
Results-based Performance Report of the NEPAD Agency
Presented to 32th NEPAD HSGOC by Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki,
Chief Executive Officer, NEPAD Agency
29 January 2015
Chairperson of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government
Orientation Committee, President Macky Sall of the Republic of
Chairperson of the African Union, President Mohamed Ould Abdel
Aziz of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Heads of State and Government, Members of the NEPAD
Orientation Committee
Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Dr. Nkozasana
Dlamini Zuma;
Members of the NEPAD Steering Committee;
Chief Executives of the Regional Economic Communities and
Heads of African regional institutions, AfDB, UNECA, UNDP and
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of the NEPAD Agency, I am honoured to present the major
programmatic activities of the Agency for 2014 to the 32th Meeting of
the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee.
En 2014, nous sommes intervenus dans 52 pays sur le Continent dans
le cadre de l’ensemble de nos thématiques ((i) Agriculture, Sécurité
alimentaire et Nutrition, (ii) Changement Climatique et Gestion des
Ressources Naturelles, (iii) Intégration régionale et Infrastructure ; (iv)
Développement humain-Science et Technologie, santé, éducation-,(v) La
thématique transversale (Genre, Développement des Capacités, Jeunesse)
Dans le cadre des thématiques Agriculture, Sécurité Alimentaire et
Nutrition et Changement Climatique et Gestion de Ressources
Naturelles, deux innovations sont à noter:
1. The Agency has established the Agriculture, Climate Change
Framework Initiative with a target of at least 25million small scale
farmers practising climate smart agriculture by 2025. The Initiative
has two programs:
Gender Climate Change Agriculture Support Programme aimed at
departments and women small holder farmers to respond to the
operationalized in 5 countries and specifically supports creation
and strengthening of national platforms to increase the voice of
women in decision making in all aspects of the agriculture value
chain; Capacity building to increase productivity, improve the
quality of their commodities; and receive technical support to
organize themselves in cooperatives.
1.2. We have also developed. The NEPAD-iNGO Alliance, is a
partnership between the Agency and 5 International NGOs to targets
reaching and build the capacity of 6 million small scale farmers to use of
climate smart technologies for better productive yields along the valuechain.
2. The NEPAD Climate Change Fund has supported through financial
grants and technical assistance, measures aimed at strengthening
resilience and adaptation to climate change. The first call of the Fund
is supporting 10 country projects and a regional project (COMESA).
These projects are being implemented within the nexus of climate,
agriculture and poverty eradication.
Dans le cadre du PIDA, quatre (4) résultats majeurs doivent être
signalés :
1. The first ever financing Summit targeting trans-boundary and regional
infrastructure projects held under the leadership H.E President Macky
SALL, African leaders endorsed the Dakar Agenda for Action. The
Dakar Agenda for Action focuses on the identified sixteen (16)
Infrastructure programs and projects of the PIDA Priority Action Plan.
To this effect the NEAPD Agency has developed the PIDA
Implementation Acceleration Strategy and the Service Delivery
Mechanism (SDM) to support early-stage project preparation and
2. We have also provided technical support to the Presidential
Infrastructure Initiative (PICI) under the continued strategic guidance
of H.E. President Jacob ZUMA of South Africa. The Agency was
proud in supporting the recently held ministerial meeting on PICI
3. Furthermore, Infrastructure Skills for Development (IS4D) initiative
was developed with the core objective to facilitate the implementation
of priority PIDA projects by capacitating the project personnel at the
country level.
4. Regarding the Energy issue, the NEPAD Agency signed an MoU with
USAID and is leading the way in facilitating the implementation of
Power Africa Initiative and the realization of Africa High Priority
Energy Projects. In this regards, the Agency has produced the Africa
Power Vision (APV) “From Vision to Action”.
Sur la thématique relative au Développement Humain (Science,
Technologie, Education et Santé) ;
1. We will work with the African Academy of Sciences to establish and
operationalise and alliance for excellence in Science in Africa, a
funding platform that will support African scientists to carry out
research that will address challenging problems in health.
2. Our African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (AMRH) Initiative
continues to set and improve standards and requirements for
regulation and access to quality and safe drugs for African citizens.
The Agency has worked with the East African Community to
harmonize the technical requirements for regulation of Medicines
within the EAC. Plans have commenced to undertake similar joint
exercises in ECOWAS and SADC.
3. The NEPAD Agency has also joined in the fight against Ebola
through the coordinated efforts of Chairperson of the Commission,
especially in providing oversight in evaluation of clinical trials for
candidate vaccines and other therapies against Ebola Virus
Regarding our cross-cutting thematic areas namely Gender and
Capacity development,
1. The Agency has empowered 21 856 vulnerable women through
financial assistance, agriculture education and training, micro credit
entrepreneurship and skills development in agribusiness value chain
2. We conducted an institutional capacity development assessment in
all 8 AU recognized RECs under Capacity Development support
programme and designed 2015 – 2025 RECs Capacity Development
Implementation Plan to support the realization of the 2nd Decade of
NEPAD, the Post-2015 Agenda and the first 10 years of Agenda
Strengthening Accountability and Optimal Implementation
1. In 2014 23% of the budget was for the operations of the Agency and
77 % was for programme development and implementation.
2. The Yearly audit is carried out by external and internal auditors with
perfect track record
Conformément aux orientations que vous avez fixes, nous avons
renforcé notre capacité de mise en œuvre. Nous la reflétons aujourd’hui
par la mise en place d’un tableau de bord, élaboré avec SAP, qui
permettra à chaque citoyen Africain de voir les résultats que nous
obtenons dans chacun des pays où nous intervenons et sur l’ensemble
de nos thématiques d’interventions.
I thank you.