TERM 1 DATES JAN Fri 28 Assembly Edition 424 FEB Mon 2 P & F Meeting 6pm Thu 5 Fri 6 Sun 8 Mon 9 Mon 16 Tue 17 Wed 18 Thu 26 Whole of School Mass -Good Beginnings 9.15am International Day of Interfaith Harmony— Children wear House Colour T-Shirt Commissioning Mass @ Emmaus 10.30am Parent Info Night 6.30 to 8.30pm Parent Info Sessions for Sacraments @ Antonio 7.00 to 8.30pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake Fiesta 3.15-4.15 Ash Wednesday 9.15am Whole of School Mass Year 7 Leadership Day @ Entertainment Centre Schools Clean– Up Day Fri 27 MAR Mon 9 Public Holiday Tue 10 Pupil Free Day Thu 12 Junior Primary Unit Mass Sun 15 Reconciliation Retreat & Presentation 2-6.30pm Antonio Gym Thu 19 Year 6 & 7 Aquatics Fri 20 Year 6 & 7 Aquatics Tue 24 First Reconciliation Mary Help of Christians Church 6.30pm Thu 26 First Reconciliation Mary MacKillop Chapel 6.30pm Fri 27 Sports Day 29th January 2015 Welcome back. A special welcome to these students who are new at Emmaus. Phoenix R/1D Kaylan 1/2M Agnes R/1S Teleya 3/4K Zahri 1/2G Makaylah 3/4AM Caitlin R/1D Jack R/1D Hugh R/1S Lila R/1D Francesca 3/4G Cooper R/1D Brooke R/1S Max R/1S Nicholas 1/2G Zak 3/4G Cooper 1/2G Lukas R/1S Henry R/1D Imogen R/1S Boston R/1D Connor 3/4G Max R/1D Nathan R/1S Jonah R/1D Laker R/1S Evie R/1S George R/1D Benjamin R/1S Jack R/1S Emily R/1D Elliemay R/1S Joshua R/1S Erin R/1D Jerome 1/2G Thomas 1/2G Lachlan R/1D Windsor R/1S Kain R/1D Jackson R/1S Fergus R/1D Nicholas R/1D 2015 TERM DATES Charlotte 5/6C Term 1 Tue 27th January - Fri 10th April Term 2 Mon 27th April - Fri 3rd July 2 Todd Street, Woodcroft SA 5162 T: 8322 7211 F: 8322 7400 E: [email protected] W: www.emmaus.catholic.edu.au From the Principal Dear Parents and Caregivers, Welcome back everyone! I extend a special welcome to our new students and their families. We hope you all feel very much at home soon. Parent Information Night and Annual General Meeting Our first official Emmaus event for the year will be the Parent Information Night which is combined with our Annual General Meeting, on Monday 9th February. This meeting will commence at 6:30pm with drinks, followed by my address which will include information on our new school app for phones. Then parents will move to classrooms to meet their child’s teacher/s. To facilitate the attendance of as many parents as possible, we will be holding a free crèche. We will need parents to book in for this service so that we know how many staff will be needed for crèche supervision on the night. Send back the tear off slip in this newsletter or email your name and number of children you would like to book in, to…. [email protected] This evening will be a good opportunity for parents and carers to re-connect with each other, meet new parents and most importantly, meet their child’s teacher and find out a bit more about our school and their child’s classroom programme. Remember, students whose parents/carers are involved in their child’s learning and in the life of the school….do better. Help set your child/ren up for success this year, come to the 2015 Parent Information Night. School Board Nominations As already mentioned, our AGM will be held with our Parent Information Night on Monday 9 th February. At our AGM we will be announcing our 2015 School Board and depending on the number of nominations received we may need to vote on incoming members. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Board Members for their service to our school. Our 2014 School Board was comprised of the following people: Hugh Tippins (Parent Rep) * Lesley McGuire (Parent Rep) * Hannah Davis (Parent Rep) * Emily Stevens (P&F Rep) Claire Wilson (Parent Rep) Gary Pascoe - Deputy Principal Liz Mensforth (Parent Rep) Donna Griffiths (Parent Rep) Yvonne Bilney (Parent Rep) Danielle McNab (Staff Rep) Fr Roman – Parish Priest Catherine Gurr - Principal *: Members whose two year term has concluded. We have three vacancies on our School Board, left by members who have finished their two year term. Accordingly, I am calling for nominations from interested parents, to join our School Board as Parent Representatives. If you are interested, please complete the nomination form attached to this newsletter or email your name and nomination to our Front Office. All nominations must be received by Monday 9 th February in time for our AGM. If more than three nominations are received, we will go to a vote at the AGM. [email protected] I look forward to working with you all through a year filled with the promise of learning and friendships. God bless, Catherine My French is limited, my Spanish is worse. I feel 4 again. Teresa and I celebrated her 50th birthday with a Christmas visit to her English relatives followed by a wander through parts of Europe. It was a reminder of how difficult it can be to learn new things or revisit what has been learnt before. Maybe I look French, I don't know. My "bonjour" as I went to pay for something was returned with a rapid fire “Bonjour monsieur. Souhaitez-vous que ceux-ci dans un sac ou allez-vous les mettre dans votre