SAINT JOHN OF GOD PARISH 84 Carleton Avenue * Central Islip, New York 11722 Phone: 631-234-6535 * Fax: 631-234-7474 * Email: [email protected] Website: Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor Pastoral Staff Rev. Freddy Lozano, Associate Pastor Sr. Valerie Scholl, CSJ, Pastoral Associate/Admin. Rev. John Ekwoanya, in Residence Sr. Claudia Allen, CSJ, Apostolado Hispano Dcn. Ronald J. Gillette Ms Carmen Roncal, Pastoral Associate Dcn. René O. Alvarado Mrs. Ana Sullivan, Parish Social Ministry Coordinator Mrs. Maggie Martin, Religious Education Mrs. Patricia Walsh, Secretary Mrs. Eleanor Gould, Music Ministry Parish Center: 631-234-6535 Religious Education: 631-234-4040 Outreach Office: 631-234-1884 Cemetery Office: 631-234-8297 Equipo Pastoral Que Habla Español Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor Parish Office Hours: Monday – Saturday: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM Rev. Freddy Lozano, Pastor Asociado Hna. Claudia Allen, CSJ Sra. Carmen Roncal Sra. Ana Sullivan, Ministerio Social Sunday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM (For Mass Cards) Emergency Sick Calls Any Time Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Chapel Sunday: 8:00 AM Church 9:30 AM Church 11:00 AM Chapel Misas En Español Vigilia Sábado: 7:00 PM Capilla Domingo: 9:30 AM Capilla 12:30 PM Capilla Martes: 7:00 PM Capilla Adoration & Benediction 1st. Friday of the Month: English 9:30 AM to Noon Church Bilingual Special Needs Mass With Special Blessings to the sick 1st. Sunday of every month: 4:00PM Chapel Español 8:00 PM to 9:00PM Church Weekday Masses Monday – Saturday: 9:00 AM Church Sacramentos Devotions Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday at 9:00 AM Mass Sacraments Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:00 PM in the Church or by appointment. Please call the Parish Center. Baptism: 1st Sunday at 2:00 PM. Parents must register at the Parish Center at least 1 month before the baptism. Marriage: Those wishing to be married must make arrangements at least 6 months in advance. Call the Parish Center. Our Lady of Providence Regional School Pre-K (4 yrs.) through 8th Grade 631-234-1113 or 631-234-6324 Principal: Ms. Sharon Swift December 28, 2014 Apostolado Hispano 631-234-6535 Bautizos en Español: 2do y 4to Domingo de cada mes, 2:00 PM Los padres de los niños deben ir a la oficina para inscribirlos. Llame 631-234-6535 x 106 para una cita. Confesiones: Los sábados a las 4:00 PM Primera Comunión y Confirmación: Niños de 6 hasta los 17 años deben asistir a las clases de Educación Religiosa de acuerdo a su edad. Llame: 631-234-4040 Sacramentos Para Los Adultos: (18 años en adelante) Llame 234-6535 x 106 para más información. Las clases para los adultos son los domingos a las 11:00 AM. Matrimonio: Inscribirse 6 meses antes de la fecha de la boda. Llame: 631-234- 6535 para hablar con un miembro del Equipo Pastoral que habla español. Nuestra Señora de la Providencia Escuela Católica Pre-K (4 años) hasta 8vo grado 631-234-1113 o 631-234-6324 Principal: Ms. Sharon Swift THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS MARY & JOSEPH Mass Intentions for the Week of December 28: Monday – 9:00AM – Tuesday – 9:00AM – Wednesday – 9:00AM – _ 5:00PM _ Thursday – 9:00AM – Friday – 9:00AM – Saturday – 9:00PM – _ 5:00PM _ Sunday – 8:00AM – Mary & Joseph McDonough Cecilia Fadelici Kathleen Tyrrell Charles Doyle Elizabeth Brennan Lane Proper Ella Parisi All those enrolled in the Society of Prayer – 9:30AM – People of St. John of God – 11:00AM – Clara Medina Estela Medina THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY Please keep in mind when considering Your Donation to the Parish that We Have Raised Our BREAKEVEN AMOUNT from $8,500 per week to $9,000. This is due to increase cost and expenses (Electric, gas, oil, etc…) GRACIAS POR SU GENEROSIDAD. Por favor tenga en cuenta al considerar Su donación a la parroquia que Hemos Aumentado nuestra CANTIDAD DE EQUILIBRIO de $8,500 por semana a $9,000. Esto se debe al aumento de costos y gastos (electricidad, gas, petróleo,etc) Weekend of December 20 & 21 Sharing One’s Resources in the Parish READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday – St. Thomas Becket, Bishop & Martyr 1 Jn 2:3-11 Lk/Lc 2:22-35 Tuesday – Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord I Jn 2:12-17 Lk/Lc 2:36-40 Wednesday – St. Sylvester I, Pope 1 Jn 2:18-21 Jn 1:1-18 Thursday – Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God Nm 6:22-27/Gal 4:4-7 Lk/Lc 2:16-21 Friday – St. Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops & Doctors of the Church 1 Jn 2:22-28 Jn 1:19-28 Saturday The Most Holy Name of Jesus 1 Jn 2:29—3:6 Jn 1:29-34 Sunday – The Epiphany of the Lord Is 60:1-6, 10-11 Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6 Mt 2:1-12 BREAD & WINE MEMORIAL In Loving Memory of: MASS ATTENDANCE $11,000 Collection amounts and attendance for the weekend of December 20/21 will be in next weekend’s bulletin due to publishing deadline. $10,500 $10,000 $9,500 $9,000 $8,500 $8,000 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR $7,500 $7,000 $6,000 0 Budget $9,000 $ Weekend of December 13 & 14 Sharing One’s Resources in the Parish Total Collection to Parish: $ 10,276. Sunday Collection: $ 8,051. Special Monthly: $ 2,225. DRVC: Late Holy Day 12/8: $ 132. $11,000 $10,500 $10,000 $9,500 Wenceslao M. Arroyo, Jr. Requested by: Brunilda Arroyo $9,000 $8,500 $8,000 $7,500 $7,000 $6,000 0 PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Mary I. Coffey Martin Bonilla-Umanzor Juan Claude Victor, MD Lester Siems Budget Actual $9,000 $10,276 . THANK YOU! Attendance: 1,326 SEE WHAT’S NEW ON OUR WEB PAGE: For Mass Presiders’ Schedule: January, 2015 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES CORNER ESQUINA MINISTERIOS LITURGICOS THANKS TO ALL LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR SERVING AT CHRISTMAS MASSES. GRACIAS A TODOS LOS MINISTROS LITURGICOS POR SERVIR EN LAS MISAS DE NAVIDAD Have a Blessed and Holy New Year!! The Parish Offices will be CLOSED on Thursday, January 1st for NEW YEAR’S DAY. We will reopen on Friday, January 2nd at 9:00AM Flower Offering Envelopes You will see Flower Offering Envelopes around the Church and Chapel. Whatever amount you would like to donate in the name of a loved one to help beautify the liturgical environment for Christmas will be greatly appreciated. Donations will be used for Christmas flowers and to beautify the sanctuary. Sobres de Ofrendas Para las Flores Usted verá Sobres para las ofrendas de Flores alrededor de la Iglesia y la Capilla. Cualquier cantidad que quisiera donar en nombre de un ser querido para ayudar a embellecer el ambiente litúrgico para la Navidad será muy apreciado. Las donaciones serán usadas para las flores y adornos de Navidad para embellecer el santuario. Adult Choir Rehearsal January 7, 14, 21, 28 7:30PM in Chapel Children’s Choir Rehearsal January 8, 15, 22, 29 7:00 pm to 7:45pm in Chapel HELP SOLICIT ADVERTISERS FOR SJOG BULLETIN Please consider asking the businesses (stores, restaurants, etc..) that you frequent to advertise in our bulletin. The bulletin is an easy way to reach families with information about a business. For more information how to advertise in our bulletin, call Frank Capanzano at 631-987-0064 AYUDE A SOLICITAR ANUNCIADORES PARA EL BOLETIN DE SJOG Por favor considere preguntar en los negocios (tiendas, restaurants, etc..) que tan frequente publican en nuestro boletín. El boletín es una forma fácil de llegar a las familias con información acerca de los negocios. Para más información de cómo publicar en nuestro boletín, llame a Frank Capanzano: 631-9870064 St. John of God Pray for ... Aileen Almelor Rene Alonzo Anthony Anastasio (WWII) Carmen Blass Sue Bond Fran Brown James Caggiano Josephine Colotti Edith Comito Sandy Comito Christopher DeLeon Richard&Eileen Donalson Familia