W.T.Dickinson und H.Whiteìey WATERSHED AREAS CONTRIBUTING TO RUNOFF *W.T.DICKINSON and H.WHITELEY SUMMARY The response of streamflow to precipitation input on Blue Springs Creek, an I.H.D.Representative Basin, has been analyzed in light of the contributing area concept. The streamflow was separated into two components of response, baseflow and storm runoff, the baseflow being estimated from flows measured at springs on the basin. The minimum contributing area, defined as that area which contributing 100 percent of the effective rainfall would yield the measured storm runoff, was evaluated for each precipitation event. These area values were related to measured soil moisture volumes. The results revealed that the minimum contributingarea can vary widely,showing a range of values from 1 to 50 percent for the events analyzed.The majority of values were below 10percent, a median value for rainfall events being 5 percent. When compared with actual basin segments, the minimum contributing areas appear to give a good indication ofthe approximate areal extent of those portions of the Blue Springs Basin contributing to runoff. RESUME CONTRIBUTION DES SURFACES D’UN BASSIN A L’ÉCOULEMENT L a réponse de l’écoulement du cours d’eau à la précipitation dans le Blue Springs Creek, un bassin représentatifde la DHI,a été analysé à la lumière du concept des aires contribuant à la formation de l’écoulement.L’écoulementde la rivière a été partagé en deux parties :l’écoulement de base et celui de l’averse;l’écoulement de base étant déterminé par la mesure des débits des sources du bassin. L’aire de contribution minimum, définie comme étant celle contribuant pour 100% de la pluie effective, donnant l’écoulement d’averse mesuré, a été évaluée pour chaque pluie. Ces valeurs de surfaces furent mises en relation avec les volumes d’humiditédu sol mesurés. Les résultats ont montré que l’airede contribution minimum peut largement varier,prenant des valeurs de 1 à 50Yopour des pluies analysées. La majorité des valeurs étaient inférieures à 10%, la valeur moyenne s’élevant à 5 %O. En les comparant avec des parties de bassins existants, les surfaces de contribution minima apparaissent comme donnant une bonne indication des surfaces approximatives des portions du Bassin de Blue Springs qui contribuent à la formation de l’écoulement. INTRODUCTION Estimation of the volume of streamflow which will result from a precipitation event on a rural basin remains one of the most difficult tasks facing the hydrologist. N o widely accepted conceptual model is available to describe adequately the processes controlling the allocation of input water to storage and to output components on a vegetated permeable basin. Traditionally, infiltration approaches such as those suggested by Horton (1935), Linsley and Ackermann (1941),Cook (1946),and Sharp et ul. (1949),have been found to be useful on small plots but less applicable in watershed situations. Infiltration approaches modified by soil moisture deficits have also been utilized by Linsley and Crawford (1960)and Holtan (1961). Lack of a firm physical concept has led to graphical correlations among seemingly pertinent watershed and storm parameters. Examples of such methodology include the correlations of Kohler and Linsley (1951), and Witherspoon (1962). These empirical approaches acknowledge the importance of antecedent moisture conditions * Assistant Professors,School of Engineering,University of Guelph,Guelph,Ontario,Canada. 12 1.12 Watershed areas contributing to rrrnoff on the basin, as does the work of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (1963) and McCutchan (1960). Recently, a runoff concept has been suggested by such workers as Moldenhauer et al. (1960), Betson (19641,and Zavodchikov (1965), which hypothesizes that only a relatively small portion of most catchment areas contributes direct runoff to the stream flow. The properties of these “contributing areas” would vary from catchment to catchment according to topography, soil characteristics, and vegetation. Further,there would be changes with time within a catchment due to variable soil moisture conditions prior to and during storm events. It has been the objective of this study to consider the storm related streamflow volumes from the Blue Springs Basin, a research basin established in conjunction with the International Hydrological Decade Program in Canada, in light of the contributing area concept. The extent of minimum contributing areas are estimated and their relationship to measured soil moisture volumes is considered for the basin. CONTRIBUTING