Spring 2015 Professional Development & Training Calendar CHILD CARE RESOURCE & REFERRAL AGENCY Trainings at a Glance Basics of Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Practices Early Childhood Trauma Finding a Curriculum that Works Introduction to Screening Tools Illinois Early Learning & Development Standards Sudden Infant Death Syndrome The Creative Curriculum for Preschool Free Online Trainings for ExceleRate Illinois! Several trainings required throughout the ExceleRate Illinois Circles of Quality are currently available online. Meaningful Interactions to Enhance Relationships & Learning Poverty Café We Choose Health (Series) Proudly Serving: Bureau County Fulton County LaSalle County Marshall County Peoria County Putnam County Stark County Tazewell County Woodford County An Introduction to Transitions Basics of Culturally Linguistically Appropriate Practices Creating Individual Professional Development Plans ExceleRate Illinois Orientation for Child Care Centers Finding a Curriculum that Works for You Fundamentals of Child Assessment Introduction to Developmental Screening Tools Understanding & Planning for Continuous Quality Improvement Welcoming Each & Every Child Visit courses.inccrra.org. for more information or to register today! Find training that is the best fit for you & your program! Refer to the training legend below that explains each icon found throughout the training calendar. Child Care Centers B ExceleRate Illinois Bronze Circle of Quality training Family Child Care Registry Approved training S ExceleRate Illinois G ExceleRate Illinois Silver Circle of Quality training Gold Circle of Quality training Contact us: Mailing Address: 3425 N. Dries Lane, Peoria, IL 61604 Phone: (309) 686-3750 or (800) 421-4371 TTY Callers: 309-686-3695 Fax: 309-686-3850 Website: www.salchildcareconnection.org INTRODUCTION The knowledge and skills of a caregiver or teacher is one of the most significant and direct influences on the quality of child care. Trainings and workshops are important in improving your skills working with young children and families. They provide a great opportunity for you to share your ideas, experiences and knowledge with others in the field of early care and education. SAL Child Care Connection encourages you to take advantage of the training opportunities listed in this calendar. These educational, hands-on workshops seek to promote an understanding of child development and strengthen developmentally appropriate practices. TRAINING and RESOURCE LIBRARY LOCATIONS: SAL Child Care Connection Training and Resource Library 3425 N. Dries Lane, Peoria, IL Contact: Angie Hendricks Phone: (800) 421-4371 or (309) 686-3750 Fax: (309) 686-3850 Canton YWCA Training and Resource Library Streator Child Development Center Training and Resource Library 111 N. Ave. A, Canton, IL Contact: Penny Whites Phone: (309) 647– 0441 405 Chicago St., Streator, IL Contact: Sue Novotney Phone: (815) 672– 4350 Graham Hospital Bruce Township Hall 210 W. Walnut, Canton, IL Contact: Penny Whites Phone: (309) 647-0441 218 N. Sterling St., Streator, IL Contact: Sue Novotney Phone: (815) 672-4350 SAL Child Care Connection is now offering Registry Approved Trainings! SAL Child Care Connection completed the “Authorized Entity” process through the Gateways to Opportunity Registry on November 13, 2013. The Gateways to Opportunity Registry Authorized Entity was created for existing professional development entities to have a streamline method for getting trainings Registry-approved. This approval process validates that an entity’s trainer and training selection processes meet the criteria established for the Registry; therefore eliminating the need to submit each individual training and trainer for review. As a Gateways Registry Authorized Entity, SAL Child Care Connection may offer any of our trainings as Registry-approved trainings. WORKSHOP CATEGORIES Training sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by SAL Child Care Connection and which offer in-service hours are organized by eight subject/content areas of the Child Development Associate Credential (CDA): 1) Health and Safety: Planning a safe and healthy learning environment 2) Physical and Intellectual Development: Steps to advance children’s physical/intellectual development 3) Social and Emotional Development: Positive ways to support children’s social and emotional needs 4) Relationships with Families: Strategies to establish productive relationships with families 5) Program Operation: Strategies to manage an effective program operation 6) Professionalism: Maintaining a commitment to professionalism 7) Information Collection: Observing and recording young children’s behaviors Trainings offered by SAL Child Care Connection may meet requirements for other credentials. Child Care Connection is committed to strengthening and supporting the child care system so that families have access to affordable, quality care and education. SPRING 2015 T RAINING AT-A-GLANCE Training Location: SAL Child Care Connection 3425 N. Dries Lane, Peoria, IL 61604 Day, Date Time Training Content Area Cost Registration Ends Tuesday, January 13 1:00-3:00pm 2 clock hours ExceleRate™ Illinois Orientation for Child Care Centers Program Operations FREE January 12 Central Illinois Day Care Association Monthly Meeting (CIDCO) Varies Free for CIDCO members or $3.00 for non-members To register call CIDCO at (309) 263-7380 Poverty Café How Assumptions & Stigmas affect how we work with families Relationships with Families FREE January 19 To register call Melissa at (800) 421-4371 Saturday, 8:30 - 11:30 am January 24 3 clock hours ECE Credential Level 1: Tier 3 Child Growth & Development (7a) Birth to 8 months Child Development FREE January 16 Saturday, January 