EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Catholic Church 3870 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, Alabama 36109 (334) 272-3463 Fax (334) 272-3492 www.stbede.org February 26, 2017 10 members from the St. Bede Senior Youth Group attended the Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Conference (ACYC) in Perdido Beach from February 17-19 S CHEDULE OF M ASSES & D ISTRIBUTION OF A SHES ON W EDNESDAY , M ARCH 1 ST ARE : 6:30 AM , 8:30 AM AND 6:30 PM S a v e t h e D a t e f or . . . Stations of the Cross The Light is ON for You - Reconciliation Lenten Day of Conversion every Friday in Lent every Wednesday in Lent Saturday, March 11 2:30pm (with the School) & from March 8 - April 5 12pm-4pm 7 pm beginning March 3rd 6 - 8pm Church Family Life Center 2 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Regular Mass Schedule February 26, 2017 Horario De Misas Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (Spanish), 5pm Daily Mass: 6:30am & 8:30am Mon, Wed, Fri. 6:30am Tues, Thurs 8:30am Sat Confessions: Saturday: 4-4:45pm; Sunday: 7:157:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:45-12:15, 4:15-4:45pm, 15 minutes before each daily Mass E-mail Bulletin Announcements by Friday at Noon (the week before) to [email protected]. Pho ne: (3 34) 27 2- 3 46 3 Fa x : ( 33 4) 2 7 2-3 4 92 O ffi ce H o urs : M - T h 8 am - 4 : 30p m F r i . 8am - 4 p m Si tiene anuncios para el boletín, mande la información por correo electrónico a mmaninang @s tbede.org, lo más tardar el mediodía del viernes de la semana antes que quiera que aparezca. Vigilia del sábado: 5:00 pm Domingo: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (Español), 5pm Misas diarias: 6:30am & 8:30am lunes, miércoles, viernes 6:30am martes, jueves 8:30am sábado Confesiones: sábado: 4-4:45pm; domingo: 7:157:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:45-12:15, 4:15-4:45pm, 15 minutos antes de cada Misa diaria N e e d a P r i e s t ? Please do not hesitate to call and let us know when you need us. During Office Hours: Fr. Alex (334) 272-3463 ext 203; Fr. Zach (334) 272-3463 ext 204 For Sacramental emergencies (near death), please call (251) 599-3523 ¿Necesita a un Sacerdote? Por favor, no dude en llamarnos cuando nos necesite. Office Phone: (334) 272-3463 Fr. Alex Valladares, Pastor [email protected] Fr. Zachary Greenwell, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Kathy Dean, Offi ce Man ager [email protected] Elizabeth Segrest, Book k eeper [email protected] Andrea Nemesszeghy, Youth Coordinator and Hispanic Community Liaison [email protected] or [email protected] Mara Maninang, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Tyler Kirsch, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Audra Starrett, M anag er Catholic Children’s Ministry @ St. Bede [email protected] ext 203 Durante horas de oficina: Padre Alex (334) 272-3463 ext 203; Padre Zach (334) 272-3463 ext 204 ext 204 Para Emergencias Sacramentales (moribundo), llame (251) 599-3523 ext 205 ext 207 ext 209 ext 202 Weekly Offering Collection 02-12-17 Needed Weekly: Tithing Year-to-Date: Tithing Budget-to-Date: This Year’s Budget: $ 15,287.51 $ 16,961.54 $ 119, 678.41 $ 118, 730.77 $ 882,000.00 ext 201 send email Jo Ann Erhardt, St. Vincent de Paul Society [email protected] 272-3033 (8am-2pm) Barry C. Waite, Grand Knight, KofC #893 [email protected] 315-0864 Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School www.montgomerycatholic.org St. Bede K4-6: Laurie Gulley, Principal 272-3033 [email protected] Middle/High School 7-12: Justin Castanza, Interim Principal, [email protected] 272-7220 Keep Posted with all Youth Activities, join the blog http://www.stbedeyouthministry.blogspot.com Religious Education (August - Easter) RE Classes: Students in Kindergarten thru 6th grade meet Sunday morning from 11:15-12:15 in the school. For Your Convenience Hearing Assistance Devices: Available in the sacristy. Deaf