Our Lady Queen of Martyrs 53 Prospect Road, Centerport, NY 11721 631.757.8184 www.olqmparish.org February 1, 2015 PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Father John D. Gilmartin [email protected] Pastor Emeritus Rev. Msgr. T. Peter Ryan Deacon John Rieger [email protected] Pastoral Associate Sister Eileen Corcoran [email protected] 631.757.6250 Children’s Faith Formation Ninette Euler, Director [email protected] 631.757.0720 Parish Social Ministry Kevin Blum, Director [email protected] 631.754.9045 Administrator: Mary Martin [email protected] Assistant: Judy Smith [email protected] Youth Minister: Bill Leone [email protected] Parish Facilities Director Alexei Korenevski Music Coordinator Deirdre Kupka Weekend Assistant Fr. Dowling, Fordham University WEEK AT A GLANCE FEBRUARY 2nd - 8th Monday, February 2nd 12:00pm Illness Support Mtg Tuesday, February 3rd 11:00am Over 50 Club Wednesday, February 4th 7:30pm Baptism Preparation Mtg 8:00pm Project Nicaragua Thursday, February 5th 7:00pm MOMS group Friday, February 6th 7:30pm Taize prayer Saturday, February 7th PRAY WITH US 12:00 Altar Server Re-Cap mtg 1:00pm Packing for Nica trip Daily Masses Monday-Thursday at 12pm, Saturday at 9am 2:00pm Trinity School Parents Mtg 6:00pm Special Needs Mass Weekend Masses Saturday at 5pm Sunday at 8am, 10am and 12pm Special Needs Masses Saturday, February 7th at 6:00pm Holy Days: 9am on Holy Day 7:30pm Vigil evening of the Feast Sunday, February 8th 8:00am RCIA 10:00am Teen Mass Children’s Litury of the Word Blessing of travelers 1:00pm Marriage Preparation CELEBRATE THE SACRAMENTS Baptism Marriage Second Saturday of each month at 1pm Contact rectory to make preparations. Preparation class required. Anointing of the Sick 1st Saturday of every month at 9am. Please call the rectory if you are hospitalized or homebound. Reconciliation Saturdays 9:30 -10am and 4 - 4:45pm Anytime upon request. Additional information on our website. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. Special seating and wheelchair area reserved at all Masses. Hearing devices available. ~ Our Lady Queen of Martyrs~ COME AND CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST WITH US AT OUR TEEN MASS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH AT 10AM This is our 2nd Youth Ministry Liturgy. At this celebration, we will be welcoming and blessing our teen parishioners that will be traveling to Nicaragua this month. Father Steve Donnelly, of St. Patrick’s Parish, will be traveling to Nicaragua with our group and will concelebrate at this Mass. All high school students are invited to join us and get involved in Youth Ministry. Tommy Buckley, a longtime friend of Father John’s, will be visiting OLQM and speaking at the Mass. Despite Tommy’s physical challenges, he inspires us with his message of hope and faith. Join us as we celebrate the Eucharist and God’s blessings. Blizzard Juno packs a mean punch but..... is no match for this guy who keeps OLQM clear of snow and ice and in tip-top shape! Anyone recognize this person’s photo from many years ago? Living God’s Word The world makes us look towards ourselves, our possessions, our desires. The Gospel invites us to be open to others, ~ All Are Welcome ~ Serving God by Serving Others February marks the beginning of the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal here in our parish and in many parishes across our Diocese. The Catholic Ministries Appeal is the yearly appeal that helps our Diocese support many critical ministries, services, programs and parishes across Long Island. As Catholics, we are called to share our faith, love and gratitude for all we have been given. Through the Catholic Ministries Appeal, we can accomplish this together as a diocesan family, touching lives, uplifting the human spirit and delivering vital ministries where they are most needed. When you contribute to this appeal, your support helps form our priests, deacons and lay leaders; trains our religious education catechists and adult faith formation leaders; helps our young people grow in faith and prepare for reception of the Sacraments. Your contributions also help to support the programs and services that provide care and comfort to so many through Catholic Charities and Parish Social Ministry Programs. Please join with thousands of your neighbors who are Serving God by Serving Others and support the Catholic Ministries Appeal. This year we would like to encourage you to consider “Going Green!” The Catholic Ministries Appeal offers donors the opportunity to make their gifts online by using a credit card for a one-time gift or pledging over ten months. In doing so, some donors take advantage of the various mileage or cash-back programs their credit card company may offer. Visit www.CatholicMinistriesAppeal.org to make a contribution. Ms. Laura Cassell, the Director of Catholic Charities, will be visiting our parish this weekend and speaking about the importance of the Catholic Ministries Appeal. The Diocesan CMA video will be shown during Coffee Fellowship and an information table will be set up. Feel free to contact the rectory should you need additional information or have