ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE JANUARY 15, 2017 ALTAR SOCIETY: January 22 MASS INTENTIONS AND READINGS Team #8 Sat 1/14 8:15am 5:30pm 7:30pm Sun 1/15 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm Mon 1/16 8:15am Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19; Mk 2:13-17 INT Travis Wallick Family/Mary Jane McMillen †Laurence Harwood/Harwood Family Special Intention – Mass in Spanish Is 49:3, 5-6; Ps 40; 1 Cor 1:1-3; Jn 1:29-34 †Jill & Barbara Sirbu/Shipner Family St Jude Parishioners INT Elizabeth Ann Borash/Rick & Elise Phillips †Frank & Josephine Barcovic/Shirley Brennan Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110; Mk 2:18-22 INT Elise Phillips/Rosalie Kozloski If you can help with the cleaning of the church once every two month, please contact Mona Bombassi at 843-3676. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: January 21-22 Sat Sun 5:30pm D & M Doebler, J Grau, J & P Ingram, J Trochelman 8:00am D Gabor, V Givens, S Joyce, S Ptacin, A & G Salatka 10:30am G Czarnecki, R & M Falkenberg, MB Owens, R Rohling, K Wittler 12:15pm M Bautista, B McConnell, K & P Schulz, L Torrence, A Wheeler 5:30pm J Bradshaw, N Brooks, B & N Byrne, K Parsons Tue 1/17 8:15am Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111; Mk 2:23-28 Bob Leffew/Terri & Robert Ward If you are an EM and would like to receive an EMAIL schedule, please write to [email protected]. Wed 1/18 8:15am 7:00pm Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110; Mk 3:1-6 Bob Doran/Helena Mendzef Bob Leffew/Ann Respess CONTACT PARISH OFFICE REGARDING Thurs 1/19 8:15am Heb 7:25—8:6; Ps 40; Mk 3:7-12 INT Rick Phillips/Phillips Family Fri 1/20 8:15am Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85; Mk 3:13-19 †Richard Grady/Legion of Mary Sat 1/21 8:15pm 5:30pm Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47; Mk 3:20-21 INT Sandy Weaver/Mary Coleman †Michael Prendergast/Veronica Prendergast & Family Special Intention – Mass in Spanish 7:30pm Sun 1/22 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm Is 8:23—9:3; Ps 27; 1 Cor 1:10-13,17; Mt 4:12-23 or 4:12-17 †Raymond Weyers/Shipner Family †William Reinhold/Bob & Jeannine Mullin INT Tom & Brenda McConnell St Jude Parishioners LECTORS: January 22-23 Sat Sun 5:30pm 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm Julian Ingram Naino Leo, Jr. Jim Kennedy Jude Weidner Ben Byrne ALTAR SERVERS: January 22-23 Sat 5:30pm 8::00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm E Steere, K Collins, J Bertani J Quernemoen, S Fuller E Cowan, B Cowan, I Strickland S McConnell, J Gartrell, N Chadwick M Fillauer, J Irigoyen, J Mencias ADORATION -- Monday through Friday, 6am (or 9am for Summer Schedule) to 9pm, in the Chapel. Sign up for a weekly hour or drop in anytime. ANOINTING OF THE SICK – Anyone entering the hospital or in serious ill health may be anointed. BAPTISM – Parents must attend a baptismal preparation class before having their first child baptized. CATHOLIC CONNECTION – For adult Catholics who have been Baptized but not Confirmed, or who are Confirmed but inactive or not fully practicing. CONFIRMATION – Classes are required and begin in September. Must be 5th grade or older. Call parish office for more info. FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED – If you would benefit from using a hearing assistance device, please see an usher before Mass or contact the Parish Office during the week. MATRIMONY – Four-month notice required. PARISH RELIGIOUS ED (PRE) – For 4-year-old preschoolers through 8th graders. RCIA/INQUIRY CLASSES – For non-Catholics who would like to learn about the Catholic Faith. ROSARY – Prayed daily in Chapel after the 8:15am Mass, after 7pm Mass for Vocations on the second Monday of each month, and at 3pm for America on the first Saturday. YOUTH – Contact Irene Scoggins at [email protected], or 423-596-0053, or go to THE SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THIS WEEK AT ST. JUDE SPIRITUAL LIFE Sunday, January 15 10:30am Children’s Liturgy 11:00am 12:15 Choir Practice 12:30pm Secular Discalced Carmelites 4:30pm 5:30 Choir Practice Library Library Library Church Monday, January 16 7:00pm Coin Club 3:30pm Legion of Mary (Youth) PLC Library Tuesday, January 17 6:00pm World of Hope Hwd B Wednesday, January 18 9:00am All Things Catholic 6:30pm St. Monica Novena 7:30pm 12:15 Choir Practice Dupree Chapel Church Thursday, January 19 5:00pm Line Dancing 7:00pm Rosary Makers SH Library Friday, January 20 9:00am Legion of Mary (Adults) Library Saturday, January 21 9:00am Church Cleaners 9:00am Schoenstatt-1 1:00pm Line Dance Church Hwd A SH Sunday, January 22 9:00am Parish Breakfast 10:30am Children’s Liturgy 11:00am 12:15 Choir Practice 4:30pm 5:30 Choir Practice SH Library Library Church To add, remove, or restore a family member’s name, please call the Parish Office. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Maria Alder, Angelina, Kathryn Arnold, Colleen Avery, Shelly Benjamin, Meri-Kay Bertin, Jim Bertram, Tom Black, Landyn Bomar, Elizabeth Booth, Bruce Born, Fr. Joe Brando, Mary Braun, Susie Brown, Andy Buendo, Ben Byrne, Nancy Byrne, Tom Cain, Gertrude Camacho, Ruth Campbell, Michael Casey, Margaret Christnacht, Dorothy Cunningham, Jose DeGuzman, Edward DeVasher, Earl Diehl, Scott Douglas, Mavis Dove, Cliff Durham, Marilyn Dyer, Brian Fischer, Regina Fountain, Evelyn Gabor, Renae Gajownik, Emily Ghasemi, Victoria Goduco, Dennis Greenwood, Glen Griffiths, Ann Hammers, Bernadette Hemeyer, Alex Hubbard, Will Hunt, Amy C. Jacob, John Jessry, Martha Knee, Terrance Knee, Bridget Kraus, John Lanaman, Joanie Lee, Marjorie Lichner, David Lincoln, Evalina Lincoln, Victoria Lincoln, Campbell Long, Marie Lunn, Taylor Lunn, Theresa McAndrews, Dale McCaa, Trinity Meade, Michael Monteith, Ed Moore, Sandra O’Connor, George O’Dell, Martha O’Neill (mother of Fr. John O’Neill), Charles Plant, Jose Que Pua, Tina Puleo, John Purvis, Rebecca Randolph, Frank Rogers, Miryan Rojas, Christina Salamone, Gail Schrodt, Matilda Sesko, Theresa Slaughter, Gary Spaniak, Mary Stangrone, Lisa & Glenda Tomasiello, Robert Weekly, Brian White, Susan White, Mariah Wilcox, Carolyn Williams, Victoria Wing, Debbie Worley, James Wright, Leanna Young, Ellen Zahorec FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN Thomas Bazemore, Richard Bryant, John Cain III, Matthew Cain, Jessica Campbell, Eric Flerchinger, Nathaniel Garza, William Garza, Joseph Gaston, Kevin A. Gordon, Samuel Hunter, Michael Knee, Luke Lewis, Stephen McGrath, Thomas McGrath, Louie Parks, Erin Cain Poe FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOUL OF Mark Koenig, father of Alan Koenig Prayer Requests entered into the book in the chapel are prayed for each weekday by the Rosary Group. For Emergency Requests Only, call Prayer Help Line volunteers Vicki Baltz (842-6094), Sharon Moss (875-2230), or Theresa Slaughter (842-7890). MONTHLY MASSES & ROSARIES Fri Feb 3 Sat Feb 4 Sun Feb 5 Mon Feb 12 Mon Feb 12 5:30pm 3:00pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 7:15pm First Friday Mass Praying for America Youth Mass Mass for Vocations Rosary for Vocations ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT The chapel is open for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Monday through Friday from 6am-9pm. Drop in anytime or, if you would like to schedule a weekly hour, contact Sharon Moss at 875-2230. INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY: If St. Jude School is closed or delayed due to unsafe weather conditions, Adoration and the morning’s Mass schedule will be canceled. ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE JANUARY 15, 2017 PARISH LIFE PARISH LIFE DID YOU LOSE SOME MONEY? CONFIRMATION INFORMATION Some money was found in the parking lot just before Christmas. If by chance, it may be yours, please contact Fr. Charlie and identify what you lost. The date for confirmation for all those currently enrolled in classes through PRE/Youth Ministry/St Jude School/Notre Dame High School is Sunday, February 26. Please remember to turn in all required forms to your respective teachers ASAP. Those parishioners usually attending the 12:15 or 5:30 pm Sunday Mass on that day may prefer to attend an earlier time as the Church will be at capacity with our Confirmation candidates and families. NEW ST. JUDE COIN CLUB January 16 A new coin club is being formed at St. Jude for any and all coin collectors - any age, any style. Whether you collect United States or foreign monies, coins or paper, please come and join us on Monday, Jan 16, at 6:30 pm in the Parish Life Center. If you enjoy coin collecting and history and 'story-telling', come and join us for fun and fellowship! When I was a young boy in the early 1960s, every boy collected coins what a fun hobby! Now, we invite old boys and girls and young boys and girls to join together in this hobby and time shared together. Everyone welcome! - Fr. Charlie PARISH BREAKFAST January 22 The Knights of Columbus will host a parish breakfast on Jan 22 in Siener Hall after both the 8:00 and 10:30 Masses. All parishioners are welcome to come and join in fellowship with your parish family. K OF C SOCIAL MEETING January 23 The Knights of Columbus social meeting will be on Monday, Jan 23 at 6:30pm in the Parish Life Center. All are invited. CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations to Naino Leo who has been named Knights of Columbus Knight of the Month , and to Jason and Andrea Taylor, who have been named Family of the Month. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 19-23 After 5 years, Sandy Pricer is passing on the mantel to any other willing volunteer to direct VBS this summer. The week of June 19-23 has tentatively been set IF enough volunteers and a director can be found. Please contact Kyra in the parish office for more information if you are willing to help lead this wonderful ministry. ALTERNATIVE GIFT PROJECT 2016 Give a gift of life. This year, together with the Sisters of The Religious of Jesus and Mary, with whom we work in Gros-Morne, Haiti, you have the opportunity to give a gift of life to a Haitian family. All you need to do is take the Alternative Christmas Gift form (in vestibule), fill it out, attach your check written to St Jude Parish Haiti Mission and place it in the collection basket during Mass. You may also mail it to the Parish office. Please check list of gifts on the form for what you may like to provide. There are gifts for almost any budget. Alternative Christmas Gift project will run through January 24. LETTERS & CARDS FOR ELLEN ZAHOREC Ellen Zahorec, former parishioner who now lives in Florida, would like to hear from her friends and parishioners of St. Jude. If you can take a moment, a note and perhaps a medal or prayer card would be very encouraging for her. Her address is Grand Villa, 433 Orange Drive, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701. THE SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH LIFE PARISH LIFE MARCH FOR LIFE- WASHINGTON DC January 26-27 There is still space available! We will leave on Thurs, Jan 26 to spend the night on the bus and will get there in time for the Youth Rally and Mass, March for Life and the Silent No More Speakers, have a nice dinner and spend the night at a hotel. On Saturday we will tour Washington DC, and St. John Paul Center, evening Mass at The Basilica, dinner and then head home spending the night on the bus. We will arrive at OLPH Sunday morning, hopefully around 6:00 a.m. Cost: $265 includes bus, hotel, metro cards, 5 meals, hat & activities. First payment of $125 due Tues, Nov 22; final payment of $140 due Jan 6, 2017. Registration forms will be out next week. For more info CONTACT: Irene Scoggins at [email protected] or 423 596-0053. PARISH NURSERY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Parish Nursery is open for use by all parishioners during the 10:30am Mass on Sundays. The Nursery is located on the lower level of the Parish Life Center and is staffed by volunteers. All parents who use this facility are asked to call 8702386 and put your name on the list of volunteers. You will likely be asked to serve no more than once a month. Volunteers must be VIRTUS-trained. See the announcement below for details on the next upcoming training session. 