OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH WHERE COMING HOME IS WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT! A PERPETUAL ADORATION PARISH 37 SOUTH OCEAN AVENUE FREEPORT, NEW YORK 11520 TELEPHONE: (516) 378-0665 FAX: (516) 546-1416 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: OHRFREEPORT.ORG PASTOR DEVOTIONS Rev. Douglas R. Arcoleo Divine Mercy Chaplet Every Friday after the 12:10 P.M. Mass ASSOCIATE PASTORS Rev. Alessandro da Luz Rev. Carlos Mario Urrego Miraculous Medal Novena Every Saturday after the 9:00 A.M. Mass IN RESIDENCE Rev. Msgr. Donald T. Bennett SOCIETIES DEACONS Legion of Mary Mr. Cristobal Sanchez, Pastoral Associate Sheila Walsh (516) 379-9028 Mr. Bruce Burnham Mr. Francisco Cales BUSINESS OFFICE Mrs. Flaherty Pastoral Business Associate MUSIC MINISTRY Mr. Crouse, Director Mr. Petkov RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Stuhlinger, Director Mr. Cacao, Assoc. Director (516) 546-1057 Fax: (516) 546-0526 RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Mr. Cacao, Coordinator (516) 546-1057 HUMAN SERVICES Sister Dorothy Lynch, C.I.J. Mr. Martinez, Director (516) 868-8289 Nocturnal Adoration Society Jane Dengel (516) 379-2331 SACRAMENTAL LIFE MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 9: 00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. (Sp.) Sunday 7:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. (Sp.) 5:00 P.M. Weekday Monday – Friday: 7:30 A.M. 12:10 P.M. Wed.: 7:00 P.M. (Sp.) First Fri.: 7:00 P.M. (Sp.) ANOINTING OF THE SICK Offered after the 5:00 P.M. Vigil Mass every last Saturday of the Month or by appointment. BAPTISM Every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the Month at 3:00 P.M. CONFESSION/PENANCE/RECONCILIATION Saturday: 1:30 P.M. - 2:30 P.M. Wednesday: 6:30 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. Friday: 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. or by appointment. THRIFT SHOP MATRIMONY In Memory of Janene Suchan Mrs. Jewels, Manager (516) 623-3247 Marriages MUST be arranged at least six months in advance. Please call one of our Priests at the Rectory to make an appointment. The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, 1 January 2017 ORGANIZATIONS Catholic Daughters of the Americas Diana Gibson, Regent (516) 849-5714 Knights of Columbus Ron Flood, Grand Knight (516) 325-3031 Mercy Mission Deacon Bruce Burnham (516) 992-2225 Society of St. Vincent de Paul Norma Sanchez, President (516) 378-1386 Widows & Widowers Nanette Fountas (516) 378-0665 RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday – Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. (516) 378-0665 FAITH AND THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS OFFERINGS FOR THE WEEK OF 02 JANUARY MASSES A Word About Offerings During the Centenary Year (2011-2012) celebration of our absolutely beautiful church, our Parish family came home for Mass and we remembered one another with the flowers that adorn the Altar, with the candles that light up the Sanctuary, with the bread and wine that is offered, and of course in the way par excellence, we remembered one another in the Priest’s Mass Intention that is lifted up with the help of all of our other remembrances! Thank you for coming home and remembering one another! Thank you for coming home and remembering Him Who said: “Do this in Memory of Me! Monday, 2 January, Saints Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen 7:30 am Christmas Novena 12:10 pm † Santo Bono Tuesday, 3 January 7:30 am † Doris Zamor Jean Baptiste 12:10 pm † Rose DiMaso Wednesday, 4 January, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton 7:30 am Intentions of Bruce & Dianne Wimbiscus th (25 Wedding Anniversary) 12:10 pm † Greta Villanueva 7:00 pm Intentions of Carmen Acosta De Soto (88th Birthday) Thursday, 5 January, Saint John Neumann 7:30 am Souls in Purgatory 12:10 pm † Maria Accardi (4th Anniversary) Friday, 6 January 7:30 am Living & † Decd. Mbrs. of the Dengel Family 12:10 pm Intentions of Orlando & Teresa da Luz (Wedding Anniversary) 7:00 pm † Maria Dilone Saturday, 7 January 9:00 am † Vincenzo Gambino 5:00 pm † Decd. Mbrs. of the Catholic Daughters 7:00 pm † Edward & Fresolina Duran Sunday, 8 January, The Epiphany of the Lord 7:00 am Intentions of Bishop Murphy 8:00 am † Decd. Mbrs. of the Holy Name Society 9:30 am † David Arcoleo Intentions of Louis E. Maisonet † Thomas J. Pomerico, † Frank Rizzo 11:30 am Parishioners of Our Holy Redeemer/Freeport 1:00 pm † Ildebrando Rangel 5:00 pm Priest’s Intention BREAD & WINE SANCTUARY CANDLES ALTAR FLOWERS Bishop John O. Barres Our Holy Redeemer Staff Our Holy Redeemer Volunteers Please remember the following individual(s) at the Altar of Our Holy Redeemer: NAME: ___________________________________________________________________ Living Deceased OFFERING: Bread & Wine ($20.00) Sanctuary Candles ($33.00) Altar Flowers ($40.00) WEEK OF DATE: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ AMOUNT SUBMITTED: ____________________________________ Cash Check #: ______________________ OFFERED BY: (NAME):___________________________________________________________________________________________ _ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A LETTER FROM THE PASTOR (REVISITED) 1 JANUARY 2017 January 2017 Dear Parishioner, “When the days of December are numbered, and the earth begs its snowflakes to fall, that’s the time of the year that Christmas is here. With Peace and Good will for all.” You may or may not recall Perry Como singing those words from That Christmas Feeling. You may or may not even recall Perry Como. I hope however, that you will be filled with Peace and Good will as you recall Christmas! The Holy Season of Christmas provides us with the annual opportunity to recall when the Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary, and she conceived of the Holy Spirit; to recall when “the time came for her to be delivered. And she gave birth to her first-born Son and wrapped in Him swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” (Saint Luke II:6-7); to recall when wise men from the East followed the star of the new-born King of the Jews, ‘til it came to rest over the place where the Child was; and going into the house they saw the Child with Mary His Mother, and they fell down and worshipped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they fell down and offered Him gifts, gold and frankincense, and myrrh (cf. Saint Matthew II:2-11). Yes, the Christmas Season is the annual opportunity to recall that “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have Eternal Life” (Saint John III:16). “Kids from one to ninety-two” (as Nat King Cole reminds us in The Christmas Song) believe in Him, and so love Him, that two thousand years after His Birth they continue to recall it and give thanks for it; not simply by listening to and singing inspirational Christmas Carols at Christmas, but by what they do the rest of the year: at home where they love one another the Way that God so loved them; at work where they make disciples; at school where they teach them to obey all that He commanded; and at Our Holy