THE THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT 11 DECEMBER 2016 OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH FREEPORT, NEW YORK OHRFREEPORT.ORG OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH WHERE COMING HOME IS WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT! A PERPETUAL ADORATION PARISH 37 SOUTH OCEAN AVENUE FREEPORT, NEW YORK 11520 TELEPHONE: (516) 378-0665 FAX: (516) 546-1416 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: OHRFREEPORT.ORG PASTOR DEVOTIONS Rev. Douglas R. Arcoleo Divine Mercy Chaplet Every Friday after the 12:10 P.M. Mass ASSOCIATE PASTORS Rev. Alessandro da Luz Rev. Carlos Mario Urrego Miraculous Medal Novena Every Saturday after the 9:00 A.M. Mass IN RESIDENCE Rev. Msgr. Donald T. Bennett SOCIETIES DEACONS Legion of Mary Mr. Cristobal Sanchez, Pastoral Associate Sheila Walsh (516) 379-9028 Mr. Bruce Burnham Mr. Francisco Cales BUSINESS OFFICE Mrs. Flaherty Pastoral Business Associate MUSIC MINISTRY Mr. Crouse, Director Mr. Petkov Mrs. Mulé RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Stuhlinger, Director Mr. Cacao, Assoc. Director (516) 546-1057 Fax: (516) 546-0526 RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Mr. Cacao, Coordinator (516) 546-1057 HUMAN SERVICES Sister Dorothy Lynch, C.I.J. Mr. Martinez, Director (516) 868-8289 THRIFT SHOP In Memory of Janene Suchan Mrs. Jewels, Manager (516) 623-3247 Nocturnal Adoration Society SACRAMENTAL LIFE Jane Dengel (516) 379-2331 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 9: 00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. (Sp.) Sunday 7:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. (Sp.) 5:00 P.M. Weekday Monday – Friday: 7:30 A.M. 12:10 P.M. Wed.: 7:00 P.M. (Sp.) First Fri.: 7:00 P.M. (Sp.) ANOINTING OF THE SICK Offered after the 5:00 P.M. Vigil Mass every last Saturday of the Month or by appointment. BAPTISM Every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the Month at 3:00 P.M. CONFESSION/PENANCE/RECONCILIATION Saturday: 1:30 P.M. - 2:30 P.M. Wednesday: 6:30 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. Friday: 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. or by appointment. MATRIMONY Marriages MUST be arranged at least six months in advance. Please call one of our Priests at the Rectory to make an appointment. Third Sunday of Advent, 11 December 2016 ORGANIZATIONS Catholic Daughters of the Americas Diana Gibson, Regent (516) 849-5714 Knights of Columbus Ron Flood, Grand Knight (516) 325-3031 Mercy Mission Deacon Bruce Burnham (516) 992-2225 Society of St. Vincent de Paul Norma Sanchez, President (516) 378-1386 Widows & Widowers Nanette Fountas (516) 378-0665 RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday – Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. (516) 378-0665 FAITH AND THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS OFFERINGS FOR THE WEEK OF 12 DECEMBER MASSES A Word About Offerings During the Centenary Year (2011-2012) celebration of our absolutely beautiful church, our Parish family came home for Mass and we remembered one another with the flowers that adorn the Altar, with the candles that light up the Sanctuary, with the bread and wine that is offered, and of course in the way par excellence, we remembered one another in the Priest’s Mass Intention that is lifted up with the help of all of our other remembrances! Thank you for coming home and remembering one another! Thank you for coming home and remembering Him Who said: “Do this in Memory of Me!” Monday, 12 December, Our Lady of Guadalupe 7:30 am † Raymond Washecka (2nd Anniversary) 12:10 pm † Luigina & Giuseppe Scalamandre Tuesday, 13 December, Saint Lucy 7:30 am † Rodney Bryant 12:10 pm † Siverina Pagnotta Wednesday, 14 December, Saint John of the Cross 7:30 am Intentions of Christopher de Domenico 12:10 pm † Walter Thompson 7:00 pm † Henry Robert Medard Thursday, 15 December 7:30 am † John Pirro 12:10 pm † Walter F. Thompson Friday, 16 December 7:30 am † Peter Scalamandre 12:10 pm † Patrick Thompson Saturday, 17 December 9:00 am † William Martin 5:00 pm † Irene Paul & † Laura Marchese 7:00 pm Parishioners of Our Holy Redeemer/Freeport Sunday, 18 December, Fourth Sunday of Advent 7:00 am Intentions of Pope Francis 8:00 am Living & † Decd. Mbrs. of the Walter Kelly Family 9:30 am † Luigina & Giuseppe Scalamandre 11:30 am † Antonino Corso 1:00 pm In Thanksgiving for a Recovery † Teresa Calle † Wemceslao Tobar † Selestina Villafana 5:00 pm Priest’s Intention BREAD & WINE SANCTUARY CANDLES ALTAR FLOWERS Immigrants from South America Immigrants from Europe Immigrants from Asia Please remember the following individual(s) at the Altar of Our Holy Redeemer: NAME: ___________________________________________________________________ Living Deceased OFFERING: Bread & Wine ($20.00) Sanctuary Candles ($33.00) Altar Flowers ($40.00) WEEK OF DATE: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ AMOUNT SUBMITTED: ____________________________________ Cash Check #: ______________________ OFFERED BY: (NAME):___________________________________________________________________________________________ _ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOW A WORD FROM POPE SAINT JOHN PAUL II AND A FEW INVITATIONS FROM OUR PASTOR 1. Today, on the Third Sunday of Advent, we hear again the joyful announcement, "rejoice in the Lord always" (Phil 4,4). They are words taken from the Letter of St Paul to the Philippians that sum up today's liturgy. The invitation to joy has a definite motive: "the Lord is at hand" (Phil 4,5). It is a truth known to the pious Israelite, and from it he drew confidence and consolation; it is a truth that has in Christ its perfected foundation. "In him, in fact, God has drawn near to everyone: He is the Messiah, the "Emmanuel", "God with us" (cf. Is 7,14; Mt 1,23). Joy is the heart of the Gospel of Christmas. 