Page 1 January 1, 2017 Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann Monsignor Bryan O. Walsh Council #13369 is hosting MEN’S MORNING OF REFLECTION 2017 “Salvation and New Life” Date: Saturday, January 14 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Mass 9:00 a.m. Refreshments in Resurrection Hall Followed by reflections from: STEWARDSHIP 2017 Time/Talent January 14, 15 Treasure January 21& 22 (Ministry Fair) Commitment Weekend January 28, 29 Each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10 Msgr. Pablo Navarro “What is the challenge of God in the Sacred Scriptures for Salvation and New Life?” Fr. Tomasz Parzynski “What Theological Virtues assist us in our vocation and objective to Salvation and New Life?” Armando DeZayas – Youth Minister “As men who are sons, brothers, and fathers, how do we live our call to Salvation and New Life within our families and work/study places?” ALL MEN OF THE PARISH ARE INVITED! Invite a brother, friend, young adult son and join us! Any questions or if you require additional information, please contact: Tyrone Brown – 305-298-3298 [email protected] Bob Gonzalez – 305-793-2330 [email protected] JANUARY 1 - 2017 - MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD Page 2 January 1, 2017 MASS INTENTIONS OF THE WEEK Mon., Jan. 2 - 7:00 a.m. Sandra Mejia by Sueiras Family 8:30 a.m. +Lydia Velez by Adela Medero Tues., Jan. 3 - 7:00 a.m. +Marie Heinle by Brenda & Martin Castelino 8:30 a.m. +Theresa Garel by Loving Daughter and Grandchildren Wed., Jan. 4 - 7:00 a.m. Wilfredo Rego by Sueiras Family 8:30 a.m. +Diane Tewksbury by Mary Alice Yoham Thurs., Jan. 5 - 7:00 a.m. Novena to St. John Neumann 8:30 a.m. +Gil Cannon by Pat Fri. Jan. 6 -7:00 a.m. Novena to St. John Neumann 8:30 a.m. + Sat. Jan. 7 - 8:30 a.m. Community Mass 5:00 p.m. In Thanksgiving for SJN Community by Carmen Andrade Sun. Jan. 8 - 7:30 a.m. In Thanksgiving for SJN Community by Carmen Andrade 9:00 a.m. Novena to St John Neumann 11:00 a.m. In Thanksgiving to the SJN Community by Carmen Andrade 1:00 p.m. +Manuel Miguel Lopez by Lopez Family PRAY FOR THE SICK Carlos Gonzalez: Nicolas Carpenter; Rosemary Clark; Grace Rodriguez; Violet Chang; Gina Fernandez; Chloe Settle Teresa Fernandez; Martha Harkins; Terry Harkins; Bob Johns; Claire Pare Smith; Tracy Gutierrez; Natalie Mesa; Angela Ortiz; Evelyn Sandoval; Gerry Vilas; Maria Teresa Mendez; Frankie Viturello; Stephen Williams; Myrna Gallagher; Marie Andrieux; Elaine Blazys; Mark Zimmer; Maria Stevens; Olivia Kessler; Fred Metelnikow; Jesus De Armas; Efren Marquez; Pearl Rivero; Brian Broadwater; Christine Wilcosky; Ricardo Vogel; Robert Morgan; Jorge Quintana; Rene Gomez; Steven Gandolfo; Angel Castillo; Nersa Aguila; Graham Mozealous; Margarita Candia; Alain Cardosa; Bill Nipple; Miriam Olivera; Raquel Gonzalez; Don Daniel; Freddy Mesa; Carolyn Michael; Regla Fernandez; Kathy Held; Laurie Portuondo; Jose Zamora; Sofia Maria Mesa; Joseph Milone; Adria Kennedy; Crystal Dorta; Jamey Mathers; Katherine Gonzalez; Gladys Cepeda; Alfonso Dominguez; Fabiola Gianella; Christine Michael; Stephan Michael; Juan Diaz; Perkins Baby; Suzette Collado; Annabel Sanchez; Elias P; Laureano Lopez. SUNDAY READINGS: Get the most out of Sunday Mass! Today’s Readings: January 1 - Mary, The Holy Mother of God: 1st Reading: Numbers 6:22-27; 2nd Reading: Galatians 4:4-7; Gospel: Luke 2:16-21. Next Week’s Readings: January 8 - The Epiphany of the Lord: 1st Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6: 2nd Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6 Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 ESSESNCE AND PERSONALITY The Relationships Workshop You are invited to share with us a unique and special experience. You may come alone or accompanied by someone who has been special to you during life. (a spouse, family member, dad, mom, etc. Each moment of every day you are either moving away from or toward the person God designed you to be. You are either maximizing your moments in life or allowing them to slip by without notice. “Your life is like a coin,” said writer Lillian