Redeemer where in the Spirit of Christmas, they not only recall and give thanks for His birth, but they Baptize giving birth to Jesus with the time, talent, and treasure that keeps us singing all year long! (cf. Saint Matthew XXVIII:19-20) Please, as the calendar year 2017 dawns, make a resolution to keep us singing and to come home with the time, talent, and treasure that, when it comes from you, helps to make Our Holy Redeemer, “where coming home is what it’s all about!” Singing for Our Holy Redeemer, Father Arcoleo+ URBI ET ORBI MESSAGE OF POPE FRANCIS CHRISTMAS DAY 2016 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Happy Christmas! Today the Church once more experiences the wonder of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the shepherds of Bethlehem, as they contemplate the newborn Child laid in a manger: Jesus, the Saviour. On this day full of light, the prophetic proclamation resounds: “For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given. And the government will be upon His shoulder; and His name will be called “Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Is 9:6). The power of this Child, Son of God and Son of Mary, is not the power of this world, based on might and wealth; it is the power of love. It is the power that created the heavens and the earth, and gives life to all creation: to minerals, plants and animals. It is the force that attracts man and woman, and makes them one flesh, one single existence. It is the power that gives new birth, forgives sin, reconciles enemies, and transforms evil into good. It is the power of God. This power of love led Jesus Christ to strip Himself of His glory and become man; it led Him to give His life on the cross and to rise from the dead. It is the power of service, which inaugurates in our world the Kingdom of God, a kingdom of justice and peace. For this reason, the birth of Jesus was accompanied by the angels’ song as they proclaimed: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased!” (Lk 2:14). Today this message goes out to the ends of the earth to reach all peoples, especially those scarred by war and harsh conflicts that seem stronger than the yearning for peace. Peace to men and women in the war-torn land of Syria, where far too much blood has been spilled. Particularly in Aleppo, the site of horrendous fighting in recent weeks, it is most urgent that, in respect for humanitarian law, assistance and support be guaranteed to the sorely-tried civilian population, who continue to live in desperate straits and immense suffering and need. It is time for weapons to be still forever, and the international community to seek actively a negotiated solution, so that civil coexistence can be restored in the country. Peace to the women and men of the beloved Holy Land, the land chosen and favoured by God. May Israelis and Palestinians have the courage and determination to write a new page of history, where hate and revenge give way to the will to build together a future of mutual understanding and harmony. May Iraq, Libya and Yemen – whose peoples suffer war and the brutality of terrorism – be able once again to find unity and concord. Peace to the men and women in various parts of Africa, especially in Nigeria, where fundamentalist terrorism exploits even children in order to perpetrate horror and death. Peace in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, so that divisions may be healed and all people of good will may strive to undertake the path of development and sharing, preferring the culture of dialogue to the mindset of conflict. Peace to women and men who to this day suffer the consequences of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, where there is urgent need for a common desire to bring relief to the civil population and to put into practice the commitments which have been assumed. We implore harmony for the dear people of Colombia, which seeks to embark on a new and courageous path of dialogue and reconciliation. May such courage also motivate the beloved country of Venezuela to undertake the necessary steps to put an end to current tensions, and build together a future of hope for the whole population. Peace to all who, in different areas, are enduring sufferings due to constant dangers and persistent injustice. May Myanmar consolidate its efforts to promote peaceful coexistence and, with the assistance of the international community, provide necessary protection and humanitarian assistance to all those so gravely and urgently in need of it. May the Korean peninsula see the tensions it is experiencing overcome in a renewed spirit of collaboration. Peace to all who have been injured or have suffered the loss of a loved one due to the brutal acts of terrorism that have sown fear and death in the heart of many countries and cities. Peace – not merely the word, but real and concrete peace – to our abandoned and excluded brothers and sisters, to those who suffer hunger and to all the victims of violence. Peace to exiles, migrants and refugees, to all those who in our day are subject to human trafficking. Peace to the peoples who suffer because of the economic ambitions of a few, because of sheer greed and the idolatry of money, which leads to slavery. Peace to those affected by social and economic unrest, and to those who endure the consequences of earthquakes or other natural catastrophes. And peace to the children, on this special day on which God became a child, above all those deprived of the joys of childhood because of hunger, wars or the selfishness of adults. Peace on earth to men and women of goodwill, who work quietly and patiently each day, in their families and in society, to build a more humane and just world, sustained by the conviction that only with peace is there the possibility of a more prosperous future for all. MASS OF THANKSGIVING FOR ALL THOSE WHO WERE BAPTIZED IN THE “ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL” CHURCH OF OUR HOLY REDEEMER MONDAY, 9 JANUARY 2017 AT 9:00 A.M. Appropriate Dress is Required FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ANY OF THESE OUR HOLY REDEEMER EVENTS, PLEASE CALL (516) 378-0665 SUNDAY MONDAY FIRST SUNDAY WORKS OF MERCY TUESDAY 1 WEDNESDAY 2 FRIDAY 4 3 5 LEGION OF MARY MASS FOR THOSE BAPTIZED AT OHR 8 5:00 P.M. MASS 15 7:00 P.M. Lower Church 16 DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING , JR. DAY 5:00 P.M. MASS 22 RECTORY CLOSED KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEETING 7:30 P.M Lower Church 11 12 LEGION OF MARY 14 CONFESSIONS 1:30 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. CONFESSIONS 7:30 P.M Lower Church 18 20 19 FAMILY ROSARY NIGHT LEGION OF MARY 7:30 P.M. in Church 7:30 P.M. Rectory Basement 21 CONFESSIONS 1:30 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. CONFESSIONS 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. 23 22 25 26 LEGION OF MARY 7:30 P.M. Rectory Basement 5:00 P.M. MASS 8:00 P.M. in Church 1:30 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. 