February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Diocese of Shreveport Sacred Heart Of Jesus Catholic Church MISSION STATEMENT: We, the parish of Sacred Heart, are committed to enriching the Spirituality of the parish family, the Christian community, and all brothers and sisters created in God’s divine image and likeness. We are called by the Holy Spirit, under the leadership of our Bishop and Pastor, to assist others through the development and promotion of various ministries. We pray for Divine guidance that we may serve others with truth, courage, forethought and compassion. Parish Council 1998 PARISH STAFF Rev. Francis Kamau, FMH (687-1818)(St. Mary's 687-5121) - Pastor Rev. John Paul Crispin, FMH (687-1818) - Parochial Vicar Rev. Thomas John, CMI (635-2126) - Schumpert Chaplain and Priest-InResidence (For Emergency Only Call 286-8799) Deacon Clary Nash (635-2121) - Community Coordinator Mary Chauvin (635-5446) - Director of Religious Education Rey Pangatungan - Youth Group Coordinator, [email protected] Sarah McIntyre - R.C.I.A. Coordinator Elaine Smith ([email protected]) - Bookkeeper Libby Campbell ([email protected]) - Secretary/Bulletin Editor WEEKEND MASSES Saturday Anticipated 4:30 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. WEEKDAY MASSES Monday thru Friday — 9:30 a.m. in Rectory HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION MASSES Night before the Holy Day at 6:30 p.m. & 12:05 p.m. Day of the Holy Day unless otherwise notified RECONCILIATION Confessions — Anytime by appointment Saturday – 4:00 p.m. — Seasonal Penance Services CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday, Wednesday & Thursday — 9:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m. PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION Pre K 3 through High School — Sunday at 10:15 a.m. (September – May) LIFE TEEN YOUTH GROUP Life Nights (6th—12 grade) — To Be Determined Established 1966 4736 Lyba Street Shreveport, La 71109 P. O. Box 19467 (71149-0467) Office: 318-635-2121 Fax 318-635-5226 Email: [email protected] Parish School of Religion 318-635-5446 Life Teen Youth Group 318-464-6761 Gabriel Hall/Activity Building St. Vincent de Paul Society Pantry 318-635-2202 www.sacredheartshreveport.org (live web cast) or www.lifecastpro.com/members/sacredheart/ BAPTISM: Parents should call the church office at least three months before anticipated date of birth to make arrangements for the seminar. Both parents and Godparents are expected to attend, whether baptized in another church or by another priest. MARRIAGE: All couples are required to contact the office six months prior to anticipated wedding date. PreCana is required for all engaged couples and should be attended at least three months before the wedding. ANOINTING OF THE SICK & MINISTRY OF CARE: If you or someone you know is seriously ill, or hospital bound, and would like the Anointing of the Sick, please call the parish office to make arrangements to have a priest come and visit. Eucharist can also be brought to homebound parishioners by an Extraordinary Minister. R.C.I.A.: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Sessions, for those interested in exploring the Catholic faith, take place September through May on Sunday at 10:10 a.m. in the rectory. BIENVENIDO A LOS RECIÉN LLEGADOS! WELCOME NEWCOMERS! Por favor rellene un formulario de censo situado en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia. Usted puede poner el formulario en la cesta de la colección, enviarlo por correo a la Oficina o llamar a su información a la Oficina de la parroquia durante las horas de oficina. Please fill out a census form located in the Vestibule of the Church. You may put the completed form in the collection basket, mail it to the office or call your information in to the parish office during office hours. Nosotros le damos la bienvenida a nuestra familia. We welcome you to our family. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 [The LORD] tells the number of the stars and calls them by name. — Psalm 147:4 02/09 MON 9:30 a.m. ✟ RUSSELL 02/10 TUES 9:30 a.m. PARISHIONERS OF SACRED HEART 02/11 WED DOTTIE WOMACK 02/12 THU 9:30 a.m. ✟ 9:30 a.m. 02/13 FRI 9:30 a.m. PARISHIONERS OF SACRED HEART 02/14 SAT (FR. FRANCIS) 4:30 p.m. ✟ 02/15 SUN (BISHOP DUCA) 02/15 SUN (FR. JOHN PAUL) 9:00 a.m. & MARY METOYER By: Patricia Terrell by: Debby Schutt, Cheyene & Wyoming INTENTION OF THE CELEBRANT KARLA SEPULVADO & DOUG LEONE by: The Family ✟ RICHARD SMITH & LAWRENCE JOHNSON by: Tim & Elaine Smith ✟ CARLA EBARB by: Nancy Goins 11:30 a.m. February 14 & 15, 2015 SATURDAY—4:30 