AREACONCEPT A detailed consideration of the contributing area concept, including a review of literature,has been provided by Riddle (1969).A brief discussion of the main points is given below. Moldenhauer et al. (1960) were among the first to suggest the possiblity that an entire catchment might not contribute storm runoff to a stream. Hewlett (1961) postulated that lower portions of a catchment normally exhibited higher soil moisture levels than upslope portions, and could be expected to contribute runoff earlier in a storm, Betson (1964) also indicated that storm runoff usually originates from a small,relatively consistent,part of the catchment. It has been further recognized that the contributing area of a particular catchment is dynamic in nature, varying primarily with soil moisture conditions, and also stage of cover or growth. At the beginning of a storm event, the storm runoff producing area is relatively small,and is a function of the stream surface area and soil moisture near the stream.As the storm progresses, the area increases at a rate which is a function of the rainfall intensity and the depletion of soil moisture storage. Hewlett and Hibbert (1965) have proposed a dynamic area model which derives its direct runoff from valley areas near the stream and a variable source area located on the lower slopes of the hillsides. The Tennessee Valley Authority (1965, 1966) have also derived an area model based on the antecedent soil moisture and total soil moisture storage. Ragan (1968) observed the dynamic contributing area to be a function of variations in catchment conditions prior to and during a storm, and to variations in the rainfall characteristics.Zavodchikov (1 965) also observed a relationship between the contributing area and soil moisture. Summarizing this discussion,it should be stated that the contributing area concept is in essence a manner of interpretation of the runoff coefficient. The graphical relationships of Kohler and Linsley (1951), and Witherspoon (1962) could be considered in the same manner. The concept appears to be more physically realistic than one suggesting that the entire basin contributes runoff in a uniform fashion. Further,the concept is helpful for catchment model development. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND LOCAIION OF BLUESPRINGS CREEK Blue Springs Creek is a perennial stream with attractions which include a hydrologic regime largely unaffected by human activity; and this despite its location in one of 1.13 13 W.T.Dickinson und H.Whiteley the longest established agricultural areas in Ontario.The creek lies about 80 km west of Toronto and 10Okm north of Niagara Falls on the eastern extremity of the Lake Erie drainage. The closest streams to the north and west are also part of the Lake Erie drainage but bordering streams to the south and east flow into Lake Ontario, crossing the Niagara Escarpment which runs in a north south direction 16km to the east of Blue Springs Creek. The regional climate is subhumid continental with moderate winters and warm summers. The mean temperature for February, the coldest month, is -6.3 O C , while for July it is 20.2OC.The mean annual precipitation of 8 4 0 m m is quite uniformly distributed through the year. The December to March precipitation is almost equally divided between rain and snow. GEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY The rock which forms the top of the Niagara Escarpment,and which is responsible for the presence of Niagara Falls,is a silurian limestone or dolomite. It is this rock, appearing locally as Abermarle dolomite,which underlies Blue Springs Creek. It has an important influence on the topography and hydrologic regime of the area. The proximity of the relatively flat surface of this bedrock produces a subdued surface relief over a large portion of the basin. But since the area is within the Paris T i l l Moraine (Chapman and Putnam, 1966), the presence of variable depths of glacial deposits creates substantial local relief in other parts of the area. The main stream channel occupies the downstream portion of a glacial spillway channel. It is cut into the dolomite to a depth of 15m at the lower end of the basin with a valley floor width of 300m or more. DRAINAGE AREA The designation of a drainage area for this creek based on surface topography is difficultand the usefulness of this description of the basin may be less than many hydrologists customarily assume. Figure 1 shows a best guess approximation of the topographically defined boundaries for the area “contributing” to the stream at the