Dickenson. “You can spend it any way you like, but you can spend it only once.” “Essence & Personality” is a workshop which combines modern psychology and Christian spirituality to (a) enrich the relationships you have with significant others (b) help you get to know and accept yourself and others better (c) show you the path for personal growth and (d) provide practical tools to help you enjoy a happier, life. EXCELLENT for all types of relationships. MAGNIFICENT for people considering marriage. A PRICELESS gift from which you and your loved ones will benefit. WHERE? St John Neumann 12105 SW 107 Ave. (Rooms E-F) WHEN? Saturday, February 11, 2017 8:29 a.m.- 5:45 p.m. INVESTMENT: $15.00 per person - $30.00 per couple To register send us an e-mail or call us at: Essence_Personality @yahoo.com786-316-3336 RESERVATIONS REQUIRED. SPACE LIMITED NEW PARISHIONERS...ARE WELCOMED AT ST. JOHN’S. If you want to join our Parish Family, please attend one of our orientation meetings which are held one Sunday a month at 9:30 a.m., Rooms E&F. For dates please call the Parish Office or speak to someone at the Information Booth in the Loggia after Masses on Sundays. Everyone interested in joining is welcome to the meeting! We have coffee, donuts and juice for the little ones - and you will be out in time for the 11:00 a.m. Mass. CURRENT PARISHIONERS, please inform us of any name, address or phone changes; this will assist in keeping your records up to date. Thank You!! Page 3 January 1, 2017 PASTOR’S REFLECTION Mary the Mother of God January 1, 2017 Dear Friends, Blessings on the New Year! What do we treasure? What do we need to let go? As we begin a New Year ask the Lord for the wisdom and strength to remain in the peace that He gives us in good times and in bad. The Lord is constant in the outpouring of grace.. Are we constant in our trust in His will? Take time to refresh the life of the Spirit that has been given you. Then witness your faith like disciples and believers throughout the ages. Be assured of my prayers for you and for your dear ones, particularly during this Christmas Season. May the good Lord bless you with wisdom and peace. Please pray for me. In Christ, Msgr. Pablo A. Navarro Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann PARISH PASTORAL INSTITUTE OPEN NIGHT… TOWN MEETING WITH MSGR. PABLO NAVARRO Tuesday, January 10, 2017 7:29 p.m. AE-102-103 Monsignor Navarro will make a brief presentation and open the rest of the evening to any and every question that may be haunting you regarding theology, Sacred Scriptures, Church Tradition, liturgical practice pastoral practice… or anything that you were always interested in or puzzled by. Join us for a good symposium. HOW IS GOD SPEAKING TO YOU IN THE NEW YEAR? New Bible Study Session Beginning Monday, January 9, 2017 Join us for a course of study of “The Gospel According to St. Luke”. For this course of study, we will use: The New American Bible -Revised Edition and group discussions. No experience needed! Please join us (no fees or cost) Mondays, 7:30 to 9:00 p.m., AE-Rm. 201 Study leader: Bob Gonzalez To sign up or for more information, call Bob at 305-793-2330 or Email: [email protected] DO YOU WANT TO RECEIVE THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION… Adult Confirmation registration for St. John Neumann parishioners is Monday, January 9 at 7:00 p.m. in the Youth Room in the Adult Education Building. You must be at least 18 years old, completed the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and First Communion, and if married, married in the Catholic Church. A current copy of the Baptismal Certificate must be provided at time of registration. A sacramental preparation class is scheduled for Saturday morning, February 4. Confirmation is Friday, February 17. Further details will be provided at registration. You can leave a message with the Youth Group office at 305-255-6642 ext 311 or send an email to [email protected] . PopeFrancis@ pontifex Christ is born for us, let us rejoice in the day of our salvation. NOVENA TO ST. JOHN NEUMANN January 5, 2017 As we