#1 Gastrointestinal Tract (Misoprostol), Cuanto Cuestan Las Cytotec

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1515 W. Benjamin Holt Drive, Stockton, CA 95207
Website: www.presentationchurch.net
Mission Statement: The Church of the Presentation is a welcoming Catholic faith family responding to the varied spiritual needs of our diverse community. Here we encounter God, challenge ourselves to be Disciples of Jesus Christ, are inspired by the Holy Spirit, and are called to use our gifts as Stewards of the Gospel Values.
Rev. Msgr. Lawrence J. McGovern, STL . . Pastor
Rev. Fr. José Maghinay . . . . . . . . . Parochial Vicar
Rev. Fr. Suresh Ery . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parochial Vicar
Rev. Dr. Bill Brennan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deacon
Rev. Dr. Benjamin Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deacon
Rev. Mr. Scott A. Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deacon
Rev. Mr. Mike Navarec, Sr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deacon
Weekdays .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00am
Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00pm (Vigil)
Sunday: 7:00am, 8:45am, 10:30am, 12:15pm,
2:15pm (Spanish), 5:00pm – LIFE TEEN
Toddler Time childcare program is available during the
Sunday 8:45am and 10:30am Masses in the Youth Center.
Signing Ministry for the deaf . . . . . 8:45am Mass
Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30pm -7:30pm
Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:00am - 10:00am
24-hour access; contact the Ministry Center
6715 Leesburg Place, Stockton, CA 95207
Office Hours . . . . . . Mon - Fri., 8:30am - 4:30pm
Receptionist . . . . . . . . . . . . . Juanita Diaz-Medina
Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209-472-2150
Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209-472-0541
E-Mail . . . . . [email protected]
1635 W. Benjamin Holt Dr., Stockton, CA 95207
Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maria Amen
Office Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly Peters
Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209-472-2140
Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209-320-1515
E-Mail . . . . . . . . . [email protected]
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I can do all things in him who strengthens me.
— Philippians 4:13
Dia de los Muertos
Altar de los Muertos
Guadalupe Hall
October 30 - November 2, 2014
Our Hispanic community is hosting a
traditional religious cultural event
called “Altar de Muertos.” An altar
is created with flowers, colorful decorations and unlit candles. The most important things on the altar are pictures
of our loved ones and food they preferred when they were among us. You
are invited to share the memory of your
loved ones by bringing in their picture
and items they treasured. Please bring
the items to Juanita Diaz-Medina in the Ministry Center before
October 29. All items should be labeled with the name of the person
being remembered and your phone number.
The “Altar de Muertos” will be displayed in Guadalupe Hall after all
Masses beginning Thursday, October 30, through Sunday evening,
November 2. Everyone is invited to come see the altar. All items
should be picked up on Sunday evening. On Monday, November 3,
there will be a 7:00pm Bilingual Prayer Service followed by refreshments. Any remaining items will be taken to the Office of the Ministry and can be picked up there. For more information, please call
Horacio Ramirez at 423-5490 or the Ministry Center at 472-2150.
Weekly schedule:
Monday, October 13
7:00am Mass, Fr. Joe
Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1; Lk 11:29-32
† Guterres Family
† Simones Family
† Antonia Babauta Blas
† Isabel Martinez
Tuesday, October 14
7:00am—Communion Service Only
Gal 5:1-6; Lk 11:37-41
Wednesday, October 15
7:00am—Communion Service Only
Gal 5:18-25; Lk 11:42-46
6:30pm Reconciliation—CANCELLED
Thursday, October 16
7:00am—Communion Service Only
Eph 1:1-10; Lk 11:47-54
Friday, October 17
7:00am Mass, Fr. Joe
Eph 1:11-14; Lk 12:1-7
† Bill Drake
Monday, October 13
Tuesday, October 14
October 18-19
Weekly Envelope
Combined Collection:
> Church in Latin America
> World Mission
October 25-26
Weekly Envelope
November 2
Weekly Envelope
All Souls’ Day
November 8-9
Weekly Envelope
Building & Maintenance
MOMS Ministry - St. Ann
Legion of Mary - St. Francis
Bible Study - St. Francis
Sunday at Five Practice - Church
Mother of Perpetual Help - St. Ann
Thursday, October 16
9:00am Reconciliation, Msgr. Larry
5:00pm Mass, (Vigil) Msgr. Larry & Deacon Scott
2 Tim 4:10-17; Lk 10:1-9
† Darie Ann Reyes
Salvadori Family: †Elio, †Antoniolli, †Oreste, † Elinda
† Lorraine Leonardo Dimayuga
7:00am Mass, Fr. Joe
Is 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21
† Felipe J. Esparagoza
Presentation Parishioners
8:45am Mass, Msgr. Larry
† Rosina Flocchini, † Special intention
10:30am Mass, Fr. Joe & Deacon Scott
† Lolita Millar
12:15pm Mass, Msgr. Larry & Deacon Scott
† George Ramalho
2:15pm Spanish Mass, Fr. Luis Navarro
† Leonor Hernandez
5:00pm Mass—Teen Life—Msgr. Larry
Fuerza y Poder - Sts. Ann/Joachim
Share the Word - St. Francis
Adult Choir - Church
YAM - Youth Center
Rondalla - St. Joachim
Wednesday, October 15
Saturday, October 18
Sunday, October 19
Pro Vida - St. Ann
Bible Study - St. Francis
Adult Choir - Church
Youth Choir—St. Ann
Hispanic Choir - St. Joachim
Adult Choir - Church
Hispanic Youth - Youth Center
Friday, October 17
Grupo de Oracion - Sts. Ann/Joachim
Saturday, October 18
Men’s Cursillo - St. Francis
Food Pantry—Sts. Ann/Joachim
English Baptism - Church
Knights of Columbus Annual Spaghetti
Dinner—Guadalupe Hall
Sunday, October 19
RCIA - St. Ann/St. Joachim/St.Francis
October 4-5, 2014
Thank you for your generous donations.
Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jim Falcone: [email protected]
Office Manager . . . . . . . . . . . Jan Brassesco: [email protected]
Receptionist: . . . . . Juanita Diaz-Medina: [email protected]
Adult Formation/Returning Catholics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sr. Kathy Littrell, SHF
[email protected]
Communications/Interim Bulletin Editor:
Patti Ianni . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]
Catechetics . . . . . . . . . . . . Laura Lozano: [email protected]
Early Childhood/Baptism:
Marijayne Patterson: [email protected]
Youth Ministry . . . . . Lynee Monckton: [email protected]
Liturgy Director . . . . . Katherine Andrews, PhD.: [email protected]
Music Director . . . . . . . . . . Geremie Rebustillo: [email protected]
October is annually observed as Respect Life Month in churches
across our nation. This provides a wonderful opportunity for
catechists to teach children and youth the truth about the dignity of the human person. Human life is under constant attack
in our culture today; from the moment of conception to natural
death. Life is threatened because we no longer understand what
it means to be human, and what our humanity calls forth from
us in our responsibility to care for other persons.
Respect is the acknowledgement that all human persons are
made in the image of God. It is important that children learn at
an early age to recognize that they are a human person because
they possess a God-given dignity. This can be done by emphasizing their Heavenly Father’s love for them. “See what love the
Father has given us, that we should be called children of God;
and so we are… Beloved, we are God’s children now.” (1 John
Respect obligates us to revere and honor not only others, but ourselves as well. Young children can learn to
respect themselves by how they: treat their bodies, what they watch on television, what games they play on
their iPads, what time they take to pray and thank God for His gifts to them, how they respect their parents.
Older children and adults can be taught ways in which our dignity as human persons calls us to love others.
Here love is not an emotion but a call to action. Our attitude should be to care for another as a person for
whom God has made us responsible. They can be shown ways to care for the elderly, take part in prayer for
an end to abortion, lend help to a neighbor in need or help at a food pantry in the community. These are just a
few examples of caring for our neighbor.
Presentation Church had its annual “Blessing of the Animals” last weekend. Deacon Scott Johnson officiated in blessing 35 dogs and 2 cats. Here are a few photos of the event.
Facilities Director.
. . . Mark Gaff:
Evangelio: Mateo 21:33-43
Adultos: ¿Cuál sería tu reacción si averiguaras que alguien en quien tú creías podías confiar te sacará dinero
sin tu saberlo? ¿Cómo lidiarías con esta situación?
Niños: ¿Qué harías si te das cuenta que un amigo tuyo no
te ha sido fiel?
Ofrece clases de ingles y Educación Civica gratis
Incripcion abierta en la Escuela Católica San Lucas, 3847
N. Sutter St. Stockton, CA. ¡Esté Preparado para pasar el
examen de ciudadania! Las classes son todos los lunes y
miércoles de 6:00pm a 9:00pm en el salon #5. Para mas
informacion favor de llamar al 444-5910.
¿Usted o alguien que conoce necesita servicios de consejería? El Departamento de Consejería Familiar de Caridades Católicas ofrece servicios de prevención e intervención temprana en los condados de San Joaquín, Stanislaus, y Tuolumne. Los servicios de consejería se ofrecen
en diferentes parroquias de la comunidad a bajo costo por
un periodo de diez a doce sesiones. Para obtener más información o para hacer una cita, por favor pónganse en
contacto con Caridades Católicas al 340-3218.
