IRAN wrestling Federation - Azadi sport complex Postal Code: 1484815198 Tehran ʹ Iran Tel: 98.21- 44714490 Fax: 98.21- 44714489 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Official Letter of Invitation Dear President We are honor to be host for 2015 U.W.W Greco-Roman wrestling World Cup. Hereby Iran wrestling federation invite you senior Greco-Roman team to participate in 2015 Greco-Roman world that will be held on February 19-20.2015 in Tehran. We look forward to meet the 7 best teams of world in Tehran. Sincerely Yours, Rasoul Khadem President of Iran Wrestling Federation Enclosed you will find a brief information about organizing of GR world cup . IRAN wrestling Federation - Azadi sport complex Postal Code: 1484815198 Tehran ʹ Iran Tel: 98.21- 44714490 Fax: 98.21- 44714489 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Venue and Date : The 2015 Greco-Roman world cup will take place at Azadi venue in Azadi Sport Complex in Tehran on February 19-20.2015. Technical Condition: The competitions will be conducted under United World Wrestling regulations on two UWW approved mats in following senior 8 weight categories : 59-66-71-75-80-85-98-130 kg A tolerance of 2kg is acceptable Each wrestler must undergo a medical exam one hour before weigh ins. Medical services will be provided by the organizing committee. Each wrestler must pass a medical exam in his home country at last three days before leaving for WKHFRPSHWLWLRQ7KHUHVXOWVRIWKHH[DPVKRXOGEHUHFRUGHGLQWKHZUHVWOHU¶VOLFHQVHERRN The sampling procedure and doping control will be conducted to IOC , WADA and UWW regulations A type IV referee clinic will be held at this event. Referees belonging to UWW international categories O or I shall officiate this world cup. Financial Condition The organizer is responsible to provide for food and accommodation of the delegations composed according to United world Wrestling table to a maximum as follow for 17th February until morning of 21st February 2015: 8 wrestlers, 1 coach, 1 referee, 1 Doctor, 1 team leader Extra persons, replacement wrestlers will be charged CHF 200 per day. Teams who stay longer than two days before and one day after competition will pay for additional time. 7KH GHOHJDWLRQ¶V OHDGHU VKDOO VHWWOH KLV WHDP¶V SDUWLFLSDWLRQ DQG HQJDJHPHQW IHHV Wo organizing Federation and UWW delegate upon arrival for each wrestler in one payment. No accreditation shall take place without the participation and engagement fees being paid. IRAN wrestling Federation - Azadi sport complex Postal Code: 1484815198 Tehran ʹ Iran Tel: 98.21- 44714490 Fax: 98.21- 44714489 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Awards All members of the top three teams will receive medals and diplomas. The top three teams will receive prize money as follow : 1st team: $50,000 2nd team: $30,000 3rd team: $20,000 The first team will receive cup. Entries Preliminary entries must be sent to United World Wrestling and organizer three months before the competition (December 22.2014) Final entries must be sent to United world Wrestling and organizer one month before the competition (January 20.2015) Any changes about team composition must be made in writing to competition secretariat 30 minutes before the beginning of each match. No changes will be allowed after this time. Miscellaneous: Training Camp The teams who attend in senior Takhti Cup tournament on February 12-13.2015 , can stay in Iran for common international training camp from until start of GR world cup. Iran wrestling federation will cover all expenses for room , food , camp and local transfer during this period. COUPE DU MONDE SENIOR (GR) SENIOR WRESTLING WORLD CUP (GR) TEHRAN (IRI) – 19-20.02.2015 PROGRAMME / PROGRAM Mardi / Tuesday 17.02.2015 Arrivée des délégations Arrival of the delegations Till 12.00 14.00-15.00 Mercredi / Wednesday 18.02.2015 16.30-17.30 17.00-17.45 18.00-19.00 09.30-13.30 Jeudi / Thursday 19.02.2015 16.00-16.30 16.30-21.00 09.30-13.30 Vendredi / Friday 20.02.2015 16.00-19.00 21.00 Inscriptions définitives pour GR – toutes les catégories Final entries GR – all categories Consultation avec les arbitres Consultation with the referees Conférence technique – toutes les équipes Technical conference – all teams Examen médical GR – toutes les catégories Medical examination GR – all categories Pesée GR – toutes les catégories Weigh in GR – all categories Compétition – sessions 1 – 2 Competition – sessions 1 – 2 Cérémonie d’ouverture Opening Ceremony Compétition – sessions 3 – 4 Competition – sessions 3 – 4 Compétition – session 5 Competition – sessions 5 Finales 9/10 – 7/8 – 5/6 toutes les catégories Finals 9/10 – 7/8 – 5/6 all categories Finales 3/4 – 1/2 toutes les catégories Finals 3/4 – 1/2 all categories Cérémonies protocolaires / Award ceremonies Banquet officiel Official Banquet Départ des délégations Departure of the delegations Samedi / Saturday 21.02.2015 Group A Group B 1. Iran 2. Azerbaijan 3. Sweden 4. Germany 1. Russia 2. Hungary 3. Armenia 4. Turkey GRECO-ROMAN GRECO-ROMAN Tehran(IRI) PLACE / LIEU Date and President’s signature: FREESTYLE / LIBRE FREESTYLE / LIBRE 19-20.02.2015 DATE GR STYLE FEMALE / FEMININE FEMALE / FEMININE Senior AGE This form must be returned to United World Wrestling by email ([email protected]) with copy to the organizer not later than 2 months before the competition. Ce formulaire doit être retourné à United World Wrestling par e-mail ([email protected]) avec copie à l’organisateur au plus tard 2 mois avant la compétition. Officials / Officiels Masseurs / Masseurs Doctors / Médecins Referees / Arbitres Coaches / Entraîneurs Team Leaders / Chefs d’équipe NUMBER OF / NOMBRE DE Duration of the stay in days Durée du séjour en jours Number of competitors Nombre de compétiteurs NUMBER OF / NOMBRE DE World Cup COMPETITION COUNTRY / PAYS PRELIMINARY REGISTRATION FORM / INSCRIPTIONS PRELIMINAIRES 1 FORM BY COMPETITION 1 FORMULAIRE PAR COMPETITION GR DEFINITIVE REGISTRATION FORM / INSCRIPTIONS DÉFINITIVES COUNTRY / PAYS TEAM LEADER / CHEF D’EQUIPE COMPETITION DATE World Cup WEIGHT / POIDS PLACE / LIEU 19-20.02.2015 LICENCE AGE Tehran(IRI) Senior STYLE GR WRESTLERS’ NAME / NOM DES LUTTEURS DELEGATION MEMBERS’ NAME / NOM DES MEMBRES DE LA DELEGATION Coaches / Entraîneurs Referees / Arbitres Doctors / Médecins Masseurs / Masseurs Officials / Officiels Date et heure d’arrivée Arrival date and time Date et heure de départ Departure date and time Vol N° Flight N° Vol N° Flight N° This form must be returned to United World Wrestling by email ([email protected]) with copy to the organizer not later than 1 month before the competition. / Ce formulaire doit être retourné à United World Wrestling par e-mail ([email protected]) avec copie à l’organisateur au plus tard 1 mois avant la compétition. Date and President’s signature: ______________________________ National Federations must register their participating wrestlers no later than 12:00 (noon) on the weigh-in day of the style concerned. Passed this deadline, no athlete will be allowed to participate. / Les Fédérations Nationales doivent enregistrer leurs athlètes participants au plus tard à midi (12h00) le jour de la pesée. Passés ces délais, aucun athlète ne sera autorisé à participer.
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