celebrate the Feast Day of our Patron Saint on January 5, we will begin a Novena of Masses at the 7:00 a.m. Mass. Please write your intentions in the book outside the Main sanctuary. St. John Neumann Pray For Us! ATTENTION MARIED COUPLES THE NEXT MARRIAGE COVENANT RETREAT 2017 March 24 thru March 26 This retreat will provide you a relaxing and peaceful weekend away from all the pressures we must deal with each and every day to promote and sustain a “Christ-centered marriage”. Cost is $120.00 per couple . Scholarships are available if needed. For more information, please contact Dan Stanley at 305-308-3420. or email [email protected] Page 4 January 1, 2017 NOTICIAS DEL APOSTOLADO HISPANO REFLEXIÓN DEL PÁRROCO MARIA, LA MADRE DE DIOS ENERO 1, 2017 Queridos Amigos, Feliz Año Nuevo! ¿Qué atesoramos? ¿Qué tenemos que dejar atrás? Ahora que comenzamos un Año Nuevo le pedimos al Señor que nos de la sabiduria y la fuerza para poder mantenernos en la paz que nos da continuamente, en las buenas y en las malas. El Señor es incesante en derramar Su gracia sobre nosotros. ¿Somos nosotros constantes en confiar en Su voluntad? Pasen unos minutos en oración de silencio. Pídanle a Dios que les demuestre formas de responder a Su Palabra y a Su Plan divino. Por favor oren por mi. Asegúrense que los tengo a ustedes y a sus seres queridos en mis oraciones diarias, especialmente durante esta santa temporada de Navidad. En Cristo, Monseñor Navarro SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN. El sacramento de Reconciliación (Confesión) se celebra los Sábados a las 4:00 p.m. NO SE CELEBRA ANTES DE LA MISA LOS DOMINGOS. LECTURAS DOMINICALES: ENERO 1 - SANTA MARIA, MADRE DE DIOS: NÚMEROS 6:22-27; GÁLATAS 4:4-7; LUCAS 2:16-21. ENERO 8 - ISAIAS 60:1-6; EFESIOS 3:2-3A, 5-6: MATEO 2:1-12 LINEA DE ORACION EN ESPAÑOL Si estas necesitado de oracion llamar al 305-Al Señor las 24 horas del dia. El grupo de Intercession orara por sus necesidades. Puedes recibir oracion de sanacion en la capilla los Domingos a la salida de la Misa. KAIROS Somos un grupo Hispano de Jóvenes Adultos entre los veinte y treinta años, casados y solteros. Nuestro propósito es estar en contacto con otros jóvenes de nuestra misma edad que comparten los mismos valores y fe Católica. Nos reunimos todos los viernes a las 8:00 p.m. Nuestras reuniones consisten de enseñanzas, actividades y compartir. También coordinamos actividades fuera de los días de grupo. Para más información puedes llamar o escribir a Erika 786-426-6019 o Patricia 786-547-6147. Email:[email protected]; FB: Kairos-SjnIG:KAIROS_SJN DISCIPULADO EMAÚS MUJERES INVITA AL DISCIPULADO DE EMAÚS Y PROGRAMA DE FORMACIÓN Este Programa es para aquellas Mujeres que han hecho el Retiro de Emaús, para comenzar una jornada espiritual que les permita encontrar la respuesta a la pregunta:? Para qué estoy aquí en la tierra? Compromiso de 12 Semanas y un Sábado: del 19 de Enero al 6 de Abril. Si le interesa: Llamar a: Isabel Blandino : 305-301-8947 o María Taveras: 786-566-0856. PROXIMO RETIRO DEL VIÑEDO DE RAQUEL para todo hombre y mujer que ha pasado por el infortunio de un aborto será el 24, 25 y 26 de Febrero. Totalmente privado y confidencial. Para mas información llamar al 305-302-9436 o email: [email protected] A TODOS LOS HERMANOS QUE YA HICIERON EL RETIRO DE EMAUS: Y ahora qué? Te invitamos al programa de Formación y Discipulado de Emaús. Empezamos el miércoles 11 de enero, a las 7:30 p.m. por 10 semanas y un sábado por la mañana. No permitas que Emaús se quede s olamente en una linda experiencia. El Señor quiere que te acerques espiritualmente mas a el. Acompañanos en este caminar. Para mas informacion llama a Nelson Dubis 786.200.2908, Pedro Guillen 786.247.1499, Carlos Silva 786.247,1499 y Carlos Valdez 786.462.4624 o si prefieres,envíanos un email a [email protected] Page 5 January 1, 2017 Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann SJNS classroom AA 8:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Fr. Rivero 4:00 p.m. Confessions V Encuentro 8:00 a.m. RH-AB 1:00 p.m. EF Eucharistic Ministers: AE-201 7:30 