any questions. ~ All Are Welcome ~ We Celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick Saturday, February 7th at 9:00 am Each first Saturday of the Month here at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, we celebrate the Anointing of the Sick in this most powerful sacrament. Who is anointed at this sacrament? Anyone who is elderly, anyone who is seriously ill, anyone going for an operation, anyone who is mentally ill, are among those who are anointed. In the scriptures, Jesus has many stories of healing and in them Jesus asks, “Do you want to be healed”? Seems like an obvious question.....who would not want this great gift of God. Jesus is saying with this question, your faith has healed you!! It is the faith and belief of the person and the grace of the sacrament that brings healing. Jesus is the healer, but the person has to believe in His healing power. How is the sacrament celebrated? At the Mass, the readings of the day are read, after a homily relating to the sacrament the priest(s) invites those who wish to receive to come forward. The priest places his hands on the head of the person, the sign of the gift of the Holy Spirit coming to us, no words are said. After this most prayerful and solemn ritual, the priest will go to each of the people again. This time he anoints their forehead with this prayer. ‘Through this Holy anointing may the Lord in His mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit.” He then anoints your hands with the words, “May the Lord, who frees you from sin save you and raise you up.” To each of these prayers you answer, Amen. This sacrament promises healing!! It is not always the healing we want, it is always the healing we need, and only God knows what we truly need. Our faith and trust in Him is what He asks of us. The final prayer is most inspiring and surely written by someone who understands the sacrament and its power. “Father in heaven, through this Holy anointing grant our brothers and sisters comfort in their suffering. When they are afraid, give them courage, when afflicted, give them patience, when dejected, afford them hope, and when alone, assure them of the support of your holy people”. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Come and celebrate this Sacrament of the Sick on Saturday, February 7th at 9:00 am. ~ PArish Social ministry ~ Illness Support Group Our next Illness Support Group meeting will be Monday February 2nd following the Noon Mass Lunch will be served If you or someone you know would like to join the group, please give our office a call. Telephone Reassurance Ministry performs a vital role in keeping our elderly or homebound connected to our parish and the outside world. Due to life circumstances, many of the elderly feel isolated or alone. This ministry consists of dedicated volunteers that help our senior parishioners stay connected to OLQM. If you are, or know of a senior parishioner that would like to be on our list, please give our office a call. Our Food Pantry is low on the following items Cans or Jars of Tomato sauce Cans of Tuna Fish Please come and celebrate with us at our next Special Needs Mass on Saturday, February 7th at 6:00pm. **Please note change of time Thank You so much for your continued support! “When I Pray Coincidences Happen, And When I Don’t Pray, They Don’t Happen” -William Temple TWITTER @ PONTIFEX ~For Information About Parish Social Ministry ~ ~~the the giving giving season season~~ Parish Social Ministry continues our mission of GIVING throughout the year. With the cold winter months upon us, we focus our attention on the many who are homeless, elderly or homebound and offer our gifts of caring and compassion. Kindly contact Maria Ryan at Parish Social Ministry 754-9045 for information or to volunteer. Souper Bowl of Caring uses the energy around our nation’s biggest sporting event to mobilize and inspire youth to fight hunger and poverty. We are asking our parish to join us in this effort, by donating cans of soup starting today and ending Superbowl Sunday weekend. Last year, we collected over 2400 cans of soup for our local food pantries. This year, our goal is 3000 cans. We will need the entire parish to help in making this a success. There will be a bin in the foyer of the church to drop off your donations and we would love to hear how many cans you or your class was able to donate. Another perk to participating is that you can use it as a class community service project. This program will benefit the pantries at OLQM, Northport, St. Hugh and Madonna Heights. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call us at anytime. To learn more about the organization you can go to tacklehunger.org. We look forward to hitting the 3000 can mark, thanks to your help. Souperbowlingy, Ella Simkins, Jillian and Owen White 261-1415 or 261-2335 Project H.O.P.E. (HOPE is an acronym for Helping Other People Eat) In the spirit of St. Valentine, we will be making special Valentine’s Day centerpieces to deliver to those who are homebound and to the patients at Carillon Nursing Home. If you would like to volunteer to make a centerpiece, kits are available If you would like to volunteer your time to deliver these gifts and visit with some of our homebound parishioners, we welcome your kindness and participation. Thank you for your continued support. Project HOPE is a community ministry that began in 2004. A large population of laborers exists who are without steady employment. They gather each morning with the hope of finding work for the day. During the winter, there are few opportunities for work. This leaves the workers not only without money but in need of food. Based on this need, the volunteers came up with the concept of a mobile kitchen. Food is prepared on weekends and hot meals are delivered to approximately 40-50 day laborers, three days a week from November through March. There weekday volunteers deliver a hot, healthy meal of soup or chili, sandwiches, water and fruit to the men without work. Information coming soon on how you can support project HOPE or feel free to call our office. ~ Living stories of faith, hope and love ~ Six weeks ago, it came to the attention of Parish Social Ministry that a parishioner was experiencing a difficult time in her life and was in need. We contacted her and during the initial interview found she was in the process of a divorce, creating severe financial and emotional distress. She met with a core worker, a specially trained parish volunteer, who assessed her immediate needs and began a relationship to plan a future course of action. The immediate response was a visit to the food pantry for groceries and supplies, inclusion in our Adopt-a-Family Program for Christmas, an information session on Department of Social Services programs available to her, and an introduction to the St. Vincent de Paul Society who performed a home visit. All of these preliminary steps provided the family some stability at a time they were most in need. Over the weeks, the consistent meetings with the core worker revealed a clearer picture of the more complex problem created by an unhealthy marriage. On the positive side, she has returned to the church, has received some financial relief to restore heat to her home and is formulating a plan to return to work on a part-time basis. The pending divorce is still distressing but she can take some solace in knowing her core worker and Parish Social Ministry are here to calm her fears and offer her support. There are many parishioners involved in Parish Social Ministry, reaching out to offer assistance and sharing their gifts with one another, all in the context of our faith. Looking for a way to volunteer? In need of some support or assistance? Contact Blum or Maria Ryan at Ryan 754-9045 ~ For~Information aboutKevin Parish Social Ministry contact Kevin Blum or Maria at 754-9045 [email protected] [email protected] ~ ~ [email protected] [email protected] Scripture: Mark 1:21-28 Jesus teaches with authority In our Gospel today, Jesus showed people his amazing authority over everything around him. When he went to the synagogue and began to teach, there was a man at the synagogue who was possessed by an evil spirit. Jesus ordered the evil spirit to "Come out!" Do you know what happened? The spirit did exactly what Jesus commanded, and came out of the man. The story tells us that the people who saw this happen were amazed. They looked at one another and asked, "What's going on here? Even evil spirits obey his orders." There was power in the words that Jesus spoke. On that day, Jesus came in and took control of the life of that man. His life would never be the same! Jesus wants to be in control of our lives too; of the plans we make, the words we say, and the things we do. Why? Because he wants what is best for us. The Bible tells us that God has a plan for us. It is a good plan that will give us hope and a bright future, but to see that plan work we need to allow Jesus to be in control. + + + + + + + + Jesus Calls Out an Evil Spirit Solve the individual jumbles first. Then fill in the correct letters in the numbered boxes to find the final solution. ~Youth Ministry~ SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH 10:00 AM SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER “Tommy Buckley” BLESSING OF TEEN TRAVELERS Join us at our 2nd Youth Ministry Liturgy as we celebrate the Eucharist and God’s blessings. Next meeting: Tuesday, February 3rd @ 7:00 pm. Bring a friend! ST. HUGH’S PROJECT HOPE & Heagerty Family Foundation present Little Cow Harbor Run for HOPE Saturday, February 28, 2015 9:00 AM 4 Mile Run through the lovely hamlet of Greenlawn NY 8:30 AM Kids Fun Run (10 & Under) Oldfield Middle School Student Athletes can register as a team for only $10/person. Walkers Welcome. Register www.active.com or print out an application from www.projecthopeny.org Free Homemade Soup at the Finish ~ Great Raffle Prizes ALL proceeds benefit St. Hugh’s Project HOPE ~ Helping Other People Eat ~ ALL PARTICIPANTS ARE ASKED TO BRING A NON-PERISHABLE FOOD ITEM FOR THE ST. HUGH’S FOOD PANTRY. Any questions email us at [email protected] Looking for something to do? Teen volunteer opportunities are also available through our Parish Social Ministry office....call us at 754-9045. ~ Adult Faith Formation ~ CELEBRATION FOR THE YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE The celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life has begun. Pope Francis declared a Year of Consecrated Life, which began on the first Sunday of Advent, November 30, and will continue until World Day for Consecrated Life in February, 2016. We are blessed to have this time to educate and inform all in our diocese of the role of Consecrated Life. It will also be a time to celebrate the lives of those who have consecrated their lives to God as religious sisters, brothers, and priests. Aside from educational programs, there will be opportunities to pray, to perform service to God’s people together, to invite people to know us more personally, to visit our homes (convents, friaries, monasteries, etc.). We continue to have a strong presence of religious brothers, sisters, and priests in our diocese, serving in pastoral and educational ministries, health facilities, outreach to the poor, immigrants and the list goes on. We also have a power house of prayer in our elderly religious, who pray for all of us and the ministries of the diocese. Over the years, Our Lady Queen of Martyrs has been blessed and served by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Brentwood and the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville. The Franciscan Brothers of Camp Alvernia have been here longer that our parish. Many of you have shared wonderful experiences with the Brothers and the Sisters. Pope Francis urged all religious to: “Wake up the World! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living!” PRAYER FOR THE YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE O God, throughout the ages, you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Check the website for more information: www.amityvilleop.org ~ Bill Ayres: Reflections on the Readings ~ February 1, 2015 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time A reading from the book of deuteronomy How did God communicate with his people, the people of Israel, throughout thousands of years of history? Sometimes directly, but that scared them as much as consoled them. So, God communicated his word through a series of leaders such as Moses and King David but more often through a series of remarkable prophets. Here, Moses tells the people that God will send them a prophet from among their kin who will speak in his name. However, the prophet and the people should be careful that what is being said is truly God’s word. That is a problem that has existed for thousands of years. Who is to be believed? The Responsorial Psalm “If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” The first part of the challenge is to actually hear God’s message. There is so much going on in our lives with thousands of media impressions every day and countless conversations. When do you take a little time to listen to what God is saying to you, especially in difficult times that call for difficult decisions and actions? A reading from the FIRST letter of saint PAUL TO THE CORINTHIANS This section of Corinthians has a strong anti-marriage feel to it, and had a negative influence in the church for two thousand years. Let’s remember that this fits in with Paul’s and the early church’s belief that Jesus would return very soon. In light of that, it made sense for unmarried people to stay that way and focus on the imminent return of Jesus and the end of the world as they knew it. Gradually, the light dawned that the Second Coming has no time table and that people should go on with their lives in happy marriages. REFLECTIONS ON the holy gospel according to maRK This section is almost at the beginning of Mark’s Gospel and probably comes from the early part of the ministry of Jesus. Mark gets right to the point. Jesus is a remarkable healer, not just for this one seemingly possessed man but for several others that we will hear about in next week’s Gospel. Mark places all of these events in the same day which may be true or may be simply put together to stress the power of this great healer. Most scripture scholars, even some who deny the divinity of Jesus, recognize his power of healing. What is even more important for us today is that the healings are signs of authenticity and power to heal on many levels. Jesus came not only to heal a large number of individuals two thousand years ago but to heal the world filled with violence, injustice and poverty. He is also there for each one of us to be healed in so many ways. We may ask for physical healing but there are so many other ways that He can heal us spiritually, emotionally and mentally. He can also bring healing to our fractured relationships or renewed strength to our most important relationships, especially with our spouses and families. We need to ask over and over and not give up. ~ Stewardship ~ A way of life ~ STEWARDSHIP SHARING Current Previous Fiscal Year Fiscal Year January 25, 2015 January 26, 2014 Collection Fast. Pray. Give up your Envelopes! We invite you to help our parish save money by giving up your offertory envelopes this Lent! Enrolling with Faith Direct will provide Our Lady Queen of Martyrs with consistent support