GREATER ECHO PARK ELYSIAN NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL PRESIDENT KWAZI NKRUMAH VICE PRESIDENT MANICITO “FENDER” SANTOS TREASURER EVA MEJIA CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER PAUL BOWERS SPECIAL JOINT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND BOARD OF GOVERNOR’S MEETING Thursday, October 23, 2014 7:00 P.M. MEETING LOCATION Office of State Senator Kevin De Leon 1808 W. Sunset Blvd., LA CA 90026 CERTIFIED NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL APRIL 16, 2002 TELEPHONE: (213)400 9155 WEBSITE: ECHOPARKNC.ORG EMAIL: [email protected] MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 261046, LA CA 90026 DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES Veronica Arellano Matt Sharp Katrina Bouza Eva Mejia D1 D1 D1 D2 Richard Courtney D2 Ann-Marie Holman D2 Gordon H. Lake D3 “Rio” Jill Contreras D3 Santiago E. Perez D3 Paula Guadron D4 Tad Yenawine D4 Jessica Cutler D4 Mellie Bautista Carolina Jimenez Vincent Rodriguez Alma Baja Avelyn J Tapia D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 AGENDA 1. Administrative items…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9 minutes a. Roll Call of Executive Committee members b. Roll Call of Board of Governor’s members c. Adoption of Executive Committee Minutes 2. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items ................... ………………………………………. 8 minutes (Public Comment will be limited to 90 seconds per person) 3. Announcements .................................................................................................... 3 minutes 4. Reports of State Electeds, Council Districts, and/or Various City Agencies .……. 6 minutes 5. Community and Stakeholder Organizations……………………………………………………… 6 minutes 6. Motions and Resolutions .................................................................................... 60 minutes Discussion/possible action on the following agenda items for October 28th 2014 BOG Meeting: A. PLUC (Planning and Land Use Committee) Recommendations: 1. The GEPENC-PLUC recommends to the Joint Executive Committee and BOG to support stakeholder opposition and/or appeals to item ZA-2014-2088-CUB, SemiTropical Bar at 1412 No. Glendale Blvd. due to failure to fully comply with requests for accurate information on the nature of this venture, concerns over parking, alcohol and general environmental impacts on community residents in an area with a high concentration of children, schools, and child care facilities. B. Joint Public Safety Committee and Outreach Committee Recommendation: 1. Request for funding for printing and snacks for a community educational and outreach event directed toward young people in our community. Estimated $150$200 for printing and $100 for snacks. The Public Safety Committee will host a “Know Your Rights When Being Stopped by Cops” community educational event with Youth Justice Coalition and invite various other neighborhood councils, community base groups and schools to join our efforts for this day. The day of the event will be Tuesday, December 2nd 2014 7-9pm at the Echo Park Community Recreation Center 1632 Bellevue Ave. in replacement of the monthly scheduled Public Safety Committee. C. Budget and Finance Committee Recommendations: 1. Discussion and/or Possible Action on the recommendation from the Budget and Finance Committee to adopt the September 2014 Monthly Reconciliation Statement D. General Motions and/or Resolutions: 1. Recommendation to amend or submit a new community impact statement indicating the opposition by GEPENC to last minute amendments by the City Attorney’s Office to the proposed ordinance on vending and camping in public parks which could be used to suppress public protest and penalize the sharing of food, particularly with people who are homeless. (See attachment A) 2. Possible action on proposals by the president toward initiation of a By-laws Committee to review and propose improvements to the current By-Laws and Standing Rules of GEPENC, as agreed at the September 23rd BOG meeting. 3. Possible action on proposals/nominations by the president toward forming a Grievance Committee as was agreed at the September 23rd BOG meeting. This committee shall review a complaint filed by Ms. Ida Talalla prior to the April elections. 4. Reports from officers and committee chairs………………………. 15 minutes 8. Future agenda items………………………………………………… 3 minutes. 9. Adjournment ATTACHMENT A. City Attorney’s last minute amendments to the vending ordinance for public parks which should be opposed. -----Original Message----From: Teresa Sitz <[email protected]> To: Kwazi Nkrumah <[email protected]> Sent: Thu, Oct 9, 2014 7:42 am Subject: Your Vending Ordinance CIS Hi Kwazi, I was researching the City Attorney's ordinance against vending and found that GEPENC has approved it. I've attached the text of the ordinance. It prohibits SLEEPING for anyone deemed camping (residing) in parks and beaches. This is an end run around the Jones Settlement and is little more than an anti-vagrancy law. It also prohibits tents which seems to be an effort to prohibit OCCUPY-style protests. I'm pretty sure it will also be used to prevent people from giving food to homeless people. The fines are EXORBITANT and include a JAIL sentence - $100, $250 and $1000 for first, second and third offences. You might want to reconsider your council's statement. I think you could just write a new one. The EYF/PS committees