Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles Wolfgang K. Härdle Chen Huang Alexander Ristig Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz Chair of Statistics C.A.S.E. Center for Applied Statistics and Economics HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin Motivation 1-1 Copulae-Based Regression Semiparametric regression based on parametric copulae. I Curse of dimensionality can be mitigated. Noh et al. (2013) I Misspecication problem? Nonlinear quantile regression based on parametric copulae. I Chen et al. (2009) and Bouyé and Salmon (2009) I High-dimensional framework? Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles Motivation Comments by Dette et al. (2014) One-dimensional quadratic regression model Semiparametric estimation using parametric copulae family Figure 1: What if the parametric copulae are misspecied? Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles 1-2 Motivation 1-3 Regression-Based Copulae Recover copulae from regression machine. I Copulae cannot but regression can cover basic relations. I Most of the dependence is linear. No assumptions concerning moments and distributions. Real world applications require high-dimensional copulae. I Penalized quantile regression (using LASSO to select variables). Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles Outline 1. Motivation X 2. Conditional Quantile and Copulae 3. Estimation Procedure 4. Sampling and Simulation 5. Further Research Conditional Quantile and Copulae 2-1 Conditional and Unconditional Copulae def Let uj = Fj (xj ), the conditional copulae are dened by ∆(u2 ) = CU2 |U1 =u1 (u2 ) (1) From conditional copulae to unconditional copulae C (u1 , u2 ) = F1 (x1 )CU2 |U1 =u1 (u2 ) = u1 ∆(u2 ) Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles (2) Conditional Quantile and Copulae 2-2 Conditional Quantile and Copulae The τ -th conditional quantile function of X2 given X1 = x1 , τ ∈ (0, 1], is Q (τ |x1 ) = inf {x2 : F (x2 |X1 = x1 ) ≥ τ } (3) Inverting ∆(u2 ) = τ gives equivalence with (3) F2−1 {∆−1 (τ )} = Q (τ |x1 ) Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles (4) Conditional Quantile and Copulae 2-3 Conditional Quantile and Copulae Start from a linear additive quantile regression model ˆ (τ |x1 ) = α ˆ )x1 Q ˆ (τ ) + β(τ (5) ˆ (τ |x1 )} = τ ; otherwise, If the specication is correct, F2|1 {Q min F2−|11 (·) X ˆ (τ |x1 )}2 {F2−|11 (τ ) − Q (6) τ Estimate the monotonically increasing conditional quantile function F2−|11 (·) by PAV (Pool-Adjacent-Violators) algorithm PAV PAVAlgo Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles Conditional Quantile and Copulae 2-4 Moving to Higher Dimensions For random vector (X1 , . . . , Xd ) ∈ ∆(uk ) = CU k Rd , (1) becomes |∀`6=k :U` =u` (uk ) (7) Note: conditional copulae are the ratio of its partial derivatives. More details Similarly, taking inverse yields Fk−1 {∆−1 (τ )} = Q (τ |∀` 6= k {X` = x` }) Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles (8) Estimation Procedure 3-1 Estimation Procedure Fit values from quantile regression. Estimate the quantile curve from isotonic regression (PAV). Take inverse to obtain the conditional copulae. Repeat and multiply all conditional copulae to get unconditional copulae (the order is not unique). C (u1 , . . . , ud ) = F1 (x1 ) d Y i =2 Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles CU |∀j 6=i :U =u (ui ) i j j (9) Estimation Procedure 3-2 Stepwise Recursion Figure 2: Stepwise recursion plot Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles Sampling and Simulation 4-1 Random Sampling Taking two-dimensional as example, Generate iid v1 , v2 ∼ U [0, 1] Generate x1∗ as the v1 -th quantile from the marginal distribution x1∗ = F1−1 (v1 ) Generate x2∗ as the v2 -th quantile from the conditional quantile function x2∗ = Q (v2 |x1∗ ) or x2∗ = F2−1 {CU−21|U1 =v1 (v2 )} Then (x1∗ , x2∗ ) are sampled from the joint distribution F (x1 , x2 ). Wei (2008). Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles Sampling and Simulation 4-2 Estimated Conditional Quantile Curves Sample from a bivariate normal copula with ρ = 0.5 and t10 distributed margins (sample size n = 1000) By PAV algorithm, the conditional quantile function is estimated as an interpolated step function Figure 3: Estimated conditional quantile curves and cdf for dierent x1 Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles Sampling and Simulation 4-3 Estimated Bivariate Joint Copula Sample from a bivariate Clayton copula with θ = 1.5 Figure 4: Estimated bivariate joint copula from Clayton copula sample Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles Sampling and Simulation 4-4 Estimated Bivariate Marginal Copulae 1 0.1 0.5 Sample from a 3-dimensional t -copula with ρ = 0.1 1 0.9 0.5 0.9 1 Figure 5: Estimated bivariate marginal copulae from 3-dimensional t -copula sample Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles Further Research 5-1 Further Research Which order in conditional decomposition? Can we derive tail-dependence coecients? Applications in asset portfolio risk measurements or network spill-over eect analysis. Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles Wolfgang K. Härdle Chen Huang Alexander Ristig Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz Chair of Statistics C.A.S.E. Center for Applied Statistics and Economics HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin References 6-1 References Bouyé, E. and Salmon, M. (2009) Dynamic Copula Quantile Regressions and Tail Area Dynamic Dependence in Forex Markets The European Journal of Finance, 15(7-8), 721-750 Chen, X., Koenker R. and Xiao, Z. (2009) Copula-based Nonlinear Quantile Autoregression The Econometrics Journal, 12(s1), S50-S67 Dette, H., Hecke R. and Volgushev, S. (2014) Some Comments on Copula-Based Regression Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(507), 1319-1324 Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles References References Härdle, W. and Okhrin O. (2010) De copulis non est disputandum - Copulae: An Overview AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 94(1), 1-31 Noh, H., El Ghouch, A. and Bouezmarni, T. (2013) Copula-Based Regression Estimation and Inference Journal of the American Statistical Association, 108(502), 676-688 Wei, Y. (2008) An Approach to Multivariate Covariate-Dependent Quantile Contours with Application to Bivariate Conditional Growth Charts Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103(481), 397-409 Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles 6-2 Appendix 7-1 Pool-Adjacent-Violators Algorithm Need for it arises from monotonic smoothing of bivariate data An iterative tool for isotonic regression/monotone smoothing Results in an interpolated step function Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles Appendix 7-2 Monotonic smoothing on {(Xi , Yi )}ni=1 can be formalized as: 1. Sort {(Xi , Yi )}ni=1 by X into {(X(i ) , Y(i ) )}ni=1 P ˆ (X(i ) )}ni=1 minimizing ni=1 {Y(i ) − m ˆ (X(i ) )}2 subject 2. Find {m to the monotonicity restriction ˆ (X(1) ) ≤ m ˆ (X(2) ) ≤ · · · ≤ m ˆ (X(n) ) m Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles Appendix 7-3 The PAV (from the left) can be formalized as follows: Algorithm Step 1: Start with Y(1) , move to the right and stop if (Y(i ) , Y(i +1) ) violates the monotonicity constraint, i.e., Y(i ) > Y(i +1) Pool Y(i ) and the adjacent Y(i +1) , by replacing them both by Y(∗i ) = Y(∗i +1) = (Y(i ) + Y(i +1) )/2 Step 2: If Y(i −1) > Y(∗i ) , pool {Y(i −1) , Y(i ) , Y(i +1) } into one average. Continue to the left until Y(i −1) ≤ Y(∗i ) . ˆ (X(i ) ). Proceed to the right. The nal solutions are m Return Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles Appendix 7-4 Partial Derivatives and Conditional Copulae def Taking d = 3 as example, let C 2 (u1 , u2 ) = C (u1 , u2 , 1) and 2 def c12 (u1 , u2 ) = ∂ C ∂(uu11,u2 ) , then P(U2 ≤ u2 , U1 = u1 ) can be written as C 2 (u1 + ∆u1 , u2 ) lim = c12 (u1 , u2 ) ∆u1 →0 ∆u1 The conditional distribution ∆(u2 ) (given xed u1 ) is the ratio of derivatives: c 2 (u1 , u2 ) P(U2 ≤ u2 |U1 = u1 ) = 1 1 c1 (u1 ) Return Recovering Copulae from Conditional Quantiles
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