GREATER ECHO PARK ELYSIAN NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL PRESIDENT KWAZI NKRUMAH VICE PRESIDENT MANICITO “FENDER” SANTOS TREASURER EVA MEJIA CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER PAUL BOWERS AT LARGE Jill ‘Rio’ Contreras BOARD OF GOVERNOR’S MONTHLY MEETING Tuesday, January 27, 2015 7:00 P.M. CERTIFIED NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL APRIL 16, 2002 MEETING LOCATION: Cisneros Learning Center 1018 Mohawk St. Los Angeles, CA 90026 TELEPHONE: (213)400 9155 WEBSITE: ECHOPARKNC.ORG EMAIL: [email protected] MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 261046, LA CA 90026 DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES Veronica Arellano D1 Matt Sharp D1 Vacant D1 Judith Garcia D2 Richard CourtneyD2Vacant D3 Ann-Marie Paula Guadron D4 Holman D2 Tad Yenawine D4 Gordon H. LakeD3 Jessica Cutler Jill “Rio” D4 Contreras D3 Mellie Bautista D5 Carolina JimenezD5 Vincent Rodriguez D5 Alma Baja D5 Avelyn J Tapia D5 AGENDA I Administrative items………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 minutes a. b. c. d. Roll Call Approval of Minutes President’s Report Administrative Reminder: BOG Meetings are scheduled to begin with DONE-required trainings. However, Tuesday’s meeting will not start with this 45 minute presentation. It is being postponed until next month. All GEPENC Board members are required to participate: Discussion with the Office of the City Attorney which may include any of the following topics: a. Legal concerns arising from conduct between or among board members: Board communication skills (including electronic), representing the City with dignity, personal conflicts in City matters, disharmony versus disagreement, eliminating bullying and harassment, and improving conduct at meetings, including a questions and answer session on these topics. b. Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils c. The Administrative Code provisions applicable to Neighborhood Councils d. Ethics and conflict of interest laws applicable to Neighborhood Council board members e. The Brown Act f. The California Public Records Act g. The Americans with Disabilities Act h. The Board’s bylaws. i. The City Charter Speakers may include Deputy City Attorneys Vivienne Swanigan of the Labor Relations Division and Alois Phillips of the Neighborhood Council Advice Division. Please note that this discussion does not fulfill the requirement that board members also take the mandatory 2 hour ethics course. II Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items ......... ………………………………………. 8 minutes (Public Comment will be limited to 90 seconds per person) III Announcements…………………………………………………………………………………. 5 minutes IV Reports of State Electeds, Council Districts, and/or Various City Agencies .……… 10 minutes V Community and Stakeholder Organizations……………………………………………………… 8 minutes VI Motions and Resolutions.......................................................................... 60 minutes Discussion/possible action on the following agenda items for December 18th 2014 BOG Meeting: A. Budget and Finance Committee Recommendations 1. Discussion and/or Possible Action on the recommendation from the Budget and Finance Committee to adopt the December 2014 Monthly Reconciliation Statement. 2. Nomination of Gordon Lake as interim GEPENC Treasurer, replacing Eva Mejia, who is stepping down due to recent advancements in her professional career. (This item is submitted by Kwazi Nkrumah,GEPENC President.) B. Planning and Land Use Committee 1): "Northeast LAPD Neighborhood Prosecutor Gabrielle Taylor will give an overview of the City Attorney's upcoming immigration issues forums being held January 31st and February 28th. Topics include immigration scams; drivers licenses for undocumented residents (AB60); and President Obama's recent Executive Action regarding immigration. (See the flyers attached to this agenda for full details including location and time.)" 2) "Homeowners can get up to $3000 for earthquake retrofitting from the state's Earthquake Brace + Bolt program. Presentation on how qualified homeowners in the 90026 ZIP code can apply for this grant. Deadline is February 15, 2014. Visit to see if you qualify or call (877) 232-4300 for a paper application. (See attachments for more information on this program.)" 3) "SUNSET GATEWAY (1185 W Sunset 90026 VTT-72553-CN): Discussion/possible action re: changes to and new information about this proposal which have emerged since the last GEPENC board reviewed and supported an earlier version of this project in the spring of 2014." 4) Emergency preparedness plan. As per the DONE newsletter, NCs can apply to have the city help them prepare an emergency plan for their community: D. General Motions and/or Resolutions: 1.Resolved that we support "a place where social workers can come in and set up a research base to assess the local housing needs and use the place as a headquarters to develop solutions for homeless population in Echo Park and Silverlake” at 4Site, a proposed 47 unit complex on a corners near Temple and Glendale.. 