TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Catholic Church 3870 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, Alabama 36109 (334) 272-3463 Fax (334) 272-3492 September 25, 2016 … more pictures inside from the Confirmation on September 7 S a v e t h e D a t e f or . . . . . October 4 - Blessing of Pets October 23 - Fall Festival & Picnic November 2 - Memorial Mass 4pm - St. Francis Statue 11am - 4pm All Soul’s Day Family Life Center 6:30pm - Church 2 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Regular Mass Schedule Horario De Misas Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (Spanish), 5pm Daily Mass: 6:30am & 8:30am Mon, Wed, Fri. 6:30am Tues, Thurs 8:30am Sat Confessions: Saturday: 4-4:45pm; Sunday: 7:157:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:45-12:15, 4:15-4:45pm, 15 minutes before each daily Mass Need a Priest? Please do not hesitate to call and let us know when you need us. Fr. Alex & Fr. Zach Rectory: (334) 279-9212 Office Phone: (334) 272-3463 Fr. Alex Valladares, Pastor [email protected] Fr. Zachary Greenwell, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Kathy Dean, Office Manager [email protected] Elizabeth Segrest, Bookkeeper [email protected] Joan Cavan, Coordinator Religious Education [email protected] Andrea Nemesszeghy, Youth Coordinator and Hispanic Community Liaison [email protected] or [email protected] Mara Maninang, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Audra Starrett, Manager Catholic Children’s Ministry @ St. Bede [email protected] Jo Ann Erhardt, St. Vincent de Paul Society September 25, 2016 ext 203 ext 204 ext 205 Vigilia del sábado: 5:00 pm Domingo: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (Español), 5pm Misas diarias: 6:30am & 8:30am lunes, miércoles, viernes 6:30am martes, jueves 8:30am sábado Confesiones: sábado: 4-4:45pm; domingo: 7:157:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:45-12:15, 4:15-4:45pm, 15 minutos antes de cada Misa diaria E-mail Bulletin Announcements by Friday at Noon (the week before) to [email protected]. Pho ne: (3 34) 27 2- 3 46 3 Fa x : ( 33 4) 2 7 2-3 4 92 O ffi ce H o urs : M - T h 8 am - 4 : 30p m F r i . 8am - 4 p m Si tiene anuncios para el boletín, mande la información por correo electrónico a mmaninang @s, lo más tardar el mediodía del viernes de la semana antes que quiera que aparezca. Weekly Offering Collection 09-11-16 Needed Weekly: Tithing Year-to-Date: Tithing Budget-to-Date: This Year’s Budget: $ 13, 691.05 $ 17,980.77 $ 590, 219.77 $665,288.46 $ 935,000.00 ext 207 ext 208 ext 209 ext 202 send email 272-3033 Barry C. Waite, Grand Knight, KofC #893 315-0864 [email protected] Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School St. Bede K4-6: Laurie Gulley, Principal 272-3033 [email protected] Middle/High School 7-12: Justin Castanza, Interim Principal, [email protected] 272-7220 Hearing Assistance Devices: Available in the sacristy. Deaf Ministry: 5pm Sunday Mass interpreted for the deaf. Wheelchair: Three available in the sacristy for your use. St. Bede the Venerable Gift Shop: Open Fridays 9-12 noon and Sundays after the 8am and 10am masses. Keep Posted with all Youth Activities, join the blog RE Classes: Students in Kindergarten thru 6th grade meet Sunday morning from 11:15-12:15 in the school. For Your Convenience Religious Education (August - Easter) September 25, 2016 3 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time EMERGENCY 2ND COLLECTION. We are taking an emergency collection this weekend, September 24 & 25 for our Brothers & Sisters in Louisiana who recently experienced a catastrophic flood. This collection will be used to support both the humanitarian efforts of Catholic Charities USA and to provide pastoral and rebuilding support to impacted dioceses. Your generosity and prayerful solidarity is greatly appreciated. INUNDACIONES LOUISIANA 2016. Vamos a tener una colecta de emergencia el fin de semana del 24 y 25 de septiembre para apoyar a nuestros Hermanos y Hermanas en Louisiana que