Lunes: Gál 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Sal 113 (112):1b-5a,
6-7; Lc 11:29-32
Martes: Gál 5:1-6; Sal 119 (118):41, 43-45, 47-48;Lc 11:37-41
Miércoles: Gál 5:18-25; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 11:42-46
Jueves: Ef 1:1-10; Sal 98 (97):1-6; Lc 11:47-54
Viernes: Ef 1:11-14; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lc 12:1-7
Sábado: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Sal 145 (144):10-13, 17-18;
Lc 10:1-9
Domingo: Is 45:1, 4-6; Sal 96 (95):1, 3-5, 7-10;
1 Tes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21
Lo que comencé leyendo debo terminar poniéndolo
en práctica.
—Henry David Thoreau
De todos los actos humanos, el arrepentimiento es el
más divino.
—Thomas Carlyle
La Virgen María tiene siglos de estar apareciéndose
a los cristianos. Aún antes de que fuese asunta al cielo,
ella ya se le había aparecido al apóstol Santiago en
Zaragoza, España. Según una antigua leyenda, Santiago
llegó a tierra española en el año 40 para predicar el Evangelio. Tuvo poco éxito y desanimado pensaba sacudirse
de los pies el polvo de aquella tierra y buscar convertir
otras gentes. Mientras estaba en oración, María, la madre
de Jesús, se le apareció con palabras de consuelo, ánimo y
un pequeño obsequio.
Le dio una imagen de ella misma sobre un pilar y con el
Niño Jesús en brazos.
En esa tierra ella pidió la construcción de un templo
donde ella misma sería altar para la gloria de Dios.
Santiago mismo construyó la primera iglesia donde hoy
se encuentra una gran basílica en honor de Nuestra
Señora del Pilar. En el siglo XVIII, el Papa Clemente
XII declaró el 12 de octubre como su fiesta en memoria
de la llegada de los europeos al continente americano.
De María vienen los principios del Día de la Raza.
Un Mensaje de Otoño Sobre Protección Infantil
El otoño significa el regreso a la escuela para los niños y
el regreso al trabajo para aquellos que han estado de vacaciones. En medio de todo el ajetreo de esta época,
mantengamos en cuenta la importancia de mantener seguros y fuera de peligro a nuestros niños y jóvenes.
Se han establecido requisitos de capacitación para proteger a los niños en parroquias de la Diócesis de Stockton.
Estos requisitos de capacitación ayudan a garantizar que
todos los niños y los jóvenes experimentan un ambiente
seguro en todas las actividades y eventos parroquiales.
La Diócesis de Stockton exige que todas las personas que
trabajan con niños y jóvenes en nuestras escuelas y parroquias deberán someterse a entrenamiento de prevención de abuso infantil a través de las normas establecidas
por la Conferencia Católica de los Obispos de los Estados Unidos. Esta capacitación incluye que le tomen huellas, revisen sus antecedentes y complete un curso de
capacitación por internet titulado: Shield the Vulnerable (Proteger al Vulnerable). Si piensa ayudar o asistir
en la escuela de su hijo, es obligatorio completar este entrenamiento.
Para más información sobre este entrenamiento, por favor comuníquese con el/la coordinador /a de Ambiente
Seguro en su parroquia / escuela local.
Para ayuda y preguntas en particular, por favor comuníquese
con: Linda Dillen, Gerente de Beneficios y Ambiente Seguro
para la Diócesis de Stockton, al (209) 466-0636.
An Autumn Message About Child Protection
Pumpkins and watermelons will be sold
after the 7:00am,
8:45am, 10:30am and
12:15pm Masses on
Sunday, October 19.
Proceeds will benefit
the Altar Servers.
Please show your
Are you talented in crocheting? Would you like to use
your gifts to be part of
the Prayer Shawl Ministry? We are a group
dedicated to crafting
shawls and lap-throws,
praying for each person
who will receive these
gifts. We meet the 4th
Saturday of each month
in the St. Ann Meeting
Room from 3-5pm. If you crochet, please bring a size 9
crochet hook; if you are a knitter, bring a size 13 circular
needle. You may also consider suggesting the name of a
person who is ill and would benefit from receiving one of
our beautiful prayer shawls.
For more information please call Alice Valverde at 209477-5469.
Pray that these parishioners may find comfort and healing in Christ, especially: Sal A. Castellon, Pricilla Dequit, Eleanor Gonzalez, Ashlyn
Lomeli, Jean Lucchesi, Joe
Madrano, Sharon McKay, Jimmy
Rohleder, Maria Salas, Msgr.
Harmon Skillin, Laurie Ann, John
Warnke, and Laurie Mitnik.
