Annunciation BVM Church January 25, 2015 The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 1511 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147 Rectory 215-334-0159 Fax: 215-462-5065 Pastor: Rev. John E. Calabro Business Manager: Ms. Cathy Sampere Hall Rental Managers: Mr. Frank Franzini 267-702-9798 Mr. Mario Mangini 215-519-1495 Saturday: Confession 4:30-5:00 PM Mass 5:00 PM Sunday (English): Mass 7:30 & 11:00 AM Sunday (Spanish): Mass 9:00 AM Ministerio Hispano: Sr. Maria Lauren, MSBT “Annunciation BVM is a faith-filled community fostering hope and practicing charity.” We welcome all new parishioners and encourage you to join our faith community and register, by phone or in person, at the Rectory. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is available every Saturday from 4:30-5 p.m. or by calling the Rectory to schedule an appointment with a priest. The Rectory hours are M-Th. 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Fri. morning 9-til noon. January 25, 2015 SAVE THE DATE! WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES-PHILADELPHIA 2015 Saturday 01/24 5:00 p.m. Sunday 01/25 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Stephen Pedano - Family No Intention (Spanish) Frank Sanelli - Niece, Carol Mark your family calendar for the 8th World Meeting of Families! Philadelphia is proud to welcome families from around the world to this event on September 22-27, 2015. Families can look forward to speakers, celebrations, activities for kids, and prayer, all of which will bring renewal and transformation for you, your loved ones, and the world. Visit the official World Meeting of Families website at: to learn more and to sign up for regular updates on how you can participate. Please Pray for the following: PERSONS SERVING OUR COUNTRY: If you know anyone who is serving our country, please call the Rectory and we can add them to the prayer list. OUR SICK : Phyllis D’Orazio, John Murphy, Anna Panzano, Cynthia Barbera, Thomas Tartack, Christine 7:30 a.m. Vincent Masse Fitzgerald, Mr.& Mrs. Pruna, Florence Herner, - Sister, Rita Mangini Tuesday 01/27 Carmella Wittenberg, Frank Fortuna, Rita Monzo, Pat7:30 a.m. William Froio 33rd Anniversary ty Cara, Laurie and Rebakah Goodwin, Isitza Carla - Children and Grandchildren Cesar Dera, Frances DelBorrello, Rachel Sgamato, Wednesday 01/28 Susanne V. Wood, Jean Cedrone, Martha Sorrentino, 7:30 a.m. For the People of the Parish Anthony Damore, Mary Condora, Elaine Piselli, Larry Thursday 01/29 DeLizio, Mary Grace Rocco, Georgina Donnelly, Mrs. 7:30 a.m. Anthony Baiocchi Coco, Shawn Pettine, Robin Kent, Helen Henderson, - Sue and John Shawn Fitzgerald, Domenic Petrella, Elsie Capitano, Friday 01/30 Barbara Kateusz, Gail Rebuck, Darbianna Goodwin, 7:30 a.m. Memorial Mass Society Charlie and Sharon Parto, Laurie and David Axe, Elvira Squilla, Edward Grassinger Jr, William Goodwin, III, Saturday 01/31 5:00 p.m. Maria Cancelliere 1st Anniversary Anthony Cedrone, Grace Scalia, Eleanor Cona, Theresa Scola, Michael Riley, Baby Sonny Alfieri, Delia - Family Sabatini, Robert Ridolfi, Rosemary Ianieri, Daniel Sunday 02/01 McGowan, Julio Pontes, Joseph Borda, Lou Trasatto, 7:30 a.m. Fr. Ron Jakows - Friends Rita & John Scola, Midge Enrico-Caruso, Andrew Lon9:00 a.m. (Spanish) go, Tom Hart, Cpl. Bianca Nigro, Gabarella Nigro, 11:00 a.m. Elisa Maiorini USN, Charlene Hobbs, Sheila Kendall, Brian Webb, - Maiorini Family Jose and Rayna Castro, Kathy Maldenado, Janice Vernile, Joseph Descano, Miguel Anazco, Cass and EuFROM TODAY’S GOSPEL READING: gene Ochiuto Jr., Leanora DeFeo, Josephine DeFeo, Aurelia Minardi, Maria Coccia, Lucy Ranelli, This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe the gospel. Robert & Phyllis Lott, Lois Di Tedoro, Patricia Iraci, Dolores Russino, Dolly DiJoseph, Theresa Ripoli, MadREFLECTION: eleine Dziena, Bryan Anderson, Patricia Rosato, CarIn Jesus’ language “repentance” means to make 180 mella Rizzio, Alan Garms, Charles Massucci. degree change of direction in our lives. He challenges us Monday 01/26 . to rethink our notion of who God is and how God acts towards us in the light of our sins. In Jesus, God is breaking into our worlds of isolation and indifference and calling us to faith in Christ. In sum, repentance asks that we make a complete turnaround in our lives towards God. SO WE ASK OURSELVES: What redirection and big change must I make in my life? What will be the first step towards that kind of change? Also, please pray for those seeking jobs. Please call the Rectory to add a name to this list. PLEASE PRAY TO SUPPORT THOSE IN NEED PRAYER IS AN EASY AND POWERFUL