Foothills District UMC Inside this issue: 2 Voyages of Paul Cruise Prayer Focus for Appointive Season VIM Trip to Nicaragua UM Motorcycle Association Meeting UM Credit Union Loans Available Creating a Legacy Seminar Camp Asbury Dates Good Works Summer Internships Available 4 These words of our mortality are shared throughout our Christian Community on Ash Wednesday. The finer ash imbeds into the skin, while the less-incinerated pieces of palm fall to the floor. Those are some of the more difficult words I’ve shared in the midst of those worshipful times, and yet, in some ways, the most meaningful. It is painful to be reminded of our mortality…but I believe it can be invigorating, too. As we embark on a faith journey through Lent, we are invited to deny ourselves for the sake of Jesus Christ, Who modeled that in His earthly journeys. Many have their own practices to remind themselves of this task. They abstain from a variety of temptations, whether culinary, electronic, or otherwise, for the purpose of drawing nearer to Christ. Denying our wants and wishes is no simple endeavor. It is painful to attempt to pray, “…not My will, but Yours be done,” just as our Savior did (Lk 22:42). 5 INM Spotlight on 7 Your Church Lay Ministry Classes Offered Clergy Renewal Scholarships WARM February meeting welcomes special guest—DS from Havana, Cuba 8 TARRP Training Confirmation Camp 9 Prayer Concerns 2015 Mileage Rates Free Stuff! 10 From the Desk of the ADS For you are dust, and to dust you shall return." Genesis 3:19 Cuba Mission Trip 6 Answers Longtime Prayers February 2015 3 Footnotes from the Foothills If I’m honest with you, there were seasons before I was a pastor when denying myself was too painful. The word “I” showed up a lot in those days. Worship services were judged by what “I” got out of them. The likelihood of my participating in a function of the church was decided by whether there was something else “I” would prefer do that night. The music, the temperature, the starting time of the worship service all needed to align with how “I” believed they should. The day I realized I was putting my preferences before all else was a time of great conviction, and I had to repent of that sin. As a pastor I find myself still struggling with this, as I still have my preferences, and I’m sure many of you reading this do, as well. Certainly we are permitted to have preferences, but the mission and call of Jesus Christ is In No Way limited to those preferences, as I’m sure you agree. We are a “dusty” people, blessed with traveling the earth for too few days, and then return to the dust. My brother and I find ourselves in 2015 at the top of our family tree. We would not have chosen this for ourselves, but in some ways it has freed us. We are even more fully aware of how fragile life is, and we realize tomorrow may never come. For me, it is a time to live in the joy of today, instead of in regret, fear, or anger from yesterday. It is a time to look ahead as to how I might even better fulfill the calling on my life, a Page 2 Footnotes from the Foothills call to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to as many who will hear. It is also a time of obedience, as I remember it is God’s will that must take center stage, and not my own. May it be that as we march prayerfully through the season of Lent, we will be mindful of the wonderful example of Jesus, who laid aside His wants and desires for the sake of God’s holy work. May we be willing to do the same for His cause. While letting the ashes settle in, I am, In His Service and Yours, “Voyages of Paul” Cruise with Bishop Palmer & Foothills DS Miller October 1-12, 2015 You are invited to join Bishop Palmer& his wife Cynthia this October 1-12, 2015 to retrace the Apostle Paul’s journeys in Greece, Turkey and Italy! Foothills District Superintendent Dennis and Rachel Miller will be the tour hosts. We will travel aboard the Celebrity Reflection as we cruise throughout the Mediterranean and watch the Bible come alive like never before! Bishop Palmer, DS Miller, and other church leaders will lead devotions at various Biblical sites. We will visit Rome, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, Mykonos, Ancient Pompeii, Sicily, and the much more! Cost: $3,795. All Inclusive Pricing: Deluxe Cruise abroad Celebrity Reflection, First Class Hotels, Meals on Ship, Airfare from Columbus, Guided Tours, Deluxe A/C Motor Coaches, Entrance and Program Fees, Taxes, Port Charges, etc. DS Dennis & Rachel Miller will hold an informational meeting on Sunday, April 12 at 4:00 pm at the Foothills District Office, 47 Johnson Rd., The Plains, Ohio. For more detailed information, brochures are available at the Foothills district office or contacting Dennis at [email protected]. PRAYER FOCUS: APPOINTMENT SEASON The appointment season has begun! Let us be in prayer today for our Bishop and Cabinet -especially our District Superintendent Dennis Miller-as they begin