Original Articles Volume 138 Part 2 February 2015 Editorial D. M. Kullmann 237 Scientific Commentaries Reports BRAIN_138_2_Cover.indd 1 Letters to the Editor Does dominant pedunculopontine nucleus exist? S. Lam, E. Moro,Y.-Y. Poon, et al. e323 Reply: Does dominant pedunculopontine nucleus exist? B.W. Fling, J. G. Nutt and F. B. Horak e324 Age-dependent penetrance among females with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. M. A. Horn, L. Retterstøl, M. Abdelnoor, et al. e325 Reply: Age-dependent penetrance among females with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. M. Engelen, M. Barbier, I. M. E. Dijkstra, et al. e326 TUBB4A novel mutation reinforces the genotype–phenotype correlation of hypomyelination with atrophy of the basal ganglia and cerebellum. D. Carvalho, S. Santos, B. Martins, et al. e327 Reply: TUBB4A novel mutation reinforces the genotype–phenotype correlation of hypomyelination with atrophy of the basal ganglia and cerebellum. E. M. Hamilton, N. I.Wolf and M. S. van der Knaap e328 Corrigenda e329, e330, e331, e332 www.brain.oxfordjournals.org Pages 237–503 Physical activity and risk of Parkinson’s disease in the Swedish National March Cohort. F.Yang,Y.Trolle Lagerros, R. Bellocco, et al. 269 Exome sequencing in undiagnosed inherited and sporadic ataxias. A. Pyle,T. Smertenko, D. Bargiela, et al. 276 Adult-onset genetic leukoencephalopathies: A MRI pattern-based approach in a comprehensive study of 154 patients. X. Ayrignac, C. Carra-Dalliere, N. Menjot de Champfleur, et al. 284 Volume 138 Part 2 February 2015 The perplexing conundrum of frontotemporal dementia. J. R. Hodges 498 From Nissl stains to modern concepts of brainstem function. R. John Leigh 501 February 2015 Pathophysiological concepts in the congenital myopathies: blurring the boundaries, sharpening the focus. G. Ravenscroft, N. G. Laing and C. G. Bönnemann 246 Book Reviews Part 2 Review Article Dorsal Column Volume 138 When brawn benefits brain: physical activity and Parkinson’s disease risk. C. M.Tanner and C. L. Comella 238 New hope for the treatment of epilepsy. H. Lerche 240 Can levodopa-induced dyskinesias go beyond the motor circuit? J. C. Rothwell and J. A. Obeso 242 Alterations in structural connectivity may contribute both to the occurrence of tics in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome and to their subsequent control. A. Draper and S. R. Jackson 244 Phenotypic and molecular insights into spinal muscular atrophy due to mutations in BICD2. A. M. Rossor, E. C. Oates, H. K. Salter, et al. 293 Significance of neurovascular contact in classical trigeminal neuralgia. S. Maarbjerg, F.Wolfram, A. Gozalov, et al. 311 Transplantation of cerebellar neural stem cells improves motor coordination and neuropathology in Machado-Joseph disease mice. L. S. Mendonça, C. Nóbrega, H. Hirai, et al. 320 Neuroinflammation, mitochondrial defects and neurodegeneration in mucopolysaccharidosis III type C mouse model. C. Martins, º H. Hulková, L. Dridi, et al. 336 Predicting novel histopathological microlesions in human epileptic brain through transcriptional clustering. F. Dachet, S. Bagla, G. Keren-Aviram, et al. 356 Targeting pharmacoresistant epilepsy and epileptogenesis with a dual-purpose antiepileptic drug. A. Doeser, G. Dickhof, M. Reitze, et al. 371 Tract-based spatial statistics to assess the neuroprotective effect of early erythropoietin on white matter development in preterm infants. R. L. O’Gorman, H. U. Bucher, U. Held, et al. and the Swiss EPO Neuroprotection Trial Group 388 Pivotal role of choline metabolites in remyelination. T. Skripuletz, A. Manzel, K. Gropengießer, et al. 398 A network centred on the inferior frontal cortex is critically involved in levodopainduced dyskinesias. A. Cerasa, G. Koch, G. Donzuso, et al. 414 Improving ideomotor limb apraxia by electrical stimulation of the left posterior parietal cortex. N. Bolognini, S. Convento, E. Banco, et al. 428 Genetic manipulation of adult-born hippocampal neurons rescues memory in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. K. Richetin, C. Leclerc, N.Toni, et al. 440 Why do patients with neurodegenerative frontal syndrome fail to answer: ‘In what way are an orange and a banana alike?’ J. Lagarde, R.Valabrègue, J.-C. Corvol, et al. 456 Altered structural connectivity of corticostriato-pallido-thalamic networks in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Y.Worbe, L. Marrakchi-Kacem, S. Lecomte, et al. 472 Evidence for inhibitory deficits in the prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia. N. Radhu, L. Garcia Dominguez, F. Farzan, et al. 483 16-01-2015 12:11:09 BRAIN A JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY Former Editors John Bucknill, James Crichton-Browne, David Ferrier and John Hughlings Jackson (1878), Armand de Watteville (1884), Robert Percy Smith (1901), Henry Head (1905), Gordon Holmes (1923), Francis Walshe (1938), Russell Brain (1954), Denis Williams (1967), Charles Phillips (1975), Peter Thomas (1982), Ian McDonald (1991), John Newsom-Davis (1997), Alastair Compston (2004). Editor Dimitri M. Kullmann (London) Associate Editors David J. Brooks (Aarhus) Paul C. Fletcher (Cambridge) Peter J. Goadsby (London) Masud Husain (Oxford) Catherine Lubetzki (Paris) James B. Rowe (Cambridge) Andrew B. Singleton (Bethesda) Maria Grazia Spillantini (Cambridge) Matthew C. Walker (London) Editor Emeritus Alastair Compston (Cambridge) Secretary and Treasurer James B. 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