recientemente vivieron el peor desastre nacional desde el Huracán Sandy. Esta colecta será utilizada para apoyar los esfuerzos humanitarios de Las Caridades Católicas USA y para proveerle a las diócesis impactadas un apoyo pastoral para la reconstrucción. Su generosidad y solidaridad de oración es grandemente apreciada. From Death into New Life With Our Lord S E P T E M B E R F at h e r A l e x c e leb r at ed M a ss on S ep te mb e r 2n d a t the St. Bede Sch ool C h ap e l 25, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 28, 28, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 30, 30, 2012 1965 1998 2008 1959 1959 1969 1992 2008 1955 1969 2010 1981 1997 1997 2001 2005 1999 2013 Hypolite Lawrence William Henry Kelly Joseph Millerick, Jr. William Edward Rossetti Mary L. Ruppenthal William Steltenkamp Lois Ann Kolasky Dr. Carlton J. Guild Eleanor Long Mary E. Stevenson Robin L. Englett Albert Mayhan, Jr. Alfred Chrietzberg Marcella E. Johnson Henry Thomas Maca Margaret McLennan Eleanor M. Hanlon Tom Dickson Marciano Deza OCTOBER 1, 1967 Jessie C. Wallace 1, 1995 Angelo D. Carmelo 1, 2001 Edward Stroh Mass Intentions for September 25 - October 1 Sunday: F u r t h e r i n g Yo u r F a i t h RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Monday evenings in the Parish Hall at 6pm. If you know anyone who is interested or if you would like a personal Invitation extended, call the Office at 272-3463 and ask for Joan Cavan, RE Coordinator. Bible Study : Tuesdays at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall. St. Bede Family Night: Dinner, Catechesis and Fraternity. Every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6pm-7:30pm in the Family Life Center. Catechesis & Adoration : 2 nd & 4 th Thursdays from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the Church. Montgomery Area Perpetual Adoration Chapel is open 24 hours, located behind Our Lady Queen of Mercy Church, 4421 Narrow Lane Rd, Montgomery AL 36116.Call Priscilla Berry for more info: 334-288-3292 Pro-Life Rosary : Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday after 8:30am Mass. Prayer Network: For special prayers or to become part of the Prayer Network call Joe Crowley at 264-7586 or Cecilia Beesley at 244-0950 . Am 6:1a, 4-7; Ps 146:7-10; 1 Tm 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31 Vigil 5:00pm Parishioners Special Intentions 8:00am Special Intentions 10:00am 12:30pm Special Intentions 5:00pm Special Intentions Jb 1:6-22; Ps 17:1bcd-3, 6-7; Lk 9:46-50 Monday: 6:30am Jimmy Saint 8:30am Mary Elizabeth Newmeyer Jb 3:1-3, 1 1-17, 20-23; Ps 88: 2-8 ; Tuesday: Lk 9:51-56 6:30am Maria Pascua J b 9 : 1-1 2 , 1 4- 1 6 ; P s 8 8 : 10 b c- 1 5 ; Wednesday: Lk 9 :57-62 6:30am Dolly Barranco & Josephine Licari 8:30am Francis Heuerman D n 7 :9 -1 0 , 13 -14 o r R v 12 : 7-12 a ; Thursday: P s 138 : 1-5 ; Jn 1: 47- 5 1 6:30am Sharon Eckelkamp (D) & Annette Clark (L) J b 38 : 1, 1 2-2 1 ; 40 :3- 5 ; Ps 1 39 : 1- 3 , 7- 1 0 , Friday: 13-14ab; Lk 10:13-16 6:30am Charlie McGinty Sr. 8:30am Mary Elizabeth Newmeyer J b 42 : 1-3 , 5- 6 , 1 2-17 ; Ps 1 1 9 :6 6, 7 1, 75 , Saturday: 91, 125, 130; Lk 10 :17-24 8:30am Pascuala Santis Lopez 4 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time FAMILY NIGHT St. Ann's Altar Circle is now DAUGHTERS OF ST. ANN is on Wednesday, September 28th, at 6pm in the Family Life Center. German food is on the menu: Wiener Schnitzel, German Potatoes, Sauerkraut, etc. Call the Parish Office to make dinner reservations. See you there! Miércoles 28 de Septiembre es la Noche en Familia a las 6pm en el Family Life Center. El menú es comida Alemana: Wiener Schnitzel, Papas Alemanas, Sauerkraut, etc… Llamen a las oficinas parroquiales para hacer su reservación. ¡Buen Provecho! and we would like to invite all women of St. Bede parish to come and join us for our October 3rd meeting in the Parish Hall at 12noon for socials and 12:30pm for meeting. Hostesses are Renate Wood, Carolyn Hornsby and Betty Murray. New members are always welcome to join us