downstream streamflow gauging station. There are three difficult sections in this boundary. The northern end of the drainage area has variations in relief of more than 50m due to extremely hummocky kame deposits of mixed glacial material. This topography results in several drainage systems of a few hectares each which drain into swampy potholes with no drainage outlets. The location of the boundary from A to B is thus a matter of subjective judgement. Between C and D a swamp occupies an old glacial spillway channel. There is an outlet at each end of the swamp. One outlet leads to Blue Springs Creek, the other to a stream draining to Lake Ontario. The line between C and D crosses the swamp at a location chosen because there is no obvious surface drainage across it in either direction. From E to F the boundary is drawn to exclude an area containing pockets of internal drainage to potholes because it is assumed that this area could never contribute flow to the creek. 14 14.1 Watershed areas contributing to runoff ,e-., BLUE SPRINGS CREEK A I.H.D.RESEARCH BASIN Perennial Spring A 0 Streamflow gauging station @ Spring with measured flowrate \L . 1 *- FIGURE1. M a p of Blue Springs Creek I.H.D.Research Basin TABLE 1. Surface Geology of Blue Springs Basin Type % of Area Comments Wentworth T i l l 50 Stony,low clay content,medium to high permeability,soil profile > 1.5 m over dolomite,little topographic relief. Kames and Eskers 25 Highly variable material,some low permeability pockets in potholes but generally highly permeable, variable thickness,steep local slopes. Abermarle Dolomite 15 Outwash sand or gravel I Soil profile < 0.5 m over rock,rock in bulk highly permeable due to solution cavities,low relief. Highly permeable,medium to low relief. Swamp and bog 3 Generally near perennial stream. 1.15 15 W.T.Dickinson and li. Whiteley SURFACE PROPERTIES OF DRAINAGE AREA This boundary defines a drainage area of 44 km2.The distribution of surface geology within this area is given in table 1 (Karrow, 1963). The land use pattern, which is entirely rural, closely follows the surface geology. The 50% of area in cultivated land is mainly on Wentworth Till. The remaining area is about 20% lightly grazed pasture and 30% forest. DRAINAGE PATTERN Figure 1 shows the large number of perennial springs and resulting perennial streams which characterize the Blue Springs Basin. It is a large spring near the centre of the basin which gives the Creek its name. The term perennial is used here to mean that flow has been continuous since field observations began on the basin in 1965.Nearly all the springs occur either where there is a thinning of the cover of glacial material over the bedrock dolomite or on a slope where a valley has been cut into the dolomite. Figure 1 also shows the occurrence of streams which are perennial at their source at a spring but which become ephemeral before they reach the perennial stream system. Some of these streams such as G and H never reach the main stream but end in depressions.Thispattern is typicalof the karstsystemswhich develop in dolomite areas. The presence of high permeability soil and bedrock on the basin, the abundance of springs and perennial streams,and the very slow recession curve of the creek in dry summer periods, all suggest the importance of groundwater flow in the hydrologic regime of the creek. The importance of groundwater contributions to streamflow means, in turn, that the subsurface groundwater divide around the basin will rank in importance with the topographic divide in determining streamflow characteristics. It is not yet possible to say whether the groundwater and surface topographic divide coincide and this is one reason for questioning the use of surface drainage area alone as a predictive areal unit. W h e n attention is focused on the rapid response of flow in the stream to precipitation input,there is reason for looking critically at the basin to attempt to differentiate areas whose response may differ. Throughout the basin, and particularly in its downstrpam portion, there are areas which have no surface drainage connection to the stream. In the case of stream H,for example, there is a length of at least 1 km between the downstream end of surfaceflow and the main stream.Thislengthof subsurface flow must greatly increase the lag time of response of the main stream to precipitation occurring on the part of the total basin draining into this sink In contrast, there are areas near the perennial stream (shown shaded on fig. 1) which would be expected to provide fast streamflow response to