Velásquez Gail Fairfox Nancy Fairfox Leon, Helen & Joann Falk Sebastian Fiorello Johnnie Garcia Bertha Harrison Eileen Housman Mary Kennedy Michael Lourine Julian Middelton Cheryl Morse Lorraine Napolitano Brae Oquendo Elena Ortiz Maria S. Ortiz-Rivera Carmen Ramos Catherine Richardson Alberta Rosario Edward Sambolin Kathy Sánchez James Santiago Donna Shelbourne Patrick Shelbourne Aleja Soto James Spangler Denise Spearman Joan Sween Sixta Valentin Jorge Wales Ko & Gracielita Pat Watkins Rosemary Watkins Jean Zalak WILIAN TORRES ESTARA DEVOLVIENDO EL DINERO DE LOS BOLETOS DE RIFA DEL PFI QUE VENDIO, DEBIDO A QUE ESTOS BOLETOS NO SE RECIBIERON ANTES DEL SORTEO PARISH OUTREACH OFFICE Telephone: 234-1884 Ana Sullivan, Coordinator Telephone: 234-6324 Visit us at: Ms. Sharon Swift, Principal Like us on Facebook. The faculty, staff, and students of Our Lady of Providence Regional School wish all of the parishioners of Saint John of God Parish A Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year! THRIFT SHOP REGULAR HOURS: Monday through Thursday 10AM to 2:00PM Monday & Thursday Evening 6PM to 7:15PM Sunday 10AM to 3:00PM “DEC. 24 & 25 CLOSED” CLOSED Friday & Saturday FOOD PANTRY REGULAR HOURS: Monday&Thursday 6PM-7:15PM Tuesday&Wednesday 10AM-12Noon Sunday 12Noon-3PM “DEC. 24 & 25 CLOSED” CLOSED Friday, Saturday Ministry to Catholics of African Ancestry is proudly sponsoring Lunch at “CARRABBA’S” 20 N. Research Place, Central Islip, N.Y. Dates to Remember Dec. 22nd—Jan 4th - Christmas Recess No School January 5th - School Reopens MARK YOUR CALENDAR MARQUE SU CALENDARIO JANUARY 4: The Three Wise Men & Distribution of Toys for Tots, 1:30—3:30 pm JANUARY 4: Special Needs Mass at 4:00pm in Chapel. JANUARY 11: Blood Drive sponsored by MCAA, 8:30AM to 2:30PM. Church Basement JANUARY 11: Holy Name Society Monthly Meeting at 8:45AM in the Small Cafeteria MCAA Monthly Meeting at 11:00 AM. JANUARY 18: Martin Luther King Mass at 11AM & Lunch at Carrabbas, 12:30 pm to 3:00pm JANUARY 19: Office Closed in Observance of Martin Luther King Day. JANUARY 20: SVDP Meeting at 12 noon in conference room. Menu: Three Choices of Entree, Beverage, Coffee or Tea, Dessert Sunday, January 18, 2015 12:30PM to 3:00PM Cost: $25. per person — $12. children 12 years or under Make checks payable to: “Saint John of God Church” Call: Florence McClean— 631-882-1189 Ministerio a Católicos de Ascendencia Africana está patrocinando un Almuerzo en “CARRABBA’S” 20 N. Research Place, Central Islip, N.Y. Menú: Tres selecciones de entree, Bebidas, Café o Té, Postre Domingo, 18de Enero de 2015 12:30PM — 3:00PM Costo: $25. por persona — $12. Niños 12 años o menos Escriba el cheque a nombre de: “Saint John of God Church” Llame a: Florence McClean 631-882-1189 Saint John of God Religious Education Touching Hearts ~ Changing Lives Mrs. Maggie Martin, Director Telephone: 631-234-4040 Email: [email protected] Religious Education Office is closed. If you wish to add, keep or remove any name on the Parish Prayer List during JANUARY, please use this cut-out Form and return it to the Parish Office or place it in the Collection Basket. ———————————————————–——— PARISH PRAYER LIST (…)ADD (…)KEEP (…)REMOVE COMPLETE NAME(S) …………………….… Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! REQUESTED BY.……………………………... PHONE #...……………………………………… Exciting things are happening in Religious Education! TODAY’S DATE.…………………………….... NEW YEAR’S DAY, JANUARY 1, 2015 FEAST OF MARY, THE MOTHER OF GOD Si usted desea colocar, mantener o remover el nombre de un pariente, amigo, etc en la Lista de Oración de la Parroquia durante ENERO, por favor use el formulario de abajo y retórnelo a a Oficina Parroquial o colóquelo en la Canasta de la Colecta. (A Holyday of Obligation) Vigil, December 31st Church: 5 PM (English) Chapel: 8 PM (Español) Tuesday, January 1st Church: 9:00AM English Chapel: 11:00AM Español El Día del Año Nuevo, 1 de Enero, 2015 ………………………………………..