Our Lady of Lourdes Church and School 7344 Apperson Street, Tujunga CA 91042 Webpage: http://www.ollchurch.us / - 818.352.3218 - fax 818.352.2738 The Epiphany of the Lord January 8, 2017 Epifanía del Señor MASS SCHEDULE Monday—Thursday Friday Saturday Vigil for Sunday Sunday Sunday Spanish Sunday Evening Confessions every Saturday 7:45 am 8:30 am 5:00 pm 7:00, 10:30am 12:30 pm 8:30 am 6:00 pm 4:00—4:50pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday of the Month: after 8:30 Mass—until 11am Chapel: 11:00 am—5:30pm OFFICE HOURS Monday—Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30 am 2:00 pm 8:00 am 8:00 am - 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm - 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm Page Two Our Lady of Lourdes PASTORAL TEAM Pastor Fr. Rolly Astudillo 818-352-3218 x 103 frrolly 106 @gmail.com Priest in Residence Fr. Jiwan Kim [email protected] Deacon Couple Mar & Vivian Enriquez [email protected] Deacon Couple Ignatius & Helen Suh [email protected] Front Office Secretary Yolanda Enriquez 818-352-3218 x 100 [email protected] Parish Bulletin & Events Martha Peale (in office Monday & Tuesday) [email protected] Accounting Office Nelle Orsburn [email protected] Confirmation Coordinator Deacon Mar Enriquez 818-352-3218 [email protected] Religious Ed Coordinator Flor Zano 818-353-3053 [email protected] Religious Ed Office Manager Lona Barone 818-353-3053 Evangelization Coordinator Nelle Orsburn [email protected] Safeguarding the Children Soñya Marquez [email protected] Music Director Ania Balon 818-224-9363 [email protected] Wedding Coordinator Michelle Laforce 818-515-5068 School Principal Jennifer Reynaga 818-353-1106 [email protected] School Office Manager Cathy Ercek 818-353-1106 January 8, 2017 Scripture Reflection First Reading: Isaiah: 60:1-6 Second Reading: Ephesians: 3-2-3a, 5,6 Gospel: Matthew: 2:1-12 The Epiphany of the Lord _______________________________________ The term epiphany means showing forth or manifestation. In the context of the Christmas season, it refers to the showing forth of the infant Jesus to the Magi. The story of epiphany in Mathew’s Gospel describes how the wise men from far away come in search of the newborn king of the Jews. With the aid of Scriptures and by means of the mysterious star the Magi find their way to Bethlehem, pay homage to the infant Jesus, offer their gifts of Gold, frankincense and myrrh, and return on another way, thus thwarting the evil designs of Herod. Herod perceives this child to be a possible threat to his power and tries to learn his exact location in order to kill him. Matthew tells the story that proclaims the universality of God’s love. Jesus is not only King of the Jews but also universal King of all nations represented by the Wise Men. The first reading from Isaiah mentions non-Jews bringing gifts in homage to the God of Israel. The passage celebrates the divine light emanating from Jerusalem and foresees all nations acknowledging and enjoying that light and walking by it. The second reading from Ephesians tells the story of Paul’s call to preach to the Gentiles that God is first revealed to the Jews, now in Christ is revealed to all. The coming of Christ is the manifestation of God’s glory in the mist of darkness of the world. No one is outside the reach of Christ’s saving embrace. No one is beyond his mercy. Epiphany is a day, a season for sending people forth to carry the light of Christ into the broken world. All of us who have been baptized into Christ’s body share the high calling and have been given the grace to respond. Cast into the Deep—Epiphany God Manifesting Himself Fr. Rolly Astudillo One of the great and fatherly priests I have known, and whom Our Lady of Lourdes came to love and hold onto until his death on November 19, 2015, is Fr. Paul Scanlon, O.P., who helped out regularly in this parish for more than two years. From his vigil (November 30, 2015) and the Mass of the Resurrection for him at Eagle Rock (December 1, 2015), I followed his body for his vigil (December 3, 2015) and burial on December 4 at the Dominican Cemetery in Benecia, CA. Many of us availed of his book, Finding the Elusive God, which deeply reflects his search for God among the struggles of peoples, his journey