2016 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS To receive a 2016 end-of-year contribution statement, please fill out this form and return in collection basket, to the parish office or email bookkeeper directly at [email protected]. Name ______________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City, Zip ________________ Phone _______________ Email _______________________________________ PARISH INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY If St. Jude School is closed or delayed due to unsafe weather conditions, the morning’s Mass schedule will be canceled. HEARING ASSISTANCE SYSTEM St. Jude Church has a hearing assistance system available during Mass. To use the system, ask an usher for a receiver and headphones as you enter the church. It is very simple to operate, and our testing indicates it will greatly improve your ability to hear, understand, and participate in the Liturgy. Clean headphones are available, but you may wish to provide your own, especially for long-term use. To find out more, or if you have any feedback concerning the system, contact the parish office. COMMUNITY LIFE “THE TRUTH and MEANING of SEXUALITY, LOVE, and FAMILY” This online course offered by Family Honor Inc. is a great tool to have in your parenting tool box. Set the trajectory of your child’s life toward happiness and fulfillment as a true disciple of Christ. You will learn how to have ongoing authentic conversations with your children about human dignity and sexual identity benefitting your entire family, and indeed our culture. Next course begins in January 2017. To receive more information visit, click on Training tab. Or contact Marian Christiana [email protected] or (423)892-2310. ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE JANUARY 15, 2017 COMMUNITY LIFE COMMUNITY LIFE PICTURE OF LOVE Retreat for Engaged Couples January 20-21 CHATTI-GRAS 2017 February 25 Getting married in 2017? Picture of Love marriage preparation retreat is a supplement to the couple’s marriage formation with their parish priest or deacon. The program is designed to help the couple gain a better understanding of the joyous and hallenges of living the sacrament of matrimony in their day-to-day lives, and will help smooth their journey and become the “Picture of Love” to one another. It will teach life skills with emphasis on the Sacrament of Matrimony. Cost is $135/couple (retreat certificate will get the couple a $60 discount on their marriage license). The retreat is on Friday from 7:00pm – 10:00pm, and on Sat, from 9:00am concluding at 7:00pm. You must attend the entire program to receive certificate. Next retreat will be at St. Stephen Church Jan. 20-21. Contact Marian Christiana at [email protected] CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENT AND COMMITMENT OF MATRIMONY! January 28 Bishop Stika will celebrate a bilingual Mass in honor of the sacrament of matrimony. Couples will have the opportunity to reaffirm their vows during Mass and continue to celebrate with family and friends at a luncheon following the Mass. Sat, Jan 28 at 11:00am at Our Lady of Fatima Church, 858 Louisville Rd, Alcoa, TN 37701. Register by Jan 19 to Marian Christiana [email protected] or 423-892-2310 or Karen Byrne [email protected] or 865-584-3307 CATHOLIC CHARITIES’ ANNUAL DINNER March 16 SAVE THE DATE – The 35th Annual Catholic Charities Dinner will be held on March 16, 2017 at the Chattanooga Convention Center – NEW VENUE. This popular annual event brings together more than 300 of the region's most passionate and dedicated members of our community for an evening of fun, fellowship, and inspiration. Proceeds from this event support the Chattanooga programs of Catholic Charities of East Tennessee. The evening includes a cocktail reception beginning at 5:30 p.m. and dinner at 6:30 p.m. For more information, contact Betty Anne at 423-267-1297 or [email protected]. Get your beads ready! Chatti-Gras 2017 is just around the corner and will be held on Sat, Feb 25 at 7:00pm at The Chattanoogan. This Mardi Gras event, celebrated “Chattanooga style” includes dinner, auction, casino, and dancing. In the past 5 years we have raised over $250,000 for our school and the Chattanooga Deanery Operating Fund which provides tuition assistance for area Catholic families. We are now soliciting Sponsorships and Auction Donations. We are asking ALL MEMBERS of our Catholic community to help or participate in some way. Can you or your business sponsor our event? Are you able to donate to our auction? Please visit for more information