will be submitting a motion against this ordinance. Teresa Teresa Sitz Silver Lake Neighborhood Council At-Large Representative Secretary, SLNC Co-chair, Education, Youth and Families Committee Please see notice on the following page. Por favor, vea el aviso en la proxima página. GREATER ECHO PARK ELYSIAN NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL SPECIAL JOINT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND BOG MEETING 10/23/2014 AGENDA Se les pide al public de llenar una tarjeta con sus datos de dirigir palabra a la mesa directive del concilio en referencia a cualquir asunto de la agenda, y antes de que el concilio tome acción sobre el asunto. Comentario de public sobre asuntos de agenda serán atendidos solamente cundo el respective asunto está bajo consideración. El comentario del public sobre otros asuntos que no aparecen en la agenda y están en la jurisdicción de concilio serán escuchados durante el period del comentario del public en general. Por favor note que bajo la ley de “Brown Act”, el concilio no puede hacer nada de recomendaciones al respect durante el de un committee. El comentario del public está limitado a dos minutos por participante, amenos de que el limite de uno minute sea suspendido por el official del Concilio que preside la junta. Las agendas de las juntas del Concilio de la Vecindad del Echo Park Elysian son puestas a la vista del public en general para conocimiento en las siguientes sitios: 1) La Biblioteca de Edendale – 2011 W. Sunset Blvd,. LA 90026; 2) La Biblioteca del Echo Park – 1410 W. Temple Street, LA 90026; 3) Masa Café – 1800 W. Sunset Blvd., LA 90026; 4) Chango Café – 1559 Echo Park Ave., LA 90026; and 5) Tienda de almacén (A-Grocery Warehouse) – 1487 W. Sunset Blvd., LA 90026. Las agendas también se pueden haller en el sitio official de GEPENC en la red-electronica El public, y miembros de la vecindad de Echo Park Elysian también pueden suscribir al Sistema de notificación de la ciudad de Los Angeles “Early Notification System” (ENS), a través del le red-electronica de la ciudad, para recibir noticias de las juntas del concilio de la vecindad del Echo Park Elysian. Para más información, llame a Paul Bowers, Oficial de Información, al telefono (213) 400 9155, o escriba a: [email protected]. Como identidad de acuerdo con el Titulo II de la ley “American Disabilities Act” Americanos con incapacidades, la ciudad de Los Angeles no discrimina por ase de incapacidad. Haga su solicitud y se le prove acomodaciones rasonables para asegurar acceso de igualidad a los programas, servicios, y activades. Intérprete de Lenguaje de señas, asistencia con aparatos para oír, o otros aparatos auxiliary y/o sevicios se les pueden proveer através de ser solicitados. Para asegurar disponibilidad de servicios, por favor haga su solicitud a lo menos de 3 dias de trabajo (72horas) antes de la junta, y pongase en contacto con Paul Bowers, Chief Information Officer, a 213-400 9155, [email protected]. De acuerdo con elcodigo gubemamental sección 54957.5, documentos no-exento, que están distribuidas a la mayoria o a todos los miembros del concilio por adenlantado de la junta, pueden ser vistos en la junta del concilio o en the red-electronica del concilio SI REQUIERE SERVICIOS DE TRADUCCION, FAVOR DE NOTIFICAR AL CONCILIO VECINAL 3 DÍAS DE TRABAJO (72 HORAS) ANTES DEL EVENTO. SI NECESITA ASISTENCIA CON ESTA NOTIFICACION, POR FAVOR CONTACTE A PAUL BOWERS, FUNCIONARIA DE LA MESA A CARGO DE INFORMACION, AL 213-400 9155, [email protected]. The public is requested to fill out a Speaker Card to address the Committee on any agenda item before the Committee takes an action on an item. Comments from the public on agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the agenda that are within the Committee’s jurisdiction will be heard during the General Public Comment period. Please note that under the Brown Act, the Committee is prevented from acting on a matter that you bring to its attention during the General Public Comment period; however, the issue raised by a member of the public may become the subject of a future Committee meeting. Public comment is limited to 1 minute per speaker, unless waived by the presiding officer of the Committee. The agendas for the GEPENC meetings are posted for public review at the following locations: 1) Edendale Library – 2011 W. Sunset Blvd., LA 90026; 2) Echo Park Branch Library -1410 W. Temple Street, LA 90026; 3) Masa Café – 1800 W. Sunset Blvd., LA 90026; 4) Chango Café – 1559 Echo Park Ave., LA 90026; and 5) A-Grocery Warehouse – 1487 W. Sunset Blvd., LA 90026, as well as at the GEPENC’s official website at Stakeholders may also subscribe to the City of Los Angeles Early Notification System (ENS), through the City’s website at, to receive notices for GEPENC meetings. For more information, you may also contact Paul Bowers, Chief Information Officer, at 213-400 9155, [email protected]. As a covered entity under the Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assisted listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72-hours) prior to the meeting by contacting Paul Bowers, Chief Information Officer, at 213-400 9155, [email protected]. In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority of all members of the Committee in advance of a meeting, may be viewed at the Neighborhood Council meeting or on the Neighborhood Council website at
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