for fellowship. Come and see if we can be part of what you are looking for to help your parish community. “When we stand before Jesus crucified, we see the depth of his love which exalts and sustains us, but at the same time, unless we Res pect Life are blind, we begin to realize that Jesus’ gaze, burning with love, expands to embrace all his people.” - Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, no. 268 El grupo de oración carismático catolica — Seguidores de Cristo tiene la oración los dias sábados de 7 pm hasta 8 pm en la Iglesia de St. Bede. Para más información, llame a Teodardo Coloa Juarez (334) 543-1295 c.2013 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission We pray for members of the church. May God open our eyes to his gift of life and move our hearts with compassion to protect and care for it. Requirements for Baptism 1. 2. Parents must be married in the Catholic Church. If a couple is civilly married or unmarried, they must make an appointment to meet with the Pastor before they can have their children baptized. 3. Children age 6 and under will receive the sacrament of Baptism. From 7 and above, they will receive all three sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation). 4. Parents must bring a copy of their marriage certificate from the Church where they were married. 5. Godparents must be practicing Catholics. You may have a proxy for a godparent/s who may be unable to come. 6. To have your child baptized, contact Joan at 272-3463 to schedule a Baptism Preparation Class. 7. Baptism in English is every 3rd Sunday of each month after the 10am Mass. September 25, 2016 Requisitos para Bautismo 1. 2. Los padres deben estar casados por la Iglesia catolica. Si la pareja está casada civilmente o no están casados, ellos deben hacer una cita para reunirse con el Pastor antes de bautizar a su hijo(s). 3. Niños de 6 años o menores van a recibir el scramento de Bautismo. Niños de 7 años o mayores, recibirán los 3 sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautismo, Primera Comunión, y Confirmación). 4. Los Padres deben traer una copia de su certificado de matrimonio de la Iglesia donde se casaron. 5. Los padrinos deben ser Católicos practicantes puede tener un ‘proxy’ o representante, si un padrino o los padrinos no pueden estar presentes. 6. La clase de preparación para el bautismo es el primer sábado de cada mes a las 11:00am en el Parish Hall con la Srta. Andrea Nemesszeghy. 7. El Sacramento del Bautismo es celebrado el segundo domingo de cada mes después de la Misa del 12:30pm. All Montgomery Catholic Football games can be heard each week beginning at 630 each Friday on Praise 96.5 FM or online at 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5 September 25, 2016 Pray for those who are Sick St. Bede Parish & Picnic October 23, 2016 Fall Festival is almost here! On Sunday, October 23, St Bede invites you to join us for a fun day of indoor and outdoor activities. One of the many activities we have is the Silent Auction as a fundraiser event. This year the money raised will be used for the Catholic Children’s Ministry to repair their playground. We need your help with the silent auction. We are looking for ANY services, talent, product or gift to add to the silent auction. Any contribution will be greatly appreciated. You will receive a letter of your contribution for your taxes. If you have any questions, would like to volunteer or make a donation, please contact Andrea I. Nemesszeghy at (334) 272-3463 or email at [email protected] Paige Barranco Patricia Nichols Deacon Arnold Brewer Chuyen Van Nguyen Paula Castanza Tommy Nick Elena Chavez Louis Perez Erica Coach Matthew Cole Pritchard Chuck Ernest Pennie Rammelkamp Jo & Paul Fussell Maghdi Sayegh Avis Gunter John Seidel John Hasselwander Susan Schroering James Hong Doreen Skoneki Tom Jaworowski Evelyn Stroh William Chapman Martin Sis. Taff Russell P. Mathews Joseph Vide Jackson McAlister Mildred Walden Susan McGaughy All our Shut-Ins FUNDRAISER. That Animal Group (TAG) is taking orders for BBQ Sandwich Bags for only $7. Pick-up is on Friday, September 30 from 11am-1pm behind Dalraida United Methodist Church. Call Marcy Little at (334)202-8406 or email marcylittle7717@ to place your orders. Deadline for orders is Monday, September 26. 