:30am Christ church @ the College 6:00pm Night Church New Staff Appointments The following staff have been appointed to the College from the start of this academic year: Miss Rochelle Calf—Miss Calf has been appointed as a TAS teacher in the Senior School. She is a New Scheme teacher. Mrs Karina Chambers—Mrs Chambers has been appointed as a TAS teacher in the Senior School. She is a New Scheme teacher. Mr Joshua Glazebrook—Mr Glazebrook has joined the Senior School Staff as a Science/Maths teacher. He comes to PAC from Thomas Hassall Anglican College. Miss Jacqueline Lim—Miss Lim will be teaching IB Mandarin in the Senior School. She comes to PAC from teaching in the business world. V i n e n o. 1 Mrs Maya Saker—-Mrs Saker will be teaching French in the Senior School. She comes to PAC from Thornleigh West Public School. Mr Daniel Thurlow—-Mr Thurlow has joined the College Music Department. He comes to PAC from Lakes Christian College. Miss Isabelle White—Miss White will be teaching English and French in the Senior School. She comes to PAC from Girraween High School. It is also my delight to announce to the College that Mrs Lisa Ilijeski, Mrs Rebecca Nauta and Mrs Kathryn Clarke are returning to the College this year in part time roles now their time on maternity leave has finished and that Mrs Justine Gorman a current member of staff at the College has accepted the position of Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator in the Senior School. She will indertake the role in a part time capacity in 2015. Mrs Michelle Cochrane, Mrs Lindy Jones, Mr Paul Hallam and Mrs Mary-Lyn Kroon have also accepted part time teacher-aides’ positions here in 2015. On behalf of the PAC community we welcome all these new staff to our school. Year 12—2014: HSC & IB Results Congratulations to Year 12, 2014 on their wonderful HSC & IB results. 23 of our HSC students earned 37 Band 6 scores. 3 of our IB students earned 10 Grade 6 or 7 scores. The following students are to be particularly congratulated on achieving an ATAR of 90 or more: Holly Masters 98.00 (HSC) Chloe Steward 97.35 (IB) Liam Thurston 96.15 (HSC) Jack Graydon 95.45 (IB) Madeleine Ellis 94.80 (HSC) Elyssa Hannan 93.55 (HSC) Melissa Grima 92.80 (HSC) Michael Wahlen 91.00 (HSC) One other HSC student received an ATAR over 95.0. What is particularly encouraging to see in the 2014 data is that over half of the Year 12 cohort received an ATAR over 70. Details of ATARs awarded to all PAC students are as follows:- ATAR % of Students Accumulated % of Students 90+ 9 09.5% 09.5% 80+ 23 24.0% 33.5% 70+ 21 22.0% 55.5% 60+ 18 19.0% 74.5% 50+ 8 08.5% 93.0% 15 16.0% 99.0% 95 99.0% <50 Number of Students Where are they now? Aaron Duke, HSC, 2008 I remember graduating from PAC like it was yesterday! Except in reality it was way back in 2008, where I had a whole lot of dreams and no idea what to study. From my earliest days I remember having a keen interest in social justice and public policy. At PAC I was involved in the NSW and Commonwealth Youth Parliaments, the National Constitutional Convention, work experience with a Member of Parliament as well as various debating and public speaking competitions. In Year 12, as the UAC preference cut off loomed, I decided I would enrol in a Bachelor of International and Global Studies at the University of Sydney (USYD), and was luckily enough to receive a first round offer. I majored in Government and International Relations with minors in Japanese, French and Ancient History. I was thrilled to be elected to the USYD Student Representative Council and to be active on campus in student politics. In 2009 I was fortunate enough to start working for the former Federal Member for Lindsay, David Bradbury. I worked principally in the electorate office, with stints in Canberra during sitting weeks where I would work on policy research, speech writing and media issues. In 2011 I decided that I would broaden my professional experience and went to work for a Knowledge Management firm in the CBD. I was able to get experience working for a top tier accounting company and get a taste of the corporate world. In 2012 I graduated from USYD and went to work full time in the NSW State Parliament, pursuing my love of politics. Fresh out of my undergraduate degree, I decided that I would undertake further study in law. I enrolled in the Juris Doctor at The University of Technology, and am one year away from graduating! Law is one of the most academically challenging things I have ever studied, but has opened