2. As an expert Mother, the Church knows better than any other institution the difficulties and sufferings that are part of the human condition. She knows well that in the life of many peoples and persons sadness prevails over joy, anxiety over hope. It is particularly to these men and women that the Christmas message is proclaimed in a preferential way because "[Christ] brought the good news of salvation to the poor, to prisoners freedom, and to those in sorrow joy" (Fourth Eucharistic Prayer). He is the genuine liberator of the human person, sent by God to redeem Him from the power of evil and death. The joy that Christ gives to His friends derives from this deep and integral liberation. It is a joy that, like His peace, is different from that of the world (cf. Jn 14,27) which is superficial and fleeting. The serious problems surrounding human life sometimes make it difficult to recognize the gifts of Christ. The mission of the Church, that is coached by the Holy Spirit, is precisely that of making His gifts visible and of witnessing to their presence. Today humanity yearns especially for the gifts of joy and peace. It is our mission as believers, with the eloquence of love expressed in deeds, to become every day the prophetic ferment of a world reconciled by love and animated by divine joy. 3. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom we honour as the "Cause of our joy" help us to be faithful to this mission. Who more than she experienced the closeness of the Lord, source of joy and peace? We now entrust ourselves to her maternal protection in order to be at all times, but especially now, credible witnesses of the joy of Christ (Angelus, 16 December 2001). The De La Salle School Advent Lessons and Carols Wednesday, 14 December at 2:00 P.M. in the church Mass-goers at Our Holy Redeemer, and in particular Friday 12:10 P.M. Mass-goers know how blessed Freeport, New York is to have the De La School at Our Holy Redeemer dwelling amongst us. The school’s annual offering of Advent Lessons and Carols is just one of the ways that blessing takes flesh. Come home and see for yourself on Wednesday, 14 December at 2:00 P.M.! You won’t be disappointed! Please come home for COFFEE WITH JESUS & BISHOP ANDRZEJ 16 December 2016 11:00 A.M. in the Lower Church Bishop Andrzej is also coming home for AN ADVENT NIGHT OF RECOLLECTION 20 December 2016 7:30 P.M. in the Church to help us prepare for the coming of Christmas and the coming of Christ. Please welcome him home! BREAKING NEWS!!! DIOCESE OF ROCKVILLE CENTRE OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS Pope Francis Names Diocese of Allentown Bishop John O. Barres as Fifth Bishop of Diocese of Rockville Centre Pope Francis appointed the Most Reverend John O. Barres, S.T.D., J.C.L., D.D., 56, to serve as the fifth Bishop of Rockville Centre. Until his appointment, Bishop Barres was serving as Bishop of the Diocese of Allentown, PA. He succeeds Bishop William F. Murphy, 76, who has led the Diocese of Rockville Centre since 2001. The appointment was made public in Washington, 9 December 2016 by Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States. Bishopdesignate Barres will assume leadership of the Diocese during a Mass of Installation at the Cathedral of Saint Agnes on 31 January 2017 at 2:00 P.M. Until that time, Bishop Murphy will serve as Apostolic Administrator. “It is my deep conviction that he will be a Bishop for all of us without exception,” said Bishop William Murphy in a statement today. “He has shared with me his love of youth and his care for the elderly. He has a keen sense of parish life and has a special expertise in education. He has a deep love for the poor and will support Catholic Charities, parish outreach as well as Catholic Hospitals on Long Island. He will be a good neighbor to our brothers and sisters of the Christian Churches, our Jewish and Muslim friends and the many civic and political leaders with whom he will work in building up Long Island for future generations. Above all he is a man of prayer, both the prayer of the Church through Eucharist and the Sacraments as well as the many devotions of our Catholic tradition, especially the Blessed Virgin and St. Agnes,” said Bishop Murphy. Bishop Barres has been shepherd of the Diocese of Allentown since July 2009. In a statement on his new appointment, Bishop Barres said, “I must thank the priests and the entire people of God of the Diocese of Allentown, where I have had the great blessing of serving as bishop for the last seven-and-a-half years. You will all always be in my heart, my memories, my prayers and my Masses as I remember our days of ‘holiness and mission’ together.” Bishop John Barres Bishop Barres was ordained a Bishop and installed as the fourth Bishop of Allentown on 30 July 2009. He was the first priest ordained a bishop within the Diocese of Allentown. Recognizing that vibrant parishes make a vibrant diocese, Bishop Barres has initiated a pastoral planning process for parishes across the Diocese of Allentown and has called on every parish to establish a Parish Pastoral Council. As shepherd of the Diocese, Bishop Barres has supported efforts of pastors, teachers and parents to strengthen our Catholic schools. Bishop Barres has guided the Diocese of Allentown in its ongoing pastoral and strategic planning which has resulted in cutting edge efforts to enhance evangelization and pastoral ministries and helped to strengthen the financial condition of the Diocese. The Bishop sees the value of social media in spreading the Gospel message and the New Evangelization. Nationally, Bishop serves on the USCCB Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis and is the USCCB’s Episcopal Liaison to the Pontifical Mission Societies. 