precipitation. O n Blue Springs Basin these areas have the following properties in common. They border or surround a perennial stream; their surface elevation is rarely more than 2m above the elevation of the stream; the area is lower than surrounding ground, and, in the case of the main valley, below surrounding bedrock level; bedrock is close to the ground surface; and the area is covered by vegetation tolerant of long periods of high soil moisture content. A dense growth of cedar trees is particularly common. All these characteristics are compatible with these areas being places of ground water discharge. The areas under discussion are conspicuous on aerial photographs as pockets of natural vegetation surrounded by cleared farm land. They have been left untouched by the land owners because of their wet, poorly drained organic soils and inaccessibility due to steep slopes leading down to the depressions or stream valley floors they occupy. 16 1.16 Watersliedareas contributing to runoff RESEARCH BASINDATA The I.H.D. research study on the Blue Springs Basin is a joint effort of the University of Guelph and the Ontario Water Resources Commission. The latter group is concentrating their attention on ground water and geological properties. Considerable assistance with data collection and instrumentation is provided by the Federal government of Canada through the Inland Waters Branch and the Meteorological Branch. In this study, use was made of precipitation,streamflow and soil moisture data. A coniinuous record of precipitation for the basin is given by two alter-shielded weighing precipitation gauges. These gauges are supplemented in the months of April to November with a tipping bucket recording raia gauge and 14 non-recording Canadian Met. Standard rain gauges, read within a day after rain. These gauges are fairly evenly distributed over the basin. In the winter months of December to March, snow and rain are measured as they fall in the two weighing gauges and there are also twice-daily readings of depth of freshly fallen snow at two other locations. The accumulated depth of water in the snow pack is measured by weighted core samples taken periodically at 50 locations on the basin. Hourly amounts of precipitation are taken from the recording gauge charts and these hourly amounts are compared and adjusted to yield a basin average record of hourly precipitation which totals to the arithmetic average of all gauge readings for each storm. Soil moisture readings are obtained with a neutron scatter soil moisture depth probe with readings taken weekly at four locations on the basin as shown in figure 1. Readings are taken to cover a depth from 19 c m to 200 c m in three locations and to 150cm in the fourth where the access tube length is restricted by the bedrock surface. The moisture content in the top 19 c m of the soil is measured by a singIe gravimetric sample taken at each site each week. The use of only one gravimetric sample at each site introduces considerable error in the soil moisture estimate for each site,but taking more samples on a regular basis would lead to a fast exhaustion of surface sample sites near the access tube,and would take more of the technician’s time than is available. Streamflow values are available on a daily mean basis for the main gauging station at the outlet of the research basin area and for two supplementary upstream stations.The data for streamflow used in this study are for the “Boy Scout’s C a m p ” gauging station (see fig. 1) which measures flow from the upper two-fifthsof the basin (drainage area of 18 h2). During periods of variable streamflow, average values of flow for six hour long periods were calculated for this station for this study. SEPARATION OF RAPID RESPONSE STREAMFLOW An inspection of flow hydrographs for any of the three gauging stations on Blue Springs Basin suggests that two fairly distinct flow components are present. One component rises and falls seasonally with long periods of slow recession. The other component appears only after precipitation and has a fast rate of rise and rapid recession. The geology of the basin makes a two component system physically reasonable. The justification for making a two component separation will appear in the results which are obtained. 