24 ECE Credential Level 1: Tier 3 Child Growth & Development (7b) 8 months to 18 months Child Development FREE January 16 B Tuesday, January 13 6:30-8:30 pm Wednesday, 6:30-8:30 pm January 21 Saturday, January 31 & February 7 12:30-3:30 pm 3 clock hours 8:30 am 4:30 pm Both dates 15 clock hours S G The Creative Curriculum for Preschool-5th Edition S Monday, 6:30-8:30pm February 2 & Both days Wednesday, 4 clock hours February 4 An Introduction to the Environment Rating Scales (ERS) B S Physical / Intellectual Development, $20 Social/ includes Emotional materials Development and lunch & Child Development January 23 $10 Physical/ includes Intellectual ERS book, Development materials January 26 G Child Care Connection is committed to strengthening and supporting the child care system so that families have access to affordable, quality care and education. SPRING 2015 T RAINING AT-A-GLANCE Training Location: SAL Child Care Connection 3425 N. Dries Lane, Peoria, IL 61604 Time Day, Date Tuesday, February 3 6:30 - 8:30 pm & Both dates Tuesday 4 clock hours February 17 Training Illinois Early Learning Guidelines (2 sessions) B Content Area Cost Registration Ends Social / Emotional Development, Information Collection & Child Development FREE January 27 Thursday, February 5 6:30-8:30 pm 2 clock hours Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Health/Safety FREE January 29 Tuesday, February 10 9:00-11:00 am 2 clock hours ExceleRate™ Illinois Orientation for Child Care Centers Program Operations FREE February 3 Varies Free for CIDCO members or $3.00 for nonmembers To register call CIDCO at (309) 263-7380 B S G Tuesday, February 10 6:30-8:30 pm Central Illinois Day Care Association Monthly Meeting (CIDCO) Saturday, February 14 8:30-11:30 am 3 clock hours ECE Credential Level 1: Tier 3 Child Growth & Development (7c) 18 months to 36 months Child Development FREE February 6 Saturday, February 14 12:30-3:30 pm 3 clock hours ECE Credential Level 1: Tier 3 Preschool Age Child (8a) Social and Emotional Development Social/ Emotional Development FREE February 6 Monday, February 16 & Wednesday, February 18 6:30-8:30 pm Both dates 4 clock hours $10 An Introduction to the Family Child Physical/ includes Intellectual FCCERS Care Environment Rating Scale Development book & (FCCERS) February 9 materials ExceleRate™ Illinois Getting Ready for the PAS | Online Module B S G Learn how formal assessment can help you identify strengths and target areas for improvement. You’ll spend time exploring what each item of the PAS measures, have the opportunity to practice scoring, prep for a formal assessment, and learn how to use the PAS to create a program improvement plan. To Register visit: www.mccormickcenter.nl.edu Registration cost:$10 (Reduced rate for Illinois participants) Cost includes: All required materials, including the Program Administration Scale (book) Child Care Centers Family Child Care B Bronze Circle S Silver Circle G Gold Circle Registry Approved training SPRING 2015 T RAINING AT-A-GLANCE Training Location: SAL Child Care Connection 3425 N. Dries Lane, Peoria, IL 61604 Day, Date Time Training Content Area Cost Registration Ends Wednesday, February 25 6:30-8:30 pm 2 clock hours What is CCAP? (Child Care Assistance Program) Program Operations FREE February 18 Thursday February 26 9:00 am1:30 pm 4 clock hours Thursday, March 5 9:00-11:00 am 2 clock hours $10 Physical/ includes An Introduction to the Environment Intellectual ERS book, Rating Scales (ERS) Development materials B S G and lunch ExceleRate™ Illinois Orientation for Child Care Centers B Saturday, March 7 9:00 am 3:30 pm 6 Clock Hours S February 19 Program Operations FREE February 26 Physical/ Intellectual Development FREE includes lunch February 27 Varies Free for CIDCO members or $3.00 for non-members To register call CIDCO at (309) 263-7380 G Illinois Early Learning & Development Standards (IELDS) B Tuesday, March 10 6:30-8:30 pm Central Illinois Day Care Association Monthly Meeting (CIDCO) Tuesday, March 17 6:30-8:30 pm 2 clock hours Early Childhood Trauma Social/ Emotional Development $10 March 10 Tuesday, March 24 6:30-8:30 pm 2 clock hours Poverty Café How Assumptions & Stigmas affect how we work with families Relationships with Families FREE March 17 Saturday, March 28 8:30 am4:30 pm 7.5 clock hours Welcoming Each & Every Child Physical/ Intellectual Development $15 includes lunch March 20 Health/ Safety $10 April 6 B Monday, April 13 6:30 - 8:30 pm 2 clock hours S G Healthy Lifestyles: Addressing Obesity in Early Childhood Child Care Connection is committed to strengthening and supporting the child care system so that families have access to affordable, quality care and education. SPRING 2015 T RAINING AT-A-GLANCE Training Location: SAL Child Care Connection Day, Date 3425 N. Dries Lane, Peoria, IL 61604 Time Training Content Area Cost Registration Ends 6:30-8:30 pm Central Illinois Day Care Association Monthly Meeting (CIDCO) Varies Free for CIDCO members or $3.00 for nonmembers To register call CIDCO at (309) 263-7380 Monday, April 20 6:30 - 8:30 pm 2 clock hours Meaningful Interactions to Enhance Relationships & Learning Social/ Emotional Development $10 April 13 Saturday, April 25 8:30-11:30 am 3 clock hours ECE Credential Level 1: Tier 3 Preschool Age Child (8b) Physical Development Physical/ Intellectual Development FREE April 17 Saturday, April 25 12:30-3:30 pm 3 clock hours ECE Credential Level 1: Tier 3 Preschool Age Child (8c) Language Development Physical/ Intellectual Development FREE April 17 Wednesday, April 29 6:30-8:30 pm 2 clock hours Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Health/Safety FREE April 22 FREE April 23 Tuesday, April 14 Thursday, April 30 6:00-9:00pm 3 clock hours Basics of Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Practice Professionalism B Saturday, May 2 & May 9 Monday, May 5 & 18 and June 1 & 8 Relationships with Families & 9:00-11:00 am Program for Infant and Toddler Care Physical/ $20 Module III: 11:30 -1:30 pm Intellectual includes Learning and Development Both Days Development 4 Sessions & 8 clock hours 6:30-8:30 pm All dates 8 clock hours April 24 (4 Sessions) We Choose Health Series $20 (4 Sessions) Health/Safety includes Childhood Obesity, Healthy Eating, materials Physical Activity and Families April 28 Child Care Connection is committed to strengthening and supporting the child care system so that families have access to affordable, quality care and education. SPRING 2015 T RAINING AT-A-GLANCE Training Location: SAL Child Care Connection 3425 N. Dries Lane, Peoria, IL 61604 Day, Date Time Training Content Area Cost Registration Ends Thursday, May 7 6:00-9:00pm 3 clock hours Finding a Curriculum that Works for You Program Operations FREE April 30 Central Illinois Day Care Association Monthly Meeting (CIDCO) Varies Free for CIDCO members or $3.00 for non-members To register call CIDCO at (309) 263-7380 The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers and Twos Physical / Intellectual Development, Social/ Emotional & Child Development $20 includes materials and lunch May 8 Program Operations FREE May 14 6:30-8:30 pm Central Illinois Day Care Association Monthly Meeting (CIDCO) Varies Free for CIDCO members or $3.00 for non-members To register call CIDCO at (309) 263-7380 Saturday, June 13 8:30-11:30 am 3 clock hours ECE Credential Level 1: Tier 3 Preschool Age Child (8d) Cognitive Development Physical/ Intellectual Development FREE June 5 Saturday, June 13 12:30-3:30 pm 3 clock hours ECE Credential Level 1: Tier 3 School Age Development (9) Child Development FREE June 5 Saturday, June 20 & June 27 9:00-11:00 am Program for Infant and Toddler Care & $20 Relationships 11:30 -1:30 pm includes Module IV: Culture, Family and with Families Both dates 4 Sessions Providers (4 Sessions) 8 clock hours B Tuesday, May 12 Saturday, May 16 & 30 6:30-8:30 pm 8:30 am4:30 pm Both dates 15 clock hours S Thursday, May 21 Tuesday, June 9 G What is CCAP? (Child Care 9:00-11:00 am 2 clock hours Assistance Program) B Child Care Centers Family Child Care Bronze Circle S Silver Circle June 12 G Gold Circle Registry Approved training SPRING 2015 T RAINING AT-A-GLANCE Training Location: Bruce Township Hall Day, Date 218 North Sterling Street, Streator, IL 61364 Time Saturday, 8:30 am February 14 4:30 pm & Both dates February 21 15 clock hours Training Content Area Cost Registration Ends The Creative Curriculum for Preschool-5th Edition $20 includes materials and lunch January 30 G Physical / Intellectual Development, Social/ Emotional & Child Development Illinois Early Learning & Development Standards (IELDS) Physical/ Intellectual Development FREE includes lunch February 27 B Saturday, March 14 9:00 am 3:30 pm 6 Clock Hours S B Training Location: Canton YWCA Day, Date Time Wednesday, 6:30-8:30 pm January Both days 21 & 28 4 clock hours Thursday, April 23 111 North Ave. A, Canton, IL 61520 1:00-4:00 pm 3 clock hours Training Content Area Cost Registration Ends Illinois Early Learning Guidelines Physical/ Intellectual Development FREE includes materials January 7 Information Collection FREE April 9 B Introduction to Developmental Screening B Training Location: Graham Hospital Day, Date Time Saturday, March 28 & April 11 8:30 am4:30 pm Both dates 15 clock hours 210 West Walnut, Canton, IL 61520 Training Content Area Cost Registration Ends The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers and Twos Physical / Intellectual Development, Social/ Emotional & Child $20 includes materials and lunch March 13 S Training Location: Streator Child Development Center Day, Date Time Saturday, May 2 9:00 am 1:30pm 4 clock hours 405 Chicago Street, Streator, IL 61364 Training An Introduction to the Environment Rating Scales (ERS) B S G Content Area Cost $10 Physical/ includes Intellectual ERS book, Development materials & lunch Registration Ends April 17 ExceleRate™ Illinois Getting Ready for the BAS | Online Module Learn how formal assessment of your business and professional practices can help you identify program strengths and target areas for improvement. You’ll spend time exploring what each item of the BAS measures, have the opportunity to practice scoring, prep for a formal assessment, and learn how to use the BAS to create a program improvement plan. To Register visit: www.mccormickcenter.nl.edu Registration cost:$10 (Reduced rate for Illinois participants) Cost includes: All required materials, including the Program Administration Scale (book) Tr a in i n g / Wor k s h o p D e s c r i p t i o n s An Introduction to the Environment Rating Scales (ERS) Angie Hendricks, Provider Services Manager and Melissa Bates, Early Childhood Consultant This training is for center based programs and provides an overview of the Environment Rating Scales (ERS). ERS are user-friendly assessment tools that measure the quality of the learning environment for infants through school-age. After completing this training, participants will be able to use the tool (s) for program self-assessment and improvement planning. Learning Objectives; Use tools for self assessment of programs and apply ERS results to plan program improvements. An Introduction to the Family Child Care Environment Rating Scales (FCCERS) Jill McNiff, CCRRN Provider Services Manager This training is for family child care practitioners and provides an overview of the Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale (FCCERS). FCCERS is a user-friendly assessment tool used to measure the quality of the learning