Saint Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Church Laguna Beach, CA MONTH of the HOLY NAME Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will. Psalm 40 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18 , 2015 Page 2 Welcome to our Parish MISSION STATEMENT—We, the community of St. Catherine of Siena Parish, located within the larger, diverse and artistic seaside community of Laguna Beach, recognize and celebrate the uniqueness which is grounded in the sacred mysteries and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church and in the history and lives of our individuals, families and leaders. Built on these roots, and in order to see the world as God sees it, we commit ourselves to: being a welcoming sanctuary and a place of prayer and worship, nurturing, assisting, encouraging and serving all those in need, offering all generations opportunities for personal and communal growth, and, by these commitments, to honor our call to evangelization. ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA CHURCH 1042 Temple Terrace Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Phone: (949) 494-9701 Fax: (949) 497-2610 OFFICE HOURS Mon—Thurs 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Fri 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Closed Saturday & Sunday SUNDAY EUCHARIST (MASS) Saturday Vigil: 5:30 p.m. Sundays: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.,11:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m. Spanish, 5:30 p.m. Mon - Sat 8:00 a.m. HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION MASS SCHEDULE 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. CLERGY Rev. Kenneth A. Schmit—Pastor Ext. 111 or [email protected] Rev. Mario Rebamontan—Senior Priest Ext. 112 or [email protected] Deacon Eddie Salgado Ext. 121 or [email protected] EUCHARISTIC ADORATION On the First Friday of each month we gather in prayer and praise before the Blessed Sacrament. Following the 8 a.m. Mass and concluding at 10 p.m. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Parents of infants requesting information about Baptism may contact the parish office. Infant baptisms are celebrated on the second Saturday of the month. CELEBRATION OF CHRISTIAN FUNERALS At the time of death, a family member should contact the parish office, as soon as possible, to arrange the date and time for the Funeral Liturgy. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples must begin preparation for their Sacrament at least six months prior to their proposed wedding date. Please call the parish office for more information. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK The third Saturday of each month after the 8:00 a.m. Mass. In the event of serious illness or medical emergency, Anointing of the Sick and Eucharist may be arranged by contacting the parish office CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Rev. Gabriel Stack, O. Praem—Sunday Assistance Adults requesting information about full initiation and communion with the Roman Catholic Church (the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation) may contact the office for more info. PARISH STAFF SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Donna Beam-Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Ext. 113 or [email protected] Susan Daley-Ministry Coordinator/Office Manager Ext. 118 or [email protected] Carmela Davidheiser-Parish Bookkeeper Ext. 124 or [email protected] Lisa Marcus-Parish Administrator Ext. 131 or [email protected] Charles Stephenson-Director, Music Ministry [email protected] Gina Stewart-Director, Youth Religious Education/ Informacion en Espanol Ext. 119 or [email protected] Saturdays: 4:00—5:00 p.m. (or by appointment) ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA PARISH SCHOOL (Kindergarten—8th Grade) 30516 So. Coast Hwy w Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Phone: (949) 494-7339 Fax: (949) 376-5752 Mike Letourneau—School Principal Ext. 211 or [email protected] Renea Sendele—School Secretary Ext. 210 or [email protected] Jackie Batho—Administrative Asst. Ext. 213 or [email protected] Carmela Davidheiser—Bookkeeper Ext. 212 or [email protected] Second Sunday in Ordinary time January 18, 2015 Page 3 At Our Parish PARISH OFFICE CLOSED MONDAY, JANUARY 19 MEN’S ANNUAL RETREAT MARCH 13—15, 2015 Parish office will be closed in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr . Office will reopen on Tuesday, January 20th. Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Lectors, Altar Servers, Ushers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Mass and for the Sick and Homebound, Altar Angels, Sacristans, Art & Environment, St. Vincent de Paul, Sunday Hospitality... If you would like more information or are ready to sign up, please contact Susan Daley at the parish office 494-9701 or email [email protected] “Holy Waiting . . . In a World that Can’t Wait” During our retreat, you will explore and reflect on the spiritual discipline of Holy Waiting. You will discover that it is not passive waiting or killing time. With God, waiting is never wasted time. Holy Waiting is the condition of high expectation, an attitude of life infused with hope, a conviction that calls us to live in the present moment, alert and attentive to the stirring of the Holy Spirit. Requested donation: $215.00* per