50 North Park Avenue • PO Box 9023 • Rockville Centre, NY 11571-9023 • phone 516.678.5800 • fax 516.594.0984 • NOW A WORD FROM OUR SAINTS From Saint Gregory Nazianzen What is man that you are mindful of him? What is this new mystery surrounding me? I am both small and great, both lowly and exalted, mortal and immortal, earthly and heavenly. I am to be buried with Christ and to rise again with Him, to become a coheir with Him, a son of God, and indeed God Himself. This is what the great mystery means for us; this is why God became man and became poor for our sake: it was to raise up our flesh, to recover the Divine image, to re-create mankind, so that all of us might become one in Christ Who perfectly became in us everything that He is Himself. So we are no longer to be male and female, barbarian and Scythian, slave and free – distinctions deriving from the flesh – but are to bear within ourselves only the seal of God, by Whom and for Whom we were created. We are to be so formed and molded by Him that we are recognized as belonging to His one family. If only we could be what we hope to be, by the great kindness of our generous God! He asks so little and gives so much, in this life and in the next, to those who love Him sincerely. In a spirit of hope and out of love for Him, let us then bear and endure all things and give thanks for everything that befalls us, since even reason can often recognize these things as weapons to win salvation. And meanwhile let us comment to God our own souls and the souls of those who, being more ready for it, have reached the place of rest before us although they walked the same road as we do. Lord and Creator of all, and especially of Your creature man, You are the God and Father and ruler of Your children; You are the Lord of life and death, You are the guardian and benefactor of our souls. You fashion and transform all things in their due season through Your creative Word, as You know to be best in Your deep wisdom and providence. Receive now those who have gone ahead of us in our journey from this life. And receive us too at the proper time, when You have guided us in our bodily life as long as may be for our profit. Receive us prepared indeed by fear of You, but not troubled, not shrinking back on that day of death or uprooted by force like those who are lovers of the world and the flesh. Instead, may we set out eagerly for that everlasting and blessed life which is Christ Jesus our Lord. To Him be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Please Come Home for Mass on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Monday, 12 December 2016 at 7:00 P.M. Bishop Nelson J. Perez, Celebrant 2016 - Advent/Christmas Schedule - 2016 "Is There Anyone Who Knows What Christmas is All About?" Advent Greetings! The real meaning of Christmas very rarely emerges outside of the Church. Occasionally we may hear a “real” Christmas song/hymn or see a “real” Christmas movie, but more often than not, the songs we hear and the movies we see miss the mark! That is why Father Arcoleo and his brother Priests, the Deacons, Religious, and Staff of Our Holy Redeemer invite you to come home to see and hear for yourself “what Christmas is all about!” (If you cannot bring Charlie Brown, bring a friend!) Please come home for: De La Salle School Advent Lessons and Carols Wednesday, 14 December at 2:00 P.M. Bishop Andrzej is Coming Home Very Soon to Offer Us: Coffee with Jesus: Friday, 16 December at 11:00 A.M Getting Ready for Jesus: Tuesday, 20 December at 7:30 P.M. Confession Friday, 9 December 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Saturday, 10 December 1:30 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. Friday, 16 December 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Saturday, 17 December 1:30 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. Friday, 23 December 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Holy Masses in Celebration of the Lord’'s Nativity Saturday, 24 December Sunday, 25 December 4:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. (Spanish) Sacred Hymns and Christmas Carols Begin at 11:30 P.M. 12:00 A.M./Midnight 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 1:30 P.M. (Spanish) Masses for the Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God Saturday, 31 December Sunday, 1 January 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. (Spanish) 7:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. (Spanish) 2016 - Adviento Calendario/Navidad - 2016 ¡Ven a Casa para que Veas y Escuches por ti mismo! ¡Saludos! El significado de la Navidad rara vez surge fuera de la Iglesia. A veces escuchamos una canción de Navidad “legítima”, o vemos una película de Navidad “legítima”, ¡pero más a menudo las canciones que escuchamos y las películas que vemos no dan el blanco! Es por eso que el Padre Arcoleo y sus hermanos Sacerdotes, los Diáconos, Religiosos, y el Personal de Nuestro Santo Redentor lo invitan a venir a casa para que pueda ver y escuchar “¡el significado real de la Navidad!” (Si no puedes traer a Charlie Brown, trae a un amigo) Por favor venga a casa para: Lecciones y Villancicos de Adviento de la Escuela De La Salle Miércoles, 14 de Diciembre a las 2:00 P.M. Posadas y Novenas en Preparación para la Navidad 16 de Diciembre a las 7:00 P.M. Confesiones Viernes, 9 de Diciembre 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sábado, 10 de Diciembre 1:30 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. Viernes, 16 de Diciembre 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sábado, 17 de Diciembre 1:30 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. Viernes, 23 de Diciembre 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. La Santa Misa en Celebración de la Natividad del Señor se ofrecerá como sigue: Sabado, 24 de Diciembre Domingo, 25 de Diciembre 4:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. (Español) La Música Navideña comienza a las 11:30 P.M. 12:00 A.M./Midnight 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 1:30 P.M. (Español) Misas Para la Solemnidad de María, Madre de Dios Sábado, 31 de Diciembre Domingo, 1 de Enero 4:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. (Español) 7:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. (Español) You are invited to a Birthday Party for Jesus At Our ”Getting Ready For Christmas“ Party Monday, 12 December 2016 7:30 p.m. $32 per person, reservations required Please call the Mary Blaney at 544-4409 or send her a check, made out to Ct. Stella Maris #822 at 31 triangle Pl., Freeport, NY 11520 The Wander Inn 2880 Grand Ave, Baldwin, NY 11510 Salad Penne ala vodka Choice of: Chicken Bruchetta Eggplant Rollatini Pork Chop & Peppers Broiled Talapia Soda, coffee, tea, bread and dessert Cash bar will be available Please bring a gift for the Baby Jesus. Baby items for both boys and girls will be collected, these gifts will be donated to the Mother of Good Counsel Home, the Long Island Life Center and OHR Parish outreach. A shoebox will also be passed for you to drop a few dollars in, money collected to be donated to the Northport Veteran’s Hospital. This party is open to all! Please join us for an evening of faith, fellowship and festivity. Sponsored by Catholic Daughters of the Americas® Court Stella Maris #822 Freeport, NY Our Holy Redeemer in Freeport is Happy to Announce Our: 2016 Christmas Novena of Holy Masses* 25 December 2016 through 2 January 2017 Christmas is coming and so is our annual Christmas Novena of Holy Masses. And once again this ‘Good News’ will be announced with the help of a tailor made Christmas Novena Card featuring the façade and Sanctuary of our “absolutely beautiful” church. Mary and Joseph Love, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John This year’s Christmas Novena, as in the past, will be offered right here at home (37 South Ocean Avenue) for both the living and deceased, so that you can personally share in the offering. *Are now Available in the Church and the Rectory, so get yours today! FAITH AND EDUCATION “PUT THE CELL PHONE DOWN AND PAY ATTENTION!” SCHOOL IS OPEN!!! NEWS FROM THE DE LA SALLE SCHOOL Come Home 14 December at 2:00 P.M. This past Thursday, 8 December, families of The De La Salle School gathered together for our annual Hot Cocoa and Book Night. While enjoying hot cocoa, cookies and candy canes, the students read Christmas stories to their family. Children had the opportunity to visit with Santa, tell stories, play games and buy raffles with all the proceeds being donated to our Lasallian School in Haiti. Now that we have entered the season of Advent the students of The De La Salle School will once again offer a prayer service of lessons and carols as a gift to the members of the parish. We invite all to attend this year’s Lessons and Carols which will be held at 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday, 14 December. Please plan to join us for forty minutes of peaceful reflection in the midst of this busy time of planning for Christmas. 11 December 2016 – Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday) Sunday Readings: Isaiah XXXV: 1-6a, 10; James V: 7-10; Saint Matthew XI: 2-11 Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________ Class Day/Session: ______________________________________________________ Catechist Name: _______________________________________________________ Mass Time (Circle One): Sat: 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Sun: 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM GOSPEL QUESTIONS: (Religious Education Students please answer ALL questions, cut and give to teacher weekly. Keep the Bulletin) Fill in the blanks: Where was Saint John the Baptist when he heard of the works of the Christ? “Saint John the Baptist was ____________________________________________________ when he heard of the works of the Christ.” What question did he send his disciples to ask Jesus? “He sent his disciples to ask Jesus the following question: ‘__________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________?’” How did Jesus answer? “Jesus answered: ‘________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________.’” What did Jesus say was written about Saint John the Baptist? “Jesus said this was written about Saint John the Baptist: ‘___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________.’” 0 PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS: Charles Shields III Joann Flaherty FAITH AND FINANCES Donald Gallant Sheila Walsh “God will not be outdone in generosity. PHASE I These are the people who have surfaced $11,470.25 of the $28,875.00 that was required to complete Phase I of our School Building Roof project. As soon as we reach 75% of that cost (or $21,656.25) we can begin Phase II which will help keep a roof over the heads of all of us who use the School building gymnasium. Thank you! James Wehrum, Patricia Warren, Barbara Warren, John Anzovino, Debbie & Chuck Shields, Mary Stoessel, Gloria DiBrizzi, Andrew Logicer, D. Kerasiotis, Marge Nyland, Gloria Cintorino, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roman, Jane Dengel, Willie Ferreira, Mr. & Mrs. James Schlegel, Friends of Angie Cullin, Erika Baumgartner, Mr. William Willet, Menjivar Family, Amelia Avellaneda, Dean Family, Joan Kavanagh, Anna M. Castillo, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Goodwin, Felicita Cepeda, Lorraine Martin, Nathaniel Schipani, Patrina & Virginia Notarstefano, Rod & Joan Foy, Mary Stoessel, Louise Barone, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marchese, Mrs. Michelle Ham, Ray & Barbara Burkart, Mary Hope, Nancy Donohue, Cristobal & Norma Sanchez, Bill Maclay, Andre P. Louis, Ms. Clara H. Lomangino, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marchese, Michael A. Trotta, Sr., Vukelic, Ann Kelly, Allen & Elizabeth Weick, Antonio Aviles, Mr. & Mrs. A. Mercogliano, James & Claire Kramer, Eugene & Joann Flaherty, Barbara J. Warren, Patricia J. Warren, Barbara Brady, Maria & Joseph Rivierzo, Nancy Kosofsky, Sheila & Bill Walsh, Rosemarie C. Ferrara, Ricky Richardson, Catherine S. Blaney, Yselsa Perez, Familia Flores, Familia Menjivar, John Patrick Holian, Margaret Bade, Familia Menjivar, Cristina S., Luz Pena, Solis Family, Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Mendez, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Andrino, Familia Flores, Anthony Solazzo, Anna Fortune, Maureen McCollum, Anne Carron, Marge & Steve Blumenberg, Angelo Termini, Bob & Adele Dzienius, S. Curry, Richard & Roberta Ryan, Donald Suchan, Emilia Tineo Cruz, Jane M. Murray, John & Nancy Solazzo, Ben & Helena Terzulli, Tina Scalamandre, Vincent C. Mastroianni, Ronald J. Ellerbe, Al & Artie Grover, Fiokirys Rodriguez, Martha Tanarez, Allison Argueta, Katherine Argueta, Mrs. Donald Schleich, Maximo Membreno, Mr. & Mrs. L. Orbutor, The Holian Family, Teresa O’Donnell, Debi Poline, Alfredo Chaeon & Family, Rosa Hernandez, Fausto Molina Ramirez, Anonymous (23). Be Ye Prepared 18 December: Snow Removal "If you're not prepared; we're not prepared"! 