43rd ANNUAL RED MASS. Everyone is invited to attend the annual Red Mass on Monday, October 3rd, 9:30am at St. Peter Catholic Church, 219 Adams Ave. with Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi celebrating. Let us come together and celebrate this beautiful historical tradition prior to the opening of the Supreme Court Term of Court. D O N AT I O N S N E E D E D. St. Margaret Services assists the poor, … more pictures from the Confirmation on September 7 the frail and the elderly. Items needed are tissues, paper towels, toilet paper, napkins, laundry detergent, dish detergent, any household cleaning agent, bath soap, toothpaste, etc. Donations may be brought to church the weekends of September 25, October 2 and 9 and placed in the blue cart in the church vestibule. They will be delivered to St. Margaret’s office. SECOND COLLECTION. Thank you for your generous contributions in the second collection last weekend, September 17 & 18 for the CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA. Your support enables Catholic University to provide an education based in the Catholic intellectual tradition to the next generation of leadership for our Church and nation. SEGUNDA COLECTA . Gracias por sus generosas contribuciones a la segunda colección especial de la semana pasada de la Universidad Católica de América! Su apoyo permite Universidad Católica de proporcionar una educación basada en la tradición intellectual católica a la siguiente generación de líderes para nuestra Iglesia y de la nación. 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 6 September 25, 2016 C . A . P. P. R E T R A I N I N G. It is time once again for all religious, employees and those volunteers who have substantial contact with children to complete their Children and Adolescents Protection Program (C.A.P.P.) retraining. This retraining is required of all personnel who have already completed their initial C.A.P.P. training and who continue to be active in the ministries of the Archdiocese of Mobile. Retraining can be completed online. Log on to The retraining articles will be found on the Office of Child Protection page. After reading the articles, take the quiz. You will receive immediate feedback as to whether or not you pass the quiz. The online database will be automatically updated with the new retraining expiration date. U p d a t e a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e. If you are new to the parish and would like to volunteer either at the parish or the school, you will need to take the initial training. It is offered the fourth Wednesday of the month which will be September 28, at the MCPS High School campus at 7pm. Seafood Dinner & Draw-Down to benefit $10,000 in Cash Prizes Silent Auction Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School - Dolly Barranco Center 5350 Vaughn Rd. Montgomery AL Tickets $100 each includes dinner for 2 (BYOB) Only 300 tickets will be sold & you do not have to be present to win! Please Contact Laura Dean @ (334) 322-2454 or [email protected] INVEST AN HOUR TO SAVE A LIFETIME: Mark your calendar and join us next Sunday, October 2nd, from 2:30 - 3:30 pm for Life Chain Sunday, in front of St. Bede Church. For details, call Noelle Potter (334) 315-5677 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Bede the Venerable #100450 3870 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, AL 36109 TELEPHONE 334 272-3463 #0 CONTACT PERSON Mara Maninang SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER HP laserjet 1320 EMAIL: [email protected] TRANSMISSION TIME Monday 3:00pm SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION September 25, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:
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