1.17 17 W.T.Dickinson and H. Whiteley The flow at the Boy Scout’s C a m p gauging station was separated into two components by substracting from the measured streamflow rate an estimated baseflow rate. The estimated baseflow rate was obtained through a comparison of the flow at that station with a record of continuous flow at four springs whose locations are shown in Fig. 1. November 14, 1968 was selected as a day on which all the flow in the stream was groundwater baseflow. This day follows a five day period with no precipitation and 17 days with no daily amounts greater than 10mm.It was further assumed that on this day there was little evaporation from baseflow in the stream channels and groundwater discharge areas as the evaporation rate was less than 1 .Omm/day and there was sufficient light rain in the first 12 days of the preceeding period to supply evaporation from interception and surface storage for the five rain-freedays. The flow measured at each spring on November 14, 1968 was taken as a standard discharge for the spring.The ratio measured discharge to the November 14 discharge was calculated for each spring for each day from August 1968 to December 1969. The ratio of stream discharge (assumed to be baseflow) on three other dates, October 30,1968,January 16, 1969 and February 21. 1969 to the stream discharge on November 14, 1968 was calculated and a weighted mean value of the four spring discharge ratios for these dates was chosen to give as close a fit as possible to the observed stream ratios on these dates. A weighting of 6,2, 1, 1, gave the best fit. The results are shown in table 2. TABLE 2. Estimate of Stream Baseflow Rates by Spring Discharge Date Oct. 30/68 Nov. 14/68 Jan. 16/69 Feb. 21/69 Observed Stream Discharge Ratio* Observed Spring Discharge Ratio* SH62 SH41 SHI1 SW72 Weighted M e a n Basefiow Estimate 1.10 1 .o0 1.13 1.38 0.93 1.00 1.06 1.28 1.06 1.00 1.39 2.08 1.00 1.00 1.31 1.81 1.99 1.00 1.02 1.06 0.97 1.00 1.15 1.47 *Ratio of discharge for given date to discharge a n Nov. 14, 1968. The weighted mean spring discharge ratio was then calculated for each day of the period and this ratio, multiplied by the observed streamflow on November 14, 1968,was a firstestimate of the baseflow rate at the gauging station on any day. As stated earlier, this baseflow rate was to be substracted from the observed streamflow to obtain the flow rate of the rapid responsecomponent. This method of estimating baseflow gave very reasonable results for cold months, as can be seen in figure 2.In the warm months from M a y to September,the baseflow estimate based on springs shows the same slope as the measured streamflow recession curve but consistently overestimates actual streamfiow by as much as 80%. For periods when the spring estimated baseflow for the stream exceeded the measured streamflow, the baseflow at the start of an isolated storm flow event was taken as the actual streamflow and the slope of the spring estimated baseflow line during the storm was used to draw the baseflow separation line during the storm event,which was taken to end when the slope of the recession of measured streamflow matched the slope of the spring estimated baseflow. A possible explanation for the failure of the springs to predict baseflow during warm months is that evaporation from the groundwater discharge areas and the stream channel takes water which in cold months, with low evaporation, appears as measured streamflow. The four springs which were measured all discharged at the 18 1.18 Watershed ureas contributing to runoff I [Measured Stream Flow. January '69 150 February March April Base Flow estimated from Flowrate - - O May '69 June July August FJGURE2. Example of Base Flow Estimutedfrom Flowrate of Springs r, foot of abrupt slopes with no areas immediately up slope from the springs which gave evidence of high water tables. T o check this explanation, the area of possible groundwater discharge zones upstream of the Boy Scout's C a m p gauging station was measured. The characteristics of these zones have been listed earlier. Using this area (2.6km2) and an estimated evaporation rate for late July 1969 of 4mm/day,the flow rate of evaporation would be 120 liters/sec. compared with a difference between estimated and measured streamflow of 58 liters/sec. at this time. It therefore seems quite possible that evaporation from groundwater explains the difference and that either the average rate of evaporation was lower than estimated or that a part of evaporation came from soil moisture storage in layers of soil above the water table in portions of the groundwater discharge areas. STORM RUNOFF After the afore-mentionedflow separation was performed,the remaining hydrograph was defined as the storm runoff hydrograph. The runoff volumes for individual storm events were determined and are presented in table 3. For each runoff event, the effective storm rainfall was determined, and is also given in table 3. This rainfall term is defined as the basin average rainfall for the storm event less an amount for intercepted precipitation.This latter term was estimated to be approximately constant at 0.15cm for all rain storm events. It was determined by a consideration of occurrences of precipitation which resulted in no storm runoff. 