and simplify your giving without the wasteful envelopes. Join us in giving up envelopes this Lenten season! You can quickly sign up online at www. faithdirect.net using our church code: NY229, or by mailing an enrollment form available in the parish office. $15,538 Collection Budget $17,450 Envelopes 261 Faith Direct Cumulative To Date Sunday Collections $ 377,635 Budget $ 366,450 $14,993 $17,020 271 114 $388,356 $374,440 Thank you for your continued support. Poor Box last week $154 Thank you in advance for your support. CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL 2014 February 1 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: In the Gospel today, we read that because Jesus spoke with authority, his reputation spread throughout the surrounding region of Galilee. As his disciples, we can also speak with authority when we put our faith into actions by helping the poor and suffering. Have you considered answering the call to serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? PARISH GOAL: $106,200 PLEDGES TO DATE: $138,378 PAID TO DATE: $130,805 NUMBER OF PLEDGES: 297 Thank you for your support of the 2014 Catholic Ministries Appeal ~Praying for and Supporting One Another~ Mass intentions MASS INTENTIONS DATE TIME OFFERED FOR 1/31 5:00 PM 2/1 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Robert Hilsky 12:00 PM 2/2 12:00 PM Rose Gargiulo 2/3 12:00 PM Eileen Hume Connie Estevez on her birthday 2/4 12:00 PM Susan Billand 2/5 12:00 PM Jesus Villafane 2/6 Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs John Bosco Larry Coppelman Joseph Dieringer James Manos Joseph Luceri No Mass on Fridays PRAYER REQUESTS L et us especially remember those who have asked for our prayers. Concetta D’Orio Fr.Edward Dowling Mark Borstelman Tom Corbett Jane Schiano-Wigutow Karen Larson Thomas Mulhern William Clarke Brenda McCusker Nancy Naughton Jamie Wrede Richard Magnussen Baby William Louis Walsh Joanne Gubitosi Maura Walsh Effie Carr Kay Melia James Duggan Louise Ammirati Jim Hartnett Brian Dowling Alice Gabrielle for the peaceful rest of all our beloved Pray parishioners and friends especially Carol Geiss. 2/7 9:00 AM Mary Denise Beatty 5:00 PM Lucia DiOrio 2/8 8:00 AM Ken O’Brien 10:00 AM The Bruce Family Robert Caputi Marie Dellaquila Carol Geiss 12:00 PM Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs those who have gone before us joys of eternal life . Mayshareall the MASS & PRIEST SCHEDULE Saturday, February 7th 5:00 pm Father John - Deacon Rieger preaching * 6:00 pm Father John - Special Needs Mass Please note change of time Sunday, February 8th 8:00 am Father John - Deacon Rieger preaching 10:00 am Father John - Deacon Rieger preaching 12:00 pm Father John - Deacon Rieger preaching ~ In The Community~ POSITION AVAILABLE The Parish of St. Elizabeth of Hungary is now interviewing for a new position, Director of Parish Outreach. The Outreach Director will coordinate the volunteers (e.g., Core Workers) who serve the clients who seek parish assistance through the food pantry and other support services. This is a parttime position, twenty hours a week. A degree in the social sciences is required (masters preferred), as well as experience in parish outreach. Please send cover letter and resume to: Fr. Frank Schneider, 175 Wolf Hill Road, Melville, NY 11747, or email to [email protected]. 2015 SAT EXAM PREP COURSE For May 2nd SAT Exam St. Dominic High School Course will be held on the following Saturdays: February 28 March 7, 21, & 28 and April 18 & 25 9:00 - 11:30am in the Marian Hall Course Fee: $250.00 (includes textbook) CONTACT: Mrs. Stutzmann 516-922-4888 x-5241 A Simple Prayer Make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is discord, harmony. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. Where there is sadness, joy. Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned and in dyng that we are born to eternal life. “Dancing on the Head of a Pin: The Angelic Doctor on Angelic Natures.” A Workshop on Angels. What are angels? What do they do? How are they different from us, and why do we sometimes confuse them with God? Why are angels good and demons bad, and why can’t demons be forgiven? How do angels see? Are we simply angels covered in skin? What can angels make me think, and what can’t they make me do? What is it like to stand in a crowd of angels, and why doesn’t that make a lot of sense? These are just some of the questions that can be legitimately posed about those interesting creatures called angels. Please join us for a five-week workshop in which we will consider what one of the greatest minds in human history said about the issue, Doctor of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas. Where: The Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, 440 West Neck Road, Huntington When: Wednesdays: Feb. 25, Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25 ~ 6:30pm-9:00pm Instructor: Ryan Williams, Associate Dean for St. Joseph’s Seminary. Cost: $150.00 (audit fee), $467.00 (for (1) credit) To register or for more information please call Terry Villella at 631-423-0483, ext. 147.
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