p.m. Discipulado AE-200 Divine Mercy 7:30 p.m. AE-103 Jesus en Oracion 7:30 p.m. AE-100 Chapel AE-101 Divina Misericordia 8:00 p.m. Apostoles RH-C 7:30p.m. LEAF 7:30 p.m. AE-100 AGAPE Prayer Group 7:30 p.m. RH Angeles de Agape 7:30 p.m. AE-202-203 Apostoles de Agape 7:30 p.m. AE-102-103 Discipulado Mujeres 7:30 p.m. AE-200 Alanon 8:00 p.m. SJNS Mass Kairos 7:30 p.m. AE-100 ADOM Office of Youth 7:30 a.m. Mass Fr. Sal 9:00 a.m. Mass Msgr. Navarro 11:00 a.m. Mass Fr. Tomasz 1:00 p.m. Mass Fr. Rivero 7:55 a.m. Rosary 8:30 a.m. Mass Baptism Prep Class 7:55 a.m. Rosary 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. 7:55 a.m. Rosary 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass On the Road Again AE-101 7:55 a.m. Rosary 7:55 a.m. Rosary 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass Mass Bible Study 9:15 a.m. AE-100 Sp. Bible Study 8:00 p.m.AE-100 7:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Class E Men’s Emmaus 7:30 p.m. AE-103 RCIA 7:30 p.m. EF Lay Ministry 7:30 p.m. 7:55 a.m. Rosary 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass Oracion 2 Dia 7:30 pm Rm E Intercessory Prayer 7:30 p.m. 8 Sunday 7 3 Tuesday Monday 2 EVENTS OF THE WEEK Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday JANUARY 2 - 8 LITURGICAL MINISTERS - JANUARY 7 & 8 5:00 p.m. Irene Bergmann Margarita Avila Fran Wylde Elizabeth Gomez Ron & Chelina Ahearn Maria Bello Catherine Chang Katie & Daniel Pierson Susan & Jorge Sanchez Myriam De Hainaut 7:30 a.m. Barbara Abdella Maria Rosa More Ingrid & Louis Trapp Damis Gonzalez 9:00 a.m. Maria & Julio Leiva Vince Urrutia Alex & Adriana R. Lopez Ceci Paz Carolyn Gatcliffe Wanda & Manny Vazquez Yesenia Fernandez 11:00 a.m. Patsy & Carlos Lastra Oscar & Margarita Varona Lori Farag Laura Bello Pablo Rivera Maria & Juan Hernandez Albert & Vivian Sueiras Gil & Maria Elena Lopez Paul & Teresita Walkington Hilda A. Nolan Rolando Dagdag 1:00 p.m. Gaston & Jackie Zilleruelo Juan Jose Saravia Carolina Alas Roberto Martinez-Rubio Mirna Valle Cesar & Maritza Roman Hector & Leslie Ramirez Lorena Ponce Aldo & Amelfis Wrves Maritza & Luis Raul Munoz Maria Luisa Perez Lectors: 5:00 p.m. Minnie Lopez Marge Binder 7:30 a.m. Robert Linfors Pat Tierney 9:00 a.m. John Kane David Heck 11:00 a.m. Juan Hernandez Jose Rojas 1:00 p.m. Tatiana Barriga Hector Ramirez Acolytes: 5:00 p.m.Daniel Herdocia Alejandro Navarro Gabriel Maristany Sofia Navarro Imani Jannarone 7:30 a.m.Diego Guerrero Manuel Barrios Manuel Fernandez Rafael Fernandez Valeria Fanilla 9:00 a.m. Gabriel Seiglie Kathleen Ahrens Allison Janvier Zachary Janvier Luis Lopez Sophia Lopez 11:00 a.m. Emily Amengual Sophia Nader Eliza Garcia Mateo Sixto Gabriel Sixto 1:00 p.m. Katelyn Alvarez Karla Roman Jose Tomas Galvez Alex Castro Matthew Castro Ushers Team B: 5:00 p.m. Flip Trembley/John Kane Alex Sardinas/Vance Salter James Salter Mario Bosi/Joseph Goncalves 7:30 a.m. W. Sharkey Nussbaum Ronald Samaroo plus volunteers 9:00 a.m. Nick Chang/Nelson Pay John Sullivan/Julio Lopez Tyrone Brown/Sue Farwell Leo Francis/David Lannon Anthony & Sarah Amofah 11:00 a.m. Ruben Garcia H. Julian Sosa Jorge Molina/Luis Guzman Rene Lopez/Jose Bendezu Hernando Sabogal/Kevin Kessler Thomas & TommyVisney 1:00 p.m. Jose Lopez Oscar Castro Rosario Reyes/Armando Martinez Carlos Anato/Graciela Vigo Melba Gomez/Guillermina Gomez Maria Taveras/Abdiel Ponce de Leon Antonio & Liliam Morales Maritza Taveras/Jose Lopez Luis & Sandra Arroyo Manuel & Gabriela Ixtlahuac Juan & Celia Chomon Coffee & Donuts Team #2 7:30 a.m. De De Coleman Mafe Nussbaum/ Cecil Garcia Margaret O’Brien/Sarah Castro Lauren & Martiza Castano 9:00 a.m. Gillian Chen Duncan Chen/Seanne Chen Melissa & Jairo Barosela Eyda, David & Nicholas Calzadilla Diego, Carolina & Sofia Paz 11:00 a.m. Susie de Cerce Sarita & Gerry Pecknold Mary Moore/Ana de Aguiar Jose & Marta Calzadilla Carlos & Carmen Mendez Vivian Caballero Edgar & Milagros Tablante 1:00 p.m. Rocio y Sergio Castro Pilar y Julian Gomez Angela y Carlos Uribe Janeth Mejia/Leonardo Morales Carla y Maria Alas
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