2) Discussion and/or possible action in support of the January 3, 2015 adopted Motion by the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition (LANCC) that recognizes Los Angeles to be in a “state of emergency” for homeless Veterans and hereby requests that the Los Angeles City Council direct the City of Los Angeles with all of its resources and the Veterans Administration to unify and open a large-scale Crisis Humanitarian Relief Project on the West Los Angeles Veterans Affairs campus to immediately house and care for the thousands upon thousands of disabled and homeless Veterans in the City of Los Angeles. Where as, in June 15, 2011, “VA Secretary Eric Shinseki’s promise to end veteran homelessness by 2015, and has asked for $4.9 billion to do just that in the 2012 budget.”1 Where as, in August 30, 2013, “the Federal Court Ruled West L.A. VA Land had illegally leased nearly a quarter of its 387-acre campus and must be used for Medical, Veteran Support Services”2 Where as, “land dedicated to the VA for housing veterans has been denied to them—and LA has more homeless vets than any city in America.”3 Where as, the homeless Veterans with mental problems have been left to struggle alone in the streets of Los Angeles without public hygienic-facilities accessible to them; Vets are left with no option but to defecate in the public right of ways; and, are inadvertently a nuisance to the community as they are constantly placing themselves in dangerous situations. Where as, in Los Angeles the homeless vets are seen sitting in the public right of ways in the heat of the sun and in low temperatures in inappropriate clothing when Veterans were deeded land and facilities solely for their use in the West L.A. VA campus. Where as, Jay Handal -- Budget Advocate and West LA Neighborhood Council President-- stated that it will be the fourth year anniversary in the second week of January 2015, when he met with Congressman Henry Waxman, Senator Diane Feinstein, L.A. County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, and the Veterans Administration to simply request of the VA to open their gates and allow the Veterans living in their vehicles to park them overnight in the VA property to be in a safe environment. It will be the fourth anniversary of the VA saying yes we can do it. We need to find out how? Yet they haven’t opened the VA gates for the homeless living in vehicles. Articles Cited 1. Lookout, Santa Monica news, June 15, 2011: 2. Lookout, Santa Monica news, August 30, 2013: 3. 3. Discussion and/or possible action for the Greater Echo Park Neighborhood Council (GEPENC) to support the motion passed by the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition on December 6, 2014 requesting that Councilman Parks start holding regular meeting of the Education and Neighborhoods Committee for with. 4. In response to a request from the California Homeless Bill of Rights Campaign and in accord with previously passed motions by the GEPENC Board that GEPENC supports the Right to Rest Act. The Right to Rest Act clearly states that everyone, housed or unhoused must sleep stand, sit and eat at some point of the day. Under the Right to Rest Act, local governments will no longer be able to criminalize standing still, sitting down, lying down, sleeping or eating, regardless of skin color, housing status, or income levels. To criminalize any of these activities is to treat those most in need and without material resources discriminatorily and violates their human rights. 5. Resolved that GEPENC do everything possible to assist the LA Homeless Services Authority in conducting the annual homeless count at the end of this month. 6. Motion to approve Spring Fair support (co-sponsorship of the 7th Annual GPACC, Griffith Park Adult Center Committee, Annual Spring Faire Event on April 18th, 2015 from 10:30 am - 4:00 pm., located at the LA Department of Parks and Recreation Center on Riverside Drive near Los Feliz Blvd.) 7. GEPENC shall post public notices inviting candidates to apply for the vacant seats in our 3rd district (previously occupies by Santiago Perez) and our 1st District (previously occupied by Katrina Bouza) as well as for candidates for the position of permanent Treasurer, replacing Eva Mejia. 8. Resolved that GEPENC joins the South Central Neighborhood Council in calling upon the Mayor and the office of the City Attorney to expedite the immediate release of the autopsy results in the case of Omar Abregon, who along with Ezell Ford, appears to have been the victim of the use of excessive force by local police officers in that part of the city. VII . Reports from officers and committee chairs………………………. 