13 FAMILY FILM NIGHT 7:30 P.M. Lower Church 7:30 P.M. Rectory Basement 15 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ROSARY 7:30 P.M Lower Church HOLY HOUR CONFESSIONS 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEETING 29 7 CONFESSIONS 8 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS MEETING 6 NOCTURNAL ADORATION 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. TIE-ONE-ON WITH A HAT & NO JEANS SATURDAY 8:00 P.M. - 6:00 A.M. Adoration Chapel 7:30 P.M. Rectory Basement 9 5:00 P.M. MASS THURSDAY 27 28 CONFESSIONS MARCH FOR LIFE Washington D.C. 1:30 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. CONFESSIONS 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. 30 31 For More Information about: The Catholic Daughters of the Americas call Diana Gibson at: (516) 623-2185 The Knights of Columbus call Ron Flood at (516) 325-3031 The Legion of Mary call Sheila Walsh at (516) 379-9028 OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH FREEPORT, NEW YORK (516) 378-0665 “Where Coming Home is What it’s All About!” ATTENTION ANYONE AND EVERYONE WHO ATTENDED CLASSES AT OUR HOLY REDEEMER SCHOOL IN FREEPORT, NEW YORK You may or may not be aware that the school where many of you were asked: "Who made you?" (To which we replied: "God made me."), closed its doors in 1995. And while the doors to Our Holy Redeemer School may have closed, the doors of the Our Holy Redeemer School building continue (as many of you found out at a recent reunion on 18 September 2016) to remain open. The cost of maintaining and repairing those doors has thankfully never necessitated a "capital campaign" or a "special collection". More often than not, all it took when something needed fixing or replacing (locks, door closers, hinges, door knobs), was a trip to the local hardware store. And thankfully, those trips have helped to keep the doors opening (and closing) for nearly one hundred years! Today, it’s not the doors, nor the gymnasium floor for that matter that needs replacing. At one time the need did to replace that floor did exist, but with help from a substantial financial contribution from our school building's tenant (The De La Salle School www.delasalleschool.org), it was replaced in 2013 at a cost of $70,686.00. What needs replacing in our school-building today, is what rests above the gymnasium floor (and all of the floors). You guessed it: the roof. The estimated cost for replacing the entire roof (which protects the offices and occupants of Our Holy Redeemer Human Services/Parish Outreach as well as the students of Our Holy Redeemer Religious Education Program and the De La Salle School) is $243,065.00. To-date, parishioners and friends of Our Holy Redeemer Parish have surfaced $15,099.25 towards the five-phase project, which is being used to help cover the $28,875.00 cost of Phase I (Flat Roof South Side) which had to get underway in October because it could no longer be scraped, screened, patched, and plugged. Once we have raised 75% of that cost ($21,656.25), work on Phase II (East Side) can get underway. If you are grateful for the contribution that Our Holy Redeemer School and/or Our Holy Redeemer School building played/plays in your life, would you please consider using the tear-off on the following page to make a contribution to our project? Your contribution will help to ensure that the many good things God has begun in that building will come to completion. And in light of the Christmas Season, your contribution will help provide “room in the Inn” for anyone and everyone who comes home looking for it! Thank you and: Merry Christmas! Father Arcoleo+ FAITH AND EDUCATION “PUT THE CELL PHONE DOWN AND PAY ATTENTION!” SCHOOL IS CLOSED!!! NEWS FROM THE DE LA SALLE SCHOOL Our Christmas Luncheon at Carltun in the Park on 15 December 2016 was an amazing gathering of more than 305 guests. Former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly and his son Greg Kelly, CoAnchor of Fox 5’s Good Day New York, charmed the crowd with their presentation. Moderating the conversation, Greg walked us through the fine points of intrigue by asking his father a variety of questions concerning his book Vigilance, a New York Times bestseller. An audience participation period followed with guests having the opportunity to ask Commissioner Kelly several questions. Eric 8th grade, Matt 7th grade, and Eric 5th grade students of The de La Salle School concluded the event by asking Commissioner Kelly three very challenging questions. All funds collected through the Christmas Luncheon enabled us to boost the amount of money raised for our scholarship fund. Thanks to the Our Holy Redeemer parishioners who attended and/or who purchased tickets for the cash raffle. Congratulations to the prizewinners: $1,000 – Janine Mosier; $500 – Anthony Raganella; $250 – Marie Roberts. On this The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, may each student and graduate of The De La Salle School be guided by Mary’s willingness to say YES to God and may 2017 be a time of blessing for each of us! Wishing all of our friends at Our Holy Redeemer a blessed and happy New Year! 01 January 2017 – The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God A Sunday Readings: Numbers VI: 22-27; Galatians IV: 4-7; Saint Luke II: 16-21 Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________ Class Day/Session: ______________________________________________________ Catechist Name: _______________________________________________________ Mass Time (Circle One): Sat: 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Sun: 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM GOSPEL QUESTIONS: (Religious Education Students please answer ALL questions, cut and give to teacher weekly. Keep the Bulletin) Fill in the blanks: The shepherds went in haste to Bethlehem and found ______________ and Joseph, and the _________________ lying in the ________________________. When they saw this, they made known the message that had been told them about this Child. All who heard it were amazed by what had been told them by the shepherds. And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her _____________________. Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising __________________ for all they had heard and seen, just as it had been told to them. When eight days were completed for His ________________________________, He was ____________________ Jesus, the Name given Him by the angel before He was conceived in the ________________________. 0 PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS: Charles Shields III Joann Flaherty FAITH AND FINANCES Donald Gallant Sheila Walsh “God will not be outdone in generosity. ff ATTENTION SNOWBIRDS! Good-bye Freeport!! Hello Florida!!! Please Don’t Leave Our Holy Redeemer Out in the Cold This Winter Going South! Help Keep Our Holy Redeemer Warm! Sign Up For On-Line Giving Please sign up for this safe and secure method of “online giving” and help us to keep the ‘light on for you.’ For more information about E-Giving either call the Rectory or visit the secure website at www.e-giving.org. SEE HOW YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE WITH 25 CENTS AND MORE A WEEK SUNDAY, 24/25 DECEMBER TOTAL OFFERING: $ 8,348.75 NUMBER OF CHILDREN ENVELOPE USERS: 115 MASS FIRST COLLECTION ENVELOPE USERS E-Giving Prior to Weekend 4:00 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 12:00 Midnight 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 1:30 pm $ 1,013.00 $ 304.00 $ 1,429.25 $ 603.25 $ 420.00 $ 830.00 $ 1,042.25 $ 600.00 $ 874.00 $ 1,233.00 29 19 49 21 13 24 28 23 33 32 TOTAL $8,348.75 271 WHAT I SHOULD GIVE TO MY CHURCH MY WEEKLY INCOME IS: TO GOD THROUGH MY PARISH MY WEEKLY INCOME IS: TO GOD THROUGH MY PARISH $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140 $160 $180 $200 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 $18 $20 $250 $300 $350 $400 $450 $500 $750 $1,000 $1,500 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 $75 $100 $150 EVERY WEEK FAITH AND OUR HOLY REDEEMER SCHOOL BUILDING ROOF PROJECT: PHASE I These are the people who have surfaced $15,099.25 of the $28,875.00 that was required to complete Phase I of our School Building Roof project. As soon as we reach 75% of that cost (or $21,656.25) we can begin Phase II which will help keep a roof over the heads of all of us who use the School building gymnasium. Thank you! James Wehrum, Patricia Warren, Barbara Warren, John Anzovino, Debbie & Chuck Shields, Mary Stoessel, Gloria DiBrizzi, Andrew Logicer, D. Kerasiotis, Marge Nyland, Gloria Cintorino, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roman, Jane Dengel, Willie Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. James Schlegel, Friends of Angie Cullin, Erika Baumgartner, Mr. William Willet, Menjivar Family, Amelia Avellaneda, Dean Family, Joan Kavanagh, Anna M. Castillo, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Goodwin, Felicita Cepeda, Lorraine Martin, Nathaniel Schipani, Patrina & Virginia Notarstefano, Rod & Joan Foy, Mary Stoessel, Louise Barone, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marchese, Mrs. Michelle Ham, Ray & Barbara Burkart, Mary Hope, Nancy Donohue, Cristobal & Norma Sanchez, Bill Maclay, Andre P. Louis, Ms. Clara H. Lomangino, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marchese, Michael A. Trotta, Sr., Vukelic, Ann Kelly, Allen & Elizabeth Weick, Antonio Aviles, Mr. & Mrs. A. Mercogliano, James & Claire Kramer, Eugene & Joann Flaherty, Barbara J. Warren, Patricia J. Warren, Barbara Brady, Maria & Joseph Rivierzo, Nancy Kosofsky, Sheila & Bill Walsh, Rosemarie C. Ferrara, Ricky Richardson, Catherine S. Blaney, Yselsa Perez, Familia Flores, Familia Menjivar, John Patrick Holian, Margaret Bade, Familia Menjivar, Cristina S., Luz Pena, Solis Family, Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Mendez, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Andrino, Familia Flores, Anthony Solazzo, Anna Fortune, Maureen McCollum, Anne Carron, Marge & Steve Blumenberg, Angelo Termini, Bob & Adele Dzienius, S. Curry, Richard & Roberta Ryan, Donald Suchan, Emilia Tineo Cruz, Jane M. Murray, John & Nancy Solazzo, Ben & Helena Terzulli, Tina Scalamandre, Vincent C. Mastroianni, Ronald J. Ellerbe, Al & Artie Grover, Fiokirys Rodriguez, Martha Tanarez, Allison Argueta, Katherine Argueta, Mrs. Donald Schleich, Maximo Membreno, Mr. & Mrs. L. Orbutor, The Holian Family, Teresa O’Donnell, Debi Poline, Alfredo Chaeon & Family, Rosa Hernandez, Fausto Molina Ramirez, Laverty, Marie Leon, Camillo G. Carrello, Juan Pablo Argueta, Rigobertha Fuentes, Pedro Gonzalez, Kathleen Lawson, Mary Stoessel, Veronica Vostinak, Peter & Angela Ruiz, Mary M. Kane, Joseph F. Mercurio, Buddy Schumacher III, William Willet, Silvestre Cumento & Family, Juan Mormal, Anonymous (26). OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH SCHOOL BUILDING ROOF PROJECT – PHASE I NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________________ OUR HOLY REDEEMER SCHOOL STUDENT/GRADUATE: YES NO TELEPHONE NUMBER: _______________________________________________________________________ AMOUNT PLEDGED: $2500 $1250 $1000 $750 $500 $250 OTHER __________________ Please deposit this form with your donation in the Sunday Offertory Basket or drop it off at the Rectory, Monday through Saturday, 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Thank you! FAITH AND OUR BELOVED DECEASED PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO WERE CALLED HOME IN 2016 Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. John Horton Doris Zamor Jean Baptiste Donald F. McIntosh Richard F. Barry 01/04/2016 03/15/2016 06/16/2016 09/18/2016 John Kerry Moravac Greta Villanueva Donald P. Shea Noreen Lee Domino 01/04/2016 03/17/2016 06/17/2016 09/20/2016 Julio A. Baez Robert Poppy Nancy Quijano Anne Gengler 01/06/2016 03/18/2016 06/26/2016 09/22/2016 Kenneth Brand Denison Nunez Emma Ramirez Perez Kevin Phillips 01/14//2016 03/19/2016 06/26/2016 09/28/2016 Edward Jockers Frank P. Rizzo Eileen C. Fjeldstad Rose M. Anselmo 01/15/2016 Cathleen Ann Matos 01/21/2016 Patricia Howard 01/29/2016 Salvatore A. Rinaldi 01/31/2016 John C. Hannan 02/01/2016 03/20/2016 06/26/2016 Pablo Manzo Colin Michael Aherns 03/22/2016 06/30/2016 Ana Perez 10/11/2016 Jason M. Gonzalez 10/16/2016 John Donofrio Rose Troper 03/26/2016 06/30/2016 10/19/2016 David Francis Arcoleo Lazaro M. Quiros Roseann Feeney 03/28/2016 06/30/2016 10/22/2016 Edward Smith Ana Rodriguez Cynthia A. May 03/28/2016 07/08/2016 10/30/2016 Virginia Fabrizio Frank D. Carlo Dorothy E. Courtenay 02/01/2016 04/02/2016 07/18/2016 10/31/2016 Arthur Bellini, Sr. Reine Lucas Ciro I. Iannacone Irene Guth Marie F. Kutzner 02/02/2016 04/05/2016 07/28/2016 11/10/2016 Margaret Marra Abraham Larrea Richard J. Mahoney Lawrence J. Straw 02/05/2016 04/09/2016 07/28/2016 11/13/2016 Debra Andrino Philip Campanella James A. Murphy Mary Lou Moran 02/07/2016 04/10/2016 07/30/2016 11/19/2016 Alfredo Castro Vincent Campion Hector Collazo Peter J. Bivona 02/09/2016 04/19/2016 08/06/2016 12/03/2016 Louis Angel Gil Terry McGovern Jose Rodriguez Rosemary G. Fuchs 12/11/2016 02/14/2016 04/23/2016 08/10/2016 Maria Mendoza Michael Acquavito Thomas Esopa Edwin DeJesus Lopez 02/14/2016 04/27/2016 08/13/2016 12/16/2016 Jonathan M. Goetz Harold D. Urbanski Anthony J. Nicolich Hannelore M. Weinzierl 02/19/2016 05/01/2016 08/13/2016 12/16/2016 Kandace Merric Marcella Cleva Armand Micciulli, Jr. June M. Currie 02/26/2016 05/04/2016 08/14/2016 12/20/2016 Hector G. Montesdaoca Marie C. Forker Elizabeth Thiesen Mary E. Lilly 02/26/2016 05/04/2016 08/14/2016 12/20/2016 Laurence Clement Arnoldo Alvarado Marianna M. Cassonetto Sandy De La Cruz 03/06/2016 05/13/2016 08/16/2016 12/22/2016 Ann Williams Linda Sperber Edmund Haegele 03/10/2016 05/17/2016 08/22/2016 FAITH AND PRAYER Please Pray for Our Priests O God, Who made Your Only Begotten Son eternal High Priest, grant that those He has chosen as ministers and stewards of Your mysteries may be found faithful in carrying out the ministry they have received. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 02 January: 03 January: 04 January: 05 January: 06 January: 07 January: 08 January: Father Santiago A. Dineros & Father Gennaro J. DiSpigno Father Angelo Ditta & Father Paul A. Dolan Father Stephen Donnelly & Father James T. Donovan Father Richard R. Donovan & Monsignor Peter C. Dooley Monsignor John R. Dreason & Father James F. Drew Father Paul G. Driscoll & Father Michael F. Duffy Deceased Bishops of the Diocese and for Our Seminarian Br. Pierre Toussaint (Alain) Guiteau, C.F.R. Heavenly Father, please grant to Your Faithful servants, the grace and strength to carry out Your mission for the Church each day. Keep our Seminarians close to You and continue to inspire them to serve others in Your Holy Name. Please inspire the men You have called to the Priesthood to respond “yes” to Your call through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God for ever and ever. Amen. and for Our Transitional Deacons Christopher Sullivan, Liam McDonald, Michael Plona, and John Wachowicz of the Diocese of Rockville Centre were Ordained Transitional Deacons on 5 November 2016. Michael Bissex (not pictured) of the Diocese of Rockville Centre was Ordained a Transitional Deacon in Rome on 29 September 2016. Please pray for all of them as they draw closer to the Priesthood. If you know a young man whom God might be calling to the Priesthood, please invite him to call our Diocesan Vocation Director, Father Joseph Fitzgerald at (516) 678 – 5800. and for Our Postulant And why not send Meaghan a card this Christmas Season? Our Postulant could use some words of encouragement and support. Her address is as follows: Miss Meaghan Baldwin Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate Meaghan Baldwin P.O. Box 658, Monroe, New York 10949 MORE FAITH AND PRAYER Please continue to say your prayers for the following members of our Armed Forces: Melissa Castillo, Ensign Frank Chavez, Anthony Costante, Tyler Daly, Juan Diaz, Ryan Dugan Katelyn Ann Foster, RN, Michael George Gonzalez, Daniel Ingin, Brig. Gen. Kevin Killea, Susana Ladino, Capt. Peter Lawless, Corp. Gaelan Lynch, Sgt. Ramon Marrero, Pvt. Jack McKnight, John Mediate, Sgt. Kelvin O. Melara, Airman 1st Class Jerome Miles, Lt. Cmdr. Colleen Minihan, Maj. Paul Minihan, Sebastian Moreno, Sean Joseph Mormon, Sgt. Allyson Parla, PO Floyd A. Rivera, Sgt. Sammy Rodriguez, Benjamin Rhodes, Edwin Sandoval, Doug Schambert, Paul Seiden, Luis Sic, PFC Ashley Sumner, Capt. John Talafuse, Corp. Daniel Vargas, SCPO William A. Vega, Capt. Johnetta Washington, Anthony Williams, Sgt. 1st Class Lynroy Williams; Lt. Cmdr. Brad Younger Please Pray for The Epiphany of the Lord Rosemary Amberstone,Peter Anglim, Jackeline Arias, Kevin Artus, Angelina Auci, Gale Anne Bellini, Tom Boffardi, Dr. Bonnick, Kaye Bonnick, Alfio Brancato, John Cochol, Warren P. Cochol, Juan Cordero, Barbara Costante, Brian Cox, Angie Cullin, Patricia Cummins, June Currie, Debra Dantes, Roseanne della Speranza, Helen Donlon, Barbara Emerick, Baby Ava Feazell, Andrew Feeney, Carmela Filfiley, Elizabeth Claudia Ford, Gary Fouche, Erik Galinsky, Bill Green, Mary Hannan, Xavier Hixon, Linda A. Kane, Edward Kaers, George Kelly, Bob Klein, Tom Krant, Richard Laudman, Dulce Lopez, Lorena Lopez, Sr., Dorothy Lynch, Angelina Macchia, Peter Marino, Christine McCabe, Barbara McEneaney, Arlene Minton, Christopher Montalbano, Oneyda Morales, Jacinto Moronta, Matthew Morriss Samantha Ann Murphy, Susanna Musso, Jackie Oliveri, Ron Penero, Kathleen Randall, Charles Rivera, Miguel Rodriguez, Lidiana Santiago, Mike Siegler, Jeffery D. Smith, Ty Smith, Bill Stoessel, John Sturmer, Barbara Sullivan, Tom Tropea, Anna Mae Verzyl, Antonia Villanueva, Donald Walsh, Patrick Walsh, Robert Weinzierl, Gerry Wright, Frank Young … and please call the Rectory if you know Please Pray for our beloved deceased SANDY DELACRUZ READINGS FOR 08 January 2017 1st Reading: Isaiah LX: 1-6 Responsorial Psalm: 72 2nd Reading: Ephesians III: 2-3a, 5-6 Gospel: Saint Matthew II: 1-12 anyone in serious need of prayers. The names will remain on our prayer list for four weeks. Thank you! SCRIPTURE REFLECTION Today, we celebrate one of the Great Feasts of the Church, MARY, MOTHER OF GOD! The one thing that impresses me most of this Sunday’s Gospel is that phrase peculiar to the Gospel of Luke “Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart” (See St. Luke 2:16-21). Mary, the Holy Mother of God, sets the example for all the followers of her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. We are to keep the things we hear in the Word of God, and reflect upon then in our hearts. How do we do this? How do we know when something is truly in our hearts? Whenever it is that this particular thing becomes the principal goal of our lives, when we think of it constantly and foremost. That’s in our hearts. In Mary’s heart the Word she had heard from God was of the utmost importance. She kept these things. She meditated on them. How about us? Do we keep the Word of God? Do we meditate upon it in our hearts? If we do, then we are following the example of she who is not only the Mother of God, but also the Mother of the Church, and therefore OUR MOTHER! 1 JANUARY 2017 AND THE NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS IT BRINGS MASSES FOR THE SOLEMNITY OF MARY, HOLY MOTHER OF GOD Saturday, 31 December 5:00 P.M. & 7:00 P.M. (Spanish), Sunday, 1 January 7:00 A.M., 8:00 A.M., 9:30 A.M., 11:30 A.M. & 1:00 P.M. (Spanish) (No 5:00 P.M. Mass) “I (state your name) resolve to: 1. Go to Mass on Sundays and ALL Holy Days of Obligation 2. Keep the Commandments 3. Invite someone (spouse, sibling, neighbour, friend, non-Catholic, etc.) to Mass with me every Sunday 4. Confess my sins (“what I have done and what I have failed to do”) in the Sacrament of Penance (Saturdays from 1:30 P.M. to 2:30 P.M.), (Fridays 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.) 5. Seek membership in a Church Liturgical Ministry (Usher, Altar Server, Lector, Choir). Use the form below 6. Volunteer in a Church Pastoral Ministry (Religious Education, Human Services, Thrift Shop, Mercy Mission). Use the form below 7. Offer more treasure to Our Holy Redeemer – perhaps 25 Cents more a Week 8. Pray the Rosary – perhaps at 7:30 P.M. in church on the 3rd Friday of the month during Parish Family Rosary Night. 9. Read the Bible – perhaps for fifteen minutes a day 10. Read Catholic Publications – perhaps the Long Island Catholic, Inside the Vatican, National Catholic Register Dear God, Please lay upon my heart the knowledge of what I should do, and in union with Mary “let it be done unto me according to Thy Word” and with help from Saint Joseph may I do as I have been told. Through Christ our Lord. Amen!” OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Yes, I am interested in joining the following Parish organizations. Please contact me with more information. Altar Server Choir Human Services Lector Mercy Mission Religious Education Thrift Shop Usher Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ Telephone #: _________________________________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________________ Registered Parishioner: Yes No Please place this completed form in the Sunday Offertory basket or return it to the Rectory office. Thank you. A MESSAGE FOR PLANNED PARENTHOOD: “CHANGE YOUR EVIL WAYS AND LET THE CHILDREN LIVE” The birth of a Child troubled King Herod so much that “he ordered the massacre of