to carefully match pastors and churches around the conference: Dear God, We pray today for Bishop Palmer, District Superintendent Miller, and all of the West Ohio Cabinet as they continue their appointment work this month, matching pastors and churches to the best of their ability. May this season be bathed in prayer; may churches and pastors be honest in who they are and in what they desire; may your Spirit guide the appointments to further your kingdom in this world. Be with churches, pastors, and pastoral families in this time of waiting and praying, hoping and discerning. In the midst of all the moves, grant your grace, your hope, and your presence. In Jesus name, Amen. Page 3 Footnotes from the Foothills JUNE VOLUNTEERS IN MISSION TEAM TO NICARAGUA JUNE 22-30, 2015 This year's June 22-30 VIM team will be especially for high school and older youth, as well as adults. The work will mainly be in schools involving interaction with students, some construction, school maintenance, public hospital visitations, Bible school and children feeding at a Nicaraguan Methodist Church, and other activities. In addition, there will be time for worship, sightseeing and shopping. Departure city is Columbus, Ohio. Full team related cost is $1,300 per person. An application form and brochure are available upon request to [email protected]. The Ohio chapter of The United Methodist Motorcycle Association will be meeting at the West Ohio Conference office in Worthington, Ohio on February 12, 2015 at 10 a.m. This will be an informational and organizational meeting. The Association has the mission of taking the Word of Jesus Christ to the world, beyond the walls of the congregational buildings. Any professing Christian who enjoys riding motorcycles in ministry, or who does not ride but still desires to support the ministry is welcome to attend this first meeting. Ideally, there will be at least one representative from each district in attendance at this meeting. For questions or further information, contact: Rev. Becky Ploughe [email protected] Is your church planning a building project, parsonage update, or a refinance of its current debt? If so, please consider the United Methodist Financial Credit Union. As a trusted partner of the East and West Ohio Conferences our loan products are designed specifically for United Methodist Churches in accordance with The Book of Discipline. For more information about UMFCU church loans, please contact Rev. Rachel B. Miller, Vice President - Church Services at [email protected] or 614-551-1365. Page 4 Footnotes from the Foothills “Creating a Legacy for Your Church’s Future” Seminar Sponsored by the Council on Development Saturday, February 7, 2014 (Registration Starts at 9:30 am) Pre-registration is encouraged to assure we have adequate food and resources Event: 10:00–2:30 pm West Ohio Conference Center 32 Wesley Blvd Worthington, OH 43085 $5.00 per person (includes lunch, refreshments and resources) Key Note Speakers: Bishop Gregory Palmer “Creating a Legacy Vision for Advancing the Mission.” AND Mr. Mark Menges Compass Financial Group “Money, Passion, & the Pursuit of Significance” Who Should Attend: Stewardship Committee/Teams; Finance Committees; Endowment Committee/Teams; Pastors; Planned Giving Committee/Teams; Local Church Leaders interested in legacy planning Breakout Sessions: “Who Get’s Aunt Mamie’s Bracelet” - Mr. Lloyd Fisher “Preparing Your Church for Estate Gifts” - Mr. Bruce Boyd “Personal Finance: Enjoying Retirement While Impacting the World” - Mark Menges & Greg Johnson, Compass Financial Group “The Magic of Endowments: The Gift That Keeps on Giving” - Mr. Tom Hofmann & Mr. Alex Keller “Charitable Gift Annuities: Are They Right for Your Church” - Mr. Tom Conrad “Creating a Strategic Planned Giving Program” - Rev. George Cooper & Mr. Dave Boling For More Information Contact Council on Development at 614-844-6200. Asbury Summer Camp Dates for 2015: June 7-12 Elementary Camp June 21-26 Cluster Camp (High/middle school) June 29- July 1 Intro Camp July 12-17 Middle School Page 5 Footnotes from the Foothills I made the WIDOW’S heart sing I took up the case of the STRANGER I was a father to the FATHERLESS (Job 29:12-17) Good Works in Athens, Ohio is seeking 6-8 applicants for their Summer Service Internship, June 7August 8, 2015. This summer marks the 15th year of our Summer Service Internship and the start of our 35th year in ministry with people who are vulnerable and struggling with poverty in rural SE Ohio. Do you know someone who would benefit from exploring this 9 week paid internship focused on discipleship and leadership development in the context of Christian community? Interns will: Oversee the relational discipleship of teens and adults who are participating in short-term mission experiences with Good Works. Provide leadership for our every day Summer Kids’ Discovery Club and community meal Lead short-term mission teams (called Work Retreats) in