Please call Patti at 320-5715 to add/
Autumn means back to school for children and back to
work for those who have been on vacation. Amidst the
hustle and bustle of this season, let us all keep sight of
the importance of keeping our children and young people
safe from danger.
Training requirements to safeguard children have been
established in parishes throughout the Diocese of Stockton. These training requirements help ensure that all
children and youth experience a safe environment in all
parish activities and events.
The Diocese of Stockton mandates that all people who
work with children and youth in our parishes and
schools must undergo child abuse prevention training
through the guidelines established by the United States
Conference of Catholic Bishops. This training includes
being fingerprinted and background checked and completing an online training course entitled Shield the Vulnerable. If you are planning on helping or assisting in
your child’s school, you are required to complete this
For particular help and questions you may call: Linda
Dillen, Manager of Benefits & Safe Environment for
the Diocese of Stockton, at (209) 466-0636.
Question of the Week
G o s p e l : M a t t h e w 2 2 : 1 - 14
Adults : What will you do this week to show God
t h a t you understand the relationship between faith and works?
Children: What three things can you do this week to show that
you are a follower of Jesus?
Let us pray for all who have died that they may rejoice with
the Risen Lord, especially
† Barbara Dell’Aringa Smallwood
A special healing service will be held Tuesday,
October 14, starting with a rosary at 6:30pm and
healing service from 7:30pm -9:00pm in Guadalupe Hall.
You are invited to a special evening of prayer, teaching,
and music in the presence of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The focus of this event will be Jesus, our healer.
Bring your hearts, your needs and your sickness, and
above all, bring your expectant faith to the One who
heals, frees and transforms.
Seven Deadly Sins
(and some new ones) … continued
The Sin of Sloth—inactivity and unresponsiveness. In some individuals it appears as an egocentricity—
a “don’t care” attitude, a fear of becoming involved. Also included is sheer laziness and a yen to make
oneself as comfortable as possible with little exertion. This is the sin of not doing, not knowing, not finding out what one must do—in short, of not caring.
- Msgr. Larry
Why a Catholic Education?
Employment Opportunities
It has never been a tougher time to be a
parent, which is why there has never been
a more critical time to choose a
Catholic school.
On-site Preschool Director/Teacher This is a full-time,
eleven month, exempt position. Undergraduate degree in Child
Development/Early Childhood Education and at least three
years experience required. Responsibility: Development and
implementation of a new preschool program in collaboration
with the Director of Early Childhood Ministries. On-site management and teaching responsibilities. Application: Please
download the full job description and employment application
from the Presentation Church website. Submit application,
cover letter, and resume to Marijayne Patterson, Director of
Early Childhood Ministries at 6715 Leesburg Place, Stockton,
CA 95207 Application Deadline: Until Filled
When parents choose a Catholic School for their children,
it sets their children apart as a family so committed to
their children's education that they are ready to make extraordinary sacrifices. Parents, by making the sacrifice
necessary to send their children to Catholic school, show
them education is a high priority. Catholic schools provide a loving, loyal environment where the entire community of parents, teachers, students, and parish is committed to academic and personal success. Here are some key
reasons why to consider a Catholic education:
The national Catholic school graduation rate is 99.1% of
high school students. Of these graduates, 84.7% go on to
college, compared to 44.1% of public school graduates.
Spirituality & Faith Formation
Students explore their faith through classes and
activities in Scripture, Sacraments, Church, and morality.
Catholic Schools strive to create a strong sense of family/
community among the students, the family, the school,
and the Church.
Fall Luncheon & Auction
will be held at UJ’s Restaurant on Wednesday,
October 15 at 11:30am. The
cost is $17.
For menu choices and reservations call Phyllis at 5940817 or Irene at 955-1248 .
Bulletin Editor
Presentation Church is seeking a part-time bulletin editor.
This position is responsible for providing various written parish communications via the bulletin. Strong computer skills in
publishing programs; i.e., Microsoft Publisher, are a must. This
person shall also provide staffing assistance to the front office.
The application form, job description and expected qualifications can be found on our website at
www.presentationchurch.net — click on Administration.
To apply, please send application, cover letter, and personal
resumé to Jan Brassesco, Office Manager, 6715 Leesburg Place,
Stockton, CA 95207 or [email protected]
Coordinator of Youth Ministries
Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Patterson is accepting applications for a part-time Coordinator of Youth Ministries (24
hours per week).
Responsible for evangelizing teens in the doctrine, goals and
mission of the Church and possess the experience, knowledge
and skills to provide ministries that provide formal catechesis
and promote the sacramental lives of participants by encouraging youth in the practice of their faith and involvement in parish ministries.
The application and complete job description are available on
line at www.sacredheartpatterson.org. Submit application and
resume to Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 529 I Street, Patterson, CA 95363 or email to: [email protected].