all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity two years and under” (Saint Matthew II:16). Two thousand and sixteen years later, the massacre continues at a Planned Parenthood extermination and extraction facility near you. Please, for the sake of the innocents, go and search diligently for that facility in the list below and when you have found it, call/write/visit and ask them (with help from Carlos Santana) to “change their evil ways”. GLEN COVE CENTER MASSAPEQUA CENTER SMITHTOWN CENTER 110 School Street Glen Cove, NY 11542 P: (516) 750-2500 F: (516) 674-4248 35 Carmans Road Massapequa, NY 11758 P: (516) 750-2500 F: (516) 598-0460 70 Maple Ave Smithtown, NY 11787 P: (631) 361-7526 F: (631) 361-7678 HEMPSTEAD CENTER PATCHOGUE CENTER WEST ISLIP CENTER 540 Fulton Ave Hempstead, NY 11550 P: (516) 750-2500 F: (516) 483-3556 450 Waverly Ave, Suite 4 Patchogue, NY 11772 P: (631) 475-5705 F: (631) 289-6484 180 Sunrise Highway West Islip, NY 11795 P: (631) 893-0150 F: (631) 893-0146 HUNTINGTON CENTER RIVERHEAD CENTER 755 New York Ave Huntington, NY 11743 P: (631) 427-7154 F: (631) 427-1381 550 E Main Street, Suite 100 Riverhead, NY 11901 P: (631) 369-0230 F: (631) 369-5582 And while you’re at it, please contact your elected officials and ask them to stop using your tax dollars to fund Planned Parenthood’s massacre of the innocents! SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER SENATOR KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND 145 PINELAWN ROAD SUITE #300 MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 PHONE: (631) 753-0978 FAX: (631) 753-0997 155 PINELAWN ROAD SUITE # 250 NORTH MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 PHONE: (631) 249-2825 FAX: (631) 249-2847 http://www.schumer.senate.gov/contact/ http://www.gillibrand.senate.gov/contact/ RESOLUTION NUMBER 7 ff $344,500.00 IT’S YOUR CHOICE $13,000.00 On the preceding page, readers of Our Holy Redeemer’s Sunday bulletin are offered ten suggestions for the New Year, and while they may not be the average person’s top ten, I hope that you might make them yours. For the purposes of this More Faith and Finances Page, I would like to call your attention to resolution number 7. There-in it states: “offer more treasure to Our Holy Redeemer: perhaps 25 Cents more a Week. Ever since my first anniversary as the Pastor of Our Holy Redeemer, when people asked: “Father Arcoleo, what do you want for your anniversary”, I have made the response: “25 Cents More A Week”, one of the Pastor’s mantras; not $25 dollars more a week, or $100 dollars more a month but simply: “25 Cents more a week.” 25 cents more a week REALLY can make a difference in helping your Pastor pay the bills that, as you may have seen in last week’s bulletin, amounted to $1,346,647 in 2016. And while your Pastor with the help of his Finance Council and Staff is trying to reduce those expenses, it is the 25 Cents (and) more a week (which as you may have seen in last Sunday’s bulletin as well, amounted to $1,315,255) that he relies on to pay the bills which – with the help of God’s grace – allow him to teach, sanctify, and govern anyone and everyone who comes home to Our Holy Redeemer where coming home is what it’s all about! 25 CENTS AND MORE Here’s How It Works: PARISHIONER A PARISHIONER B Offering on 01 January: $0.25 Offering on 08 January: $0.50 Offering on 15 January: $0.75 Offering on 22 January: $1.00 Offering on 29 January: $1.25 Yearly individual increase: $344.50 Offering on 01 January: $0.25 Offering on 08 January: $0.25 Offering on 15 January: $0.25 Offering on 22 January: $0.25 Offering on 29 January: $0.25 Yearly individual increase: $13.00 If every Sunday Mass-goer followed this model of “putting in 25 cents”, the projected increase in our yearly collection based on 1000 Sunday Mass-goers would be: If every Sunday Mass-goer followed this model of “putting in 25 cents”, the projected increase in our yearly collection based on 1000 Sunday Mass-goers would be: $344,500.00. $13,000.00. THANK YOU FOR PUTTING IN YOUR 25 CENTS AND MORE!!! OUR HOLY REDEEMER PARISH 37 SOUTH OCEAN AVENUE FREEPORT, NEW YORK 11520 (516) 378-0665 2017 PARISH CENSUS/REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY AND NEATLY. ALL INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. SEAL THE COMPLETED FORM IN AN ENVELOPE AND RETURN IT TO THE RECTORY OR DEPOSIT IT IN THE OFFERTORY BASKET AT MASS. TODAY’S DATE: ___________________________ REGISTERED PARISHIONER OF OUR HOLY REDEEMER? YES NO IF YES, ENVELOPE #: _____________ FAMILY NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ____________________________ STATE: _______________________ ZIP CODE: ______________ HOME TELEPHONE #: __________________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________ LENGTH OF TIME AT CURRENT ADDRESS: _____________ MEMBERS IN HOUSEHOLD: ADULT #1: ADULT #2:_______________________________________ TITLE: (CIRCLE) MR. MRS. MISS LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: SEX: MALE FEMALE RELIGION: DATE OF BIRTH: MARITAL STATUS: OCCUPATION: EMPLOYER: WORK TELEPHONE #: CELL TELEPHONE #: PRIMARY LANGUAGE: SPECIAL INTERESTS/TALENTS: D R. M.I.: TITLE: (CIRCLE) MR. MRS. MISS LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: SEX: MALE FEMALE RELIGION: DATE OF BIRTH: MARITAL STATUS: OCCUPATION: EMPLOYER: WORK TELEPHONE #: CELL TELEPHONE #: PRIMARY LANGUAGE: SPECIAL INTERESTS/TALENTS: D R. M.I.: CHILDREN/OTHER MEMBERS:__________________________________________________________________________ NAME DATE OF BIRTH M/F RELATIONSHIP SCHOOL ATTENDING &GRADE OR EMPLOYER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ANY HOMEBOUND/BEDRIDDEN MEMBERS IN THE HOUSEHOLD? NO YES/NAME:_________________________________ A MENSAJE DEL PASTOR 1 DE ENERO DE 2017 ¡LES Deseamos una Feliz Navidad! ¡LES Deseamos una Feliz Navidad! ¡LES Deseamos una Feliz Navidad! El Nacimiento de Nuestro Santo Redentor ha estado dando alegría a "niños de uno a noventa y dos" por 2016 años. Y mientras que el 25 de diciembre marca la celebración universal anual de ese Día, el Nacimiento de Nuestro Santo Redentor - por, con y en la Iglesia - tiene lugar "muchas veces, y de muchas maneras" los otros 364 días del año. Tiene lugar con la ayuda de Sacerdotes como Bennett, Alessandro, y Carlos mediante los cuales Nuestro Santo Redentor nace para alimentarnos en el Altar, perdonarnos en la Confesión y con la ayuda de Diáconos como Cris, Bruce y Francisco, dándonos nueva Vida en la Fuente Bautismal. Tiene lugar con la ayuda de nuestros Religiosos, quienes mediante su abrazo de la pobreza, la castidad y la obediencia le dan nacimiento en nuestros Conventos, Hospitales y en nuestras Escuelas Católicas. Nace con la ayuda de la Sra. Joann Flaherty, empleados y voluntarios en la Rectoría de Nuestro Santo Redentor en la que la puertas siempre están abiertas para todo el que venga, tocando, pidiendo y buscándolo a Él en el Sacerdote, Diácono, Religioso, Los Servicios Humanos, la Tienda de Ahorro en memoria de Janene Suchan, el Departamento de Educación Religiosa y el Departamento de Mantenimiento en el servicio a Nuestro Santo Redentor. Nace con la ayuda del