practical service including repairs and small construction at the homes of seniors or people with disabilities Mentor local youth ages 14-17 through our Teen Agricultural Internship focused on service, character development and learning how to grow healthy food. Work alongside our friends who are struggling with pverty as they participate in service and earn “points” to obtain cars, appliances and food through our Transformation Station Participate in Friday Night Life, our weekly community meal which is followed by health education, Kids’ Club, live music, Bible studies, gardening and other community building activities Experience leadership development as you interact with the Good Works staff on issues of discipleship, Appalachian culture, ministry with people in poverty, community and justice in weekly discussions. Applicants must be at least 20 years old or have completed at least one year of college. Good Works provides housing, most of your food and a $1,500 stipend. Interns can also raise additional funds. The Next Step – Visit our website at and explore Good Works. Request an application through e-mail at [email protected]. Applications must be completed by March 31st. Interviews are held on site in Athens in April. Page 6 Footnotes from the Foothills SEEING PRAYERS ANSWERED IN CUBA by Jim Lambert About a year after becoming a Christian in 1976, I was invited to become a Sunday School teacher for the sixth grade class at Logan Trinity UMC. At some point while I was teaching these middle school students on the importance of prayer, I asked each of them to choose a nation and leader to pray for each day for the rest of the school year. I chose a nation and leader, too. I picked Fidel Castro and the country of Cuba. I’m not sure why I picked Cuba. I am old enough to remember two main things about Cuba. The first was that Ricky Ricardo on “I Love Lucy” was from Cuba. As a child I loved that show and Ricky seemed like a great guy. The second thing I remember was the Cuban missile crisis of the Kennedy era, the confrontation our nation had with Cuba, Russia and communism in the early 1960’s. I can remember the emergency drills in grade school for what to do in case of attack. So with the cold war continuing as a young adult and as a fairly new Christian, I was convinced that Cuba was a nation in need of prayer and revival. Not only did I pray for Cuba daily that year, but regularly over the next few years and continued, though less frequently, over the decades to the present. Until about 3 years ago, I hadn’t really given the answering of those prayers much thought until a pastor friend of mine, Tim, told me about the dozens of mission trips he had been taking to Cuba for nearly twenty years. After telling him about my prayers for Cuba, Tim invited me to accompany him there sometime. It was an open invitation because Tim regularly traveled there at least twice per year. Last October, he had the opportunity to teach for a week in the Methodist Seminary. After much consideration, I finally made the decision to go with Tim, a group from his church, and a group of American seminary students to Cuba for a week of relationship building, observation and outreach. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to see firsthand the miracle of revival that is taking place in Cuba. After the revolution many of the churches were confiscated. It was not until the collapse of the Soviet Union that the opportunity arose for the church to reclaim the property. One church we visited was used as a butcher shop until it was reclaimed. Fifteen years ago, there were only 90 Methodist Churches in all of Cuba. Now there are about 400 congregations. Across the island Jim Lambert, Tim Burden & Don Eley of the Church is growing by leaps and bounds. Pickerington Trinity, the pastor & his wife We visited many churches while in Cuba, attending services at some and meeting congregational leaders at others. Those of us who desired to preach were given that privilege. I was honored to preached at a church that was dedicated to Evangelist Harry Denman who was instrumental in its construction in 1955. Whether the congregation was large or small the results in the services were the same. People responded to the invitation for salvation, healing prayer, a prayer of blessing or they came forward to cry out to God for more of His presence in their lives. One church in a very economically challenged neighborhood has grown from 26 to nearly 400 in the last three years. Crime is down and young people are flocking to the church. We were housed at the Methodist Center in Havana, where Bishop Pereira’s office is located. He met with our group and spoke to us at an opening banquet complete with a roast pig. We also attended Sunday worship at the church where he is the pastor. We were invited to attend the opening worship service of Annual Conference where my friend Tim was asked to preach. There were 600-700 in