environment. After completing this training, participants will be able to use the tool for program self-assessment and improvement planning. Learning Objectives; Use tool for self assessment of programs and apply FCCERS‐R results to plan program improvements. Basics of Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Practice Melissa Green, Quality Assistant In this training, participants will learn about the complexities of culture and how culture impacts interactions with families and other professionals. Through discussion and group activities, participants will explore their own cultural competence and awareness. Learning Objectives; Identify and explain how culture influences interactions with others Central Illinois Day Care Association (CIDCO) Monthly Meetings CIDCO is a local organization which supports the professional development of family child care providers. This group meets on a monthly basis at Child Care Connection (unless noted) and offers trainings, open discussions and presentation. To register or for more information: Call CIDCO at 309-263-7380 Cost: Free for Members; $3.00 for non-members Date: Topic: Trainer: January 13, 2015 Open Discussion February 10, 2015 Responsive Caregiving & Identity Chelsi Engelken, Infant Toddler Specialist March 10, 2015 Poison Prevention Cara Murdoch, Quality Specialist April 14, 2015 Julie Herzog, All Our Kids Early Childhood Coordinator May 12, 2015 Assumptions & Stigmas that affect working with families Food Program June 9, 2015 Provider’s Night Out Daycare Resources Early Childhood Trauma Carol Tiggelaar, MA, LCPC, Early Childhood Behavioral Health Consultant Although we like to think of the early years as filled with joy, excitement, learning and growth, this is not always the case. The rates of childhood maltreatment and trauma are highest for our youngest children. As a result, chances are likely that you are caring for a child that has experienced a significant trauma. In this workshop, we will explore how trauma impacts the brain and behavioral development in young children, the symptoms of early childhood trauma, and how to care for a child who has experienced a trauma. Learning Objectives; Recognize the symptoms of early childhood trauma and caregiver strategies to promote healthy socialemotional development in young children. Child Care Connection is committed to strengthening and supporting the child care system so that families have access to affordable, quality care and education. Tr a in i n g / Wor k s h o p D e s c r i p t i o n s ECE Credential Level 1 Training: Tier3 Linda Smith, CCRRN Training Coordinator This early care and education training introduces participants to general child development, health and safety, environments for children, infants through school-age, and the importance of relationships with children and their families. Completing these 16 modules can result in the award of the Gateways to Opportunity ECE Credential Level 1. Child Growth and Development 0-8 months (7A) Newborns and young babies are developing at an incredible rate, causing them to have special needs unlike older children. In this class, you’ll discover how children from birth to 8 months learn and grow, and how to individualize their care accordingly. Learning Objectives; describe how different temperaments may influence behavior and list developmental benefits for children from a specific example of a play situation. Child Growth and Development 8-18 months (7B) In this continuation of the first child development class, you’ll explore development among children 8 to 18 months. You will identify how this age group differs in growth and their approach to learning, and discover toys, games and songs that are helpful and just right for their development. Learning Objectives; describe examples of behavior in appropriate domains and describe how to use a developmental chart for recognizing typical and atypical behavior. Child Growth and Development 18-36 months (7C) Toddlers are an energetic bunch who require plenty of stimulation and education. In this final section of child development training, you’ll explore how children aged 18 to 36 months learn language, learn to think, learn to move and learn feelings, so you can better nurture this often-curious age group. Learning Objectives; describe how emotional development supports social, motor, and language development and identify cultural traditions that influence the social and emotional development of children. Preschool Age Child Social Emotional Development (8A) As children approach preschool age, their needs begin to change. This is the first of four classes designed to better understand children as they approach school age. You will identify characteristics of social and emotional development and learn techniques for promoting appropriate and effective discipline for preschool children. Learning Objectives; list key elements of an environment that is likely to support emotionally healthy development in young children and identify ways to help children develop a positive sense of self. Preschool Age Child-Physical Development (8B) As toddlers mature, their minds aren’t the only thing growing at an incredible rate. You’ll understand the special areas of physical development in preschool-aged children. You also will learn about fine motor activities that will help preschoolers grow into their bodies while developing proper coordination and movement. Learning Objectives; name examples of modifications to materials or activity plans that could be used to support active participation by children with special needs and discuss benefits that children gain from productive engagement. Preschool Age Child-Language Development (8C) Appropriate speech patterns and language skills are