¿Cómo eres tú?

¿Cómo eres tú?
Imagine that next weekend you are going to visit with a family in Mexico. The family wants to know a little bit
about you, your family and your friends. You will need to describe their physical appearance, personality,
clothing and colors and likes & dislikes. You must also include a picture of yourself, your friend and your
Refer to your textbook, cuaderno, and homework to remind you how to write descriptions about someone.
 Las preguntas:
¿Como se llama?
Se llama …
Me llamo …
¿Quién es?
Él es mi … / Ella es mi …
Soy yo.
¿Cuándo es su cumpleaños? Su cumpleaños es…
Mi cumpleaños es…
¿Cuántos años tiene?
(nombre) tiene …
Yo tengo …
¿Cómo es físicamente?
Él es …. / Ella es..
Yo soy… (name 3 physical traits)
¿Cómo es su personalidad? También (nombre) es … / También yo soy… (name 2 personality traits)
¿Qué color es su favorito? Su color favorito es…
Mi color favorito es…
¿Qué le gusta comer?
A (nombre) le gusta comer … /
A mi me gusta comer …
¿Que le gusta hacer?
A él le gusta … / A ella le gusta … /
A mi me gusta …
¿Qué no le gusta hacer?
A (nombre) no le gusta…
A mi no me gusta …
 Requirements:
A rough draft of the three paragraphs: typed or neatly written, MUST BE double-spaced, and all questions
answered in complete sentences.
Due date:
The final draft of paragraph descriptions made into 4 slide power point presentation.
Due date:
You will be presenting you PPT to the class. Practice your presentation ahead of time, it should be like
you’re speaking and not reading.
 Please staple your PPT project in the following order.
Page 1 – This handout with the rubric.
Page 2 – Hard copy of your Power Point Presentation
Page 3 – The rough draft of your project.
 Late work will be lowered one grade for each day late.
Anticipate any and all issues: printer not working, out of ink for the printer, PPT not saved to flashdrive
(good idea to email yourself and the teacher a copy of your presentation) and don’t procrastinate.
Includes ALL requirements:
handouts, hard copy of presentation,
and the rough draft. Pictures on every
slide and includes a title page.
Proper grammatical structures were
used. All spelling correct. 1-2 errors
One- two requirements not
3 -4 requirements not followed.
Many requirements not followed.
Good grammatical
structure. Spelling mostly
correct. 3-4 errors.
Good pronunciation. Few
pronunciation errors.
Somewhat memorized, but
reading and pronunciation
is good
Good PPT. Included good
pictures, good-looking PPT,
Good effort.
Difficulty with grammatical
structure. Many spelling errors.
5-6 errors.
Fair/Somewhat struggled with
pronunciation. Few to many
errors. Not memorized, read
from PPT. Monotone voice.
No grammatical structure is
apparent. Too many spelling
errors. More than 7 errors.
Poor pronunciation. Difficult to
understand because of the many
pronunciation errors. Not
prepared, difficulty reading,
speech is broken and monotone.
Poor PPT. Few to no pictures. Not
attractive. Very little effort.
Great pronunciation. You sound
Hispanic.. Well-prepared and has
competed all that was required.
PPT Presentation
Awesome PPT. Included animation,
great colors, attractive pictures, great
looking power point overall.
Fair PPT. Most pictures were
included. Somewhat attractive.
Some effort was apparent.
¿Cómo eres tú?