1.19 19 c CJ .rly u 0 wal WLl WPi u -rl -!-! G5 ? u- u m 'i< U O u) v) v) v) ,-id r. m m o u) ri m om03 \D m \D n l r. o w 4 N N m a m .r w . . .O.n1.m. N. . o .. . . . . . . .o.rl.m. .4.co 4 r. r. N ni NNri o rl m a o . .v)r.v)r.r.arr)mm<av)mmr.rimmu)4.................... ~v)v)NaONOm2-4aor.4nririm,-ia44,-i N m 42-44 a +onidrim m,-i ri m w o ............... m w r ,-i v) i 4 ,-irl,-i rim m n w o m i NNv)4N i N N N O m N 4 m 4 4 r . m m v) m m m O N m b m w ww Cu 4 m a N m r. r. N 0 1 o o r. N r . u) 4- 4 m N a N m rl N,-4,-inl7IN rlN -.ltUrlNhliNC\I N N ...................... nimQoN,-irr)4coNm4-r.u)w~Cuor.omri ,-i G- r- rl m m ....................... o e m b d m N m m U i 1.20 er( c U 2-4 7 V al [II Fi m 2-4 2-4 F: u u rd E -i< u VI u a V m wmwm,-i w G-4ririoo .?Y. v ) , - i ~ m 4 ~ ~ + m m u ) 4 w v ) o w w ~ ~ m o vF: ) m ..... ri2-42-4rir.v)mo~mr.mwommo,-iomv)ri m u) rl i o m o ri o N O ni ri ri u) o i ri N m o 4 ...................... ~oa4~w\Dv)or.v)wnlmr.mmNNm4am 2: W.T.Dickinson and H. Whiteley m 20 Watershed areas contributing to runoff The minimum contributing area was evaluated as where R = V = P = C = the minimum area which, contributing 100 percent of the effective rainfall,would yield the measured direct runoff; the volume of direct runoff the depth of effectiveprecipitation; a dimensionless coefficientdetermining the units of R. The values obtained for the minimum contributing areas for the storm events analyzed above are given in table 3 as a percentage of the total catchment area of 18.0km2. An initial consideration of the minimum contributing area values reveals the following points. The range of values for the storms analyzed is extreme, being from approximately 1.0to 50 percent,with a mean of 10 percent and a median of 6.0percent. These measures of central tendency reflect the asymmetric distribution of minimum contributing areas,with 80 percent of the values being less than 15 percent. If streamflow from only rainfall events is considered, the range for the 1968 and 1969 seasons is 1.0 to 25 percent, with a mean of 6.5 percent and a median of 5.0percent. Eighty percent of the values for rain events lie below 10 percent. A more complete representation of the statistical distribution of values for the Blue Springs Basin requires the collection of additional field data. It is of interest to compare the above results with similar computations for other basins in Ontario and with catchment results considered in the literature. Minimum contributing area values were determined for South Parkhill Creek, a 4 2 h 2 basin situated on lacustrine clay deposits on the eastern shore of Lake Huron. For rain storm events occurring between October 1965 and November 1969, the minimum contributing areas ranged from O to 59 percent, with a mean value of 20 percent, and a median value of 10percent: Riddle (1969)has summarized values of contributing area found in the literature. These are summarized in table 4,along with the result of Riddle’s investigation on TABLE 4. Summary of ContributingArea Values Noted in the Literature Author Betson (1964) Catchment Area @m2) Catchment Characteristics Contributing Area Characteristics 0.015 Pasture cover Mean value 4.6% 0.020 swamp Area denuded of vegetation Mean value 85.8% +2% Betson (1964) Tennessee Valley Authority (1965) Zovodchikov (i 965) Ragan (1968) Riddle (1969) 0.019 1000 to 1500 0.460 24 Riddle (1969) 28 Heavily grazed pasture Springmelt conditions Forested Agricultural; intermittent stream Agricultural; perennial stream Range 5 to 20% Range 20 to 60% Range 1.2 to 3.0% Median value 2.2% Range 0.2 to 40% Median value 2.7% Range 0.5to 8% ~~ 1.21 2.1 W.T.Dickinson and H.Whiteley two Ontario basins. The median contributing area values for the results on these latter basins were approximately2.5percent. A consideration of these results suggests that, although the basins investigated have been of variable characteristics, the distributions of contributing area values are very similar in certain regards. The majority of rain-producing streamflow events exhibit contributing areas less than 10 percent. Particular basin conditions, such as total forest cover, total lack of vegetation, and springmelt periods, lead to