P.M. SUNDAY—9:00 A.M. SUNDAY—11:30 A.M. READERS MARDIE BROSSET MARY NASH SARAH MCINTYRE MARY DUPUIS JACALYN BODDIE MARY JANSEN LEMS JOE DERNOVISH DOT ECKHARD SYLVIA MOBLEY JEAN WOODS GLORIA EDWARDS ROBERTA MOSES ALTAR SERVERS LARRY FRENCH JAMES BEAUDOIN CHARLOTTE FEENEY SHEA FLYNN GREETERS MIKE CERNIGLIARO NANCY PRIEST WEEK OF FEB. ROBERT CROSBY 15—21, 2015 - (SICK & SHUT-IN—FAY CUNNINGHAM) (NURSING HOME - MARDIE BROSSET) The Sanctuary Lamp Burns February 8 thru 14, 2015 THE ALTAR FLOWERS In Loving Memory of Are for the Glory of God & In Loving Memory of “Anthony LaCour” “J.C., Joe & Willie D. Perot” by : Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Piper by: Anna Skyles HAVE A BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT? DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE: 1-888-411-1333 Free. Confidential. 24 Hours SUICIDE HOTLINE — 1-877-994-2275 Please e-mail to: [email protected] or drop it off at the church office or you may drop your written message in the Sunday collection. Deadline for submission is 10:00 a.m. on the If you are on vacation or just out of town on business and would Monday before you would like it published in the Sunday like to find a mass near you. Go to www.MassTimes.org or call 734-794-2100. Bulletin. Thank You! Happy 2015! Our Magnificat Brunch is scheduled for Saturday, February 28th at the Catholic Center from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. A flyer with all the details will be sent Weekly Collection Needed: later. Our speaker, Mary Wilson, works closely with the Actual Weekly Collection—Jan 31 & Feb 1, 2015 Women's Catholic Charismatic Conference and has served as emcee and Praise and Worship Leader for the past two Jan 31 & Feb 1, 2015—274 years. She will inspire you with her outgoing personality and love of the Lord! All the best to you and your family. We look forward to seeing you 2ND COLLECTION ON February 28th. Magnificat Nowela Chapter FEBRUARY 14 & 15, 2015 Financial Assistance for Catholic Students Application packets for tuition assistance from the Theresian Endowment, the Daughters of the Cross Educational Fund, and the Bishop’s Tuition Assistance are now available for the 20152016 school year. Partial tuition assistance is available on a needs-basis for Catholic students in the Diocese of Shreveport. Parents may contact any Catholic school office for application packets, or may apply online at www.tuitionaid.com. Deadline for application is March 31, 2015. For more information, contact the Diocesan Catholic Schools Office at 219-7253. CAKE AND PUNCH BETWEEN 9 AND 11:30 AM MASSES FEBRUARY 8, 2015 In honor of National Marriage Day, we will have cake and punch served between the Sunday Masses. Please join us! HAPPY FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 2/2 Chad Draper 2/2 Brian Gallien 2/2 Indiana LaCour 2/3 Angela Hernandez 2/3 Teresa Howard 2/3 Linda Washington 2/4 Gene Vallot 2/4 Johnnie Wood 2/5 Wendy Benscoter 2/5 Ann Boddie 2/5 Colett Fielder 2/5 Shelly Nash 2/6 Joe Dernovish 2/6 Dr. Andrea Feeney 2/6 Tim Smith 2/8 Angela Samuels 2/9 Roosevelt Williams 2/10 Makena Chappell 2/10 Carven Hay 2/11 Shea Flynn 2/11 Cameron Hanson 2/11 Cameron Jones 2/11 Stephanie L. Cook 2/12 Annie Minter 2/13 Earl Belle 2/13 Mary Hernandez 2/16 Dottie Pettigrew 2/16 Joetta Waterman 2/17 Brenton Kitterlin 2/18 Tara Hatcher 2/19 Kathy Kenney 2/20 June Norlin 2/20 Maybelle Roscoe 2/20 Stormie W. Chappell 2/21 Carolyn Butscher 2/21 Thelma Fernandes 2/21 Katrice Pierre 2/22 Rickey Hall 2/23 Mary French 2/24 James Beaudoin 2/24 Clyde McConnell 2/28 Frances Hall Our Birthday List & Anniversary List is generated from our Shelby Program. If you wish your name and your family’s name to appear in our Birthday List and you are a parishioner of Sacred Heart. Please pick up a Census Form in the Foyer of the Church fill it out and place it in the basket at any Mass. $ 4,721.00 $ 5,352.75 IS FOR AID TO THE CHURCH IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EURPOPE (CCEE) PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK New Requests Continued Prayers Shirley Abrams Katy Addington Bob Austin Bunny Austin Mary Balthazar Olivia Belle Ann Boddie Carolyn Brannon Ron Brannon Pearl Broussard Kelley Brogon Phoebe Carmody Phil Carpenter Milagros Carson Chris Chauvin Liz Clark Amy Coates Betty Conner Jerry Cormier Margaret Cotner John Darien Davis Bryan Davzat Totty Do Amy Dupay Raleigh Durr Jeffrey Flores Jimmie Gallien Gwen Gilmore Jeannette Guastella Bill Hall Mary Hall Delores Hawthorne Raymon Haydon Dolly Hayney Marnie Hostetter Joe Honovich Ralph Hutson Dwain Istre Pat Johnson