crucial to nurturing effective communications by preschoolers. In this third class on preschool development, you will explore how to use a picture and storybooks to lay the foundation for good reading and proper language use. You will be able to identify communication milestones that would be typical at different developmental ages between three and five years. This class comes complete with discussions on how to help children with special needs. Learning Objectives; identify ways in which home culture and language influence learning a second language and identify one way in which socioeconomic status may be related to language development. Preschool Age Child-Cognitive Development (8D) In this final session on preschool development, participants will be able to identify milestones in cognitive development for children, 3-5 years. You’ll dive deeper into how preschoolers learn and identify tips for making learning fun. With suggestions for activities that encourage your preschoolers to explore numbers, shapes, colors and science, this class gives all the information you need to grow and stretch the ability of children to think and understand. Learning Objectives; identify milestones in cognitive development for children, 3-5 years and describe the importance of using a curriculum for supporting children’s development and learning. Tr a in i n g / Wor k s h o p D e s c r i p t i o n s ECE Credential Level 1 Training: (continued) Linda Smith, CCRRN Training Coordinator The School-Age Child (9) Completing the important section on child development, this class looks at school-aged children to uncover how their learning and growth differs. After completing this training, participants will be able to identify physical, cognitive, social/emotional, and communication milestones that would be typical at different ages between six and twelve years. With tips on how to better care for school-aged youth, this class also offers you guidance on how to set rules, limits, and safety guidelines. Learning Objectives; identify physical, cognitive, social/emotional, and communication milestones, that would be typical at different ages between six and twelve years and describe how a particular activity reflects and promotes children’s choices and interests ECE Credential Level 1 trainings meet IDCFS pre-service training requirements for IDCFS licensing. ExceleRate™ Illinois Orientation for Child Care Centers Chelsi Engelken, Infant Toddler Specialist ExceleRate Illinois is the new quality and improvement system for licensed child care centers, Head Start, and Preschool for All programs. This orientation provides an overview of the goals, quality indicators, benefits of participation, application process, and the system supports available for success at reaching each Circle of Quality. Learning Objectives; Define ExceleRate Illinois and continuous quality Improvement (CQI) Finding A Curriculum that Works for You Angie Hendricks, Provider Services Manager Participants will define developmentally appropriate practice and review the benefits of various curricula approaches. Through group activities and discussion on the use of effective curriculum, participants will be able to determine which curriculum approach best fits their program. Learning Objectives; Explain the purpose of curriculum and recognize how curriculum defines your practice/work Healthy Lifestyles: Addressing Obesity in Early Childhood Heidi German, BSN, R.N., Child Care Nurse Consultant This training will address the increasingly worsening problem of obesity in young children. By providing practical information from reliable sources, the overall aim is to improve the nutritional and physical activity choices made for and by children both at home and in childcare. Learning Objectives; Describe the role of the child care environment and of the child care staff in helping children lead a healthy lifestyle Illinois Early Learning & Development Standards Melissa Bates, Early Childhood Consultant Come and learn all about the new Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards for children ages 3-5. Participants will learn how these standards connect to the Birth to Three Guidelines and the Common Core Standards. Participants will also engage in discussions about how to apply the benchmarks to their lesson plans and their assessment systems. We will discuss how to share the benchmarks with families, too. Learning Objectives; Discover strategies to connect the benchmarks and curriculum in the classroom and build on prior knowledge of observation/assessment in relationship to the Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards July- December 2015 Training Opportunities Illinois STARNET provides a variety of opportunities for personal and professional growth for those who touch the lives of young children, ages birth through eight, with an emphasis on children with special needs. STARNET supports family-centered, researched and effective practices in early childhood education and care. For more information on STARNET call (800)227-7537. For a list of workshops and webinars offered through STARNET visit: www.starnet.org/training/ Tr a in i n g / Wor k s h o p D e s c r i p t i o n s Illinois Early Learning Guidelines Chelsi Engelken, Infant Toddler Specialist This training gives early childhood practitioners an overview of program guidelines for children birth to age three. The training creates a foundational understanding for providers and practitioners in the field of what children birth to age three are expected to know and do across multiple domains. Learning Objectives; Develop plans for the implementation of the Illinois Early Learning Guidelines in planning and family routines of interaction with children and families Introduction