understandable variations. It is interesting to note that the springmelt values of Zavodchikov (1965) are very similar to those obtained for similar seasonal conditions on the Blue Springs Basin. BASINMOISTURE CONDITIONS A consideration of the literature, and field observation of the behaviour of small catchments,reveals that for a particular basin, the most significant factors affecting the volume of storm runoff from an input event are the basin moisture conditions at the outset and during the progress of the event. The latter factor is highly dependent on the rainfall and/or snowmelt rates and their distribution in time. Therefore, the question arises: how can basin moisture conditions be adequately quantified? As weekly soil moisture observations have been made throughout the year on the Blue Springs Basin, it was decided to utilize these to obtain an initial index of moisture status on the basin. A graph of the temporal distribution of soil moisture stored in the upper 200 c m of soil at four sites on the basin is presented in figure3. 60 P- 55 .ic O 5i ui 5 O 50 8 45 L al P Q 4c al Y 3 Y- 0 35 E o 30 FIGURE3. Time Series of Moisture Content Measured in Upper 200 em of Soil Profile As the soil and vegetative properties at each observation site are somewhat varied, the absolute and relative changes in soil moisture also vary. However, the basic trends in time are very similar. It was decided to select the observed values at the Donne1 site, for a soil profile depth of 114cm, as indices of the soil moisture status 22 I .22 Watershed areas corttributing to runof of the basin. It should be emphasized that these moisture values have not been interpreted in this study as absolute measures of moisture in the soil. Nor have they been used to determine volumetric soil moisture deficiencies. Rather, they are considered as indices. For each storm runoff event analyzed, a basin moisture index was computed as, P M=M,S2 = the basin moisture index for the storm event,in cm; M,= the soil moisture stored in the upper 114c m of soil at the Donne1 where M site on the day prior to the storm,in cm; P = the effective storm precipitation,in cm. The moisture indices so obtained are plotted in figure 4 in relation to the corresponding minimum contributing area values. The line through the scatter of data points bas been sketched by eye. A number of comments should be made with regard to the sketched relationship of figure4. FIGURE4. Experiinental Relationship between Miniinurn Contributing Area and a Basin Moisture Index (i) For the Blue Springs Basin, the relationship between minimum contributing area and moisture index is nonlinear in nature,with a basin moisture index value of approximately 30 c m behaving as a threshold value.Soil moisture and storm situations combining to exhibit a moisture index less than 30 cm account for 70 percent of the events analyzed and the corresponding minimum contributing areas are small. For indices greater than 30-cm,the minimum contributing areas show a marked and rapid increase in value. I .23 23 W.T.Dickinson und IT. Whiteley (ii) For storm events over Blue Springs Basin exhibiting moisture indices less than 30 cm, the minimum contributing area appears rather insensitive to the moisture index. Although it is physically realistic to expect the sketched relationship to have a positive slope in this range of index values, the points developed from storm data do not exhibit a significanttrend. (iU) A consideration of other storm and watershed parameters such as rainfall intensities,their distribution in time, and the state of vegetative cover, did not yield much further information.There is a slight tendency for storms exhibiting maximum hourly rainfall intensities greater than 1.25cm to plot above the line. However, a regression analysis utilizing these additional parameters failed to reveal any significant levels of correlation. (iv) The moisture indices for situations involving snow or ice cover and snowmelt were difficult to establish due to a paucity of accurate soil moisture data during the winter and spring periods. It is unlikely that such a simple moisture index as has been utilized could adequately describe the snow and ice situations.Nevertheless, it is of interest to view the relative positions of the spring runoff events to the remaining population. BASINBEHAVIOUH The small yields of storm runoff which frequently occur suggest that only a small, rather consistent,portion of the basin responds rapidly to all inputs.For most events, the majority of the basin plays little or no role in contributing to storm