25 CENTS AND MORE A WEEK MASS FIRST COLLECTION ENVELOPE USERS E-Giving Prior to Weekend 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm $ 1,038.00 $ 308.00 $ 1,819.00 $ 597.00 $ 1,227.00 $ 1,774.25 $ 1,193.00 $ 1,582.00 $ 1,487.75 $ 721.00 30 18 64 18 29 38 40 48 41 20 TOTAL $11,747.00 346 SECOND COLLECTION (DEBT REDUCTION) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 105.00 18.00 472.00 343.00 408.00 499.00 265.00 423.00 703.00 308.00 $ 3,544.00 SUNDAY, 03/04 DECEMBER OFFERTORY TOTAL: $15,291.00 NUMBER OF CHILDREN ENVELOPE USERS: 292 FAITH AND PRAYER Please Pray for Our Priests O God, Who made Your Only Begotten Son eternal High Priest, grant that those He has chosen as ministers and stewards of Your mysteries may be found faithful in carrying out the ministry they have received. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 12 December: Father Anthony Francis Cardone & Father Thomas A. Cardone 13 December: Father James P. Carmody & Father Dom Elias Carr 14 December: Father Michael Anthony Carroll & Monsignor John I Cervini 15 December: Father Gerald Cestare & Father Lawrence Chadwick 16 December: Monsignor Robert J. Clerkin & Father Thomas W. Coby 17 December: Monsignor Thomas J. Colgan & Father Andrew P. Connolly 18 December: Bishop William F. Murphy & Bishop Nelson J. Perez and for Our Seminarian Br. Pierre Toussaint (Alain) Guiteau, C.F.R. Heavenly Father, please grant to Your Faithful servants, the grace and strength to carry out Your mission for the Church each day. Keep our Seminarians close to You and continue to inspire them to serve others in Your Holy Name. Please inspire the men You have called to the Priesthood to respond “yes” to Your call through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God for ever and ever. Amen. and for Our Transitional Deacons Christopher Sullivan, Liam McDonald, Michael Plona, and John Wachowicz of the Diocese of Rockville Centre were Ordained Transitional Deacons on 5 November 2016. Please pray for them as they draw closer to Priesthood. If you know a young man whom God might be calling to the Priesthood, please invite him to call our Diocesan Vocation Director, Father Joseph Fitzgerald at (516) 678 – 5800. A Note from Meaghan “I have received various letters/cards from parishioners and others. Thank you all so much! Your prayers and encouragement are so appreciated! Please be assured of my continued prayers! (and God-willing, I hope to write back to more people!)” Our Postulant could use some words of encouragement and support. Her address is as follows: Meaghan Baldwin Miss Meaghan Baldwin Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate P.O. Box 658, Monroe, New York 10949 MORE FAITH AND PRAYER Please continue to say your prayers for the following members of our Armed Forces: Melissa Castillo, Ensign Frank Chavez, Anthony Costante, Tyler Daly, Juan Diaz, Ryan Dugan Katelyn Ann Foster, RN, Michael George Gonzalez, Daniel Ingin, Brig. Gen. Kevin Killea, Susana Ladino, Capt. Peter Lawless, Corp. Gaelan Lynch, Sgt. Ramon Marrero, Pvt. Jack McKnight, John Mediate, Sgt. Kelvin O. Melara, Airman 1st Class Jerome Miles, Lt. Cmdr. Colleen Minihan, Maj. Paul Minihan, Sebastian Moreno, Sean Joseph Mormon, Sgt. Allyson Parla, PO Floyd A. Rivera, Sgt. Sammy Rodriguez, Benjamin Rhodes, Edwin Sandoval, Doug Schambert, Paul Seiden, Luis Sic, PFC Ashley Sumner, Capt. John Talafuse, Corp. Daniel Vargas, SCPO William A. Vega, Capt. Johnetta Washington, Anthony Williams, Sgt. 1st Class Lynroy Williams; Lt. Cmdr. Brad Younger Please Pray for Fourth Sunday of Advent Albert, Peter Anglim, Jackeline Arias, Kevin Artus, Angelina Auci, Gale Anne Bellini, Tom Boffardi, Dr. Bonnick, Kaye Bonnick, Alfio Brancato, John Cochol, Warren P. Cochol, Juan Cordero, Barbara Costante, Brian Cox, Angie Cullin, June Currie, Debra Dantes, Helen Donlon, Barbara Emerick, Baby Ava Feazell, Andrew Feeney, Carmela Filfiley, Elizabeth Claudia Ford, Gary Fouche, Erik Galinsky, Diana Gibson, Bill Green, Mary Hannan, Xavier Hixon, Linda A. Kane, Edward Kaers, George Kelly, Bob Klein, Tom Krant, Anna T. Kraus, Richard Laudman, Dulce Lopez, Lorena Lopez, Sr. Dorothy Lynch, Angelina Macchia, Peter Marino, Christine McCabe, Barbara McEneaney, Melendez, Arlene Minton, Christopher Montalbano, Oneyda Morales, Jacinto Moronta, Susanna Musso, William Myers, Jackie Oliveri, Kathleen Randall, Charles Rivera, Miguel Rodriguez, Lidiana Santiago, Naeem Hassan Sheikh, Mike Siegler, Bill Stoessel, John Sturmer, Barbara Sullivan, Tom Tropea, Anna Mae Verzyl, Donald Walsh, Patrick Walsh, Robert Weinzieri, Gerry Wright, Frank Young … and please call the Rectory if you know Please Pray for our beloved deceased PETER J. BIVONA MONSIGNOR GEORGE M. SCHUSTER READINGS FOR 18 December 2016 1st Reading: Isaiah XVII: 10-14 Responsorial Psalm: 24 2nd Reading: Romans I: 1-7 Gospel: Saint Matthew I: 18-24 anyone in serious need of prayers. The names will remain on our prayer list for four weeks. Thank you! SCRIPTURE REFLECTION Last week we heard John the Baptist’s call to “prepare the way of the Lord.” Today