attendance, standing room only. The praise music was lively; the preaching was Sunday morning worship at the Method- stirring; and the presence of the Holy Spirit was heavy on the congregation. It was a night to remember. ist Church in Havana where Bishop Pereira serves as pastor Page 7 Footnotes from the Foothills God has answered the “revival in Cuba” part of my prayers. I will continue to pray as I wait for word of the salvation of Cuban leaders. I was blessed seeing the answer to my prayers and the prayers of countless others as life-changing revival is sweeping across the nation. But just as importantly, I want to encourage you. There may be something or someone that you have been praying about for decades too. If so, don’t give up. I was not aware of the way God was moving in Cuba until my friend Tim told me what he had seen on his many visits there. All that time, there was a stirring going on as the Spirit of God The Harry Denman plaque was at work answering the prayers of those asking for revival. Just because we don’t know about the answers, does not mean that God has not moved on our behalf. God hears our prayers and God answers prayers offered in faith. Your answer or miracle may be just around the corner. An important message from Dave Boling regarding Imagine No Malaria: Even though it’s freezing in West Ohio, it’s time to start thinking about Annual Conference! How have you raised funds for Imagine No Malaria in your church and community since we last met at Lakeside? Do you have photos, videos, news articles etc…? Would you like the opportunity to have your church highlighted in this year’s Annual Conference video? Let me know by Ash Wednesday (February 18) of what you’ve done or are planning on doing for Imagine No Malaria and we’ll enter your church into the mix for our Imagine No Malaria Annual Conference video this year. But, I need to hear from you soon! We anticipate exceeding our 3.5 million dollar goal in either gifts or commitments at Annual Conference, so let me know how you’re doing your part to save lives, especially the lives of children in subSaharan Africa from suffering and death caused by malaria. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you at [email protected] before February 18. Blessings in Christ, Dave Boling INM Conference Coordinator – Associate Director Council on Development To order your’s today click on this link— PJ’s Page 8 Footnotes from the Foothills LAY MINISTRY CLASSES SCHEDULED FOR SPRING-SUMMER The Lay Servant Ministry Basic class will be held on March 13-14, 2015. Students must attend both the Friday and Saturday Sessions to receive credit for the class. The $25 Fee includes the student book, lunch on Saturday and snacks. On Saturday, March 14 there will also be two Advanced Courses offered: Leading in Worship (1 of 6 Core Courses for Lay Speaking) Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts (1 of 6 Core Courses for Lay Speaking) The $35 Fee includes student book, lunch on Saturday and snacks. All of the above classes will be held at Faith UMC in Zanesville, Ohio and the deadline for registration is February 13. Registration forms have been sent to current Lay Servants and those newly recommended. In addition we will offer a third and fourth Advanced Course from the Core Curriculum later in the year. Registration forms will be mailed out closer to the time of each event. Leading in Prayer will be held on May 16, 2015 at the Hocking Hills UMC in Logan, Ohio and Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts on August 22, 2015, also at the Hocking Hills UMC. Mark your calendar for these upcoming events. Clergy Renewal Scholarships Available Ohio United Methodist Clergy (all categories) are invited to apply for a Renewal Scholarship. Lakeside Chautauqua provides a scholarship to rest, renew and deepen the spiritual lives of clergy in the beautiful surroundings of Lakeside Chautauqua. The application deadline has been extended to February 20 with decisions made by the end of February. Scholarships will cover hotel costs for up to four overnight stays. Information and application: religion WARM WELCOME FOR HAVANA, CUBA DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT VISITING OHIO The next West Ohio Aldersgate Renewal Ministries meeting is being held Feb 3, at 10:30 a.m. We will have a special guest with us, Pastor Guillermo, who is the District Superintendent over Havana, Cuba, and pastor of Central Methodist Church in Havana. I hope you can be present for this blessing. Everyone is invited to attend. We will meet at Trinity Family Life Center, 6389 Blacklick Eastern Road, Pickerington, Ohio 43147. If you have questions please contact WARM Coordinator, Jim Lambert at [email protected]. Page 9 Footnotes from the Foothills TARRP Event – March 14 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Re-Claiming Our United Methodist Heritage United Methodists have impacted our world in amazing ways – with