with them and keeping all these things in prayerful contemplation. “Through moving stories of his service to the poor, Father Paul Scanlon shares his struggles to change his own vision to see Christ in the ordinary people and extraordinary misery around him. Father Scanlon's moving accounts reveal the challenge he faced in finding God's hand amid ruin while capturing the deep faith that brings peace to those otherwise without hope.” (Our Sunday Visitor, 2006) Fr. Paul Scanlon was, himself, a searcher. Like him, we long to see the face of Jesus but, many times unlike him, Jesus escapes us because we tend to look for him in the extraordinary, in circumstances that is beyond our imagination. We would like to see God as He revealed Himself in appearances and in signs and symbols as He did in Old Testament times: in the “Burning Bush” to Moses; in the “Pillar of Cloud and Fire” to Israel crossing the Red Sea into the desert; in “the Gentle Breeze” of Isaiah or “Angels in human form” as in the story of Abraham announcing that Sarah, in her old age, will give birth to a son a year after the visit; or in the mysterious Voice in the Jordan that said, “This is my Son, my Beloved. Listen to Him” when John was baptizing Jesus and the heavens were opened and the Spirit descended like a dove. This is not how God manifests himself today. We see God in the face of Jesus and Jesus belongs to all. He is not the exclusive property of his family or clan or nation. Hence, he has become the manifestation of a new world of equals, of a community of brothers and sisters, of walls broken and of bridges restored. All of us belong to Jesus and Jesus belongs to all. This is the good news to those whom history and society have dispossessed and have excluded. They have a share in Jesus and Jesus makes them his own. As Jesus appears to us, we behold also the new world he brings. Our nation and our world badly need an epiphany of Jesus and of the new world he offers. We do not doubt his readiness to appear before us. Servant of God Chiara Lubich, founder of the Continued…….. Continued…. Cast into the Deep But you find our hearts so frozen by the coldness of this world, that you cannot touch them as you would with your mysterious extraordinary message: GOD LOVES US one by one and all together.” It is disturbing to note that many of our people have been so disillusioned with their lives and their nation that they have stopped searching. Even our young people are encouraged by popular culture to search for petty things and fleeting joys. It is not enough to search, it also matters to determine what we are searching for. And genuine searching involves being present to the realities of life, reading the “signs of the times,” proper discernment, searching in community, reverence for the mysteries of life to which our search leads. Come! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CONGRESS! February 24-26-2017 Anaheim Convention Center Experience *Celebrating our Catholic faith with thousands of others from all over the world. *Hearing renowned speakers on all topics of Catholicism, Catholic Social Teaching, and Life Issues (such as Parenting, Illness, Grief, etc.) *Worshipping at beautiful liturgies * Enjoying hospitality with you fellow Our Lady of Lourdes Parishioners at the OLL Hospitality Room, Hilton Hotel Breakfast items on Friday—Sunday Lunches Friday—Saturday Dinners Friday and Saturday For information on registration, all the speakers; sessions, where to stay, and much more….. Visit the Congress Website. www.RECongress.org Please call Barbara Reardon-818-383-5631 o Pat Livingston—818-632-3635 if you plan to attend or for more information January 8, 2017 Our Lady of Lourdes Page Four Continued—New Years’ Resolution One Day at a One Well, alrighty now, looks like we’re 8 days into 2017! How are those New Year Resolutions working out?? Studies have shown that only 8 to 14% of New Year’s resolutions make it past 31 days (into February!) Now, we mention this not to let you off the hook, but to secure the hook more firmly! You can do it. What’s more, you must do it! It’s safe to say that most, if not all, resolutions involve improving oneself. It’s difficult (but we all know the type) to make resolutions for others. We see in ourselves