8 minutes VIII. Future agenda items………………………………………………… 3 minutes. IX. Adjournment Please see notice on the following page. Por favor, vea el aviso en la proxima página. GREATER ECHO PARK ELYSIAN NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL SPECIAL JOINT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND BOG MEETING 10/23/2014 AGENDA Se les pide al public de llenar una tarjeta con sus datos de dirigir palabra a la mesa directive del concilio en referencia a cualquir asunto de la agenda, y antes de que el concilio tome acción sobre el asunto. Comentario de public sobre asuntos de agenda serán atendidos solamente cundo el respective asunto está bajo consideración. El comentario del public sobre otros asuntos que no aparecen en la agenda y están en la jurisdicción de concilio serán escuchados durante el period del comentario del public en general. Por favor note que bajo la ley de “Brown Act”, el concilio no puede hacer nada de recomendaciones al respect durante el de un committee. El comentario del public está limitado a dos minutos por participante, amenos de que el limite de uno minute sea suspendido por el official del Concilio que preside la junta. Las agendas de las juntas del Concilio de la Vecindad del Echo Park Elysian son puestas a la vista del public en general para conocimiento en las siguientes sitios: 1)) La Biblioteca del Echo Park – 1410 W. Temple Street, LA 90026; Las agendas también se pueden haller en el sitio official de GEPENC en la red-electronica El public, y miembros de la vecindad de Echo Park Elysian también pueden suscribir al Sistema de notificación de la ciudad de Los Angeles “Early Notification System” (ENS), a través del le redelectronica de la ciudad, para recibir noticias de las juntas del concilio de la vecindad del Echo Park Elysian. Para más información, llame a Paul Bowers, Oficial de Información, al telefono (213) 400 9155, o escriba a: [email protected]. Como identidad de acuerdo con el Titulo II de la ley “American Disabilities Act” Americanos con incapacidades, la ciudad de Los Angeles no discrimina por ase de incapacidad. Haga su solicitud y se le prove acomodaciones rasonables para asegurar acceso de igualidad a los programas, servicios, y activades. Intérprete de Lenguaje de señas, asistencia con aparatos para oír, o otros aparatos auxiliary y/o sevicios se les pueden proveer através de ser solicitados. Para asegurar disponibilidad de servicios, por favor haga su solicitud a lo menos de 3 dias de trabajo (72-horas) antes de la junta, y pongase en contacto con Paul Bowers, Chief Information Officer, a 213-400 9155, [email protected]. De acuerdo con elcodigo gubemamental sección 54957.5, documentos noexento, que están distribuidas a la mayoria o a todos los miembros del concilio por adenlantado de la junta, pueden ser vistos en la junta del concilio o en the red-electronica del concilio SI REQUIERE SERVICIOS DE TRADUCCION, FAVOR DE NOTIFICAR AL CONCILIO VECINAL 3 DÍAS DE TRABAJO (72 HORAS) ANTES DEL EVENTO. SI NECESITA ASISTENCIA CON ESTA NOTIFICACION, POR FAVOR CONTACTE A PAUL BOWERS, FUNCIONARIA DE LA MESA A CARGO DE INFORMACION, AL 213-400 9155, [email protected]. The public is requested to fill out a Speaker Card to address the Committee on any agenda item before the Committee takes an action on an item. Comments from the public on agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the agenda that are within the Committee’s jurisdiction will be heard during the General Public Comment period. Please note that under the Brown Act, the Committee is prevented from acting on a matter that you bring to its attention during the General Public Comment period; however, the issue raised by a member of the public may become the subject of a future Committee meeting. Public comment is limited to 1 minute per speaker, unless waived by the presiding officer of the Committee. The agendas for the GEPENC meetings are posted for public review at the following locations: 1)) Echo Park Branch Library -1410 W. Temple Street, LA 90026; as well as at the GEPENC’s official website at Stakeholders may also subscribe to the City of Los Angeles Early Notification System (ENS), through the City’s website at, to receive notices for GEPENC meetings. For more information, you may also contact Paul Bowers, Chief Information Officer, at 213-400 9155, [email protected]. As a covered entity under the Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assisted listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72-hours) prior to the meeting by contacting Paul Bowers, Chief Information Officer, at 213-400 9155, [email protected]. In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority of all members of the Committee in advance of a meeting, may be viewed at the Neighborhood Council meeting or on the Neighborhood Council website at All agenda items are to be considered as subject to discussion and possible action by the Board of Governors.
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