hospitals, schools, prison reform, publishing houses, orphanages, and forwarding thinking in the need for higher education for all people. UM’s have impacted lives here, and around the world, through its connectional system; implementing mission wherever it’s needed. Dr. Paul W. Chilcote, the Academic Dean of Ashland Theological Seminary, and Professor of Historical Theology & Wesleyan Studies will lead us in the common areas of our EUB & Wesleyan Heritage, remembering our traditions, recovering spirituality, social action, and holiness – all ways to strengthen our relationship with God and equip us in connecting to the lost and hurting people in our communities. Bring a team, to discover our impact upon the world and what the UM denomination can continue to be. We will review many ways we practice our faith, and learn who we are called to be, so churches and individuals we can keep moving forward in mission and ministry. The UMC makes disciples in Jesus’ name and makes a transformational kingdom difference in their communities and around the world. The Location 8 miles east of Interstate 71: Three Crosses: A United Methodist Fellowship 12 Cleveland Street Butler, OH 44822 How to Register: Contact Rev. Debra Ketcham at [email protected] or 614-5802382 Cost: $25.00 for one; $23.00 each for two; $20.00 each for 3 or more from the same church or charge CEU's Available: .6 (6 hours of class) 2015 CONFIRMATION CAMP The West Ohio Conference is offering two Conference Camps as an enhancement of your church’s church confirmation program. Students already involved in the confirmation process at their church may attend a great winter/spring retreat designed to supplement the confirmation experience. This weekend retreat will provide students an opportunity to explore their own faith journey through selected topics such as: Personal Relationship with Christ, Discovering and using Spiritual Gifts, and Understanding our Wesleyan Tradition. This is a fun opportunity for youth to connect with other young believers in a camp and retreat setting. Youth will be able to meet other confirmands, attend powerful worship, outdoor activity, debrief within small groups, and enjoy great meals. There are two options of dates and camp locations to choose from. This retreat is recommended for students in grades 6-9. Please one church leader per gender per six youth. Group registrations must be received at the selected camp, 3 weeks before the event. Option #1: Friday, February 20 - 7 pm to Sunday, February 22, 2015 - 10:30 am. Location: CAMP WIDEWATER - 4050 County Road 424, Liberty Center, OH 43532 Option #2: Friday, March 20 - 7 pm to Sunday, March 22, 2015 - 10:30 am. Location: CAMP WESLEY, 653 Twp. Road 37 E, Bellafontaine OH 43311 Price: $95 students, $39 adult leaders, $79 early bird registration (for students only). The deadline to receive the early registration cost of $79 is January 30 at Widewater and February 27 at Wesley! Page 10 FOOTHILLS DISTRICT UMC PO Box 67 47 Johnson Rd. The Plains, OH 45780-0067 Phone: 888-868-1225 Fax: 740-797-4582 E-mail: [email protected] Rev. Dr. Dennis Miller, D.S. Rev. Robbie Scott, Asst. to the D.S. Sherri L. Rogers, Office Administrator Merv Davis, Treasurer/Bookkeeper Prayer Concerns Condolences: Rev. Dewayne Stutler on the death of his wife Martha. (Living Faith) Rev. Phil & Olga Thomas on the passing of Olga’s mother Jan. 8. (Chesterhill and Pisgah) Prayers for the mission team from Foothills District traveling to Mexico to Refugio de la Paz in Monterray. New Standard Mileage Rates for 2015 The Internal Revenue Service has issued the 2015 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes. Beginning on January 1, 2015, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car, van, pickup or panel truck will be: 57.5 cents per mile for business miles driven, up from 56 cents in 2014 23 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes, down half a cent from 2014 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations FREE STUFF! Free for hauling from Marietta--1970 Baldwin electric organ. Two complete 61 note manuals (keyboards) and 32 note pedal board. Completely selfcontained with matching padded bench. Like new condition. Contact Christ UMC ([email protected]) or organist Sarah Buchert (740-373-4265) for details. Oakland United Methodist in Fairfield County have hymnals available for any church that may e able to use them. They are "Hymns of Faith", copyright 1980 by Tabernacle Publishing Company, Wheaton Illinois. Check us out on the Web: There are approximately 35 copies available to the first "claimant". These are free of charge and arrangements can be made for delivery to some half-way point for churches near the southern border of the District or to your church if you are closer to Fairfield County. If you are interested in having these for your church, e-mail Dave Jackson at [email protected] by Feb.28.
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