Ministry: 5pm Sunday Mass interpreted for the deaf. Wheelchair: Three available in the sacristy for your use. St. Bede the Venerable Gift Shop: Open Fridays 9-12 noon and Sundays after the 8am and 10am masses. From Death into New Life With Our Lord MARCH FEBRUARY ASH WEDNESDAY IS MARCH 1ST AND WE ARE COLLECTING BLESSED PALMS FROM LAST PALM SUNDAY TO BURN INTO ASHES. YOU MAY BRING THEM TO THE CHURCH VESTIBULE OR PARISH OFFICE NO LATER THAN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27. February 26, 2017 3 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time 26, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 28, 1969 1994 2012 2016 1947 1962 1979 1980 1986 2002 2014 1996 2004 Mildred R. Villotti Billie Rush Harry Langlois Margaret Marie Livingston Infant Brown Odie Edward Ford William Claude Rivers Jesse B. Mainor Sister Ellen Griffen, D.C. Terry Edgette Cheryl Bottger Felix S. Duran Mary Irwin Tingle Father Alex blessing candles on the Feast of the Presentation, Thursday, February 2nd RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Monday evenings in the Parish Hall at 6pm. If you know anyone who is interested or if you would like a personal Invitation extended, call the Office at 272-3463. Bible Study : Tuesdays at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall. St. Bede Family Night: Dinner, Catechesis and Fraternity. Every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6pm-7:30pm in the Family Life Center. Catechesis & Adoration : 1 st & 3 rd Thursdays from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the Church. Catechesis: 2nd & 4t h Th ursdays from 6-7pm FLC. Montgomery Area Perpetual Adoration Chapel is open 24 hours, located behind Our Lady Queen of Mercy Church, 4421 Narrow Lane Rd, Montgomery AL 36116.Call Priscilla Berry for more info: 334-288-3292 Pro-Life Rosary : Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday after 8:30am Mass. Prayer Network: For special prayers or to become part of the Prayer Network call Joe Crowley at 264-7586 . 2006 2009 2015 1981 2000 2002 2002 2005 1968 1970 2015 1984 1988 1989 1991 Ben Adams Henry Joseph Lamothe Ralph Francis Southern Christin Carlson John William Murray Arvella Steimle Mary Berka-Reder Sarah Etta Cook Wagner Clara Manegold William K. Vinson Mariam Catherine B. Whatley James Roy Jehle Robert C. Spangler Herman Waters James Howard Medlock “Be Prepared” Apologetics Sunday, March 5th at 6pm in the Parish Hall. Topic will be on the Immaculate Conception & Assumption Mass Intentions for February 26 - March 4 Sunday F u r t h e r i n g Yo u r F a i t h 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, Is 49:14-15; Ps 62:2-3, 6-9; 1 Cor 4:1-5; Mt 6:24-34 Vigil 5:00pm Parishioners Special Intentions 8:00am Special Intentions 10:00am 12:30pm Special Intentions 5:00pm Special Intentions Sir 17:20-24; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 10:17-27 Monday 6:30am Sharon Eckelkamp (D) & Annette Clark (L) 8:30am Florence Howell S ir 3 5:1-12; Ps 5 0:5-8, 14 , 23; Tuesday M k 10: 28-3 1 6:30am Dolly Barranco & Josephine Licari J l 2 : 12- 1 8 ; Ps 5 1: 3- 6 ab , 1 2 -14 , 1 7; Wednesday 2 C o r 5 : 20 — 6 : 2 ; M t 6: 1 -6 , 1 6- 1 8 6:30am Charlie McGinty Sr. 8:30am St. Ann’s Living & Deceased Members 6:30pm Elizabeth Nemesszeghy (L) Dt 30 :15- 2 0; Ps 1: 1- 4 , 6; Lk 9 :2 2- 2 5 Thursday 6:30am Mary Newmeyer Friday Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 6:30am David Dean (L) 8:30am Deceased loved ones of the Abreo Family I s 58 :9b- 14 ; Ps 8 6 :1- 6 ; Lk 5: 27- 3 2 Saturday 8:30am William Casey 4 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time “The Church must be a place of mercy freely given, where everyone can feel welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel.” –Pope Francis, (The Joy of the Gospel, 114) Next weekend, March 4 & 5, our parish will take up a SECOND COLLECTION for the BLACK AND INDIAN MISSIONS. Our support of this