Mary Kay Jones Gloria Kerry Bill Kraeger Kyle Kraeger Indiana LaCour Lowell Lawson Tim Leone Christie Lloyd Clyde Loston Janeane Lucia Rose Malarcher Fr. André McGrath Angie McIntyre Randy Mobley Kristyn Monroe Don Parker Laurie Pierpont Teresa Pizzolato John Ponce Julianna Ponce Pete Posey Donna Powell Tammy Rhodes Deacon Joe Rubio Tom Ruesch James Russom Eddie Sanders Dess Schaefer John Smith The Tarpley Family Jerry Toney Stena Tuminello VanderLinden Fly. Larry Vickers Mary, Darrell, Chelsey & Charity Debbie Walpole Daryl Williams James Wood Jessie Woods Jeanette Yount PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN, Brian Cormier, Sgt. David Duncan, Corp. Adam C. Henson, Lt. Sgt. Joey Martinez, GL6 Shannon Martinski Montes, Sgt. Andrew Montes, Sgt. Terrance Laborde, Capt. Nicholas Smith, Darnell Gillie, Erik Restevio, Aaron Schmidt, and PFC Charles Gilmore, and women who are serving our country, here and abroad, and for their families awaiting their safe return. To add someone to our prayer lists, please call Margaret Cotner at 686-3652. Please call back to let us know when the name should be removed from our prayer list. “Our Policy” - names will be removed after four (4) weeks or if it needs to be on longer please call us. TODAY’S READINGS HEALING MINISTRY During Jesus’ ministry “he cured many who were sick First Reading — Job finds life on earth to be drudgery; he with various diseases, and he drove out many demons.” is filled with restlessness (Job 7:1-4, 6-7). This is the case in today’s Gospel. Jesus fulfills the vision of Psalm 147: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up Psalm — Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted their wounds.” (Psalm 147). Jesus knew, however, that he couldn’t possibly heal all Second Reading — Woe to me if I do not preach the gosthe illness in the world. No matter how many people he pel. I have become all things to all, to save at least some (1 cured or how many hours he ministered, there always Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23). would be more suffering people like Job who craved his Gospel — Jesus cured many who were sick with various healing touch. His primary mission was not to rid the world diseases (Mark 1:29-39). of all suffering. His “purpose” was to preach the coming of The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Internathe reign of God that heals, yes, but ultimately transcends tional Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. and transforms earthly suffering. With Paul, Jesus could have said, “Woe to me if I do not preach” that good news. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Monday: Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10, 12, 24, 35c; Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday: Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Ps 8:4-9; Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Ps 104:1-2a, 27-28, 29bc30; Mk 7:14-23 Thursday: Gn 2:18-25; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 7:24-30 Friday: Gn 3:1-8; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 7:31-37 Saturday: Gn 3:9-24; Ps 90:2-6, 12-13; Mk 8:1-10 Sunday: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11; 1 Cor 10:31 — 11:1; Mk 1:40-45 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Marriage Day Tuesday: St. Scholastica Wednesday: Our Lady of Lourdes; World Day of the Sick Thursday: Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday Saturday: St. Cyril and St. Methodius; Valentine’s Day Lenten Event The re-inactment of the “Passion of Our Lord” will be held on March 27, 2015 (One week prior to Good Friday) at 6:30 P.M. at St. Mary of the Pines, with the combined cast and crew members of Sacred Heart and St. Mary of The Pines. Rehearsal has begun and if you would like to participate by helping and sharing your talents whether it is working with props and scenery, or being a cast member (Speaking and non-speaking parts available). There are some costumes still available and help for those that might need one. This is the perfect time for us to participate and reflect on our faith journey with Christ. Whether you are young or very young at heart come help us bring this to life. The rehearsal dates are the following Sundays: Feb.1st, Feb.15, March 1st, March 15th, from 1:00-4:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s. Final Practice will be held on Monday, March 23rd at 6:00-8:00p.m.. There is NO Charge to come and experience this. If you would like to participate, please call Jeff Sepulvado at 218-2812 or Mary Chauvin at 635-5446 or 636-0945. FRIENDS IN FAITH & SERVICE: The Meeting for Friends in Faith & Service is Monday, February 16, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in Gabriel Hall. A rosary will be recited at Sign up for your Stroke Screening. The Screenings will 6:00 p.m. for those that would like to. Thank You! take place here at Sacred Heart on Friday, February 27th. SACRED HEART This test is low cost, painless, ultrasound screenings for the LENTEN RECONCILIATION prevention of stroke, abdominal aortic aneurysm, and SERVICE peripheral artery disease (PAD) all for $140. Included free is 2-lead EKP, thyroid, liver, kidneys & gall bladder tests. MONDAY, Please pull a number from the poster and make your MARCH 16, 2015 appointment. Thank you! AT 6:30 P.M. 2015 Appeal: The generous people of our diocese made last year’s Annual Diocesan Stewardship Appeal record-breaking, with over $1.4 million in pledges to support programs and ministries available through no other source. A big thank you to the people of Sacred Heart Church who participated with a gift to help us do our part in supporting our Annual Appeal. This is an important year of planning for our diocese as we seek to prepare for a bright future that will no doubt depend on our Annual Appeal and the many wonderful things it provides to all of us. Please seek the Lord’s council as you consider your pledge to the 2015 Appeal campaign that will take place on Appeal weekend, February 14-15, 2015. You are invited to remember your loved ones with a donation to the Christmas Memorial Flower Fund. You have an envelope in your December packet of envelopes or you can use envelopes from the small Feb. Day—Dessert between 9 & will 11:30 white8—World basket inMarriage the Narthex of the Church. There beMasses a Memorial Feb 10—Calling Catholics Starts in Library Cathedral Flower Insert in the bulletinHome for Christmas. Please at putthe your list of names Feb. Presiding—9 Masson the outin the15—Confirmation—Bishop envelope with your nameDuca or how you want itam signed Feb. Wed.—Not a Holy Day—Masses 12:05 & 6:30Office pm by side. 18—Ash All envelopes need to be returned to atthe Church Feb. 28—Magnificat—Catholic Center—10:30 am—1:30 pm Wednesday, December 17, 2014, so that we can have enough time to Feb. 28—Living Christlisted in your get your loved ones on Marriage—SEAS the insert that will9 am be in the bulletin. If Mar. 6—Christoper Westinatthe thecollection Cathedral—7—9 pm is the easiest way you want to place them basket, that Mar. 11—Bishop Duca’s Pro-Life Banquet—Bossier Civic Center to get them to the office. Thank You All! Mary. 16—S.H. Lenten Recon. Service—6:30 pm Mar. 29—Easter Egg Hunt—10:30 TODAY’S am—Gabriel READINGSHall Apr. 18—Retreat for Women– Lynn Doucet—9 am toO 3 pm First Reading — We are the clay and you, Lord, are the Catholic Center—Regr. Is $25 & includes lunch potter: we are the work of your hands ST.64:2-7). VINCENT DE PAUL (Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; Psalm — Lord,The make us turn to you; letthe us see face "Little Church with Bigyour Heart” and we shall always be savedapplies (Psalmthroughout 80). the entire year! Second Reading — God in is faithful; byTime: God you Fifth Sunday Ordinary In were the Gospel called to fellowship with the Son (1 Corinthians today, we find that Jesus would rise 1:3-9). very early before dawn and to aYou deserted place to pray and Gospel — Be watchful! Be go alert! do not know when then he went out to preach and to heal. the time will come. (Mark 13:33-37). Please pray for the poor and suffering, knowing that you The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Internaare bringing the love andCorporation. peace of Jesus to those who live in tional Commission on English in the Liturgy All rights reserved. fear and doubt, loneliness and dread. SVDP Memorial Book is in the Rectory. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: LIVING Is 2:1-5; CHRIST Ps 122:1-9; IN YOUR MtMARRIAGE 8:5-11 Tuesday: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; (A Day of Adult Formation in Your Marriage Convenant in Christ) Lk 10:21-24 When: Saturday, February 28, 2015 Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:29-37 Where: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Thursday: Ps 118:1, 19-21, 25-27a; Time: Begins atIs9 26:1-6; a.m., concludes with 48-9, pm Vigil Mass Mt 7:21, 24-27 Registration: $40 Friday: Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27-31 Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6; R.C.I.A. Mt 9:35 — 10:1, 5a, 6-8 Sunday: Is 40:1-5, Ps 85:9-14; 2 Ptof3:8-14; (Rite of9-11; Christian Initiation Adults) Mk 1:1-8 