to Developmental Screening Heidi German, BSN, R.N., Child Care Nurse Consultant The process of developmental screening in the early childhood setting is introduced to practitioners. A review of several commercial screening tools is discussed to provide child care practitioners options in monitoring a child’s typical development. Learning Objectives; Define the different types of developmental screening widely used in early childhood setting in Illinois and who should use them Meaningful Interactions to Enhance Relationships & Learning Carol Tiggelaar, MA, LCPC, Early Childhood Behavioral Health Consultant Children learn and develop in the context of relationships that are responsive, consistent, and nurturing. In this workshop, we will explore the interaction skills needed to provide a framework to support you in becoming a more responsive teacher, more tuned into the emotional needs of the children in your care, and more thoughtful and intentional in your interactions with children. We will explore topics, such as respectful listening, powerful interactions, empathy, and positive affirmation. This is an interactive workshop with small group reflections. Learning Objectives; Explore and develop interaction skills to become a more responsive caregiver Poverty Café: How Assumptions & Stigmas affect how we work with Families Julie Herzog, All Our Kids Early Childhood Coordinator Assumptions & stigmas can be huge obstacles for families in poverty. What issues do assumptions & stigmas cause? How can we support families in poverty and come together as a community? The Poverty Café is a great way to: be a part of the conversation, connect diverse perspectives, explore questions that matter, and share collective ideas. Learning Objectives; Develop ideas to support children and families in poverty Program for Infant & Toddler Care: Module III: Learning and Development Barbara Ross-Lowery, CCRRN Infant Toddler Specialist Module IV: Culture, Family, and Providers Program for Infant Toddler Care is designed to help child care directors and infant/toddler care teachers become sensitive to infants' cues, connect with their family and culture, and develop responsive, relationship-based care. This training takes an in-depth look at cognitive and social-emotional development, encouraging growth within daily routines and tips on setting up appropriate environments for experienced infant and toddler professionals. Module III Learning Objectives; Recognize the six discoveries of infancy and apply strategies to enhance language development in infants and toddlers. Module IV Learning Objectives; Use the ten keys to culturally sensitive child care in providing child care and adapt strategies to communicate with parents to resolve issues. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Julie Herzog, All Our Kids Early Childhood Coordinator Do you care for infants? Are you current with the latest standards and recommendations regarding safe sleep practices for infants in your care? This workshop contains vital information for you to gain in order to provide the safest environment for this vulnerable age group. Learning Objectives; Identify factors and list strategies to prevent SIDS Child Care Connection is committed to strengthening and supporting the child care system so that families have access to affordable, quality care and education. Tr a in i n g / Wor k s h o p D e s c r i p t i o n s The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos Jill McNiff, CCRRN Provider Services Manager and Andrea Angileri, Early Childhood Consultant The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers and Twos training focuses on how to develop a comprehensive, developmentally appropriate curriculum for children birth to age three. Included in the training is an overview of the assessment process designed to capture the development of children birth to age three at four points during the calendar year. The assessment process includes developmental goals and objectives for children's learning in all areas of development. The assessment process includes developmental goals and objectives for children's learning in all areas of development. *Each site will receive 1 set of Teaching Strategies Materials Learning Objectives; Describe developmentally appropriate routines for infants, toddlers, and twos in relation to the five routines outlined the Creative Curriculum The Creative Curriculum for Preschool-5th Edition Melissa Green, Quality Assistant, Cara Murdoch, Quality Specialist and Eileen Borgia, Early Childhood Consultant Through group and interactive experiences, and individual reflection teachers will understand how the framework impacts all aspects of The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool – 5th Edition, how relationships are at its core and identify various daily events and how to use them effectively. During this session teachers will examine the ten Interest Areas and explore how to make them engaging to young children. By the end of the session teachers will be able to use the five volumes; establish a positive social-emotional environment in their classroom; design effective classrooms; establish positive messages in the environment; develop a daily schedule that is based on their program’s needs and informed by the Objectives for Development & Learning. *Each site will receive 1 set of Teaching Strategies Materials Learning Objectives; Define the five components that form the framework of the Creative Curriculum for Preschool and use the five volumes of the Creative Curriculum for Preschool to set up and maintain the interest areas and the outdoors We Choose Health Series: Childhood Obesity, Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Families Melissa Green, Quality