ACTION! PARISH & COMMUNITY NEWS WELCOME - SISTER MARY! FIRST PENANCE Sr. Mary Kennedy, OSF, is now providing services for Due to the snowstorm this week, First Penance has Catholic Social Services in the Rectory Annex. been rescheduled to next Wednesday, January Telephone : 215-334-1149 28th, at 7 pm, at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church. For the next month, Sister will have office hours from ********************************************************************* FIRST COMMUNION 9:00 am-1:00 pm. In the afternoons, Sister will do some home visits as requested or she will be busy First Communion will be celebrated on Sunday, attending meetings. Sr.’s main goal is to provide support, empowerment and referrals. Parenting Classes, Communication Classes and Money-management Skills will be offered in the near future. April 26th, at 11 A.M. Please pray for our children and their families. ********************************************************************* Sacrament of Confirmation Archbishop Charles Chaput Sister’s schedule is flexible so evenings and weekends will be part of that in terms of services to be provided. May God bless you and keep you! The office of the Archbishop has informed us that Archbishop Chaput will confirm our children attending St. Anthony of Padua Regional School Sister says: “Don’t be shy about calling - I don’t and CCD on Sunday, April 12th, at the 11 A.M. Mass want to be twiddling thumbs and I LOVE TO SERVE!” in Annunciation Church. This is an honor for our ***************************************************************** Parish to have the Archbishop confirm our children PADRE PIO CHAPTER - THE SONS OF ITALY here at Annunciation. DESIGNER HANDBAG BINGO Please pray for our Confirmandi and their families. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 2015 *************************************************************** Doors open at 1pm, Bingo starts at 2pm FAMILY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT PRAYER GROUP Admission - $30.00 each ($35.00 at the door) Every Thursday there is a weekly prayer group meeting in our Chapel. This will be a time of prayer, Scripture Reflection and sharing. We meet on Thursdays, 7:00PM until 9:00 PM. Please plan to join us. All are welcome. Food, Drinks, Games and Auctions Bring extra cash for “specials”, 50-50, and Auctions ***************************************************************** ******************************************************************** THE PADRE PIO CHAPTER SONS OF ITALY LODGE RESTORATION ON THE EXTERIOR OF THE CHURCH Significant work must be done on the exterior of our The next meeting of our Padre Pio Chapter Sons of Italy Lodge will be held on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, at Church. An inspection by the engineering firm of 6:30 PM, in the Parish Center. All members and anyone O’Donnell-Nacarotto, and mandated by the city has determined that there are serious issues that must be interested in joining our Lodge are welcome to attend this Meeting. If you have any questions, please call Maraddressed. We are currently obtaining bids for this major project. The work will begin in the Spring. Ini- io Mangini at 215-519-1495. tial estimates are between $250,000 and $300,000. ********************************************************************* Because of the sale of the School, we will not have to TREE OF LIFE LEAVES AND ANNUAL CANDLES take out a loan or have a special appeal. *************************************************** In celebration of our Tenth Annual St. Pio Festival, we are reducing the donation for either a “Tree of Life” Leaf or an AnnuYOUNG ADULTS RETREAT al Votive Candle. February 13 - 15 (Friday dinner till Sunday 1pm) Marianist Family Retreat Center Cape May Point, NJ 08212 The Donation for a “Tree of Life” Leaf will be $150.00, instead of $300.00 and the Donation for an Annual Votive Candle will be $100.00, instead of $150.00. Phone: 609-884-3829 or There are forms in the back of Church that have ordering inforThis weekend is for young adults (age 22-35, married or single) who wish to examine their personal faith in relation to God, self, co-workers and others. There will be a time for Eucharist, prayer experiences, faith sharing, social interaction and free time to explore Cape May and Cape May Point. Cost: $125 per person double occ. Financial Aid is available. mation for the “Tree of Life” Leaf on one side and ordering information for the Annual Votive Candle on the other side. If you have any questions call: Mary Hardy Mario Mangini The Rectory 215-271-2331 215-519-1495 215-334-0159 BOLETÍN EN ESPAÑOL Misas 5:30 PM Sábado