person, $50.00 nonrefundable deposit secures your registration. Visa/MC or check accepted *Remember . . . No one is ever turned away. Please come! Join us for a silent retreat. Take a weekend away from everyday activities and strengthen your connection with God. Call or email your retreat team for more information and reservations: Jim Raynoha 949-497-1494 [email protected] Mike Obermeyer 949-699-0916 [email protected] Jack Powers 949-376-8372 [email protected] Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Readings of the Week Page 4 Saints & Special Observances SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22 Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25 — 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:7-12, or any of a number of readings for the Day of Prayer Friday: Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Mk 3:20-21 Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 Sunday: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time; Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins Monday: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Julian Calendar Theophany (Epiphany) Tuesday: St. Fabian; St. Sebastian Wednesday: St. Agnes Thursday: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children Friday: St. Vincent; St. Marianne Cope Saturday: St. Francis de Sales WATCHING FOR THE MESSIAH Today’s Gospel story of John and his disciples seeing and following Jesus sounds so simple and casual, it’s easy to miss the significant acts of faith that are made. John points to Jesus: “Look,” he says, “there is the Lamb of God.” John’s faith in Jesus is evident, so evident that John’s disciples immediately leave his side to follow this Jesus. The two disciples make their own act of faith. They follow Jesus, spend time with him, and are quick to spread the good news of their discovery: “We have found the Messiah.” It is easy to forget that the expectations of generations, the hopes of many ages of faithful people were being fulfilled in these simple acts of faith. The Lamb of God, the Messiah, foretold by the prophets, had finally come. Nearly everyone among the Jewish people was watching for the Messiah back then; who in our own society watches for signs of the presence of the Messiah today? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Please pray for the sick: Olga Ainagas Larry Barman Rex Brady Rebecca Brady Alyssa Claar Phyllis Contino Conor Davis Renee DiVicino Paul Freeman Judy Friesen Thomas Garcia Barbara Gullo John Mancuso MaryJo Mancuso Marko Mani Evlyn Mark Hiroko Nishimaya Leo O’Gorman Bill Ordway Eleanor Schmidt Hubert Segard Jacqui Slevin Halina Stanaland Armando Ybarra Tencha Ybarra Kevin Zelko Mass Intentions—8:00a.m. Mass Mon: Thomas Nguyen (D) Tue: Eileen Feeley (D) Wed: Jane Ann Huyer (D) Thurs: Patrick Cory (D) Fri: Margaret Strawther (D) Sat: Aurelia Siani (D) Pray for those in the Armed Forces: Erin Bevacqua, Lieutenant, USMC Evan Dineen, Capt., USAF Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Page 5 Ministries MINISTRY DIRECTORY Altar Servers Art & Environment Contemplative Prayer Susan Daley Virginia Atherton Valerie Sinkus Detention Extraordinary Ministers Extraordinary Ministers To Sick & Homebound Homeless Shelter Dinners Intercessory Prayer Group Harry Allen Susan Daley Susan Daley Lisa Staight Valerie Sinkus Jovenes Para Cristo Teresa Jimenez Luis Torres Lectors Men’s Fellowship Music Orange Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Prayer Line Religious Education RCIA Respect Life Susan Daley Joe Bevacqua Charles Stephenson Linda Blackburn and Connie Casey Parish Office Gina Stewart Donna Beam Peggy Long/ Susan Daley Susan Daley Ann McEneany Parish Office Ron Kreber Susan Daley Rosemary Watson Sacristans St. Vincent De Paul Sick & Homebound Visits Sunday Hospitality Ushers Women’s Council Ministry Coordinator: 494-9701, x118 497-1904 949-295-9526 [email protected] 949-497-0977 494-9701, x118 494-9701, x118 949-852-4442 949-295-9526 [email protected] 949-891-3571 949-632-8082 [email protected] 494-9701, x118 714-747-3122 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 494-9701 494-9701, x119 494-9701, x113 494-9701, x118 494-9701, x118 494-9701 494-9701 [email protected] 494-9701, x118 [email protected] Susan Daley, 494-9701, x118 or [email protected] GOD’S WORD TODAY “Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.” This refrain from today’s responsorial psalm is a fitting mantra for all believers as Ordinary Time opens before us. The first reading recounts the story of Samuel, who is told by Eli to respond to the Lord’s call with the words “Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.” The Gospel passage today recounts the call of the first disciples, who declare that they have found the Messiah. This wonderful set of scripture readings reminds us to stand ready to listen to the call of the Lord Jesus. As these words are proclaimed today, let us make the words of the psalmist our own and declare that we are open once again to the invitation to become more dedicated disciples of the Lord. From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company Week of January 5-11, 2015 Envelopes Loose Credit cards Total $3,467 $5,303 $3,285 $12,055 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Page 6 RCIA MAKE A NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION!!! January