we read Isaiah’s prophecy describing the outcome of this preparation as an exulting and flowering of the “desert and the parch land” which in turn will allow us to see “the splendor of our God” (See Isaiah 35:1-10). Both Isaiah and Jesus in today’s Gospel tell us that this preparation, this blooming of the desert in abundant flowers, means that “the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead raised, and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them” (See Matthew 11:2-11). So we must ask ourselves: To what am I blind? In what way do I limp? Is there any leprosy on me? Am I deaf to the Gospel call? Am I alive in Christ or dead in need to be raised up? Do I keep the poor in mind and do something about their need, so that the good news can be proclaimed also to them? A good personal reflection from our part on each one of the above questions will certainly help us to prepare for the coming of the Lord. FAITH AND SOCIAL MINISTRY OUR HOLY REDEEMER 23 West Merrick Road, Freeport, NY PLEASE HELP Ever since Our Holy Redeemer was given permission from Bishop Murphy to operate the Our Holy Redeemer Thrift Shop in Memory of Janene Suchan located at 23 West Merrick Road in Freeport, Janene’s husband Donald and their daughter Susan Jewels, along with a small group of women, have faithfully and tirelessly laboured to accept donations (thank you), sort through them, and then make them presentable for anyone and everyone who walks through the Thrift Shop doors Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday all throughout the year! This INCREDIBLE group of people needs HELP! If you have you ever folded clothes then PLEASE HELP. If you have you ever organized shelves then PLEASE HELP. If you have you ever operated a cash register then PLEASE HELP. If you have ever wanted to help someone then PLEASE HELP. PLEASE HELP by calling Susan at (516) 623 – 3247 FAITH AND YOUTH CHRISTMAS CAROLS WITH OUR YOUTH CHOIR Please come home to church early on 24 December at 3:30 P.M. for Christmas Carols with our Youth Choir, leading up to the 4:00 P.M. Christmas Vigil Mass. The Christmas Carols will be sung by the choir and with congregational participation. What better way to honour the birth of Our Holy Redeemer, Our Lord Jesus Christ, than by coming to honour Him in song! IT HAS BEEN SAID WHEN YOU SING, YOU PRAY TWICE… Consider joining, or inviting someone you know to join, our Youth Choir, which sings on Sundays at the 9:30 A.M. Mass and our Christmas 4:00 P.M. Vigil Mass. Every voice matters and helps to lift up and inspire us as we pray the Mass! Rehearsals are held Sunday mornings at 8:00 A.M. with our leader, Mr. Martin Christ. New members are always welcome! Please contact Father Alessandro da Luz at the rectory for more information: 516-378-0665. Our 11:30 A.M. Mass Choir is also looking for new members. Participation is open to young people who have been confirmed. The members of the 11:30 Mass Choir also sing Midnight Mass, Holy Week, and other feast day celebrations throughout the year. Rehearsals are held Sunday mornings at 10:30 A.M. in the Our Holy Redeemer School Building. Those who are interested in joining may contact Mr. Michael Crouse at 516-526-9184. AN INVITATION TO SERVE Anyone who participates in the Holy Mass knows that the Church’s ceremonies are one of her greatest treasures. In order for us to be able to celebrate them well and inspire generations to come to lift their minds and hearts to God, we need young people to answer the call to serve at the altar. Young people in 5 th grade and above are invited to join our Altar Servers. Training sessions for new servers will be held after Christmas. If you would like to be informed of the next training session dates when they become available, please let Father Alessandro da Luz know by calling him at the rectory: 516-378-0665. ACTIVITIES FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE AT OUR HOLY REDEEMER PARISH We are very happy at Our Holy Redeemer to offer a variety of activities and service opportunities for our young people. Here is a sampling of what we have to offer: Altar Servers- young people 4th grade and above Cub Scout Pack 18- boys in kindergarten through 5th grade Boy Scout Troop 18- boys who have completed 5th grade through 18 9:30 A.M. Mass Choir- girls and boys in 1st grade and above (must be able to read) Sea Scout Ship 18- boys who have completed the 8th grade and are 14 years old through 21 Activities Open to Youth Who Have Been Confirmed Junior Catechists Lectors 11:30 A.M. Mass Choir Youth Group Please contact Father Alessandro da Luz at the rectory (516) 378-0665 for information about how to get involved! “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praises shall always be in my mouth.” (Psalm 34:1) OUR HOLY REDEEMER FAMILY MINISTRY CHRISTMAS CAROLING & PIZZA PARTY Sunday, 18 December 2016 4:00 P.M. South Shore Nursing Center & OHR Lower Church Come one, come all and help us spread a little Christmas cheer to our ailing and recovering neighbors! Family Ministry has planned a fun evening for all as we bring the loving spirit of the season to the patients and staff of South Shore Nursing Center. The patients are looking forward to joining us in song as we sing Christmas carols and spread God’s love. We will meet at 4:00 P.M. at 275 W. Merrick Road, Freeport When we finish there, we will carol at the Rectory and then proceed to the OHR Lower Church for a Christmas Party with pizza, snacks, games, Christmas crafts and music. Please call Carolyn Terzulli at (516) 546-3910 or email at [email protected] to let us know you’ll be joining us. Please invite your friends and family to join us as we come together to celebrate the true meaning of the Birth of Our Lord by bringing joy to others and enjoying time together with fellow followers of Christ. “Jesus is the ONLY reason for the season!” PLEASE COME HOME FOR ... LAS POSADAS (16 DECEMBER – 24 DECEMBER) Las Posadas is a