Clinical Radiology Audit Poster Competition Competition Rules 2015 Introduction The 2015 Audit Poster Competition will be staged at the 2015 Royal College of Radiologists’ Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) for participants in the ASM. Audit Poster submissions should describe the audit process, must include the title; background to the audit; standards, indicators and targets; methodology; results of 1st audit round; 1st action plan and references. Results of 2nd round and 2nd action plan should be included whenever possible. Please note that CPD credits (3 for lead author, 1 for each co-author) are awarded for authorship of posters displayed at the ASM. Rules Submission 1. All abstracts must be submitted through the Abstract Central module on the RCR web site: 2. The first or second named author of a poster must be a member or Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) at the time of registration for this event. Please note that radiographers, physicists and others are encouraged to contribute as authors. 3. The Audit Competition is for audit posters only. Authors must ensure they select ‘Audit Abstract’ in Role Selection on the website when requested. 4. All correspondence relating to Audit abstracts will be undertaken by email with the first named author. Please ensure that any changes to correspondence email addresses or primary hospital/affiliation are made on the Abstract Central system in the ‘Modify your Account’ option. 5. The deadline for submission of Audit abstracts is 12 noon on Thursday 16 April 2015. Abstracts received after this time will not be accepted for judging. Entrants will be advised no later than Friday 15 May 2015 whether or not their posters have been accepted for display at the ASM. Content 6. Authors should read the guidance on preparing an abstract and poster provided by the Clinical Radiology Audit Committee. The guidance can be found at: Audit abstracts are limited to 1500 characters (approximately 250 words) from the `Background to the audit' field to nd the ‘2 Action Plan' field inclusive. This character limit will be enforced electronically when submitting. Authors will see a character count in the top right corner of the submission module. The first SIX fields must be completed, otherwise the submission will not be considered. 8. No amendments or additions to abstracts or authors will be accepted after the Thursday 16 April 2015 submission deadline. Please ensure the all information is correct and all authors are listed when submitting. 9. The hospital/Trust named on the poster should be the one named on the submitted abstract, and ideally, should be where the audit was undertaken. The title of the audit on the poster should be the same as the title on the submitted abstract. 10. By submitting an abstract, the authors confirm that the abstract is their own original work, is not defamatory or unlawful and does not infringe anyone else’s rights. Copyright 11. On submission of the abstract, the first named author must ensure that he/she has the approval and a copyright assignment from any other authors and contributors involved in the work in order to ensure that the copyright is capable of being assigned to the RCR. 12. The abstracts accepted for poster display will be published on the public area of the RCR web site and in a Clinical Radiology supplement published by Elsevier. If you do not wish for your abstract to be published please indicate this on the submission module when submitting your abstract. If you indicate that you do Page 1 of 3 wish for your abstract to be published your contact details will be passed to Elsevier who will contact you directly regarding copyright. 13. A pdf of the first and second prize winning posters will be published on the public area of the RCR web site. All winning poster authors must assign copyright on the poster to the RCR before this can take place. The copyright form can be requested from [email protected] 14. Authors of posters accepted for display should consider submitting an audit template based on their work to the RCR’s online audit template module Clinical Radiology AuditLive (100+ Recipes). Where authors decline to do so, the CR Audit Committee reserves the right, without notice, to use suitably adjusted and anonymised material from abstracts to create audit templates. Attendance at the RCR Annual Scientific Meeting 15. In order for a poster to be eligible for the Competition, one of the named authors must be a registered paying delegate for at least one day of the Clinical Radiology Annual Scientific Meeting. The ‘early bird’ booking deadline is Friday 29 May 2015 and you are advised to register before this date. If not, registrations must be received by Wednesday 1 July 2015. Individuals can register online at or by post to The Conference and Events Team, The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London. WC2A 3JW. Where no registration for the ASM is received by Wednesday 1 July 2015, the poster will be withdrawn from the Competition. Posters 16. Posters must be A0 size and laid out in Portrait format. Posters in other formats will be removed from display and therefore will not be judged. 17. The RCR logo or crest must not be displayed on or included within posters. 18. A PDF or Jpeg of accepted posters must be emailed to [email protected] by 3pm on Monday 17 August 2015. Failure to provide a PDF or Jpeg file will result in the poster being withdrawn from the competition. 19. Posters must be put on display at the ASM between 08.30am and 10.30am on the first day of the meeting (Monday 7 September 2015), and must not be removed before 5pm on the third day of the meeting (Wednesday 9 September 2015). 20. Authors may, if they wish, provide A4 handouts and or notes on their posters. These can be attached to the bottom of the poster boards. In addition, if authors wish to be available to discuss their poster with meeting delegates they should indicate on their poster board, the day and time they will be available. 21. Authors must arrange for posters to be removed from the venue by 6pm on Wednesday 9 September 2014. Any posters not collected by this time will be disposed of on site. Posters will not be taken back to RCR for collection. Authors must make appropriate arrangements for posters to be collected. 22. The RCR does not accept liability for loss of or damage to posters. Decisions 23. Audit Poster abstracts will be assessed by members of the Clinical Radiology Audit Committee. 24. Audit Posters will be assessed by judges appointed from among members of the CR Audit Committee. 25. To avoid any conflict of interest, judges will not score abstracts or posters submitted by themselves or by colleagues employed by the same organisation. 26. The decision of the judges is final. Page 2 of 3 Prizes 27. The winner of the Audit Poster Competition will receive Amazon vouchers to the value of £280. The second prize winner will receive a £70 Amazon voucher. Notices will be placed on the winning posters during the ASM. Page 3 of 3
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