is here and, as always, I ponder a New Year’s resolution. I reflect over the previous year to consider what changes I should make. What is it God is asking of me this year? As I contemplated, I was struck with how God even uses the every day events of creation to guide and encourage us. As an example, my husband shared the following reflection of how God manifests His love and gently teaches us through His creation. “Each morning I sit on the end of my couch to begin my day in prayer and I spot the Mockingbird which mounts her outpost on the upper branches of my neighbor’s tall rubber tree. From this high point she surveys her day. In sunshine, in fog, in blustery wind and soaking rain, she is perched on her outpost until it is time to start her day. Faithful and persistent is she in living out God’s purpose in her Mockingbird life. What then, God, is your purpose for my life? Do I have the faithfulness and persistence of this little bird regardless of the winds, weather and storms of my life, to see and live out your purpose in me?” I challenge you to consider God’s purpose for you in this New Year. Is He inviting you to be more faithful in your Christian walk? Perhaps He is asking for faithfulness in a ministry and in prayer. Is he asking you to persist in completing your sacraments toward being a fully initiated Catholic? If you have questions about the Catholic faith or the Sacraments please contact Donna Beam RCIA Director at 949-494-9701, ext. 113 St. Catherine of Siena Council of Catholic Women February 10, 2015 4 PM - 6 PM All-Parish Get-together! Wine, Cheese & Chocolate Reception Cookie Lee Jewelry Exhibit and Sale Bring a friend, spouse, or significant other! 75% of all sales will go to St Catherine of Siena Council of Catholic Women Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Page 7 Around the Diocese You are cordially invited to Evening Prayer for Life An observance of the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade • Come Pray for an End to Abortion with • Members of Clergy Members of Religious Communities • Representatives from all Parishes and Centers in Orange County Thursday, January 22, 2015 7:00 p.m. Christ Cathedral Arboretum 13280 Chapman Avenue Garden Grove, CA 92840 We will hear compelling witness stories and honor Ruth Rozak, Director of Life Center of Santa Ana. Reception & Ministry Fair to follow in 1st Floor of the Cultural Center. Bishop Vann invites our Catholic community as well as all people of good will to join together for a day of fasting, prayer and works of charity in our desire to restore a culture of life and a civilization of love. Sponsored by Diocese of Orange, Office of Life, Justice and Peace. Questions: Contact Ana Olivo 714-282-6029 [email protected] Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Page 8 Saint Catherine of Siena Parish School News St. Catherine of Siena Parish School 6th Grade Class cordially invites you to Our Annual Pasta Dinner and Open House Night Thursday, January 29, 2015 Your evening begins as our brilliant wait staff guide you to your table and serve you a delicious meal. Meals include pasta with choice of sauce, crisp green salad, bread, dessert and one beverage. All pasta dishes have been generously donated by GG’s Bistro, Romeo Cucina and Ciao Pasta Trattoria. Meal tickets are $15.00. Seating times are available at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. Opportunity Drawing Tickets - $5.00 per ticket or 5 for $20.00 Free Dress Tickets - $20.00 per child Preferred Parking - $50.00 per spot with limited spaces available Trolley service available from 5:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m. Please park in the Albertson’s parking structure to catch the shuttle at the Wesley entrance. Come have dinner with family and friends, tour the school at Open House, all while supporting our class Science Camp! Get your reservations today!! Please complete the RSVP form below and return it with payment to the school office no later than January 22, 2015. Confirmation of reservation and seating times will be sent via email. You will also be notified via e-mail if you have been assigned a preferred parking spot for the evening. Please detach, complete and return to your teacher with payment by January 22nd Family Name _________________________ Phone _______________ E-Mail_______________________ Indicate Preferred Seating Time 5:30 p.m. _______ or 6:30 p.m. _______ Preferred Parking—While Supplies Last! ______ x $50.00 = $___________ Pasta Meals (please indicate total number) ______ x $15.00 Free Dress Tickets ($20.00 per child) ______ x $20.00 = $___________ Opportunity Drawing Tickets _______ @ $5 for one (1) = $___________ ______ @ $20.00 for five (5) $___________ TOTAL ENCLOSED $_________________________ Please make check out to St. Catherine of Siena Parish School with a notation of “Evening Under the Stars” on the memo line Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 18 de enero de 2015 Page 9 Lecturas y Noticias EN BÚSQUEDA DEL MESÍAS TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE El relato del Evangelio de hoy en el que Juan y sus discípulos ven y siguen a Jesús, suena tan sencillo e informal, que fácilmente pasan desapercibidos los importantes actos de fe que ocurren. Juan señala a Jesús: “Miren”, les