sac à dos?” I felt terrible having to reply "non parlez-vous francais" I tried to read signs and menus with varying degrees of success. I started to recognise some words but there were words that looked very similar but meant something entirely different. I used pictures to help me work out what things were and tried to recall them the next time I saw the words without pictures; sometimes successfully, sometimes not. I pronounced French words in the way that combination of letters would work in English but certainly didn't in French. I listened to metro and train announcements to help me say places properly (although my Australian accent didn't help). Thank goodness I had the advantage of being able to utilise Teresa's knowledge of French although she can't hear French as fast as the people of France can speak it. Just when I felt I was getting some sort of idea of French we moved to Barcelona for a few days where my bonjour and au revoirs were useless. I was back to square one. All the tricks of the trade came back out, with limited success. After a few days we were off to Italy. I could not recall much beyond Mi chiamo Gary Pascoe; Come sta? Bene; uno,due,tre, quattro,cinque,sei, sette,otto,nove, dieci and of course buongiorno and ciao. I felt like I was four as I knew exactly what I wanted to say but I couldn't always make myself understood. I tried to drag words from my memory to use and I ended up mixing languages. I felt like I was four because I was using picture clues and context clues to help me read basic words. I have lost count of the number of times in my teaching career that parents have told me they are covering the pictures because the children are looking at the pictures to work out words. Or the number of times I was told that the child wasn't reading the book, they had just memorised it. Maybe I should have sent those parents overseas where they would have had their memory refreshed about how we learn, particularly when learning to read, and how important all the senses are to our learning. We learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living, the principles are the same. One becomes in some area an athlete of God. Martha Graham Gary Pascoe Deputy Principal [email protected] MUSIC NEWS Bread from Bakers Delight 'We are looking for volunteers who may be able to pick up bread from the Baker's Delight at Brighton on Thursday nights. It will then need to be delivered to Emmaus on the Friday morning. Please see the office staff if you think you can help out once a term. Instrumental lessons will be commencing in Week 2. If your child is currently enrolled, they will need to bring their instrument/books on Monday for guitar, Wednesday for violin or Thursday for piano. If your child is ceasing lessons, please fill out a "Discontinuation of Instrumental Lessons" form, which is available from the front office. If your child would like to commence lessons, please fill out a blue "Commencement of Lessons" form, or see me on a Tuesday or Wednesday for more details. I can also be contacted via email at: [email protected] Nicole Moxham Music Teacher Welcome to all our OSHC new families and staff. Volunteers for Ice Blocks Lemonade Icy Twists, Raspberry and Pineapple mini Calippo and Assorted flavours of Smooze ice blocks are available for students to buy each Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes during Terms 1 and 4 from the kitchen. Volunteers are needed to set up and sell ice blocks from 12:40-1:30 each Wednesday and Friday of Term 1. If you are available and have a current catholic police check please email [email protected] with your name, contact number and availability or leave those details at the front office. Many Thanks, The P and F Committee Staff for 2015 are Bev - Program Manager; Kristy, Lisa and Chris – Program Assistants New times for Before School Care 6.45 - 8.30am, breakfast will be served until 8:00am. After School Care 3:05 - 6:30pm. If you would like to book your child into OSHC please phone 0438 444 714 and speak to Bev. If I am unavailable please leave a message and I will get back to, or you can call into OSHC I am there between 6.45am - 9am or 2.30pm - 6.30pm Monday to Friday. All children will need an enrolment form filled out before they can attend OSHC. PLEASE REMEMBER ALL CHILDREN NEED A BROADBRIM HAT FOR TERM 1 AND TERM 4. NO HAT NO PLAY. Thankyou Bev SCHOOL FEES School fees for 2015 will be invoiced for the whole year within the next few days and will be sent home in the mail. If you would like to pay your fees in full for the whole year the following discounts will apply if paid before 28th February, 2015. No. of children Yearly Discount Balance 1 $2899 $104 $2795 2 $5204 $187 $5017 3 $7177 $254 $6923 Other options include:Payment of fees directly to the school office in full for the year within 30 days of the first invoice in term 1. You can also arrange to pay by three equal payments in Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3 within 30 days at the start of each term. (eg. 1 child’s fees $2,899. Pay $966.30 each term over 3 