nine day devotion that depicts Mary and Saint Joseph’s search for lodging in Bethlehem. The word posada means “inn” or “place of lodging,” literally a place where one can posar (rest). In this celebration figures representing Mary and Saint Joseph who guided by an angel, go door to door seeking posada, or lodging., The traditional song of Las Posadas is a series of responsive verses sung between a group of pilgrims asking for lodging and innkeepers turning them away. Finally, after several stops, the innkeepers realize who is asking for lodging and welcome them in with open arms. Las Posadas, in addition to being a reenactment of Mary and Joseph looking for lodging in the inn, has a variety of applications and lessons for Christians today. While today, this tradition has become very secularized in parts of the world, the Church in Freeport is putting it into practice this Advent to help restore and preserve the Reason for the Season amongst believers. It is offered this year to help us joyfully and soberly prepare for the celebration of Christ's first coming at Christmas and His second coming at an hour we do not expect. Las Posadas will begin on 16 December 2016 at 7:00 P.M. in the church, and will be offered in English and Spanish. Please come home and together with Mary and Saint Joseph, let us prepare the way of the Lord! PLEASE COME HOME FOR ... Our Annual Outdoor Nativity Scene Lighting and Blessing SUNDAY, 18 DECEMBER 2016 Immediately following the 5:00 P.M. MASS CDs are available at the Kiosk Display in the main vestibule of the church and in the Rectory. Raffle/Raffle/Raffle Tickets are available in the Rectory. WITH ONE $25 RAFFLE TICKET YOU COULD WIN $25.00 DAILY $25.00 MONTHLY GIFT CARD $100.00 MONTHLY $250.00 QUARTERLY $2016.00 ON 11 JUNE 2017 WITH ONE $50 RAFFLE TICKET YOU COULD WIN ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS ON 25 JUNE 2017: $25,000.00 OUR NOVEMBER 2016 WINNERS! WINNERS! WINNERS! ARE: Date Ticket # $100 Monthly $25 Gift Card. $25 Daily: 1 Nov. 2 November 3 November 4 November 5 November 6 November 7 November 8 November 9 November 6091 3249 1962 11538 4083 6732 1035 10386 6076 6736 5836 10 November 11 November Name Date Ticket # James Beauford Jr. J. Licari Bill Walsh Eileen Capriotti Loelna Mieses Stephen Nicolino Francine Collins Michael Eklund Lizzy Durkin Kathy Breihof Mary O'Neill 15 November 16 November 17 November 18 November 19 November 20 November 21 November 22 November 23 November 24 November 25 November 8203 1701 12439 5744 6036 11831 265 11850 6206 11005 Anna T. Kraus Myriam Restrepo Lorraine Martin Dennis Cataldo Debbie Shields Frances Tarantino Franciney M. Recca Dorothy Courtney Chuck Shields Patricia Burr Peters 9899 11496 Domenica Gianferrara Dennis Lee 26 November 27 November 12 November 1477 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Schiotis 28 November 13 November 8030 Lindsey Walsh 29 November 14 November 12662 Karen O'Rourke 30 November 4388 2344 2449 9694 10254 8697 Wilfido Rames Mendez Vincent Gardner Scott Emerick Jeanne DuBon Donald Suchan Jackie Constantine CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR WINNERS!!! Name MENSAJE DEL PASTOR 11 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2016 ¿QUÉ PODEMOS HACER POR …? ENCENDER UNA VELA Y ORAR POR LA RESPUESTA El 22 de Enero de 1973 la Corte Suprema de los EE.UU. abolió el derecho “inalienable (y constitucional) a la Vida” y como resultado, 50 millones de personas no pudieron nacer y escuchar a Lino explicarle a Charlie Brown el verdadero significado de la Navidad. (Por favor ayúdenos a restablecer ese derecho a la Vida asistiendo a la Marcha por la Vida anual en Enero en Washington, DC. Llame a la Rectoría al (516) 378 – 0665 y reserve su asiento.) El 28 de Junio de 2012, La Corte Suprema abolió nuestro derecho “inalienable (y Constitucional) a la Libertad” y como resultado muchos negocios Cristianos tuvieron que cerrar (Sweet Cakes by Melissa) y monjas, universidades y cuarenta y tres Diócesis Católicas tuvieron que ir a la corte. (Ponga en práctica su derecho a la Libertad asistiendo a la Marcha por la Vida.) ¿Cuánto falta para que la Corte Suprema abole nuestro derecho “inalienable (y constitucional) a la Búsqueda de la Felicidad”: ¡el derecho de hasta “dar gracias al SEÑOR”! ¡Gracias a Dios que por lo menos hasta ahora ese derecho no ha sido abolido! (Por favor asista a la Marcha por la Vida y pídale al Presidente electo Trump que nombre jueces que protejan y defiendan nuestros derechos inalienable y constitucionales a la Vida, la Libertad, y la Búsqueda de la Felicidad.) El Día de Acción de Gracias (que en las palabras del Presidente George Washington) “debería ser dedicado al servicio del grande y glorioso ser Autor de todo lo bueno que era, es y será, para que unidos le rindamos nuestro humilde y sincere servicio por su bondadoso cuidado y protección del pueblo de este país”, vino y se fue, pero no antes de que los parroquianos, amigos y familias de Nuestro Santo Redentor en Freeport vinieran a casa a dar gracias por nuestra absolutamente hermosa iglesia, por nuestras familias, nuestro país, nuestra Iglesia, y mucho más. Durante el Adviento, al prepararnos como familia, país, e Iglesia para celebrar el aniversario de la primera venida de Nuestro Santo Redentor (La Navidad), unámonos en preguntar: no lo que nuestra familia puede hacer por nosotros, sino lo que nosotros podemos hacer por nuestra familia; no lo que nuestro país puede hacer por nosotros, sino lo que nosotros podemos hacer por nuestro país; no lo que nuestra Iglesia puede hacer por nosotros, sino lo que nosotros podemos hacer por nuestra Iglesia. Cada noche de lo que queda de Adviento, podemos encender una vela y orar como familia para que la Luz nos muestre el modo de perdonarnos unos a otros como Él nos perdonó a nosotros. Cada noche de Adviento podemos encender una vela y orar porque la Luz de Cristo nos muestre el Camino para preservar y proteger los derechos