Assistant The “We Choose Health” training offers child care providers instruction in using the Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care (NAP SACC) assessment tool to inform and implement program improvement. The NAP SACC program is a research-tested intervention designed to enhance policies, practices, and environments in child care by improving the nutritional quality of food served, amount and quality of physical activity, staff-child interactions, facility nutrition and physical activity policies and practices, and related environmental characteristics. Learning Objectives; Describe the role of the child care environment and of the child care staff in helping children lead a healthy lifestyle Welcoming Each & Every Child Heidi German, BSN, R.N., Child Care Nurse Consultant This course provides information on caring for children with special needs in typical child care settings. The training helps increase the knowledge and comfort level of participants to enhance their ability to care for young children with disabilities in early childhood environments. It will discuss adaptations and modifications that will assist all children to participate in activities. This meets the DCFS requirement for early childhood providers in special care inclusion training. Learning Objectives; Recognize the importance of including children with special needs in a child care setting What is CCAP? (Child Care Assistance Program) Tawanda Johnson and Brianne Hause, Parent Services Manager This training will give center directors and family child care providers the resources needed to serve families on the Child Care Assistance Program. Topics will include: the application process, forms and more forms, and so much more! Learning Objectives; Define the Child Care Assistance Program and identify steps in the application process Child Care Connection is committed to strengthening and supporting the child care system so that families have access to affordable, quality care and education. Registration Reminders Register early as many trainings fill up prior to the workshop registration deadline: Due to space constraints and presenter contracts, we may be unable to accept additional or walk-in registrations. Participants will receive confirmation via email three business days before the training to the email address on file at SAL Child Care Connection. To register for workshops, complete the registration form (attached) and mail with payment prior to registration deadline . No phone registrations are accepted unless otherwise noted. Complete the entire registration form: Due to data tracking requirements, incomplete registrations will not be processed and the applicant will not be registered. Incomplete registrations will be returned. Please sign and date the bottom of the registration form. All registration fees are non-refundable: Participants must notify SAL Child Care Connection within three business days of the scheduled training if they choose to send someone else in their place. A certificate will not be provided to anyone not listed on the workshop roster the day/night of the training. Training fees cannot be transferred to another training. Make a conscientious effort to attend the FREE workshops for which you register: If you are registered for a free workshop and fail to attend or cancel your registration within a minimum of three business days in advance of workshop, a no-show will be reported on your training record. If a training is cancelled due to low enrollment or presenter conflicts, notification will be made to all registered (by deadline) participants by email, phone or mail. Attendance: At the beginning of a training, a 15 minute grace period is provided. Certificates will not be given out to participants who arrive late, leave early, or are disruptive. To receive a training certificate, participants must be present until the trainer has finished. SAL Child Care Connection trainings are for adults only, unless otherwise noted. Replacement certificates must be requested by the individual who attended the training: There is a $2 replacement fee. www.ilgateways.com Visit Gateways to Opportunity to search for trainings listed on the Gateways to Opportunity Statewide Online Training Calendar and for online training opportunities available through i-learning. SAVE THE DATE! Play It Again in Peoria! Heart of Illinois AEYC 2 Day Spring Conference April 17 & 18, 2015 For more information visit: www.heartofillinoisaeyc.org Child Care Connection is committed to strengthening and supporting the child care system so that families have access to affordable, quality care and education. January-June 2015 Mail-in Registration Form THIS FORM MAY BE DUPLICATED The information requested on this application is required by the Department of Human Services and is entered into the Data Tracking Program administered through Child Care Connection. This information is confidential and is not released to outside agencies or vendors. First Name :_________________________________ Last Name:_________________________________________________________ Place of Employment: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Work Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ City : _________________________________ State: ______ Zip:_______________ Phone (Work): _____________________________ Email Address: ________________________________@______________________ Phone (Home): ____________________________ Home Address: __________________________________________________ Are you a Gateway Registry Member? Y or N (circle) City: _________________________________ State: ______ Zip: ____________ Gateway Registry Membership #__________________ Is your program licensed through the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS)? _ Please indicate your current position: _ Family Child Care Provider _ Assistant in a Family Child Care Home _ Center Director _ Center Assistant Director _ Center Teacher _ Center Assistant Teacher _ Other __________________________ Yes _ No What ages of children do you currently serve? Please check all that apply.