R.C.I.A. - called “the Heart of the Church”, helps others come to Jesus Christ through the truth in the fullness of the ANDareSPECIAL OBSERVANCES CatholicSAINTS Church. “You asked to invite anyone” you know that is interested aboutofthe Catholic Faith. You can find us in Sunday:in learning First more Sunday Advent the Rectory afterWorld the 9 a.m. MassAwareness at 10:10 am.Day Our meeting this SunMonday: AIDS day, Feb. 8th, we discuss “The Sacrament of Marriage & FamWednesday: St.will Francis Xavier ily” (Pope Francis, Year Damascene of the Family) by Sarah McIntyre. Next Thursday: St. John Sunday be discussing Friday:we willFirst Friday “The Meaning of Lent (Rite of SendSaturday: St. Nicholas; First Saturday ing-Rite of Election) by Mary Jansen. If you are interested in RCIA call the Church office at 318-635-2121 or Sarah McIntyre at 318-3470198. Maybe you would like to be a sponsor. All sponsors must be active, practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church and 16 years or older. LADIES GUILD MEETING: The Ladies Guild will be meeting on Wednesday, Feb 11th at 10:30 a.m. in Gabriel Hall. We will be finalizing our plans for the Catholic Women’s League Luncheon on March 10th and also discussing confirmation which will be here on Feb. 15th. Please bring a sack lunch to enjoy after the meeting, and some fellowship with other members. For more information, please call Anna Skyles at 636-3576 or Elaine Smith at 742-4145. CALLING CATHOLICS HOME A six-week series entitled “Calling Catholics Home” is being offered every Tuesday beginning February 10, 2015 in the Parish Library at the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans Office from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. The sessions are for non-practicing Catholics who are seeking answers to questions about returning to the Church. If you know someone who as left the Church, please invite them to join us. For more information call the Cathedral Office at 221-5296 or w.callingcatholicshome.com Share the JOY this Lent! Living the Eucharist 2015 This is our 3rd and last year Sacred Heart will be participating in Living the Eucharist. Living the Eucharist is a parish-based renewal experience that fosters spiritual growth and discipleship by promoting full, conscious and active participation in the Eucharist. Living the Eucharist can help adults, families and teens in a parish grow in holiness and in the Church’s mission as they come to know more profoundly the Love of Christ in the Eucharist. In a couple of weeks we will be passing out LE prayer cards, From Exodus to Easter: My Daily Journey Through Lent, Family Activity Booklets and bulletin inserts. We will also have sign-up sheets in the Narthex of the church. Our group sessions will begin the week of Ash Wednesday. So, please look over the sheets and sign up for a group and begin your Eucharistic spirituality centered in the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ. Fifth Annual Pro Life Banquet: Brothers & Sisters in Christ, Please join me for my Fifth Annual Pro Life Banquet, Witness for Life. The Banquet will be held on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, at the Bossier Civic Center beginning with registration at 5:00 PM, followed by a book signing from 5:30-6:30 PM; dinner at 6:30 PM; and program at 7:15 PM. The cost is $60 per person or $500 per table. Funds raised will help us increase our support to pregnant women who need support and encouragement. Our guest speaker will be Father Jonathan Morris, a priest of the Diocese of New York and program director of the Catholic Channel and analyst for Fox News. Father Morris also is an accomplished author, his most recent book being The Way of Serenity. With the support of our local churches, our goal is to have 1000 attendees at the Banquet, doubling last year’s attendance. Please encourage your parishioners to attend, sponsor a table or two, or encourage those who cannot attend to offer a donation to help defray the banquet’s costs or to sponsor a youth who might want to attend the banquet. Thank you for supporting our Fifth Annual Pro Life Banquet. Sincerely yours in Christ, † Michael G. Duca Bishop of Shreveport SACRED HEART TO GIVE AWAY TABLE SEATS FOR PRO LIFE BANQUET Sacred Heart has a table for the Pro Life Banquet. We are going to draw 8 names from those interested in attending. So if you wish to be included in the drawing, please fill out a form in the Narthex of the church for the Pro-Life Banquet and give the form to Deacon Clary or put it in the collection basket.
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