terms). Or 3rd option is payment of fees by direct debit to the school account either weekly, fortnightly or monthly and must be set up as soon as possible if you would like this option. Please also remember if you still have a direct debit in place that you would need to sign an amendment form to make allowance for increase in fees in 2015. Forms to set up a new direct debit are available from the front office and one will also be sent home with your fee invoice. Families in Financial Difficulties (including School Card eligibility) Families eligible for school card or believing they may be eligible are asked to contact the School Office to check on the criteria for 2015. If eligible and you require a fee reduction you are required to contact Vickie Richardson prior to March 2015. Appropriate proof of eligibility will need to be presented. Families who have difficulty in meeting the fee payment requirements of the School, are also asked to contact Vickie Richardson to discuss their situation if there is any reason you are not able to make the above payment arrangements. All discussions and arrangements are in the strictest confidence. Vickie Richardson Bursar School Shoes If you are buying new school shoes please remember our school uniform policy. Black leather lace ups or brown school sandals with the dress uniform. Predominantly white sneakers with the sports uniform. You attention to this is appreciated. Parents Satisfaction Survey All families should receive today a link to our annual parent satisfaction survey. In the interests of improving our school and the outcomes of our students, we ask you all to complete it by Friday, the 9th February. The survey should take no longer than 3 to 4 minutes. http://www.schoolsurvey.edu.au/s/vQePHpaL CRICKET AT REYNELLA OVAL, Old Reynella Reception-Yr 1: Cricket Australia’s national beginners program, in2CRICKET, Saturdays. 9-10am, for 6 weeks, 7th Feb-14 March. Program costs $77.75 for newcomers, covers Terms 1 and 4, 2015, and includes Starter Pack, all equipment and coaching; returning players $15. Register and details www.in2cricket.com.au or just turn up on the 7th. Yr 2-3s: SACA-supported school teams play KANGA cricket Saturdays 8.15—10.00am, 14th Feb to 28th March against other schools. Register interest at your school through your sport coordinator. Girls only SUPER 6 SMASH: Sats 9.00-10.15am coaching/competition for girls Yrs 2-7, commencing 7th Feb for 6 weeks, cost $30.00 payable at the oval, includes trophy and women coaches. Contact for any of these programs: Trish Pinder: [email protected] or 0411 116 300 Fair News Emmaus Fair 1st November Emmaus Fair Committee: Kaye King, Emily Stevens, Catherine Gurr, Amy Cayzer and Penny Mitchell The following stalls have convenors: Lucky Dips Sarah O’Dwyer Plants Penny Mitchell Devonshire Tea Simone Daws White Elephant ? Cakes Anita Fenech …………… ? Face Painting Lizzouly Mensforth & Tan Powney Hotdogs Gemma Booby Homewares Lucy Bawden Snow Cones Paul Mensforth & Gavin Powney Thank you to all our convenors. If you would like to join the Fair Committee or get a group of friends together and run a stall at our fair in November next year, let us know by email [email protected]. SCHOOL DENTAL SERVICE All babies, children and young people under 18 years are welcome to attend the School Dental Service. Dental care is FREE for most children. SA Dental Service participates in the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. A small fee may apply for children who are not eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. All dental care provided is FREE for preschool children. To locate your local School Dental Clinic, or for more information about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, please visit www.sadental.sa.gov.au Emmaus School Board Nomination You may nominate yourself or another member of the community - if that person gives you permission and signs the slip below. I wish to nominate (Name of person being nominated)______________________________________ as a Parent Representative on the Emmaus School Board. This person/I understand this is a two year term and that meetings are held on the second Wednesday night of each month. This person has agreed to this nomination and has signed below Signature of person nominated for School Board 2015. _____________________________________ Parent name: ______________________________ Phone number _____________________________ (to be used by crèche staff on the night if necessary) Creche Book-In Emmaus Parent Information & AGM I would like to book in the following children to the free crèche on Monday 9 th February 6:30-8:30pm: 1. _______________________________ Age ___________________ 2. _______________________________ Age ___________________ 3. _______________________________ Age ___________________ 4. ________________________________Age ___________________ Parent name: ______________________________ Phone number _____________________________ (to be used by crèche staff on the night if necessary)
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