* Does your program currently serve children on the Child Care Assistance (CCAP) /IDHS program? _ Infants (6 weeks-14 months) _ Yes _ No _Two Year Olds (24 months-35 months) _ Preschoolers (3 years-4 years) _ Toddlers (15 months-23 months) _ School Agers (5 years and older) _ No Ages Served * Directors/Assistant Directors: list ages of children Training Title (Check box to indicate Choice) Date (s) Illinois Early Learning Guidelines (IELG) (Canton) January 21 & 28, 2015 Let’s Talk! Poverty Café: Assumptions & Stigmas January 21, 2015 ECE Credential Level 1 Training: Tier3 Child Growth and Development (7a) Birth to 8 months January 24, 2015 ECE Credential Level 1 Training: Tier3 Child Growth and Development (7b) 8months to18 months January 24, 2015 The Creative Curriculum for Preschool 5th Edition An Introduction to the Environment Rating Scales (ERS) Registration Deadline Cost January 7 FREE January 19 FREE To register call Melissa at (800) 421-4371 January 16 FREE January 16 FREE January 31 & February 7, 2015 January 23 $20 February 2 & 4, 2015 January 26 $10 Illinois Early Learning Guidelines (IELG) February 3 & 17, 2015 January 27 FREE Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) February 5, 2015 January 29 FREE ExceleRate™ Illinois Orientation for Child Care Centers February 10, 2015 February 3 FREE The Creative Curriculum for Preschool-5th Edition (Streator) February 14 & 21, 2015 January 30 $20 ECE Credential Level 1 Training: Tier3 Child Growth and Development (7C) 18 months to 36 months February 14, 2015 February 6 FREE ECE Credential Level 1 Training: Tier3 Preschool Age Child (8a) Social and Emotional Development February 14, 2015 February 6 FREE An Introduction to the Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale (FCCERS) February 16 & 18, 2015 February 9 $10 What is CCAP? (Child Care Assistance Program) February 25, 2015 February 18 FREE An Introduction to the Environment Rating Scales (ERS) February 26, 2015 February 19 $10 ExceleRate™ Illinois Orientation for Child Care Centers March 5, 2015 February 26 FREE Training Title (Check box to indicate Choice) Date (s) Registration Deadline Cost Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards (IELDS) March 7, 2015 February 27 FREE Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards (IELDS) (Streator) March 14, 2015 February 27 FREE Early Childhood Trauma March 17, 2015 March 10 $10 Let’s Talk! Poverty Café: Assumptions & Stigmas March 24, 2015 March 17 FREE The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers and Two’s (Canton) March 28 & April 11, 2015 March 13 $20 Welcoming Each and Every Child March 28, 2015 March 20 $15 Healthy Lifestyles: Addressing Obesity in Early Childhood April 13, 2015 April 6 $10 Meaningful Interactions to Enhance Relations and Learning April 20, 2015 April 13 $10 Introduction to Developmental Screening (Canton) April 23, 2015 April 9 FREE ECE Credential Level 1 Training: Tier3 Preschool Age Child (8b) Physical Development April 25, 2015 April 17 FREE ECE Credential Level 1 Training: Tier3 Preschool Age Child (8b) Language Development April 25, 2015 April 17 FREE Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) April 29, 2015 April 22 FREE Basics of Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Practice April 30, 2015 April 23 FREE Program for Infant and Toddler Care Module IIl: Language Development May 2 & 9, 2015 April 24 $20 An Introduction to the Environment Rating Scales (ERS) (Streator) May 2, 2015 April 17 $10 We Choose Health Series May 5 & 18, 2015 April 28 $20 Finding A Curriculum that Works for You May 7, 2015 April 30 FREE The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers and Two’s May 16 & 30, 2015 May 8 $20 What is CCAP? (Child Care Assistance Program) May 21, 2015 May 14 FREE ECE Credential Level 1 Training: Tier3 Preschool Age Child (8d) Cognitive Development June 13, 2015 June 5 FREE ECE Credential Level 1 Training: Tier3 School Age Development (9) June 13, 2015 June 5 FREE Program for Infant and Toddler Care Module IV: Culture, Family, and Providers June 20 & 27, 2015 June 12 $20 June 1 & 8, 2015 Complete this form and mail with payment to: SAL Child Care Connection Attn: Melissa Green, Quality Assistant 3425 N. Dries Lane • Peoria, Illinois 61604 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $_____________ Make Checks payable to SAL Child Care Connection. All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. My signature acknowledges that I have read and I understand the registration policies for SAL Child Care Connection, including, but not limited to: Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. I will receive a confirmation email of my registration or a notice if the workshop is full/ closed or cancelled if my registration is received prior to or on the deadline date listed in the training calendar. A no-show indication is made on my training record if I fail to attend or cancel my registration at least 3 business days in advance of the scheduled training date. Certificates/In-service Hours/Credit are not available if I arrive late or leave early. Incomplete registrations cannot be accepted and payment must accompany registration form prior to or on the deadline listed within the training calendar. ____________________________________________________ Signature of Registrant _________________________________ Date
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