inalienable de “nuestros prójimos” a la Vida, la Libertad y la Búsqueda de la Felicidad. Como Católicos tal vez cada noche de Adviento podemos encender una vela y orar porque la Luz de Cristo nos muestre el Camino para no temer decirle a nuestros familiares y prójimos, y a otros miembros de la Iglesia con palabras y acciones el verdadero significado de la Navidad! REFLEXIÓN SEMANAL La semana pasada escuchamos a Juan llamándonos a preparar el camino del Señor. Hoy oímos a Isaías describir el resultado de esta preparación como una exultación del desierto, sí, el desierto mismo se alegraría y florecería como un campo de lirios y se vería “la gloria del Señor” (Vea Isaías 35:1-10). Tanto Isaías como Jesús en el Evangelio nos dicen que esta preparación, este florecer del desierto como un campo de lirios significa que “los ciegos ven, los cojos andan, los leprosos quedan limpios de la lepra, los sordos oyen, los muertos resucitan y a los pobres se les anuncia el Evangelio” (Vea Mateo 11:2-11). Debemos preguntarnos: ¿En qué estoy ciego? ¿Cómo cojeo? ¿Hay alguna lepra en mí que necesite ser limpiada? ¿Estoy sordo al llamado del Evangelio? ¿Estoy vivo en Cristo o muerto y en necesidad de ser resucitado? ¿Tengo presente a los pobres y hago algo en cuanto a su necesidad a fin de que ellos también puedan recibir las buenas nuevas? Una buena reflexión personal sobre cada una de las preguntas de arriba ciertamente nos ayudará a preparar para la venida del Señor. Oremos (Por los Hombres y Mujeres en las Fuerzas Armadas) Lecturas para el Domingo Melissa Castillo, Ensign Frank Chavez, Anthony Costante, Tyler Daly, Juan Diaz, Ryan Dugan, Katelyn Ann Foster, RN, Michael George Gonzalez, Daniel Ingin, Brig. Gen. Kevin Killea, Susana Ladino, Capt. Peter Lawless, Corp. Gaelan Lynch, Sgt. Ramon Marrero, Pvt. Jack McKnight, John Mediate, Sgt. Kelvin O. Melara, Airman 1st Class Jerome Miles, Lt. Cmdr. Colleen Minihan, Maj. Paul Minihan, Sebastian Moreno, Sean Joseph Mormon, Sgt. Allyson Parla, PO Floyd A. Rivera, Sgt. Sammy Rodriguez, Benjamin Rhodes, Edwin Sandoval, Doug Schambert, Paul Seiden, Luis Sic, PFC Ashley Sumner, Capt. John Talafuse, Corp. Daniel Vargas, SCPO William A. Vega, Capt. Johnetta Washington, Anthony Williams, Sgt. 1st Class Lynroy Williams; Lt. Cmdr. Brad Younger. 18 de Diciembre de 2016 IV Domingo de Adviento 1ra Lectura: Isaías 35, 1-6. 10 Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 145 2da Lectura: Santiago 5, 7-10 Evangelio: San Mateo 11, 2-11 LAS POSADAS (16 DE DICIEMBRE – 24 DE DICIEMBRE) Las Posadas son fiestas populares que se celebran en México y los países de Centroamérica durante los nueve días antes de la Navidad, es decir, del 16 al 24 de Diciembre. Estas fiestas nos recuerdan que María y José al llegar a Belén, buscaban un lugar para alojarse y esperar el nacimiento del niño Jesús. Las Posadas se crearon desde los primeros evangelizadores: el fraile Agustino Diego Soria obtuvo del Papa Sixto V indulgencias para la realización de las nueve misas de aguinaldo en los días anteriores a la Navidad. En el siglo XVIII, la celebración, aunque no dejó de realizarse en las iglesias, pasó a tomar más fuerza en los barrios y en las casas, y la música religiosa fue sustituida por el canto popular. La Novena de Aguinaldos es una costumbre católica arraigada en Colombia y Ecuador, y es análoga a las Posadas que se celebran en México y Centroamérica. Se trata de una oración rezada durante nueve días (novena) en la época previa a la Navidad (época de aguinaldos). Durante los días de la novena, la comunidad parroquial se reúne en torno al pesebre para orar y pedir bendiciones al Niño que está por nacer. De manera similar lo hacen las familias, los trabajadores en sus compañías, las comunidades en parques o centros comerciales y acompañan el evento con el canto de villancicos y el compartir aperitivos tradicionales de navidad. La novena fue originalmente creada por Fray Fernando de Jesús Larrea, franciscano nacido en Quito en 1700 quien después de su ordenación en 1725 fue predicador en Ecuador y Colombia. Fray Fernando la escribió por petición de la fundadora del Colegio de La Enseñanza en Bogotá doña Clemencia de Jesús Caycedo Vélez y fue publicada originalmente en 1743. Muchos años después una religiosa de La Enseñanza, la madre María Ignacia la modificó y agregó los gozos (canciones). La novena de navidad es una hermosa tradición que reúne a las familias y comunidades para celebrar con alegría el espíritu navideño. . PREPARING THE WAY When John the Baptist heard in prison of the works of the Christ, he sent his disciples to Jesus with this question, “Are you the One Who is to come, or should we look for another?” Jesus said to them in reply, “Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them. And blessed is the one who takes no offense at Me.” As they were going off, Jesus began to speak to the crowds about John. … “This is the one about whom it is written: Behold I am sending My messenger ahead of You; he will prepare Your way before You.” Saint Matthew XI: 2-6, 10 Directions: Find the words below from today’s Scripture reading in the puzzle. Words can go horizontally, vertically, and diagonally in all directions (as shown). AHEAD ANOTHER BEFORE BLESSED BLIND CLEANSED CLOTHING CROWDS DESERT DISCIPLES GREATER HEARD JESUS KINGDOM LEPERS MESSENGER OFFENSE PREPARE PROCLAIMED PROPHET PRISON QUESTION RAISED REGAIN SIGHT SPEAK WORKS WRITTEN D D Z W T R P S T G S K B Q T R I A S U S E J W D E R E Z U F E K H D D R Z E M N R H N A A B G W E E O M D G K S T R C D N O N T A I E R A P E R P B E R O A E A D C A M P L E R G C S E T L S L Q E O R P S E S W R N C H O S U H D O I E G P G R O E T E V E I G P C D A E C R I H F R R S M N H S H I A P S I T A F I T G I E I B N K Z N R I T G O I J K T D N Z J G S S E H E I O B E F O R E Z A E S T P Y N N B L I N D Y K D E S N A E L C W O R K S U B N O S I R P L B L E S S E D I
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