………………………… FORMULARIO LISTA DE ORACION PARROQUIAL (….)AGREGAR (….)MANTENER (….)REMOVER FIESTA DE LA MARIA MADRE DE DIOS (Un día de guardar) NOMBRE COMPLETO: ……………………………… 31 de diciembre: 1 de Enero: Vigilia 5 PM-Iglesia-Ingles-Misa 9:00AM-Iglesia Vigilia 8 PM & Misa 11:00AM ambas en Español y en la Capilla Solicitado por: …………………………………………… No hay Misa a las 7PM El Ministerio de los Católicos de Descendencia Africana está patrocinando la DONACION DE SANGRE 8AM a 2PM ENERO 11, 2015 Sótano de la Capilla 2 Boletos GRATIS para el juego de los METS para cada persona que firme; aun cuando ellos puedan donar o no. # de Teléfono: ……………………………………………. FECHA DE HOY: ………………………………………….. The Ministry of Catholics of African American Ancestry is sponsoring a BLOOD DRIVE 8AM to 2PM JANUARY 11, 2015 Church Basement 2 FREE tickets to the METS Game for each person who signs up whether they are able to give blood or not. Saint John of God Parish Special Needs Mass Somos Un Rebaño Eucaristía Para Necesidades Especiales With a special blessing of the Sick! Con Bendición especial / Unción de los enfermos. January 4th 4:00PM In the Chapel Wheelchair Accessible All Are Invited! SAINT JOHN OF GOD CELEBRATES EPIPHANY OF THE LORD “THREE KINGS visit JESUS” “Toys for Tots” Sunday, January 4, 2015 4 de Enero 4:00 PM Capilla Accesible a silla de Ruedas IGLESIA DE SAN JUAN DE DIOS CELEBRA LA EPIFANIA DEL SEÑOR LOS TRES REYES MAGOS visitan a JESUS “Toys for Tots” DOMINGO 4 DE ENERO, 2015 1:30 to 3:00pm in Chapel. 1:30PM TO 3:00PM EN LA CAPILLA All children between 1 to 12 years old are welcomed. We give each child a ticket with a number. We call that number and the child with that ticket number walks to the Seton Room to pick up the gift. Todos los niños entre las edades de 1 a 12 años son bienvenidos. Le entregaremos a cada niño un boleto numerado. Cuando llamemos a ese numero, el niño traerá ese boleto y caminará a la Sala Seton a recojer su regalo. Toys supplied by donations to : Los regalos son proporcionados por donaciones a: Saint John of God Outreach Saint John of God Outreach MAY GOD BLESS YOU IN THIS NEW YEAR… May God give you... For every storm, a rainbow, For every tear, a smile, For every care, a promise, And a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, A faithful friend to share, For every sigh, a sweet song, And an answer for each prayer. FR. CHRISTOPHER NOWAK AND ST JOHN OF GOD STAFF WISHING YOU A JOYOUS NEW YEAR! QUE DIOS LOS BENDIGA EN ESTE AÑO NUEVO Que Dios les de…. Por cada tormenta, un arco iris, Por cada lágrima, una sonrisa. Por todos los cuidados, una promesa, Y una bendición en cada dificultad. Por cada problema de la vida envíe, Un amigo fiel para compartir, Por cada suspiro, una canción dulce, Y una respuesta para cada oración. PADRE CHRISTOPHER NOWAK Y EL PERSONAL DE SAN JUAN DE DIOS LE DESEAN UN VENTUROSO AÑO NUEVO! HERE COMES THE JUDGE! BLESSING OF PHILIP GOGLAS AS NEW COUNTY COURT JUDGE COME AND SHARE IN THIS JOYOUS MOMENT IN THE HISTORY OF SJOG PARISH SATURDAY, JANUARY 10— 5PM MASS 4 TH DEGREE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HONOR GUARD & CIFD WILL BE PRESENT SWEARING IN CEREMONY WILL BE AT TOURO LAW CENTER ON MONDAY, JANUARY 12, AT 9AM EASTVIEW DRIVE, CENTRAL ISLIP WE ARE SO PROUD! ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ AQUI VIENE EL JUEZ! BENDICIONES A PHILIP GOGLAS COMO EL NUEVO JUEZ DE LA CORTE DEL CONDADO VENGA Y COMPARTA ESTE MOMENTO FELIZ EN LA HISTORIA DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA ST. JOHN OF GOD SABADO 10 DE ENERO, 2015, MISA DE 5PM LA GUARDIA DE HONOR DEL 4TO GRADO DE LOS CABALLEROS DE COLON & CIFD ESTARAN PREENTES LA CEREMONIA DE JURAMENTACION SERA EN EL CENTRO DE TOURO LAW, EL LUNES 12 DE ENERO DEL 2015, A LAS 9:00AM EASTVIEW DRIVE, CENTRAL ISLIP ESTAMOS MUY ORGULLOSOS! Ministerio a Católicos de Ascendencia Africana Ministry to Catholic of African Ancestry Les invita a la celebración del Invites you to the: Cumpleaños REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. Domingo, 