collection helps build the Church in African American, Native American, and Alaska Native communities from coast to coast. Schools, parish religious education programs, and diocesan ministries depend on your generosity to help them spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Welcome! St. Bede doors are open and the light is on for you. The Light is On for quiet prayer and Confessions on Wednesday evenings throughout Lent from 6pm-8pm, beginning March 8 until April 5. This is a Lenten initiative of the Archdiocese designed to welcome Catholics back to the sacrament of Reconciliation. El próxima fin de semana, marzo 4 y 5, nuestra parroquia empezará la SEGUNDA COLECTA para las MISIONES AFROAMERICANAS E INDÍGENAS. Nuestro apoyo a esta colecta ayuda a construir la Iglesia en las comunidades Afroamericanas, Indígenas y de los Nativos de Alaska de costa a costa. ¡Las escuelas, los programas parroquiales de educación religiosa y los ministerios diocesanos dependen de su generosidad para ayudar a proclamar el Evangelio de Jesucristo! “La Iglesia tiene que ser el lugar de la misericordia gratuita, donde todo el mundo pueda sentirse acogido, amado, perdonado y alentado a vivir según la vida buen del Evangelio.” – Papa Francisco, (La Alegría del Evangelio, 114) ¡Bienvenidos! Las puertas de St. Bede están abiertas par La Luz está Encendida “The Light is On” para orar en silencio y Confesiones los miércoles por la tarde durante la Cuaresma, comenzando el 8 de marzo hasta el 5 de abril desde las 6pm hasta las 8pm. Esto es una iniciativa de la Diócesis designada para darles la bienvenida a los católicos para que regresen al sacramento de reconciliación . El grupo de oración carismático catolica — Seguidores de Cristo tiene la oración los dias sábados de 7 pm hasta 8 pm en la Iglesia de St. Bede. Para más información, llame a Hector Ramirez (334) 544-5072 ….at the ACYC Requirements for Baptism 1. 2. Parents must be married in the Catholic Church. If a couple is civilly married or unmarried, they must make an appointment to meet with the Pastor before they can have their children baptized. 3. Children age 6 and under will receive the sacrament of Baptism. From 7 and above, they will receive all three sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation). 4. Parents must bring a copy of their marriage certificate from the Church where they were married. 5. Godparents must be practicing Catholics. You may have a proxy for a godparent/s who may be unable to come. 6. To have your child baptized, contact Andrea at 272-3463 to schedule a Baptism Preparation Class. 7. Baptism in English is every 3rd Sunday of each month after the 10am Mass. February 26, 2017 Requisitos para Bautismo 1. 2. Los padres deben estar casados por la Iglesia catolica. Si la pareja está casada civilmente o no están casados, ellos deben hacer una cita para reunirse con el Pastor antes de bautizar a su hijo(s). 3. Niños de 6 años o menores van a recibir el scramento de Bautismo. Niños de 7 años o mayores, recibirán los 3 sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautismo, Primera Comunión, y Confirmación). 4. Los Padres deben traer una copia de su certificado de matrimonio de la Iglesia donde se casaron. 5. Los padrinos deben ser Católicos practicantes puede tener un ‘proxy’ o representante, si un padrino o los padrinos no pueden estar presentes. 6. La clase de preparación para el bautismo es el primer sábado de cada mes a las 11:00am en el Parish Hall con la Srta. Andrea Nemesszeghy. 7. El Sacramento del Bautismo es celebrado el segundo domingo de cada mes después de la Misa del 12:30pm. 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Whether it lasts for a brief moment or for a hundred years, each of our lives is a good and perfect gift. At Res pect Life every stage and in every circumstance, we are held in existence by God’s love… Every life is worth living.” - USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, Respect Life Program Flyer. We pray for those who suffer. May they be surrounded by loving family and friends who walk with them in suffering. 