on how to help now. Individual ticket sales will begin on January 6, but don’t wait – they will be limited. Become a sponsor now, get your tickets and CELEBRATE Chatti-Gras 2017. Please feel free to contact the development office of Notre Dame (6244618), OLPH (622-1481) or St Jude School (877-6022) for additional information or to ask questions. FAMILY LIFE PILGRIMAGE June 7-11 Looking for something special to do with your family this summer? Join Fr. Michael Cummins on a family pilgrimage to St. Augustine and Orlando June 7-11, 2017, sponsored by the Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment. Travel with families of “All ages and stages!” from around the diocese on a pilgrimage of faith, fellowship, beauty, and fun! Celebrate Mass and pray at the Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche. Enjoy the unique beauty of historic St. Augustine, our nation's oldest city. See the Greek Orthodox Shrine of St. Photios and the Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine. Celebrate Mass at the beautiful Mary Queen of the Universe Shrine in Orlando. Enjoy the beach at St. Augustine and the fun that Orlando offers! For more information contact Marian Christiana at [email protected] or 423-892-2310. THE SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WEEKLY FINANCIAL REPORT MAINTENANCE AND EMERGENCY FUND Fiscal Year: July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 Total Budget: $3,016,000 Week 28 of 53 The Maintenance and Emergency Fund is an outgrowth of the Journey Together Capital Campaign that ended in December 2013. All monies given to the fund are placed in reserve in a designated account for maintenance concerns (the second goal of the Journey Together campaign). Maintenance and Emergency Fund Donations (01-09-17) $ 1,415.00 M& E Expenditures M & E Interest Earned _________ Current Total in Reserve $ 472,902.59 Weekly Needs (based on budget) Weekly Income (01-09-17) $ $ Year to Date Needs Year to Date Income 58,000.00 56,060.74 (1,939.26) $ 1,624,000.00 1,551,830.72 $ (72,169.28) The gift you have received, give as a gift. Matthew 10:8 Wherever your treasure lies, there your heart will be. Luke 12:34 UPCOMING RETREATS Winter Middle School Retreat WASHINGTON DC We will be leaving on: Thursday evening, January 26th to spend the night in the bus and will get there Friday: in time for the Youth Rally and Mass, March for Life and the Silent No More Speakers, have a nice dinner and spend the night at a hotel. Saturday: Tour in small groups Washington DC, then meet up for a tour at St. John Paul Center, evening Mass at The Basilica, dinner and then night in hotel. Sunday: Head on home early on the bus. Cost: $265 includes bus, hotel, metro cards, 5 meals, hat & activities First payment of $125 is Due Tuesday Nov 22, 2016. Final Payment $140 due January 6 2017 Registration forms will be out next week. 3RD BUS ADDED SOME MORE SPOTS OPEN !! For more information CONTACT: Irene Scoggins @ [email protected] or 423 596-0053 Confirmation Date is Set for Sunday Feb 26th NEXT YOUTH MASS February 5th 5.30pm Lectors: 1st Reading ; Pamela Avendaño Rubi 2nd Reading; Mariana Veracruz Petitions; Keely Hein Announcements- Max McGann Eucharistic Ministers: Lizette Juarez Cruz, Max McGann, Keely Hein Peyton Scoggins, Please consider volunteering for Lectors, Ushers, Greeters, and Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers When: February 4-5, 2017 HEAR IT – listen to the clue (1Kings 19:1-12) FIND IT – Pray for it – prayer helps us discover. LIVE IT – Talk the talk, walk the walk Who: All Youth Grades 6-8 What: An overnight Winter Retreat Where: Christ Prince of Peace Retreat Center When: February 4-5, 2017 Cost: $35.00 per person Deadline for Registration: January 27, 2017 SEARCH 151 Is February 24 –26 2017!! Calling all High School Juniors and Seniors!!! SEARCH aim is to help Catholic high school juniors and seniors take a fresh look at their own faith journey, reflecting on their place within their families, schools, parishes and community as a disciple of Christ. There are six elements that we hope each SEARCH weekend will highlight and that each participant will take away from the retreat. These central elements are: Trust, Sharing, Community, Prayer, Growth, Fun Cost is $60. AT: All Saints Academy, Chattanooga. CONTACT: Irene Scoggins @ [email protected] or 423 596-0053 An Invitation to our St. Jude Family from St. Jude School Saturday, February 25, 2017 7:00 pm at The Chattanoogan 2017 Chair Couple, St. Jude’s Own, Greg and Nancy Eberle Howard Mardi Gras, Chattanooga style and a wonderful way to reconnect with our Chattanooga Catholic Community. Benefits Chattanooga Catholic Schools – Notre Dame, St. Jude & OLPH! • Plated Dinner • Valet Parking and Coat Check • Dancing to the music of The Malemen • Casino Games • Auction • Neux to Teux TICKETS GO ON SALE JANUARY 6 FOR $100/EACH at CHATTIGRAS.COM, by calling any of the Chattanooga schools offices, or returning the slip below. SPONSORSHIP opportunities with TABLES OF 10 are available and we are actively collecting AUCTION items! Can you help us? Gift certificates, vacation rentals, home décor - please donate and help us help our schools! Laissez les bons temps rouler!!! I WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE CHATTIGRAS TICKETS Name: Address: Number of Tickets at $100/each: Total Enclosed: Return form and check to: Kathie in the St. Jude School office or, mail to Chattanooga Catholic Schools, 2704 Vermont Ave., Chattanooga, TN 37404 BULETIN EN ESPAÑOL 1/14/2017 PARROQUIA SAN JUDAS EN CHATTANOOGA 930 Ashland Terrace, Chattanooga, TN 37415 Números de Teléfono y contactos Ministerio Hispano Horario Misa Padre Moisés (423) 870-2386 Sábados 5:30pm (ingles) Oficina: (423) 870-2386 (de 9:00AM a 4:00PM) Sábado 7.30pm (español) Fax: (423) 876-8960 Domingo 8.00am,10:30am,12:15pm,5:30pm (ingles) Email: [email protected] Diaria 8:15am (Lunes a Sábado)(ingles) Miércoles 7:00pm y Viernes 5:30pm (ingleins) Confesiones Miércoles 6:00pm Requisitos para Sacramentos: Bautizos: Tomar las pláticas prebautismales para padres (registrados en la iglesia de San Judas) y padrinos (que los Padrinos sean Católicos y estén casados por la iglesia) y separar la fecha del bautismo con un mínimo de 3 meses de anticipación. * Pláticas Pre-bautismales para padres y padrinos: Son a cargo de Alberto Rios por favor llamen a 423-355-0495 Confesiones: Todos los miércoles a las 6pm o Sábados a las 4pm, o por cita previa. Por favor noten que no todos sábados o miércoles hay confesiones en español. Hablen con las oficinas o con el Padre antes para asegurar que padre estará confesando si necesita que sea en español. Primera Comunión: La primera comunión se hace en el segundo grado y requiere dos años se preparación. Por favor apunten a sus hijos para las clases en el primer grado. Clases son todos los miércoles entre septiembre y marzo a las 6.30pm Clases de Formacion de Fe (INCLUYE CONFIRMACION) Y GRUPO JUEVNIL DE HIGH SCHOOL que incluye confirmacion se ofrecen para grados 7-12. Grados 9-12 se reuno todos los domingos de 6.30pm a 8pm. Grados 7-8 se reune todos los miercoles de 6pm a 7.30pm. Los dos grupos se ven en el salon Juvenil (arriba del gimnacio) Servidores para misa del 1/21/2017 Lectores: Primera Lectura:Minnie Segunda Lectura: Emilia Peticionies: Areli Ministros: Irene,Alberto,Jacky Alter Servers: Justin,Melanie,Chelsea Información Monetaria “Porque donde esta vuestro tesoro, allí estará también vuestro corazón” Lucas 12: 34 Collecta para 1/7/2017 Sobres 7 $85.00 Latino America 1 $20.00 Dinero suelto $569.00 Haiti 2 $24.00 Consejo Espiritual El Poder de la Oracion Algunos teólogos afirman que el Señor no sana a la gente enferma de hoy porque esto era solamente para las personas del siglo primero. Sin embargo, en estas épocas modernas podemos ver claramente como la gente común y corriente tiene, en cierto sentido, un entendimiento más profundo del Señor, y visitan santuarios para hallar sanación, o siguen a predicadores, o acuden a la última aparición de Nuestra Santísima Madre para ser sanados. Personalmente, no tengo nada en contra de tomar un avión para ir a Lourdes, claro que el ochenta por ciento de los cristianos hoy en día no puede costearse este lujo, y la cristiandad no es sólo ese veinte por ciento que puede saltar a un avión e ir a santuarios o a lugares santos. La cristiandad está siempre a disposición de todos los hombres sin