dice, “este es el Cordero de Dios”. La fe de Juan en Jesús es evidente, tan evidente que los discípulos de Juan inmediatamente se van de su lado y siguen a Jesús. Los dos discípulos a su vez hacen un acto de fe. Ellos siguen a Jesús, pasan tiempo con él, y no demoran en compartir la buena nueva de su descubrimiento: “Hemos encontrado al Mesías”. Es fácil olvidar que las expectativas de generaciones, las esperanzas de muchos siglos de fieles se estaban cumpliendo en estos sencillos actos de fe. El Cordero de Dios, el Mesías, anunciado por los profetas, finalmente había llegado. Prácticamente todo el mundo en el pueblo judío estaba a la búsqueda del Mesías en esa época; ¿quién de nuestra sociedad busca señales de la presencia del Mesías hoy día? Uno de los muchos títulos dados a Jesús en los evangelios es el de Agnus Dei (Cordero de Dios). La imagen de un cordero no era extraña en la Palestina del primer siglo cristiano, pues se encontraban ovejas y pastores por todas partes. El cordero es la oveja de menos de un año. Es reconocido como símbolo de mansedumbre e inocencia en muchas culturas. Fue Juan Bautista quien le dio ese extraño título a Jesús (Juan 1:36). La imágen del cordero despertaba en los judíos, incluidos Jesús, Juan Bautista y los discípulos, la memoria de los célebres eventos del Éxodo. Cada año las familias judías escogían un corderito y lo preparaban para sacrificarlo en la Pascua. La mitad de la carne del sacrificio se ofrecía a Dios y la otra mitad se la comía la familia, de esta manera establecían una comunión con Dios. Designar a Jesús como Agnus Dei, era reconocer que él quitaría el pecado y que con su propia carne establecería una comunión entre Dios y la humanidad. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LA PALABRA DE DIOS HOY “Aquí estoy, Señor, para hacer tu voluntad”. Esta respuesta al salmo responsorial de hoy es un mantra muy apropiado para todos los creyentes al tener ante nosotros el comienzo del tiempo ordinario. La primera lectura relata la historia de Samuel a quien Elí le dice que cuando el Señor lo llame responda con las palabras, “Habla, Señor, tu siervo te escucha”. El pasaje del Evangelio de hoy recuenta el llamado de los primeros discípulos, quienes declararon que habían encontrado al Mesías. Este maravilloso grupo de lecturas de la Escritura nos recuerda que debemos estar dispuestos a escuchar el llamado del Señor Jesús. Cuando estas palabras sean proclamadas hoy, hagamos nuestras las palabras del salmista y declaremos una vez más que estamos dispuestos a aceptar la invitación a ser más entregados como discípulos del Señor. Traducido de Saint Margaret Sunday Missal derechos de autor © J. S. Paluch Company Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 18 de enero de 2015 Su cuerpo es templo del Espíritu Santo. — 1 Corintios 6:19a Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 18 de enero de 2015 Page 10 Lecturas y Noticias LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA LECTURAS DE HOY Lunes: Heb 5:1-10; Sal 110 (109):1-4; Mc 2:18-22 Primera lectura — “Habla, Señor, tu siervo te escucha” (1 Samuel 3:3-10, 19). Martes: Heb 6:10-20; Sal 111 (110):1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mc 2:23-28 Salmo — Aquí estoy, Señor, para hacer tu voluntad (Salmo 40 [39]). Miércoles: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Sal 110 (109):1-4; Mc 3:1-6 Jueves: Heb 7:25 — 8:6; Sal 40 (39):7-10, 17; Mc 3:7-12, o cualquiera de lecturas para el Día de Oración Viernes: Heb 8:6-13; Sal 85 (84):8, 10-14; Mc 3:13-19 Sábado: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Sal 47 (46):2-3, 6-9; Mc 3:20-21 Domingo: Jon 3:1-5, 10; Sal 25 (24):4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mc 1:14-20 Segunda lectura — Tu cuerpo es un templo del Espíritu Santo (1 Corintios 6:13-15, 17-20). Evangelio — Los primeros discípulos empiezan a seguir a Jesús y declaran que es el Mesías (Juan 1:3542). LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Semana de Oración por la Unidad Cristiana Lunes: Día de Martin Luther King, Jr.; Teofanía (Epifanía) en el calendario Juliano Martes: San Fabián; san Sebastián Miércoles: Santa Inés Jueves: San Vicente; Día de Oración por la Protección Legal de los Niños por Nacer Sábado: San Francisco de Sales BAUTISMOS Información para los que se preparan para el Bautismo. Clases de preparación: Las clases son impartidas el segundo domingo de cada mes en cuarto B a las 11:00 en la parroquia de Santa Catalina con cita. La aplicación Bautismal debe ser completada antes de la clase. ¿Quién debe atender la clase? Los padres y padrinos deben atender una clase de bautismo. Donde debería realizarse el Bautismo: El lugar más apropiado para bautizar a un niño es en la Iglesia de la parroquia donde los padres atienden Misa y son registrados. Bautismos: Nuestros bautismos de infantes son programados mensualmente el tercer sábado de cada mes a las 10:00 en la iglesia de St. Catalina de Siena. Los padres deben ser miembros de la parroquia de Santa Catalina y los padres necesitan venir a la oficina de la parroquia para la aplicación Bautismal. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o necesita información adicional, por favor contáctenos al (949) 4949701 ext. 119 o también puede contactar Gina Stewart en [email protected].
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