Sr. Alfonso Martínez, la Hermana Dorothy Lynch, empleados y voluntarios en la Oficina de Ayuda Pública / Servicios Humanos donde se le da bienvenida a los forasteros, de comer a los que tienen hambre, de beber al que tiene sed, se arropa al harapiento; en el servicio de Nuestro Santo Redentor. Nace con la ayuda de la Sra. Susan Jewels, la Sra. Maritza Rodríguez, empleados y voluntarios de La Tienda de Ahorros de Nuestro Santo Redentor en Memoria de Janene Suchan donde se respeta al pobre; en el servicio de Nuestro Santo Redentor. Nace con la ayuda de la Sra. Joanne Stuthlinger, El Sr. Braulio Cacao, nuestros voluntarios y Catequistas del Departamento de Educación Religiosa en el cual más de 500 niños aprenden a conocerlo, amarlo, y servirlo; en el servicio de Nuestro Santo Redentor. Nace con la ayuda del Sr. Bruce Wimbiscus, empleados y voluntarios del Departamento de Mantenimiento de Nuestro Santo Redentor en el que Él viene a mantener y mejorar lo que funciona, y a reparar lo que está roto; en el servicio de Nuestro Santo Redentor. Nace en nuestra absolutamente hermosa iglesia con la ayuda del Sr. Michael Crouse y la Sra. Norma de Jesús, nuestros coros y músicos, acomodadores, Ministros Extraordinarios de la Santa Comunión, Lectores, Sacristanes y nuestro Servidores del Altar; en el servicio de Nuestro Santo Redentor. En una palabra nace "muchas veces y de muchas maneras", 365 días al año, para "llevar buenas nuevas a los pobres, para anunciar la libertad a los cautivos, y a los ciegos que pronto van a ver, para despedir libres a los oprimidos y proclamar el año de gracia del Señor”. Así que si usted es un niño de dos a noventa y dos, LE deseamos una Feliz Navidad, LE deseamos una Feliz Navidad, LE deseamos una Feliz Navidad y esperamos que usted celebre Su Nacimiento con nosotros durante todo el año! MENSAJE URBI ET ORBI DEL SANTO PADRE FRANCISCO NAVIDAD 2016 Queridos hermanos y hermanas, feliz Navidad. Hoy la Iglesia revive el asombro de la Virgen María, de san José y de los pastores de Belén, contemplando al Niño que ha nacido y que está acostado en el pesebre: Jesús, el Salvador. En este día lleno de luz, resuena el anuncio del Profeta: «Un niño nos ha nacido, un hijo se nos ha dado: lleva a hombros el principado, y es su nombre: Maravilla del Consejero, Dios guerrero, Padre perpetuo, Príncipe de la paz» (Is 9, 5). El poder de un Niño, Hijo de Dios y de María, no es el poder de este mundo, basado en la fuerza y en la riqueza, es el poder del amor. Es el poder que creó el cielo y la tierra, que da vida a cada criatura: a los minerales, a las plantas, a los animales; es la fuerza que atrae al hombre y a la mujer, y hace de ellos una sola carne, una sola existencia; es el poder que regenera la vida, que perdona las culpas, reconcilia a los enemigos, transforma el mal en bien. Es el poder de Dios. Este poder del amor ha llevado a Jesucristo a despojarse de su gloria y a hacerse hombre; y lo conducirá a dar la vida en la cruz y a resucitar de entre los muertos. Es el poder del servicio, que instaura en el mundo el reino de Dios, reino de justicia y de paz. Por esto el nacimiento de Jesús está acompañado por el canto de los ángeles que anuncian: «Gloria a Dios en el cielo, y en la tierra paz a los hombres que Dios ama» (Lc 2,14). Hoy este anuncio recorre toda la tierra y quiere llegar a todos los pueblos, especialmente los golpeados por la guerra y por conflictos violentos, y que sienten fuertemente el deseo de la paz. Paz a los hombres y a las mujeres de la martirizada Siria, donde demasiada sangre ha sido derramada. Sobre todo en la ciudad de Alepo, escenario, en las últimas semanas, de una de las batallas más atroces, es muy urgente que, respetando el derecho humanitario, se garanticen asistencia y consolación a la extenuada población civil, que se encuentra todavía en una situación desesperada y de gran sufrimiento y miseria. Es hora de que las armas callen definitivamente y la comunidad internacional se comprometa activamente para que se logre una solución negociable y se restablezca la convivencia civil en el País. Paz para las mujeres y para los hombres de la amada Tierra Santa, elegida y predilecta por Dios. Que los Israelís y los Palestinos tengan la valentía y la determinación de escribir una nueva página de la historia, en la que el odio y la venganza cedan el lugar a la voluntad de construir conjuntamente un futuro de recíproca comprensión y armonía. Que puedan recobrar unidad y concordia Irak, Libia, Yemen, donde las poblaciones sufren la guerra y brutales acciones terroristas. Paz a los hombres y mujeres en las diferentes regiones de África, particularmente en Nigeria, donde el terrorismo fundamentalista explota también a los niños para perpetrar el horror y la muerte. Paz en Sudán del Sur y en la República Democrática del Congo, para que se curen las divisiones y para que todos las personas de buena voluntad se esfuercen para iniciar nuevos caminos de desarrollo y de compartir, prefiriendo la cultura del diálogo a la lógica del enfrentamiento. Paz a las mujeres y hombres que todavía padecen las consecuencias del conflicto en Ucrania oriental, donde es urgente una voluntad común para llevar alivio a la población y poner en práctica los compromisos asumidos. Pedimos concordia para el querido pueblo colombiano, que desea cumplir un nuevo y valiente camino de diálogo y de reconciliación. Dicha valentía anime también la amada Venezuela para dar los pasos necesarios con vistas a poner fin a las tensiones actuales y a edificar conjuntamente un futuro de esperanza para la población entera. Paz a todos los que, en varias zonas, están afrontando sufrimiento a causa de peligros constantes e injusticias persistentes. Que Myanmar pueda consolidar los esfuerzos para favorecer la convivencia pacífica y, con la ayuda de la comunidad internacional, pueda dar la necesaria protección y asistencia humanitaria a los que tienen necesidad extrema y urgente. Que pueda la península coreana ver superadas las tensiones que la atraviesan en un renovado espíritu de colaboración. Paz a quien ha sido herido o ha perdido a un ser querido debido a viles actos de terrorismo que han sembrado miedo y muerte en el corazón de tantos países y ciudades. Paz —no de palabra, sino eficaz y concreta— a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que están abandonados y excluidos, a los que sufren hambre y los que son víctimas de violencia. Paz a los prófugos, a los emigrantes y refugiados, a los que hoy son objeto de la trata de personas. Paz a los pueblos que sufren por las ambiciones económicas de unos pocos y la avaricia voraz del dios dinero que lleva a la esclavitud. Paz a los que están marcados por el malestar social y económico, y a los que sufren las consecuencias de los terremotos u otras catástrofes naturales. Y paz a los niños, en este día especial en el que Dios se hace niño, sobre todo a los privados de la alegría de la infancia a causa del hambre, de las guerras y del egoísmo de los adultos. Paz sobre la tierra a todos los hombres de buena voluntad, que cada día trabajan, con discreción y paciencia, en la familia y en la sociedad para construir un mundo más humano y más justo, sostenidos por la convicción de que sólo con la paz es posible un futuro más próspero para todos. Queridos hermanos y hermanas: «Un niño nos ha nacido, un hijo se nos ha dado»: es el «Príncipe de la paz». Acojámoslo. FE Y FINANZAS PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS: Charles Shields III Joann Flaherty Donald Gallant Sheila Walsh “PADRE, QUISIERA PODER DAR MÁS.” Ves tras vez los feligreses y amigos de Nuestro Santo Redentor me dicen: “Padre, quisiera poder dar más.” Algunos de ellos (de hecho, un número creciente) literalmente han puesto su dinero donde está su boca aceptando la invitación de mi aniversario a dar “25 centavos y más a la semana.” 