importar su raza, y el poder de sanación de Jesucristo está donde haya un cristiano, donde haya una apertura al poder sanador del Señor Jesucristo.Mi método total de sanación se basa en la idea de que la sanación es “una respuesta a la oración”, opinión que ha sido objetada por algunas personas. Otros la ubican en la comunidad. Esto está bien ya que queremos darle importancia a la comunidad. Si podemos creer en el amor que el Señor nos tiene, entonces, El va a actuar a través de nosotros, que somos sus instrumentos, para darnos la respuesta a nuestra oración. Yo creo que Jesús, por lo general, quiere que todos los hombres sean sanados, porque El prometió darnos signos. “Y estas señales acompañarán a los que creen: en mi nombre(…) pondrán las manos sobre los enfermos y los sanarán (Mc 16:17-18). Este relato bíblico refleja la actitud de Jesús sobre la sanación, fue resaltado, utilizado y vivido entre los primeros cristianos y cuyo poder nos fue dado a nosotros por el Evangelio E n cad según San Marcos. factores: la persona que ora, la persona por la que se ora, la oración que se dice y la fe de la comunidad. Mencionaré aquí brevemente el cuarto factor. ¿Cuánta fe tenemos dentro de la comunidad católica para alcanzar la sanación? Hago siempre énfasis en la fe de la comunidad porque la experiencia me ha mostrado lo importante que es. Por ejemplo, estando en Birmingham, Alabama, una mujer que había pertenecido a la iglesia pentecostal antes de ser católica, me dijo un día algo con respecto a sus experiencias de sanación: “Padre, cada vez que nos enfermábamos, como miembros de la Iglesia pentecostal, acudían los ancianos y el ministro, nos ungían y nos sanaban en cada oportunidad. Nunca supe lo que era ir a donde el doctor. Hacíamos lo que la Biblia indica: El que esté enfermo, que llame a los presbíteros de la Iglesia para que rueguen por él, ungiéndolo con aceite en el Nombre del Señor (Stgo. 5:14).Esta mujer me hizo reflexionar sobre la fe de la comunidad que oró por ella. Concluí lo siguiente: Empezamos a orar por sanación y no nos sorprendamos si nuestras oraciones son contestadas. La comunidad entera, a diario, crece en afirmación y experiencia a medida que extiende la mano y ora por la sanación de los enfermos. La experiencia es supremamente importante ya que la mayoría de nosotros duda como Santo Tomás, y necesitamos ver la sanación para creer. Es triste decirlo, pero no espero que la mayoría de los católicos crean en la sanación sino hasta que la vean debido a la fuerte resistencia que tienen. Ellos la buscan en santuarios, lugares santos, y rezando novenas. Una de las mejores experiencias de fe en mi vida ha sido la cruzada de Kathryn Kuhlman, en la que fui testigo de 100 sanaciones en Pittsburg. Mi experiencia personal hizo crecer mi fe. Algunas personas están haciendo un seguimiento a estas cruzadas de sanación argumentando que la gente no es en realidad sanada, sino solo aparentemente. A mi modo de ver lo que pasa es que cuando las personas salen de las sesiones de sanación, la fe y el amor retornan a sus comunidades negativas en donde no hay amor, paz o alegría, sino solo rabia, frustración y culpa. Estos últimos síntomas empiezan a aflorar de nuevo y los que habían sanado se enferman de nuevo porque el ambiente donde viven no cambia.En la cátedra de “oración de sanación”, llevada a cabo en Mobile, Alabama, la gente entraba a la cafetería donde se estaban dando las clases, y los que tenían un dolor físico dejaban de sentirlo. Podían sentarse por dos horas en la clase sin experimentar ningún tipo de dolor, sintiéndose maravillosamente, pero cuando abandonaban la cafetería, el dolor regresaba. ¿Por qué? La fe de la comunidad es muy importante en toda el área de sanación y ciertamente uno de los factores primordiales.