18 de Enero del 2015 a las 11AM en la Capilla de San Juan de Dios ...todas están invitados a nuestro 5to Almuerzo Anual en el Restaurante Carrabba’s - 12:30PM a 3:00PM Adultos: $25.00 por persona Niños: 12 años o menos: $12.00 Boletos están ya a la venta! Favor escriba el cheque a nombre de: “St. John of God Church.” Birthday Mass Celebration REV. DR. LUTHER KING, Jr. Sunday, January 18, 2015—11:00AM (St. John of God Chapel) All are invited to our 5th Annual Fundraiser-Lunch at Carrabba’s Restaurant - 12:30PM to 3:00PM Adults: $25.00 per person Children: $12.00—12 years or under Please make checks payable to: “St. John of God Church” Tickets are on sale for this event after Masses in the Parish Office. Habrá un sorteo Canasta y 50/50 There will be a Basket Raffle & 50/50 Fondos apoyan becas para los graduados con The funds go toward scholarships for OLOP honores de OLOP y ayudan el pago de Honor Graduates going to Catholic High School matrícula para la Escuela Católica, and are also used to make a donation to Saint y donación a la Parroquia. Llame a: Florence McClean (631-882-1189) o Julian Middleton (718-496-1624). John of God Parish. Contact Persons: Florence McClean (631-882-1189) or Julian Middleton (718-496-1624) We are St. John of God Parish—Committed to Faith, Family and Community! Somos La Parroquia de San Juan de Dios - Comprometidos a La Fe, La Familia, y La Comunidad! MAÑANITAS A LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE RETIRO DE ADVIENTO PARA LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA NOVENA POR NAVIDAD BISHOP J. DUNNE CAME TO GIVE AN ADVENT RETREAT AT 5:00PM MASS Lectio Divina: es una forma de oración utilizando las Sagradas Escrituras. Se trata de un proceso de cuatro pasos, usando las Escrituras como base para conocer a nuestro Señor en una forma más profunda. Fue un proceso desarrollado por San Benedicto y se puede utilizar como oración individual o grupal. 4 PASOS: LEER, MEDITAR, ORAR, CONTEMPLAR PUEDE COMENZAR CON UNA ORACIÓN AL ESPÍRITU SANTO: Ven, Espíritu Santo, ilumina mi mente, abre mi corazón para que yo pueda encontrar en la Palabra a Cristo, el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida…...Ayúdame a seguir hoy, la llamada de Cristo de una manera nueva, conforme a tu palabra. Y lo digo por todos en el mundo, uno quien es enviado por el Señor, quiero ser un hermano/ hermana, un amigo, ahora voy a ser un discípulo del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amén. Paso 1: LEER: ¿Qué dice el texto bíblico? En el nivel más básico: ¿Qué está pa- sando en este pasaje bíblico? Usted tiene que identificar una PALABRA, FRASE, IDEA que toca su corazón…..que el Señor pone en tu corazón….. PRIMERA LECTURA: lea el texto en voz alta lenta y deliberadamente. REFLEXIÓN: tome varios minutos para reflexionar sobre la lectura y permitir que el Espíritu Santo le revele UNA PALABRA, UNA FRASE, UNA IDEA/CONCEPTO que es el centro del significado del texto para usted (¿Qué le está diciendo el texto bíblico?). INTERNALIZAR: repetir la palabra o frase en voz alta o en su corazón. Paso 2: MEDITAR: ¿Qué me está diciendo personalmente Jesús a través del texto de la Escritura? ¿Qué es lo que Dios quiere que conozca o vea a través del texto de la Escritura? ¿Cómo este texto me habla a mi experiencia en la vida? SEGUNDA LECTURA: leer el mismo pasaje. LA MEDITACIÓN: tome varios minutos para reflexionar sobre la pregunta: ¿Qué me está diciendo personalmente Jesús a través de este texto de la Escritura? Paso 3: ORAR: Mi Señor me ha hablado en el texto Bíblico: ¿Qué es lo que le quiero decir a Dios en oración? TERCERA LECTURA: puede volver a leer el mismo pasaje. REFLEXIÓN: Jesús me ha hablado personalmente en este texto Bíblico. ¿Qué quiero decir a mi Señor en oración? ORACIÓN: diga su oración a Señor ya sea en voz alta o interiormente. Paso 4: CONTEMPLAR / ACTUAR: Como resultado de mi oración, ¿A qué Jesús me está llamando HACER (esta semana) como resultado de este proceso? Por último, nuestra oración nos invita a la acción, en definitiva, a ser más compasivo y fiel. CONTEMPLAR: en lo que nuestro Señor está llamándome hacer como resultado de este proceso. Lectio Divina: is a form of prayer using Sacred Scripture. It is a four step process, using Scripture as its basis to get to know our Lord in a more profound way. It is a process that was developed by St. Benedict and can be used in individual prayer or in a group. 