OBJETIVOS MÍNIMOS DEL SECTOR PRIMARIO: 1.- Definir: sector primario, sector secundario, sector terciario, monocultivo, policultivo, rotación de cultivos, barbecho, cultivo de secano, cultivo de regadío, openfield, bocage, arrendamiento, aparcería, agricultura intensiva, agricultura extensiva, agricultura de subsistencia, agricultura comercial, plantación, agricultura orgánica, trashumancia, cañadas, ganadería intensiva, ganadería extensiva, deforestación, pesca de bajura, pesca de altura, pesca de gran altura, pesca artesanal, pesca industrial, acuicultura. 2.- Distinguir las actividades componentes del sector primario. 3.- Identificar los factores físicos y humanos que condicionan la actividad agraria. 4.- Conocer los elementos constituyentes del paisaje agrario 5.- Clasificar los sistemas agrarios tradicionales y desarrollados. 6.- Saber explicar los tipos de ganadería y los recursos que se obtiene de ella. 7.- Conocer los tipos y técnicas de pesca. Vocabulario en inglés: Overfishing, cultivate, grow crops, yields, raise, arable farming, arable, livestock farming, mixed farming, farming methods, inputs, manual labour, mechanization, irrigation, chemicals, herbicides, weed, pesticides, fertilizers, scientifically-developed seed, classify, intensive farming, profits, extensive farming, far fewer, costs, the produce, subsistence farming, commercial farming, sell-sold, the sale, exported, policies, cash crops, export, plantations, nomadic farmers , sorghum, millet, wheat, barley, corn or maize, beans, lentils, yams, pulses, coffee, tobacco, cocoa, tea, spices, nuts, deforestation, fields, afford, agribusinesses, efficient, soya, monoculture, plough, sow, plant, harvest, fences, remove, seafood, fish, shellfish, ships, catch, coastal fishing, offshore fishing, deep sea fishing, fishers, further, boats, high-tech, factory ship, freezing, canning, fishing ground, shallow, territorial water, nautical miles, high sea, fishing fleet, agreements. What types of agriculture are there? How can you classify farming methods depending on the inputs they use? How can you classify the agriculture depending on the sale of the production? What are the factors that affect the agriculture? Where is located Ethiopia? How is the climate in Ethiopia? What types of crops farmers cultivate in Ethiopia? What types of agriculture or farming exist in Ethiopia? Why don’t Ethiopian farmers get a higher price for their coffee? What is organic farming? Why is organic produce usually more expensive? What does organic farming use instead of pesticides? Do you think that organic farming is a good idea? Why? What is coastal fishing? What is offshore fishing? What is deep sea fishing? How do coastal fishers use the fish they catch? How do offshore fishers keep their fish fresh? What kind of fishing uses factory ships?
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