“Señor Jesús, sé que deseas que todos te amemos en forma completa y que estemos totalmente bien para que podamos orar y alabar. Permite que el Espíritu Santo se manifieste hoy y que nos enseñe la verdad de que Tú realmente nos quieres saludables en cuerpo, mente y espíritu. Aumenta hoy nuestra fe como comunidad para creer en tu amor sanador”.2. Recibe los sacramentos tan frecuentemente como te sea posible para lograr la sanación.Nuestro Señor Jesús dio su vida por los hombres de todas las épocas. Para continuar con su trabajo de redención y de santificación a través de los tiempos, dio a la Iglesia los siete sacramentos con el fin de moldearnos, llenarnos, usarnos y fundirnos. Básicamente, gracias a los sacramentos, el hombre se sana.El teólogo Donald Gelpi S.J., escribió lo siguiente en su libro La piedad pentecostal: “Pero los católicos no pueden redescubrir el propósito de estos sacramentos de manera significativa a menos que estén plenamente convencidos de que estos poseen un don efectivo de sanación. Esto, simplemente, significa que no podemos desechar o desdeñar más la sanación por la fe practicada por muchos de nuestros hermanos no católicos”.Por el contrario, debemos entender su verdadero significado y lugar en la vida de cada comunidad cristiana. Debemos también contemplar el ministerio sacramental de la sanación como una parte integrante de las vocaciones sacerdotales. Y debemos llegar a un entendimiento teológico sólido de la relación entre un ministerio sacramental y un ministerio carismático de la sanación. Como católicos, el centro de nuestra vida espiritual es la misa, la Eucaristía. Durante la celebración de la misa encontramos oraciones maravillosas para curar la mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu. En la plegaria del Padre Nuestro encontramos una súplica: “Líbranos de todo mal”. Ya que el hombre es un todo – cuerpo, mente y espíritu – no susceptible de separación, entiendo que ésta es una solicitud de protección contra el mal físico, psicológico y espiritual. En la oración que el sacerdote dice a la congregación: “La paz del Señor esté siempre con vosotros”, Cristo está presente en su gente. Esto significa repetidamente la paz total del hombre: cuerpo, mente y espíritu. Si alguien tiene un dolor intenso durante la Eucaristía, es difícil entender cómo puede estar en paz y permanecer dispuesto a recibir lo que Jesús le está ofreciendo. La paz es armonía de mente, cuerpo y espíritu que se traduce en tranquilidad. Ciertamente, las personas que se aproximaron a Jesús para ser curados sintieron esta paz dentro de ellas, y las experiencias de los que hoy se encuentran en el ministerio de la sanación tienden a estar de acuerdo con que la sanación le brinda al hombre una sensación de paz no conocida anteriormente. Por consiguiente, la misa es la oportunidad perfecta y natural de acercarse al Señor si se está sufriendo de falta de arreglo interior y se busca la paz del Señor.La segunda oración antes de la comunión: “Señor Jesucristo, con fe en tu amor y en tu misericordia, como de tu cuerpo y bebo de tu sangre, no me condenes sino dame salud en mente y cuerpo”, es una referencia directa a la sanación sin requisitos. Los sacerdotes harían bien en llamar la atención de los fieles. Ciertamente se ayudaría a muchas más personas si llegaran a la Eucaristía con la gran convicción de fe que el Señor Jesucristo las sanará. Si no decimos estas oraciones con un gran convencimiento, perdemos mucho del poder de sanación que nos brinda la misa.Todos hemos repetido esta oración antes de la sagrada comunión: “Señor, no soy digno de que entres en mi casa, pero una palabra tuya bastará para sanarme”. Pero ¿cuántos han reflexionado realmente sobre esta súplica? Esta es una magnífica oportunidad de mostrar al Señor nuestra necesidad de sanación y de esperar que, así como El se entregó por nosotros, nos dé un don menor, como es la sanación total del hombre.El Reino de Dios está sobre nosotros y en la misa nos damos cuenta de su presencia en forma muy profunda. Este es el momento para los frutos del Reino, uno de ellos es la integridad, la cual debe ser hecha y recibida por el creyente.Hemos recibido los sacramentos como ayuda para lograr la sanación, Dios tocando al hombre, el hombre tocando a Dios. “Extiende la mano y toca a Dios cuando El pasa”, como dice la canción. Esto es lo que ocurre en los sacramentos: Jesús desciende y nos toca. Recíbelos con la confianza de recibir la sanación.“Señor Jesús, tócanos y sánanos hoy. Renueva dentro de cada uno de nosotros nuestro compromiso de recibir tu amor sanador que nos es dado en los sacramentos”.
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