5 February 26, 2017 Pray for those who are Sick Gloria Azar Paula Castanza Elena Chavez Jo & Paul Fussell John Hasselwander James Hong Tom Jaworowski Susan McGaughy Chuyen Van Nguyen Tommy Nick Jewel Parducci Matthew Cole Pritchard Susan Schroering Doreen Skoneki Evelyn Stroh Rowan Stutheit Sis. Taff Joseph Vide Mildred Walden All our Shut-Ins D A U G H T E R S O F S T. A N N will meet on Monday, March 6th in the Parish Hall at 12noon for socials and 12:30pm for meeting. Hostesses are Mary Chamberland, H e l e n G w a l t n e y a n d M a u d e G r e e n. Brewing the Faith on Monday, February 13th, with Dr. Brett Rhodes speaking on “Sin and the Cross” Please remember to bring box tops for education and bottle tops from flip top cans. 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time 6 February 26, 2017 The 23rd Anniversary of the Montgomery Area Adoration Chapel will be celebrated at Our Lady Queen of Mercy Catholic Church on Sunday, February 26, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. It will be celebrated with Benediction by Reverend Monsignor F. Charles Troncale. A Pot-Luck Dinner will follow in the school gym. Adorers with the last name beginning with: A-M bring a Dessert, N-Z bring a vegetable dish. Donations to cover additional costs of the event will be gratefully accepted. Please sign the sheet in the Adoration chapel indicating the number attending or call the parish office at 288-2850 to aid us in planning. PART TIME JOB OPENING. Catholic Social Services of Montgomery has an opening for a part-time Licensed Professional Counselor. For job qualifications and more information about how to apply visit www.mobarch.org/resources/employment. Catholic Social Services of Montgomery is located at 4455 Narrow Lane Road, Montgomery, AL. “Listen to Water Cooler Catechism featuring Fr. Pat Driscoll from Holy Spirit Parish and Tom Riello from Montgomery Catholic Prep on WMGY AM 800 at 8 am Sunday Mornings and online at archangelradio.com and the Archangel Radio app.” 10-Day Pilgrimage to Italy Mr. Pat Arensberg, Justin Castanza, and Fr. Pat Arensberg will be leading a 10-day pilgrimage to Rome, Sienna, and Assisi. Come join us as we walk in the footsteps of the early Church Martyrs and visit holy sites such as St. Peter's Basilica, the Lateran Cathedral, the birthplace of St. Francis, and the house of Catherine Sienna. The dates are June 9-18th. Interested parties should call (251) 680-3020 or email chirhoeuro@hotma il.com Brewing the Faith on Monday, February 13th at Cuco’s The Beginning of the End of Abortion From March 1 –April 9, 2017, you’re invited to join 40 Days for Life - 40 days of prayer & fasting, peaceful vigil and community outreach - to stand and peacefully pray in the public right-of-way across the street of Reproductive Health Services, 811 S Perry St. Please PRAY and ask God if He is calling you to participate and be willing to embrace this opportunity to glorify and honor God by proclaiming the right to life for those who have no voice! If you’d like more information – and especially if you’d like to be a Prayer Volunteer, please contact: Michelle Rowe, 40 Days for Life Campaign Coordinator: 334-233-4682 or send email to [email protected]. To sign up ONLINE, go to: 40daysforlife.com/montgomery. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Bede the Venerable #100450 3870 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, AL 36109 TELEPHONE 334 272-3463 #0 CONTACT PERSON Mara Maninang SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER HP laserjet 1320 EMAIL: [email protected] TRANSMISSION TIME Monday 3:00pm SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION February 26, 2017 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:
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