many doors and I am sure will continue to do so in the future. As someone who works in politics, law is an invaluable tool to help better understand some of society’s more egregious inequalities and how to best address them. In 2013 I started volunteering at the Macquarie Legal Centre, combining my study of law and passion for social justice, assisting low SES clients with a variety of legal matters. As part of my studies, I have been able to work as a subject tutor for other university students through the Law Students Society and as a Student Representative on campus, speaking to prospective students about what life is like as a law student. Last year I was a finalist in the UTS Law Students Society Negotiation Competition hosted by the top tier law firm, Clayton Utz. During my studies, I have been keenly involved in politics. I was elected Secretary of NSW Young Labor and have been as a delegate to numerous local, state and national Labor Party conferences. I do this because I believe in a fairer society, one that does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexuality or postcode. Currently I’m working for the NSW State Opposition where I do what I love most, working on political campaigns and developing progressive policy outcomes for young people. Penrith Anglican College Term Dates 2016 Term 1 Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Friday Monday Friday 27th January 28th January 29th January 2nd February 2nd February 3rd February 2nd February 7th March 25th March 28th March 8th April New Teaching Staff Day Staff Day Staff Day Years 7-12 Students commence at 8.30 a.m. Years 1-6 Students commence at 8.30 a.m. Kindergarten Students commence at 11.30 a.m. Pre K commence @ 11.30 am Mid Term Break Good Friday Easter Monday Term 1 Ends Term 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Friday 25th April 26th April 27th April 28th April 13th June 24th June Anzac Day Staff Day Staff Day Students commence Queen’s Birthday (Public Holiday) Term 2 ends Term 3 Wed – Fri Monday Monday Friday 13th – 15th 18th July 22nd August 23rd September July Staff Days Students commence Mid-Term Break Term 3 ends Term 4 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 10th October 11th October 12th October 14th December 15th December Labour Day Public Holiday Staff Day Students commence Term 4 ends for Years 7-12 students Term 4 ends for Pre-K - 6 students N.B. Day 1 for Years 7-12 students is Monday 1st February, 2016 Day 1 for Years 1-6 students is Tuesday 2nd February, 2016 Day 1 for Kindergarten students is Tuesday 2nd February, 2016 Day 1 for Pre K students is Wednesday 3rd February, 2016 N.B. Starting times: Pre K Day 1 11.30 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. Kindergarten Day 1 Day 2+ 11.30 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. (Term 1) 9.00 a.m. – 3.15 p.m. (Terms 2 - 4) Years 1 – 6 8.30 a.m. – 3.15 p.m. Years 7 – 12 8.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m. Praise and Prayer Points Praise: give thanks for a wonderful holiday period and for the refreshment that has come for most families give thanks for our 2014 Year 12 students and their wonderful end of year results give thanks for the appointment of the new staff to the College give thanks that our School’s foundation is unashamedly Christian Prayer: pray for all new students joining the College Community this year pray for our Year 12, 2014 students as they begin a new place of their lifes’ journey pray for God’s continued protection over our school and His hand upon all that we say and do in this place pray for the College Governors as they continue to set direction for the College this year and for years to come. “I call to the Lord who is worthy of praise, And I am saved from my enemies” Psalm 18:3 As we hit the year running I encourage the students to engage in and use the plethora of opportunities available to them at PAC. Rounded education is a strong focus on the development of students academic ability to their capacity ensuring their IQ (Intellectual Quotient) is developed alongside the development of EQ (Emotional Quotient). The balance of relational skills, being able to hold conversation and the like is important as the ’whole’ student is fostered. To develop EQ, students are afforded apportunities through a thorough programme which involves music, sport and other co-curricular programs. Please encourage your children to use these opportunities well. Mark Lewis, HEADMASTER
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