DAY 1 WEDNESDAY 11 FEBRUARY 2015 Morning 09h15-09h50 Welcoming reception 09h50-10h00 Opening address Isabelle RIVIERE, Fondatrice des Assises IRVE & Présidente de l'AVEM 10h00-10h10 Welcoming speech Philippe PRADAL, 1er adjoint au Maire de Nice, délégué aux Transports, Président de Commission de la Métropole NCA [FR] Air quality and public health: EV as an asset 10h10-10h30 Commit today to re-think tomorrow Jérôme CICILE, Transports, Mobilité, Qualité de l'Air, ADEME PACA [FR] Olivier PATURET, Directeur Stratégie Zéro Emission, Nissan Europe [EU] France : National scale point of charge deployment – who & where? 10h30-12h15 French government’s commitment on EV charging point deployments Opportunities & Complementarities on a large scale deployment Keynote speaker Préfet Francis VUIBERT, Chef de projet du plan industriel Bornes Electriques de recharge, Bercy [FR] Important deployment projects: EDF & BOLLORE Why private and public companies are committing themselves to grid the territory ? Cédric BOLLORE, Directeur du Développement, Blue solutions, Groupe Bolloré [FR] Jean-Noël GUILLOT, Directeur Direction des Projets Territoriaux, groupe EDF [FR] Focus on large scale deployments' projects Olivier COLAS, Directeur du Développement, groupe Bolloré [FR] Patrick GAGNOL, Chef de Projet, EDF [FR] Between projections & reality : deployment mapping illustrations Mapping illustrations of French private & public deployments to-date Isabelle RIVIERE, Fondatrice des Assises IRVE & d'Obs'IRVE [FR] A word from relevant players Alain LEBOEUF, Député de Vendée et Président du SYdEV [FR] Jean GAUBERT, Médiateur national de l'énergie & Président du SDE 22 [FR] Jacques JACQUENET, Président du SICECO (Côte d'Or) & Vice-Président FNCCR [FR] 12h15-12h30 AFIREV presentation by its founders 12h30-13h45 Lunch – hot buffet page 1/5 Afternoon Wednesday 11 February From supervision to creation of new services 13h45-14h00 Keynote speech from Ecotricity : biggest fast charger operator in Europe (UK) Focus on Great Britain : first feedbacks about charging habits Simon CROWFOOT, Managing Director, Ecotricity [UK] 14h00-15h00 How to simplify recharge Flash survey : first feedbacks: on charging users Isabelle RIVIERE, Fondatrice des Assises IRVE & Présidente de l'AVEM [FR] Interoperability & payment Juliette ANTOINE SIMON, Directrice Générale Sodetrel, groupe EDF [FR] Bruno VASLIN, Responsable Développement des Infrastructures mobilité électrique, SPIE [FR] Simplifying payment : credit card & smartphone Eric MURET, Responsable d'Activité EVCI, ABB [FR] Eros GENTILINI, Chef de projet RIdeRE, CREM [CH] What can be said of charging powers of today and tomorrow 15h00-16h05 Standards & powers : retrofits or new horizons ? EVs and charging : point of view Christian GIRARDEAU, Partner Business, VP Electric Vehicle, Schneider [FR] Multistandards & partnerships : mapping illustrations Tomoko BLECH, Representative CHAdeMO Association Europe [EU] Eric MURET, Responsable d'Activités EVCI, ABB [FR] Matthias KUEBEL, Standardisation charging Interface, Volkswagen [DE] TBC A small enterprise and its successful export Hervé BORGOLTZ, Président Directeur Général, DBT CEV [FR] 16h05-16h35 Coffee break Charging, innovation & energy management 16h35-17h20 Charging and energy management Jean Michel GUERY, Directeur Général Adjoint, Bouygues Energies & Services [FR] Servan LACIRE, Directeur Innovations & Technologies, Bouygues Energies & Services [FR] " Vehicle to Home" : focus on its success in Japan and its future in Europe Olivier PATURET, Directeur Stratégie Zéro Emission, Nissan West Europe [EU] page 2/5 Energy dependency, renewable energy & innovations 17h20-17h40 Converting energy providers to renewable energy : focus on Ireland Keynote speech from ESB on renewable energy integration Senan McGRATH, Chief Technology Officer, ESB ecars [IR] 17h40-19h00 EVs & Renawable energy : a common future ? Renewable energy & electromobility: an island case study Olivier COLAS, Directeur du Développement, Blue solutions, groupe Bolloré [FR] Solar energy future for EVs Jérôme CHAUVET, Directeur Marketing & Commerce, EDF ENRS [FR] Smartgrid, focus on a solar district : Nice Grid Jean-Christophe DELVALLET, Directeur du Développement, ERDF Méditerranée[FR] Innovation : from light to recharge Servan LACIRE, Directeur Innovations & Technologies, Bouygues Energies & Services [FR] Michel COZIC, Directeur adjoint - Développement & technologies, Bouygues Energies & Services [FR] 19h00-20h00 20h00-22h30 Aperitif champagne Networking dinner DAY 2 THURSDAY 12 FEBRUARY 2015 Morning Innovative charging demonstrations & partners meeting Experience today what your future will be tomorrow Nissan V2H demonstration 09h00-11h00 Business meetings organised (partners) 11h00-12h00 Bouygues ES : from light to recharge Nissan "Vehicle to Home" demonstration Special coffee break : experience today what will be your future tomorrow!! Don't miss your coffee boilled with a Nissan EV (e-NV200) 12h00-13h00 page 3/5 Cold buffet Afternoon Thursday 12 February Europe : Transport policy - ambitions and actions 13h15-14h25 INEA succeeds TEN-T for the creation of electric corridors European Commission Keynote speaker Olivier ONIDI, Director European Mobility Network, DG Move, European Commission [EU] Fast charging Cross border infrastructure projects : Central European Green Corridors & Rapid Charging Network Jan CUPAL, Coordinator E-Mobility, Verbund AG [AT] Olivier PATURET, Directeur Stratégie Zéro Emission, Nissan Europe, RCN [UK] How to etablish an Electro Mobility Operator in Europe Lars BORDING, CEO, Clever [DK] 14h25-15h45 How governments' electromobility is being promoted by State agencies Katie CHESOVER, Head of Infrastructure, Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) [UK] Asbjørn JOHNSEN, Directorate for Public Roads, Norwegian Public Roads Administration [NO] Senan McGRATH, Chief Technology Officer, ESB ecars [IR] Karin TAUSZ, Head of Business Unit Innovation & E-mobility, AustriaTech [AT] 15h45-15h55 Electromobility in Switzerland : strenghts & weaknesses Gaëtan CHERIX, Directeur, CREM [CH] 15h55-16h25 Coffee break Re-thinking the City, EVs and speed 16h25-16h50 EV taxis and zero emission vehicle rentals Angel LOPEZ, eMobility Program Manager, Barcelona City Council [ES] Mathieu BERNASCONI, Directeur Autobleue, Transdev [FR] 16h50-17h15 Car makers & EV future : vision & perspectives Claude MULLER, Manager Electric Vehicles & Charging Infrastructure, Nissan West Europe [FR] Antoine BOURBONNEUX, BMW i Manager,, BMW Group France[FR] 17h15-17h30 A midcourse assessment Venturi’s , E formula Thierry APPARU, Directeur de la Communication, Venturi [MC] 17h30-17h45 page 4/5 Conclusion We are proud to present this year's Charge Point Symposium Sponsors page 5/5
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