THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SUSTAINABLE CITIES FOR WATER ORGANISED BY NETWERC H2O, THE DIPUTACIÓ DE BARCELONA AND THE XARXA DE CIUTATS I POBLES CAP A LA SOSTENIBILITAT Barcelona – Diputació de Barcelona Sala d'Actes de l'edifici del Vagó de l'Escola Industrial, Carrer Comte Urgell, 187 20th of February, 2015 09.30 - 16.30 09.30 -10.00: REGISTRATION AND COFFEE Refreshments will be available all day 10.00 -10.30: OFFICIAL WELCOME Dr. Miquel Rovira – Director of the Area of Environmental Technology of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic and President of NETWERC H2O Representative of the Diputació de Barcelona Representative of the Generalitat of Catalunya 10.30 - 11.30: KEYNOTE SPEECH – THE MELBOURNE- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EXPERIENCE Prof. David L. Feldman - Chair Department of Planning, Policy and Design School of Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine (United States) 11.30 – 12.00: THE BLUESCITIES PROJECT Prof. C.J. (Kees) van Leeuwen, PhD - Principal Scientist - Chemical Water Quality and Health of the KWR Watercycle Research Institute (The Netherlands) Prof. Bogumil Ulanicki - De Montfort University (United Kingdom) Dr. Mona Arnold – Teknoligian Tutkimuskeskus VTT (Finland) 12.00 – 13.30: WATER: THE SITUATION OF MEMBERS OF THE XARXA DE CIUTATS I POBLES CAP A LA SOSTENIBILITAT COMPARED TO OTHER MEDITERRANEAN REGION COUNTRIES 12.00 – 12.20: EXAMPLE 1 – DROUGHTS: THE SITUATION IN CATALONIA COMPARED TO JORDAN Representative of Catalonian City Council Lina Aldousouqie – CEO of Jordan SMEs (Jordan) 12.20 – 12.40: EXAMPLE 2 - PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: THE SITUATION IN CATALONIA COMPARED TO GREECE Representative of Catalonian City Council Dr Christos Makropoulos - Assistant Professor in Hydro-Informatics at the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens and Chief Information Officer of KWR WaterCycle Research Institute in the Netherlands. 12.40 – 13.00: EXAMPLE 3 - WATER MANAGEMENT: THE SITUATION IN CATALONIA COMPARED TO TURKEY Representative of Catalonian City Council Prof. C. Melek Kazezyılmaz Alhan – University of Istanbul (Turkey) 13.00 -13.20: EXAMPLE 4 - WATER QUALITY: THE SITUATION IN CATALONIA COMPARED TO ISRAEL Representative of Catalonian City Council Prof. Uri Marchaim -Head, Dept of Biotechnology, Dept of Regional Development, MIGAL - Galilee Research Institute (Israel) 13.20-13.30: PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATE CITIES FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF NETWERC H2O Leonardo Piccinetti – Managing Director of Redinn (Italy) (Voting will be conducted from 13.30 – 15.00 in ballot boxes positioned at the entrance of the meeting room. The NETWERC H2O Management Committee will be responsible for counting the votes) 13.30 – 15.00: LUNCH AND NETWORKING TABLES The Conference is free. Lunch is not offered but there is a wide choice of restaurants located in front of the Conference Hall. From 14.00 to 15.00 invited speakers will be available for pre-arranged face-face meetings. 15.00 – 15.30: PRESENTATION OF THE EIP WATER OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Representative of the European Commission 15. 30 – 15.50: PRESENTATION OF THE EUROPEAN WATER ASSOCIATION Károly Kovács – President Hungarian Water Association and Vice President of the EWA (Hungary) 15.50 – 16.15: PRESENTATION OF NETWERC H2O, THE STRATEGY PLAN AND THE NETWERC H2O BOARD OF DIRECTORS Richard Elelman – Head of Public Administration Projects of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic and Director General of NETWERC H2O 16.15 – 16.30: CLOSING OF CONFERENCE President of NETWERC H2O Representative of the XARXA DE CIUTATS I POBLES CAP A LA SOSTENIBILITAT Netwerc H2O (The Network for Water in European Regions and Cities ) is an association of local and regional governments which aims to promote and develop sustainable practices related to water management. La Xarxa de Ciutats i Pobles cap a la Sostenibilitat through the Working Group of the Local Management of the Water Cycle, also promotes the exchange of experiences and practices among its members to move towards a sustainable management of water. The two entities are collaborating in the organisation of this event, with the support of the Diputació de Barcelona, in order to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences concerning water management within regions very different to the towns and cities of Catalonia but also with much in common. REGISTRATION To register or confirm that you will attend: Registration form (available shortly online) or send an e-mail to: [email protected] HOW TO ARRIVE To reach the conference we recommend that whenever possible you use public transport or that if you are driving you share the car. Air: Barcelona El Prat Airport Train: To Barcelona Sants or Passeig de Gràcia stations Metro: L5, Hospital Clínic Station Bus: 14, 31, 37, 41, 54, 59, 63, 66, 67 i 68
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