runoff amounts. The streamflow response is controlled by the distribution of storage capacity over the basin relative to the stream network, and the moisture status of the storage elements. /-- y-/ / / / I I I I Basin moisture index, increasing - L I FIGURE5. Hypothetical Relationdiil,between M i n i m u m Contributing Area and ci Basin Moisture Index 24 1.24 Watershed urem contributing to 1.11noff The results of streamflow analysis from Blue Springs Basin suggest that some 10% of the basin has a low storage capacity for precipitatioti input, while a great portion of the catchment has a large capacity for storage. Further, this large capacity is well indexed by soil moisture storage. Once the larger storage body approaches capacity, the portion of the basin contributing to storm rutloff rapidly increases. It is further suggested that, if more data were available at the higher levels of moisture, the contributing area vs. moisture iiidex relaíionship might have the appearance of figure 5. That is, there may well be a second threshold value for some basins signifying the approach to an upper limit of area which physically can contribute to direct runoff. Such an upper limit would rise with iccrease in input but could be considered approximately constant for all but extremely improbable input rates. Further, this upper limit may be significantly less than 100% of the catchment area, as defined by surface topography. In fact, for the Blue Springs Basin,it may be in the order of 60%. MINIMUM CONTRIBUTING AREA The question arises: how meaningful is the term miilimum contributing area as an absolute area term? D o the numerical values represent basin segmeiits which are the prime contributors to storm runoff?Does the basin actually behave in this maimer? Although these questions cannot yet be answered directly, the research program on the Blue Springs Basin has offered qualitative confirmation of the contributing area concept.The possible groundwater recharge areas shown on figure 1 most likely make the initial contribution of storm runoff to the stream.These aieas surrounding the perennial stream channels represent 14.5 percent of the catchment area,while if similar areas surrounding the intermittent streams are included, the total area represents 20.0 percent. As the majority of values computed for minimum contributing area are below 10 percent, and all but two rainfall events result in values less than 20 percent,it seems highly probable that minimum contributing area values do in fact indicate the approximate areal extent of the portion of the catchmect contributing to storm runoff. This conclusion has been qualitatively verified with the field observation that it is hard to find evidence of storm runoff occurring outside these areas. As the moisture conditions increase above the threshold index value of 30 cm, it seems likely that an area greater than the minumum contributing area aciivcly contributes storm runoff. The extent of this extra area is determined by surface drainage and storage conditions, and could be sensitive to input rates, i.e. infiltration properties could be important. The large values of contributing area for frozen conditions are more likely due to low infiltration raies on noimally permeablc soil than to high moisture storage values. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work upon which this paper is based was supported in part by funds provided by the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, and the National Research Council. The assistance of Professor H . D . Ayers, Director of the School of Engineering,University of Guelph,is gratefully acknowledged. 1.25 25 W.T.Dickinson and H. Whiteley REFERENCES BETSON, R.P.(1964): What is watershed runoff? J.G.R., Vol. 69, 1541-1552. CHAPMAN, L.J. and PUTNAM, D.(1966): The physiography of Southern Ontario. University of Toronto Press. COOK, H.L. (1946): The infiltration approach to surface runoff, Trans. A.G.U., Vol.27,726-747. HEWLETT, J.D. (1961): Soil moisture as a source of baseflow from steep mountain watersheds, U.S.D.A. Forest Seruice, Southeastern Forest Expt. Sta., Paper I32. HEWLETT, J. D.and HIBBERT, A.R.(1965): Factors affecting the response of small watersheds to precipitation in humid areas,Int. Symp. on Forest Hydrology. HOLTAN, H.N. A concept for infiltration estimates in watershed engineering. US.Dept. of Agr., ARS 41-51. HORTON, R.E.(1935): Surface Runoff Phenomena,Part I,Analysis of the Hydrograph.Publ.IOI. KARROW, P.F.(1963): Pleistocene Geology of the Guelph Area, Ont. 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