4 STEPS: READ, MEDITATE, PRAY, CONTEMPLATE MAY WANT TO BEGIN WITH A PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT: Come Holy Spirit, illuminate my mind, open my heart so I can encounter in your Word Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life…..Help me follow today, the call of Christ in a new way, according to your word. And let me be for all in the world, one who is sent by the Lord, let me be a brother/sister, let me be a friend, let me be a disciple of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. Step 1: READ: What does the Biblical Text Say? At the most basic level: What is going on in this Scriptural passage? You have to identify a WORD, PHRASE, IDEA that touches your heart….that the Lord places in your heart….. FIRST READING: read the text out loud slowly and intentionally. REFLECTION: take several minutes to reflect on the reading and allow the Holy Spirit to surface a WORD, A PHRASE, AN IDEA/CONCEPT that is central to the meaning of the text for you (What is the Biblical text saying?). INTERNALIZE: repeat the word or phrase either out loud or in your heart. Step 2: MEDITATE: What is Jesus saying to me personally through this Scripture Text? What does God want me to know or see through this Scripture Text. How does this text speak to my experience in life? SECOND READING: read the same passage again. MEDITATION: take several minutes to reflect on the question: What is Jesus saying to me personally through this Scripture Text? Step 3: PRAY: My Lord has spoken to me in the Scriptural Text: What do I want to say back to him in Prayer? THIRD READING: may want to re-read the same passage again. REFLECTION: Jesus has spoken to me personally in this Scriptural text. What do I want to say to my Lord in Prayer? PRAYER: say your prayer to our Lord either out loud or interiorly. Step 4: CONTEMPLATE / ACT: As a result of my prayer, what is Jesus calling me to DO (this week) as a result of this process? Finally, our prayer calls us to action ultimately to be more compassionate and faithful. CONTEMPLATE: on what our Lord is calling you to do as a result of this process. “Caring that Counts” LAKE RONKONKOMA HAUPPAUGE HOLBROOK BOHEMIA PORT JEFFERSON STATION 132 Ronkonkoma Avenue (631) 588-1515 840 Wheeler Road (Rte. 111) (631) 361-7500 130 Carleton Avenue (631) 234-6000 1320 Lakeland Avenue (631) 589-1500 CENTRAL ISLIP 825 Main Street (631) 981-7500 523 Route 112 (631) 473-3800 SCAN THIS SCAN THIS ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Jesus A to Z and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 RESTAURANT Catering • Entertainment 131 Carleton Ave., East Islip 277-0007 Fax 277-4744 for happy heating • Installations • Budgets • Heating Fuel Oil • 24 Hr. Oil Burner Service THOMAS P. WALSH, JR. STACEY WALSH-BIRSNER THOMAS P. WALSH FUNERAL HOME, INC. “SERVING OUR NEIGHBORS FOR THREE GENERATIONS” PRE NEED COUNSELING 60 CARLETON AVENUE CENTRAL ISLIP, NY 234-6314 In Loving Memory of JoAnn McLoughlin Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Abogado de Inmigración TPS - NACARA - DACA Deportaciones y Peticiones Consultas Gratis! (516) 216-5828 571 Suffolk Avenue • Brentwood “Serving the Community for Over 40 Years” Turn To A Friend 273-4443 Pre Arrangement 383650 St John of God Church LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT MARTINEZ Counseling Available F or Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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