25 Centavos Más por Semana no suena como mucho, pero como puede ver por sí mismo (de lo que usted ve dentro y fuera de nuestra absolutamente Hermosa iglesia, y de la tabla de abajo): 25 Centavos Más por Semana pueden hacer una diferencia. 25 Centavos Más por Semana pueden convertir su deseo en realidad. SI LE GUSTARÍA CONTINUAR HACIENDO UNA DIFERENCIA CON 25 CENTAVOS Y MÁS, HE AQUÍ DOS MANERAS DE HACERLO: FELIGRÉS A Ofrenda el 01 Enero: Ofrenda el 08 Enero: Ofrenda el 15 Enero: Ofrenda el 22 Enero: Ofrenda el 29 Enero: FELIGRÉS B $0.25 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 Aumento individual anual: $344.50 Si todos los domingos los feligreses siguen ese ejemplo de “poner 25 centavos más”, el aumento proyectado en nuestra colecta anual con 1000 asistentes dominicales sería de: $344,500.00. Ofrenda el 01 Enero: Ofrenda el 08 Enero: Ofrenda el 15 Enero: Ofrenda el 22 Enero: Ofrenda el 29 Enero: $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 Aumento individual anual: $13.00 Si todos los domingos los feligreses siguen ese ejemplo de “poner 25 centavos más”, el aumento proyectado en nuestra colecta anual con 1000 asistentes dominicales sería de: $13,000.00. REFLEXIÓN SEMANAL ¡Hoy celebramos una de las grandes fiestas de la Iglesia, MARÍA, MADRE DE DIOS! La cosa que más me impresiona en el Evangelio de este domingo es esa frase peculiar del Evangelio de San Lucas “María, por su parte, guardaba todas estas cosas y las meditaba en su corazón” (Vea San Lucas 2:16-21). María la Santísima Madre de Dios nos pone el ejemplo a todos los seguidores de Su Hijo, nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Debemos guardar en nuestro corazón lo que oímos en la Palabra y meditar acerca de ello. ¿Cómo podemos hacerlo? En primer lugar, ¿cómo sabemos que algo está en nuestro corazón? Cuando algo se convierte en el objeto principal de nuestra vida, cuando pensamos en ello constantemente, eso está en nuestro corazón. En el corazón de María la Palabra que ella había oído de Dios era la cosa de mayor importancia. Ella guardó estas cosas. Ella meditó en ellas. ¿Qué hay de nosotros? ¡Si lo hacemos, estamos siguiendo el ejemplo de Aquella que no solo es la Madre de Dios, sino también, la Madre de la Iglesia, y por lo tanto NUESTRA MADRE! El comenzó a Enseñarles Muchas Cosas El comenzó a Enseñarles Muchas Cosas Los Diez Mandamientos Explicados por el Catecismo Los Diez Mandamientos Explicados por el Catecismo 2660 Orar en los acontecimientos de cada día y de cada instante es uno de los secretos del Reino revelados a los “pequeños”, a los servidores de Cristo, a los pobres de las bienaventuranzas. Es justo y bueno orar para que la venida del Reino de justicia y de paz influya en la marcha de la historia, pero también es importante impregnar de oración las humildes situaciones cotidianas. Todas las formas de oración pueden ser la levadura con la que el Señor compara el Reino (cf Lc 13, 20-21). Oremos (Por los Hombres y Mujeres en las Fuerzas Armadas) Lecturas para el Domingo Melissa Castillo, Ensign Frank Chavez, Anthony Costante, Tyler Daly, Juan Diaz, Ryan Dugan, Katelyn Ann Foster, RN, Michael George Gonzalez, Daniel Ingin, Brig. Gen. Kevin Killea, Susana Ladino, Capt. Peter Lawless, Corp. Gaelan Lynch, Sgt. Ramon Marrero, Pvt. Jack McKnight, John Mediate, Sgt. Kelvin O. Melara, Airman 1st Class Jerome Miles, Lt. Cmdr. Colleen Minihan, Maj. Paul Minihan, Sebastian Moreno, Sean Joseph Mormon, Sgt. Allyson Parla, PO Floyd A. Rivera, Sgt. Sammy Rodriguez, Benjamin Rhodes, Edwin Sandoval, Doug Schambert, Paul Seiden, Luis Sic, PFC Ashley Sumner, Capt. John Talafuse, Corp. Daniel Vargas, SCPO William A. Vega, Capt. Johnetta Washington, Anthony Williams, Sgt. 1st Class Lynroy Williams; Lt. Cmdr. Brad Younger. 08 de Enero de 2017 ADORACIÓN NOCTURNA ¿Interesado en pasar una hora en oración con Cristo durante los Primeros viernes del mes? Si desea hacerse miembro favor, llame al Diácono Cristóbal a la Rectoría (516) 378-0665. ULTREYA Todos los miércoles después de la misa de las 7:30 P.M. celebramos la Ultreya en el sótano de la Iglesia. Será muy bien recibido. Por favor, llame a Rosario Ricse al (516) 425-8339. La Epifanía del Señor 1ra Lectura: Isaías 60, 1-6 Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 71 2da Lectura: Efesios 3,2-3. 5-6 Evangelio: San Mateo 2, 1-12 GRUPO SEÑOR DE LAS MISERICORDIAS Lo invita a acompañarlos todos los lunes a las 7:30 P.M. en la Capillita del Antiguo Convento para rezar juntos la Novena al Señor de las Misericordias. Favor llame a Berta al (516) 379-8270. PROGRAMA SUPLEMENTAL DE ALIMENTOS Para mujeres embarazadas y postparto por 6 meses, infantes y para niños hasta los 5 años de familias con bajo ingreso. Proveemos asistencia de alimentos, educación nutricional y evaluación de salud. Le damos referencia a médicos y agencias de servicios humanos. LLAME al 516-377-0157 o VENGA A NUESTRA OFICINA. Caridades Católicas: Programa WIC, 38 Saint John’s Place, Freeport, N. Y. 11520 . THINGS KEPT IN MARY’S HEART The shepherds went in haste to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph, and the Infant lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known the message that had been told them about this Child. All who heard it were amazed by what had been told them by the shepherds. And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart. Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, just as it had been told to them. When eight days were completed for His circumcision, He was named Jesus, the name given Him by the angel before He was conceived in the womb. Saint Luke II: 16-21 Directions: Find the words below from today’s Scripture reading in the puzzle. Words can go horizontally, vertically, and diagonally in all directions (as shown). AMAZED ANGEL BEFORE CHILD COMPLETED CONCEIVED DAYS EIGHT FOUND GIVEN GLORIFYING HASTE HEARD HEART INFANT JESUS KNOWN LYING MANGER NAMED PRAISING REFLECTING RETURNED SEEN SHEPHERDS THINGS TOLD WOMB R E B K I Q D G Q Y Z G E E J W E G X S N W O N K S L Q F D P T F J D C F Y I I E O D E G A R E L R S Z A W C S R V K I M A N G E R U O N G B I I U V D E A L H C M S N T E F A S E L H M E P B T I E C F Y F R N O U E G E F H I N J O I D T P T M D N H T A O N S R N T A Q M Q Y A S V C I Y G E G M L U R C O M P L E T E D D A K F L D E N R U T E R C R Z L O Y N T H G I E U E B A E B U I E E G Y F H A S T E D H N N E H H D A Y S P Q H Y Z D G S Q Q C
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