imperfections, blemishes that we wish weren’t there and make-up won’t cover them: a tad over weight, a pesky habit that seems to be getting out of control, maybe a desired adjustment in behavior toward our spouse, kids or friends. Only you can recognize them, thus only you can rectify them. And your rectifying them will allow you to feel better about yourself. And only if you feel good about yourself, are you able to truly reach out to others and practice the Corporal and Spiritual works of Mercy we celebrated all last year. Now you see where we’re going with this! 4. Take a lesson from our brothers and sisters in 12 step programs. Don’t commit to the long haul, go One Day at a Time. I’m going to be careful of what I eat TODAY. I’m going to listen to my children TODAY. I’m going to spend 5 minutes in prayer TODAY. And then repeat it again tomorrow. Keep it bite sized. 5. Finally, and again, thanks to the extremely insightful folks at the 12-step program, make God a partner. Pray and seek God’s help and grace to help you in your efforts. Ultimately, with perseverance, you will succeed. And one of the fruits of your toil will be a fresh understanding and compassion for your sisters and brothers, who, like you are straining to better themselves. What will you be able to do to help them? ANNUAL NATIONAL NIGHT HOMELESS COUNT Tuesday January 24th 8pm - 11pm So, what can you do be successful in your task of transforming you? Let’s look at several practical recommendations: Have you felt frustrated seeing homeless persons and helpless to assist them? 1. January 1st is but a convenient date. It’s not too late to start a New Year resolution today or tomorrow or even next week. What’s important is to acknowledge a failure (and trust us, they’re there) and commit to doing something about it. 2. Be specific about your goal: Rather than “I want to lose weight” how about “I want to lose 6 pounds by March 31”. Instead of “I want to be nicer to my spouse”, try “I will find one thing every day to compliment my spouse on”. As opposed to saying “I will read Scripture more” how about “I’m going to read the Gospel of St. Matthew by February 10.” On Tuesday, January 24, 2017 from 8pm to 11pm become a part of the solution to helping end homelessness in your community. From the safety of one's car, you will travel in teams of 2 to 4 persons and you will identify, count and record homeless persons and encampments. (You are also welcome to formulate your own team.) 3. This is not a single elimination tournament. It’s not one and done, if you fail. Give a hearty OOPS! and move on. Your only competition is you and you get to make up the rules and you get to say “redo!” Then start all over again. In Church talk, we talk about conversion – he converted from Baptist to Catholic or from Methodist… when, in reality, each time we sin, and pick ourselves up and resolve to do better, we are converting. No one’s keeping score! Continued…….. To register go to www.theycountwillyou.org and choose San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valley. Complete all the information and depending on your address you will be assigned to either the S-T Municipal Bldg. at 7747 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, CA 91042 or the Light on the Corner Church 1911 Waltonia Dr., Montrose, CA 91020 ‘Shout with Joy to the Lord, all the earth; break into song: sing praise. Sing praise to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and melodious song. With trumpets and the sound of the horn shout with joy to the King, the Lord.” Psalm 98:4-6 OLL SCHOOL LUNCH One time honored tradition at OLL School is all the students eating lunch together. This monthly event is organized by the Student Council and is called Family Day. Teachers lead the groups of students in conversation while sitting together. They remind the children of the lessons they learned at OLL especially the character pillars Caring and Citizenship. “It takes a village to raise a child and OLL is the best village because of parent involvement CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS BABY SHOWER On January 22, 2017 the Catholic Daughters are sponsoring the Annual Baby Shower. All donations will benefit the Pregnancy Counseling Center in Mission Hills. The center provides HELP, HOPE, and TRUTH to women and their families in times of an unplanned pregnancy and crisis. Suggestions for Donations are: - Diaper ( size newborns, 4,5, & 6) - Baby Wipes - Sippy Cups - Plastic Baby Bottles - Baby Wash - Baby Lotion - Clothes for boy and girl ( size Newborn to 24 Month) - Gift Cards from Target or Walmart Please: No-furniture, powders, toys or stuffed animals Donations of cash or check also are accepted. PLEASE make checks to: Catholic Daughters or CDA You may drop off your donations on the Parish Patio after all Masses on Sunday, January 22nd. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity. What You Dont Know Can Hurt You! · If you are age 21-80 learn your risk for developing 6 different chronic diseases Better lifestyle habits can help prevent 80% of heart disease and 90% of type 2 diabetes The 6 for Life Health Assessment measures your risk of developing 6 chronic diseases, including heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, diabetes, COPD and lung cancer. A customized report will determine which risk factors contribute most to your disease risk and are within your control to change. Finger-stick blood tests along with biometric measurements are included with this assessment. Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church will be hosting a Life Line Screening preventive health event on Monday, January 16, 2017 9 am – 4pm. This event is also being sponsored by Palmdale Regional Medical Center Protect your health by registering today for the 6 for Life Health Assessment for $79. Call 1-888-653-6441 for additional information or visit www.lifelinescreening.com/ advantagemembers to schedule your appointment. Take control of your health, knowledge is empowering. SPANISH EUCHARISTICMINISTRY Invite you to the Hospitality Patio This Sunday after all morning Masses. Join them for a cup of coffee and donut. ROOTEDNESS The flower does not bear the root. The root bears the flower. The rose is merely evidence of the vitality of the root. Woodrow Wilson Directory of Ministries MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday January 7th 5:00 pm Nellie Eustaquio - Recovery Sunday January 8th 7:00 am Vera Orbin—Thanksgiving 8:30 am Ambrosio Gonzales Birthday Thanksgiving Vilma Mejia - Personal intention Roberto Orozco † Armando, Dolores & Miguel Ortega † Zoila Ortiz † Bereavement Brenda Mikhail 818-352-5265 Catholic Daughters Dorla Marquis 818-731-8670 Divine Mercy Blanca Marco 818-353-7835 Environment Pauline Penn 818-352-5995 Eucharistic Jackie Pensanti 818-686-2450 Fellowship Ministry Mary Dausner 818-951-4846 Filipino Ministry Marilou Fajota 818-912-0916 Fix It Team Eugene Andrade 818-951-0995 Health Eloisa de Guzman 818-281-4818 Hispanic Community Irma Velasquez 818-447-2290 Knights of Columbus Pat Bellue 818-281-0824 Lectors Nellie Eustaquio 818-203-5586 Legion of Mary Clifford Graf 818-897-6143 Liturgy Michelle La Force 818-515-5068 Lord’s Flock Robert Mallo 323-646-8981 Martha’s Helpers Candy Piscitelli 818-352-2506 Ministry of the Sick Clifford Graf 818-897-6143 Music Ania Balon 818-224-9363 Tuesday January 10th 7:45 am Fr. Shinto—Birthday Thanksgiving Pasture Gina Bierschmitt 818-352-1550 Respect Life Joan Noyes 818-352-5181 Wednesday January 11th 7:45 am Joe Castanon † Sacristans Raquel Rose 818-633-0813 Evangelization Nelle Orsburn 818-370-1175 Youth Choir Ellie Ragonese 818-951-4292 Youth Ministry Deacon Mar 818-353-5539 10:30 am Joe Castenon † Chris Eland † Joan & Mike Noyes 40th Wedding Anniversary Antonio Syjuco † 12:30 pm 6:00 pm Josie Keeley † Monday January 9th 7:45 am Eden Garcia † Thursday January 12th 7:45 am Marilou Fajota—Birthday Thanksgiving Miguel Yabut † Friday January 13th Robert Orsburn—Birthday Thanksgiving MEMORIAL CANDLES Purchasing a memorial candle to honor a loved one or special intention is a wonderful way to celebrate sentiments. We have two electric wall panels that hold 128 candle, 64 candles on each side of the Blessed Mary grotto a the back entrance of our Church. Each candle is made of real wax with electrified illumination to ensure your memorial candle burns brightly all day and all night. A small plaque will be mounted before each candle. The offering for each candle is: $250.00 for 1 year $150.00 for 6 months. Order forms are located in racks at the back of the church. For additional information contact the Parish Office. SAFEGUARDING THE CHILDREN Start the new year with your kids' safety in mind .During the start of a new year, many resolve to do things differently: pray more, live better and cherish God’s gifts. It’s also a great time to recommit to putting the safety and well-being of children first. Look to Mary, the Mother of God, for examples. Model honesty, gratitude, and love to your children, and take steps to teach them about safety in the home and the world. This resolution to promote safety and happiness can make your new year the best one yet. For a copy of the VIRTUS© article “Mother of Good Counsel Protect the Vulnerable,” email [email protected] or call (213) 637-7227. Page Seven Our Lady of Lourdes Church DOMINGO DE CAFÉ & DONAS MINISTERIO DE EUCARÍSTICA Los invita al Patio de Hospitalidad este domingo después de las Misas de la mañana. Unirse a ellos para una taza de café y dona VIRTUS DE FORMACIÓN Les pedimos a todos los servidores y voluntarios que se encuentran en los diferentes Ministerios Litúrgicos de la iglesia, Ministros de Eucaristía, Lectores, Monaguillos, Ujieres, Coro, y catequesis RICA, Grupo de Oración que participen en la clase “Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios” para adultos de 3 horas. La Arquidiócesis de los Angeles requiere que cualquier voluntario que en cualquier capacidad se encuentre alrededor de niños tome esta clase para la prevención del abuso infantil. La clase será el domingo 29 de enero, de 1:00pm a 3:00pm; en el Parish Hall, en español. No hay ningún costo. La fecha límite para registrarse es enero 16. Favor llamar a la oficina Parroquial para registrarse. Gracias por ayudar a hacer de nuestra iglesia un lugar seguro para nuestros niños. Comience el año nuevo con la seguridad de sus hijos en mente Durante el comienzo de un nuevo año, muchos deciden hacer las cosas de manera diferente: orar más, vivir mejor y apreciar los dones de Dios. También es un buen momento para volver a comprometerse a poner la seguridad y el bienestar de los niños primero. Mire a María, la Madre de Dios, por ejemplo. Modéleles honestidad, gratitud y amor a sus hijos, y tome medidas para enseñarles sobre la seguridad en el hogar y en el mundo. Esta resolución para promover la seguridad y la felicidad puede hacer que su nuevo año sea el mejor hasta ahora. Para obtener una copia del artículo de VIRTUS © “Mother of Good Counsel Protect the Vulnerable” (Madre del buen consejo protege a los vulnerables), envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] o llame al (213) 637-7508 January 8, 2017 Ministerios Hispanos Acolitos & Ujieres Rosa Cisneros 818-951-3527 Clases PreBautismales Cecilia Rico 818-359-9610 Comunidad Hispana Irma Velasquez 323-447-2290 Coro Hispano Rosalia Maldonado 818-642-9600 Cursillos Blanca Nava 818-858-7991 Eucaristia Alicia Villaseñor 818-433-9635 Grupo de Oración Yolanda Oliva 818-793-9683 Lectores Andrea Mata 818*601-2805 RICA Blanca Nava 818-858-7991 BABY SHOWER El 22 de enero de 2017 las Hijas Católicas están patrocinando la Fiesta de Bebé anual. Todas las donaciones beneficiarán al Centro de Consejería de Embarazo en Mission Hills. El centro proporciona AYUDA, ESPERANZA y VERDAD a las mujeres ya sus familias en tiempos de un embarazo no planeado y en crisis. Sugerencias para las donaciones son: - Pañales (tamaño recién nacidos, 4,5, & 6) - Toallitas para bebé - taza “ Sippy” - Botellas de plástico para bebés - Baby Wash - Loción de bebé - Ropa para niño y niña (tamaño recién nacido a 24 meses - Tarjetas de regalo de Target o Walmart Por favor: No-muebles, polvos, juguetes o animales de peluche También se aceptan donaciones en efectivo o cheque. POR FAVOR haga los cheques a: Hijas católicas o CDA Usted puede dejar sus donaciones en el Patio Parroquial después de todas las misas el domingo, 22 de enero. Gracias de antemano por su apoyo y generosidad. ADS LASER-COM COVER SHEET Our Lady of Lourdes—513958 03-29-2015 Martha 818-352-3218 Sunday’s Date - August 7, 2016 Special Requests or Comments: Please place ads as page 8 (Back Page) of bulletin with pages 1-7 as text.
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