en Santo Tomás de Aquino 9:00 AM Domingo en La Anunciación 7:00 PM Misa todos los Lunes en La Anunciación. Confesiones Todos los sábados en Santo Tomás de Aquino de 5:00 a 5:25 PM o puede arreglar una cita con el Mons. Shields, 215 334 2312. Unción de los Enfermos Si sabes de una persona que esté enferma y/o necesite ayuda, por favor comuníquese con Mons. Shields o con una de las Hermanas. Matrimonio Para casarse por la iglesia por favor llame al Mons. Shields para fijar una cita y comenzar la preparación. Grupo de Jóvenes adultos “Fe y Esperanza” Se reunen todos los Lunes en el Salon Parroquial despues de la misa de 7:00pm. Servicios Sociales Católicos Llame a la hermana Janet Santibañez para una cita al: 215-334-111149. Reunion de las pequenas comunidades (Para mas informacion comuniquese con la Hermana Janet) Bautismos Los bautizos se celebran: En Santo Tomas de Aquino el último sábado de cada mes, a las 5:30 PM. En la Anunciación El primer domingo de cada mes a la 1:00 PM. Las Platicas: Son el tercer Domingo a la 9:00am en el salón parroquial. Para bautizar a su hijo/a es requisito que usted inscriba a su niño con la Sra. Luz María Vásquez después de las misas dominicales. La Clínica Puentes de Salud Atiende en español en la Calle18 con la calle South. Lunes y Miércoles, de 6:00 a 9:00 pm. Para una cita, communiqués al teléfono: 215-465-1099 Clases de ingles en La Anunciación . Lunes, Martes 10:00 AM –12:00. . Alcohólicos Anónimos 741 W. Morris St. Lunes y Miércoles: 7-9:00 p.m. y Domingo 10:00 .12:00pm. Hay una solución! No estas solo, nosotros te entendemos quieres averiguarlo? Visítanos, Inter-Grupal: 215-226-3049. Terapia de Familia e individual GRATIS Y en español Lunes de 12:00PM a 5 PM. Aquinas Center. Por favor usar la entrada principal en Fernon St. Lunes: - 2600 Sheridan St. -2129 Rosewood St Martes: -933 Federal (Primer piso) Viernes: -1128 Snyder Ave. -1011 Wharton St -806 Moyamensing Av COLABORADORES DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA No te dejes estafar! Si un abogado o notario ha prometido empezar a organizer su papeleo de inmigration ahora, es mentira! La inscripción para el Basketball sera el Domingo 23 de Noviembre de 1:00 a 3:00PM en el GIMNACIO Hispanic Ministry Sr. Josefina Mendez, MSBT 267-861-0706 215-510-4494 Sr. Janet Santibáñez, MSBT 215-510-4425 Sra. Catalina Navarrete 215 - 271 - 3653 Sra. Luz María Vásquez 215 - 941 - 7089 Mr. Mario Pérez 215 - 467 - 3005 Mr. Antonio Tepayotl 215 - 391-7685 Mr. Rigoberto López 215-501-6527 VINCENT GANGEMI Founder VINCENT C. GANGEMI, JR. Supervisor Handicapped Accessible Vincent Gangemi Cardiology Consultants of Philadelphia Funeral Home, Inc. JAMES L. GUERCIO Funeral Director 2232-40 S. Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19145 (215) 467-3838 Fax: (215) 551-4247 CARDIOLOGY CONSULTANTS OF PHILADELPHIA 1703 S. Broad Street 215-463-5333 Pasquale M. Procacci, M.D. Mark F. Victor, M.D. Veronica A. Covalesky, M.D. Dean G. Karalis, M.D. Santosh Gupta - Bala, M.D. Salvatore P. Girardo, M.D. Barry A. Bravette, M.D. The Leading Vascular Center of Excellence in the Delaware Valley Tired leg(s) or foot wounds that won’t heal? Leg pain preventing you from getting around? Or keeping you awake at night? Think Peripheral Vascular Institute of Philadelphia first and get back on your feet! Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards 1809 - 13 Oregon Avenue 215-389-3890 Pasquale F. Nestico, M.D. 1809 - 13 Oregon Avenue 2nd Floor 215-465-3435 Howard Rosner, D.O. Log Onto Dr. James McGuckin Peripheral Vascular Institute 4220 Market Street 2nd Floor Phila., PA 19104 127 - Annunciation BVM, Philadelphia, PA INSIDE (Rte. C) conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • FAX 468-4625 PENNSYLVANIA BALDI FUNERAL 468-4600 DUT TRAN BURIAL CO. INC. HOME GUY’S 1327-29 SO BROAD ST. 1331 SO BROAD. ST. Est. 1921 “Four Generations of Our Family Serving Your Family” PHILLY ROOFING Residential • Commercial HOT RUBBER ROOFS $895 15 Year Guarantee HOT COAT $195 (215) 848-4900 215-334-1717 215-389-2414 PETER J. JACOVINI, SUPERVISOR VICTOR BALDI FUNERAL DIRECTOR PRE-FUNERAL PLANNING AVAILABLE AMPLE PARKING ON PREMISES Dr. Anthony Pontarelli FAMILY PODIATRY 1026 Federal St. 271-2354 Medicare and Most Insurance Accepted “Your New Dental Home” JEFCO Since 1950 Windows • AWNINGS • Doors For Your Home or Business Distinctive Doors & Windows Drapes • Shades • Blinds FREE ESTIMATES 2715 S. Front St., Phila. 215-334-3220 UPHOLSTERING CUSTOM SOFAS & CHAIRS MADE OR RE-UPHOLSTERED PLASTIC OR MATERIAL SLIP COVERS FREE ESTIMATES 1645 E. PASSYUNK AVE. 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